Chapter 27

Luna Lovegood: Blonde Maisie Williams

Daphne Greengrass: Sydney Sweeney

Astoria Greengrass: Kathryn Newton

Tracey Davis: Hailee Steinfeld

Flora and Hestia Carrow: Cara Delevingne

Hermione Granger: Emma Watson

Ginny Weasley: 16 year old Karen Gillan.

Katie Bell: 18 year old Anna Kendrick

Angelina: Nathalie Emmanuel

Alicia: Candice Patton

Lavender Brown: Hayden Panettiere with DDs

Parvati: Alia Bhatt


After Sirius's little talk and walk down memory lane Harry had to rush to catch the train. While he was happy for as much time with his godfather he also knew the danger of leaving Desiree alone. He had learned this over the summer when she tried to convince a muggle girl to try to come back to their house. The girl didn't accept the offer and instead gave Harry and Desiree a very dirty look. Since her entrance into the real world she has been corrupting everyone she has touched. Luckily his trunk was already on his person and now all he had to do was find Desiree.

Weaving in and out of families and other students, Harry quickly made his way into the closest train door. Walking into the Hogwarts Express he didn't find Desiree or his friends in the first few compartments. What he did find was Daphne, Tracey and Astoria alone. They weren't dressed in their uniforms yet and they all looked amazing in tight T-shirts and jeans. Besides Tracey's and Daphne's enhanced breasts he noticed that Astoria's chest was growing like her older sisters. No doubt she might need a little of his help if she wanted a bust like her sister. He would be more than willing to help if that was the case because Astoria was already beautiful but a bigger bust couldn't hurt.

Daphne lit up when she saw Harry look into their compartment. "Harry! Come in here and shut the door." Harry wished he could refuse but he wanted to see Daphne just as bad. Closing the door and drawing the curtains he said, "Daphne, so good to see you again." All the girls in the compartment were smiling at him and looking him up and down. He almost felt a piece of meat in front of hungry dogs.

There was a round of hugs and kisses mostly from Daphne and Tracey. Astoria was left blushing like mad after a small hug. He wondered why the little girl was so quiet but Daphne promised to tell him about it later. "Harry, Tracey and I need you as soon as possible." Daphne's hand then went from his abs down to palm his cock through his trousers. Harry jumped before having to push her hand away. "Not right now but I promise it will happen this week."

Tracey giggled looking forward to the real thing soon. All summer she has been having the time of her life with Daphne but she found that she missed Harry. While she loved Daphne she also had come to love Harry. There was something so satisfying about shagging him alone or with Daphne. "How was your summer Harry?" Harry did seem a little better off than he was at the end of the tournament. He looked like a wreck after the tournament, not like anyone could blame him after the way it went down. Cedric died in front of him and Voldemort was back, literally the worst ending to a tournament ever.

Harry was then reminded he hadn't written to Daphne to tell her about his "new" relationship. "Actually I need to tell you Daphne. I have a new girlfriend." It broke his heart to hurt Daphne or any girl that put their trust in him.

That made Daphne stop moving her hands around on Harry's muscular body. "What?" She didn't think Harry would replace them.

"It's not going to affect us. You are still my girlfriend too. Her name is Desiree and she is um...a free spirit. She will even want to join us this weekend." Harry explained. He hoped all these girls could get along. Desiree already knew all of his conquests and was eager to share or possibly shag them herself. Daphne and Desiree were both alpha's so it was going to be a fight to see who gets top. At least Desiree was an alpha with other women when it came to him she was very submissive. So maybe if he commanded her she would back down and let Daphne take the lead.

Tracey was comfortable with Daphne and Harry but she didn't know this other person. "Can we meet her before we do that?" She was still a little nervous about her body but with her new breasts she was gaining more confidence. Daphne had taken her to the beach this year and they both wore skimpy bikinis and received many looks from people passing by. Boys and girls, some girls looked very jealous at their full figures at their age.

Harry nodded, "Of course and I think you are going to like her. She is an old friend of mine and recently came back to town but she likes the idea of a 'Harem."' Harry used finger quotes around the word harem. Desiree was dead set on his harem and he was going to have to fight her on the size. It seemed as if Desiree wanted him to take on every stray off the street. She wasn't going to be happy until he had a hundred wives and girlfriends with a bed the size of a swimming pool.

Astoria was just staring at Harry with a new wonder after snooping in her sister's room and finding her giant sex toy. Her sister had caught her and told her it was an exact replica of Harry and now she had a new interest in the-boy-who-lived. She was a virgin but the warm feeling of wrapping her hands around his cock was amazing. She even brought it to her mouth which just so happened to be when Daphne walked back into her room. Astoria had Harry's cock in her mouth and just looked up to her sister with an "Oh bollocks I'm caught" look on her face.

Daphne wasn't angry per se at the mention of this new girl but now she was curious to see what kind of girl this new slut was. Now Daphne was devising a way to dominate this girl and maybe bugger her. If she was with Harry, good chances she was into a good buggering like the rest of them. Merlin knows Fleur never said no to a good buggering no matter how hard either Harry or her went. Even when Tracey came over she had requested a few deep and hard buggerings when her horniness reached a fever pitch.

Harry talked with the girls for a few minutes more before giving Daphne and Tracey a kiss goodbye. Astoria took her chance and hugged Harry again and kissed him on the cheek. Harry saw Daphne give Tracey a look with a roll of her eyes. 'There seems to be a story here I'm missing.'

Once back out in the train hallway he mentally called out for Desiree. 'Desiree where are you?' He didn't want to search every compartment and look like a nosy arsehole.

It took a moment but he received a response which was one of the bigger compartments towards the front of the train meant for the prefects meeting. Walking down the train he bumped into Luna who just gave him a big kiss in the middle of the train. More than a few people saw it and as much as he wished he could drag Luna away for a quickie she said, "You don't want to be late." Before skipping away like she had a tune in her head.

Harry didn't know what that meant but kept walking down the train just as it started moving out of the station. Continuing his walk he had passed Malfoy and his cronies and from the angry slash sinister look the ferret gave him he could tell that he was going to be a problem this year. Maybe he would have to write Narcissa to have another talk with him. 'Could always have her come back for another shag. I bet I don't even have to ask and she would just bend over for me. Although I wouldn't mind taking my time if time permitted. Her womanly body deserves to be shown the love it clearly needs.' He laughed in his head thinking about Malfoy's face if he found out what he had done to his mum. His beautiful, mature, and slutty mother.

Close to the end of the train his eyes found their way inside a compartment with a set of very attractive twins from Slytherin. He was sure he saw them at the Slytherin table once or twice. It seems they were alone and just talking amongst themselves. 'Hmm not bad. Never had twins before and they look pretty fit. I might have to ask Daphne about them.'

Harry had to keep walking because Desiree was in his head nagging him to find their compartment. Finally finding the right one he slid open the door to see a large group of Gryffindor girls. Hermione, Ginny, Katie, Angelina, Alicia, Lavender, Parvati and of course Desiree. "What is going on here?" Harry asked nervously. He felt like a mouse walking into a room full of hungry cats.

Lavender spoke up first, "Your girlfriend wants us to let you into the girl's dorm. She has made a pretty convincing argument but we haven't made a final decision yet." Lavender was smiling ear to ear at this news. She had seen a different side to Harry last year and she would love to see more of him. If he slept in their dorm she could see him naked or in boxers. That was at least until Desiree revealed her master plan of sharing him with everyone in the dorm.

Harry just pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. They were barely out of the station and Desiree is already causing him untolds amounts of stress. "Sorry Desiree is a little..." He really didn't have the right words to describe exactly what Desiree was. Unable to find the word Desiree finished the sentence for her master, "Horny. That's the word I'm horny. Oh and slutty." Looking back at the assembled group of girls she said, "While I would be taking him most of the time I don't mind sharing. And trust me once you see him you are going to want to share. I'm sure Hermione, Angelina, Alicia and Katie could tell you about it."

Harry was suddenly worried Desiree was using her magic on these girls. She also could just be crazy coming to a group of a group of girls and suggesting they all have a wild orgy every night. The fact he walked into the compartment and was getting sexy looks from each of the girls looking at him like he looked at girls was throwing him off. 'Are you tricking them or using your magic on them?' Harry didn't know how else this plan could work unless her sex magic was involved.

Desiree laughed in her head. 'Of course not master. All these girls have a little crush on you. They are more than willing to have you around in their dorm. Now just stand there and go with my flow.' Desiree then continued talking while Harry put his hand to his face, almost not being able to believe what he was seeing. This was like she was the owner of a male brothel talking up her prized man whore.


Desiree turned to Hermione and Ginny, "Can you two go meet me in the big room at the end of the train? I have to grab a couple people." As the two girls left to follow her directions Desiree quickly ran through the train grabbing Lavender and Parvati who were sitting together and finally the chaser trio. After a few minutes Desiree had all the girls gathered in the Prefect's meeting room .

All the girls were looking at the new girl waiting for her to say something. None of them knew what this was about and had no idea why they even followed this new girl. Desiree finally started, "Hello my Name is Desiree and I am going to be your new dorm member. I know you girls share a room but I was hoping you would be open if I brought Harry with me." Desiree was skipping some major parts in the sorry but she decided to just say the important parts.

Angelina remembered the last train ride and how she had to limp over to her parents. "You want Harry to stay in the dorms with us?" She would personally love that as an option and had been thinking about Harry all summer. In letters with Alicia and Katie she knew all of them felt the same way and we're missing Harry's cock terribly.

Desiree smiled, "Yes. We are boyfriend and girlfriend but that doesn't mean he would inconvenience any of you. I am more than happy to share him every once in a while." Desiree looked at all the girls' reactions in their own way. For the chaser trio their eyes lit up with lust while Parvati showed a little hesitation.

Lavender needed clarification because she couldn't have heard that right. "You want Harry to sleep in our dorm and we can have sex with him?" Lavender just started blooming when it came to sexual matters and she had a little crush on Harry after seeing him last year beat a dragon or take Fleur to the ball. He had to be doing something right to keep up with a Veela and the prettiest girl she had ever seen.

Desiree smiled and nodded, "I know you haven't had the pleasure but most of the girls in here have." Desiree then pointed to all the girls Harry had slept with.

Lavender looked around and saw a blushing Hermione along with a smiling chaser trio. "Is this just a prank or is this really happening?" Lavender asked. She hoped it would be good enough to make it worth her while. In all of her sexual experiences boys came too quickly for her to get off.

Desiree assured the girl, "This is real and I need all you girls to agree because if you don't I will have to go into the boys dorm and they will be very rude. I prefer to walk around naked and I imagine other boys will not be kind. Harry at least has manners and won't do anything to make you uncomfortable. I promise you he is respectful, kind and did I mention a beast in bed." She hoped this little bit of guilt would at least make the girls consider it or else this year was going to be a nightmare for her and her master.

Speaking up Parvati asked, "Boys aren't allowed in the girl's dorms." Parvati was still a virgin and while she would love to lose it to Harry she still had questions.

Desiree just giggled and waved it off, "That won't be a problem. So are you girls in?" Before any of the girls could answer the door opened and Harry walked in.

Flashback End

Ginny was blushing and shaking imagining sharing a room with Harry. 'This could be your chance to be with Harry.' Hermione had mentioned that she had lost her virginity to Harry and how she wasn't ready for him. Ginny was ready. She has been ready since he saved her in the Chamber of Secrets but her body had finally caught up with her mind.

Lavender was always curious about Harry and would have agreed to this anyways. Looking at Katie she asked, "How good in bed is he?" She couldn't handle it if Harry was a miserable shag.

Katie had everyone's eyes on her as she had to answer, "I don't know in bed when we have had sex it was in a bathtub and in this train. But Harry is amazing. Alicia and Angelina can both agree with me on that." Both girls just nodded their heads agreeing with Katie. They had never imagined sex could be so good before.

Lavender clapped her hands, "Can I have him first?" She had been shagged a couple times but only one boy managed to please her at a satisfactory level and it seemed like Harry knew how to please a girl. He had slept with five girls in the compartment and all of them loved it.

Desiree knew she had most of the girls hook, line and sinker. "I want him first tonight but if he still has energy after me I wouldn't mind you taking him for a ride." Desiree's smile was bordering on evil as her plan was coming together.

Hermione had mostly kept quiet. Having spoken to Desiree at Grimmauld she couldn't get a read on the girl. Besides loving Harry it seemed like her world revolved around him. She had almost no interests besides sex with Harry. She wanted to refuse this but Desiree had guilted her by saying if they said no she would have had to go to the boys dorm. Hermione shuddered to think how the other boys {mainly Ron} would have reacted to an attractive young witch walking around. Ron was creepy enough at Grimmauld stalking around staring at Desiree from afar. "So Harry is just sleeping in the room some nights?"

Desiree shook her head, "No it will be every night. I like to wake him up with blowjobs every morning although I wouldn't mind sharing that with you girls every now and then. The quidditch sluts over there could tell you what it's like to taste Harry's cum." Desiree laughed at some of the shocked looks on the girl's faces.

Parvati had never been more stunned than she was now. She grew up in a conservative household and now was talking about sex in a room with a boy and other girls. She had enough of a crush on Harry she didn't mind sharing a room with him but some of the stuff Desiree mentioned she couldn't imagine. "What is so special about his semen?" She had never been told there was a difference between a boy's semen before.

Desiree just giggled, "You girls want to see for yourself. Harry come over here." Desiree didn't care if this was brazen but she wanted the other girls to see and taste this because it might be the difference maker in letting him stay in the girls dorm.

Harry didn't know why he took the few steps over to Desiree but he instantly regretted it. Once Harry was close enough Desiree ripped his trousers and boxers down revealing his half hard cock to the room. He had the decency to be embarrassed doing this in front of so many girls. He tried to slap away her hands but it was futile to fight her in times like this. He almost expected to not get an erection but Desiree's skilled hand made that impossible. 'What the fuck Desiree?'

Desiree was soon stroking him from base to tip as she watched all the hungry eyes from the girls. "Whoever wants you can come over here and touch it." Desiree offered. She ignored Harry's question he was screaming in her head.

Ginny jumped at the chance and practically jumped over the other girls in the compartment to try to wrap a hand around him. When she couldn't get her hand all the way around she moved her hand down to his hairless balls. The warm globes of his testicles felt nice in her hand. Then once she remembered she was in front of all these other girls she pulled her hand back.

Much like Ginny, Lavender couldn't resist and did the same but for a moment she took over stroking Harry for a moment. "Bloody hell this cock is fantastic. So powerful I bet you shag like a beast Harry." Lavender was smiling ear to ear with the turn of events. This is exactly what she needed was a nice big cock in her dorm shagging her any time she wanted.

Angelina, Katie, Alicia and Desiree all answered at the same time, "He does." Angelina was brought back to the last time they had sex which was on this train and Harry held her in his arms as he shagged her so hard she nearly couldn't walk off the train on her own two feet. Having to see her parents while she was limping from sex was in the top five most embarrassing moments of her life. She had to lie and say she was hurt from practicing quidditch.

Desiree had a permanent smile on her face as she turned to Hermione, "Be a dear and conjure me a beer mug." Hermione did as Desiree asked and handed the new girl the mug and Desiree put it in front of Harry's cock as she started to wank Harry harder while telling him. "Fill the Cum for these girls so they can drink it and see how sweet you are." She had to stop herself from saying master.

Harry wanted to fight it and deny the pleasure shooting up and down his cock as Desiree stroked him as other girls touched his balls or cock at the same time. He thought he was in a dream seeing all these girls looking at him waiting for him to fill the mug. 'How did this happen five minutes into the train ride?' He thought to himself as he gritted his teeth.

All the girls had a front row seat to watch Harry's cock shoot out rope upon rope of hot cum into this glass beer mug until it reached the halfway mark. It almost didn't look real because a regular boy could barely fill two centimeters of the glass.

Desiree took a sip of her master's seed from the mug admiring her handy work or more like Luna's handy work. Once she had her sip she passed the mug to Ginny first who didn't hide her eagerness to take a sip. Desiree saw the girl's eyes go wide and had to pull the mug away before the girl tried to chug the rest.

Lavender was next and she had tasted semen before and it was a usually salty or bitter experience. The first drop that touched her tongue told her differently. She couldn't believe the treat she was drinking. If she was blindfolded she would have assumed it was melted ice cream. Before she could really enjoy it the mug was pulled out of her hand. "Holy shit that tastes amazing. What the fuck is in your balls Harry?"

Hermione remembered the time she sucked Harry's cock and she wouldn't have described it as amazing. 'Lavender is such a whore.' Hermione didn't usually believe in rumors but last year there were rumors swirling around Lavender shagging at least one boy from every house. Hermione took the mug with a firm grasp and gave it a small taste. She only did it because everyone else did it and she didn't want to be teased for not doing it. 'What the-' Pointing at the mug she looked at Harry and nearly yelled, "What is that?"

Desiree decided this was a perfect place to be cheeky as the British would say. "It's cum Hermione didn't you see me get it from the tap." Desiree took pleasure in teasing the prudish bookworm that was Hermione.

Hermione ignored the joke and kept her attention on Harry. "This doesn't taste like it did the last time we were together." She remembered really well what he tasted like because he made her lick it off the side of a desk.

All the girls gave an "Oohhh" and gasps after finding out that Hermione had shagged Harry before. Some girls in Gryffindor had always suspected there was more going on between the two of them. Ginny and Desiree was the only ones who knew that Hermione had sex with Harry.

Harry's embarrassment was now at an all time high. So much so his cock had even started to get soft enough he was able to pull up his trousers much to Desiree's dismay. Getting dressed and sitting back next to Desiree he answered, "It was a potion accident. I was trying to brew a potion and this was a side effect that has never gone away."

Hermione narrowed her eyes not believing Harry would attempt to brew a potion without her. Harry was barely passable in potions and he could really get hurt if he was drinking badly made potions. "What potion?"

Harry hated that this was always the line of questioning from Luna's wish. He wished he could just reverse it but Desiree made it clear that while he could she wouldn't be so enthusiastic with her blowjobs. She had yet to give him a bad blowjob but he didn't want to risk it. Desiree could be really petty when she wanted to be. So she had him in checkmate with no room to change because it would be too tiresome to keep wishing it away and back. "Something to help me breathe underwater. It was for the second task but it didn't work. I didn't even notice this side effect until a girl told me."

Some of the girls giggled at Harry but Alicia asked, "Who was the lucky girl?"

Harry dodged the question, "So what is your answer for letting me stay in the dorm?" Harry watched as the mug of his seed was passed around the compartment with each girl taking sips all while smiling at him. Parvati eventually ended up finishing the last of it with a wink from Desiree. "So what do you girls say? Be aware that if you want to try him first I will let you. We will do anything for a yes here."

Harry looked to Desiree but was quickly jumped on by Lavender who was wearing a short skirt. "Don't mind if I do." Once on Harry's lap she started to work to get his fly undone before fishing him out of his boxers. He had just gotten dressed again and here he was having a girl take his cock out again. It took a moment for him to get hard but once his hands touched her breasts she felt him hard and ready to go. Sliding her knickers aside she dropped down on his ten inch monsters and was soon filled beyond her wildest dreams. "Ahhh!" His cock was already burning it's way deep into her stomach. 'This is exactly what I need.' Lavender thought as she was getting filled with her dream cock.

Desiree cackled hearing the girl let out the biggest moan of her life. "As you can see I'm very open to sharing my boyfriend and this could be any of you some nights. I promise not to hog him if you guys let him stay." She gave the girls her sad eyes like she was talking about adopting a stray puppy. "And if you even want to try me I wouldn't be opposed to it. I promise I can eat pussy better than Harry… on second thought maybe not Harry. He does this thing with his tongue that I can't do." Desiree knew that would be a big crowd pleaser in the house because even if he was worn out he could always use his mouth.

All the girls tried to focus on Desiree but it was impossible when Lavender was riding Harry and they could see his massive cock push into the girl. Everyone was mesmerized watching which was aided by Harry's hands going to Lavender's bum and spreading her open. Every girl even leaned in for a better look imagining what it would be like if they were riding Harry.

Hermione had to look away from getting too much of an eyeful of Lavender's bare bum and Harry's fingers gripping it so tightly. She still had a shred of embarrassment about that stuff. Her mum told her that was natural and it would come in time. She was still new to sex and shouldn't be expected to do anything she wasn't comfortable with. Her first time with Harry he had put her out there he wanted her asshole and she wasn't ready for that.

Ginny had quite a few naughty dreams about Harry over the summer but this was her chance to make them a reality. She wasn't going to have her first time on the train but she wanted it to be in the dorm in a bed. "I say we let him stay in the dorm." She would be lying if she said she wasn't wet right now. She was in her jeans and when they changed into their uniforms everyone was going to see it.

Most of the other girls agreed but Parvati had a couple reservations. "So we have to work out a schedule for Harry?" Alicia asked. She actually had to ask the question twice because Lavender was moaning so loud while exclaiming how big Harry's cock was and how good the sex was. Hermione was the only one smart enough to throw up privacy charms the second Harry walked in knowing the sensitive nature of their meeting.

Desiree shrugged, "Maybe. I don't know, I trained him well so I bet he can fuck you all in one night if he wanted." That made her master slap her arm and give her a "are you crazy" look. He clearly didn't have any faith in his abilities but if he fucked them all one time each she was sure he could do it. Looking at her master she saw that he stopped looking at her and went back to feeling Lavender's large bust while she rode him.

Lavender rode Harry for ten minutes and had cum once but could finally feel Harry's cock start to twitch and pulse meaning he was close. While they weren't at Hogwarts yet she was still on the anti-pregnancy potion. Over the summer her mum had given it to her knowing that she was sexually active. "Cum in me Harry. Fill me up, it's safe." Lavender yelled. The way he filled that mug made her eager to feel that in her well fucked pussy.

Harry just grunted as he pulled Lavender back down on his cock as hard as he could before feeling the cum churn in his balls before shooting out of the tip into Lavender's womb. While it wasn't as large as his load filling up the beer mug the cum shot was still large enough to fill every millimeter of her tight pussy.

Lavender had cum multiple times and had never felt more sexually satisfied than this moment. If this is what every time was going to feel like then she hoped to steal Harry away multiple times a week. Climbing off of Harry she felt all of his hot seed start to spill out of her before she stood up and fell back into her original seat with a wide smile on her face.

Desiree laughed at the girl. "As you can see Harry doesn't disappoint. I take that as a yes from Lavender. Any others?" Looking around the room all of the girls were looking at his cum dribbling cock which was still hard.

Hermione raised her hand 'yes' and hoped that she could have another go with Harry but when she was ready. She wasn't completely sold on this idea and reserved the right to stop it anytime she wanted. Ginny raised her hand 'yes' just as quickly as Hermione, looking forward to her chance with Harry. 'Maybe this girl isn't so bad.' Ginny thought to herself after wanting to hate the girl the whole summer.

Angelina, Alicia and Katie all raised their hands happy to let Harry stay in their dorm. They had been gagging for more of him since their last train ride. Over the summer they all had written to each other about the train ride and how nothing could compare to it. Now they could theoretically have that every night all year.

Parvati was the last one to vote and just timidly raised her hand. She would eventually want a turn but she was curious to see how this would go.

Lavender just patted her best friend Parvati on the arm. "Atta girl. You won't regret this." Lavender was her best friend and had been the reason she was slowly breaking out of her shell. With Lavender's help she even learned to give an appropriate blowjob. At least her Yule Ball date thought so.

Desiree was elated her plan worked and now had a consensus that Harry could join them in the dorm. "You won't regret this girls. Now who wants him tonight once I'm done with him?" She promised not to be too greedy tonight and would love to see him with one of these other girls.

Angelina raised her hand first and Desiree pointed to her, "Angelina gets second. I promise not to milk everything out of him. Who knows if Harry might even have a third in him. Does anyone want the third spot?" There were no obvious takers but she was sure there would be in the dorm. Due to the silence she leaned over to suck the remnants of Lavender's juices on Harry's cock mixed with her favorite cream before letting him put it away.

Harry was just sitting there after putting his cock away for the second time in the train ride while panting. 'I swear Desiree you are going to kill me.' Now he had a room full of witches he had to please every night while trying to work Daphne and Luna into his schedule.

'Master I always have your best interests at heart. Trust me this is going to be your best night ever. If you are still angry tonight I will let you have my ass before you fuck Angelina.'

Harry just grunted as he could live with that. 'Fine. You know I am getting a little tired of you buying me off with your ass.' She knew that was the way for him to forget his grievances easily.

'If it works, don't fix it, master. It's your fault for loving my ass so much.' She did like how Harry was a little easier to please than some of her other masters who kept having to go harder and more sadistic to get off. She has had multiple master's die from sex related accidents. She hoped Harry wouldn't be one of those.

The rest of the train ride was spent talking and joking before the prefect meeting was supposed to take place. Hermione and Ron were both prefects and needed the room. Hermione was smart enough to open the window to air out the smell of sex from the room.

On the way out Harry passed Draco again and had to muffle his laugh from thinking that Malfoy had to sit in a room that he just had sex in. With him Pansy saw him and had a small tinge of pink to her face as she walked past.

Desiree saw the ultra confident and arrogant prick called Draco walk past her but look down at her chest in her low-cut top. For a laugh she pushed her tits up before sticking her tongue at him. All before kissing Harry's hand letting Draco see that she was taken.

Harry dragged Desiree down the train until they found Luna who was sitting alone. Walking into the compartment Luna was already waiting for them. "Hello Harry and Desiree. I take it you have been found out."

Desiree flopped across from Luna in the compartment after pushing Harry next to Luna. "Tonks found out about me and helped us get me into Hogwarts as a student. To be honest I didn't think it could work but here we are. I have a wand now and everything." Desiree acted like she was annoyed about it but in reality she was excited to see what the future held for her.

Luna flicked her wand to the door and closed the curtains. "I think you have an idea of what I have been up to." Luna was down right sexy when she wanted to be. She was already in her uniform and sliding her skirt up to reveal she wasn't wearing knickers.

Desiree grinned at the little blonde slut. "Oh yes. I bet you didn't give those toys a moment of rest." Desiree loved this girl. "Which did you love the most?" Desiree had a feeling she knew Luna's given her love for the more equine variety.

Luna nodded as her fingers walked up Harry's leg until it reached his zipper. "I loved them all. Even the Cerberus toy was a fun challenge. That one took some time to work up to and was the finale after I had all the others first. But then I realized I have never had a human cock before and I want that to change. How about you change that for me Harry. I promise I have had my fill of creatures for a while." Her fingers dragged down his zipper and fished him out of his trousers. Harry was already almost painfully hard from the moment of walking into the compartment with Luna knowing that this would probably happen.

Harry was now very glad the meeting about him joining the dorm didn't become an all out orgy. With the least amount of prodding he was about to have sex with Luna in the last stretch of the train ride. Desiree just watched the pair but all three of them were in a frenzy throwing their clothes off. Luna had tried to go to her knees to suck his cock but Harry refused. Instead he took tiny and petite Luna in his arms and slammed her cock hungry body down on his erect cock.

Luna had thrown up privacy charms which was a given or else the whole train would have heard the moment Harry penetrated her pussy. While it wasn't the twenty inch stallion she was used to she could definitely see the upsides of human cock. "HARRY!" Luna couldn't see Harry she was turned around as Harry used her body like she used her like his own personal sex toy. What she could see was Desiree touching herself to the sight of her getting fucked.

Desiree was moaning and panting as her fingers curled inside herself on her G-spot watching Luna get tossed around like a toy. Her master's hands on Luna's small pale waist effortlessly built a rhythm of pure skull rattling pleasure. Her master even had the look on his face of when he wanted to fuck his hardest.

Luna was never shy about sex but with the sounds of her soaking wet pussy getting speared by Harry's mighty cock bouncing off the walls made her blush. While she was in this position there was nothing to hold onto as Harry railed her into the next school year. "I'm cumming Harry."

Harry loved the way Luna's pussy clamped around his cock when she came but he wasn't close yet. "I'm going to need a few more minutes Luna. I hope you are ready for the shag of your life." Harry wanted to prove that his human was just as good as the Abraxen cock she had come to love so much.

Luna just groaned as she could hear the hips smack and wet squelching sounds increase over the next five minutes before she came again with a scream that was just short of the first time she took the Abraxen cock in her ass.

When Harry finally did manage to cum much like the mug in the Prefect's meeting room he filled Luna to the brim. He was sure to pump her with as much hot cum as he could. While it didn't equal his horse loads it was enough to make Luna's toes curl and nearly pass out.

Desiree cheered them on the whole time and had even taken to slut shaming Luna. While she wasn't serious Luna took all the verbal barbs about her being Hogwarts biggest slut or a cock loving whore. All of Desiree's words were true and something she could get behind. Luna was so out of it when Desiree suggested she get a tattoo on her ass claiming her as Harry's property she wanted to say yes. No other boy was going to be able to satisfy her like Harry.

As Harry pulled Luna off his cock everyone heard the sound of Harry's cum splattering on the floor as it fell from Luna's gaping pussy. Not wasting anymore time Harry set Luna down on her feet before pushing her over Desiree. Luna was on her feet standing up in the compartment but was bent over so her arms were holding her against the wall above Desiree sitting on the bench. With a hand guiding him he looked down to poke his cock to Luna's tiny pink asshole.

"I thought the Wrackspurts got you when you didn't go for my cute little bum first." Luna didn't mind Harry's anal proclivities. As he slowly and kindly entered her ass slowly Luna moaned. "I love it." She loved cock in general but a human cock up the bum didn't rearrange her insides as much as the magical creature cocks which was going to make it easier to take. It was hard to sit down after her nightly sessions with those toys. She had even learned to wait after dinner with her father so she wouldn't be so sore. Sitting at a family dinner with your bum stinging while talking with your father wasn't fun. That made her feel super slutty feeling her asshole stretched while her father talked to her about the upcoming Quibbler paper. So unless she could go to sleep right afterwards, a human cock was the way to go right now.

When Harry was finally inside Luna's scorching heat he let her body get used to it for a moment but she didn't want it. She was already pushing back wanting more. Gripping Luna's bum in his hands he pulled back until just the tip was sealed in her tight ass before thrusting forward and burying all the rest of his cock in one go. Luna really was special with how much she pushed back after taking a second to get used to it. Besides Desiree and Veela she was the only one who did it.

Desiree could see Luna's eyes go wonky from just one thrust in her ass. To refocus Luna Desiree took her hand out of her pussy and brought it to the cum dripping pussy of Luna and gathered some of her master's sweet treat on her fingers before bringing it to Luna's mouth. "Swallow that you little slut. Taste master's cum and thank him."

Luna loved the sweet familiar taste of Harry's cum back in her mouth. Luna kept saying, "Thank you master." She repeated it over and over which Desiree rewarded with more and more cum pushed into her mouth.

Harry let out a loud groan feeling Luna tighten up around his cock already. "You are already cumming Luna?" He could see Desiree bringing something to Luna's mouth and from the slurping he could tell what it was. 'Well it was her wish.'

Luna didn't even know she was cumming until she was sucking Desiree's fingers clean but it was all too much to handle and she came within a minute of having a cock in her bum again. Luna was rendered incoherent and could only just nod her head up and down to let Harry know she was cumming.

Desiree felt for the girl who was getting her first real shag in a long time. "It's okay to cum Luna. Cum all over master's cock. You are a cock slave just like I am, made only to pleasure him." Desiree saw a small smile on the girl's face being demeaned and told what she really was. "You are a place for master to dump his cum whenever he feels like it. Aren't you? You are a little slut Luna. This is all you are good for."

Luna finally found her words. "I am your cock slave master! I'm your slut! I'm your cumdump!" Luna screamed out as she felt Harry ream her asshole open with his magnificent cock.

Harry almost shook his head with how ridiculous the situation was. Luna bent to his will and let him do whatever he wanted to. Luna didn't care if he just tied her up and spanked her for an hour she would love it anyways. She would thank him on every strike and just beg him for more. 'I think no matter what I'm stuck with Luna. I can't deny her my cock without breaking the poor girl's heart.'

Desiree was now rubbing the blonde's clit as her master buggered Luna long and roughly. 'Master she is your's mind, body and soul. She can't live without your cock. While she might not make the best girlfriend she will always have a spot in your bed. Even if it is at your feet curled up like a cat.' Desiree hoped to see that one day.

Harry agreed with that. Luna was with him for the long haul because she couldn't live without him. Her whole identity revolved around sex much like Desiree's. While Luna was strange and peculiar during sex she was just a normal girl who couldn't get enough. "I'm so close." Harry had been teetering on the razor's edge for the last minute but he was at his limit. While he wanted to enjoy Luna's tight ass for as long as possible he couldn't take any more.

"Cum in my ass! Fill me up master! Fill your cumdump!" This was the second time she called him master and he hoped this wouldn't become a habit she displayed in front of others. With a grunt he slammed into Luna's tight, scorching tight hole one more time before feeling a wave of cum shoot from the tip as deep as he could into Luna's bowels.

Desiree brought out the camera for the look on Luna's face when she came and felt her master cum inside her ass. Getting her first anal creampie from a human cock. Luna's eyes were rolled up, mouth open, tongue out and she had a cute little almost innocent blush across her face. Snapping a few pictures she documented the moment before scooting out of the bench and waiting for Harry to pull out of the blonde.

Harry didn't know why Desiree was on her knees next to him and Luna but when he pulled out of Luna, Desiree pushed forward and wrapped her lips around Luna's gaping asshole. 'I thought you wanted to clean me off.' Harry thought.

'I want to give a treat to Luna for being such a good little slut.' Once Desiree was done sucking a mouthful of cum out of Luna's ass the genie stood up and pulled Luna's hair so she turned around so Desiree could give her a big kiss on the lips.

Luna didn't know why Desiree was kissing her until the genie's tongue entered her mouth to give her some of the treat she had earned. Both girls moaned into the other's mouth as they shared the cum between them. Luna was so happy he decided to keep that wish she made. It was the best treat to end the wild bout of sex they just had.

Harry couldn't resist watching the two girls swapping his cum as some drops had even dripped out of their mouths. Once they had finished sharing they licked the few drops that fell out before turning back to Harry who was still rock hard having just witnessed one of the hottest kisses he had ever seen.

Desiree rolled her eyes knowing that they were due at Hogsmeade station in another hour at the most and Harry and Desiree still weren't dressed in their uniforms. Luna was but it was going to need some cleaning before it was presentable. "Luna, why don't you suck master's cock while I get dressed in my uniform." Desiree nearly pushed the girl on her knees in front of Harry.

Luna didn't mind this position and giggled when Harry flinched from the loud crash of her hitting the floor. Just before he was about to ask if she was okay Luna had pushed her head down his slick wet cock. Due to the old wish of her being able to take any cock length she was able to deepthroat him with ease. Bobbing her head up and down she felt Harry put his hands on her head. While he wasn't pushing her down he was gripping her hair tight as she sucked his cock.

Harry groaned feeling Luna's small, wet mouth take his cock down to the base. Her tight throat felt amazing and even though he just came he wasn't going to last long. Looking down to see her cute little innocent face bob up and down his lewd and giant cock was too much. Then if he looked up he could see Desiree changing into her uniform. Looking at her young and curvy body with caramel skin slowly getting dressed was too much to handle.

Luna felt Harry accept her blowjob but after a minute or two she felt his hands start pushing and pulling her up and down his cock faster and faster until she felt his cock start twitching and pulsing. She had to fight him so he didn't shoot it directly down her throat. No, she wanted to taste it. Half the fun of having magically better tasting cum was being able to actually taste it. With just the tip in her mouth she winked up at Harry as she felt the first hot splash of cum hit her tongue. Like she had already tasted it was her favorite sweetest treat in the world. Gulp gulp gulp the loud audible gulps was all that was heard in the compartment as Luna gulped down everything Harry pumped into her mouth. She didn't waste a drop just like a good little cumslut.

Harry massaged Luna's head as he filled her mouth. No matter how much he gave her she just swallowed it all with a smile. "Shit Luna I love you." He didn't know where that came from but seeing her take his cock this way made his heart flutter the same way it did when he saw Desiree or Fleur.

Luna sucked the last few drops out of Harry's cock before pulling away and giving him her best sloppy smile. "I love you too master. Promise me we will do this again soon." She hoped to have Harry more often because when she went so long without him she could tell the sex was too quick.

Before Harry could answer Desiree did it for him. "He has a busy week back but I promise I will help him carve out some time for his favorite little cock slave." Desiree liked bringing Luna to her level. She was a slave for Harry and while the other girls were meant for more Luna would be happy to just be a hole for Harry to fill.

Once Harry and Desiree were dressed they decided to leave Luna to get dressed and cleaned up on her own. Luna said they had somewhere else to be and she would ride with them to the castle.

Back out in the train hallway Desiree grabbed Harry's hand and asked, "Can you take me to Daphne please?" Harry didn't expect this meeting to happen so soon but with Malfoy on the other side of the train it would be safe enough to go and see them. Pulling Desiree's hand Harry dragged the genie to the last place he saw them.

Daphne didn't expect to see Harry again but when he walked back into their compartment with a stunning Arabian beauty Daphne knew this was the girlfriend he was talking about. "Harry."

Harry quickly shut the door as well as the blinds to give them some privacy. "Desiree wanted to meet you." He could see all the girls eyeing each other up and silently taking notes on the other's appearance.

Daphne put out her hand and tested out saying that odd name, "Desiree is it?" This was Daphne's first test was to act uninterested or casual to see if the girl gets upset or cross.

Desiree smiled and shook the blonde's hand, "Yes and you are Daphne Greengrass. I know everything about you." Desiree wanted to be as friendly as possible so as not to sour any possible relationship.

Tracey and Astoria were both just watching these two girls meeting and were surprised it was so cordial. Both girls just kept quiet waiting to see what was going to happen. Daphne was head over heels for Harry and expressed her unhappiness with hearing Harry found a girlfriend.

Daphne was almost unnerved by the glint in this girl's eyes because it looked like she had seen her naked before. The way Desiree's eyes went down the front of her clothes were almost as a man's. "I have never heard a thing about you."

Desiree didn't let that bother her and instead sat down next to Daphne. "I can see your gears turning trying to find out if I'm a threat or not. You don't have to worry, I don't want to come in between you and Mas... Harry."

Daphne found it hard to believe this girl was so nonchalant about this. "By 'come in between' what do you mean?"

Desiree waved it off, "Harry and I are old friends and let's say I'm a more the merrier kind of girl. I might be dating Harry but that doesn't mean you can't either. Harry can date or fuck whoever he wants. It's all fine with him. So much so I might even join him. Like you girls I am an admirer of the female body and can go both ways." She quite liked this new paradigm they were in.

Astoria gasped hearing that Harry was still able to have sex with anyone he wanted. Astoria now had a very noticeable crush on Harry after the sex toy incident and was hoping to catch his eye this year. She was in her fourth year and wasn't a child anymore. Her sister lost her virginity at her age and if she had a choice she wanted it to be with Harry. She didn't care how big he was but she wanted to know what that big cock felt like inside of her.

Daphne narrowed her eyes not believing that this girl was dating Harry and yet was so casual about him sleeping with other witches. She almost wanted to hoard Harry for herself when they started to sleep together. Harry had to practically trick Fleur and her to be in the same room together and it took a while for them to slowly accept that Harry would date both of them at the same time. "So if I want Harry to shag me and Tracey this weekend you would have no problem with it?" Daphne was still trying to clarify because it didn't sound real.

Desiree slid next to Daphne and whispered into her ear, "I might even join you. Harry has told me a lot about you and seeing you now I'm dying to eat your pussy." Desiree liked to use her raw sexuality to win girls over. She knew even girls found it hard to resist her.

There was an audible sigh and face palm from Harry who thought Desiree was being too forward. Since becoming human she was acting even more slutty than usual and was going to get him into even crazier sexual situations. He has yet to form an opinion if that was a good or bad thing but only time would tell.

Daphne's entire face was red at this new girl for whispering dirty things in her ear in front of her best friend and younger sister. "I..I think...that could work." Daphne took two big gulps during her sentence. This girl's warm breath and sexy voice in her ear had sent shivers down her spine along with a wave of arousal to her knickers.

Desiree turned to the two other occupants in the compartment. "That goes for you two also. Master has plenty of love to go around. Or should I say he has more than enough cock for all of you." Desiree had seen Astoria's look in her eyes and knew she was dying for a piece of her master. She didn't need to be a mind reader to know that. Astoria's eyes looking at his trouser bulge gave her away.

Harry heard Desiree's "master" slip up and made sure to let her know about it through their mental link. 'Sorry master I will try to be better but this is all new for me. I have never called my master by his real name before.'

Astoria brightened at Desiree's declaration and had to stop herself from saying something in excitement she might regret. Tracey on the other hand was very curious to what this would look like. While she liked Harry, Tracey liked witches more and Desiree was simply put the most exotic beauty she had ever seen. Tan skin, big tits and an impressive backside was just the icing on the cake of the raw sexuality that poured off of her. Desiree looked to be one of the most attractive witches she had ever seen right behind Daphne and Fleur Delacour.

Daphne had looked over to her sister and best friend and saw both of them with their jaws dropped. Tracey was clearly love struck seeing this tan goddess. Even though men were her favorite, Daphne could see Desiree's appeal. She definitely understood why Harry was so taken with her. "So Harry, how was your summer besides getting a new girlfriend?" Daphne tried to change the subject because if she thought about sex anymore her knickers would be ruined.

Harry had to go through his cover story one more time in his head. "I went back to muggle London and met Desiree again. I haven't seen her since I was eight and she moved to America. Then her parents died and she had to move back here. I didn't know she was magical but found out when we started to talk again. I then wrote a letter to Dumbledore and he came and sorted her and admitted her to Hogwarts. Besides that not much."

Desiree smiled at the girls while never taking her hand off Daphne's arm. She made small swirls on her arm trying to keep contact and the sexual thoughts running through her head. "I'm a Gryffindor but I can be Slytherin if I want to." Desiree huskily whispered.

The reminder of Slytherin made Daphne remember she bought a male Slytherin uniform during her school shopping for Harry. She was then reminded her sister was in the room so she whispered into Desiree's ear, "Tell Harry I bought a Slytherin uniform for us know." It was a little embarrassing to reveal her biggest fantasy in front of an audience.

Harry heard it through the mental link between him and Desiree. Harry mentally groaned because while he would wear it he wasn't looking forward to it. He hated Slytherin and it always felt weird when he wore their uniforms. He was a Gryffindor through and through. "Daphne only because I love you."

Daphne heard him say love and she nearly felt her heart leap out of her chest. She looked at Desiree to see if she reacted to her boyfriend confessing his love for another girl but she was all smiles. "I think I love you too Harry." It felt nice to say. Within a few minutes this girl had shattered all of her preconceived notions of what Daphne thought she would be.

Astoria felt jealous of her sister for getting to say she loved Harry. Astoria didn't know why it bothered her so much but in the last year watching Harry be the hero/prince she always imagined for herself. He slayed a dragon, rescued a girl from Black Lake and fought Voldemort. There was also the fact that he was a fantastic lover which was a huge plus in any girl's book.

Tracey could see that her best friend was flustered and took over asking questions, "So Desiree, what classes are you taking?" Even Tracey had to change the subject because much like Daphne her knickers were wet just staring at Desiree's body. While Daphne couldn't wait to be back with Harry, Tracey was dying to see this Arabian beauty naked. This girl was going to be the subject of all of her dreams for the next week especially with the thoughts of Harry shagging her the way she personally knew.

Desiree smiled thinking of the professor she wanted to have sex with the most. "All the same classes as Harry but I am also taking Arithmancy." She had a plan to slowly seduce the professor with Harry or not. The fact Harry had already had sex with her was hopefully going to make it much easier.

The group chatted for a little while longer about the summer and future plans before Harry and Desiree took their leave. Two steps out of the compartment and they were face to face with a stern looking Hermione who saw the drawn curtains and the fact she couldn't find Harry anywhere. "You two better not have been bothering anyone."

Desiree smiled and put up her hand, "I swear it's just us having a chat with a few Slytherin's trying to make some friends." Throwing her arms around Harry she added, "I don't want this one to hate all Slytherin's." Desiree was behind Harry with her arms around his neck giving Hermione her best innocent smile.

Hermione thought this was a noble goal of house cooperation. "Who was in there?" Hermione wondered what Slytherin's could risk being seen with Harry.

Harry wanted to answer but Desiree cut him off. "Daphne Greengrass, Tracey and Daphne's younger sister. They are a lot more open minded than some of the other people in that house. But let's keep that to ourselves for now."

Hermione had a rivalry with Daphne Greengrass with them always trading top grades and positions in the school rankings. She didn't know if Daphne was a pureblood supremacist or just always cold towards her and other students. "So her being attractive isn't the reason you were trying to make friends with her?" Hermione asked sceptically.

Desiree made a 'tiny' gesture with her fingers. "Maybe a little. They like Harry but need a little time to warm up to me." It only made sense they were a little hesitant about her being a fifth year transfer student they had never seen before.

Hermione rolled her eyes. She was slowly getting used to Harry and Desiree being the horny little devils they were. Most of the summer it was obvious when they were weren't around they were having sex in their room. While no one could hear Sirius, Remus and Tonks had run interference for them with the Weasley's. "Sure. Just keep out of trouble. Draco and Pansy are prefects this year and you know those two won't be kind to you." Hermione warned.

Desiree had her mouth near Harry's ear and whispered, "I think Pansy could use another punishment." Desiree said under her breath to Harry.

Hermione couldn't hear what was said but saw Harry flinch. "What did you say?" Hermione didn't see Harry usually flinch that way.

Desiree didn't answer, "Nothing. Harry has just told me a lot about those two and I think I can do without meeting them." She was easily able to cover. Desiree wasn't happy her master's lesson didn't seem to stick with that girl.

Hermione narrowed her eyes at Desiree. While she liked the girl there was just something off about her. "Sure. We are almost there so why don't we go find a place to sit down for a minute."

Desiree knew just the place and dragged Hermione and her master back to Luna's compartment. Hermione didn't know where they were going but was soon crammed into a compartment with "Loony Lovegood".

Luna saw Desiree and Harry return with Hermione. "Oh hello Hermione." Luna extended her hand with all the manners of a pureblood witch.

Hermione took the hand, "Nice to meet you Loony I mean Luna. Sorry I meant Luna." Hermione just wanted to die for making the girl flinch. She felt like such a bully for bringing up her nickname that the whole school called her.

Harry had never heard that nickname before but a rage washed over him. "Who calls her that?" Harry felt protective of Luna and knew that just because she was a little odd didn't give people the right to bully her over it.

Hermione felt ganged up on because both Harry and Desiree looked angry. "I...don't know...I just heard it around." Hermione knew what it was like to be bullied and even Malfoy never stopped calling her Mudblood. She couldn't believe the Freudian slip she just made.

Desiree took Luna by the shoulders. "Who calls you that? Give us names and we will take care of them." She could feel Luna tremble having bottled it up for so long. Luna eventually answered, "Most of my house bullies me. I forgot who started the Loony nickname but they take my stuff and hide it. It's why I didn't bring any of my toys this year." That decision was probably for the best because the bullying would have been ruthless if anyone found out about those. Luna had tears starting to form in her eyes thinking about the bullying and Harry finally knowing her shame.

Harry was now so angry especially since Luna kept it a secret from him for so long. "Ok I'm going to talk to Fred and George and we are going to put an end to this." Luna was his and she couldn't live in fear with her own house. He was going to have to show her the Room of Requirement so she could stay there if need be.

Hermione hated to hear about the bullying but Harry's anger worried her the most. In the last year Harry had become downright scary and if he retaliated he might end up in Azkaban. "Harry I know you are angry but just calm down." She knew Cedric's death and the return of Voldemort might push him over the edge.

Desiree had Luna wrapped in a hug. "There there little Luna. We will take care of this for you. Master will always be there for you." Desiree whispered the last part so only she could hear it. Hermione didn't need to know that part.

The rest of the train ride was spent Luna documenting all the abuse that had happened over the last couple years and Harry vowed revenge and Hermione promised to dole out detentions where she could. If she caught any of those students out during curfew she would give no warnings. It was a way to make up for calling Luna "Loony" to her face. Desiree was writing each name down and Harry planned to hand this off to George and Fred.

Pulling into the station Harry, Desiree, Luna and Hermione waited until everyone cleared the train before leaving themselves. Hermione was a prefect and it was her job to make sure the train was clear before heading to the castle herself. So Harry, Desiree and Luna had waited for her so she wouldn't have had to share a carriage alone back to the castle.