Chapter 26

Nymphadora Tonks: Natalie Dormer

Hermione: Emma Watson

Ginny: 16 year old Karen Gillan.


When the time finally arrived for Dumbledore and McGonagall to meet Desiree, Harry was nervous. He didn't think he had ever been this nervous before but Tonks had convinced him this was necessary. Harry didn't want anything to go wrong or for anyone to suspect anything about the fact he had a magical sex genie. 'That still feels so weird to say.'

Desiree wasn't worried because her magic was going to ensure she was admitted to the school but what happened afterwards was up in the air.

Harry and Desiree had their story down perfectly and Harry even made a wish for her to be accepted into Hogwarts so they didn't have to hide their sexual exploits. Convincing Dumbledore and McGonagall was a tough order and they would have to be seamless with their lies. Thankfully Harry already had some experience lying and Desiree taught him a few tricks. Tonks had also told him to not look Dumbledore in the eye in case he tried to read their minds but Desiree told him not to worry. Since she entered his mind it was a fortress that no mind attack could breach.

Around noon Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall arrived at Number 4 Privet Drive. Harry had managed to convince his relatives to go out for the day so no one noticed how happy and not terrible they were. That would clearly give it away and raise suspicion. Before he knew it they were all sitting at the dining room table and both Dumbledore and McGonagall were staring at Desiree who was in her younger body. She was still dressed a little provocatively refusing to give up an ounce of her sexyness. Despite his protests and desire to cover her up to appear more innocent. Tonks and Harry even thought of even giving her glasses but Desiree refused, wanting to be as perfectly natural as possible. Both Tonks and Harry groaned, wanting her to tone it down a little but Desiree refused to compromise.

McGonagall kept looking back between this exotic possible student and Harry Potter. This girl didn't look like a spy or anything of the like. She also didn't look like someone who would be friends with Harry. The mother hen was coming out of Minerva when it came to some of her more favorite students. "Mr. Potter, how do you two know each other again?"

Harry had to fight the urge to grab one of Desiree's hands, "She used to grow up around here. We were friends in school but she moved away before I started Hogwarts and moved to America. She was taught magic by her mother." Harry paused for a few moments before continuing for dramatic effect. "Her parents died and she was sent back here but doesn't know what to do for school. She even lost her wand on the trip back and needs my...our help." He was hoping he sold that story enough for them to buy it.

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes trying to get into this young woman's head with a quick Legilimency scan. Though he was thwarted because her mind was a brick wall that gave nothing. Part of him wanted to deny the young girl a spot at Hogwarts due to her close personal connection to Harry. These two seem closer than they let on and she might be a problem going forwards. He couldn't afford for her to ruin Harry's plotted course. "How far along are you in your studies Ms. Sultan?"

Desiree had never gone to magic school but was able to soak up what she could from the textbooks. Being thousands of years old had a benefit. "I looked over Harry's books and I think I'm right around where I should be for my age. It's been a long while since I have brewed a potion but I think I can figure it out."

McGonagall cut in, "What is your favorite subject?" Given how close these two were and how Harry never mentioned her so she was curious. Minerva needed to know all she could about this girl that would probably end up in her house given how close she and Harry were.

Desiree pretended to think about it, "I like runes, arithmancy and transfiguration. I am not a war fighter like Harry here." She lightly pushed on Harry's shoulder making him blush a little.

Dumbledore was stunned that she was acting so casually mentioning a war which no doubt was going to be bloody and dangerous. "So you know about what is happening?" He had never seen something so grim to be mentioned so casually.

Desiree nodded, "Yes but I don't think it's a big worry. Harry can take care of Voldemort when the time comes." While she was always scared anytime Harry had to risk his life she was sure that if he had more training he could beat the snake faced asshole. The first time caught both of them off guard and Harry was already exhausted having just finished the tournament. That was the best chance Voldemort was going to get because going forward Harry was always going to be ready.

McGonagall shuddered when you know who's name was mentioned, "Don't say his name?" This girl said it like it was just another name. That showed that the girl had a disrespect for he who must not be named which meant this wasn't a spy. Dumbledore was thinking the same because no one in Voldemort's inner circle would dare say his name so casually.

Desiree rolled her eyes at these superstitious wizards, "Is it that big a deal to people? It's just a name." She still didn't understand why powerful magical beings were afraid of a name. She had seen her share of kings, warlords and warriors who struck fear into others but they all wanted their name spread like wildfire. The most obvious example being Vlad The Impaler. While he was a sadistic man he never mistreated her too badly against all the odds. But she still had to watch what he did to others that opposed him. She learned not to question or suggest mercy for anyone. Instead she had to just watch as he murdered and tortured tens of thousands. Just thinking back about that she involuntarily shuddered before a dark thought crossed her thoughts. 'Now there is an idea. Voldemort impaled on a stake.'

Dumbledore just sighed and hoped that this girl wasn't going to cause the amount of problems he was expecting. He hadn't been able to find a D.A.D.A professor yet and the Minister had been trying to push one of his cronies into the position. "Well you are a magical child that hasn't finished your schooling so Hogwarts is the only place for you." While would love to send her to one of the other schools that would have upset Harry and he couldn't have Harry fighting with him all year.

Desiree and Harry were both excited their plan worked and she would be going to Hogwarts as a student. "Oh thank you Headmaster. I promise you won't regret this. Can you two take me to get a wand and my shopping done as soon as possible."

McGonagall answered the excited girl, "We can have you and Harry shop together after his birthday. Now may I ask where you are staying so we can come collect you?" Minerva waited for a response and hoped it was close because she had a problem navigating this maze of similar houses.

Desiree and Harry had also ironed out the story to include she was staying with him. Harry answered the question for her, "She is staying here Professor. She isn't safe at home and I managed to convince my aunt to let her stay as long as I pay for her." He saw both professors blinking and staring at him like he grew a second head.

Dumbledore and McGonagall both raised their eyebrows at that and both thought that was inappropriate. Dumbledore spoke up, "So she has been living in this house?" Looking around he was hoping to see signs that she was staying in the living room. He knew there were only three rooms in the house.

Harry nodded, "Yes and Tonks saw us and questioned her to make sure she isn't a spy. When she was satisfied with her answers and found that she wasn't a threat she told you." Tonks had told them that she told Dumbledore that she used Veritaserum on her to make sure she was who she said she was.

McGonagall sensed there was something more to this and that these two were much too close. While Dumbledore planned to keep a closer eye on her when she was in Grimmauld Place. "Well I guess there is nothing more to do today but to tell you two to stay out of trouble. With the Dark Lord out there you have to be careful. You obviously know you have people watching over the house but that doesn't mean you can let your guard down."

Harry shook his head, "Of course not professor we will be careful. I'm just glad to have my friend back." This time Harry did reach over and took her hand in his.

Dumbledore had looked into Harry's mind a few times over the years and had never once seen a flash of this girl in his past. Was it too painful so he repressed the memories. Ms. Figg also never said anything about Harry having a friend. As far as he knew he had always been alone. 'I hope this summer Harry will forgive Ron. I need them together to keep an eye on him.' The Weasley's were one of the only few light families that he trusted and they trusted him implicitly. "Well there is one last thing to do." Pulling out something from his robes and setting it on the table was the sorting hat.

Desiree saw the hat start to move and jumped not expecting such a thing. Despite seeing his memories she never paid attention to the more boring memories. Harry almost smiled seeing the sorting hat again. Harry had coached Desiree to just think of Gryffindor.

Dumbledore placed the hat on this young girl's head. "Now let's see what house you will belong to." He hoped it would be Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. Sadly he couldn't influence the hat having been charmed by the founders to be impartial and secret keeping.

The sorting hat was bombarded with over a thousand years of memories that were impossible to sort through but the one thing he heard over and over was the word "Gryffindor." The hat was rendered speechless and could barely talk as he was fed so many memories, mostly unpleasant. "Gryffindor!" The hat nearly breathed a sigh of relief when he was finally taken off the girl's head. If he wasn't charmed to protect the students' secrets he would have told Dumbledore that something was wrong with this one. No sixteen year old could have that many memories.

Before the professors left Desiree was sure to play up the fact she was accepted into Hogwarts and Gryffindor. She was so grateful that their plan had worked. When the professors finally left Harry just looked at Desiree with a look that said 'Really? Was all that necessary?'

"What?" Desiree asked, playing a little coy. She knew what he was referring to about her acting ability. She did go a little overboard but she was supposed to be a teenager and that was a common thing for teenagers. Acting all emotional and like this was the best news in the world.

"You are just a good actress but weren't you laying it on a little thick?" Harry replied with a serious tone. Desiree had been almost jumping up and down pretending how excited she was.

Desiree scoffed and put the back of her hand to her forehead, "Oh dearest master, do you doubt my sincerity?" Desiree said in a mocking aristocratic posh accent. Dropping her hand she went right back into her normal tone and accent. "Just think master once I am a student we can have sex everywhere and in front of everyone. I can go under the table and suck you off during breakfast or get under your desk and suck your cock until you cum in front of the whole class." Thanks to her master's wish, the admissions process went smoother than she was expecting. While they had a few questions nothing was unreasonable.

Harry's eyes went wide when she mentioned "in front of everyone." Frantically Harry asked, "What are you talking about? In front of everyone, are you insane? Do you want to get kicked out on the first day of school? There is no way for you to do any of that without being caught." He had multiple conversations about boundaries during school and she repeatedly ignored them and put fantasies in his head. One night he even had a dream of shagging her in front of an entire class and of course when he woke up Desiree was blowing him. In fact most of his dreams now were sexual because he always woke up with his cock in her warm mouth or pussy when she was really horny.

Desiree just waved her hands as green smoke came out of them randomly shifting into different shapes, "All powerful genie remember. Also with your wish that no girl cares about who you sleep with I plan to be involved with most of your dates. I can't wait to be with Daphne and Tracey or Luna and definitely Septima. Then there are girls like Lavender who would gladly bend over for you. I know it won't be too hard to add to your stable of sexy witches. Who knows the possibilities are endless. " The green smoke slowly took the shapes of humans in sexual positions. She was even more excited than her master was at the thought of her joining them.

Harry could already feel a big headache coming on. He waved his hands to dispel the rutting smoke sex show. Once the smoke cleared he said, "Maybe this was a mistake? I am now thinking this is going to end with us being expelled." Thinking of Dumbledore or McGonagall's disappointed faces as he was in their offices after being caught with his pants down.

"Master, where is your sense of adventure? Think of all the new places we can have sex. In the hallways, your common room or dorms. I know you get hard at the thought of doing it in the Great Hall." Desiree was salivating at the idea of being fucked in every room of that giant castle. She didn't know how many rooms were in the castle but she was willing to try them all.

"You know boys aren't allowed in the girl's dorm right. We will probably have to get used to not sleeping together." Harry didn't know how this hadn't been brought up before. While he would miss Desiree he imagined he could just draw his curtains and have her sleep next to him.

Desiree's mirth stopped and now she was deadly serious, "That isn't happening. We will be sleeping together and I don't care what we have to do." She was going to lose it if she had to stop having sex every morning or anytime they were alone. "You can always wish for a way into the girl's dorm or I can sleep in the boys dorm."

Harry didn't like the idea of her being in the boys dorm with all the other guys looking at her. "I don't want other guys looking at you, especially with your propensity to walk around naked." While he could put up with the occasional stare from blokes he couldn't take another bloke looking at her naked body. It just enraged him and would cause him to send boys to Madam Pomfrey.

Desiree put her finger to her chin trying to think of a way around this giant possible sexless blockage in her path. "All I have to do is convince all the girls in the dorm to be okay with you coming up and sleeping in my bed." She kissed him on his mouth to silence any protest. They kissed for a second and was happy he just enjoyed her lips for a second.

That plan sounded insane to Harry. While he was sure she could get Hermione and maybe Lavender, how could she convince the others. Hermione had told her a few of her old dorm mates but it changed up every year and the girls can choose up to eight girls to share a big room with. The boys' dorm was different and you were stuck with your year. The girl's were given more freedom for some reason. "You might just have to be ready for less sex in the morning." Harry teased as Desiree's hands settled on his shoulders.

Desiree was now glaring at Harry ruining her special moment. "That isn't going to happen. I don't care what we have to do but I will be getting my usual amount of sex. I will go crazy if I have to go a day without it." Desiree was truly sex craved when she found her perfect mate.

That much was true, Desiree was always in a very bad mood if she went too long without sex. Even just a day like the Yule Ball and the following morning with Narcissa she kept needling him until he had to punish her. "Well we will have to just get better about hiding it. Without the tournament this year I'm sure there will be plenty of time for sex." Harry was lying a little bit because without the tournament there was more studying, homework, and quidditch practice.

Desiree heard those thoughts run through his head, "What did you just think?" She heard those thoughts and she wanted them repeated in case she heard it wrong.

Harry was caught and quickly put his hands up expecting a slap or a hit from the angry genie. "Sorry, don't be mad." Grabbing his hand she started to drag him upstairs without a word. "Where are we going?" Harry asked.

Desiree just angrily replied, "To have sex. I am going to stock up now in case we are going to have less this school year." Harry wanted to be excited for the sex but he had a feeling she was going to make him regret telling her all the drawbacks this year. 'Oh no.' Harry thought.

A Few Hours Later

Harry was practically crawling to the bathroom after four hours of nonstop sex. That for the last hour was just Desiree riding him like an exhausted donkey. He lost count of the amount of times he came or she came but he did know that he was dehydrated and needed a hot bath. He was fucked so hard his entire cock almost felt raw and his balls felt shriveled.

When he finally made it to the bathroom and drew himself a bath Desiree floated into the bathroom in her genie form. "Ahhh that hit the spot master. Until we go back to Hogwarts you better get used to this. I will be sure to make sure those balls are always empty and drained into me every second of the day." She planned to get the most out of her master while she could. But that didn't mean she wasn't still thinking of a way around this no sex obstacle.

Harry loudly groaned in the hot bath and just submerged his head in the steaming bath in an effort to just drown himself to put him out of his misery. Desiree wasn't overly concerned about this move. "Don't be a baby master, it's unbecoming." Desiree found it cute to see him so worn out.

When Harry's lungs were burning he finally came up for air. When he caught his breath he groaned, "I swear you are going to kill me quicker than Voldemort." He was lucky his body was young but if he lived into old age she was going to break his pelvis every night. He doubted he could make it to forty the way Desiree planned for him to shag her every single day along with his own personal harem.

"Harry? Desiree? You two still here?" A voice called from downstairs. A very familiar voice belonging to the woman who convinced them this was a good idea. 'That blasted woman.' Harry thought.

Desiree changed into her adult human form and called out, "We are in the bathroom upstairs." Desiree just smiled evilly at Harry knowing that he wasn't done and was going to have to fuck Tonks soon.

Harry pitifully groaned and nearly pushed his head back down under the water. 'Whenever Tonks comes over she always wants sex. Why did she have to come over now?' Harry wasn't sure if he could get it up again much less please Tonks who was just as cock hungry as Desiree at the worst.

Tonks opened the bathroom door to see a naked Desiree leaning against the sink with Harry looking sad in the bathtub. "Wotcher, Harry what's wrong?" He didn't seem his same happy and upbeat self.

Harry just pointed to Desiree, "I told her we might not have as much sex as we did last year and she spent the last few hours shagging me raw." His whole body felt like it was stinging partly from the hot water and the other part from Desiree's rough sex. At one point during their wild sex she even spanked him while he had her in missionary position. Not to mention she even tried twisting his nipples which resulted in him smacking her hands away and putting her in doggy style before unleashing a punishing rain of blows on her bum.

Tonks winced, "Ouch been there myself once or twice. One time I changed into a bloke's dream girl and he shagged me for over an hour as hard and fast as he could. I was only 17 so I was raw for like a week." Sitting down on the closed toilet she continued, "I heard Dumbledore bought it and Desiree will be a fifth year student this year."

Desiree spoke up, "Yes I even got sorted into Gryffindor by convincing the hat to put me with my master." She was glad the hat was able to keep a secret. After what it saw in her head the poor thing would probably need a good mind wipe.

Tonks gave the genie mock applause. "Well done you two. I told you this was a good idea. But I suggest you drop the master talk for school. Or else the professors are going to think you are a super kinky slut. Which you are but it isn't appropriate for a girl your age." She was proud of her idea and she had a feeling Harry was going to thank her in the long run.

Mentally Harry agreed with Tonks, 'She is a super kinky slut.' Desiree didn't deny it but had a wide smile as she leaned against the sink still naked. Harry grumbled, "That has remained to be seen. I still don't know how we are going to sleep together at night. Desiree had become accustomed to her morning sex." He also loved his morning blowjobs but he could live without them a few nights a week if he needed to.

Desiree scoffed at her master for pretending that he didn't love it just as much as she did. "I think you would be just as upset as me if you missed out on your morning blowjobs. How would you even know it was time to wake up if it wasn't for me."

"How do you think I lived my life before you came along? I can wake up on my own, thank you very much." Harry shot back, a little offended she thought he couldn't wake up on time without her.

Tonks laughed at the bickering pair, "Oh you two are children." Looking at Desiree she said, "You can go in the boys dorm. The staircase isn't charmed like the girl's." Tonks had figured that one out a few too many times.

Harry cut in still not happy about that idea, "She doesn't like to wear clothes or even knickers for that matter. I don't want all the boys staring at her naked." When Desiree was in her human form she preferred a more wild and naked attitude. He knew he was going to have to remind her of even wearing knickers under her uniform. The only time he has even seen her wearing knickers lately was the thong they had found in town. She had also made a bunch of different kinds for herself to wear when they left the house. She changed the colors trying to find the exact shade that drove her master wild. He hoped she wouldn't wear her skirt too short so everyone else could see it.

Tonks appreciated that Harry wanted to conserve the genie's modesty even though she had none after years of being used as a toy in general. "Well unless you can find a way around the charmed staircase the girl's dorm is out. Maybe you two can just sleep on the couch in the common room."

Desiree slapped Tonks on the arm. "That's what I said. I haven't had sex in front of a fire in ages." Back in her long past being near the fire was nice because it was always cold at night. She would much rather fuck warm than cold.

"I don't think she can convince all those girls to let me stay in their dorm." Harry said as he tried to enjoy his soothing bath. His body was slowly recovering as he even started drinking a glass of tap water to help recover his fluids.

"I'm sure you can convince them if you had a big orgy. Once they get a look at Harry and that hammer of a cock I'm sure they would love to have him around. You just have to make it worth their while." Tonks said as she kept staring at Harry's naked body under the hot water. She was already wet but she would have to wait a little bit longer.

Desiree could easily convince a group of girls to let Harry stay. "I have seen the girls in Gryffindor and most if not all of them want a piece of you. I would be willing to share every once in a while. Like Tonks said, a big orgy every now and then will keep them happy." She saw his cock make a small movement at the thought of all those girls at once. "Just think about it. Lavender, Hermione and the quidditch girls all over your body fucking you at the same time. One on your face, one on your cock, one licking your balls and the other two with your fingers buried inside them." She took deep pleasure in the way his body reacted to her dirty talk.

Tonks saw Harry's cock was now rock hard and she took this as her cue to get naked and join him in the bath. Harry saw what she was doing and before he could protest Tonks was in the bath and sitting on his cock. "Tonks." Harry said in a whine.

"Man up Harry, it's been three days since I had you last and I need this shag." Making the water wave surge back and forth it was nearly overflowing onto the tiled floor. "Right there Harry." Her hips never stopped moving, letting his cock slide in and out while the hot water soothed her body from a long day of work.

Harry was in the thick of it now so he couldn't resist staring at Tonks's chest and squeezing her tits while she rode him. Rolling her light tan nipples in his fingers making sure to add more pressure for revenge. "You two are insatiable sluts." While he wouldn't mind this being the case usually right now it was working against him.

Tonks and Desiree both smiled at being called sluts. Tonks said, "Just you wait Harry. Once we get to Grimmauld I will be getting this cock much more often. Who knows I might even take Desiree's job and wake you up with my mouth.." She was getting off to having her nipples pinched so hard while Harry's giant cock pummeled her pussy. She loved teasing him because it made his cock and thrusts stronger. It was a secret Desiree shared with her as an easy way to kick Harry into high speed. He even did a little lip bite as he concentrated to make sure she felt every punishing inch.

That made Harry curious to see what that wish could possibly be. "Then I can't wait but I think this is the most you can get from me now." If he came one more time that was as far as he could go today.

Desiree chimed in as Tonks screamed out in climax from the best bathtub shag she has ever had. "Don't worry Tonks, I have a treat for you back in the room. We can make Harry watch while we have some fun." She planned to give Tonks a little punishment for suggesting she was going to take her job.

In the last week Harry had sent five cases filled with thousands of magical strapon replicas of his cock to Apolline for the Veela covens. Desiree had hidden one of them in her bag in case of emergencies and this was an emergency. But hers was a specially modified one just for this kind of situation.

Harry was curious to see what Desiree had planned as a surprise. Gruffly grunting as Tonks rode him to completion Harry didn't put any magical spin on his ejaculation giving her a regular amount inside her pussy. Going to show how much Desiree tapped him out before this one. "Okay now get off me so I can dry off." Harry grumbled as Tonks took her time getting out of the bath.

Back In Harry's Room

Once all three of them were back in the magical room Desiree had created, Harry sat on the couch naked to watch what Desiree had planned.

Tonks was still naked but dry after her quick bathtub shag. Walking into the room she was soon pushed into the bed on all fours. Tonks didn't understand why this position when Harry was sitting on the couch. 'Nice he is still naked. Can't believe the body he has on him along with a nice thick cock.' She was so lost in thought she nearly missed Harry's widening smile. For a second she thought he was going to get up once she saw his cock start to fill with blood again. It was at that moment she felt two somethings pressing against both her pussy and asshole. Looking back she tried to see what Desiree was doing. "You-" She stopped herself, body clenching up, and she accepted it. "Just go ahead." Might as well not fight it and just accept it. She already knew what it was having her first view of it the first time she caught them.

Desiree didn't respond at first and instead kept pushing her hips forward and soon Tonks was being double impaled by her twin strapons. While Desiree could have had the single strapon she decided to have some fun and make it double for occasions like this. "Oh master this feels incredible. Almost as good as it feels when you fuck me with two cocks." She now know what it was like to be on both sides and didn't know which one she liked more but secretly she liked it when Harry was the one doing the fucking.

Tonks was moaning and unable to speak, feeling two giant ten inch cocks push into her. Each cock pushed against the other and made their respective holes tighter. "Fucking cunt!" Tonks cursed the feeling of two giant cocks in her for the first time in her life. She always wondered what this would feel like but had never been with more than one boy at a time. 'Oh right, I have had two cocks inside me at the same time.' The reason she didn't remember it was because one of those Hufflepuff boys was incredibly small and she barely noticed. It was impossible to forget what she was feeling now, which was two giant cocks pushing against each other and making her brain swim in pleasure. 'This is going to make me cum so quick and seem like a real whore.'

Desiree threw her head back and felt both of Tonks's perfect holes wrap around both cocks and she couldn't stop the big moan from escaping her lips. 'Oh master you lucky boy. She is exceptional. I think I can get used to this. We will have to share her together one of these days.'

Desiree kept up her thrusts into the young metamorphmagus. "I knew you would like this. I bet you have even been dreaming of this from the first time you saw my master's two cocks. To be fucked like you are his cheap slut who just craves cock. I can't judge you because I'm the same way." Desiree would have said that about any woman because it was hard to ignore it once you saw it. Even harder once you feel both your holes being filled at the same time.

Tonks wishes she could deny it but she couldn't. Since her first time seeing Harry with two cocks she had thought about what that felt like and now she was getting a very hands on lesson. Tonks had to bite her lip to stop from crying and moaning out anymore than she already was.

Desiree could tell the Auror was holding back and instead grabbed her short purple hair and pulled her head back. "Tell Harry how much you love it. Tell him how it feels to have his two cocks in your slutty holes. How it feels to have your asshole stretched at the same time I'm pushing into this perfect pussy." Desiree was so close to cumming herself but since this was a strapon she could keep going without having to worry about getting it back up like her master.

Tonks couldn't bite her lip anymore and moaned out, "I love it. I love having your cock in each hole. I love it so much I'm going to cum soon." Now that she admitted it out loud her body accepted the storm of euphoria she was feeling. Moans spilled from her mouth and from the corner of her eye she saw that Harry was starting to react to the wild scene in front of him. His half hard cock was now a full raging erection that was sure going into one of them.

"You really are a whore moaning with two cocks in you. I wonder how you will feel with three." Desiree said before waving Harry over to take Tonks's mouth. Soon she was going to have three identical cocks in each one of her holes.

Harry couldn't resist the invitation and had regained enough energy to join in for a blowjob. Crawling on the bed his lap and hard cock was now resting against the side of Tonks's face. Part of him wanted to just slam her head down and fuck her mouth but he decided to let her control it. He smiled the way she rubbed her face up and down his cock while trying to stifle her moans. Putting his hand on her cheek he let her just rub her soft face along his shaft until she was ready for more.

Tonks groaned feeling like she was on a losing side. Now she had no choice but to be triple penetrated by Harry and his magical sex genie. Without any goading she kissed his big smooth balls before kissing all the way up the tip before engulfing his cock in the warmth from her mouth. 'This isn't so bad. I think I could actually get used to this. Oh now I feel like a real whore if I can get used to this.' This was a position meant for the cheap whores in Knockturn who let groups of men fuck them for a few sickles. Now here she was enjoying it so much she could start to see the appeal.

Harry threw his head back feeling Tonks effortlessly facefuck herself on his hard cock. On every bob of her head she was taking him down to the base. Her metamorphmagus powers on full display as she formed her mouth and throat around his cock. "That's it Tonks." Desiree added to her master's adoration and said, "Master, you have to try this soon. She has a perfect ass and pussy for a nice double pounding." Speaking of pounding, Desiree was working back and forth at a heavy pace and was making Tonks skin slap against hers.

Tonks felt her cheeks get red with how much these two liked fucking her. She was being thrown back and forth between the two of them like a ragdoll. The shape of these cocks burned their shape into her body. 'I see why Harry was so worn out. Desiree is fucking ravenous.' The relentless and eager thrusts in both her holes made her forget it was a girl on the other side of those cocks. Blindfolded she would assume this was a horny boy who was shagging her, not another woman.

Desiree was loving fucking the same women with her master which only made her more excited to start school. Doing this with Daphne and some of the other girls made her fuck Tonks harder. Now Tonks bum was jiggling and a little red from Desiree's frantic and rough thrusts. The only thing that was missing was being able to cum and fill this slut up. "Master, you better make this slut swallow it all. Fill her stomach with all that sweet cum."

Harry could only nod as he felt the end get closer and closer the way Tonks deepthroated him every bob of her head. Within another minute he lost all control and with both hands he held down her head as he started to cum directly down her gullet.

Tonks felt the pulsing and hot fluid being shot down her throat in addition to the other two cocks in her and she lost it. "Mrppgghhh!" Tonks tried to say if her mouth wasn't filled with cock. If the two of them could hear that then they would know she was cumming.

Desiree could feel Tonks's holes get tighter and just buried all ten inches as deep as she could as her own orgasm washed over her body. "YES!" Was all Desiree could say as she had one of her biggest orgasms of the day but there was so many to choose from. So she didn't know for sure which was the biggest. Harry had done a good job as always of giving her multiple hard orgasms.

Tonks was thankful both of these two had stopped moving. Pulling off Harry's cock she finally was able to taste some of his sweet cream. When she let her mouth pop off his softening erection she imagined she looked like a mess. She could even feel some drool dripping down her chin along with a few stray tears from taking Harry's cock so deep in her throat. His spit covered cock was slapped along the side of her face and she just accepted it not caring about the mess. After a minute she finally felt Desiree pull out both of the cocks inside her and Tonks collapsed on the bed defeated.

Tonks had to crawl up the bed a little bit or else she would have just had her face laying against his soft cock and smooth balls. As great as that was, she needed a better pillow and chose his torso for the job.

Desiree pulled off the strapon and climbed into bed with Tonks and her master. Tonks had her head on Harry's stomach looking like she was ready to pass out. Desiree took her spot next to him and put her head on his chest.

Harry liked the feeling of two attractive girls laying on him and while he would love it if he could go again his body just couldn't. His limp cock refused to move instead his body needed rest. Both Tonks and Harry fell asleep within a couple minutes but Desiree stayed up a little longer to just bask in her orgasmic afterglow and victory.

A Couple Weeks Later

This had easily been the best summer of Harry's life. Besides having regular sex with Desiree everyday he also got to have Tonks three times a week whenever her shift was watching the house.

He had even gone back to Zelda Spellman across the street at least once a week. The last time though was when her daughter surprised her by coming home for the summer. That led to Harry having to jump out the window of Zelda's bedroom as Sabrina ran up the stairs to see her mum. Thankfully he was able to get dressed but he didn't know how she covered up what she was doing. Because she was glowing with sweat and had just cum for the third time. He left that room reeking of sex and her looking like a mess. She was red faced with sweaty face matted blonde hair as well as his cum dripping from her well fucked pussy. That was one thing he loved about Zelda was that he didn't have to pull out and pumped her full of cum every time and she took it with a smile.

Regardless he at least enjoyed his time with her even though she was a muggle and couldn't use Desiree the way he wanted. None of these girls failed to thoroughly drain him. Zelda was a pleasant summer treat that he planned to treasure the same way he did Madam Rosmerta or Rita Skeeter.

Zelda was even finally able to take all ten inches in their last meeting and he was sure he gave her an orgasm so big she would be thinking about it for the rest of her life. As always during his visits with her they ended up in the bath where they would bathe each other and he would show her special attention with his hands. She had complimented him on his talents of massaging her or his fingering ability. Well besides the last time of course. That was cut short which was a shame. He was just getting her comfortable with a finger up the bum in the bath. With some more time he might have been able to work up for more.

Harry had to thank her for her eagerness to pleasure him. While he never explicitly pushed anal that didn't mean he was lacking on pleasure. Zelda had an impressive talent with her mouth and hands not to mention her pussy which sucked him in every time. She was deceptively tight for her age and had to give her credit for getting him to run over any time she waved in his direction. He thought back to the one standing shag he gave her that had almost made her pass out by the end of it. Standing up he had her holding her hands on the wall while he almost had her in a standing split, testing the limits of her yoga enhanced flexibility. He shagged her two or three orgasms before he came which knocked her out for the rest of the day. She just told him to lay her on the bed and thanked him for the treatment.

In talking with her he learned she had only been with a few men and none were particularly fun in bed. She thanked him for being such a good sexual partner and helping her feel younger and not the old woman she thought of herself as after the divorce. Harry never saw that and tried to show her how beautiful she was by touching and kissing every inch of her body.

Desiree just watched like a proud teacher as Harry gave the woman a new lease on life. Hopefully this would give this woman confidence to go find a younger man to settle down with. If Harry wasn't magical or had his own life she could have seen them being a good match.

When Tonks came by she would also ask for the full treatment which was shagging her pussy multiple times before a go in her tight bum. She tried to hold her bum hostage which only made Harry work harder until she was willingly getting on all fours and begging him to stick it there. Also every time she promised if he did a good job she would let him fuck her face. Harry never disappointed and always satisfied her enough to let him grab on her lengthened hair and use them as handles to fuck her mouth. All while Desiree watched and cheered them on. Desiree even made her own requests like on Tonks's hair color or the ability to work Tonks's head up and down her master's cock. She even sometimes shared in the bounty from Harry's orgasm by swapping it between their mouths while her master watched. That usually led to another round of sex this time with Desiree for teasing him.

All that however changed one night a few days short of his birthday when Desiree and Harry were walking back from Little Whinging when the sky went dark. It was much too early for it to go dark which spelled that there was a problem. They were just walking back from town after a wonderful time sitting in a cafe and just talking as a normal couple would before getting dinner at his favorite fish and chips shop.

Harry and Desiree had both picked up the pace back to Number 4. Their feet were hitting the concrete hard and fast knowing something was coming. Sadly Desiree didn't have a wand to help Harry if it came down to that. Going under an overpass they saw two dark creatures waiting for them. These must have been the cause of the weather disturbance. Dark figures hovering over the ground wrapped in a black tattered cloaks.

Desiree knew from Harry's memories that these things were not to be trifled with. These things were lethal and could snuff you out in a second. She didn't know what would happen if they got close to her. She was immortal but did she even have a soul left to take.

"Dementors!" Harry said as he felt his hand twitch towards his wand. If he cast the patronus he knew that he would be in trouble but he didn't see another choice as the dementors started racing towards them.

"Wish for us to be back in the bedroom so we can have sex." Desiree said frantically hoping Harry would be quick about it.

Harry didn't spend two seconds thinking about that before he wished he was back in his bedroom to have sex. In a flash they were no longer under the overpass and instead in his bedroom. At first he breathed a deep sigh of relief until he thought about what had just happened.

Just as he was about to say something Desiree dropped to her knees and opened his trousers before fishing out his cock and started to suck it. Harry was slowly getting hard in her mouth but his mind was going crazy. "Wait a minute. Why didn't you tell me this in the graveyard?" Harry yelled a little angrily for a boy getting a blowjob.

Desiree knew this looked bad and instead she focused on completing her side of the wish. Using all of her skill she started to suck Harry off ignoring his question. She even slowed down a little so she could try to take some edge off his anger with her blowjob skills.

Harry saw what Desiree was doing and he wasn't going to let her off the hook. Instead of enjoying the blowjob he started to roughly skullfuck her trying to reach his climax in the shortest possible time. 'I know you hear me.' He usually wasn't this rough with her mouth and even when he facefucked her it wasn't as rough as this.

Desiree didn't respond even through the mind link. She tried her best to ignore him. It wouldn't work however because soon Harry was fucking her face ten times rougher than he had ever done so before. If she was a real human girl and not immortal there was a chance he could kill her with his big cock. It was going so deep in her throat it would have cut off her air supply and the rough way he was thrusting made it impossible to control.

Soon Harry felt his orgasm build before he slammed her head down one more time and dropped a giant hot load down her throat. He could hear her gulping it down and when she was finally done swallowing everything he gave her he pushed her off of him. "Now answer my question."

Desiree tried to put this question off as long as she could but there was no hiding now. "Master, don't be mad but I only thought of it after the graveyard. I was looking for ways to get you out of trouble with my magic. I'm sorry if I failed you before." She could see her master turn the darkest shade of red since their first night together.

"Are you kidding me?" Harry was now angrily pacing the room not trusting his temper at the moment. He remembered very clearly wishing for a way out of that graveyard and Desiree saying there was nothing she could do. "I can't believe-" Harry was cut off when he heard a knock at his door. Lucky he had already had his trousers up but he felt a wet and sticky feeling in his boxers. He didn't give Desiree time for her usual clean up routine.

Just as the door was opening Desiree magically cleaned up her face and clothes from evidence of the rough facefucking that just occurred. Opening the door they were greeted with the sight of the real Professor Moody, Tonks and someone who looked like Kingsley Shacklebolt at least from the way Tonks described him.

Harry and Desiree both didn't know what to say but Professor Moody didn't start with any niceties. "Get your trunk and your broom Potter...and lass."

Harry didn't ask any questions and just grabbed his trunk and Tonks shrunk it down to fit in his pocket for the ride. Only having one broom he told Desiree, "You are riding with me." Desiree wouldn't have wanted to ride anywhere else despite his anger at her. She knew it was going to take a little time for him to cool off. She felt like a failure for letting him down and not thinking about this sooner.

The group of adult wizards were soon rushing them out the door and onto the street. Harry didn't even get a chance to ask where they were going before Moody was telling them to not break ranks even if they are killed. Harry didn't fight it and just started flying behind the gathered Order of the Phoenix members.

The broom ride to London was only about fifteen minutes which was made all the longer from Desiree who was pressing her body against his . She also reached around to try and feel his cock through his trousers but he had to slap her hand away so he didn't get distracted. He was on a Firebolt which was the fastest and therefore the most dangerous broom on the market. They flew above the streets, over the River Thames and passed boats which looked beautiful all lit up in the darkness of night. But one wrong move could be fatal from this height and speed.

Once they finally made it to their destination Moody stood on the street and tapped his staff on the ground a couple times before a hidden building started to take shape. This must have been Sirius's house. He had been told the address before as a place to meet in case the worst happened.

Following the Order members inside he was quickly greeted by Mrs. Weasley who tried to usher him upstairs to see the other children. After hearing them mutter about the upcoming war. From what he was able to catch Sirius wanted to strike now which was something he was in favor of. He also didn't miss the side eyed glance Mrs. Weasley gave Desiree. It was clear Mrs. Weasley wanted to say more but the Order seemed to want to start their meeting on the events of tonight.

Walking up the stairs with Desiree in tow he heard the genie say, "What a shit hole. Dark and dirty not to mention falling apart. I have lived in better places a thousand years ago." It was also impossible to miss the grumbling and angry little house elf who kept calling himself "Kreature".

Harry rolled his eyes, "When you get a wand I will talk to Sirius into letting you redecorate." While he found the house creepy as well he didn't view it worse than the cupboard he spent eleven years in. Just before she was about to respond he had opened the door Mrs. Weasley told him to and he was grabbed by Hermione who pulled him into a big hug. "Oh Harry. Are you alright? We overheard them talking about a dementor attack. You must tell us everything." Hermione's mouth was running a mile a minute trying to get her question out.

Desiree was almost shocked to see so much affection from the little bookworm. While Harry and Hermione were busy hugging each other the three redheads in the room were staring at her. The two older twins just looked at her with a curious eye while the youngest red headed male was staring at her with an obvious sexual interest. Desiree decided to just cut that off right now. "Not happening in a million years Ron."

Ron didn't expect this girl to know his name. "Harry, who is that?" Ron had never seen such an attractive and exotic girl before. Her tan skin with long black hair not to mention a nice set of tits made Ron curious.

Harry rolled his eyes at his old friend asking him instead of her. He should have just walked up to her and shook her hand and asked her. "This is Desiree. She's an old friend from my primary school who moved to America but like me her parents died so she was moved back to the UK. I didn't know it until recently but she is magical as well."

Hermione knew Harry long enough to know he wasn't telling them the whole truth. "So Desiree, are you a muggleborn as well?" She would love another muggleborn to talk to. Most everyone she knew was a half-blood or pureblood. Although Harry was as good as a muggleborn.

Desiree shook her head, "No magic has been in my blood for thousands of years. I just lost my wand when I moved here. So I will need to get a new one but once I do I can show you some things." Desiree felt a need to one up Hermione having seen her as one of Harry's first loves and a technical genius. To add insult to injury Desiree threw her arm over Harry's shoulders and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She wanted to make it clear they were together.

Hermione accepted that but planned to get her alone to ask some more questions. This girl was much too close to Harry to never once have heard of her. 'Something is fishy.'

Ron had been watching the whole situation and felt like once again he was being slighted. Not only had Harry taken the most beautiful girl he had ever seen to the Yule Ball in Fleur Delacour but he now also had this beautifully exotic girl with him. There was also the added pain of listening to Hermione go on and on about how Harry was doing and worrying about him. 'Why does every girl care so much about Harry besides being rich? What else does he have going for him?' Ron thought to himself.

Fred and George decided to make their presence known and slide in, to surround Harry and his new girlfriend. "Hello there-" One of the twins said before the other finished with, "Desiree." They had extended their hands in a welcoming gesture.

Desiree shook both their hands, "I have heard a lot about you two." She of course was right next to Harry when he gave them their business start up money. That along with all the funny stories she heard about them from Harry while also seeing the memories of some of their pranks.

Fred and George propositioned them to hear something a little more interesting. Soon they were gathered around the top of the stairs case while lowering an "Extendable Ear". From the ear Harry could eavesdrop alby hearing Sirius say, "If anyone has a right to know, it's Harry. If it wasn't for Harry we wouldn't even know Voldemort was back. He's not a child Molly." Sirius's voice clearly talking down to Mrs. Weasley.

Mrs. Weasley came right back at Sirius in an overprotective mum way. "But he's not an adult either. He's not James, Sirius."

Sirius shot back, "Well, he's not your son." Sirius was clearly getting heated the longer the meeting went on.

"He's as good as. Who else has he got?" Mrs. Weasley responded as if she had been slapped.

It was at that moment Desiree had noticed another girl come out of one of the closed rooms at the end of the hall. This red headed girl clearly noticed her and was about to say something before Harry noticed her, "Hey Ginny." Seeing Ginny he had noticed that she had really grown since the last time he saw her. The thoughts of her being his little sister were now gone.

Desiree saw her master's thoughts as his eyes went up and down Ginny's body noticing her budding breasts and slim figure. While Desiree was more curvy there was something to be said for petite girls like Ginny or Luna.

Once the greeting was out of the way they went back to eavesdropping. "He's got me."

It was at that moment another order member chimed in with a very distinctive disgusted tone. "How touchingly paternal, Black. Perhaps Potter will grow up to be a felon, just like his godfather."

From that voice Harry could tell that made his godfather angry. "Now you stay out of this, Snivellus." Sirius shot back quickly.

"Snape's part of the Order?" Harry asked his friends that had been here all summer. It was almost laughable Snape was trying to help them when he was so biased towards Slytherin and treated him like his own personal punching bag.

Ron managed to say the only thing he agreed with so far when he said, "Git." Ron said just loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I know better." Sirius said.

"So why don't you tell him?" Before they could hear anything else Snape said Hermione's bloody cat started attacking the ear like it was a toy or prey.

Hermione tried to whisper down the stairs to chastise her cat. "Crookshanks." The others in the group were saying other things like, "Stop it." Or "You bloody cat." It was only a few seconds later when Crookshanks managed to break the ear and run off with it in her mouth.

Harry just turned to Hermione, "Hermione, I hate your cat." Hermione had to sadly agree and in a defeated tone as a bad owner she whispered, "Bad Crookshanks." It was no use now but she knew everyone hated her cat and for once she could agree with them.

After the little cat mishap a few minutes later Mrs. Weasley opened the kitchen door and the children started to walk down. "Well, we'll be eating down in the kitchen." Mrs. Weasley said just before George and Fred aparated behind her which made her jump and yell, "Oh just because you're allowed to use magic now does not mean you have to whip your wand out for everything." In the middle of her tirade the twins ran away from their exploding mother.

From behind Mrs. Weasley, the person Harry wanted to see, said, "Harry Potter." Harry said his godfather's name before rushing into his arms like he imagined a child would a father.

Sirius for the first time was getting a look at the exotic beauty his godson brought with him. From what Moony told him he shouldn't have been surprised. "Harry, who is this delightful young lady you brought with you?" Sirius could already tell the two were close.

Harry was a touch embarrassed, "Sirius this is an old friend Desiree. She recently moved back to town and she is magical just like's a long story." Sirius just nodded imagining it was a very long story but chose to walk the kids into the kitchen to eat the meal Molly had prepared.

In the kitchen Desiree sat next to Harry while Harry sat next to his godfather. Tonks sat on the opposite side of Desiree and was amusing the table with her metamorphmagus abilities. Changing her nose into a pig or changing her face into others with exaggerated features like a big hooked nose or giant lips. Desiree was now taking note of all the things Tonks could do to bring them back into the bedroom.

Once they were sat down Mr. Weasley started to talk about how this dementor attack was the Ministry trying to trick him into doing something illegal. That had blown Harry's mind. "I don't understand. What does the Ministry of Magic have against me?" He knew Voldemort and his followers hated him but why was the Ministry trying to go after him.

Moody who was standing off to the side was on the side of Sirius. He wanted the boy to know as much as possible. "Show him. He'll find out soon enough." Harry looked down the table as Shacklebolt passed him a Daily Prophet with his face on the cover under the title "The Boy Who Lies?" The picture was from the end of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Looking at the journalist, he was happy it wasn't written by Rita Skeeter. 'I am going to have to write to her and see if she can do anything about this.'

Mr. Weasley added, "He's been attacking Dumbledore as well." The picture than changed to one from their Minister in his stupid bowler hat with the quote "Fudge: All Is Well."

Sirius finally chimed in again, "Fudge is using all his power, including his influence at the Daily Prophet to smear anyone who claims the Dark Lord has returned." Sirius wished there was something he could do to make the paper stop tar and feathering his godson.

Now Harry was feeling all of his rage come up again with still some left over from the attack. The attack that he just found out the Ministry probably had a hand in. "Why?"

Remus decided to add his more nuanced opinion from his rightfully angry best friend. "He thinks Dumbledore's after his job." To anyone with a brain it was preposterous to think Dumbledore wanted to be Minister now. If he wanted to be Minister he would have done it when he defeated Grindelwald.

Once again Harry was stunned by the level of stupidity displayed by the magical government. He managed to get a hold of himself once he felt Desiree's hand on his thigh squeezing him as hard as her human body would allow. "No one in their right mind could believe that-"

Remus cut into Harry's angry rant, "Exactly the point. Fudge isn't in his right mind. It's been twisted and warped by fear." Looking back to Sirius, Remus took a breath before continuing, "Now fear makes people do terrible things, Harry. The last time Voldemort gained power he almost destroyed everything we hold most dear. Now he's returned, and I'm afraid the Minister will do almost anything to avoid facing the terrifying truth."

Sirius decided to take over being the Auror he once was and the knowledge from the last war. "We think Voldemort wants to build up his army again. Fourteen years ago he had huge numbers at his command and not just witches and wizards, but all manner of dark creatures. He's been recruiting heavily, and we've been attempting to do the same. But gathering followers isn't the only thing he's interested in. We believe that Voldemort may be after something."

Moody cut Sirius off not wanting him to reveal anything more. "Sirius." Moody said in a warning tone. Sirius heeded his warning and was vague, "Something he didn't have the last time."

Harry didn't understand what they were talking about. "You mean like a weapon?" Besides a wand, what other weapons were there in the magical world? They didn't have bombs like muggles did.

Now it was Mrs. Weasley's turn to cut in and stop the conversation. "No. That's enough. He's just a boy." Walking over in front of Harry she took the paper off his plate. "You say much more and you might as well induct him into the order."

Harry was getting tired of these word games. "Good. I want to join. If Voldemort is raising an army, then I want to fight." Sirius clapped his hands and gave his godson a proud look before leaning back in his chair.

Desiree now took her moment to add to the tense situation. 'Well look at it this way you have an immortal genie on your side.'

Harry mentally scoffed, 'Oh yes because a magical sex genie came in so handy the last time.' He was still a little upset about Desiree's disappearing trick that he could have used the night Voldemort came back. Desiree pouted at effectively being called useless when it came to the art of war.

Soon everyone had a plate of a nice home cooked stew and bread in front of them and the topics of conversation became lighter. People seemed to want to change the subject and turned all their attention to the new girl none of them had seen before. While most people were interested a few people were not. Mainly Mrs. Weasley and Ron after Desiree turned him down. Ginny on the other hand had a million questions and was also taken by Desiree's beauty. The questions ranged from how she looked so good to how she stays so fit.

Most of the other questions came from Remus, Sirius or Hermione. Remus had asked about her past which made Desiree repeat the elaborate backstory they developed for her. Desiree talked about her dead parents and knowing Harry in primary school. She also made sure to emphasize that his childhood wasn't a happy one and she was the only one there for him until she left. That should have earned her more sympathy from the table.

Sirius immediately asked if they were dating to which Desiree just shrugged and said, "We are young so there is no need for those kinds of labels. While I am exclusive with Harry I don't mind if he has fun elsewhere." That revelation made a couple people at the table choke on their drinks or on the big bite of stew they had just fed themselves. Tonks just smiled along with Sirius and Remus knew that Harry had spread his wings wider than the table thought. Sirius still planned to ask him about the older mum in the neighborhood later. Ginny just smiled hoping that was good news for her later.

Hermione had asked about her magical ability which led to Remus telling her that she could be taken shopping tomorrow for school supplies and a new wand. The Order tried to discourage Harry from coming along but neither Harry or Desiree budged on the matter. It was then decided they would be going early to beat the rush of people in the afternoon.

When dinner was nearly done Mrs. Weasley told everyone their room assignments. Desiree was supposed to room with Ginny and Hermione which wasn't going to happen. And Harry didn't want to room with Ron given his snoring and the animosity between the two of them.

Desiree turned to Sirius, "Do you have a spare room for Harry and I to have...alone?"

Sirius just smiled and before he could answer Mrs. Weasley raised her voice, "Absolutely not! You two can't share a bedroom, it's improper."

Desiree wanted to strangle this banshee and it was only their first night in the house. "Harry and I have shared a bedroom for most of the summer already. We are comfortable together." Desiree wasn't going to back down from an upset pseudo-mother figure.

Mrs. Weasley turned a new shade of red which made the twins laugh and even Remus to cover his snickering. Sirius put his foot down. "Harry is my godson and this is my house. If he wants to share a room with his 'friend' I am not going to stop him." He gave the couple a little wink before adding, "After dinner I will show you to my brother's old room. Might need to be a little cleaning but if I remember correctly it had a nice big bed in it."

Desiree thanked Sirius and couldn't resist twisting the knife by giving the Weasley matriarch a smile. Desiree didn't miss the gaping mouth looks from most of the Weasley clan including Hermione. Harry blushed, feeling everyone at the table making assumptions about what they would be doing. They would also be very correct because there was no way Desiree was going to let him sleep without having sex at least once.

Harry was right because that night the moment they were alone in the room Desiree told him to wish for sound not to bleed through the walls or door. From there she just climbed on the bed on all fours and told him to take out all of his frustrations on her. Harry of course knew what she meant by this was for his roughest shag with hard smacks across her big bum. It was her penance for what happened earlier and being a bad genie that night in the graveyard.

It was one of the roughest times Harry remembered shagging Desiree as he never slowed and even wished for her to count his spanks and say she was sorry with every strike. By the end she had apologized over a hundred times and her ass was so red it looked like she would be able to sit down for a week.

After the third time Harry came he had made a mess out of both Desiree's holes but her bum took the brunt of it. Once they were done both of them collapsed in bed not even bothering to clean up. It had been an exhausting day and it could all wait for tomorrow. Desiree once again profusely apologized until the moment they both fell asleep.

The Next Day

After a morning shag and a shower together which raised some more eyebrows they had breakfast before being brought to Diagon Alley. Remus hoped to beat the mid afternoon rush as they raced to get all the shopping finished. Harry had to be in disguise with a large coat and hat but he followed around Remus and Desiree store to store.

First they passed the Quality Quidditch Supplies store and Harry went in for a few things while Desiree didn't even bother buying a broom. In her genie form she could fly just fine and it wasn't like she was going to join the house quidditch team anyway. While she liked watching Harry fly she didn't care for the game that much.

From there they also passed Eeylops Owl Emporium which Desiree once again turned down while Harry went in to buy Hedwig some more treats. Remus forgot what she had said last night and asked if she had anyone to write to which she just replied, "My parents are dead and besides Harry I have no friends outside of school. If I really need to write I will just use Hedwig." Under her voice she added, "Fucking rat with wings." Hedwig still hadn't warmed up to her yet even though they shared a room over the summer.

Next was Flourish and Blotts for books. Harry and Desiree both bought the required reading but had also bought some more books on defensive and offensive spells with some other books for fun. Desiree had purchased a book about all the magical creatures to see if anyone had ever seen her kind before. She would love to know if there were more known genie's like her.

From there they went to get their uniforms at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. Remus decided to stand guard outside while Harry and Desiree did their fittings and final purchases. While she didn't mind the gold and red aesthetic she would have preferred green. Of course that meant she couldn't be with Harry and she didn't love the color green that much. But that didn't stop her from accessorizing with green. She planned to get some emerald pieces of jewelry. Harry had just wanted to get the normal set of required robes but Desiree intervened and made him get an entire new wardrobe. She already had gotten him to redo his muggle wardrobe but now he needed more magical occasion clothes. Thankfully they had gone to Gringots before starting because the final total of his new wardrobe was over seventy galleons. Desiree made him spring for the silk boxers which Harry just agreed to to stop Madam Malkin from doing anymore measuring in that area.

Desiree also had her own knicker request. Pulling down one of her many thongs she asked if she could get a silk set for school. Madam Malkin had never been more red than being asked to make sexy knickers. That usually wasn't her area but with the large margins she made on silk items she did it anyway.

Besides that Desiree also had her uniform made along with a lot of silk loungewear. Harry wanted to know why silk to which Desiree just said, 'In my genie form all my clothes are silk and it's been a material that I am comfortable with.' Silk was always the height of luxury.

When Desiree's final total came up it was easily over a hundred galleons which made Harry wince as he paid for it anyway. In his mind he just told his genie that she was going to have to make up for this when they got home. While their shopping was shrunk down the next store Remus took them to was to get all their stationary needs met before doing all the shopping they would need for potions. Desiree needed a cauldron and all the other things that students have had since first year.

Passing by the Magical Menagerie Desiree almost wished she could get a pet but knew she wouldn't have enough time for it. 'Master is almost my pet, with the amount of love I give to him.' There was also a limit where she could only have a cat or frog. If it was up to her she would have picked up the cute little rabbit who was eyeing her or the cute puppy in the window looking at her with the biggest sad eyes.

Harry could hear her and mentally replied, 'Other way around. You are by far the needier one between us. You are like a cat who is constantly hungry. Constantly meowing and pawing me.' Desiree didn't argue and instead just said, 'Meow meow' making Harry roll his eyes.

Before they went any further they came to a jewelry store that was much smaller than all the stores they had been to so far. Harry just groaned feeling her drag him by the arm into the shop. Once inside Desiree went right up to the jeweler and nearly demanded to see all his emerald items. After a few minutes of trying things on she had settled on a diamond, emerald bracelet and a set of big emerald earrings. Sadly Harry had to actually buy these because wishing for them didn't work. She would have slept with him regardless unlike Fleur who needed a little more convincing when he asked her out.

The jewelry was a big pile of gold but when she saw inside his vault she knew he could afford it. 'Master just think what I'm going to let you do to me later when I thank you for this.'

Harry knew she would do those things no matter what but could live with the exchange. 'We will see. I just might have to think of something extra special for the occasion.'

'Think away master.' Normally that would have been a scary thought. With past master's the more they thought about it that would mean more pain for her, with Harry it was the opposite. Leaving the store with a small bag of expensive goodies Remus was just waiting ready for their next stop. Once he saw all of the new additions to Desiree's wardrobe he looked at Harry who just shrugged and shook it off.

The only things left on their list was a new trunk and wand. Remus had made the choice to get the trunk first and both Harry and Desiree bought new trunks. Harry and Desiree both picked out the more expensive magically expanded trunk so they could fit more inside of it. For Desiree it would be more clothes and for Harry it was going to be more books and Hedwig's cage.

When they finally made it to Ollivanders once again Remus remained outside to be on guard while Harry and Desiree shopped.

Walking into the store Ollivander was at the counter fixing a few trinkets at the counter no doubt destroyed by a customer trying to find their first wand. Ollivander looked up and said, "Harry Potter eleven inch holly and phoenix feather core. Seeing as you won the Tri-Wizard Tournament I assume it is still working correctly."

Harry just nodded and pointed to his genie, "My old friend here needs a wand." He always felt weird when talking with Ollivander like he could see I to his soul or something. It was more than a little creepy.

Ollivander turned to the girl and gasped, "Oh my. I don't think I have ever seen someone with this kind of magic. Where are you from?" His family had a skill of seeing magical aura's to better pair the wizard to the wand. This girl's power was vast and a color he had never seen before. At first it scared him a little thinking she wasn't actually human but that wasn't possible.

Desiree hoped that this old man couldn't see anything he wasn't supposed to. "My family is descendants of magic users from the Middle East over a thousand years ago."

Ollivander gave the girl a critical once over before turning around and grabbing a wand off the wall. "Come give this a swish thirteen inch cedar wood and dragon heartstring core."

Desiree took the light brown wand and gave it a swish only to have the tip burst into flames. Ollivander quickly grabbed the wand back. "No. Definitely not." Going back to the shelves of wands he went to some of his older wands. These were made close to a hundred years ago with the rarer materials. "Okay try this, it's an eleven inch Ghaf tree wood with a unicorn hair core."

When Desiree grasped this one nothing happened. At least as far as an outside reaction. Ollivander quickly grabbed the wand back before going back for a moment and coming back with a new wand. "This one is made of the same wood but with a phoenix feather core and it's ten and a half inches. Good for defense as well as transfiguration."

This wand sent a warm feeling up Desiree's arm and it gave her the familiar sensation as if she was granting a wish. That along with a small glow at the tip let her know this was the correct one. "Is this it?" She asked not knowing if she was imagining things or misreading something. This kind of magic was still new to her.

Ollivander nodded, "Yes it is. Haven't you had a wand before?" He was curious as to how she didn't know this at the age of sixteen.

Desiree shrugged and said she used an old family wand. Ollivander seemed to buy it but found something never more interesting after she paid for the wand. The trace wasn't being applied to the wand as it would if she was underage. "How old are you again?"

Desiree didn't know why he was asking that and stammered out, "Sixteen." Ollivander narrowed his eyes at her but didn't push the matter any further. He could sense something off about this girl but he could tell she wasn't a danger to Harry. In fact they seemed to almost be one person. He could tell there was a connection deeper than what he saw with married couples.

Harry and Desiree left the shop and Remus told them they had everything but before they left they could go to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. Sitting in the parlour they all had a bowl in front of them with different flavors. Remus had chocolate, Harry had strawberry and Desiree had vanilla. Desiree had even decided to tease Harry by saying, "This tastes so familiar." While she said this she also reached under the table to grab at his crotch which made him jump in his chair.

Remus saw Harry's face get red and could see Desiree had a hand under the table. He wasn't stupid enough to miss what she was doing. Just before he was about to say something Desiree brought her hand back onto the table to hold the bowl and she spooned more ice cream into her mouth. If he hadn't seen Harry with that older mum over the summer he would be worried about him falling headfirst for this girl. He had talked to Sirius about it and they both agreed to just let Harry have fun. A war was coming and he should enjoy being a teenage boy for as long as possible. 'Teenagers.' Remus thought to himself as he took another spoonful of chocolate ice cream.

Back at the House

Walking back into Grimmauld Place Sirius separated Harry and Desiree for a little man talk with Harry. Sirius brought Harry in the room containing his family tree where they could be alone. In the room he threw up some privacy charms and tried to ask him some questions. "So pup how is it going?"

Harry didn't know how he was supposed to answer that question. On one hand there was a war about to kick off and on the other side he was shagging like a madman. "It's fine Sirius. A little better than it can be."

Sirius threw an arm around Harry and laughed, "I'm sure it is pup. I was going to give you a big talk this summer about sex in hopes that you would have fun this year but it seems that you beat me to it." He waited to see Harry deny it but Harry remained silent. Sirius continued after a few moments of silence. "Moony told me about you shagging that fit mum next door. He also told me you visited her more than once over the summer."

Harry groaned not knowing why Remus was giving him weird looks all day. Now Harry knew it was because much like Tonks, Remus had seen him in a very private moment. "I thought you guys only watched at night." Harry was a little upset to be caught but at least it was Remus and not one of the others besides Tonks.

Sirius chuckled at his godson's indignant groans and response. "Doesn't matter, what matters is that he saw you and told me. So come on pup what did she look like? Does your little girlfriend know? Have you shagged her as well?" Sirius was rattling off questions, unable to stop his teenage boy-like curiosity.

Harry knew there was no way out of this conversation and he just had to answer Sirius's questions. "Okay the mum was a blonde woman in her older forties. She was plenty fit so it wasn't like I was desperate and yes Desiree and I shag." Harry was glad to be talking about this with Sirius who was very understanding. He couldn't imagine if his parents were still alive they would have been this understanding.

Sirius clapped his godson on the back as a proud father would. "You take after this old dog. I was a ladies man at your age too. Your father had a few flings before your mother but he didn't put up my kind numbers. By the end of seventh year I had shagged twelve girls." Oh how he missed Hogwarts. It was the best time of his life and the last time everyone was together without their lives being torn apart by a war.

Harry rolled his eyes because he had already beaten his godfather's numbers. He didn't want to mention it now but maybe in the future. "Desiree is more of a free spirit so I'm sure I can get there eventually."

Sirius still couldn't believe Desiree put out that she didn't care if Harry slept around. Sirius wished he had a girl like her back then. "When I heard about you and the older mum I worried about you only liking older women and not girls your age." To Sirius that would have been a big problem. While an older woman was nice once and a while it would be weird to have a long term relationship with one.

Harry liked all women older and younger. "I do like older women as much as some of the younger women. Did you ever shag Madam Rosmerta by any chance?" She had told him that she wasn't afraid of shagging some of her patrons when the need struck her. Not like Harry had any right to judge because it led to their amazing afternoon together.

Sirius's jaw dropped. He had seen Madam Rosmerta when he was hiding around Hogsmeade and she was still sexy in her old age. "You are joking." He couldn't believe the stones on his godson for taking a pass at that busty bartender. She was one of the women that had zero patience for him. She knew he was a dog and treated him as one much to his chagrin.

Harry shook his head, "Nope I shagged her on our weekend trip." It was nice to talk to someone other than Desiree about this. With Sirius they could just be regular blokes talking about girls. No one his age would understand him shagging an older woman or the other wild range of women and girls.

"Bloody hell pup you are a natural. I think this year is going to be your best year yet. Now you are a Tri-Wizard Champion so the girls will be throwing themselves at you. Add to that you are a great quidditch player and you are a pussy magnet." Sirius couldn't shake off the pride filling in his chest for his godson.

Harry hoped he was right because he didn't have a plan to turn any girl down. "We will see but I hope that's the case." His godfather's big smile made him smile and just feel like a regular teenager. These moments were nice to just escape all the doom and gloom of the pressing war efforts.

Sirius decided to get a little bit more personal. "So what's the craziest thing you have done? I have to say one time I shagged Amelia Bones in a Hogwarts carriage." He was proud of that one because he had never heard of anyone doing something similar.

Harry was shocked to hear that his godfather had also had sex with Amelia Bones. She was one of his firsts but he hadn't thought of her recently. Deciding not to mention that he also slept with her he said, "I dated a Veela last year believe me when I say it was pretty crazy. They don't even turn down a nice and hard buggering." Harry was sharing more than he possibly should but he never had anyone to talk to besides Desiree. He also felt like he could share anything with Sirius.

Sirius had never done that one before but now he had a sudden urge to go to France and visit the Veela reservation. The reservation was well known for being female only unless you get a special invitation but that didn't mean Sirius couldn't dream. This conversation went on for a little longer before Sirius told him to scamper off to find his girlfriend. Sirius was so happy to see Harry was being a normal teenage boy and not getting too caught up in the negativity of the conflict.

Harry's Room

First checking the kitchen and living room Harry looked for his girlfriend before going back to his room and finding Tonks and Desiree naked in his bed. Tonks was sporting a massive blush as she had her nose changed from human to pig. It did look a little weird seeing as she was naked. Desiree pushed Tonks to say the line she had written for her. Tonks with a lot of hesitation eventually said, "I am a cum piggy. Please fill me up with cum." Tonks was so humiliated but Desiree insisted on her doing this. Tonks knew the genie took special pleasure in the humiliation and watching her get dominated.

Desiree didn't laugh at the absurd sexy talk but she saw it had an effect on Harry who was now undressing like his clothes were on fire. Soon he was standing naked with his cock standing at attention ready to go. "You heard her master. Come fill this slut up. She is already wet and needs it badly."

Harry climbed on top of Tonks and looking directly into her pig nosed face he spread her wet lips with his cock as he pushed ten hot inches into her hotter snatch. Both of them moaned but Tonks's moan was louder as she felt Desiree pinching her nipple and twisting it at the same time.

Harry kept rutting on top of Tonks trying to keep pumping as fast and as much cock as he could inside of Tonks. Looking at Desiree he asked, "Should I fill up her pussy or paint that cute little pig nose."

Tonks didn't get a say but if it was up to her she would have preferred it inside of her. Desiree had different plans though. "Paint this slut's face and make her lick her face clean." Not like that was a bad thing in Desiree's eyes. It was something that happened to her with regularity and it never failed to capture Harry's attention and usually gave him the energy for another round of sex.

Tonks had to go into work in an hour and she already had a feeling this wasn't going to be the deeply refreshing shag she hoped it was going to be. After minutes of Harry roughly dragging his thick as her arm cock in and out of her soaking wet pussy he pulled out and climbed up the bed until his cock was pointing right at her face. Closing her eyes she was ready for the warm cascade of spunk that was about to coat her face.

Desiree had leant her master a hand and helped wank him off onto Tonks's face. Within a minute warm jets of cum started to shoot out of the tip of his cock and landed on Tonks animal features. Her little piggy nose was covered with cum along with her cheeks and a few stray shots on her forehead. Tonks had wisely opened her mouth so after Harry was done covering her face he aimed it towards her open mouth and she received a nice little treat.

Tonks still couldn't believe the sweet taste that was landing in her mouth but much like their first time together she always gulped it all down until she felt the cum stop raining down on her. Cautiously opening her eyes she saw Harry was still hard. "Wotcher, Harry. You really know how to make a girl feel special." While she wasn't opposed to getting a facial it just made her feel extra dirty because she had to go into work soon.

Desiree had taken it upon herself to help Tonks clean her face before saying. "Master, I want her tongue but you can have her ass."

Tonks groaned not wanting to be buggered before she had to go to the office and sit down at her desk. "Desiree…" Tonks said it in a pitiful whine only for Desiree to smile and wave her hand before Tonks was put in the position she wanted. Suddenly Tonks was on her hands and knees with her face buried in between Desiree's thighs. Tonks just accepted her fate since she couldn't fight a magical sex genie.

Harry was happy to see Tonks's arched back and nice firm backside. His hands went to Tonks's bum and was just enjoying the feeling of her soft skin. Tonks was almost like a Veela in that regard. Her shapeshifting ability was coming in handy to make her body just the perfect shag.

Cut for ff. Net to read the cut smut scene watch for the story of the same name on Archive of our own. Doing this because people made it clear they don't want that kind content on this site.

Tonks just left the room and let the two lovebirds have their fun. She had to open and close the door quickly so no one else in the house heard the raucous moans Desiree was making. Walking down the stairs she was greeted by Remus who looked surprised to see her coming from Harry's floor. Harry and Sirius were the only ones on this floor and Sirius was in the den. "Oh Tonks I was about to check on Harry."

Tonks put up her hands to stop Remus, "No! Don't...I mean he with his friend. Give him an hour." Tonks was trying to act cool but it was hard to do after being tossed around like a literal sex toy and having her holes stretched out big and wide.

Remus sighed knowing what they were likely doing. Over the summer seeing Harry shag his neighbor Remus could no longer think of him as a child. "I guess I will just wait a while. Did you walk in on them?" Remus was curious as to how she was so sure unless she saw or heard them. From the stairs he couldn't hear the moans he heard over the summer when Harry was at his neighbor's house.

Tonks had a full blush having done much more than walking in on them. "Yes...that's what I did." That was a much better explanation that she spent the last few minutes getting buggered by something that she thought about after getting to know Remus. He refused to answer if he had ever had sex in his werewolf for but she could now see the appeal of it.

Remus laughed at the Auror's embarrassment. "So bizarre isn't it. Little over a year ago he was in my classes learning the patronus charm and now he has a girlfriend who he spends most of his time shagging." Remus still didn't believe what he saw that day or subsequent days when he saw Harry shagging that mum multiple times. He learned later to just ignore it if Harry went across the street. While he didn't watch the entire thing the first time he had popped his head up every once in a while but it always went on for hours.

"You have no idea." Tonks said before she ran down the stairs to floo to work. She hoped Remus didn't notice the slight hitch in her step or the blush on her face.

Upon walking into work she fought the urge to run in Amelia's office and tell her about the wild sex she had been having with the father of her baby. But Amelia was on maternity leave for the last month and the baby was due within the following month. She did have Amelia's address so she might have to drop by and rub it in. The last two months Amelia had confessed she was so horny and had no one to shag. 'Oh bollocks Desiree and Harry have those magical sex toys. I should ask for one for Amelia. Bollocks I will have to ask Desiree next time at Grimmauld.' Fuck knows she had been shagged with that toy multiple times from that manipulative sex genie who always found a way to sneak it in her. Most of the time she would just allow her if she was allowed to sit on Harry's face or they double penetrated her together.

Sitting down at her desk she groaned knowing she was going to be sitting at her desk for the next five hours unless she was needed in the field. 'Please let there be an emergency that gets me out of this desk.' Next time she would have to be more careful about having anal so close before she had to be at work.


Desiree and Harry spent most of the rest of the day shagging getting all the use possible out of his canine cock. Desiree hadn't stopped until she was sure she was fully satisfied. She had spent the rest of the day in the room resting while Harry went out and talked to people. She eventually had to take a shower before dinner and showed up to dinner with wet and sexy hair. She had noticed all the blokes were sneaking glances at her, some more obvious than others.

Hermione and Ginny had noticed and Ginny was so jealous of the girl who had Harry to herself. She had hoped that she was able to talk to Harry and maybe put the idea in his head of them doing something together. If this new girl was okay with Harry sleeping around why shouldn't she try to make a move. She didn't want to lose her virginity in the same house as her mum but they were going to school soon where there were a lot of broom closets.

Hermione knew first hand what Harry was doing with the girl. She had been in bed with Harry before and it was almost too much. Before she came to Grimmauld for the summer she had talked to her mum about it. She liked Harry and her mum told her she shouldn't push herself but that sex was natural but it was her job to draw boundaries. If a young boy didn't have boundaries they were like animals. It was clear that sex had made Hermione feel just as awkward as she used to be. Her mum then gave her a dozen romance novels and told her that the more she read about it the more she would get comfortable with it. So far Hermione had read three and could take some lessons for the future. Acting confident and controlling your feminine power over men was key. In their first encounter Harry had dominated her and shagged her like a whore. While she was sure if she had a redo she could do better, that wasn't going to happen with Desiree around.

Ron was the most obvious about staring at the new addition to the house. Ron couldn't deny the girl was sexy and it just made his jealousy burn brighter. First Hermione, Fleur and now this girl. 'It's not fair. Why does he get everything? The thousand galleons wasn't enough and he just handed it over to my brothers like he was sharing a sweet.'

Mrs. Weasley had watched this Desiree girl and couldn't believe how this girl was raised. If her parents weren't dead she would be having a long and loud conversation on how they raised her. This girl was overtly sexual and made comments designed to anger her while drawing the other boy's attention.

This is how the rest of the summer went. Everyday was similar to this one. Harry would shag Desiree and sometimes Tonks every single day. Harry tried to spend as much time with Sirius as possible when he wasn't with his two girls.

Desiree had been semi confined to the room because it was the only place where no one bothered her. It seemed all the girls in the house minus Tonks wanted to talk about the way she was acting or ask her endless questions about her relationship. Ron had also taken it upon himself to creep her out by staring at her from afar. It gave her the creeps and reminded her of her early master's who did the most vicious things to her. Thankfully she never had to worry about him truly hurting her because now she could use magic like them and if need be she could just poof into her genie form to get away.

King's Cross

The final day of the summer arrived and everyone was gathered at the train station. The Order was escorting the group of children to the platform. Unbeknownst to them Sirius had followed them in his animagus form which was a black Grim. Just before passing through the invisible entrance to the magical side Padfoot led Harry away from the group but not before Harry told Desiree to go find a compartment with Hermione and the twins which also might have included Ron.

Harry followed Padfoot to an empty waiting room where Sirius changed into his human form wearing a large black fur coat. "Sirius, what are you doing here? If someone sees you-" Harry frantically asked.

Sirius just waved him off and charmingly said, "I had to see you off, didn't I? What's life without a little risk?" Soon they were both sitting in an out of the way empty waiting area.

Harry was always worried about his godfather being arrested and taken away forever. "I don't want to see you get chucked back into Azkaban."

"Don't worry about me." Reaching into his big fur coat pocket he pulled out a picture. "Anyway, I wanted you to have this." Harry opened the picture up as Sirius told him what it was. "The original Order of the Phoenix." Pointing out a couple in the photo he said, "Frank and Alice Longbottom. They suffered a fate worse than death if you ask me. It's been fourteen years. And still a day doesn't go by where I miss your dad."

Harry had to ask the question that had been on his mind the last few weeks. "Do you really think there's going to be a war, Sirius?" Harry hoped there wasn't going to be. He didn't want his friends to die like what happened to Sirius. His godfather had to live through losing all of his friends besides Remus in the war.

Sirius hated to see his godson having to grow up so fast but so far he had been able to handle everything that was thrown at him. "It feels like it did before." Harry moved to give back the picture but Sirius pushed it back at him. "You keep it. Anyway, I suppose you're the young ones now." Sirius had a bad feeling about this year and hoped Harry was up to it. While he hoped Harry had fun he hoped Harry wouldn't just bury his head in the sand or more like a sexy pair of legs to drown out what was happening.

With all that said they exchanged one last big hug before Sirius returned to his Grim form and Harry left to rejoin his friends on the train. 'Funny how Sirius gave me a photo after I showed him one of mine.' During the summer Sirius had cornered him and asked him about the muggle "MILF" he shagged. Harry had a non explicit photo of Zelda that Desiree hand took which he handed over to his godfather to gawk at. It was one of her standing out on the lawn waving him over in a low cut blouse. The rest of the summer was Sirius giving him a proud look as well as running cover for him to sneak away to sleep with Desiree.