Chapter 4

Desiree: 30 year old Salma Hayek

Amelia Bones: Christina Hendricks

Happy 4th of July. It's a little early on my update schedule but I want to give everyone a gift.


The days after the first task Harry felt like he had finally had a breakthrough. He was being perceived as stronger than older and more experienced wizards and witches. Which caused the entire school to be a little scared of him. He had killed a dragon like it was nothing and it made all the students wearing "Harry Stinks" pins think twice about opening their mouths to jeer or talk behind his back.

The fact he had also had sex with Hermione the day before had been a big bonus also. When he awoke all he could think about being balls deep in Hermione's pussy. Much to Desiree's chagrin before she decided to turn on the charm and take all of his attention by sitting on him ass first. It was Desiree's go to move after seeing how much Harry loved a good anal fuck.

It was one thing she had on all these girls Harry's own age. She didn't care if he fucked her ass from sunrise to sunset as long as his mind was on her. This was a common phase in the beginning for Desiree. But she wanted to enjoy it for as long as possible. She wanted to be the one he thought about and the one he compared all others to. Like envy and lust, pride was her other biggest sin.

Through the link Harry heard her inner thoughts while he was in the shower and she was still laying on the bed with cum leaking out of her red stretched backdoor. Harry called her through the link to join him in the shower which she quickly obeyed. Two steps in the shower and Harry had her pinned to the wall with his mouth on hers as his hand went down to her pussy. Touching her soft hairless skin he circled her clit. "You are mine Desiree, nothing will change that." Plunging two fingers inside of her he seemed out her G spot as his thumb rubbed her clit. "I will never tire of this body." His left hand went to her breast and gave it a firm squeeze which made her moan even louder.

Desiree was needy for an immortal magical being. Hearing him reassure her that he wasn't going to tire of her was a welcome change to some of her master's. Some masters quickly became bored with fucking the same woman multiple times and with their passionate lovemaking she couldn't let that happen. He hadn't even asked for her to change her body yet. Normally men always wanted the image they had in their head of their childhood crush or a dead lover. As long as Harry liked her for her she was happy. It was going to make the next hundred years bearable.

It didn't take long to get Desiree to cum and afterwards she felt looser and more free. "Thank you master." Having an attractive master had its perks. One perk was she was always wet and ready to jump on his cock for a long ride.

Harry just kissed her before saying, "Anytime Desiree. I don't want you to feel as if I am abandoning you. Trust me I know how that feels and I wouldn't do that to someone I love." While he was bound to Desiree it didn't mean he saw her as anything less than. She was his first in many areas and Harry would never forget that. "I have to get to breakfast."

Desiree nodded as Harry had to get dressed for breakfast and she transformed back into her genie form and out of her human body. In her ghostly body her skin went back to its green coloring and her sensitive bits were covered by her standard tube top and silk bottoms. Also I. Her ghost form had her arms bound by thick strong chains around the wrists indicating her imprisonment to the power of the bottle.

At breakfast Harry carried on like usual and kept to herself but that didn't stop him from sneaking glances around the great hall taking in all of the girls. In his mind he was running down on who he would turn his attention to next. While he would have liked to try a few girls in his house there was still a much bigger selection at other tables. At Hufflepuff alone they had Susan and Hannah while Slytherin had Daphne and Tracey. That also didn't include Ravenclaw who had the French delegation sitting at their table which included Fleur Delacour.

There was no doubt in his mind he was going to sleep with her by the end of the year; it was just a matter of how. As much as he wanted to ask her out now it was too soon after the first task. For this one he might have to wait until around the holidays. At the Ravenclaw table there was also Cho Chang and Su Li both Asian and very exotic. Cho was already dating Cedric and he liked Cedric enough so he wasn't going to try and steal her from him. Su Li was even smaller than Cho and Harry imagined it would be a great little shag.

'You can always erase her memory master.' Desiree said through the link. 'Or if you are thinking of the smaller girl I bet one look at your cock will make her strip down and hop on. Trust me master, small girls love a big cock more than anyone." She had seen it throughout her thousands of years on the planet. Cute little girls who look like they couldn't take more than a finger but hop on a big cock and take it to the base with no issues.

Harry knew that was an option with Cho but that felt too scummy when she already had a boyfriend. 'Cedric has never done wrong by me so I have no intention to fuck his girlfriend behind his back. That's why I had no problem fucking Pansy behind Draco's back.' He had taken Pansy's most personal hole and there would be no love lost if Draco had found out about it. With Cedric that would probably turn the whole school against him.

'Master there is still that delicious teacher up there. She strikes me as a woman who would love to ride your young cock all night long.' Desiree said through the link. She could tell the woman was lonely and working around young men all day she must have certain fantasies about them. She would know you can only be tempted for so long before you take a bite of the forbidden fruit.

Harry once again took a look at Septima Vector and he had to admit she had a point. 'I promise I will find a way to get her alone by the end of the year.' While he had sex with Desiree who was an older woman he had yet to have sex with a real older woman. Harry was so lost imagining what it would be like to fuck Professor Vector he didn't notice that Professor McGonagall was behind him until she cleared her throat. Turning around she said, "The Aurors would like to speak to you about your performance yesterday. I told them they can use my office so when you are finished eating, go to my office and answer their questions." There was no other small talk, just a quick list of directions.

Harry groaned knowing this was going to be about the way he killed the dragon. As far as he knew there were no rules against what he did but that didn't matter to some people. 'I am bound by magic so it's not like they can do anything about it. They can't disqualify or take me out of the tournament without risking my magic.'

Desiree just told him to relax and finish up his toast and bacon before heading out to meet the Aurors. Because of this Harry gave up on trying to find a girl for today. 'Maybe I should just focus on finding out the clue to the egg today.'

When he walked to Professor McGonagall's office he saw that there was a woman with purple hair standing guard outside while her boss waited inside for Harry. Harry's eyes couldn't help but look the girl up and down and she had a body to die for. Nice full D cup tits with a thick backside and an athletic body. Harry hoped for a reason to talk to her one day and work his magic. During their alone time Desiree has also been teaching him how to charm girls and not have to rely on her wishes. She thought it would give him a sense of accomplishment for doing it on his own. She could tell that it meant a lot to him to learn something and get positive reinforcement.

Inside the office he wasn't expecting a stunning redhead with the biggest bust he had ever seen. The woman wasn't what he was expecting and caught him so off guard all he could do was just stare at her marvelous rack. They had to be bigger than his head and were pushing her Auror robes to their limit. 'How can she fight with those things?' On top of her amazing tits she had a beautiful face along with deadly curves. He wasn't the only one with a dropped jaw even Desiree was floating next to him looking at the woman.

"Hello Mr. Potter I am Head of the DMLE Amelia Bones and I thank you for joining me. I saw your performance yesterday and just had a few questions about the spell you used." While she was talking she saw that his attention was solely on her chest. It was of course part of the drawbacks of having a rack like hers. Every bloke was rendered speechless and she could see that they were thinking of doing all manner of things to them.

Harry didn't hear a word the woman said all he was focused on was her massive tits. 'I wish those tits were wrapped around my cock.' The words came so quickly out of his brain he didn't even notice that he thought the words "I wish" which Desiree granted.

Amelia Bones felt a strange feeling wash over her before she undid her Auror robes which consisted of a cloak over a tight leather form fitting shirt slash corset. When her breasts were finally free she kneeled on the floor in front of Harry's chair as her hands went to his zipper. Her mind went blank and the only thing inside was a mission she didn't remember wanting. Just as Amelia was about to say something a loud THWAK of skin hitting skin echoed in the room. Harry Potter had a massive cock that had sprung up and hit her on the chin. Amelia's breasts had rendered Harry speechless. His pillar of flesh was a work of art that was warm to the touch with big swinging balls that had a load of cum with her name on it. It made her pussy tingle imagining where the load would go over her tits. In her mouth or all over her face.

Amelia couldn't stop what she was doing and the only thoughts going through her head was she wanted to wrap her tits around this glorious piece of meat. Even with her F cup tits it couldn't fully contain his cock. The head was poking out of the top of her cleavage.

Amelia wanted to say something but was unable to vocalize anything. It was as if she wasn't in control of her body right now. Harry noticed the dead look in Amelia's face and how his wish was taking away all of her free will so he thought. 'I wish women were attracted to me.' Harry wasn't thinking right; the soft tit flesh massaging his length up and down was so euphoric he was loopy.

Desiree was about to grant the wish but it would be one that was too broad and would cause more problems than it would solve. 'Before I grant that wish I want you to rephrase it. Remember that you have a teacher in her eighties.'

With this wish if he wanted to fuck a girl then they wanted to do the same to him. He didn't want a braindead sex puppet. 'I wish Amelia was now her true self and not mindless.' If Amelia was more into this he would feel better about progressing things further.

Desiree was happy to grant this wish and as the green smoke flowed out of her hands she could feel the energy in the room change. After the spell washed over her Amelia looked more alive or at least that's what it looked like when her tongue peeked out to trace the crown of his cock.

Right now all he wanted was for the busty older witch to start moving again. The wish had made her stop moving for a moment. So far this felt better than his or Desiree's hand. Amelia's tits felt softer than anything he had ever felt before.

Harry stayed silent and just moaned and whined as Amelia started to press her breasts together and move up and down. It was almost like fucking two silk pillows attached to a woman. "Oh Merlin, your tits are perfect." Looking down he even loved the way her pink stiff little nipples looked. Before the night was over they were going to be in his mouth.

Now that Amelia could think straight she said, "Call me Amelia and these tits are just for you. I haven't done this in years but seeing you kill that dragon yesterday made me so horny." She was wanking off a schoolboy with her tits and she never felt so sexy. The look of pleasure on his face was the biggest reward she could imagine.

Harry was glad he wished for her mind back. Hearing her say that only made his cock twitch as his orgasm started to build. Looking down at her tits pressed together around his cock he saw that her nipples weren't the soft pink nipples he saw when she began. Now they were hard and evident of her arousal at the situation. Reaching down using both hands he pinched both of them and gave them both the smallest twists that made Amelia cry out and shut her eyes. If he had to guess she was soaking through her knickers right now.

Desiree had to remember to ask Harry if he wanted her to change her breast size. One of her previous masters wished for her to have G cup tits and that was a fun size for sex but a pain to walk around with the rest of the day. Seeing how Harry reacted to Amelia's chest it was clear her master thought the bigger the better. 'I bet if I went up to a G he would miss a day of school by fucking and sucking them to death.'

Harry could feel himself get closer and closer to the finish line but this time he wanted something a little special. "I wish I can cum as much as I want." If he was going to cum he wanted enough to cover every inch of Amelia's massive chest. A few shots of spunk wasn't going to do it.

Desiree heard the wish and her magic instantly responded to him and granted his wish. She imagined that she wanted to properly paint her chest and she couldn't blame him. Although he had never done that to her tits and she had a pretty big set of tits.

Harry heard Desire bemoaning the fact that he hadn't cum on her tits even though she always offered her one of her other holes to fill. 'I will cum on your tits if you want it that badly.' If she wanted him to cum on her he had no problem with it.

Amelia was just grunting the more effort she put into this titfuck. If the heat of his cock and twitching was anything to go by he was close to cumming. Even though it had been a while since she had a lover she still knew what that meant. "Cum for me Harry!"

Harry tilted Amelia's head down as he came. Rope after rope fired out of his cock the first jets hit her face and covered her features in white cream. The rest shot through the air before coming back down all over her breasts. Harry had enhanced his load so he shot rope after rope until she was completely painted white from face to tits.

Amelia took the spunk covered fingers in her mouth and moaned at the taste of this schoolboy. It tasted better than all of her other lovers which wasn't saying much since she had only had seven. But this was by far the most she had ever seen a man cum. 'How powerful is Harry Potter where he cums like a faucet.' It was a mystery she wasn't going to solve. She wasn't a healer so she had no idea what this size of a cumshot meant so best to just take it as a compliment. If anything it showed that she had completely milked his balls all over herself. The small smile that spread across her face at the feeling of his dripping warm cream dripping down her face onto her breasts had to be the dirtiest she had ever felt.

Harry watched Amelia, who was a spunky mess before wishing for Desiree to take pictures for later. While he didn't wank all the time like a normal kid his age he wanted proof of his exploits to enjoy later. Maybe Desiree could wank him off while he flipped through the pictures. Speaking out loud he said, "That was amazing." That was his first titfuck. Surprisingly Desiree hadn't gifted him with that but she had given him many better gifts in the last week.

Desiree said through the link, 'Bend her over the desk and fuck her. You know you want to master.' Desiree felt her ghostly body reacting to all of these sexual acts. Her pussy was soaking wet and even her asshole was throbbing. The feeling of her cold hand touching her cold pussy didn't feel as good as when she was in human form but that didn't stop her. While she was indulging herself Harry had pushed Amelia back onto the desk before bending her over the desk. Her master knew what to do when a woman was in this position.

Harry noticed Amelia still had some clothes on and he didn't know how to get everything off so he took a shortcut. 'I wish Amelia was naked.'

All of her Auror robes were folded neatly on a chair behind them when Desiree granted the wish. Amelia shivered as the cool wood touched her nipples. It was a small shiver and Desiree couldn't wait to see her really shiver when Harry pressed all ten inches inside her cunt. Desiree could tell Amelia had never been with someone this big before.

Amelia was in a haze. She just came to Hogwarts to ask a couple questions and she was bent over a desk and fucked like she was an animal. "Yes. I haven't had sex in a while and never with someone so big. I want to know how good a big cock feels. Stick it in Harry fuck my pussy." The biggest she was with was a boy with eight inches in her seventh year and that was the best sex she had ever had. Her body was so needy. She hadn't been fucked since she took over parental duties on Susan and she was about to see what she had been missing.

He guided her up and down his cock like she was a virgin who didn't know what she was doing. He dominated her and fucked her like he knew what was best for her.

While fucking Amelia's pussy Harry was surprised at how nice the redhead's ass looked. It was just as big as her tits. His hands couldn't stop from roaming over her milk white soft skin. Just for fun he spread her cheeks and got a look at her puckered hole and it looked untouched. This woman didn't strike him as the kind of girl who liked a cock in her bum. "I can't wait to try this hole next." His thumb slipped into her ass which was already lubed and ready thanks to a past wish.

Desiree could see the redhead shiver at the thought of him taking her ass. 'She needs a little push master. Show her how good your cock feels and she will be spreading her ass for you soon enough.' Desiree knew the signs of a strong woman who had never thought about getting her ass fucked but if her master applied pressure in certain places like she taught him he could flip her. When Desiree worked on her charm classes she made sure he knew when to apply the most pressure to turn a girl into clay in the palm of his hand.

Amelia was now gripping the edges of the desk with white knuckles as she bit her lip hard enough to draw blood. The dual sensations of his cock fucking her hard enough and then add on top of that his wet thumb tracing around her puckered hole before popping in was too much. After a few seconds of this she let out a loud whorish moan when she felt his cock start to gain even more speed into her at the same time his thumb pushed past her ring of muscle. 'Why does my bum feel so good?'

Harry didn't stop pushing inside the redhead until all ten inches were inside and his full balls were resting at the opening to her pussy. While this woman wasn't as tight as Hermione she was still tight enough that he wasn't going to last too long. Pulling back he heard her gasp before his hips snapped forward harder and she couldn't help in moaning out, "Yessss!" Harry smiled knowing that she was enjoying it. Since she was enjoying it so much he pressed his thumb deeper until it was entirely in her virgin ass. The pressure around his thumb was a good sign and he was looking forward to fuck her ass after he was done with her pussy. Harry guided his cock in and out while one hand went to Amelia's shoulder which was guiding her back and forth on his cock. It was almost like he was fucking a virgin the way he slammed into her and made her gasp out in surprise. He dominated her and fucked her like she was his personal slut.

Desiree loved watching her master she looked from Amelia's face back to Harry fucking the older woman with everything he had only made pride fill her chest. The older woman had a little more meat on her bones so every thrust made a ripple and wave that showed her master was showing her no mercy. 'I love being on the other end of that. The power he has in that lean body of his is perfect.'

Amelia couldn't put into words how much she was enjoying this rough shag. She should have been ashamed that the boy wasn't of age yet but he fucked like it. This was Harry Potter so he must be getting tons of girls throwing themselves at him. 'I might have to make up excuses to keep coming back here if it means I can get this again.' Amelia thought to herself as the coil in her stomach got tighter and tighter ready to explode.

Since the wish was still active Harry planned to fill the older Auror with as much cum as her body could take. The flutter of her warm slick walls around him let him know she was close. Speeding up his thrusts he even switched his thumb with his index finger as he started to move it back and forth in her ass. "Let go, Amelia. Cum for me and I will cum for you. Don't you want me to fill you up with a nice hot load?" As his cock flowed in and out of her every thrust was pushing him to his limit. Her wet and tight heat was too good to resist.

Amelia nodded, unable to speak as her body was starting to come undone because of the massive ten inch cock stretching out her pussy. She wanted to tell him not to cum inside of her but her stupid mouth wouldn't work. Instead she just kept panting as she took the best shag of her life. On every thrust she felt him press against her womb and smear his hot precum against her cervix. The second she felt the final thrust and the first jet of warm spunk entered her womb her legs locked up as she came.

Harry took pleasure in her wail of pleasure as he rode out his orgasm and he pumped as much cum as he could inside the woman. Around the twelfth shot he felt her hand reach around and try to push him back. "Shit shit that's too much." Harry was gracious enough to do as she wanted and got a great look at her as he pulled out. With her pussy stretched his cum started to rush out of her. 'How could a boy shoot that much cum?' Part of her was a little humiliated to have been so difiled that the sheer amount of fluids presently inside her kept her in the highest planes of pleasure.

Amelia felt that there was no free space inside of her when Harry was done cumming. There was too much warm seed inside of her and when he pulled out it all came rushing out. As it did her legs started shaking as a mini orgasm raced through her. Panting and sapped of energy she went boneless against the desk. Now she was laying against the cool wood unable to move. 'Holy shit did that really just happen? Did I really drop to my knees for a Hogwarts student as old as my niece.' She didn't know why she was so attracted to Harry, maybe it was the fact he killed a full grown dragon. She had a bad habit of only going after wizards who were strong and there were very few stronger than herself. And even fewer who could kill a Hungarian Horntail in less than a minute.

Harry decided to give the older woman's pussy a rest. There were other parts of her he had yet to try. At first his hands just massaged her big round cheeks before he sandwiched his cock in her ass cheeks. His cock was already nice and slick with her fluids so it slid in and out of her cheeks with no issue. Her hot skin felt so good and very similar to her tit fuck he used the globes of her ass to fuck without entering the hole. He did this for minutes all the while Amelia was moaning, looking back and trying to catch her breath. Finally after using her warm skin for stimulation he shot off a few ropes of cum up her back. Making her back a beautiful canvas for his seed. "Are you ready for what comes next?" He just couldn't stop touching the older witch.

Amelia knew that this was just a starter and that he wanted to take her most private hole next. Turning her head she looked at Harry and saw his boyish face staring back at her with zero malice but a love that she hasn't seen in years. "Do it. Fuck my ass if you think you can handle it." Teasing him might have not been the best idea but she couldn't be totally submissive to keep this shag going.

Amelia saw her opening and wanted to take it so she flipped herself over on the desk and brought her knees up to her desk as she spread her legs giving Harry a clear invitation.

Harry saw what he was being offered and he took a step to his left and asked, "Are you sure you can handle another round?" This was a big step for her and he wanted her to be sure before he took her anal cherry. Amelia was a beauty like Harry had never seen before and he was much more excited to dive into her over his time with Pansy.

Amelia nodded, "I want to try it. Your fingers felt good but I need more. I want to feel every inch of that broomstick hanging between your legs." She really wanted to try anal and see if it felt as good as his thumb and fingers felt earlier. She was just supposed to come to Hogwarts to ask questions and here she was asking to get buggered.

Harry's smile now spread as wide as possible as he took his cock in hand and got closer to Amelia's virgin hole. Once he was close enough he rubbed the tip of his cock against her clit for a few moments before touching the tip to her puckered hole. Pushing in he felt that thanks to his previous wish her asshole was prepped for him. It was already lubed up and he slid in easier than he was expecting. At the halfway mark he saw Amelia's eyes roll into the back of her head as she tried to look back at him. It was clear he was stimulating parts of her that she had never felt before or had the courage to touch before today.

Amelia knew she wanted to try this but she didn't expect it to feel so fucking good. As he explored her virgin hole she felt feelings she had never felt before. Every jolt pushed her to the edge and she knew she was going to cum first and hard. "I'm so close. Harry keep fucking my ass!" Spurring him on she felt his thrusts get a little faster and harder. Now she knew what a rabbit felt like being quickly fucked into an orgasmic heaven.

Harry felt her asshole get even tighter around him and out of a moment of kindness he didn't move and let her enjoy her first anal orgasm. After a minute she was finally back in reality and he started to move again only to find her even more responsive. Every thrust and he felt her body quiver and quake. "Should I stop or keep going?"

Amelia quickly blurted out. "Don't stop. Keep going, don't stop until you fill my bum the way you did with my cunt." Amelia had the decency to blush after demanding a creampie and using the word cunt. She didn't know where all of this was coming from. Maybe it was just finally having the shag she deserved.

Outside the room

Tonks thought she was going crazy when she heard her boss begging for cock and cum. Tonks took her eyes off the hallway and now pressed her ear against the door hearing grunts and moans a plenty. 'I want to go in and stop this but Madam Bones will be upset if I break up this amazing shag. At least from the sound of it I mean I haven't heard moans like that outside of porn.' More thumping sounds emerged along with new details of how she was taking it in the bum. 'Holy shit I never thought Madam Bones would have gone for that. That's one lucky kid.'

As a Metamorphagus she knew what a good bum looked like and her boss had a great bum. 'I will have to pump her for details because I need to know if this feels as good as it sounds. It's been so long since I had a good shag. Why couldn't I have come alone and asked him about that spell then I could be the one getting my brains shagged out.' Tonks loved sex and by sex she meant all sex. Since she could stretch her body in any shape she had no problem letting a bloke use any hole he wanted to as rough as he wanted to. Her last great shag she went to a muggle nightclub and let two young men take her home.

Tonks wanted to run in there and join them the more she listened, especially as the wetter she became. 'Let Madam Bones have this, then find an excuse to come back to get a little yourself.'

Harry leaned down and kissed the older woman, getting his first taste of the older woman. When his lips touched hers she just melted and felt more connected than when he was deep inside her most precious place. She was the first to slide her tongue in his mouth and she was pleasantly surprised at how good of a kisser he was. Even with the cum dripping down her legs and feeling like a boy's cumrag she felt as if she was his mistress. A woman to be used to satisfy his desires before he goes back to his loving girlfriend who isn't half as filthy as her. An older woman feasting on a younger man even though it was the other way around.

As Harry kissed the older redhead he sped up his thrusts into her soft pillowy ass. It wasn't too long before he felt his balls stir indicating he wasn't able to hold on. His hands were on Amelia's ass which he quickly switched to her chest so he could squeeze those funbags as he filled her up for the second time. He pounded the older woman into the desk with everything he had as he felt the cum inch it's way out of his balls. The pressure of claiming her ass for himself was so intense. He needed to make it a good one and he wanted her to always think about it every time she was alone or even sat down. He wanted to think about the time a boy her niece's age filled her bum with so much cum it made her explode.

Desiree could hear her master's thoughts and desires and she agreed with him. Harry understood the gift he was given and always tried to use it to cause the most pleasure he could. While most master's abused her powers for evil Harry was using it for good. She could tell that from the way he wanted the girls to cum before him. That was rare since most men wouldn't care about if a woman came or not.

While Amelia's tits were jiggling back and forth from the force of the thrusts Harry couldn't resist and grabbed both of her wet and sticky tits harder and harder. Together he gripped, pinched and massaged them as Harry plundered her ass. 'Fuck I love these.' Amelia's became louder and louder the more he played with them.

Desiree responded, 'Understand master. I promise to take that into account next time we are alone. I promise to give you my best titfuck.'

Amelia couldn't handle having her butt being fucked as her breasts were being toyed with. "Cumming!" The climax hit her so suddenly it proved how sensitive her breasts were. Her whole body was humming with every touch from Harry. He knew how to play her body like an instrument for his and her pleasure.

Amelia felt the biggest orgasm of her life hit her like a ton of bricks. While it was true she liked a nice shag {even though it had been a long while} now and then she had never felt a man as well endowed as Harry or a man who knew how to use it like Harry. After the first couple shots of spunk she felt Harry put all of his weight on top of her and bury every inch inside her ass as he filled her to her absolute limit. 'Why does it feel like he won't stop cumming? Fuck I have never felt so much warmth inside me before.'

Harry didn't stop cumming and she didn't tell him to stop so a minute went by and by the end he finally heard Amelia give one whine of, "Too much." Harry quickly pulled out of the Head Auror and his essence dropped out of her onto the floor and this time he couldn't avoid stepping into it.

Desiree could see that her master was pushing himself. 'You are doing a good job master. You satisfied an older woman and sometimes those are the toughest. You should be very happy about all the work you put in. Now why don't you wrap this up and take me back to the room because my cold and wet pussy needs a nice hot cock to warm it up.' While he hadn't had sex with her in ghost form she still wanted to get alone so she could get what Amelia just received.

Amelia had closed her eyes and was enjoying her first anal creampie and with the feeling of the creampie from earlier she looked forward to a shower after this. 'What a turn today took. How is it that I couldn't resist Harry Potter?'

Once Harry had everything drained out of his balls he pulled out of Amelia's ass and fell back into one of the chairs looking at the desk. Once in the chair he was eye level with the mess he had made in the older Auror. "Sorry if I got a little carried away." Was the only apology Harry could give as he felt his body burning from having to pleasure Amelia so hard and so fast.

Amelia saw his softening cock and breathed a sigh of relief. "Are you done?" She could feel both of her lower holes throbbing and the only thing to sooth them was the warm fluid still sleeping out of her.

Harry nodded as he caught his breath and as he felt the sweat pouring off of him. "Yes. Unless you still need a little more. If you give me a few minutes I can get it up again and make sure you are satisfied."

Amelia was satisfied but she thought back to her fifteen year drought and she didn't want this to end. She didn't know if she was going to get another chance and she could push herself for one more. "If you can I would like you to properly fuck my pussy the way you did before. I need one more to last me for another fifteen years." As she talked her fingers smeared his white sticky cum all around her clit.

Harry was completely spent and with a broken body he looked to Desiree who was just floating with a big smile on her face at his predicament. 'Well master, are you going to make a wish or are you going to risk the anger of this woman?'

Harry rolled his eyes before wishing, 'I wish that I could have sex again.' This was the price he had to pay for getting into this situation in the first place. If he just answered her questions without letting his penis do the thinking he could have been out of here by now.

Amelia was happy to see her words were having an effect because his soft six inches were once again turning into a massively thick ten inches. While he was still sitting in the chair Amelia sat on his lap and rubbed the underside of his cock against her cum dripping honey pot. She planned to give him the best fuck of his life. While she was sure he had fucked some girls his own age no one could compare to a real woman's pussy.

Harry groaned as she lifted her hips and slowly pushed down on his cock. Just pushing the head inside her pussy felt like he was pushing into a tighter pussy than before. He could tell she was tightening up as much as she could making it difficult to try and move. "I can't move if you keep that up."

Amelia coyly smiled as she loosened up a little so he was able to fit everything inside of her. Once he was fully inside of her she just grinded her hips on his cock as she let her muscles do all the work. While she would have loved a nice and long stroked shag this was good enough because of the way his cock was brushing against her G spot and making her moan.

Harry had grabbed fistfuls of her ass and let her hips do the work as she fucked herself on his cock. Although it did feel amazing with how tight she was. "You are so fucking tight like this Amelia." For a split second he thought about Susan and wondered if she was this wild of a shag. Did this kind of slut run in the family? 'I will have to add Susan to the list.' During History of Magic Harry had made a list of all the girls he wanted to shag before he graduated or died. Which he didn't know would happen first. Susan wasn't in the top five but top ten for sure.

"You like my pussy? You like fucking older woman's holes you dirty boy?" As she talked she brought her hands to his face. For a second she was reminded of James Potter. Her face felt hot thinking what would James and Lily say if they saw her fucking their son. That thought should have turned her off but instead it made her upcoming orgasm feel more taboo.

Harry nodded because he very much liked fucking older women. "Do you older women like fucking a young cock?" He flipped the question back on the woman and felt her response around him.

Amelia nodded and moaned as she felt his cock twitch at his words. If she didn't know any better she would have been sure that it had been a dream or a weird sexual fantasy that had gotten out of hand.

Amelia started moving her hips harder trying to get him to cum inside her the way he filled her up before. "Hurry up and fill me up. McGonagall should be back any minute and Tonks should be getting worried soon."

Desiree calmed Harry through the link, 'Don't worry master, her partner would have come in if she could hear what is going on. Don't get distracted, focus on her and make sure she cums.'

Harry squeezed her ass harder and was now slamming her down as hard as he could trying to cum. "Getting close." As he spoke he looked at her bouncing breasts and made a request. "Can I please suck your tits?"

Amelia nodded and she wasn't surprised to see Harry bury his head in them or for his mouth to find her nipple and give it a nice hard suck before a little bite. All of that mixed together made Anelia cum. "HARRY!" Her breasts were so sensitive and even the smallest suck or bite would have pushed her over the edge. There wasn't an inch he didn't try to get in his mouth.

Harry lost his composure when he heard her scream along with the way her pussy got impossibly tight. Soon another flood of his cum rushed into Amelia's pussy.

Amelia felt all of the molten fluid rush into her womb and she couldn't stop the loudest scream from escaping her lips. With each passing second she felt him break the capacity of her body she felt like she ate a big meal instead of having a draining fuck. I bet my corset will be extra tight after this.' As she stood up off his lap and his cock flopped out of her she felt heavier.

Amelia quickly casted cleaning charms on her dripping lower half and ground. "Hurry up and get dressed, we can't be caught like this." While it wasn't against the law McGonagall would have expressed her disappointment and she couldn't deal with it. That woman's disappointment was legendary and never failed to make the recipient feel bad.

Harry begrudgingly got dressed even though he wished they had more time. He just couldn't get enough of the older redhead much like his first few times with Desiree. Once Amelia was dressed she could feel her robes were a little tighter due to the deposits Harry made inside her. 'If I wouldn't be busted for having sex with a teenage boy I would drag him to Madam Pomfrey and demand to know if his cum quantity was normal. That's a mystery on its own.'

Before they left Amelia asked, "Oh I almost forgot to ask the question I needed to ask. What spell did you use against the dragon?" It was the only question she had but somehow they got distracted with sex before she could ask it.

Harry was pulling on his clothes when she said, "Oh I just transfigured the arena floor into spikes that were sharp enough to pierce the dragon hide. Nothing special besides doing it without an incantation." He could see that Amelia had a small pink blush in her cheeks which only added to her beauty.

Amelia was a little cross that this wasn't as easy as she was hoping. "Was that so hard?" Amelia said in exasperation at the situation. Before she could start a small rant about how he seduced them she felt his lips on hers. She let out a muffled moan as his lips molded to hers.

When they broke the kiss Harry said, "I hope you come back to visit me soon." He hoped Amelia would find reasons to come back and visit him. He did like the redhead. Something about her just made him feel safe and loved. He just hoped next time he would have more time and maybe a bed for their activities.

Desiree heard her master's thoughts, 'I can always change into her and you can have your fun that way.' She liked Amelia's body well enough she wouldn't mind being in her skin and getting fucked as her. She has done it before and while she loved her own body above others Amelia's body put hers to shame in certain areas. Knowing her master the way she did she knew he liked bigger breasts.

Harry ignored his sex genie and listened as Amelia said, "You better not say a word about this. I don't want Susan to think I was so desperate for a man that I jumped you." Susan always told her how she needed a man but she didn't mean Harry bloody Potter. There was also the added betrayal because Susan had a crush on Harry. 'Harry might be too advanced for Susan. He managed to satisfy me for Merlin's sake. In my later years I have been a little bit of a tough customer. Is it so hard to find a bloke who can give me what a fourth year student just gave me. I can't imagine what he would do to a young virgin like Susan.'

After they said their goodbyes they went their separate ways and Harry went back to the Room of Requirement for a nap. He had worn himself out after yesterday's big day and all of today's wild sex. 'I swear I'm going to shag my way into an early grave.' Though that would be his preferred way to go and even Sirius said he would rather die during a crazy shagging accident than in Azkaban.

Desiree floated next to him, "And you are going to love every minute master. After your nap, is there something I can do to make you feel better? Maybe we can even reminisce about today and I could give you some pointers to make the next time even better.' Harry had shagged Amelia with a whirlwind of force but there were things that could have been better. He lacked knowledge of positions that could have given him an edge. While it was all well and good for an old fashioned bend over there were certain positions that would have driven women wild.

The last part she said as seductively as she could which only made Harry groan. She was angling for a quick shag right now, desperate to try out Harry's new wish for bigger ejaculations. She saw her words affect him. Harry couldn't resist her when she talked like that. 'If I feel better after my nap we will see.'

Desiree just smiled to herself knowing that it was a definite yes. Thankfully her master was young and had the stamina to go with it. 'Thank you master.' While he slept she played around in the mirror finding the perfect size for her tits that Harry would like. While Amelia was a F cup Desiree liked the way a G cup felt. 'When master wakes up he is in for quite the surprise.'


I hope everyone liked this chapter. I wanted to do an Amelia Bones chapter for a while and I hoped people liked this one. I originally had Tonks in this but changed it. But trust me Tonks will show up later. Harry putting all of his focus on Amelia seemed like the right thing to do. Also I don't think she would have done anything in front of Tonks.

I also don't want it to seem like Harry is forcing these women. Just think of this wish as training wheels and Harry is going to cancel it soon and just use his charm when he gains some more experience. Right now he has been introduced to a new world and hasn't got the hang of it yet.

Also a little funny story. I write this in Google docs because they handle punctuation and grammar which has really helped my writing. But their new "Woke" filter is making this story hard to write because anytime I write "I Wish" it wants to change it to "I Hope" it is so fucking annoying and I have to reread everything more than twice to make sure they didn't change it. Makes it hard to write a story about wishes.