Chapter 34

Hermione: Emma Watson

Ginny: 16 year old Karen Gillan.

Katie Bell: 18 year old Anna Kendrick

Angela: Nathalie Emmanuel

Alicia: Candice Patton

Lavender Brown: Hayden Panettiere with DDs

Parvati and Padma: Alia Bhatt

Luna Lovegood: Blonde Maisie Williams

Su Li: 16 year old Brenda song

Daphne Greengrass: Sydney Sweeney

Astoria Greengrass: Kathryn Newton

Tracey Davis: Hailee Steinfeld


Hogwarts had blown up at least in terms of things changing and the morale dropping to an all time low. McGonagall had confronted Umbridge about her torturing of the students with her blood quill and all it did was make it worse. Umbridge used that as an opportunity to take more power for herself and smack the deputy down in front of the school.

McGonagall tried her best but Umbridge had the backing of the Ministry. While Harry understood that he was still a little disappointed Dumbledore couldn't or wouldn't do anything about it. In fact Harry hadn't heard Dumbledore say one word in public on the matter and it was starting to get to him. Everyone could see the frustration on McGonagall's face during meals. Her angry looks towards the Headmaster didn't go unnoticed.

When it first happened he wanted to run to Dumbledore to ask for help but there was no way he didn't already know. With McGonagall knowing Dumbledore now had to know and the fact she was the one confronting Umbridge spoke volumes. Dumbledore was no longer in control of the school. If he wasn't going to do his job of keeping the school safe and teaching the students then he was going to do it. Harry was going to teach and do the job they were too scared to do while making the students feel safer.

Although that job was made difficult by the endless amount of Educational Decrees that Filch put up by the day. All of which he was breaking from the no secret clubs to staying three feet apart. Harry liked to just ignore the new rules and try not to let them impact his life too much. Desiree and Harry always held hands or were close together and while they didn't kiss or anything they still had to try and hide it when Umbridge was near. Hogwarts life was so oppressive and something Harry wanted to end as soon as possible.

Now he was just looking forward to the holiday break. Getting away from the school alone was going to make this the best Christmas ever. Add to that Fleur had told him to come over the day after Christmas so she and Gabrielle could give him their present. He didn't have to be a genius to figure out what that was going to be. They had already made it abundantly clear in their letters. Gabrielle had sent him multiple letters including pictures of her with toys or her sister getting her ready for their time together. Gabrielle had gone through her maturity and even if Fleur had the pleasure of being inside her first he was going to be the first man. Gabrielle had also told him she was saving her asshole for him. That only he would have that pleasure of dipping his cock there first.

While all of this was still happening but it didn't stop Harry from having amazing starts to his mornings and end to his days in the form of orgies or crazy wild sex with his dormmates. He would have a mix of everything and everyone which kept him in tip top shape. Most days he was a little sore after a rough night of a thousand thrusts or holding a girl up as he shagged them. The girls commented on his body almost everyday which he responded with his own compliments on their body. There was always plenty to compliment on both sides. He knew his chest and abs were very visible and the girls knew that their breasts and bums were his favorite things. It also took his mind off of his worries and he was sure he tried to do the same for the girls.

His main worry in the last week had been stressful as he tried to set up a lesson plan. Now that he was the leader of F.C he had to be teaching students how to fight but also do it safely. He wouldn't be able to keep this a secret if everyone kept getting sent to the Hospital Wing.

Besides the short lived stint of a dueling club in second year all of Harry's fights had been a very real and present danger. He meant to hurt the other person and the other person wanted to hurt him. He had already taken his first life his first year at Hogwarts and he couldn't give that feeling to the other students. The trick was to teach them for that moment when you have to kill the enemy you are doing it to save your life or the life of someone else. It was a concept he was sure everyone could get behind.

While he couldn't put together his lesson plan in D.A.D.A he did do it in Astronomy and told Aurora what he was doing. While she warned against getting in trouble she also knew what he was doing was necessary. So she gave him cover by acting like their deal last year was still in place. The same deal where Harry would work on other things while still in her class. On the basis that when Umbridge was gone he would shag her so hard she wouldn't be able to walk or talk the next day from all the screaming. It was true Harry gave her a sex toy to take her frustrations out on but it wasn't the same. Aurora needed more although Septima did her best to fill that hole so to speak.

Although Septima enjoyed the strapon and had come around on sharing a bed with her best friend. The two often found their way into the other's classroom with a bottle of wine and the toy before playing a small game to decide who was lucky enough to wear it that night. While Septima won most of the time, when Aurora was the lucky wearer it would end up with Septima being bent over her desk and Aurora helping herself to her friend's tightest hole. When Septima wore it Aurora would contort herself into any position and tell Septima to do whatever she wanted with her. Septima liked it when Aurora was able to get her feet behind her head while presenting her holes for Septima.

The one big upside being with Harry last year that she was already used to taking that big cock in every way imaginable. From being on all fours, bend over, feet behind the head or even a standing split leaning against a wall. No matter which angle the cock thrust inside her she was ready. She made Septima reenact all of these positions which Septima found exhilarating. While she still had a bit to learn, Aurora was more than happy with just the standard few positions she knew. Sadly Septima didn't have the strength for some of the more exotic positions. It gave Septima a new respect for what Harry could do.

The first time going for anal didn't go as smoothly as when Harry did it. So after a quick question to Harry during class they learned the spell to help it go smoother and now neither minded when the other buggered them. Septima and Aurora had talked to their friend Madam Rosmerta one night after the first Hogsmeade visit. They all drank alone in the bar after closing talking about how good buggering felt or how Harry was a literal sex god.

Madam Rosmerta laughed at their misfortune that they weren't able to act on anything with Harry this year. While she felt tired and sore after their date she wouldn't have changed it for the world. She had never felt so complete than having Harry finish in every one of her holes made only better by the love he showed her. While she hated to call it love, his eyes made her feel like it was love. She had trouble waiting long also but she didn't have to see him everyday. If she was a teacher and he was her student she wouldn't be able to resist. From asking him to stay after everyone left the class before ripping down his trousers and going to town on him. That would have just been the beginning, it would have also led to her giving him extra credit assignments that included giving her multiple orgasms.

During a drunk confession Septima had admitted that Harry's girlfriend Desiree had hit on her which led to both women teasing her relentlessly. While Madam Rosmerta didn't know who the mystery girl was, Aurora filled her in. Desiree was an attractive exotic girl with a body built for sin. A girl who had no problems with her boyfriend shagging away with any girl who caught his fancy. It made sense with the big gestures she made at Septima.

Septima had even told them about the time Desiree flashed her with a butt plug between her cheeks. The plug was a big gem that matched her green eye color peeked out as Desiree flipped up her skirt and spread her bountiful butt cheeks. Then there was the time there was even a message written on the inside of Desiree's thighs that said "Eat Me" with an arrow pointing up. For that message Desiree hopped on her desk and spread her legs at Septima. Thankfully no one else saw it but it still invaded her thoughts especially at night when she was alone in bed or even when she was shagging Aurora.

Aurora and Madam Rosmerta kept laughing which only made Septima get redder and redder with each passing moment. "Stop it, this is serious. She keeps teasing me and it's so sexual I can't say anything in class without everyone knowing." She hated being teased. She was an accomplished woman and one of the youngest Arithmancy master's in the country. If she asked Desiree to stay behind to scold her she imagined that girl might break down her walls enough she would end up on her back. On her back with her spreading her legs on her desk with that girl's tongue up her pussy. 'Doesn't sound too bad. No, stop it, Septima.'

Aurora took pity on her friend. "All eyes are on Harry but you should be able to get away with a shag with that beautiful girl. She probably knows what you and Harry got up to and is attracted to you." Aurora had seen the girl and she knew Septima enjoyed women maybe a touch more than men, at least men not named Harry.

Septima was drunk enough to blurt out. "Fine I will do it. Next time she flirts with me I'm going to give her what she wants. Merlin knows I want it. With her perfect bum and those big fun bags." Aurora and Madam Rosmerta raised a glass and cheered for their friend's half drunken plan.

Room of Requirement

The first lesson of the F.C was upon Harry and before Harry knew it he was standing in a room with close to twenty five to thirty people in the room. Thankfully the room had expanded big enough for everyone to have enough space to duel and practice. It was a far cry from his lonely nights in the room. At least not completely alone seeing as he had Desiree with him most of the time. Back to the group Hermione had recruited kids from fourth year on up most of whom were more than ready to fight. Most had been bullied by Slytherin this year with threats against them for their blood status.

Standing at the front of the room Harry was standing next to Hermione and Desiree on either side of him. "Good afternoon everyone. As you all know this is Fight Club or F.C for short. We won't be knitting or reading here, we are here to learn to duel but also fight. The first rule is that we don't talk about the club to anyone not in it. The second rule of Fight Club is that we are trying our best to improve and become a better fighter." Harry laid out the rules so everyone was clear of what he was expecting. He expected them to try their best and keep their mouths shut.

Harry let the last statement hang in the air before continuing, "Dueling is a sport where both parties agree on a set of rules and duel in a tournament or for fun. It's something you do with friends or to prove a point. Fighting for real is a fight for your life. I will be teaching you how to extend your life by increasing your chances for victory in any way possible. Some of you might question it now but when you need it you will be glad for these lessons." All the students were wrapped up in his first speech and listening with rapt attention. "Since this is the first practice I want you to pair up and have little practice duels against each other while I walk around and see who needs the most help or what we need to work on."

Everyone agreed and started to pair up. But Harry put an end to some of the obvious pairs, "George and Fred you two go against Angelina and Alicia. Padma and Parvati you two go against Daphne and Tracey. Luna you go against Astoria and Ginny you go against Lavender." He wanted to see what these students could do going against someone they were unfamiliar with instead of against a family member or close friend where they would hold back.

Neville raised his hand and Harry pointed to him indicating he could ask his question. "What kind of spells are we supposed to be using again?" Neville was already nervous enough but his partner was Hannah and he wasn't sure what to do as to not hurt her.

Harry was relieved Neville asked that because he recklessly forgot to be clear about that. "Thank you. That is a great question. We are dueling non lethal so jelly legs, tickling, light stinging, disarming spells only. You can dodge and use a shield but try to last as long as possible. But if you can keep going, keep fighting until you can't. This club is also about pushing your limits as a wizard. And for an added treat the best fight will get to fight me at the end of the class." The prospect of his crossing wands with the best dueller had the room buzzing.

Luna raised her hand next before Harry called on her and all Harry was thinking about was hoping she didn't ask anything overtly sexual. Luna had a habit of doing that. "Will we be learning the patronus charm?" Even Desiree breathed a sigh of relief about the innocent question.

Once again the class was buzzing before Harry answered, "Yes and depending how these go if we have enough time I will teach it to you soon but let's focus on today's task. Everyone get into position and wands at the ready." All the paired up couples lined the room as they stood across from each other waiting for the okay to start attacking.

Harry waited until everyone had their wands at the ready while in a duelling stance with their knees slightly bent ready to dip, duck, dive and dodge at any moment to avoid a spell. "On my mark. Get ready...set...go." Not a second later spells started to fly out of the wands of everyone. Thankfully no one was out on the first volley. That gave Harry enough time to walk up and down to take note of everyone's skill level.

The first pair he noticed was Hermione vs Desiree and both girls were quick and very skilled but Desiree had the advantage of knowing everything he knew. Both girls' forms were impeccable as they threw spells at each other. There was no need for an adjustment or tips. Seeing as they were already strong enough he moved on to the next pair.

Neville was going against Hannah and at first he was intimidated by her beauty having been paired up with her in class before. If Neville was being honest she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen and here he was trying to beat her in a duel. Starting out with a tickling charm it was quickly batted away before a stinging spell was sent his way. In the middle of trying to cast a shield the spell struck his arm and he let out a yelp.

Harry heard it and quickly rushed over and cut their match short. "Neville, you have to be a little faster. Try it again but if you can dodge the spell do that instead. Only shield if it's absolutely necessary." Neville nodded before looking back to Hannah and giving her another small bow before trying a disarming spell.

Harry looked over the twins and The chaser girls next to see an even match but could see the twins had so much more energy. While the girls were keeping up by shielding and throwing spells back he could see the sweat on their brows. The girls weren't used to this kind of magical strain.

The next pair was Ginny and Lavender and it was obvious who the better fighter was. Ginny was making Lavender look silly with all the spells landing on the buxom teenage witch. Lavender could barely stand due to a prior jelly leg jinx and had welts on her arms from previous stinging spells hitting her arms. "Okay you two take a break Ginny won this one." Harry knew this was outside of Lavender's comfort zone and she was going to require a lot of work.

Lavender was thankful Harry stepped in because she was about to give up. She couldn't land anything on the youngest Weasley. Lavender just fell back into her bum on the lightly padded floor and nearly passed out from exhaustion. This was the most amount of spells she has ever used back to back. At least offensive spells there were glamours and beauty charms she used all the time but none of them put this kind of strain on her. Now she was just hoping Harry didn't see her as a weakling not worth his time. She knew he liked strong women like Desiree, Hermione, Fleur and the chasers.

Walking down the center of the room Harry then checked on his other girlfriend and her best friend. Daphne and Tracey who were picking apart Padma and Parvati with ease. Daphne and Tracey were just batting all their opponents spells away before casting a stinging jinx at the twins. When they saw Harry was watching, both girls decided to end it by casting a disarming spell and swiping the twins wands out of the air in unison. Both twins were hit by the disarming spells at the same time and lost their wands before they were snatched out of the air. The two friends were like twins themselves fighting as a team just as good as Fred and George.

Smiling at Daphne and Tracey, Harry had to stop himself from showing any sort of favoritism. The two best friends fought well together. "Good work you two. We have some more time so why don't you two go against each other." Tracey and Daphne nodded before standing across from each other. Harry turned to the Indian twins who were panting and looked dead on their feet. "Why don't you two take a break and go talk to some of the others who are out. Talk it over and see where you think you went wrong." He wanted everyone to talk and to point out their flaws which was the first step to getting better. You have to remove your ego so you can grow.

Going further down the line a lot of the pairs were done having a clear winner who wasn't out of breath or covered in welts. Surprisingly Astoria and Luna were still going but their spell casting was so slow it gave both of them an eternity to respond. Going forward he was going to have to tighten that up to increase their casting speed and reaction time. "Okay Luna and Astoria you can stop. Take a break you two. Good job." Both girls listened to Harry and relaxed their wand arms before breathing a sigh of relief.

Looking around the room there weren't any other pairs still fighting besides Hermione and Desiree, which was the duel everyone was watching. Both girls were casting lightning fast spells while dodging or countering.

Harry was blown away by Desiree's skill and the fact she was able to keep up with Hermione who had been a witch her entire life. While Desiree had been a witch since the summer but had the mentality of someone who had lived for thousands of years.

The fight finally ended in a draw when Hermione cast a disarming charm which hit the genie but just a split second before Desiree cast a strong stinging jinx which snapped Hermione's head back before sending her flat on her back. The entire room erupted in applause at the show the two girls put on.

Hermione rubbed her forehead feeling a painful welt start to form. "Ow that hurt." Her head was already throbbing and she knew she was going to have to come up with an excuse for why she had a big mark on her forehead during dinner.

Harry wanted to scold Desiree for hurting Hermione but it was all fair. "It was a draw Hermione, you both got each other in the end." Turning back to the class Harry started saying in his teaching voice which was louder and more serious. "I saw a lot to be proud of in all of you but we have a long way to go. I admire people who stayed in the fight even after getting stung by those jinxes. In a real fight you might get hit with something that causes real pain but it's your job to fight through that and come out on top." Harry looked around and couldn't believe everyone was listening so intently to his words.

"Some of you just couldn't keep up with your partner and there was too big of a skill gap. I took note of who these people are and we will be working with you to close that gap as soon as possible." Some people looked down in shame knowing he was talking about them. "Those of you who are ahead of the others will be required to help catch some of the other members up. People like Susan, Daphne, Fred, George and of course Hermione and Desiree. Those people will be my guest teachers and will help catch everyone up and this will need to happen quickly so everyone can get on the same page before we move forward. Things like speed and stamina need to be addressed first before we get to new spells."

Harry didn't want to teach two classes or for one group of students to be left behind. That could splinter the group before it starts which would be the worst thing that could happen. "Before we go I want to try dueling some of the top students today. Let's start with George." Harry walked to the front of the room and stood at the ready for the duel."

George looked cocky for the class but on the inside was sweating a little bit because last year everyone saw Harry kill a very real big bad dragon. That was something that would scare and intimidate anyone who was sane. Standing across from Harry with all eyes on him George raised his wand at the ready.

Harry had looked at Hermione to count them in. "Fighters at the ready. 3…2...1 fight!"

Harry let George cast first and just sidestepped the disarming charm before countering with a jelly legs jinx. George managed to throw up a shield only for the next stinging jinx to hit him in the sternum. George let out a grunt and expected more spells to hit him while his guard was down but Harry stopped and turned to the room. "What did George do wrong?"

"He is slow." Ginny said, teasing her brother. The room laughed at Ginny's joke. George slumped off the stage rubbing his chest.

Harry shook his head, "No it's that if you are defending you can't rush your next spell. Don't just sit there with a shield up but he should have been able to notice that my wand was already moving for a second spell. So that means he should either be moving to dodge before throwing a spell back at me or to block the spell and before I cast my next spell attack me in that very small window."

The class was soaking up every word and gaining more and more respect for Harry who seemed like he really knew what he was doing. Even boys who joined like Justin Finch-Fletchley didn't have high hopes for Potter's class but he was so much better than some of their other teachers and it was only the first class. In one class they learned more than the entire year with Lockhart.

Harry called Susan up next and with a blush the buxom redhead stepped into position across from Harry. She had to stop the feelings of arousal running through her body. She didn't know what it was but seeing him take command of the room and dominate his opponents made her body so hot. Getting into position she tried to clear her mind but she was fighting at a severe disadvantage while being so aroused.

Harry smiled at the redhead and said, "Get ready Susan." Once again Hermione counted down before Harry allowed Susan to get the first spell off. Harry batted it away before casting a jelly legs, only for Susan to side step it before sending a stinging jinx at his feet and chest. This made Harry jump to avoid the jinx on his legs before casting a shield in the air so he didn't get hit from her dual assault. Once landing back on his feet he upped his game by casting jelly leg jinx bookended by two stinging jinx's.

Susan couldn't handle all three spells coming at her so fast and in different directions. She managed to save herself from the first two but the last stinging jinx hit her square in the shoulder. With a groan she knew that she lost this duel.

Harry once again turned to the class but this time didn't let them guess. "Susan was nearly perfect here, at least perfect for her year level. She nearly had me with those two stinging jinx's to different parts of the body while it is normally better to always aim for the chest if someone is more skilled than you. Aiming for something that they can't defend against is a wise move and it takes their eyes off you for a second. When we learn more powerful spells remember that in case you ever need it. Now let's all give Susan a big round of applause."

The entire room clapped for Susan and made the girl blush even more on top of all the compliments Harry laid on her. She couldn't wait to tell her aunt and thank her for all her lessons. While her aunt forced those lessons on her since she could raise a wand she was very grateful in moments like these. She took a small bow to the room before Harry announced his next opponent.

Harry hadn't had a lot of time to spend with Daphne lately and he had never crossed wands with her so this was the perfect time for both. "Daphne, come on up here."

Daphne walked to the front of the class and ignored the few whispers about her. A lot of the club members still distrusted her and her friends for being Slytherin's but she just hoped with time that would fade with time. She planned to work extra hard to earn their trust and respect.

Standing across from one another Harry smiled at his girlfriend and said, "No tricks." Which took their flirting out of the duel. Daphne had worn a shirt to F.C that was tight and did a perfect job at showing off her big tits courtesy of Harry. If Susan Bones wasn't trying to dress down the boys would have multiple sets of nice tits to look at. Desiree had a similar idea to her and was wearing one of Harry's regular T-shirts shirts to F.C. which was tight in all the right places much to Harry's chagrin. While he usually liked it he was trying his best to focus and not have any sexual thoughts for an hour or so.

Like all the others Hermione counted them in and he gave his opponent the first spell. Soon they were trading spells at a rapid rate. Harry didn't plan to go this fast but Daphne had gone hard right from the beginning. Which meant he had to step it up if he didn't want his winning streak to be broken.

Close to three minutes passed which felt like an eternity in the dueling world and everyone couldn't believe that Daphne was holding up so well or that Harry struggled to find an opening. Harry managed to find an opening though when he noticed Daphne always sidestepped to the right so he sent a spell where she was going to be instead of where she was.

The disarming spell hit Daphne and her twelve and a half inches long dragon heartstring wand flew into Harry's hand. Daphne let out a loud groan of frustration thinking she had him. Over the summer she had been taking lessons from her father who was a duelist himself back in the day and thought it might be enough to beat Harry.

Harry almost laughed at Daphne's frustrated face as he threw her wand back. Instead of mocking his girlfriend, he turned to the class, some of whom had their jaws dropped. "What did she do wrong?" Harry asked the rest of the club.

Cho answered, "She didn't cast a shield before she moved?" Cho wasn't sure in her answer but wanted the credit for at least attempting to answer. Typical Ravenclaw classroom tactic.

Harry shook his head before Desiree answered, "She always moved to the right so you were able to cast where she was going to be." The answer made multiple people make a noise of realization when they heard the reasoning.

Harry nodded and mentally promised to give her a special reward tonight for answering correctly. "Yes, she always moves right. You have to be unpredictable with your movements or else people will be able to read you and do what I just did but with a spell much more dangerous." Harry saw that as an excellent point to stop. "Okay for the next meeting I want you to think of an offensive spell and a scenario to use it in as well as what it would do to the other person. We will learn the best ones and start building your arsenal. A well rounded wizard is a dangerous wizard. Remember this is a windowless room so no fire spells but anything else is fair game." Harry was also a little curious if they could find spells he didn't know about. Thanks to one of his previous wishes he was powerful and knew a lot of spells but those came naturally in those situations. He also didn't know if he knew enough to teach those or how dangerous they would be.

Everyone was about to start walking out of the room but Hermione stopped them and checked the Marauders map before telling people to leave in groups of two or three and going in different directions. While people started leaving the class Daphne, Astoria and Tracey stayed along with Desiree. Hermione saw Harry with Daphne and the others and rolled her eyes. She already knew where this was going. Not wanting to be a hovering buzzkill she took her leave also but left Harry the map after making sure her path to the library was clear. It was never too late to do the homework.

Harry smiled at Daphne and Tracey who stayed behind to talk while Astoria was a few steps away letting her sister have her private conversation. "Daphne, how are you?" He had a feeling this was a more personal little meeting.

Daphne smiled remembering the last time all of them were alone. The sex with Harry and Desiree had been amazing. Tracey and her discussed it at length and even tried to replicate some of the things Desiree had done. Tracey loved the way the girl had eaten her asshole and the way she wiggled her tongue. It was something she had to walk Daphne through before she eventually repaid the favor before breaking out the sex toy. "Hello you two. We were hoping for a little extra tutoring." Daphne said clearly talking about sex when talking to Desiree and Harry.

Harry and Desiree both picked up the double meaning but the problem was they had a guest. Harry looked past the sexy pair of friends towards Astoria who was watching them intently. "What about your sister?" Harry asked. Harry felt a little awkward if she was just going to watch what was about to happen.

Daphne waved it off, "We don't want her to go back to the dorm by herself and she wants to watch." Daphne had already had a long talk with Astoria over the summer and had noticed her Harry sex toy go missing from time to time especially when Astoria took one of her long baths. While she minded at first she soon got over it knowing she was more than a little addicted since shagging Harry this last year. Leaning into Harry's ear she said, "She has a crush on you." Daphne whispered as her hands ran over his chest before going down and cupping his awakening trouser monster.

Desiree was interested in the little blonde sister of Daphne. "Really? I didn't take her for such a voyeur." If Desiree had to guess the poor girl wanted more but Daphne wanted to refuse and or rub it in. All of which Desiree was fine with having learned to enjoy having an audience.

Daphne scoffed at Desiree. "She wishes she could join in but I don't think she is ready for that yet." Even though Astoria was a fourth year Daphne couldn't see that her sister was possibly ready for that yet.

Astoria jumped forward protesting her sister's statement. "I'm ready." She is the same age her sister was the first time she was with Harry. Her older sister still saw her as a little kid just because she was shorter than the average girl her age. Astoria was close to Luna's size but maybe an inch or so taller. She was still growing unlike Luna who didn't grow from last year.

Daphne and Tracey rolled their eyes because they both knew Astoria was to put it mildly, horny for Harry. During the train ride home fourth year they both had to answer all her questions about Harry and they could see Astoria staring at him during meals. "Astoria this is our time if you want to watch you can or else we will put a screen up and you could just listen instead." Daphne threatened.

Astoria crossed her arms upset that she was being treated like a child and not the budding young woman she was. The only one who was even looking at her in that way was Desiree. The older girl's stares almost made her feel naked under her stare. Looking at Harry she could feel his eyes also going from her feet to her milky white thighs before stopping at her budding chest.

"Wait up, let's not be so hasty. I think if Astoria really feels this way we should let her express herself. So tell me Astoria what would you do to Harry right now?" Desiree asked curious to see the girl's response. She could see the girl was practically rubbing her knee high sock covered legs together trying to get relief.

Astoria blurted out, "I want to suck his cock." The confession was so sudden she clasped her hands over her mouth not expecting her answer to be so blunt. She had just heard so many things about eavesdropping on her sister and Tracey talking about it. Mixed that with the fact she had sucked her sister's sex toy she was sure she could get at least half of his cock into her small mouth.

Daphne and Tracey's eyes both bugged out before Daphne chastised her sister, "Astoria? That is my boyfriend." She didn't know why she was being so protective of him but she didn't want to share him with her sister having spent her whole life sharing things with her sister. She just wanted to rub her sister's face in it a little bit.

Desiree took her wand and waved them over Harry to vanish his trousers exposing his soft but slowly hardening ten inch cock to the room. Although it was steadily growing thanks to her confession. "Come on over here and show him. Get on your knees and open your mouth nice and wide for him." Desiree didn't care about this sibling rivalry. All Desiree cared about right now was to see how good this little wannabe cock sucker was.

Daphne saw her sister start walking forward before dropping to her knees in front of Harry. "Wait wait wait Astoria. Desiree you can't be serious about her going first." Daphne almost wanted to walk over and rip Astoria back by her ponytail away from her boyfriend's cock. She wanted him first.

Desiree walked over to Daphne and was close enough to palm her breasts. "Let your sister have an amazing first time and I promise to take care of you." Leaning closer Desiree could feel Daphne shudder. "Would you rather her first time be with another boy or a boy you know will treat her right." The last part she whispered in Daphne's ear as her hands became more aggressive in their gropes of Daphne's body. Much like her master Desiree couldn't keep her hands off Daphne's big tits and perky ass.

Daphne wanted to protest more but she was horny and was expecting sex of some kind and was now I'm Desiree's very capable hands. "Fine but you are going to be our bitch while Harry occupies himself with my sister." Daphne looked forward to dominating this girl with her best friend while Harry defiled her sister.

Desiree had a feeling she was going to like this. Purring in response Desiree fished her hand under Daphne's skirt and touched her soaking wet knickers. "I like the sound of that. How about you two do with me what you and Harry did to Fleur." Desiree was talking to Daphne with her being the alpha and her knowing exactly what she meant by doing to her like she did to Fleur.

The mention of that day made Daphne start to rip off her own clothes as well as Desiree's. Tracey on the other hand slowly started to get undressed as two beds appeared in the room. Once all the girls were naked Desiree gave a fake wave of her wand and with genie magic gave the two girls a magical 'Harry' strapon. Both girls were familiar enough with this particular piece of equipment. Both girls at the same time gripped the base of their new cocks before giving it a quick stroke to make sure it was working right.

Daphne felt the familiar rush of power when she wore this thing. She had used it to dominate her best friend almost every time she visited her house over the summer. Without asking or waiting she grabbed both Desiree and Tracey's hands and dragged them towards the other bed. First she threw down Tracey so Tracey was on her back with the fake cock standing straight up. "Go ride her." Daphne commanded. She wanted to see Desiree sink down on that thick fat cock before she tore into the big fleshy cheeks of Desiree.

Desiree was smiling wide and happily as she crawled into bed and rubbed her dripping slit against Tracey's fake cock before placing the cock at her entrance and dropping down. Desiree accepted all ten inches inside her with one go. She was accustomed to the feeling of her ideal cock skewering her wet pussy. "Ah that's a good girl." Desiree moaned to Tracey. Knowing what the blonde wanted, Desiree then spread her ass and looked back at Daphne. "Don't make me beg. Just give it to me. I know you want to." With the smallest shake of her hips she knew the perfect way to make her ass jiggle that made it look so inviting. She had done this to Harry so many times. It was impossible to resist.

Daphne would have loved to tease the wanton whore but Daphne was so hot she couldn't hold back by climbing up onto the bed and moving her hips so the tip of the toy was at Desiree's tight asshole. "I bet Harry has broken you in so I don't have to go slow." Daphne couldn't go slow if she wanted to. She personally knew how tight the girl was and she was up there with the tightest girl ever being Fleur Delacour. Just like that day Daphne wanted to ride Desiree until she was a quivering mess of orgasms unable to do anything but pass out.

Desiree smiled back at Daphne, "As hard as you want baby. Fuck my ass." Desiree then felt all ten inches of hot familiar cock slam into her asshole. If she was a normal girl this would have hurt but her slutty genie magic infused body took all that cock with ease. The sharp pleasure in her ass almost made her forget about the cock that currently resided in her pussy. Not wanting to leave that out she started to massage both cocks with her muscles as she tried to move her hips back and forth. 'I need to do this more often.'

Tracey had never felt a pussy so tight before. While Daphne was tight she never had another cock pushing against her on the underside of the cock through Daphne's ass. "Holy shit this feels amazing." Tracey started to buck her hips up trying to feel even more of this girl's wildest depths. Tracey and Daphne both knew very little about Desiree but what they did know so far was that she was the perfect sex partner. Never saying "stop", "no" or "gentle" instead just begging for more.

Daphne had to move after soaking up the feeling of Harry's other girlfriend's tight ass. Daphne had now shagged both Fleur and Desiree's tight bums and the feeling of power that came with it was enormous. "You are telling me. Trace you have to try this ass once I'm done with it. You are going to cum so bloody hard." Not Daphne was thrusting in and out of the brown skinned goddess as fast as she could. 'Fuck I wish I could finish in this ass like I'm sure Harry does every night.'

Desiree was in the middle of two very attractive girls who were treating her body the exact way she liked. 'Oh I love Tonks for making me a student here.' It was so much better to join Harry during sex than floating around him. With both girls manhandling her by roughly groping her big tits or roughly fucking both of her tight holes. All she could do was moan and cry out both girl's names. "Harder! Fuck me! Spank me!"

Harry heard Desiree and would be lying if he wasn't torn between watching that or the little blonde sister of Daphne peppering his cock with kisses and small licks. He could already tell she lacked oral sex experience but if she was anything like her sister it wouldn't be for long. Taking one last look at Daphne laying into Desiree with hard and loud spanks he turned his attention back to Astoria.

Astoria wanted to take this slow, having obsessed about this cock since the beginning of summer. Everything about it was perfect down to the musk coming off of it that made her feel like her world was spinning or the slight salty taste from his sweat when her tongue licked him from base to tip. Putting her attention lower she then started to worship his smooth hairless balls by licking them and even taking them into her small mouth and giving them plenty of tongue and suction. Her sister made the joke that the only thing missing from the sex toy was Harry's big balls and she wasn't wrong.

"That's a good girl. You are an amazing ball sucker." Harry said, trying to pay a compliment as he looked up to see Desiree being double penetrated by Daphne and Tracey. All three of which seemed like they were having a fun time without him. Seeing Daphne's bum as she slammed into Desiree almost made him want to go over and bugger her while she is shagging, again. 'I know you are feeling bloody lucky right now.' Harry thought.

'Oh yes master. These sluts fuck so well. We will need to add them to the harem to help take care of me when you are busy.' Desiree moaned through the link. She knew that she couldn't always hog Harry but if she was shagged like this every night she wouldn't be fussy about not getting Harry every night.

Astoria kept sucking his balls but saw his eyes leave hers to look at the others. 'I need to keep his eyes on me.' Letting his balls pop out of her mouth before bringing her mouth to his pulsing tip and taking him into her mouth. Looking up she saw his eyes look back at her as she took half his cock in her mouth.

Harry couldn't help but look away from Desiree and the others as he felt Astoria start to take him into her mouth. His green eyes met her pale blue eyes as she kept going until he reached the back of her small throat. "Don't hurt yourself." He said, trying to be reassuring. His hand cupped the back of her head as he started to lightly buck his hips pushing his cock deeper into her mouth and bumping right against her throat.

Astoria didn't want to hurt herself but did want to push herself so she pushed forward a little more until she had another inch in her mouth before she started to bob her mouth up and down on him. 'I can do this. I can suck his cock as good as my sister and get this cum they talk about so much.' With every bob of her head she felt his big tip push into her throat. The only thing that soothed it was the look in Harry's eyes as he looked down at her as she did her best.

Harry was surprised how good Astoria was doing for her first time and seemed to take right after her sister. While Astoria couldn't deepthroat like Daphne he was sure she could be given enough time and practice. "A little more Astoria I'm getting close. I'm going to fill that cute little mouth up with so much cum." The sight of his genie getting double penetrated while looking down at a new young Greengrass sucking his cock was going to quicken his climax.

Astoria had never let her hand stop moving, stroking the parts of his cock she couldn't reach but her other free hand went to cup his full balls and feel what they had for her. At first they were relaxed but the more she played with them the more tense they became until she felt Harry pull her head back by her ponytail until just the tip of his cock was in her mouth as he shot rope after hot rope of cum into her mouth. 'This tastes like sweets.' She couldn't believe a boy could taste like this and how it made her want to gulp down everything he shot into her mouth.

Harry gave her a big load but not nearly as big as Desiree or some of the other girls he had regular sex with. "That was great for the first time, Astoria. With some more practice you might be able to give your sister some competition." He had a few amateur blowjobs from virgins like Ginny but Astoria was much better than Ginny's first time. Astoria had great timing and sense of what to do with all ten inches of his cock. It probably helped that she practiced with the toy he gave Daphne.

"I didn't know boys could taste like that or that they came that much." Astoria said not believing blowjobs could be so fun. If all boys tasted like this why weren't girls doing this everyday. If it was up to her she would be doing this at least once a day for the rest of her life with a big smile on her face. The warm feeling in her tummy made Astoria almost start bouncing for more.

Harry hated to burst the girl's bubble. "I'm special Astoria and all boys aren't like me. I had a potion mishap that makes my cum taste like that and I also cum more than the average boy." He could see she looked a little bummed out by that information.

Astoria was a little sad that all the boys weren't like that. "Really?" Harry nodded and suddenly Astoria was sad that her sister was going to be with Harry instead of her. Getting off her knees Astoria stood up and only came to Harry's chest but started to undo his tie before unbuttoning his shirt. If this was going to be her only chance with Harry she needed to make it count.

Harry shouldn't have been surprised that she wanted to keep going but it did feel a touch awkward to do so with Daphne in the room, not like she would notice. Daphne was now openly spanking Desiree's ass as she shagged it and from across the room he could already see Desiree's big ass was red and would probably need a rest tonight. "How do you want this Astoria?" Harry wanted to be her ideal partner. He always wanted to give girls their fantasy for the first time. He wanted to set the bar so high they could only come back to him to satisfy them.

Astoria hadn't given it a lot of thought only thinking about his cock but now had to think about positions and how she wanted to be shagged. Now that Harry was naked she slowly stripped down showing off her more petite body compared to her stacked and curvy sister. For a second she was worried about his reaction but the soft look in his eyes told her he was kind and wouldn't be judging her so harshly. She was a little self conscious about her breasts which were considerably smaller than her sister's.

Harry didn't mind a more petite body and Astoria's looked a lot like Luna's minus the ultra pale skin of Luna. Astoria looked like she had more regular sun, maybe spending some time at a beach over the summer. Their breasts were similar but Astoria was probably going to get taller while Luna looked to be the same size from last year. "You look beautiful, Astoria." He truly meant it because even the small cleft of her tight pussy was very similar to Daphne's.

Astoria loved to hear that he found her attractive. Blushing once she was naked or naked enough for sex she laid in bed and just spread her legs giving him a full look at her pussy which had never been seen by another boy before. Spreading her legs she was now showing him a very obscene view of her pussy.

Harry loved how she didn't take off her knee high socks and the way she spread her legs gave him the perfect view inside her warm pink center. Crawling into the bed until he was covering her body with his he slowly dragged the tip of his cock up and down her wet slit trying to accumulate as much lubrication as he could before he pushed in. He gave her one last chance to back out before he took her virginity. Astoria didn't take it and instead just nodded as Harry pushed his cock inside her.

Astoria was clawing at Harry's back because the real thing felt even bigger than the toy from Daphne's she used. Biting her tongue she stopped from swearing or screaming as she felt Harry slowly peel her flower apart with his big cock before slowly plunging into her wet and warm depths. Even with just one thrust she felt her heart leap into her throat as her body was ready to explode in pleasure. The tip of his cock was hot and pushing against her womb harder than the toy ever had. "Oh Harry, that's the spot." Astoria moaned out.

Harry could already feel her pussy start to flutter and pulse around him like she was about to cum. "Try to hold on, Astoria." Feeling Astoria react so quickly made Harry pick up his pace and push forward with the rest of his cock filling every available inch with cock before pulling back and doing the same thing over and over.

Astoria had never struggled with anything as much as she did trying to hold back the biggest climax of her life. Feeling Harry thrust in and out were making her entire body sing and her toes curl as she held on by a thread. "I can't hold on. I'm going to cum." It wasn't two minutes since they started but she just could hold back the pleasure in her tiny body any longer.

Harry wasn't close but wanted to join her in the climax so he silently wished, 'I wish I would cum at the same time as Astoria.' He could feel that Desiree had granted the wish but was too busy getting thrown between the two girls to respond. "I'm going to cum with you Astoria."

Astoria let out a final scream of defeat as her first major sexual climax not self-inflicted washed over her at the same time she felt a hot load of cum being pumped into her small pussy. Within a second she could already feel that her womb was filled but that didn't stop Harry from cumming nonstop.

Harry was so lost in his own pleasure he forgot to hold back his orgasm so he went overboard on the poor girl her first time. 'Well it's too late now.' Pulling out of Astoria he shot the remaining few ropes on her stomach as his seed started to pour out of her. Looking down he could see that she was smiling. "So was that everything you hoped it was?" Harry gasped out between breaths.

Astoria just nodded, not even letting go of her nails that were still buried in his back. "You are amazing. I see why my sister doesn't want to share." Daphne was crazy if she thought there wasn't going to be a repeat of this. Leaning up she tried to capture his lips to try and savor the moment as much as possible.

Harry chuckled that Desiree had forced Daphne's hand but he liked the outcome. Besides having sex with Daphne's little sister he was happy to give her a really special first time. Leaning down he brought his lips to Astoria's again and she snogged him back right away. There was no hesitation in her actions wanting to feel everything he wanted to give her. Their little snogging session lasted for a few minutes and Harry's cock never wilted partly from her but also due in part to the other moans in the room.

Desiree was still being pounded by these two best friends only now they had switched places. Both girls had cum and not caring about Desiree's orgasms they switched. Not to say Desiree didn't cum because she came a lot and there was no stopping her.

Tracey was now in her bum while Daphne was in her pussy. This time much like the last time Tracey was laying on the bed but Desiree was in reverse cowgirl with Tracey holding her hips. This gave Daphne the leverage she wanted to pound Desiree's pussy like she already did to her ass. "Tracey, you can go a little harder. Daphne already loosened it up for you." Desiree teased as Tracey's hands gripped her hips and pulled her down faster and faster.

"That's it Trace fuck this whore's ass." Daphne said really trying to degrade the girl. All three girls had cum multiple times but Desiree was the only one who seemed unaffected despite them feeling her cumming multiple times. It only made Daphne want to work harder until she couldn't take anymore. The wet sounds of bodies slapping together rang out through the room.

Desiree had cum so many times and she was sure the same could be said of the other girls. They had been giving her a workout she hadn't felt since Harry had that horse cock or the time he had the double cock that nearly fucked her into a coma. While Harry could easily give her this kind of shag there was something special about two of her master's girlfriends trying to break her with his cock. "Keep going girls, I'm so close. I'm gonna cum for you!" Feeling both of these cocks rub against each other as they pistoned in and out of her for so long was too much and with one final scream she felt her legs give out and just fall backwards onto Tracey's toy and nearly fell back and bonked heads with the girl. "CUMMING!"

Tracey wasn't ready for all of Desiree's weight to fall on her. "Daphne let her up, she is heavy." Desiree weighed more than she thought and it didn't help Daphne was driving the girl down into Tracey at the bottom of the human pile.

Daphne begrudgingly pulled out of Desiree and let Tracey roll the girl off of her. Looking down she saw that they had actually worn that girl out. After countless orgasms even Daphne was tried only being fueled by a need for revenge for helping Astoria to seduce Harry. 'I had to have cum like ten times. Fuck I can barely feel my legs.' With a wobble Daphne fell onto the bed sideways falling on Desiree and Tracey's legs. Both girls had a new appreciation for Harry and Desiree how they could have so much sex and still walk around without falling over all the time.

Tracey was in the same boat as Daphne and had cum more in the last half hour than she had ever but sharing a girl with Daphne was in one of her top fantasies. 'While I like Harry, I love witches more.' Tracey thought. Looking over Tracey was trying to memorize every inch of Desiree's body. Too bad she didn't have a twin because she was right up her alley.

Daphne was about to say something to Tracey but noticed Astoria and Harry were sitting at the edge of their bed watching them. With a blush Daphne realized her little sister watched her shag another girl with her best friend. Hoping her sister didn't mention it she tried to change the subject before it started. "So was your first time everything you hoped it would be?" Daphne asked loud enough for her sister to hear.

Astoria nodded as she put Harry's arm around her, "He was perfect. Too bad you can't share more, like a good sister." Astoria nearly stuck her tongue out at her sister. While the sex wasn't nearly as long as her sister's Harry had satisfied her plenty.

Daphne blushed harder at essentially being called selfish. She let Harry sleep with who he pleased but with her little sister it just felt weird. "Well I would ask Harry how it was for him but he is still hard which means you didn't do a good job." Daphne shot back.

Harry butted in as Astoria stammered trying to think of a response. "She did fine, Daphne. It was her first time. I didn't expect her to be like you or Fleur." Harry didn't want to push Astoria but he wanted another go with her. "Why don't you come over here and take care of your boyfriend?"

Daphne saw her sister pretend to move her hand towards her boyfriend's cock and that was enough to get her out of bed to walk over to Harry's bed to slap away her sister's hand. On the way to the bed she took off the strapon. "Let me show you how it's done sister."

Harry stood up and met her on his feet. That move surprised Daphne and then what he did next really surprised her as he turned her around before picking her up like a doll. With his hands under her thighs she was forced to put her back into his chest so she didn't fall forward. The next thing she noticed was that his cock was sticking straight up and was rubbing itself against her unprotected pussy.

Whispering in her ear Harry said, "Put it in your bum. I want to shag your tight little bum in front of your little sister." He had watched her ass move up and down as Daphne shagged Desiree's ass so hard he was sure she wasn't going to want to do anything else tonight.

Daphne didn't want to take a cock in her bum in front of her sister but her hand had a mind of its own and started to move his cock where he wanted. Soon she felt the tip of his massive cock at her puckered asshole before she felt his slowly lower her and let gravity do the work. "Merlin's balls!" Daphne yelled as she felt him slide past the halfway mark. Once he had all ten inches inside of her she let out another scream but this one she wished her sister didn't hear. "Fuck my ass Harry!"

Astoria watched with wide eyes as her sister was being impaled by Harry's massive cock in her bum. Which was something she never thought would have fit. With wide eyes she just stared at Harry's cock stretching her sister's tightest hole as his wet cock slid in and out and every time drawing a loud whorish moan out of her sister. 'I don't know if I should tease her or start practicing that on my own.' The twisted look of pleasure on her sister's face was one she was never going to forget.

Daphne was looking at her younger sister as she was getting shagged and part of her was humiliated and the other part was just focusing on her boyfriend's cock which was doing a wonderful job. This went on for several minutes as she felt his thrusts get faster and faster as well as the hands on her thighs tightening. She was for sure going to have his hand mark shaped bruises but it was worth it because she felt her orgasm building as well. "Fuck Harry keep going I'm almost there."

Harry smiled past Daphne's shoulder at Astoria on the bed who was watching her sister get shagged in the most demeaning way possible. "Tell your sister what you are feeling. Tell her how good anal feels."

Daphne blushed and didn't want to talk to her sister but her silence was met with Harry slowing his thrusts so she had to blurt out. "Harry's big cock fucks my ass so good. I can't put it into words. Shit it's like he hits a switch inside me only his cock can reach….so close. I'm going to cum. I'm going to cum all over his fucking cock. My ass is cumming!" Daphne rambled, unable to properly think as her toes curled and her ass clenched around Harry before her eyes rolled back into her head with a scream.

Harry felt her analgasm which was very distinctive and he wasn't too far behind. With a couple more thrusts he finally felt the floodgates open and slammed her down one final time before painting all of her insides white. Giving her a fully enhanced load he watched as her pussy started to squirt from the pleasure of her orgasm and being pumped with a nice hot load of cum.

Astoria had never seen a girl squirt before and almost didn't know what was happening to her sister or why she reacted this way. Her sister didn't give her any chance to ask questions as her eyes slowly started to close before going limp in Harry's arms. "Is she okay?" Astoria asked Harry.

Harry nodded as he walked Daphne towards the bed her sister was in and laid her down on it after lifting her off his cock. She gave a small groan when she felt herself come off his cock but didn't wake up. "She just pushed herself too hard, sometimes it happens. Or maybe I pushed her too hard? Sometimes it's hard to keep track."

Astoria wondered how they were going to get back to the dungeons like this. "How are we going to get her dressed and back to the dorms?"

Harry waved it off, "Give her a few minutes and then I will wake her up." Giving it a few minutes he watched Astoria look up and down her sister's naked body. He was still catching his breath a little because his standing shags took a great effort and was a little straining but it was always worth it. "I know you aren't ready for that but is that something that interests you?" Harry asked hopefully.

He was clearly talking about the anal sex and Astoria would be lying if she says she wasn't interested. "My sister seemed to like it. I'm sorry I can't do it right now. But I will try to practice so maybe we can in the future." She could still see he was hard and could go again.

Harry saw her eyes flick to his cock and he put his hands up, "I'm not asking you to do it now. If anything you should try it on your own with your fingers or wand first. That is something you are going to have to discover and make a decision for on your own." That made Astoria smile before she started to ask other questions.

Tracey was in the other bed and was stroking Desiree's curves just taking in her soft skin which made the darker skinned girl hum and purr. "Where did Harry find you?" Tracey would have loved to find a girl like this for herself. Desiree knew her type was buxom girls but she never found herself being so aroused by her brown complexion. It was a light brown almost like a beautiful perfect tan.

Desiree smiled at the brunette, "Oh I found him and I'm glad I did. Perfect lover and a brave fighter, the perfect combination." Now Desiree's hands were doing the same thing to Tracey but her hand also reached down to pinch her nipples. While they weren't as big as her own they were still respectable and had a nice feel in the hand. "So do you like any other boys or just Harry?" Desiree asked, wanting to know more about her.

Tracey nodded, "I have always been more comfortable with girls but then Daphne convinced me to try Harry and here we are." Tracey did like Harry and he was as perfect as perfect could get to a shag that wasn't from her best friend.

"You should stick with Harry. I have a good feeling about it. Harry is going to have many witches around him and if you like shagging other witches this is the place to be. Besides, sometimes a boy can do things another girl can't do, which is something you need from time to time. Trust me." Desiree said hoping Tracey was going to stick around. While Daphne was given a top status among the girls Harry had been with it didn't mean he cared about Tracey any less.

Tracey was feeling the familiar need for cock right now. She had so many orgasms with Desiree but those were different to what she needed now. Looking over at the other bed in the room she saw that Harry was still hard talking to Astoria. Looking back at Desiree she said, "I think I need to have Harry scratch that itch right now."

Desiree smiled at the girl and wished her luck as the girl slowly stepped out of the strapon before walking over to Harry. He noticed her right away and just laid down on the bed opening himself to her emotionally and giving her control. Tracey accepted his invitation and climbed on the bed to mount him. Before she knew it her hips dropped and she had over half his cock inside her before she dropped the rest of the way after a moment.

Harry molded his hands to Tracey's tight bum and slowly started to grind into her. Tracey accepted the grind and enjoyed the slower pace. Only rising a few inches up and down she enjoyed the slow rabbit thrusts that were hitting her sensitive G-spot every time. Moaning, she kissed Harry's sweaty neck. Harry slowly started to add bucking his hips to the grind and was now thrusting a few more inches into her at a time and just that small amount made a coil of pleasure start to form in her stomach. Tracey's moans drew all the attention in the room and she had Astoria and Desiree both looking at her before Daphne slowly started to wake up. Daphne looked towards the sounds of the moans and saw it was due to her best friend riding her boyfriend's cock.

Tracey felt her face heat up as Daphne watched her. Daphne took the opportunity to tease her best friend and boyfriend. "Should I be jealous of the slow almost lovemaking seeing considering I got a rough anal shag in front of my sister?" While Daphne wouldn't have taken it back for the world, she wished she could retain a little more dignity in front of her sister.

Tracey responded, "You know I don't like it as rough as you Daphne. Most of the time I like it just like this." To punctuate all of her words she moved her hips each time letting a bit more cock out before she slammed back down on it.

Daphne smiled at her friend, "I seem to remember you cumming pretty hard when I had you on all fours, pulling your hair as I shagged your bum." That was by far one of the highlights of their summer with that toy besides the time Tracey wore it and roughly face fucked her before shagging her on the bed while commenting on how her makeup smeared face made ler look like a big whore.

Tracey blushed as she remembered that particular incident and couldn't lie about how good that felt but they had plenty of other times where they would just have sex like a normal almost "couple". "I like this too." Tracey moaned.

Harry wasn't focusing on the two bickering friends' conversation and had noticed Desiree was now at his bedside and slowly got onto the bed and started to sit on his face. She hated to be left out and saw Harry's open face which was always an open spot in the dorm. It didn't matter who was riding Harry if his face was free it was only fair to straddle it and let his tongue work. Some girls would even play Paper, Scissors, Stone for their chance to ride Harry's face. He never complained though and always made sure every girl came at least once while riding his face.

Seeing Desiree's familiar pussy come towards his face he lifted his chin ready for her to make contact. He had come to love eating pussy but besides Fleur and some of the other stand outs, Desiree's pussy was by far his favorite. Having licked her pussy so many times he knew all of her special spots and what drove her wild. Like a flick of his tongue on her clit before he started hissing or curling his tongue inside of her. She loved all of it.

Desiree was facing away from Tracey and was looking down at Harry's black hair that she loved fisting as he licked her pussy like it was his favorite meal. 'Oh master your tongue is perfect as always. My poor pussy needed this after the pounding those two gave me. Those two were so rough and I loved it. I think I'm going to have to teach some of the other girls how to shag that hard so I can get it regularly. Maybe with you in my ass and Angelina in my pussy with a girl like Katie in my mouth.' Desiree was already getting carried away in bringing more than two partners into this.

Harry almost chuckled out loud. 'I take it you are too tired for some sex once we get back to the dorm.' He heard the trio of girls let out a long series of screams and "I'm cumming" so much it would be wonder if they could walk out of the room on their own. He was happy to give her a break tonight if she needed it. But Harry was also very interested in seeing Desiree get treated that roughly again but next time in the dorm. It would be even better if he could get Hermione and Lavender to do it.

Desiree felt like she deserved a break tonight after the hard day of work on top of being double teamed by two horny girls. 'I will be ready in the morning but tonight I think you should focus on Hermione and Ginny.' Desiree noticed those two during class and figured they could use some love tonight.

Tracey was getting closer and closer to her climax and seeing Desiree's jiggling red ass on Harry's face didn't help matters. "Shit I'm going to cum. So close." Somehow Harry heard her even with Desiree's thighs around his ears and his hand found her wet clit and he gave it a quick rub and it made Tracey shudder and climax on his cock just before she felt him cum and fill her up with one of his famous cumshots. Like always his warmth spread throughout her insides and gave her the biggest thrill.

Daphne and Astoria were both a little jealous of Tracey. Both sisters couldn't stop watching even though they were both on the same bed and it was a little awkward. Neither sister talked to the other, choosing to watch the free show in silence.

Harry now focused on Desiree and was hissing directly on her clit as his hands kneaded her sore bum. Now Desiree's moans were the only thing heard in the room as her climax was building and building. Desiree finally had enough a few minutes after Tracey came and just let out an almost squeal as she came onto Harry's face.

When she climbed off of her master's face he had a wet chin and a slightly red face from a lack of air. Mix that with her hot thighs on his face and it was like he was standing too close to a fire. Desiree didn't fail to notice the state of his face and said, "I think all of us girls can agree that is a good look for you Harry." Daphne, Tracey and Astoria all agreed.

"Can I try that?" Astoria asked in a small voice.

Daphne had no objections but quickly said, "If my sister gets his mouth I want his cock again."

Harry just nodded and soon felt both blonde sisters mount him. Desiree of course did the job of cleaning Astoria's cum dripping pussy with a clean up spell before she straddled his face. Now he was getting the first taste of the youngest Greengrass pussy free from the mess he made. From his first tongue swipe he had to admit it tasted really good. He could easily spend a half hour licking this cunt inside and out.

While her younger sister mounted her boyfriend's face Daphne mounted his cock. She didn't play around or tease herself before just sinking down on all ten inches. Instead of him taking her bum again she used her pussy on his cock. "Fuck I missed this." Daphne deeply moaned as she felt all ten inches fill her pussy.

Tracey let out a small laugh at her friend, "Miss it I did this to you all summer." Tracey was a little hurt; she couldn't make Daphne react this way with just one thrust.

Daphne was red-faced and feeling waves of pleasure when she responded to her friend. "It just feels different when I know it's Harry." Daphne's hands were on Harry's well defined abs as she brought her big wide hips up and down his wonderful cock.

Astoria was gripping Harry's dark hair as she grinded her dripping pussy on Harry's tongue. She knew why a cock there felt good but she never knew a tongue there would feel so good. Harry was licking her from her clit to inside her tight pussy. Then when he started to suck her clit she couldn't hold back, "I'm cumming!"

Daphne was disappointed in her sister, only lasting two minutes while she wasn't even close to her own climax. Although Daphne was incapable of voicing her disappointment as Harry started to thrust his hips up at the exact moment she brought her hips down. Which blanked out her brain making it impossible to put together a coherent sentence. Daphne couldn't think of anything except the mind numbing pleasure that her body was feeling.

Harry felt and heard Astoria cum so to keep the fun going he moved her hips so her cute little virgin asshole was now right above his mouth. Before the girl could ask what he was doing she felt his hissing tongue start touching her puckered ring. "HARRY!" Astoria screamed not expecting him to even touch that spot yet.

Daphne heard her sister scream and knew that Harry was giving her the best of his mouth. Once again Daphne wanted to cheer this on but was too busy moaning as she felt her orgasm coil tightly in her stomach. 'Shit I'm not going to last much longer.'

Desiree and Tracey both watched Harry and the two Greengrass sisters and neither of their hands could keep off each other. Tracey's fingers were behind her touching Desiree's clit while Desiree had her fingers reached over Tracey attacking her clit while actually going inside her soiled pussy which was still very sensitive.

Daphne had finally reached her limit and just let out a primal scream as she came all around her boyfriend's cock. "Harry!" When Daphne came she felt within the same moment she felt Harry's cock start twitching before the tidal wave came. Just like with her bum earlier she felt a wave of hot spunk fill her womb. Once again she felt like her boyfriend's cum depository as each of her holes had a giant wave of hot spunk dumped in them.

While at the same time Astoria felt a small orgasm coming. Which Harry sensed before bringing his mouth back to her clit and using his parseltongue. Hissing directly on her clit made Astoria cry out again as he pushed her over the edge once again making her cum all over his mouth. Both sisters were a moaning mess as they slowly hopped off Harry to catch their breath.

The group of naked teenagers on the bed spent another minute just catching their breaths and taking in the others bodies. After a while wands eventually came out and they started to cast cleaning charms on each other before getting dressed. All of them were upset that their time had to end. It also did not help Desiree was still pushing for another double penetration from the girls while teasing her mouth would be open for Harry.

Harry had to put an end to that and finally put an official end to their little meeting. While he wished it could just keep going all night they all had plans. They also all couldn't go missing without a search party being sent out.

Harry checked the Marauder map and made sure the way was clear before heading out in separate directions. The Slytherin's were heading down to their dungeons while Harry and Desiree went to the kitchens to get some food so they could just skip dinner and head to the dorms before all the girls get back from dinner. By then Harry hoped to have some of his energy back to perform. He could count on one hand the number of nights he had nights off where a girl didn't try to steal him for a night. Not wanting to be a bad guest he always tried to satisfy everyone no matter the cost.

Desiree felt pretty satisfied and had to give those two girls credit. 'Master those three are keepers.' Harry could no longer keep track of how many girls he was "keeping" but all he knew was that he needed a big house for all these girls. A big house and an even bigger bed.