Otto:i did not lie, Master Jingwei

  "Huh? Jingwei? Why does this name sound familiar?"

  Theresa frowned and touched her chin. She suddenly felt that she had seen this name somewhere before, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

  "Jingwei? Squad leader, did you still have this kind of title before? Speaking of which, the way of addressing is a bit like that of Shenzhou." Mei also said.

  "Shenzhou...I remember it!"

  Reminded by Mei, Theresa suddenly had a flash of light in her mind, and instantly remembered something.

  "Jingwei, the guardian of China, has been guarding the mainland of China since ancient times, preventing the invasion of the Honkai Beast."

  Theresa finally remembered that she had seen this name in the database of Destiny, However, there was not much news about her at that time. It was simply recorded, like a legend. After all, how could ordinary people live for hundreds of years?

  "You, are you really that Jingwei? Could it be the same name?" Theresa opened her mouth wide with disbelief on her face.

  Good guy, is she going to be so evil in St.Freya Academy?

  This is both a Herrscher and a fairy. She, a little Saint Freya, can actually accommodate these crouching dragons and phoenixes. It is indeed a classic.

  "Hey, Principal, you're not mistaken. Many years ago, people did call me Jingwei."

  Fu Hua sighed, the vest was exposed, there was no need to hide it anymore, he could only simply admit it.

  "Then you are really the guardian of China? How many hundred years have you lived? How did you do it? Are you really a fairy? Will you live forever?" Theresa's eyes lit up, like beans falling from a bamboo tube, throwing several questions in a row.

  "Theresa, calm down first, you ask so many questions all at once, how can you ask Fu Hua to answer you?" Himeko stroked his forehead speechlessly, stopped Theresa, and then interrupted Her crazy question.

  "That, Talisman... Jingwei."

  "You guys should call me Fu Hua."

  Himeko originally wanted to call she classmate Fu Hua, but after thinking about it, it was a bit inappropriate, but seeing that Fu Hua had said so, he readily accepted it.

  "Okay then, Fu Hua, you can answer the question first. As for your business... If you want to say something, we are naturally willing to listen, but it doesn't matter if you don't want to say it. After all, everyone has their own secrets , we will not force you."

  "Thank you."

  Fu Hua glanced at Himeko gratefully, she indeed has a lot of secrets, and some secrets, even she has forgotten, it is indeed inconvenient to tell other people.

  "I choose A."

  [Answer...Correct. ]

  [Congratulations, you have obtained a copy of the secret book of the Navy's six-style training.]

  A booklet fell out of the void and landed in Fu Hua's hand.

  Fu Hua flipped through subconsciously, and was immediately attracted by the various skills and practice methods inside.

  She herself is a master who has cultivated martial arts to the pinnacle, and after seeing this cultivation secret book, she understood its mystery in an instant.

  There are even some skills in it that even she has never imagined. If she succeeds in cultivation, she can integrate its essence into her own martial arts.

  In the Dao, her current combat effectiveness will also be greatly improved.

  And it can also be given to Kiana and the others to practice, and I believe it can also enhance their strength a lot.

  "It turns out that the squad leader became a Valkyrie to protect Shenzhou." Kiana said, and at the same time sighed in her heart, the squad leader is really a good person.

  "It's just a deal." Fu Hua shook his head and said.

  Just when she was about to say something, a picture jumped out of the question and answer space.

  In the picture, her figure is sitting in a bamboo room. Opposite her, Otto is sitting opposite her, and there are two cups of tea on the table.

  "This is..."

  Although she have already learned about the magic of the question-and-answer space from everyone, and she have seen videos about the future, when the scene of my past really appeared in front of eyes like a movie, it still makes me feel uncomfortable. Fu Hua felt a little unrealistic.

  "Did the squad leader look like this before? It's so beautiful, she really looks like a fairy."

  Looking at the blue and white Yunshang in the picture, her gray hair hangs down to her waist like a waterfall, and her temperament is like an empty valley. Kiana and the others stared straight at Fu Hua, who was as calm as blue and yet extravagant.

  Although the appearance is still the same as Fu Hua's, the changes in clothes and temperament make people feel like two people.

  At this time, only Otto in the screen was heard speaking.

  "Old friend, long time no see. How have you been doing all these years?" Otto looked familiar, picked up the teacup with a smile, and took a sip.

  "What's the matter?"

  Fu Hua's face was expressionless, and her voice was indifferent, without any extra politeness or nonsense, she directly cut to the point.

  "Old friend, we haven't seen each other for so long, why don't we catch up first?"


  "Okay, okay." Seeing that Fu Hua was still the same, Otto shrugged and simply picked Knowing the purpose of my trip,

  "Old friend, I came this time to invite you to join Destiny."


  "Hehe, don't look at me with that expression, I'm not joking." Otto took another sip of his tea.

  "Why?" Fu Hua asked calmly.

  "There is no reason, I just need your help." Otto said.

  "If you came here just to say this, then please leave." "

  Old friend, don't be so heartless, what should I say, I saved your life back then."


  See Fu Hua still didn't respond, Otto smiled and said unhurriedly,

  "Old friend, how much power do you have left now? Haha, don't be nervous, I don't mean anything to you, I just want to ask you a question, With your current strength, can you still protect the land under your feet?"

  "...I will always protect it." Fu Hua's expression changed slightly, obviously Otto's words touched her sore spot.

  Yes, how much strength does she have left now? How long can Shenzhou be protected?

  "How about this, how about we make a deal?" Otto suggested again.

  "You join Destiny and do things for me, and Destiny will help you protect the mainland of China, how about it?"


  Fu Hua He remained silent, but a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

  "My friend, the power of one person is always small. Even if you find a group of people, can you be sure that they will not betray you like those few people?"

  "Believe the power of Destiny, Master Jingwei, I will not lie to you."

  At this point, Otto stopped talking, and slowly sipped tea leisurely.

  It wasn't until an unknown amount of time passed that a somewhat hoarse voice sounded in the bamboo house.


  Then Otto smiles and the scene ends.