chapter 8

Fleur Delacour: Katherine McNamara

Rita Skeeter: Rachael Harris {Linda from Lucifer}


With the Yule Ball quickly approaching Harry had lost focus on the tournament and with school in general. Now he was spending every waking moment running through scenarios and plans for the ball. Fleur was going to be his date but that wasn't a sure thing to get into bed with her. If he wanted to seal the deal he had to be at his very best. So he had cut down the amount of sex he was having with Desiree and changed it into dancing practice. After their first lesson it was obvious it was a kind of dancing neither of them had experience with so he wished for the both of them to be experts in ballroom dance.

The drawback was that as even an expert in ballroom dance he had to get used to holding and dancing with a woman. The last thing he wanted was to accidentally pitch a tent for the entire hall to see and with his massive size there was no way to hide it.

Desiree liked sex more but dancing in her master's arms was a close second. Their moves were perfect as their feet effortlessly glided across the conjured wood floor in the Room of Requirement. While they were dancing her mind went back to their first practice and the shag they had afterwards. They were so worked up about halfway through the second song they had to rip clothes off each other and molest each other on the dance floor. They eventually built a resistance and stopped cutting their dancing lessons short to have wild and passionate sex.

Afterwards Desiree teased him saying he couldn't do that during the ball no matter how much he wanted to. She purposely left out the part about freezing time and letting him shag his date without her even knowing. That was a wish courtesy of a master from the 1600s. That was a weird guy who was so shy he couldn't have sex unless the woman was frozen in time or non responsive.

As the last song on the phonograph finished Harry twirled his exotic genie before pulling her back and dipping her. When the song ended they both returned to a standing position slightly out of breath. "So am I ready for my date?" Harry asked.

Desiree nodded and smiled at her master, "Yes. Just treat her like a queen and she won't be able to resist you. Maybe even dance with a few of her friends if you want to get on her good side." Desiree had been to plenty of parties in her life and if she learned anything it was that people became frisky after some drinks and some dancing.

Harry smiled at his genie and before he could stop himself his eyes trailed down and took in her glittery silver dress that pushed up both her backside and her beautiful tits. The silver contrasted her brown skin and only made it worse when he couldn't find the zipper with his hands roaming her back.

Desiree chuckled at her master for not being subtle in lusting her body. "There is no zipper, silly. I formed the dress to myself and can use my power to take it off anytime I want. Why would I need a zipper?" His hands went still at her words as her hand went to his jaw and brought her mouth to his. After a long passionate kiss Desiree said, "You are going to think I'm cruel but I have to remind you dinner starts in a few minutes and you already skipped lunch."

Harry groaned knowing that he couldn't miss that. Since his disappearance from Gryffindor Tower he was worried about a search party being called if he missed too much. While he had gone a few times without being caught Professor McGonagall had been looking at him closely after his romp with Amelia in her office. Amelia had cleaned up their mess but McGonagall must have still suspected something. "You are right but I do think you are cruel."

Desiree knew her master was joking, "Just see where the night takes you. I have a feeling if you just open up your eyes you won't be alone for too long." She had gotten better about sharing her master lately. In the beginning she wanted to hog him for herself but slowly she came to accept that she couldn't be the sole focus in his life. This was just her first master she fell so hard for.

Harry knew it was hard for Desiree to step aside and let him find a new girl to entertain him but he imagined it was easier because she could watch. During his time with other girls he had seen Desiree finger fucking herself. "Fine, we will see where tonight takes us."

Desiree nodded as she changed them back into their regular clothes and out of their dress/dance clothes. Now that Desiree was back in her cold ghost form she missed the warm touch of her master and the warm flutter she felt in her chest.

Harry was one of the first to the great hall for dinner. He wasted no time in loading up his plate. He expended a lot of energy with the hour and a half of dancing practice. He didn't have lunch trying to rush since he had Desiree blow him after class due to Daphne teasing him in potions. She even flipped up her skirt and showed him she wasn't wearing any knickers. It also didn't help that he had spent a couple minutes staring at Pansy's ass before Daphne caught him and glared at him. She wanted all of his attention for herself. If anything that was probably going to fuel her the next time they had sex and she would remind him who he should be looking at.

Back in the great hall he noticed that people were starting to pile in and chat filling the hall with a dull roar. Slowly picking at his food he was made aware someone was sitting across from him. He didn't need to look up to know who it was as he could feel her allure from five meters away. With a smile he looked up from his potatoes. "Hello Fleur." She was even wearing his gift around her neck drawing the eyes to her neck and cleavage.

Fleur could feel every set of eyes in the room on her. "Hello my love. I am looking forward to the ball this weekend." While she wanted to keep their date private after thinking about it for a long while she changed her mind. She wanted to claim her date in front of the entire school. There was also the added benefit of showing she had a date so boys stopped asking her. It was quite exhausting saying no dozens of times a day and seeing boys get sad or worse, angry.

Harry knew what she was doing so he played into it and spoke louder than he usually would. "Of course. I can't wait for our date, my lovely flower." He liked going overboard hoping that it would pay off for their date. With all the preparation he was putting into this date he hoped it was enough to get Fleur to come back to his room.

'Master there is a suspicious looking beetle on your robes. With your right hand, quickly grab it after you conjure a glass jar.' Desiree didn't like the look of this beetle. If it was anything else she would have worried that it could be venomous and possibly kill her master.

Harry did as Desiree said and conjured a jar under the table while just nodding his head to Fleur was saying. With his lightning quick reflexes he gripped the beetle in his hand and felt the bug fight and thrash. It was almost enough to get away but before it worked he shoved the beetle in the jar before charming it shut. Without Fleur noticing he slipped it into his robe pocket and waited for her to finish explaining the dress she picked out.

By the time she was finally done talking Harry quickly changed the subject. "Well I hope it's comfortable because I have been practicing my dancing and I promise we will have to be dragged off that dance floor." While he was doing his best to be charming Desiree had stressed the importance of dance and how if he did a good job she would be more likely to sleep with him. Because good dancing was a precursor to good sex.

Fleur liked to hear her date was ready to spend the night dancing. She had taken ballet and ballroom dancing since she was four and it was hard to find a date who could keep up with her. "Sounds wonderful. Although we shouldn't dance too long or we won't have any energy for the end of the night." She saucily looked at Harry hoping he picked up her hint.

Harry felt a tingle in his groin at her mention that she was already thinking after the date. "We wouldn't want that. I do have to warn you I have an impressive amount of stamina." If he was going to sleep with Fleur he could promise it was going to be more than once.

Fleur smirked at his confidence. "A lot of boys say that but after a few dances they are finished for the rest of the night." It was clear this was now a war of innuendos.

Harry leaned closer, "I haven't had any complaints. Usually I'm the one that wants to dance all night but the girl gets tired." All of his words were making her eyes twinkle brighter. He was sure his words were probably making her as wet as he was hard.

Fleur could tell this wasn't all smoke and that there was truth to his words. But that didn't mean a thing with a Veela. A Veela could drive any man to his limits and drain him of all the cum in his body. She wasn't a virgin by any means but no boy has lasted longer than two times with her. She had high hopes for Harry that he wouldn't disappoint her.

Harry could tell she wanted more but now his whole table was staring openly and hearing everything he was saying. This conversation was dangerously close to him just telling her what he planned to do with her. Like how he planned to rip her dress off before slapping his huge cock against her wet slit before pushing all of it in her tight Veela pussy. Before the conversation could get there Harry just went back to eating his food before Fleur went back to her table and threw him a sexy wink. This temptress knew what she was doing and it worked.

The whole Great Hall saw it and every boy in the school felt their jealousy grow even deeper for Harry Potter. Despite his tragic story people were shallow and only saw his fame, talent and luck as things to envy. They didn't know about his home life or the other tragic details of his life.

Before he finished dinner he shot a glance up to the staff table and saw that Professor Babbling was looking his way and blushing. Then he saw the reason why was Professor Sinistra sitting next to her whispering in her ear. Harry didn't have to imagine what they were talking about. 'Never imagined Sinistra would talk about it but what else could she be saying. Babbling is looking my way with pink cheeks probably imagining me shagging her like I did for Sinistra.' He didn't know that's what they were talking about but it made it hotter for him if Sinistra was bragging about his sexual prowess.

Desiree knew the lusty look well. 'Master, make a wish to see her fantasy. It wouldn't hurt to see what she thinks about.' Desiree hoped he would use this more often because even she found it arousing to see what was going on in a girl's head.

Harry agreed and thought, 'I wish you would show me Professor Babbling's fantasy.' He braced himself for the trip inside the woman's mind which could be filled with something vanilla or something really weird.

Desiree granted her master's wish and they were transported into what looked like a bedroom. It must have been hers because in the bed there was also Sinistra and Vector with her. All the women were touching, licking and sucking on each other's bodies. It was a mesmerizing sight but looking around he noticed three faceless hard bodies with big eight inch cocks. Suddenly they all walked in lockstep towards the bed before grabbing Babbling and filling all three of her holes while her fellow professors watched.

Harry's mind couldn't keep up with Professor Babbling. At first she wanted an all girl orgy before that turned to them watching her get fucked before every one of her holes being filled. This woman was beyond pent up if she had these kinds of fantasies. "Desiree, could I ask to clone myself to make a two-person orgy?"

Desiree just nodded and watched as inner Professor Babbling masterfully took a pounding from three men pulling her every which way. "Yes but you might have some explaining to do since that is not a normal thing to do even in your world." She had been cloned before and it was weird to feel multiple things at the same time.

Harry still was blown away by the sexual things he could wish for. "Well now I guess I have another person to add to my list." His list was constantly growing and seemed to have no end in sight especially when he kept going back for some of his past conquests.

With the fantasy scene over Harry was transported back into the Great Hall. Now Harry had to get his body back in control before he made his way back to his room. While he wanted to go up to the staff table and offer his services, the beetle in the jar was now his main concern. Desiree had stressed that this was a possible threat or a danger to him. He hoped she wasn't overreacting because she would have to make it up to him since he might have missed out on having sex with a different witch.

Room of Requirement

Getting back to the room he had sealed the door and set the bottle with the beetle in the center of the room. He didn't know if this was a spy, death eater or something as really insignificant as a regular beetle.

With his wand raised at attention he opened the jar and watched the beetle scurry around now that it was free trying to find a way out. It was looking for a window, for or even a crack. When it accepted there was nowhere to go the beetle slowly shifted into a form that made him frown. "Skeeter!" His fury raged after knowing it was her. That's how she was able to know things that she shouldn't know. Her newspaper had published several articles calling him all sorts of names for losing Hermione to Krum and for falling under the Veela's spell. Little did she know he already had Hermione and made sure that he was her first time. Krum would be the one getting sloppy seconds not him.

Rita had the smarts to at least act surprised by the turn of events while trying to play it off. "Harry this is just a big mis-."

Harry took a step towards her, "A mistake? You have been writing lies about me and turning the whole world against me. You said I was a cheater and glory hound who entered this tournament for attention." That wasn't even the worst of it but when she brought up his parents it really set him off. Desiree's ass took a rough pounding that day.

Rita tried to look sorry for that even though she got paid a lot of gold for those articles. That stuff sold thousands of copies and this was her job. Deep down she wasn't sorry. "It's a business, Harry. I'm sure there is a way we can work this out. Do you want me to write a few articles that make you look good?"

Harry was insulted thinking she could buy him off for such a low price. "You think a few kind words will make us even?" Harry was furious now his mind went to her first article about him where she mentioned his mother.

Rita sighed and knew this was going to be a shakedown. "Oh so that's what this is. The best I can do is a thousand galleons. Is that enough gold for you to drop this." The articles made her five times that amount. She had paid blackmailers before she made a lot of enemies over the years.

Harry threw it back at her. "I don't want gold. I am going to tell the entire world what and who you really are. By the time I'm done the world is going to hate you more than they hate me." Harry was ready to unseal the door and head to the owlery to send a letter to everyone he knew to get the message out there. If he told Sirius he was sure he would get it out there to the public.

Rita saw her life about to slip out of her fingers. She was an unregistered animagus and if the Ministry found out she would be spending some time in Azkaban. That alone was the one thing she was afraid of above all else. In her job she has been in her share of hairy situations along with howlers and death threats mailed daily. Quickly she moved in front of Harry and dropped to her knees. "Don't! Please don't tell anyone."

Harry unwillingly started to react to the blonde bespectacled woman on her knees. His cock was working against him as it started to fill with blood. 'Why is sex always on my mind? I am angry, why can't I just stay angry?'

Desiree chuckled through their link. 'You're young master, that's the way your mind works. Just go with it. She looks plenty willing, she didn't even need a wish before she dropped to her knees ready to please you.' Desiree had given her the critical look up and down when she first appeared and Rita wasn't the worst looking woman. Much older than Harry and didn't have what he usually liked. If she had to describe the woman's body it would be just average. She had B-cups, a small waist along with a small butt. The big glasses didn't help either but she could feel her master responding enough to have sex.

Rita saw his clothed groin shifting and she smiled like the cat who caught the canary. 'Boys are so easy.' She thought to herself knowing this was a way out. She could easily suck her way out of this situation. She hadn't been with a boy this young since she was back in Hogwarts herself but how hard could it be. It would take her all of two minutes and she could get out of here with her secret safe.

Harry watched as the woman crawled towards him and no matter how much he scolded himself he couldn't stop his erection. It was now pressing against his trousers wanting to get out. In this situation he looked at Rita differently. She was older but not unattractive. A little mousy and bookish but it was clear she took care of herself. Her hair was in a bun and shorter than he was used to.

Rita was finally face to face with his bulge and with a confident and experienced hand she reached up and cupped him through his trousers. From what she could feel he had a big one. She could already feel her knickers get soaked at the thought of his big cock. Rita was a little bit of a size queen which meant the bigger the better. When she first started writing stories she would have to some times use sex to get the scoop and with numerous partners she found herself enjoying it more when a man was over seven inches. After the first fifty guys she stopped thinking about the shame of it and now just enjoyed being a slag.

Harry felt her small hand start to stroke him through his trousers. He looked down to find her staring back up at him through her glasses. It was clear she was doing this to get a reaction or a rise out of him. Keeping quiet he decided to let her do this at her own pace and to take everything she tried to throw at him.

Rita was expecting him to cum in his trousers after a few strokes like most of the blokes back in her days. The fact he didn't buck his hips or beg for more showed her he had a little experience. Not surprising since he was the most famous wizard in the world and very attractive. She usually went for the more grizzled men but Harry had a certain edge to him which was more than enough to get her going. Having enough of the foreplay she brought her other hand up to his belt. Undoing it with both hands she then worked on his zipper and before she knew it his cock was revealed. It sprung out of its clothed prison and hit her in the chin.

Harry and Desiree both chuckled in their minds seeing Rita's shocked face. It was always funny to see the wide eyes, jaw drop and the look of shock in their faces as his cock was revealed to them.

Rita couldn't believe what she was seeing. This cock had to be close to a foot long and looked thick enough to tear a woman in two. "Holy shit look at this." Her shock was evident in her voice as she wrapped a hand around his cock and could barely touch her middle finger and thumb together. His length and thickness was almost as big as her forearm and this was meant to be taken in her body. Rita didn't know if this was a dream come true or a possible nightmare. When she crawled over to him she planned to just give the boy a blowjob but she had to take a ride on this broom. 'If my knickers weren't wet before they are now. Let's just hope my cunt will be wet enough for this to fit without tearing me in two.'

Harry could see the lust in her eyes as she inched closer and closer and was examining his cock with a critical eye. "It's all real." For a second she was acting like his cock was going to attack her if she was too close.

Rita scoffed at him, "Does giant blood run in your family or something? I can't believe a school boy would have a cock like this." As she took a closer look at his thick shaft she also took a look at his big balls which were soft to the touch. 'I am glad to see boys grooming standards have gone up since I was in school.'

"No giant blood, just luck." In his mind he thanked Desiree for the work of art she bestowed him. He was lucky for finding the genie bottle or else Rita would probably just want to get this over with. His old average sized cock wouldn't have gotten the same reaction.

'No thanks necessary master. If anything I was a little selfish with the wish and made you a little bigger than I should have. Most women like eight inches but I like it a little bigger so I gave you ten.' Not like it mattered because no woman ever complained. In fact she might have outdone herself because so far it never failed in making a woman cum.

Rita had given him a few strokes and milked a few drops of precum out of him. On the third drop she kissed the tip of his cock right on the slit and tasted her first taste of him. It was a slightly salty treat she wanted more of. Lifting his cock up higher she brought her tongue down to his base and licked from the bottom to the tip. Her tongue ran over strong pumping veins along with scorching hot skin. By the time she made it back to the tip she heard the boy moan which made her look up to see his green eyes staring back at her. Pulling her mouth away she said, "Do your best not to cum too soon."

Harry scoffed at that and put a hand on the back of her head and brought her back to his cock. Now his leaking cock rubbed against her cheek and nearly pushed up her glasses before she angled it so his cock would go in her mouth. Making a ring with her mouth she felt him push into her mouth. He wasn't rough or over eager just ready to get this blowjob started. When the tip was engulfed in her red lipstick covered lips he let go of her head and let her work. 'Nice to see he has manners and doesn't get his jollies from forcing his way down a girl's throat.' She has had that happen before and while she could take it with a cock this big it would probably give her a sore throat for the rest of the week.

Harry watched as the mousy blonde slowly started bobbing her head up and down, never taking more than half in her mouth at a time. Her red lipstick was leaving dark rings around his cock and now the only thing he wanted to see was one at the very base. While he was staring down at the blonde she wasn't looking up at him anymore instead she had her eyes closed putting everything into the blowjob. Thankfully she had started moving her hand on the lower half and trying to stimulate his entire cock.

Desiree liked watching her master have sex but even she had to admit this came out of nowhere. The woman was older and Harry didn't even ask for it. Not that she could blame the woman or Harry for that matter when he saw her drop to her knees. Thanks to her doing it daily Harry now had an automatic response to a girl dropping to her knees in front of him.

Rita no longer thought about the taboo or wrongness of sucking off a boy so much younger than herself. What made her upset was how much she was enjoying it. As she sped up her motions she felt more precum slide down her throat or out the corners of her mouth with her spittle. This was now the messiest blowjob she had ever given and some of it was even landing on the front of her outfit. She tried to slurp up what she could but it was no use with her mouth spread so wide.

Harry couldn't stop groaning and moaning as his hands massaged her scalp like he would with Desiree when she took all of him in her mouth. Even though a part of him was still angry with Skeeter he didn't take it out on her. He could have very easily slammed her head down and forced his cock down her throat but that would have probably just sent him backwards. In his head he was thinking if he could give her his best shag then it would get her off his back. So far the entire tournament had been articles about him cheating or seeking attention. "That feels good Rita. You are doing better than some of my classmates, that's for sure."

Rita smiled to herself at the praise even though it was obvious. His cock twitching grew in intensity and she knew he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. Though given he was still a young man he held out much longer than she was expecting. She didn't enjoy blowjobs for the first minute in case the bloke blew his load early but after the first minute she could get into it and try out all of her tricks. They were in minute six by now and she had run out of tricks. Now she was waiting for him to blow his load. Pulling her head off his now spit shined cock she said, "When you cum do it on my face." She wasn't stupid she knew that's what men liked and what made them most happy. All men liked to mark her face and it had the added benefit of not having bad cum shot down your throat. For her job she had sucked off some disgusting men who tasted worse than spoiled milk.

Harry liked that idea. Her blue eyes looking back at him through her quirky glasses made him want nothing more than to cover her glasses with his cum. With one hand he kept a hold of Rita's hair keeping her exactly where he wanted her as he took his cock with the other hand and wanked. Given the layer of protection to her eyes she didn't even close her eyes like Desiree would have to. She watched every stroke waiting for his hot spunk to start raining down on her. Within the first ten strokes it finally happened and the first rope hit her square on the lens of her glasses before making a streak down her cheek. He repeated this over and over covering both lenses before aiming towards her mouth which wasn't hanging open. It was such a beautiful picture he even silently wished for Desiree to take a picture.

Desiree did as her master wished and added it to the growing collection. Not that he needed to ever look at them for a wank considering he would always have her at his beck and call or be able to go find a willing partner easily.

Rita couldn't believe how much spunk was currently dripping down her face. Guys her age struggled with five small ropes if cum and here Harry Potter had painted her so thoroughly she lost count of how many ropes he shot on her. Unable to help herself she peeked out her tongue and got a small taste of the seed he had covered her lips with. 'Not bad.' She didn't abhor the taste and she tried to think to the last time she wasn't repulsed by the taste of a man's seed.

Harry watched as she slowly scraped her face clean while making a mess on the floor. He also didn't miss the one scrape she angled towards her mouth. After she was done with her face she took off her glasses and tried to clean them but the whole front of her outfit was wet with spit or cum. Just as she was about to find her wand she felt Harry take them out of her hand and clean them himself. Having glasses himself he knew all the maintenance spells. Once they were clean he took a step towards her and put them on her face himself. The action alone was more intimate than either one of them expected.

The predatory look in Rita's eyes had caught him so off guard he was a little flustered which led him to ask, " do you want it?" It was such a stupid question he could hear the face slap from Desiree who was floating a couple feet away.

Rita was taken aback by how different Harry was. She was expecting to just be thrown on the bed and have him crawl on top of her. He seemed unsure of himself which she wasn't expecting with how well he handled the blowjob. "Am I your first?" This would have been quite a scoop, being the chosen one's first time.

Harry shook his head, "No you are just a little older and I am at a loss for what you would like." He couldn't get a read on the woman and didn't trust his own instincts. His instinct was to pin her down on the bed and give her the roughest shag he could muster but another part of him thought she might like it slower and more sensual. Desiree had told him that the older a woman became the slower they like it. Although that didn't apply to women who always liked it rough like her.

Rita looked over to the untouched bed that had been in the room since they started. When she saw it she had flashes of ideas involving Harry shagging her. At first it was her on all fours with him pounding away at her but she usually reserved that for some of her uglier conquests who she didn't want to look at. Another flash was her on top of Harry riding him like her favorite broom. 'At that position he could see all of my age.' While she wasn't ashamed of her body she was putting herself against girls that were in their teens and she just couldn't compete. Now the only option was laying down and letting Harry do all the work.

Harry watched as Rita looked at the bed and went silent as she bit her lip. After about a minute her hands went to her outfit and undid the buttons one by one until she was in just her bra and knickers. Her breasts looked to be a fine size very similar to Sinistra's size. Looking down to her knickers he saw a big wet spot which filled Harry with pride. As she turned around to walk to the bed she undid her bra and threw it aside but from the back he couldn't see. Now all he had a view of was her big backside which looked much bigger not confined by her outfit. It was the type of ass he wanted nothing more than to dive into.

Desiree knew what her master was thinking and she had to agree. The woman had a very nice backside given her age and size. She also didn't miss the small twitch in her master's cock as he started walking to the bed.

Rita was now standing next to the bed as she slid off her knickers and they pooled at her feet before she turned around to see Harry a step behind her. Falling back she was on her back on the bed. "Take off the rest of your uniform before you get in bed." Harry was still wearing the top half of his uniform which wouldn't do. Now she had a show as Harry threw off his robes before taking off jumper and tie before undoing every button on his dress shirt. Rita knew Harry to be on the leaner side but she wasn't expecting the muscles he had underneath. 'Merlin's balls look at that body.' She couldn't resist licking her lips at seeing his abs or the definition in his arms and chest. 'It's official he is the most attractive man I have ever been with. His cock and that body are irresistible.'

Harry didn't expect to see her respond to his body the way he responded to hers. Just like him her eyes traveled up and down his body and she even rubbed her clit a few times before spreading her legs. It was a clear invite he was happy to take. Inching towards the bed he crawled over her before planting a hand beside her head. With his free hand he lined himself up with her dripping slit before he slid the first few inches in.

Even the first few inches was enough to make Ria see stars. She was being stretched wider than she ever had in the past. He wasn't even at the halfway mark and she could feel a coiling in her stomach. 'If he can hold out long enough I might get multiple orgasms out of this.'

With both arms on either side of Rita's head Harry slowly thrust the rest of his ten inch cock into her warm and snug cunt. He could feel by inch eight or nine she was starting to clamp down almost as if she couldn't take anymore. By forcing the last few inches when he was fully inside of her he saw her eyes roll into the back of her head. Giving her a moment to adjust to his size he slowly slid out about halfway before shoving all of it back inside.

Just one hard thrust was enough to push Rita over the edge. Her hands went around Harry's neck as she tried to hold him in that position as she climaxed. He had made her cum with barely any effort. Maybe it was the fact she was so aroused and ready that it happened so quickly. 'Shit that feels so fucking good.' It had to be the best orgasm caused by another man. She had an orgasm like this before but that usually involved her wand and a vibration charm.

Harry could feel her climaxing around him. The face she made was also one of beauty. Her mouth was open and her eyes were almost crossing. Putting all of his weight on the woman and crushing her breasts against his chest Harry pulled back his hips and was now repeating his thrusts as hard and fast as he could.

Rita was already in the throes of a climax and here it was being raised even higher as Harry didn't stop thrusting in and out of her. His giant cock was battering the end of her pussy and she was sure she would feel it tomorrow. He was making his mark inside of her that would never leave. She was going to remember the feeling of his cock head pummeling her cervix over and over until her vision went white.

Harry had kept this up for minutes and he felt her walls clamp down again. This time her climax made him feel like he was getting closer to the end. "Fuck Rita. I can't keep this up when you keep cumming like that."

Rita's eyes went wide at the realization he was getting closer to a climax. She hadn't taken an anti pregnancy potion in the last month. "Don't cum inside me!" The fear of him cumming inside of her had her adrenaline raving even more than it had before.

Harry heard her yell for him not to cum inside and he was so close to doing just that. With a couple more thrusts he quickly pulled out and started stroking himself until he exploded. Ropes shot out of him and made streaks from her breasts down to her stomach.

Rita breathed a huge sigh of relief not feeling him cumming inside of her. She has had a few close calls over the years but she couldn't become a mother with a father who was far too young for her. Feeling warm cum hit her breasts and drop down her stomach she looked down to see him still rock hard. "You have got to be kidding me." As great as the sex was she had already cum twice and her body was starting to feel it's age. Her jaw was starting to sting from the blowjob and her pussy had never felt so numb than having two amazing orgasms and being stretched so wide.

Harry could see she was now very aware of his never fading erection. He just couldn't help it. There was something very taboo and almost wrong with sleeping with Rita Skeeter. Part of him was still angry for all the bad articles about him but the other part of him was loving her body. Her wet and soft walls of her pussy massaging every inch as he fucked her along with how responsive her body was too good to stop. "Sorry but I think I can go one more time." He wouldn't be upset if she said no since he still had Desiree if needs be. Looking around he saw that Desiree was off to the side naked and was fucking herself with a conjured toy. 'Really?'

Desiree shrugged her shoulders. 'If you are worn out I don't want to wait until the morning to cum.' Sometimes she could just wait for Harry but sometimes it was easier to take care of her own needs while she watched a live sex show starring her master.

Rita was now looking at Harry's big cock with worry. She had given it her all but her body was now feeling it's age. "You wore me out, Harry. I don't think I can do it anymore."

"How about I flip you over and slide into your other hole?" Harry asked sexily, trying to hook her on his proposition. Her ass looked like a work of art out of her tight outfits. For her size it had a beautiful shape that was just perfect for what he had planned. In his mind he could already see it ripple from his thrusts as he gave her a shag she would never ever forget.

Rita had heard about witches taking a cock back there before but that was a relatively new phenomenon. Back in her day it was just something that was never done. "Harry with that thing there is just no way." If he was average she might try it but with a massive ten inch slab of meat she didn't want to spend all tomorrow limping. "Wait have you had that kind of sex before?"

Harry didn't think and just answered the question. "Yes. You would be surprised at how popular it is now." This was going to take some charm but he could tell she was on the fence.

Rita was blown away there were girls Harry's age that were requesting that. 'Wait a second Harry has no problem sleeping with an older woman. Maybe it isn't just girls his own age he is sleeping with.' Looking for a little more she asked, "So am I the oldest you have shagged or do you have a thing for older women?"

Harry had let his guard down and was honest, "I don't mind them older but so far you are the oldest. Why does that turn you on?" He knew Rita had an ego and maybe if she learned she was his first in a way she would be more open to do what he wanted.

Rita smiled at that piece of information, "Yes it does but not enough for you to fuck my bum." She said the last part followed by a giggle.

Harry was trying to think of another way to have sex with Rita before his eyes landed on her heaving chest. Her breasts weren't big enough for a proper titfuck but maybe Desiree could help with that. 'I wish I knew a spell to make a girl's breasts bigger.'

Desiree said the magic words and before they even set in, Harry had jumped off of Rita before finding his wand on the floor before climbing on Rita's torso. With a flourish of his wand and a few words in Latin that he didn't understand. "Maior ubera."

Rita tried to protest him pointing a wand at her but she suddenly felt her small breasts getting bigger until they were triple Ds. She was struck speechless at how massive her breasts looked now. Ever since she was a teenager she wished for a bigger bust size. She never received the kind of attention a stacked girl like Tara Fawley received. That was a girl her year that had double D's since puberty and had every guy tripping over themselves for her. After third year she never had to carry her books again because there was always a bloke ready to help. "How?" She asked before she felt Harry slap his cock in-between her new tits and wrapped himself in and started moving back and forth.

Harry had casually enlarged her breasts and started fucking them all in the same motion. Her soft skin tightly pressed against his cock was going to make quick work of him. "Fuck I out did myself these are perfect." Very similar to Desiree's, the skin was nice and soft and was ten times better than a hand.

With her new breasts there was a new level of sensitivity that had made her nipples tingle. Almost as if he could sense it his fingers found her nipples and lightly pinched them as he pushed her tits together. Now she chose to just enjoy it but she had a million questions when he was done.

Harry kept the titfuck going for a while before he felt the cum in his balls start to churn. He was getting closer and with the tip of his cock poking out the top of her cleavage he was going to be able to paint her face one last time. He did have to admit when she was covered in cum she did look twenty years younger. Maybe because you don't expect a woman her age to be taking large cumshots to their faces.

Rita had sensed the same thing as just closed her eyes and opened her mouth the faster and more wild his thrusts became. This time she opened her mouth hoping for some cum to land in it. His cum didn't taste half as bad as most of her old sexual partners. It wasn't long before she felt a hot spunk splash across her face once again. She couldn't see his smile but she knew he had to have a really smug smile on his face as he covered her face in cum all over again. She even had a few shots land in her mouth which she had swallowed as a little treat.

By the time Harry was done his cock had finally started to shrink back to normal before he heard a few clicks over his shoulder. Looking back he saw Desiree with a camera. 'Thanks I forgot to ask this time.'

Desiree smirked, 'Always master. These pictures are even better than the first if I do say so myself.' These ones also had Rita's new tits in the frame and it would be sure to drive Harry wild. Harry had also gotten just enough cum on her glasses so you could still see her eyes in the picture.

Harry let Desiree get a few pictures before casting cleaning charms on Rita's face and glasses. When she was finally able to see again she pushed against his thighs signalling it was time to get off. Harry threw his leg off and flopped over to the other side of the bed.

Rita jumped off the bed and went over to a mirror wall and looked at herself in the mirror with her giant new tits. Within a minute she could already feel the strain on her small back. "Are these permanent?"

Harry looked up at Rita fussing in the mirror. She was standing in different positions and even cupping her breasts. Looking to Desiree for an answer he received a quick nod. Looking back to Rita he said, "They can be. If you don't like those I can adjust them for you." Getting off the bed he walked behind her and smiled at her in the mirror.

"How about a nice full C-cup?" She was already a B-cup so what was one more.

Harry whispered the spell again before waving his wand around. Her breasts shrank to a much more manageable C-cup. Rita cupped them again and started posing and even bent over which bumped Harry in the groin.

Harry had to hold his mind back from getting aroused again and bending Rita over against the wall. "Those look good. But then again all tits do."

Rita did like them but wouldn't mind a little bigger, "Can you try the next size up?" A nice solid D-cup would be perfect for her. At her small stature that was probably the limit but plenty big enough to catch attention. Now she just had to find an excuse as to why her breasts grew so much in the span of a day.

Harry casted the spell again and her breasts grew. Now they did look like the perfect size for her small frame. He couldn't imagine how good she would look in her stylish outfits now. If anything she would probably need an entire new wardrobe. "These look nice." Harry said as he reached around also and cupped his work. Her breasts felt perfect in his hands; this had to be one of the best wishes he made.

Rita thought the same only she would have used the word perfect. "You are right. I don't know how you found this spell but it is a miracle. If you taught girls how to cast it you would make all the boys in the world happy." Rita knew a bunch of women who would be lining up down the block to learn the spell.

Harry shrugged, "Sounds like a lot of trouble, why don't we just keep this a secret for now." He hoped she wouldn't write or blab about this or else he would have every woman in the world banging down his door for this. While it wouldn't be the worst thing he had enough female attention for now.

Rita once again felt up her new breasts before looking back at Harry and asking, "So you won't tell anyone about me being an animagus?" She had hoped she earned his silence with everything she did to his cock. She hoped that all of this was enough because when he started talking about anal she was worried he would demand it for his silence.

Harry nodded she did have sex with him and he would be a real prick to say anything now. "Fine but I also want your work so that all future articles won't call me a liar or say I'm a cheat." He couldn't take being picked apart in the paper where every move he made was through the lense of something devious and sinister. That was the last thing he was. He was just a regular student trying to have a normal year before the Goblet of Fire ruined it.

Rita sauntered over to her crumpled clothes on the floor and started dressing herself. "Did you enter the tournament of your own free will or not?" If he entered himself then he had no right to complain. This was maybe a question she should have asked earlier but her usual quick draw assumptions sold papers.

Harry walked over and sat on the bed watching the reporter get dressed. "No, I didn't enter on my own. I don't know how my name ended up in that stupid cup but I didn't want it to. I have enough money and fame to last me a lifetime." Rita was in the middle of glaring at her old bra which made him crack a smile.

Rita was struggling to try and put her bra on while looking at Harry to see if he was lying. From the straight look on his face mixed with a little smile from looking at her chest she could tell he was telling the truth. "I will fix it but I expect more exclusives in the future. If you don't talk to me I will have to make things up to make my bosses happy." If she could get Harry Potter on the record more he could be a golden goose. Any article with his name on it made the front page and sold plenty of papers.

Harry just rolled his eyes as Rita threw her bra on the floor and tried to close her outfit over her bigger bust. "If I give you an exclusive I expect this level of service every time." He couldn't help himself trying to keep this going. She wasn't the worst shag and he actually found himself enjoying it more than he should.

Rita could get used to this arrangement. He had fucked several orgasms into her and had a beautiful cock she didn't mind sucking on. "I think we can make that work. How about after the second task we sit down again." The last part she almost purred as her body started to react to the thought of fucking him again.

Harry just nodded as she was now fully dressed and thankfully his erection hadn't returned. "Sounds like a plan."

Rita walked over to Harry sitting on the bed and leaned down to give him a little peck on the lips. Kissing him gave her a bigger thrill than having his cock in her mouth. She kissed a boy who was still in school but one who had just shagged her body better than anyone before him. Pulling away she saw he was stunned by her action. "Why don't you unlock the door so I can get out of here with enough time to get home and write a story for tomorrow's paper."

Harry flicked his wand at the door and the blue shield that covered the door faded and Rita soon walked out of it. That left Harry alone naked on his bed coming to grips with what had just happened. "Desiree."

Desiree had always been in the room but she popped back into her naked human form hoping for a quick ride herself. "Yes master, do you require my services?" She was already hot and bothered and was in the mood for anything in any hole.

Harry glared at the genie, "Did you cancel that wish like I said?" There was no reason that Rita Skeeter would have jumped into bed with him so quickly unless that wish was still active.

Desiree gave a condescending laugh at her master who thought she had something to do with what had just happened. "Master none of that was from my end. She is a slut who uses sex to get herself out of sticky situations. Once she was on her knees and you reacted she pounced thinking you would be easy prey." She was proud of Harry for having the upper hand for most of the encounter. He didn't let her lead him by the nose or trick him by threatening to stop.

Harry groaned and threw his body back on the bed, "Why can't I just have a normal life?" As great as sex was he was having it so much that he was almost manifesting it. He was angry at Rita and before he knew it she had her mouth around his cock. Looking down he even saw she had left a few thick rings of red lipstick about the halfway mark of his penis.

Desiree didn't like to see her master like this. "Master, I have seen your memories. When have you ever had a normal life in fact I would argue this is the most normal part of your life. Sex is normal and it's not as bad as killing someone when you were eleven."

Harry groaned again and looked away from the ceiling to look at his naked genie. She had a point he never had a normal life and had even been mistreated for the first eleven years of his life. "Since you aren't responsible I guess I will have to just be more careful. I can't shag everything in my way?"

Desiree wanted to scoff at that because he could definitely do just that. "Don't close yourself off from opportunities, master. Be open to everything and you never know what will happen."

Harry took her words in but his mind kept thinking back to his previous conquests. When he slept with Hermione he expected her to be the one. He thought she would be his girlfriend and that he wouldn't need to use his new sex genie as much. Sadly the sex was just okay and Hermione wanted to be friends. She was now all in on her date for the Yule ball. In fact the only person he had a relationship with was Desiree and Professor Sinistra. She was very serious about trading tests and homework grades for sex and he worked very hard for a good grade.

Desiree saw her master was in his own head and not paying attention but saw that his cock was finally starting to move and she quickly straddled him and started rubbing her wet hot pussy against him.

Harry snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his caramel skinned beauty. "If you must do it then do it quickly because I need to get to sleep." He was already tired and if she planned to have more sex in the morning like usual he needed rest.

Desiree smiled, "Quick and fast like a rabbit." With that said she quickly slipped him inside of her and tried to make him forget about his troubles for a while.

The next morning

After his obligatory morning shag with his genie he went to breakfast. He was halfway through his eggs when the post came and Hedwig dropped the paper in front of him. On the front page was a picture of his face under the words. "The Boy Who Lived Plotted Against" By Rita Skeeter. In the article she quoted him about being entered against his will. She also went into detail about how she expected him to win. She gushed about his body and skill and it almost deviated into a smutty romance novel. He didn't know how she could explain what his body looked like when there is no reason she should have been able to see his "Greek like six pack along with his well defined chest". That was going to be a hard thing to explain to people for both of them.

While he was reading he noticed a few female professors and students staring at him. 'Well that isn't going to help.'

Desiree was now openly cackling at her master who had every girl in the hall taking glances at him. 'Oh master this is just the beginning.'


I hope you liked this one. I wanted to do a Rita Skeeter smut chapter at least once. I was happy with the way this turned out and hoped people liked it as well. I know he didn't go completely wild and take her ass but in the future who knows she might come back for round 2.