chapter 7

Desiree: 30 year old Salma Hayek

Fleur Delacour: Kathrine McNamara

Daphne: Sydney Sweeney


On Monday students started to pair up for the Yule Ball. There was a flurry of gossip on who was going with who. Boys were nervously asking out girls and girls were trying to act like they weren't thrilled that they didn't have to go alone. Hermione even came up to him and asked if he was going to go with her. Before he could answer and possibly break her heart she said Viktor Krum had asked her. He tripped over himself and encouraged her to say yes to Krum. Which left him open to finding his own date. They had been awkward since the first task and since he cancelled his "girls love him'' wish Hermione hadn't made another move.

During breakfast on Wednesday he saw three boys gather the courage to go and ask the beautiful and angelic Fleur Delacour to be their date. One boy from Ravenclaw even had flowers delivered via post for her. Each time she turned someone down he saw the same signs. Their shoulders would slump after being held high and they would bow their heads as if they were defeated. Harry watched what every boy did and took notes on what it would take to get a yes.

He had already reversed his wish with Desiree so now no women were drawn to him. At least more than normal and not overly so. To him the wish was training wheels like the bike Dudley used to ride. There was no need for it anymore with him. He had learned so much from the girls he had already slept with he knew what it took to get them in bed with him.

Desiree had told him a great piece of advice one day after his morning shag. "With every woman there is a series of things you can say that will make them jump into bed with you." She joked, "Mine just happen to be the words 'I wish'."

Besides the sex they were constantly having Desiree was sneaking in lessons on courting a girl. She would teach him special compliments that weren't generic and that women would respond to. She also taught him all the sensitive spots on the body that would drive any woman mad. From a simple touch on the arm to a featherlight touch on her back and ribs. Or how to grope a tit or ass that that didn't make you seem like it was your first time doing so. He soaked it all up like a sponge wanting to be the best lover he could be and be able to seal the deal with any girl he fancied. Fleur Delacour was at the top of his list right now and not just because of her beauty.

Back in the Great Hall Harry realized he couldn't ask Fleur in front of the entire school so it would be best to get her one on one. Desiree had also put the idea in his head he should get her a present. Women loved presents and it would be a grander gesture than flowers or chocolates preferably something shiny and expensive.

Give out so few gifts in his life he had no clue what would make a good gift. Also, never having a girlfriend made this a harrowing test. The only gift he had ever given a girl was books to Hermione. While Fleur might like a book he wanted something more personal and special. Once Desiree suggested jewelry he knew he had a winner but then was narrowing it down. There were rings, earrings, necklaces and bracelets.

Harry was so clueless he eventually gave up and went to the library during his free hour to do some research. Asking Madam Pince for any books on French wizards, France and jewelry. Since his mind was on his task he didn't notice the look of disdain he was getting. He had been caught in this library goofing off one too many times. Madam Pince did not like students who did not treat the library like the reverence it deserved.

Setting down her own book and coming around her desk she led Harry towards the last row of bookshelves just before the restricted section. Her heels were angrily clicking against the stone ground all the way to the back before she pulled two books off the shelves and set them on the table without a word. With her job done she walked back to her desk at the entrance to the library and her book.

Harry picked up the first book on the table. "Great French Wizards of the 1700s". Opening to a random page there was a profile on a wizard named Michel Ney who was Napoleon's second in command and secretly helped win wars and battles with his magic. Quickly scanning the page he saw nothing that would help him find a gift.

When he closed the book he noticed on the back of the book there was a giant Fleur de lis. 'There is an idea. A Fleur for Fleur' A Fleur de lis necklace would probably be the perfect way to start as an invite to the ball. While he was in his own head Desiree wasn't paying attention, instead reading all the titles of the books on the shelves.

Looking down to the second book he saw the title. "Guide to Jewelry Enchanting." Harry opened the book to the table of contents and went through the enchantments. Some were easier and had very minor effects like keeping your clothes dry in the rain or having a permanent warming charm. The further he got towards the bottom of the table of contents he saw more complex enchantments like ones to shield the wearer from spells to the back or someone being unable to read the wearer's mind. All of these were useful but the one to protect against spells was the most useful considering they were in a tournament where their lives were on the line. 'Desiree.'

Hearing her master's call she stopped her browsing and floated back to her master. 'Yes.' She hoped he made up his mind on a gift. She was dying for a chance to show off her magical skill.

Harry held up the back of the book with the Fleur de lis. "I wish for the most beautiful Fleur de lis necklace with an enchantment to protect from spells to the back.'

Desiree felt her magic flare up as she granted his wish. 'So you have wished it, so it shall be.' Being discreet as possible green smoke flowed out of her hands and formed a black velvet box on the library table. Kind of reminded her of a previous master who was a warlord and had wanted to marry a princess. In order to make that come true he needed an offering for her value so he wished for a ruby the size of a human head.

Harry quickly snatched up the box and looked inside. As soon as the necklace was exposed to the light it was shimmering and sparkling. The Fleur de lis was silver and covered with diamonds while the top loop had an oval sapphire that made the piece look even more elegant. To Harry there was no doubt this was going to blow her away.

Desiree could feel her master's excitement through the link. 'She is going to love it master.' The piece was also going to make every other girl in the school jealous. If Desiree was honest with herself it was the most beautiful piece of jewelry she had ever made. 'Amazing how far humans have come with jewelry when I was around at first everything was crudely made out of gold. With her last master she had gotten to see how far jewelry had come. As man figured out new ways to refine metals and mine for shiny stones it really did make for the most beautiful pieces. While Harry was flipping through the book she saw all sorts of examples to draw inspiration from.

With his only reason for coming to the library done he stashed the necklace box in his school bag before heading to his last class of the day. During that whole class he was barely paying attention instead running through what he was going to say to Fleur. He would be lying if he said his mind didn't wander down the more lascivious paths.

Having enough time to think of it after class he called Desiree out of this bottle. The Yule Ball was next weekend and he needed to make his move soon. 'There is no time like the present. I wish I knew where Fleur was.'

With her standard wish making words she told Harry, 'She is on the shore of Black lake.' The wish made sense to grant because Harry planned to have sex with the girl. While Desiree hadn't met the woman in question from Harry's memories the girl was stunning.

Harry had the jewelry box in his school bag. Making his way to Black Lake Harry nailed down exactly what he wanted to say. At first he wanted to compliment her beauty but then figured every bloke did that. Next he made sure not to ogle her body and try to stare into her eyes. As he walked towards Black Lake he saw someone in blue robes sitting on the shore staring at the water.

Fleur heard footsteps approaching and quickly looked to see if it was a threat. Some of the boys in Hogwarts were getting more aggressive in their desires to take her to the ball. She didn't know why but boys here were uncouth and pigheaded. 'Maybe it's just the English in general.' Every time a boy looked at her she could almost see in their minds and see that they only saw her as a pretty face or as just a tight hole to fuck. When she saw Harry approaching she was a little relieved. At least he seemed to be immune to her allure and not become a drooling idiot in her presence. It was very rare to find a boy with that power. Part of her thought he might be a wizard's wizard but threw that aside when she saw him strutting up to her. 'Wonder if he knows about the second task yet. Did he come down here to scout the lake or is he here for me?'

The closer Harry got to Fleur he was debating on whether to stand or sit down next to her. That part Desiree helped with by telling him to sit so he wasn't lording over her. She even had to remind him that when you propose you always get on your knee so she is above you.

Desiree was able to speak and think but the closer her master became to the Veela the more she felt her head get hazy. Desiree was attracted to the opposite sex but this girl was the most beautiful girl she had ever seen. While she didn't say anything her mind was flashing through sexual fantasies. One was her master taking the girl roughly like she taught him. The second was herself with a wished cock and she was fucking the Veela with her master. All she knew was that she wanted to feel and taste this girl's pale flesh. As she was thinking about this she heard her master yell through the link, 'Stop that!'

Harry could see what she was thinking and he couldn't afford to get an erection right now. That would be the worst first impression. "Hi Fleur." He tried to keep any hint of nervousness out of his voice.

As he approached her shoulders tensed but the warm smile on his face with the soft way he said her name made her relax. "Hello Harry." She used his real name instead of "leetle boy".

Harry knew why she was out here and it was clear she figured out the clue, "Worried about the second task?" While he didn't know a lot about Veela he knew they had an affinity for fire. That made water their natural enemy and was going to be a drawback in the task. While that could be an advantage for him he didn't care about winning the tournament anyways.

Fleur breathed a sigh of relief that he already solved the clue. "Are you?" She didn't want to seem weak and was hoping he was worried so they could share the same feeling. To her this was going to be worse than the dragon given the feud between Merpeople and Veela.

Harry joked, "I am more worried about the Yule Ball to be honest. I don't want to be the one to open the dance and have everyone watching me." He hoped a little joke would get her to drop her guard a little.

Fleur could understand the fear of everyone watching you wanting you to screw up. When she thought that Hogwarts cheated to have two champions she wasn't expecting their entire student body to turn on Harry even going so far to wear pins that said he stinks. That was the first time she felt bad for the boy and started to believe that this might not have been planned. What student wants the entire school to turn against them. "We are champions, we are always going to have eyes on us." Fleur said, trying her best to hold her head up. Part of the reason she entered the tournament in the first place was that she was always stared at anyway. Now when people gawked at her she could lie to herself and say it was because she was a champion. She wanted to be the fiercest witch in France and if she won this tournament she was one step closer to her goal.

Harry grimaced as he started to open up, "I wish that was the case. I have been looked at like that since I was eleven." All he ever wished for was that he could have had a normal life. It was finally working for him now as a way to connect with Fleur.

Fleur felt her heart ache for the boy. It made her feel weak for a second and she couldn't help but ask, "Did you just come down here to commiserate with me or did you need something?" Harry was quickly becoming the best company she has had in the last week.

Harry saw that she was putting up a wall. She didn't want to get attached or reveal anything more to a possible competitor. Reaching into his bag he pulled out the velvet box. He could feel his hands get a little clammy around the box. "I… I wanted...hoping you would consider going to the ball with me." Fleur was looking out on the water and the light bouncing off the surface but when she heard him ask for her hand for the ball she turned to look at him. At first she noticed the pink on his cheeks but second she noticed he was holding a box. Before she could answer Harry extended his hands and presented her with the box. "You don't have to say yes but I also had this made for you."

Fleur has practiced in the art of saying the word "No" since coming to Hogwarts or more accurately since she had her maturity. At least half of the boys in the school must have asked her out and she said no but no one has gotten her a real gift before. She didn't open her mouth and instead she took the box from Harry's hands and felt the velvet. She was high class enough to know what a jewelry box felt like. It wasn't a ring or bracelet. Based on the size she estimated it was a necklace or a tiara. Opening the box she was right only she was stunned by what was staring back at her. It was a beautiful silver Fleur de lis pendant covered in diamonds with an oval sapphire for the top. "Um...I ...this is magnifique..." She touched the pendant and could feel some residual magic on it like it was enchanted. 'Oh Morgana what a sweet and thoughtful gift.'

In the setting sun he could almost see that her eyes were getting teary at the sight of the pendant. 'Good job Desiree you really outdid yourself. If this actually works I will go down on you as long as you want.' She really outdid herself with the gift. "I had it enchanted so it repels spells that are cast behind your back."

Fleur had been hit in the back by spells before but that was from stinging or jelly leg jinxes from jealous girls growing up. This necklace could be an advantage in the tournament and here he was just giving it to her. His request to be her date to the ball was one she thought about before the gift and now she couldn't say yes fast enough. "I would love to wear this for you as your date for the ball."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief, "So that's a yes?" He couldn't believe he received a yes without Desiree's past wish of girls falling for him with just a look. If he could get Fleur on his own then he could get any girl he wanted.

Fleur leaned to the side and gave Harry a quick peck on the cheek. "Yes I will be your date." When she thought of her date for the ball she had an image of a taller boy with a prettier face but all of those boys weren't worthy of her time. The "pretty" boys in this school had all asked her for her hand to the ball and all of them rubbed her the wrong way. In five minutes Harry had broken down her walls and wrangled a hard earned yes out of her. She found herself intrigued by Harry and the prospect of being his date. While she did feel safe that he wasn't obsessed like the other boys after hearing what he did in the first task she knew he was dangerous. No one expected him to kill the dragon, much less the most dangerous and strongest dragon out of the four.

Harry smiled at the peck and stood up off the shore, "Let me walk you back to your carriage." Harry was pulling out all the gentleman's stops. Some Desiree had taught him and some he remembered other boys talking about. Pulling out a girl's chair, holding open a door or walking hand in hand or arm in arm.

Once Fleur had gotten to her feet she accepted his arm as he led her back to her school's carriage. On the way they had some more small talk before she told him that he had better be a competent dancer by the time the ball rolled around next week. She refused to be embarrassed and she also imformed him about finding dress robes that would compliment her dress. Before they went their separate ways Fleur kissed his cheek again. For the first time in her life she was being wooed.

After she headed into the Beauxbatons carriage and he was alone he wanted to jump for joy. He didn't need a wish to control her and he managed to get a date all on his own. This had to be the biggest moment in his life since finding Desiree. In his head he was already thinking about the ball and them dancing in front of the entire school. Everyone would have to watch as he danced with the prettiest girl in the school.

'Are you sure about that master? I did make the necklace. Are you sure that I didn't get the date?' Desiree said through the link as he walked at a leisurely pace back to the castle. She didn't mean to rain on his party but she wanted her master to stay grounded to reality. 'It is one date master, don't get ahead of yourself.'

Harry turned to mock glare at his genie. 'Doesn't count because I could have just bought her another gift.' While he wanted all the credit he knew she had a small part in this. That wasn't including all of her seduction lessons.

Desiree knew her master was just being stubborn but let him have his small victory. 'Whatever you say, master.' When they were about half way back she asked, 'Are we going to dinner or are we going back to the room? I have to admit seeing that angel has put me in the mood. And I seem to remember you promising to eat me out for as long as I want.'

Sometimes Harry didn't know who was hornier him or his genie. 'I guess I will need practice if I want to make an impression after the ball.' In his head he had was fantasizing about Fleur's pussy and what it must taste like.

Desiree chuckled, 'Are you talking about the sex or dancing?' She was an expert dancer but not the kind you could do at a school dance. She had yet to break out some of her more risque moves but that was coming eventually. Dancing for a man was its own reward but with some of her tricks she could get him to explode without touching him.

Harry's soft footsteps on grass soon changed to loud clapping against the stone floor. Just as he was about to turn to the hallway leading to the stairs he heard a voice call behind him. "So even the great Harry Potter fell for the Veela's charm." It was an incredibly snarky thing to come out of nowhere.

Harry's head whipped around to see a familiar attractive blonde sitting in a window with a book in her hand. When he saw the blonde hair he was ready to draw his wand thinking it was the ferret. Since Moody had transfigured Draco into a ferret that was his new nickname. It took him a second to recognize the owner of the blonde hair as Daphne Greengrass. "I don't know what you are talking about." Harry said defensively. They had been flirty in class and now he had his hand caught in the cookie jar so to speak.

Daphne hopped off the window and said, "Come off it I saw you walking her back to her carriage. Let me guess you asked her to the dance like all the other boys." While she didn't usually enjoy all the male attention she received for her looks when the Veela arrived she was no longer the most beautiful girl in the school. Some guys stopped even giving her the up and down look but instead always searching for the Veela or ignoring her completely. 'If I could be seen with a Gryffindor I would have asked Harry myself.' Daphne thought wishing things were different. Dressing up and going to a dance with Harry sounded like her ideal night but the way things were it wasn't meant to be unless she wanted to look over her shoulder for the rest of her life.

Harry stepped towards the jealous blonde and said, "What if I'm just trying to keep an enemy close?" He took a few extra steps towards her. "What if my only focus is winning the tournament?" Not wanting to sound like every other boy he thought this would be enough to throw her off his trail.

Daphne smiled at the deviousness of that statement. "Oh really Potter. That doesn't strike me as something a Gryffindor would do." When he was within arms distance she touched up the side of his arm. Hearing Potter act like a Slytherin had lit a fire in here. In her house there wasn't one single boy who struck her fancy but Harry did at this moment. She enjoyed lightly flirting with him in class and she wasn't oblivious to the looks he gave her.

Harry felt her fingers graze his arm through his dress shirt. 'Holy shit is she flirting with me?' This was not the way he expected this conversation to go. Desiree cut in to answer his question, 'Yes master she is. From what I know about your house rivalries you are her forbidden fruit. Quickly close the deal and find an empty classroom.' Desiree could see Daphne was clearly aroused and didn't need much coaxing to get her in naked.

Daphne waited for Harry to respond and for a second she thought he was clueless but that changed when he leaned in. She could feel her breasts press against his chest and his mouth got so close to hers she could feel his hot breath. He was a few inches taller and looking up at him she saw he wasn't backing down. He almost looked down at her and challenged her to make the next move. His green eyes pierced hers and she remembered that her body was pressed against his.

'Holy shit Daphne really likes means that's without the wish. A Slytherin likes a Gryffindor who would have thought that would ever happen.' Harry knew she was waiting for him to muster up some Gryffindor courage and kiss her but she made it clear she liked his Slytherin traits. He didn't have to wait long before she lunged forward and kissed him before lightly biting his lip. When he felt her bite down she also grinded herself against his growing bulge.

Daphne didn't expect him to react so quickly to the kiss but when she felt his bulge getting bigger and bigger she broke the kiss. "Is that what I think it is?" Last summer she fooled around with Tracey and they had broken each other's hymens with a hairbrush. It didn't feel anything like this. Tracey said the hairbrush was a little smaller than a boy's cock would be. 'Well I guess she was right that the hairbrush had nothing on the boy's cock. Harry made it look silly now.' What she felt against her stomach was anything but average. Pulling away she looked down to see him straining against his trousers.

Harry was a little embarrassed he reacted with just the tiniest bit of skin contact but Fleur and Daphne both stoked the fire inside him. He was on his way back to his room to take it out on Desiree but it looked like Daphne was interested in him. "Yes it is. Is that something you would be interested in?" He was a little nervous with how quick they arrived in this situation.

Daphne couldn't stop her hand from palming his bulge and saying, "Why don't we find a broom closet?" This would be her first hook up in Hogwarts and with a Gryffindor no less. She never thought this would happen since the last thing she wanted was rumors flying around the school that she was easy or a slut. But with Harry she could tell he wasn't like other boys who would blab the second he managed to get her knickers off. Since the start of this year getting paired with him in potions she fell for his charm. A humble and powerful wizard who wasn't an arrogant prick like Malfoy. There was also the way he looked at her like he wanted more than potions pointers.

Harry didn't want a dark and cramped broom closet if he was going to have sex with Daphne. Grabbing the hand she had on his clothed erection he led her to the stairs before leading her to the abandoned second floor girls bathroom. "In here." Once they were inside he casted a layer of privacy spells so no one could hear what he was about to do.

Daphne wanted to protest doing it in the haunted bathroom but she was too far gone to stop now. As they walked up the stairs all she could think of was having him inside of her. She hadn't been with a big cock like his before but she wanted to try. 'I'm going to let Potter do whatever he wants with that thing. Fuck I sound like one of Tracey's trashy romance novels.'

On the way up the stairs he had mentally had wished for Desiree to take care of Moaning Myrtle so she wouldn't ruin this. The last thing he needed was Myrtle ruining the mood. Just before he entered the bathroom Desiree had confirmed the needy and annoying ghost was taken care of. Desiree had to use her magic to trap Myrtle out of the bathroom for what her master had planned.

Two steps in the bathroom Daphne felt Harry lead her over to the sinks before lifting her up so she was sitting on the sink. His lips attacked hers and even went to her neck a few times. Daphne couldn't believe how good Potter was at kissing. If her knickers weren't wet before they were wet now. She could feel the fabric stick and even ride up her slit. 'Lucky I always wear sexy knickers. A Greengrass woman is always meant to look her best.' When his lips were on her neck she moaned, "Oh yes Potter just like that."

Harry smiled into her neck before he pressed his clothed erection against her clothed mound. Her skirt rode up enough so he rubbed against her wet knickers. Her lacy knickers were rubbing against her clit in the roughest way imaginable. "If you are going to fuck me Potter just do it. Take me." While she was a girl who usually liked to take charge there was nothing she could do here. She could tell Harry knew what he was doing. A boy who could kiss like that had to have done this before.

Harry could feel his underwear get sticky with all the precum being smeared in his boxers. Being around Fleur then Daphne it was impossible not to be this aroused. Taking his hands off of her hips they went to his belt and zipper. He undid his trousers and pushed them down while watching her reaction to his naked lower half.

Daphne knew he was big but seeing his full glory bouncing up and down it looked almost too big. It was also well groomed which she didn't take for granted. Witches were expected to keep their cunt hairless and wizards rarely put any thought into their own grooming. Seeing Harry's smooth and hairless balls made her want to put them in her mouth. 'How can Potter keep that thing hidden? How has no one noticed that thing before?' Girls had started rumors about boy's cocks before, some being big and others small but there was never a word about Harry. Some girls hoped he was big but no one had any confirmation. That wasn't going to be the case soon. As soon as she met back with Tracey in the library she was going to corner Tracey and tell her all about this. She wasn't going to believe this. "I think I'm dreaming."

Harry smiled, feeling her reach down and wrap her hand around his girth as she wanked him up and down. "Is that your dream Greengrass? A nice big cock ready to stretch your pussy wide open."

Daphne's face went completely pink at his accusation. It made her sound like she was a bigger whore than she really was. "No, call me Daphne." She wanted to be called by her name and just happened to love the way it came out of his mouth.

"Call me Harry then. Now are you ready for the shag of your life?" He hoped she liked his confidence because he knew he could back it up. Looking down he saw her lacy green knickers had a large wet spot proof of how aroused she was. His fingers traced her lacy covered pussy making the blonde moan out in frustration wishing for more.

Daphne felt her face heat up even more as he looked directly at her clothed pussy before his hands started to pull them off. As the knickers were pulled off it was like they were being peeled off. As her naked pussy was revealed she was so happy that her daily routine included using the hair removal potions and spells on her nether regions and legs. Having Harry look at her most private of areas made her heart race.

When Harry freed her knickers off her legs he spread her legs a little wider to get a good look at her. As he expected her pussy looked exquisite just like the rest of her. If he wasn't in such a rush to stick his cock in her dripping pussy he would have loved to dive in head first. Instead he settled for taking two fingers and gathering some of her essence on his fingers before licking it off his fingers.

Daphne's eyes lit up seeing his tongue come out of his mouth to lick her off his fingers. It was the hottest thing she had ever seen. 'Please just stick that massive cock inside me already.' She wanted those words to be said aloud but the only thing that came out of her mouth was a pitiful whine. A wave of arousal like she never felt before was coursing through her body.

Wrapping his hand around his own cock Harry brought it to her glistening pussy and rubbed his tip up and down her slit before circling her clit. He liked teasing his partners until they begged for more. A Slytherin begging for his Gryffindor cock was like a new turn on for him. To the point where he might have to take another look at all the Slytherin girls.

Daphne fell into his trap Daphne's mouth dropped open as she cried out, "Do it Harry. Fuck me." She never thought those words would come out of her pureblood mouth so easily but she needed this. It also didn't help that she hadn't had any alone time with herself lately. Since coming back to Hogwarts she hadn't been masterbating as much as she did over the summer and it was working against her now. Right now Harry could ask anything and she would do it if it meant that he would put her out of her misery.

Harry pressed forward and started to sink his cock in her scorching wet heat. Daphne had an amazing pussy it almost made him forget that he was hitting on Fleur earlier. Right now the only thing he wanted was more of Daphne. If Fleur walked in here right now he wouldn't leave Daphne's tight cunt. "Fuck Daphne you feel amazing." The deeper he went the louder her moans rang out. Good thing this floor was almost always abandoned on top of the privacy charms. If sound could escape surely someone would have come running to investigate.

Daphne bit her lip to stop her moans from getting any louder as Harry was close to bottoming out inside of her. She was expecting more discomfort or pain from the initial penetration. When their skin met and she felt every inch crammed inside of her she felt a strong tingle race through her body. Daphne didn't know if it was the excitement of taking his whole cock or if it was the fact he was so deep it was hitting spots she didn't know she had. She had never felt anything so deep inside of her before but she really liked it.

Harry savored the moment and just enjoyed the feeling of her around his cock. As Harry looked down his eyes went from her face to her chest. Under her uniform he knew she had a great set of tits and he wanted to see them. His hands went to her tie and loosened it and pulled it over her head before unbuttoning her shirt. She had teased him with these during potions some of it on purpose and some was just him staring at her tits without her noticing.

Slowly he exposed her matching green bra and from there Daphne did the rest and showed him what he wanted to see. Besides Susan Bones, Daphne had the best set of tits in school. She was quite proud of her bust and took pride that they were bigger than that french tart's.

Harry's fingers circled her pink areolas and watched as she had a sharp intake of breath. "You are beautiful. The hottest little Slytherin slut I have ever seen." As he said the words he saw her smile get wider and his hand palmed her breasts before squeezing them. He was so distracted by her breasts that he almost forgot he was still buried in her pussy.

Daphne loved the compliments and feeling his rock hard cock twitching and pulsing inside of her was the biggest compliment. "Come on Harry. Stop fucking me like a Hufflepuff and fuck me like the Slytherin I know you can be."

Not waiting to ask what she meant Harry pulled out until just the head of his cock remained inside before thrusting all ten inches back into her as hard as he could. He was surprised he didn't crack the mirror with how hard her back pressed into the mirror. Harry started repeating that action over and over until Daphne started clawing at the back of his neck and shoulders.

Daphne didn't think she would enjoy sex this much but she provoked Harry until he gave her his best. The long hard thrusts were hitting every spot inside of her that made fireworks go off in her head. Besides feeling her arousal drip out of her and into the sink the whole bathroom could hear the wet sounds of his cock plugging her weeping hole. "Yes Harry. Use that Gryffindor cock to make me cum. You are so big. That big cock is ruining my pussy." She was being honest she felt like he was ruining her for every other boy. No boy could compete with this giant cock that was filling every inch of space in her tight pussy.

Harry smiled at the mention of his Gryffindor cock knowing she was getting close. He could feel her clamping down more and more the quicker his strokes became. "Am I fucking you like a Slytherin or do you need more?" He was curious on how far she would take it or how much more she needed.

"More! Keep fucking my cunt!" Just as those words came out of her mouth she felt Harry's hands go to the back of her knees and raise her legs so he could reach even deeper than before. Daphne couldn't stop the toe curling orgasm that ripped through her body. Letting out a muffled moan there was nothing she could do as Harry fucked her through the most powerful orgasm of her life.

Harry never stopped and just watched as her eyes rolled back in her head and her legs trembled in his hands. "Cumming already Daphne?" Daphne didn't respond unless you counted louder moans as a response. "I'm close too, Daphne. Get ready I'm about to fill your filthy snake cunt with my cum." Before today he never imagined talking to her like this but she sure took to the dirty talk quickly.

Those words made Daphne try to milk his cock with her pussy wanting to feel the feeling of being filled with cum. Within twenty seconds of him saying he was going to fill her up she felt a splash of warm seed shoot inside of her. The smug bastard even smiled when her jaw dropped as he rapidly filled her womb with his scorching seed. 'This feels so much more than I ever imagined. Am I a total slut for loving a boy's warm cum sloshing around inside me?'

Harry gave her a triple load wanting to fill her to the limit. As he kept her pussy plugged with his cock the cum had nowhere to go and the intense feeling even made her eyes flutter. "Did I fuck you like a Slytherin?" He could feel that she enjoyed the taunts because her pussy never let his cock go from it's death grip.

Daphne regained her bearings enough to say, "Pretty good for a Gryffindor." Those were the wrong words to say because Harry promptly pulled out of her which made her groan at the loss of his cock. Her pussy suddenly felt empty and all of his cum started rushing out. Before she knew it Harry had contorted her until she was bent over the sink with her face pressed against the mirror. She was about to complain but she felt his cock press against her virgin asshole. All the words died in her mouth. 'No way he can't be serious.'

Harry didn't wait and pressed forward and looked down to see her ass opening up and swallowing the tip of his cock. With his previous wish it made Daphne's asshole prepped and ready to take his entire cock. He moved slowly but within two inches she let out a loud moan indicating she liked it. He had read her body to know she wanted more and he was glad he was right. "That's it Daphne relax your ass and let me in. Since it's your first time, tell me how deep to go." It was a courtesy he awarded her but not Pansy. Because he actually liked Daphne.

Daphne was loving the stinging of her asshole as it was stretched to accommodate his massive cock. While it wasn't as pleasure filled as when he fucked her pussy she liked to think it would get better with time. It also wasn't the time to back down. "As deep as you can go. Fuck my ass with everything you have." Even with the discomfort of her first bout with anal sex it was still giving her enough pleasure she was sure she could cum given enough time.

When Harry was fully inside her ass he felt her squeeze down as hard as she could and even looked in the mirror with a sexy smile. Harry smiled back as he pulled out half way before thrusting right back in. Both of them moaned at the feeling for Harry; it felt better than most girls he had been with so far. While she couldn't compete with Desiree given time he was sure she could at least make the competition close. Daphne put Pansy's ass to shame and he had to admit he was enjoying this more than his time with Hermione.

'I heard that.' Desiree said through the link hearing him compare Daphne's ass to her own. She liked to think there wasn't another girl on the planet who had a better ass than her's. It wasn't in an angry tone but one that was almost teasing. Her words made his movements stutter before his thrusts found the rhythm again.

Daphne was losing her head to the intense anal fucking she was receiving. Her body quickly adapted to this kind of sex and her body liked it even more than she thought possible. Her hands were gripping the white porcelain of the sink while she looked at her own reflection. She was able to see her own slutty expressions as she took her first anal shag. Looking up she saw Harry's sexy and cocky smile as he kept switching his view from her stretched asshole back to her face in the mirror. "That's it Harry. You are finally fucking me like a Slytherin. I knew you had it in you." She had never fucked a Slytherin but this is what she imagined it would be like if all the current Slytherin's weren't such wankers. 'Maybe I should find him a Slytherin uniform and have him fuck me in it.' If she did this again she planned to do that and maybe change his hair and those glasses could go too.

Harry was happy for the praise and rewarded her with a firm spank on her pale bottom. Doing that even drew out a deeper moan. Looking down he didn't know what to look at the ripple of her ass to his hand or seeing her asshole stretched to the limit around his cock. Repeating his actions over and over he felt her ass get even tighter.

Daphne was biting her tongue to stop her mouth from letting him know how much she was enjoying her spanking. Being disciplined like this was getting her off. She was hoping to keep quiet until she came but she felt his thrusts get faster. Afraid he was going to cum before her she cried out. "Keep smacking my Slytherin ass. Make me cum on your cock." Some more loud smacks had brought her right to the edge of her climax and with one final thrust she felt like the world swallowed her whole as her body fired off another hard climax. "Yes! Fill my ass like you did my pussy."

Harry complied with her request. With her ass clamping around him he was no match for her tight ass and he let loose. Just like with her pussy he gave her an enhanced load and he saw her eyes go wide in the mirror.

Daphne thought the first time was a fluke and that it had just been a while for him but Harry had filled her ass to the point she could feel warmth deeper than she thought possible. 'Getting your holes filled shouldn't feel this good. Fuck I am a real whore if I am already craving a repeat performance tomorrow.' While she might give her ass a break she would love to have him again tomorrow.

Harry rode out his orgasm in Daphne's ass before finally pulling out and watching her gaped hole struggle to close as his white cum started to pour like a faucet. Looking back at Daphne's face he saw it was pink in embarrassment of having him watch her leaking holes. He saw her white knuckles gripping the sink as hard as she could and without prompting he flipped her back around so she was sitting on the sink facing him. Now face to face Harry leaned down and kissed her on the lips.

Daphne wasn't expecting a kiss, much less one filled with so much passion. After the intimate first she just experienced she felt her heart melt into the kiss. The fact her holes were leaking his seed into the sink wasn't relevant. The only thing that mattered was this kiss. His tongue was almost soothing hers as it penetrated her mouth like he did for both of her other holes.

When Harry broke the kiss he said, "You are so amazing Daphne." He didn't expect this when she was giving him shit for talking to Fleur. Although this is what he wished would eventually happen after being her partnered with her in potions. He even had a few dreams where she would drag him to an empty broom closet before dropping to her knees for him. Those dreams usually ended by waking up and seeing Desiree's head bobbing up and down. Funny how that influenced most of his dreams nowadays.

Daphne felt her sweaty forehead making her hair stick to it and she imagined she looked quite unattractive right now. Not that you could tell it the way Harry looked back at her. "We should do this again soon." In her head she was just happy that she had him before the Veela did. Daphne hoped to set the bar so high that French tart couldn't possibly beat her. It's part of the reason she just let him take her virgin bum.

Harry gave her a small chuckle, "Yes we should." His hands couldn't resist going back to her amazing double D's and giving them one last squeeze. "Let me know when you can sneak away. I take it you don't want anyone to find out." He wished it wasn't a social death sentence for her to be seen with him. If Draco found out he knew Daphne would never live it down and she might even be in danger. To be fair most of the males in Slytherin hated him but mostly because he would beat them in quidditch every time they played each other.

Daphne was thinking the same thing and hated that she had to hide this. If it wasn't for the little death munchers she could walk hand in hand with Harry and do other teenage things. "We have to be careful but I want to do this again." Her brain then came up with a real devious idea. "Do you want to do it before your date with Fleur?"

Harry smiled at her suggestion. Fucking Daphne right before the ball was probably the hottest thing Daphne could imagine. The thought that Fleur could smell her on him during the dance or maybe even later that night made him hard. That was one wish he didn't get rid of which was that girls didn't get jealous or care that he slept around. "Shit Daphne. I am going to promise you that I am going to fuck you even harder than this before the dance." He imagined her thinking about him every time she danced with another boy or when she sat down tomorrow.

Hopping off the sink Daphne finally stood on to her own two feet before she started to pick up articles of clothing before putting them back on starting with her knickers. Harry's smile faded when she put on her bra and cast a scourgify on her lower half. "Don't look so disappointed Potter, you were lucky enough to have all of my body. No one has ever had my arse before you." She hoped that he would treasure it the same way she did. This was going to be an erotic memory she was going to use anytime she was alone for the rest of her life.

Harry moved right behind her and cupped her ass through her skirt. "So this ass is mine. Does that mean I could have it anytime I want?" Now images of him bending her over in class was the only thing in his head.

Daphne smirked as his hands cupped her and even gave her a few squeezes as his finger slid in her crack. "Depending who is around, maybe." While anal felt good she didn't want to give him an open invitation. She had yet to feel what the next day felt like and after taking a ten inch basilisk in the ass she might be a little sore tomorrow. Harry was still naked and getting harder by the second thinking about fucking Daphne's ass again. Daphne just looked at his towering erection and giggled, "I have to get back before people notice we are both gone. You have to take care of that on your own."

Harry's half smile was completely gone hoping she would at least let him try her mouth since he already had her other holes. Gripping his cock in his hand he waved it towards her, "Come on one quick blowjob."

Daphne took more time than she should have answering. "I promise to make it up to you but not now." Throwing on her cloak and picking up her book bag she looked over her shoulder at a still naked Harry in the bathroom, "See you around Harry." Throwing his first name around he half expected her to use his last name as she put her ice queen mask back on.

He didn't expect her to leave him standing there naked and alone in the bathroom. The further her steps sounded, eventually Harry called, "Desiree." If she wouldn't do it he had a woman who was very well willing to do it.

Said genie came out of hiding and appeared next to Harry. With a smirk and a satisfaction in her voice she said, "Yes master." Her green genie skin was exposed and she even used her arms to push her tits out to entice him to ask her for release.

Harry couldn't leave here like this. "Get in your human form and take care of this please." He didn't need to wish because he knew she was more than happy to take care of this with no compulsion.

Desiree didn't say a word and just appeared in her naked human form on her knees before she leaned forward and swallowed every inch of his cock. There was no gagging or stopping. Every time she sucked his cock she never hesitated putting her nose against his groin.

Harry threw his head back feeling his cock enter her throat. It was warm, wet and tight just the way he liked it. Looking down he saw her brown eyes looking up at him filled with more love than he had ever seen before. "Are you that turned on from watching me fuck Daphne?" He just got done fucking Daphne's ass and Desiree was sucking it down like it was the best thing she had ever tasted.

Desiree didn't take the cock out of her mouth and just nodded before she started bobbing up and down. She even pressed her tongue on the underside of his cock and got a taste for Daphne's ass. Thankfully with Harry's wish every girl's ass was lubed and cleaned before they had sex. It was still a little dirty but it only fueled Desiree to suck harder. The harder she bobbed a vulgar slurping sound was heard by all she she tried to fuck her own throat with her perfect cock.

Harry's hands went to Desiree's long silky black hair and gripped tight as she throat fucked herself. "Shit Desiree. I love your mouth." While he loved all of her, her mouth and ass always fought for number one of his favorite holes. Right now he felt as if this was the best blowjob he had ever received. Now his only thoughts were about dumping as much cum as he could down her throat.

Desiree could see his face scrunch up as his cock twitches increased. She could tell he wanted her to swallow his load but she wanted it on her face. She was going to have to compromise and do both.

Just as he was on the edge Harry gripped the back of Desiree's head and thrust everything he had into the back of her throat as he hosed his white cream down her throat. Just like Daphne he gave her an enhanced load and just before he finished Desiree pushed off. For a second he didn't know what she was doing but once she started wanking his cock over her face he knew.

Desiree smiled as she felt more ropes of cum pulse out of his cock and onto her face. He extended his orgasm for her to get the facial she so desperately wanted. She never got tired of his warm sticky cum landing on her face or when she looked up and saw the wonder in her master's eyes. Every time was like the first time in his eyes. Seeing his cock finally go soft she changed back into her ghost form which was clean if his cum. "Ready for dinner master?"

Harry was panting, after fucking Daphne twice and Desiree's mouth he could definitely go for some food. "Thanks Desiree. I don't know what I would do without you." Now fully relaxed and soft Harry embarrassingly fumbled to get dressed because that was the precise time Myrtle came back in the room. She just silently watched as he got dressed which was even creepier than saying anything. It was by far the creepiest moment so far in his short sexual history.

Desiree flew over to Myrtle, "Amazing isn't he?" Myrtle just nodded at the genie while she watched a pink faced Harry get dressed and walk out of her bathroom. Desiree couldn't resist slipping in one last shot on the poor virgin ghost. "You wouldn't believe how good that cock is and what it feels like when he pumps you full of his baby cream."

Moaning Myrtle just let out a big sigh as Desiree flew after Harry. It was eternally unfair that she had to die a virgin and be trapped in a school full of attractive students.


I don't know why but Daphne and some of the other girls are just easier to write than others. I like reading some Hermione and Harry fics but as a writer I just like Daphne so much better. She flows so much better and I can see her doing any depraved thing Harry would want.

Also I had to write a scene where Daphne didn't have a hymen and I have read some girls have done the hairbrush thing before so I went with that. She was too young to sleep around. In this part of the story Harry and Daphne had known each other for a while so they didn't just jump to sex out of nowhere. She will be a feature of Harry's life going forward.

Next chapter will be someone else before the Yule ball.