Chapter 5

Desiree: 30 year Salma Hayek

Aurora Sinistra: Lesley-Ann Brandt {Maze from Lucifer}


"Wake up Master." Was the sound he heard almost every morning before she felt something wet and hot engulf his cock. Some days it was a mouth and some days it was a pussy. Desiree never started with anal first thing in the morning instead she teased him with that and made sure he was wide awake for that and preferably in the shower. She liked him to have enough energy to really work her ass over to the point where she would have to be the one to call it quits first. Namely because he needed to be somewhere else.

The day after he had Amelia his genie hadn't let him rest the next day before she went right back to work. That was Monday and now it was Friday and Harry felt overwhelmed by all the new sex he was having. Desiree aside with his new sexual awakening he couldn't get away from thinking about sex all day everyday. Part of him even forgot about the tournament which he couldn't tell if that was a good or a bad thing.

After Desiree had milked out her two loads from his balls as soon as he awoke from his deep slumber. One with an enhanced pair of tits and one with her mouth. Which expertly took him to the root and with the permission to use her throat like a pussy. With her mouth Harry had free reign to thrust and fuck her mouth as hard as he wanted which was something he couldn't do with every girl. After he grunted and came down her gullet he let go of her long hair. She willingly cleaned him up before he had to start getting dressed. "Okay Desiree, thank you for your morning service but can I ask you a favor?" He nervously asked.

Desiree was still in her human form and when she perked up her entire chest jiggled which drew Harry's eyes. "Anything master. Are you up for round three? Because it's been two days since you have taken my butt."

Harry had the decency to blush as he shook those thoughts from his head. "I need to focus on school today. Can you please just stay in this room until I come back for you after dinner? It would mean a lot to me." As he talked he saw Desiree's shoulders slump.

Desiree was a little hurt that only after a week Harry felt as if he needed a break from her. "Is there something I have done wrong, master?" She thought they had great banter and that he liked talking to her during his boring classes.

Harry shook his head, "No Desiree you haven't done anything wrong. It's just that I need to focus on school and I can't be thinking about sex all the time. With you on my shoulder it drives me insane." He thought back to all of her classes where she kept whispering dirty things in his ear. "The other day in herbology I nearly asked you to freeze time so I could shag you in the middle of class when you kept pointing out Susan's big tits and if they would be as big as her aunt's. So can you just give me space during class today?" By the end he was almost out of breath having a mini anxiety attack thinking about angering or hurting his new friend.

Desiree didn't like it but if this is what her master wanted she had to live with it. "Do I have to stay in this room all day?" Looking around the room looked more like a prison cell and she couldn't imagine staying in here all day with nothing to do. If she was stuck in here she would just play with herself all day and would be worn out by the time her master returned. "Can I at least explore the grounds or maybe head to the library?"

Harry didn't want to be her warden or so strict that she could resent him. "You can explore but just don't get caught. I can't explain you and I don't think Dumbledore would let me keep you." Harry did love Desiree and it would pain him to lose her. Since finding her their connection was stronger than anything else that he had ever felt before. They were closer than all of his friends and definitely his family.

Desiree saw that her master had a fear of losing her but there was nothing anyone could do about it. When she was bound to a master it was for life. She was lucky her master was giving her freedom and not jailing her in this room all day where she would be so bored she would probably flick her clit all day.

After he dressed for class he grabbed his book bag and waved goodbye to Desiree which she took as an invitation for a kiss. She liked to leave her master blushing and flustered. "Goodbye master. Call my name if you need me." Desiree silently added, 'You even say anything close to my name and I will come running...I mean I will just be there.'

At breakfast Harry focused on his breakfast and looked over his notes from yesterday's potion class. He was distracted due to Desiree asking him if he would shag a Slytherin and why there was a house rivalry. He could see where his writing became progressively worse to the point of illegibility. If he had more time he would have cracked his book and done a little reading but his first class was in ten minutes. Putting his notes away he quickly shoved the rest of his toast in his mouth before washing it down with pumpkin juice before heading to his first class.

The first class went by without incident and there wasn't a hint of sexual thoughts or fantasies in his head. He even answered a few of the teachers' questions and received a few house points. After lunch he had planned to go check on Desiree but lunch had run a little long with Hermione talking to him about the tournament. Surprisingly she didn't once mention the sex they had before or even hint at doing anything in the future. It made Harry a little sad but he didn't push it. 'Merlin knows I pushed it plenty after the first task.'

After lunch he had potions which was the one hour a day that he dreaded above all others. Today was extra terrible because he accidentally added a fire seed too early which caused his potion to turn black before spouting fire all over the desk. Snape had berated him in front of the entire class for being a helpless student and one of the stupidest potion students he had ever had. The only silver lining was that he assigned Daphne Greengrass to babysit and hold his hand through making another potion. This time the correct way.

Harry was embarrassed at needing her help in the first place but she was calm and collected. She did her best to teach him as class went on. Not the least bit burdened by his lack of potion prowess. The longer class went the closer they became and when he was stirring or adding ingredients he was able to smell her. Her hair smelled like apples which was very distinct in a room smelling of burnt charcoal.

Before class was over he could swear he wasn't the only one leaning in to get a whiff of the other. Over the last twenty minutes he noticed she was doing the same thing. When they managed to finish their potion they were third to last and dismissed. As they walked out of the dungeon Harry was trying to small talk Daphne and she seemed to be engaged and even glad he was talking to her. With a few questions he managed to break through her ice queen persona and had her giggling. By taking the mickey out of himself it gave her the chance to make a few jokes about how he was hopeless in potions. She even said he was lucky that the tournament didn't have a potion making task or he would end up in last place.

Just before they entered the main hallway with the other students Harry hopefully asked, "Can we be partners again tomorrow?"

Daphne nodded and even had a small blush unable to vocalize her answer of yes. That's when Harry remembered that he had wished for girls to like him as much as he liked them. Daphne must be aware of his schoolboy crush and while he had thought of her in a more sexual way before he held those thoughts off. He didn't want to get carried away in the hallway. Daphne seemed like a nice girl and not like the other Slytherin's so he didn't want to rush his way into bed. "See you tomorrow Daphne."

She nodded and turned to walk away at a crisp pace, clearly a little scared about what she was feeling. For her this was the first time she ever felt her icy heart melt for a boy. In her house all the boys were pigs and weren't worth the trouble but Harry seemed nice and it was clear he liked her. 'I thought Granger had his heart and here he was flirting with me. Potter isn't a bad catch rich and famous, the only downside is that he seems to be cursed.'

Harry didn't have much time to dwell on this before he had to go to his last class which was Astronomy with Professor Sinistra. This was one of his easy O classes and one he didn't have to put a lot of effort in. With this class he could just daydream about something else. Which is exactly what he was doing before he heard a stern voice calling out his name, "Mr. Potter. Mr. Potter, can you answer the question?"

Harry's eyes went wide as he felt everyone looking at him, some even snickering at the fact he got caught with his trousers down so to speak. "Um...stars." The entire class started to snicker at him while Hermione slapped her hand to her face at his stupid answer. She wished she had more of an influence on him to the point where he would be so well prepared he could answer any question.

Aurora Sinestra looked very cross at his answer. "Very bad guess. Just because you are a Tri-Wizard champion doesn't give you the right to slack off in my class. Stay after class so we can go over your punishment for not paying attention." While she couldn't give him detention she planned to make him think twice before slacking off in her class. Moving on from him she then looked around before calling on Dean Thomas who answered, "Jupiter."

Professor Sinistra congratulated Dean before turning to glare at Harry in hopes of him taking notes. While she understood why Harry was distracted he was never a star pupil who gave it his all anyway. She couldn't give him a pass because of his situation. He had to at least be competent and give a tiny bit of effort. She knew that students took this as opposed to Ancient Runes and Arithmancy for the easy grade.

After class Harry stayed sitting until everyone was out of the room. Before he could stand and walk to the front of the room Professor Sinistra stood in front of his desk while crossing her arms. "Mr. Potter, while in class I need your focus here." She took a thrill in the flicker of fear in his eyes from her stern tone and demeanor.

Harry nodded while trying to avoid eye contact he hated when people were disappointed in him. He had suffered enough of that growing up. "I know but I have a lot on my plate right now. In case you haven't noticed I am risking my life in a tournament I don't want to be in and no offense your class isn't going to help me in the arena." Harry was a little angry by the end of his mini rant but he was at the end of his rope for his sanity.

Aurora felt a wave of sympathy for her student and while he wasn't one of her best she could see he was troubled. "You entered the tournament. You broke the rules to enter so you can't blame that as the reason for slacking off with your school work."

Harry groaned finding out she didn't believe him when he said he was entered against his will. "No, someone put my name in the goblet. I would never enter this tournament on my own." The thousand galleon prize wasn't worth the possible death in his eyes. His trust vault had fifty thousand galleons in it so the prize money was a drop in the bucket for him.

Aurora leaned back and leaned back on the desk behind her looking at Harry in a new light. Now thinking of him as a victim instead as a troublemaker. "If that is true why haven't you withdrawn?"

"Because my magic is tied to the goblet and if I don't compete I lose my magic." While he answered his eyes went up her legs and saw that as she leaned back on the desk her skirt rode up a little and he had to avert his eyes to not get caught looking up her skirt. This was the first time he noticed that she wore her skirts a little higher than other professors.

An "oh" face washed over the professor as she understood why he was so distracted during her class. "Okay I think I understand the situation now and I think I can help you."

"How?" Harry asked, hoping for the long shot that she had the answer to all his problems. If he was honest with himself he hadn't been putting a lot of thought into his problems since finding Desiree. His buxom personal sex genie wasn't the best for concentration. 'Fuck now I'm thinking about her big tits.'

"How about when you come into class I will let you work on other things. You can read or do homework for other classes and I just won't call on you." Halfway through her generous speech she felt her body get hot. For a second it was like she was hit with a warming charm but neither one of their hands were on their wands.

Harry was grateful for the offer and jumped at it. "That would be so great Professor. I think I need all the help I can get if I'm going to survive this." He didn't like thinking about his death but if the dragon was the first task he didn't think it was going to get easier in the second task.

When her students' deep green eyes met hers she felt the irresistible urge to kiss him. 'Stop it Aurora, this is a fourth year student. He probably hasn't even had sex yet and you don't want to be his first. There is also the fact that no one can find out about it.' Clearing her throat she said, "If that will be all you are free to go."

Harry was about to stand up and leave when he felt his cock pressing against his zipper. Looking down he saw that he had a very visible erection. 'Fuck I am rock hard right now. When did that happen? Oh yeah there is a beautiful woman in front of me and one in my head.' Now Harry had to think of an excuse to not get up or risk showing his erection to his teacher. Professor Sinistra had stood up off the desk behind her and Harry asked, "What about the tests? How can I pass those if I'm not working on Astronomy?" All he was thinking about was extending this conversation as long as possible to give his cock a chance to soften.

"We can think of something." She didn't mean that to come out sexy but it did and suddenly she felt that her knickers were damp and sticking to her hairless mound. 'I need to get him out of here so I can relieve myself. That's what I get for ignoring my body's needs for the last month and a half.' Pointing to the door she said, "You can leave now Mr. Potter, I have things to take care of."

Harry's whole face was red as he was trapped between a rock and a hard place. "I can't get up." If he got up then she would see that during their conversation his mind got away from him.

Professor Sinistra didn't understand why he was refusing her until she saw his face and the fact his hands had moved from the desk to under the desk where he was touching his crotch. "Mr. Potter, stop touching yourself."

Harry blushed even harder being caught. He had never felt so humiliated than he did right now. "I am just trying to hide it, I swear." Here he was touching his cock in front of a teacher which had to be against school rules.

Leaning over the desk she looked down to see a massive tent in between her students legs. From this angle she couldn't tell exactly how big he was but he was bigger than an average student. Of course she had seen male students get them during her classes; she had never taken an interest like this before. It was a line she hadn't crossed and now here she was unable to think of anything else. "You can't leave my classroom like that so you can just stay here until it goes away."

Harry didn't breathe a sigh of relief at that because if he was stuck in the same room as her it was never going to go down. Since finding Desiree he had sexual thoughts about everyone including his Astronomy teacher. "Can you leave the room so I can just take care of it myself?" Wanking himself was humiliating enough but doing it in the presence of a teacher was too much.

Aurora was flabbergasted; he even suggested that. "No I am not going to leave the room so you can wank in my classroom. Just wait a few minutes and it will go away." She was hoping by staring her student down his cock might get intimidated and go back to its flaccid state.

Harry groaned and was seconds away from calling his genie to take care of it, "Trust me when I say it won't go down that way. It needs help for it to go down."

The words fell out of her mouth before she could stop them, "I can help you." As she said those words her mind opened and she had images of his big cock stretching her lips before it stretched her lower lips. Her legs clamped shit as she rubbed her thighs together trying to get relief.

"Are you sure?" The situation was almost too good to be true. He was about to have sex with a professor and he didn't need Desiree's help.

Aurora Sinistra was too deep in this hole she dug for herself and nodded, "I have never helped a student like this but why don't you lay on the desk and let me help you." Her eyes went wide as he followed her command as he stood up. Her eyes went to his bulge and she saw it was even bigger than she thought. If it was possible she felt her knickers get even wetter. 'Just focus on Harry and once he leaves you can satisfy yourself.'

Harry laid down on the desk and before his hands went to his belt and button her hands stopped him. She undid his trousers for him as she sensed his frantic nervousness. Pushing his pants down she wasn't prepared for the giant cock that sprung out and even went all the way back and slapped his clothed stomach. In all honesty it looked like a piece of art. The thick veins that traveled from the base to the tip looked pulsing and promising. Quickly her hand wrapped itself around his cock and she gave him one pump which made a clear dew drop appear at the tip. "Why don't you close your eyes and think about a girl you like, why I finish this okay."

"Why would I do that? I want to watch you." He didn't want to pretend she was someone else. He liked Professor Sinistra and wanted to watch everything she did to him. Even now he looked from her darker hand around his pale cock.

Aurora felt a chill go up her spine at that as she started to work her hand up and down his shaft. Even with a few drops of precum he was much too dry for this to feel good so she spit in her hand. With that added lubrication her hand started to glide up and down.

Harry started to moan the faster her hand went and he got even louder when she added a twist towards the tip. While it wasn't as good as Desiree it was good enough he was going to cum soon. 'I can't believe this is happening.'

Aurora spent a couple minutes wanking this massive cock and with each passing minute he kept twitching and she thought this was the end but it never came. "Stop holding back and cum."

Those were the magic words because ropes of cum started flying out of his cock with such force the first one actually hit her chin. It made her flinch and stop her hand motions as she watched as he made a mess on himself. His seed stained the bottom of his dress shirt and stomach. Unable to help herself she wiped her chin with her hand and was face to face with a dripping finger. She brought it to her mouth and instead of being disgusted the slightly salted taste lit a fire in her. With no hesitation she lunged forward and engulfed his cock in her mouth. From tip to of the way down her tongue licked up all of the seed it could. She was even lucky enough to feel his hips buck and for another couple sticky drops to trail down her throat.

While Harry could have kept cumming due to his wish earlier this week he just kept everything normal so he didn't have to answer questions.

After Aurora was done she pulled back expecting to see his cock start to wilt but instead it looked even stronger and more rigid. "That wasn't enough?" Was youth stamina really so strong that an orgasm can't deflate a young cock. 'Its been so long since I have been with a younger man I don't remember if they were always this quick.'

Harry looked a little sheepish now, "That was amazing." While she did her best it was going to take more than that to get him soft. "I think I can sneak back while everyone is at dinner. You don't have to continue if you don't want to."

He made a move to get up but her hand pushed his chest back down on the desk. "No, I can try once more." Now it was a challenge and she wanted a chance to see if she could finish the job she set out to do. Bringing her filthy hands to her shoulders she pushed off her robe before ripping off her blouse and pushing her skirt down. Due to her small bust she didn't even bother wearing a bra. The dark colors of her blouses and robes camouflaged her nipples during the school day. Under her skirt she had a regular pair of knickers that were nothing special except for the big wet spot showing her arousal. She saw his eyes fixated on the spot and with embarrassment she pushed them down to show her hairless, wet mound to him. "I am not your first am I?"

Harry shook his head, " that a problem?" He hoped he didn't come off as too green.

"No, I just wanted to make sure that your first time was special and not with someone you didn't love." With that said she mounted him on the desk and rubbed the length of her wet slit against his saliva slick cock. Even just this was making her moan wantonly. "It's been so long."

Harry could feel her hesitating, "Then what are you waiting for?" While he could have gripped her hips and brought her down on him this time was different. He was forbidden, a student someone she was supposed to shepard into adulthood and here she was about to mount him.

Not one to back down from a challenge she raised her hips and placed the head at her entrance before dropping her hips and letting his long hard cock penetrate her pussy. "Fuck this feels so big." This was by far her biggest cock and she didn't need to measure it. If she wasn't so horny that she would have asked more questions about it because it almost felt unnatural. He was only fifteen and if he kept growing then he was going to be a foot long when he was done with puberty.

Harry's hands went to his Professor's hips as he took in her ebony skin. It was darker than Desiree but not too dark. She had a lean and athletic body and small breasts. While he usually liked them bigger she had an amazing butt where his hands currently rested and groped. Thanks to all the stairs in this school it was nice and tight while staying firm. The more he squeezed the harder she rode him.

'How did this happen? How did I end up fucking a student?' This was a line she never imagined she would cross. 'Merlin, why does his cock feel so good?' If she wasn't feeling the effects of a proper shag she would have stopped herself but everything she was feeling was making her body tingle. The familiar coiling in her stomach let her know she was going to cum sooner rather than later. 'Fuck it feels better than when I am alone and use my wand.' Part of her wished Harry was worse at sex so she wouldn't be tempted to come back for more. This so far was the most toe curling sex she has ever had.

Just before she was about to cum Harry held her butt in the air and wouldn't let her push her hips down and in a moment of brilliance he thrust his hips off the desk roughly shoving all ten inches into his teacher. When he did he saw Aurora Sinistra's eyes go wide for a split second before her legs started to shake. He felt her pussy gush with even more fluid and he knew that he just made her cum. While he could have given her a moment to enjoy it he still wanted his climax so he never let up in his hard and deep thrusts.

Aurora Sinistra was getting fucked harder than any of her partners had the balls to do before. Every thrust her student made in her honey pot was long and full. The last inch especially almost made her see stars every time. She had never had a man or toy reach that far before and it made her feel a pleasure she had been missing. His rough treatment made her ask herself. 'Does he shag other girls his age this hard? I would think I would see girls with limps around school if that was the case. Or is he doing this to me because I'm older and can take it.'

Harry was almost biting his tongue as he was about to finish up in his teacher's wonderfully tight pussy. The wet squelching sound of their union bounced off the stone walls of the classroom along with the sounds of his bare bottom clapping against the wood desk. As he remembered he was about to cum inside of a teacher it was like he could feel his cum churn in his balls as it shot it's way up through the tip of his cock before being deposited in the dark skin beauty above him. "I'm cumming."

Aurora Sinistra didn't even blink at his declaration. While in Hogwarts all girls including staff had their food and drinks laced with anti pregnancy potions. She didn't know why the staff also had it mixed in their food and drink. Maybe it was for this exact situation. Maybe the old founders were shagging their students also. Which meant Harry could cum inside her as much as he wanted with no consequences. Each warm splash of seed in her womb enhanced and prolonged her orgasm. When she felt his orgasm end he let go of her ass and she was able to lay down on her student no longer held up by his strong hands. With a moment of self reflection she asked, "How did this happen?"

Harry smiled back at her as he brushed some stray sweaty hair out of her face. "Your idea." He said laughing. This ended so much better than he was expecting.

Aurora narrowed her eyes thinking that there had to be more than that. "It's not all on me, part of the blame lies with this." When she said this she squeezed her pussy around his still half hard cock. The little twitch he gave in response lit another fire inside her. 'Merlin help me.'

Harry felt the squeeze and gave her a low growl, "Be careful remember I am young and still have enough for another shag if you keep that up."

Aurora trembled at the threat and her body was getting hotter imagining what it was going to feel like if he shagged her again. "If you had to shag me again how would you do it?" This part was just for her wanting to see the thought he would put into it.

Harry grazed his hands from her firm bottom up her sides tickling her ribs before resting on her back. "Well you got to ride me I think it would only be fair if I returned the favor. Would you prefer to be thrown over your desk or how about we go upstairs to the tower and I bend you over the railing. Would you like to get fucked where someone might see or hear you?" He could make his professor scream loud enough the whole school would hear especially if he took her up the bum.

His words had an effect on her and she couldn't imagine anything hotter than being fucked where there was a chance someone could look up and see her. In a hushed whisper she said, "Yes." With her hips acting on their own she started moving trying to get the shagging started again. "I like the sound of that."

Harry felt everything she was doing, "Don't start something you can't finish." Was his warning even though he could always go back to his room and finish with Desiree he didn't want to walk out of here with a noticeable bulge in his trousers.

Professor Sinistra just surrendered all logic and control to her student. Kissing him full on the lips she put in everything she was currently feeling before she said, "Fuck me anyway you want." Now she thought of her student filling her up in a multitude of ways all of which made her juices flow. She usually had sex once a year but so far this was better than the last seven years put together.

Those were the magic words to Harry because before she knew it she was being held by her student in the air as he stood up. Now she had all of her hundred and ten pounds bearing down on the cock inside of her. With all of this weight pushing down it felt as if his cock was trying to go even deeper than before. "Ahhh so deep." Septima moaned, feeling as if his cock was about to split her womb in two.

Harry ignored her words and focused on bouncing his teacher on his cock. If this was his last fuck of the night he was going to make it count. "You feel so tight. I can't wait to fill you up again. Are you ready to get another load in your perfect pussy." With his erotic declaration he felt her cunt trying to massage his cock as it impaled her roughly.

"Yes. Fill up your professor like the slut she is." The only word to describe her was a slut because only a slut would shag a student and let him finish inside of her. Even with his warm seed inside of her she could feel an ache for more. His words hit a nerve that she had to admit felt good. Having an attractive student tell her how perfect her body was and how much he wanted it made her purr like a kitten.

The sounds of their skin slapping was even louder than before and Harry was grunting due to the exertion of carrying this much weight. 'I wish she wasn't so heavy.'

'So you have wished it, so it shall be.' The suddenness of Desiree's entrance made Harry jump and almost drop his teacher on her ass. Thankfully her sudden weight loss allowed him to hold on. He only missed a beat and she didn't even notice. 'Desiree what are you doing here? I told you to wait in the room.' Harry didn't appreciate being startled and now he was putting on a show for his sex genie.

Desiree was dejected at her master's anger about being interrupted. 'You made a wish so it's my job to make it come true. I was wondering why you weren't back yet but I shouldn't be surprised that you would be in this position.' With his wish of girls liking him as much as he liked them it wasn't a shock that he was balls deep in a witch. She just wished that she could have watched from the beginning.

Harry was having trouble carrying on a conversation while trying to focus on the dark skin beauty in his arms. He could feel her insides tighten up while he was having this inner conversation and hear her screams get louder. 'Just let me finish up here and we can go back to the room to talk about this after.' Thankfully Desiree stopped talking then she started floating around them and even got a close personal look where he was connected to his teacher.

After a few minutes Harry felt the familiar tug in his balls and he was close to filling up his teacher again. "I'm gonna cum professor. Are you ready?"

For the last few minutes Aurora was just a pile of bones as Harry used her like a toy. She had already come twice while in this position and a third was right around the corner. "Cum inside. Fill me up. Fill up my slutty pussy." Her student did just that and she felt another full load of cum rush inside her. This one even felt bigger than the last and she had a full feeling that she had never felt before. While panting she said, "Set me down on the desk I couldn't stand if I tried." Harry did as she asked before pulling out of her and she felt everything he gave her start flowing out making a mess all over the desk. Looking at his groin she saw that he was finally soft and it made her want to celebrate with a stiff drink in bed while recovering from the best shag of her life. "Looks like you are finally ready to head back to your dorm."

Harry sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry it took so long, I hope it was okay for you." It was a little intimidating being with an older woman and Desiree had gotten in his head that he needed more experience. With Amelia he knew that she had rose colored glasses on and he hoped Sinestra would be honest.

Aurora smiled at her student, "You were amazing Harry. Honestly I had never been shagged like that before. In fact I think this can be our deal. With every test we have in this class you can shag me for your grade." There was usually a test every couple of weeks which was the perfect amount of time. But maybe she could increase it to every week depending how she felt tomorrow.

Harry smiled at his teacher, "I can do that." As he pulled on his trousers he playfully asked, " What grade did I earn today Professor Sinistra?"

Aurora answered, "Call me Aurora and you got full marks. That was an O if I have ever seen one." She was happy to praise him for a job well done but had to add something. "I think it goes without saying that you can't talk about this with anyone. Not with your friends or blokes in the locker room and definitely not Hermione." She knew kids talked but this year Harry Potter has been alienated and most of his friends had turned on him. She had to single out Hermione as someone not to tell because that girl would never look at her the same. The disappointment would be written all over that sweet girl's face.

Harry gave her his brightest smile, "I can keep a secret." As he talked to her his eyes kept flicking down to the mess he made between her legs. Harry wasn't the only one either. Desiree had looked at the mess and felt a little horny herself. All day she was floating around school grounds peeking into random classes or in the library reading boring books. She was thinking of what she was going to do when Harry came back.

After Harry looked presentable Aurora did as well before casting a cleaning charm on the desk and gingerly walking to her attached room. Harry left the room also after a quick goodbye peck.

When he was alone in the corridor he struck up a conversation with Desiree, 'You are being pretty quiet.' He hoped he didn't hurt her too much by excluding her from his shag with Aurora.

Desiree floated next to her master as they walked back to their private room. 'You said we would talk about it when we got back to the room.' She didn't want him to be angry at her. She just wanted to be the best genie she could and answer him every time he called or made a wish.

'Sorry if I was a little short back there I just wanted to give Aurora my full attention.' Harry sighed as he trudged through the halls on the way back to the Room of Requirement.

'I understand master. Sometimes alone time is good but I am not going away. We are bound forever. So you better get used to me following you around.' They were still in the early stages of their bond so it was natural he wasn't fully comfortable yet.

Harry nodded agreeing with Desiree. This was something he was going to have to live with. 'I didn't expect to have sex with another girl today but it just happened. I was looking forward to having a day to myself before going back to you.'

Desiree smiled at his kind words. 'Thank you master. Is there any chance I can get any satisfaction tonight?' She was horny all day waiting for him to walk through the doors and fuck her the way she wanted.

Harry was pretty exhausted but didn't want to be an asshole. While Desiree was his slave he didn't want to be a bad master. 'A shag is out of the question right now but how about I use my mouth on you.' Desiree always used her mouth on him it was only fair if he would return the favor.

Desiree tried to hug her cold ghost body around her master, 'Thank you master.' She couldn't remember the last time a master had eaten her out with no sex attached. His kindness would be rewarded because before he left for breakfast tomorrow she planned to do something special.

'No problem Desiree.'


I am starting to get the rhythm of the story and am doing my best so I'm sorry if the first few chapters didn't go well but that's the adjustment of getting an all powerful sex genie as a teenage boy. Soon Harry will mature more and more so be patient.

Send me who you want to see and I will do my best to make it happen. A lot of people requested Sinistra during my last story so I finally got around to her. Who knows how much she will show up but we will see.