Chapter 35

Hermione: Emma Watson

Ginny: 16 year old Karen Gillan.

Katie Bell: 18 year old Anna Kendrick

Angela: Nathalie Emmanuel

Alicia: Candice Patton

Lavender Brown: Hayden Panettiere with DDs

Parvati and Padma: Alia Bhatt

Luna Lovegood: Blonde Maisie Williams

Su Li: 16 year old Brenda song

Daphne Greengrass: Sydney Sweeney

Astoria Greengrass: Kathryn Newton

Tracey Davis: Hailee Steinfeld

Narcissa: Eva Green

Madam Rosmerta: Hannah Waddingham


Since starting the F.C Harry spent every free moment not occupied with sex thinking about his lesson plan or on ways to improve his students. It was a tough job to be responsible for so many students and their magical education that could possibly save their lives. It also felt weird to be a teacher and teach students who were around the same age he was. There was a lot riding on this club doing well which meant there was a lot of pressure on Harry.

They already had three meetings and he saw a lot of improvement from his students. Some of the slower students had increased their casting speed which helped the partnered duels be a little more interesting. Between that and the improved dodging and speed of the duels made Harry happy with the fast progress.

He even saw a huge difference in Astoria who after their little romp had tried her best in the lessons and could now give a semi competent duel. While she still needed a lot of work it was about fifty-fifty that she could win with her new found speed and confidence. At least against partners her own age. She was still a long way from Hermione or himself.

Even Luna had a massive skill spike and could now create chains of fast spells. Sometimes Harry worried about her focus because her far away look made it look like she wasn't paying attention.

After the second practice Harry had everyone bring in spells and had a big demonstration on what those spells did. He also asked everyone which ones they wanted to learn. He held a vote and it seemed the more dangerous ones won out. Harry was glad everyone seemed to have no objections about using lethal means to protect themselves. In fact everyone seemed eager to learn the more dangerous spells and seemed to give everyone a new determination.

Luna had taken a liking to the blood boiling and the piercing spell. When training with the animated dummy she sent the piercing hex and quickly followed it up with a blood boiling spell. In a real fight the piercing spell would probably break a shield so she could follow it up with something more lethal. Luna seemed to bask in his praise and kept getting better at a rapid rate. In fact most of his students did well with the positive reinforcement.

The blood boiling spell was courtesy of Daphne and Luna wasn't the only one to fall in love with it. Even Hermione had slowly incorporated it into her repertoire. While Hermione liked the bone breaker he taught her she fought more defensively.

The second class is where Daphne had changed some people's mind. People no longer thought she was a spy and was actually there to help and learn. They had also come to respect her a little more after seeing her duels with Hermione which were now legendary. Both girls had a big rivalry and didn't want to give anything up to the other. Both tried to compete for Harry's attention and his top spot.

Desiree on the other hand was happy conceding those top spots to the girls who seemed to want it more than her. During those long duels Desiree wouldn't miss out on the chance to tease her master. From teasing about the winner getting a special treat from him to teasing about making both girls fuck each other. Desiree contested that Daphne would dominate Hermione while Harry liked to scold Desiree for trying to get him worked up in his lessons. That usually led to Desiree getting a steep punishment in the forms of a spanking later.

Besides Daphne's spell Harry taught the class to not be afraid of being vicious because they would be fighting monsters. Susan and Harry had not shied away from the more horrifying stories of Voldemort and death eaters. They would be fighting rapists and murderers who were the lowest forms of scum on earth. He had to describe Voldemort's scary appearance and even made a few dummy's with his face and tried to teach them not to be scared. That face had done a lot to throw him off his game in the graveyard. Harry confessed his mistake in the graveyard with the hopes of teaching them not to make his same mistakes.

By the third lesson he could see a marketable improvement in morale and people's confidence. It went to show him how much Umbridge beat everyone down. Susan even had more skip in her step as she showed off all the skills her aunt taught her over the years. Susan was one of the best female duelists in the class just being a hair better than Hermione, Daphne and Desiree. She just didn't speak up in the lessons or answer questions like the others. That led to Harry trusting Susan more to help guide some of the other students when he was busy giving a personal lesson to some of the other members.

All together the F.C. was a major success and was only going to get better from here on out. But where they had success it also drew attention. Umbridge was onto them feeling a change in the mood around the castle. The students were a little more bubbly and there were more hushed conversations. She had her Inquisitorial Squad out patrolling the hallways non-stop trying to find their secret club meetings. Umbridge was also so desperate she had to get more squad members and was now using almost the entire Slytherin pureblood population. Even Daphne had been approached but she refused. When Umbridge didn't offer a spot to her best friend Tracey she had to just swallow her rage. Daphne could easily see Umbridge's hatred towards her half-blood best friend. She had even suggested she should have more "proper" friends.

Umbridge even tried to separate them in classes thinking she was soiling herself by being close with someone who was a lesser blood status than her own. The toad would try to pair purebloods with purebloods in class even though in pairs the most they would do was write about what they just read or read from the textbook. It was something that didn't go unnoticed by the other students, sadly there was nothing anyone could do.

Besides the F.C and the tedious nature of D.A.D.A the rest of Harry's classes were going as well as they could be. Harry's grades suffered a little but he wasn't breaking his back spending all of his time doing homework or studying. Besides F.C. he still had a very fulfilling job of satisfying his entire dorm full of Gryffindor girls. Although it had thankfully slowed down after the first few months. They were now at the beginning of November and he was lucky enough to have some nights off. Or what he would call nights off which was just satisfying Desiree.

The other girls had also learned to satisfy each other with strapons. The girls would rotate with each other and most girls loved the arrangement. Lavender had no problem being passed around the dorm with every girl and was by far the most popular choice. Lavender would do anything for cock, even taking two or three at a time. Katie was also a good choice and would usually end up with Angelina or Alicia. So it was always just fun to sit back and watch from the safety of his own bed.

While Desiree was a handful on her own she wasn't nearly as bad as multiple girls, multiple times a night. The worst of his night offs was when Desiree wanted a massage. She would conjure a massage table in the center of the room with a gallon of massage oil and tell him to get to work. After a half an hour of her moaning her brains out all the girls in the room gathered around and eagerly wanted a turn.

After he finished Desiree's massage she demanded he use his fingers to get her off before he was done. Roughly fingering both of her holes to multiple climaxes Desiree let out one of her final moans of satisfaction. Harry luckily knew all of her weak spots so making her cum was a quick process.

After Desiree hopped off the table Lavender skipped the line and hopped on before someone beat her to it. She laid down on her back clearly wanting her front done first. Everyone in the dorm knew about her sensitive breasts and nipples.

Harry soon gave the entire dorm a massage that made every girl sleep like a baby that night. Lavender loved Harry's hands and was cumming almost immediately when his hands started massaging her tits, stomach and pussy then again once he flipped her over and focused on her bum. Lavender even tried to stick her bum in the air which Harry took pity on. All the girls had a front row seat to Lavender screaming as Harry's fingers up Lavender's made the girl cum so hard she had to wait a few moments before saying, "Again."

Even Lavender couldn't get enough of Harry's hands and stayed on an extra turn to get him to massage her bum and back again before giving her another rough fingering. That led to some outrage and girls asking for another turn. Unable to make the girls angry he had to make sure to give every girl multiple climaxes. All the girls succumbed to his masterful and fiery touch. They wanted as much as Harry could give.

After each massage the girl then would go to the shower and wash the oil off before going to bed and watching as Harry massaged the next girl. While Harry massaged all the girls talked about how wonderful his hands were. The quidditch trio talked about Harry doing this after every big game.

The silver lining was he learned new things about all the girls he touched like how Angelina liked having her bum and back of the thighs rubbed. Then there was Alicia who loved her feet massaged more than anything. With enough time he was sure by just massaging her feet he might be able to make Alicia cum.

Katie liked her calves and bum rubbed down before feeling his fingers search out her G-spot. Katie was one of the few squirters that night but showed proof how much she loved his massage.

Parvati liked her neck and chest massaged which Harry loved, getting the excuse to rub her tits. Her B-cups felt slippery in his hands as he rubbed in oil and squeezed them even pinching her nipples. That made the cute Indian girl purr like a kitten.

Once again Desiree took credit for teaching him this fine and well appreciated art of massage. Hermione was the only one in the room that knew she was a sex genie and probably had years of massage experience she passed on to Harry. Hermione, like all the others but Lavender, started on her stomach and felt him rub her stressed and stiff shoulders before moving onto her feet and legs. She didn't think his hands would do it for her but she was wrong. Even when he thumbed the arches of her feet she felt a flood of arousal dripping on this leather massage table. 'Oh sweet Morgana he is really good at that. His fingers are downright magical.'

Every girl was putty in his hands and Hermione was no exception. When Harry finally started massaging her bum and swirling his fingers around her asshole she didn't flinch. She didn't care if he played with that hole because she was so relaxed. Hermione didn't even stop him as he slid a knuckle in her asshole for the first time. It was quite the thrill to feel something go in her bum for the first time and she was so relaxed she actually moaned as he slid each knuckle deeper. The moan Hermione made was special and unique as the first time anything had been shoved up her bum.

Hermione had a permanent blush as she felt Harry's fingers swirling around in her bum. There was little tickles of pleasure like a feather touching her anal walls instead of pain. Hermione could see what Desiree and Lavender loved about this so much. But that still didn't mean she wanted Harry's massive cock up there. His two fingers were more than enough for now.

Harry had done the same with each girl depending how familiar they were with anal. With Desiree, Lavender and Katie he was able to slide his index and middle finger all the way up their bums and give them a massage in and out. With the other girls he kept it just playful and teasing. When he did it with Ginny she even pushed back a little trying to get more of his fingers inside her bum. That was when Harry only used half of his two fingers and made the redhead moan just like Hermione. It wouldn't be long before she crumbled and by the end of the year she would be begging for a good buggering.

Besides his love of the girl's bums, by the end of his massage on their backs he had each girl flip over before he started on their fronts. He would start from their necks and shoulders before going down and playing with their breasts. At this point Harry's erection was painful and right next to the girl's head when he touched their shoulders. When Harry leant over too much he rubbed his bulge on a girl's face but no girl seemed to have a problem with it. For him it was embarrassing but for all the girls they took the time to kiss the front of his boxer bulge or Lavender even playfully bit it which made Harry jump. At that point Desiree had to tell the girls to behave.

Getting back to the massage he would squeeze and pinch their nipples as he rubbed in the oil. All the girls had beautiful chests in their own way and Harry could find positives in them all but he planned to ask later if they wanted them bigger. He was sure Ginny wouldn't mind going bigger with Parvati, maybe asking for a size bigger as well. That would be an easy way to tell those twins apart: one has a big bust and the other doesn't.

Then he would touch their stomachs and hips while trying to avoid their now very aroused pussies. Teasing their flat stomachs even feeling hints of muscle from the quidditch girls. From there would then walk around and start massaging their feet before going up the legs until they were almost begging for his touch on their pussy. Harry always had an eye on their pussies and could see them shining waiting for his magical touch.

That was when Harry would finally give in and cover his hands with more oil before using all the tricks Desiree taught him for an effective fingering. Circling the clit before penetrating them with his two longest fingers and curling them up. None of the girls were able to hold on for long and when each girl fell apart they screamed in bliss. After a moment to catch their breaths they then slowly hopped off the table to give the next girl a chance while walking to the showers to wash off.

At the end of all the massages Desiree then had Harry get naked before he hopped on the massage table for her to return the favor. All the girls were watching Desiree as she gave Harry a well deserved massage of his own. He was on his back unable to lay on his stomach due to the massive erection sticking out. Desiree had even taken to narrating her massage telling all the girls what Harry and boys liked when receiving a massage. While it started out like a professional massage and it ended with Desiree drizzling oil all over his massive throbbing shaft. From there she gave him the best handjob in the world while explaining to the girls the proper way to wank a boy off by putting power into your strokes while twisting your wrist. There was also a bit about the firm but not tight grip and the added pressure when you reached the tip. She had to tell Harry to hold on as long as possible so she could teach her lesson to the end.

Harry was gritting his teeth with his eyes slammed shut by the end of her four minute wank lesson and when she finally gave him permission to cum his seed shot out of him like a fountain. Shooting through the air before falling back into his abs and thighs. By this point all the girls were blushing while soaking in Desiree's lesson. They were also blushing at the fact Desiree dove into his stomach to lick up his fresh warm seed.

Harry was so drained by her handjob he didn't even want to get up to take a shower and could have slept on this table all night. Sadly his cock had other plans which led to Desiree giving the girls another lesson but this time about using her breasts to get him off. Drizzling the oil on her chest she sandwiched his cock between her big brown breasts and gave him a loud wet tittyfuck.

The smaller chest girls were jealous by the end of this lesson especially when Harry came and covered her chest and face with a hot load. Desiree was an absolute mess by the end of it and let his softening cock fall from her chest as she licked up the mess he made.

When he finally did get up Desiree sensed his exhaustion and let him shower alone before bed. While he was in the shower Desiree talked with the girls about all of them teaming up before the end of the year and massaging him together.

All of the girls were in on this plan even Hermione who didn't even want a massage at first but fell in love with it. She had always been so stressed and after her massage she had never felt so relaxed. While his hands were on her there were no thoughts of homework or school in her head she was just in the moment of feeling his hands gliding over her oil covered skin. Even when he snuck a finger inside of her bum she was still pretty relaxed for a change.

While Harry was in the shower washing away all the oil from his hands and front he was deep in thought. Harry thought back to his time with Luna after one of the F.C meetings.


The students started to file out of the Room of Requirement each sneaking past the patrols. The only one left in the room at the end was Harry, Desiree and Luna. All the others had left even Hermione who saw what Luna wanted and didn't want to intrude by staying. Hermione still had a little trouble looking Luna in the eye after getting more than an eyeful in Harry's sexual scrapbook. Hermione also wanted to ask a million questions and some of the things she didn't even want to know the answer to. It was just out of sheer morbid sexual curiosity.

Luna had been extra giggly in class that day and even brought her book bag to class. Once everyone else was gone Luna reached into her bag and pulled out a leather choker with a metal ring and a long slim chain attached. It was clear it was meant to be a leash of some kind. Luna then attached the collar to herself and dropped to her knees before crawling over to Harry with the chain in her mouth. She wanted to play the role of his pet quite literally this time.

Harry reluctantly took the chain before she started using her hands to undo his trousers and reveal his cock to the room. A room that was thankfully empty besides Desiree. Harry didn't know how to feel with the chain in his hand or what he was even supposed to do with it.

Desiree sensed his nervousness and lack of idea what to do. 'She wants to be your pet master. You have to pull her leash at the right time to force her where you want her. She would probably even enjoy you walking her around the room like a dog before you fuck her on all fours like a bitch in heat. Be strict and give her plenty of direction.'

Harry could barely listen to his genie because Luna had chosen that moment to wrap her lips around his girthy cock as she slowly kept pushing his cock deeper and deeper into her mouth. He was caught off guard and shivered as his cock started to get more rigid in her mouth.

At the halfway point of his hard length he thought she might quit but she just kept pushing deeper and deeper until his cock was so deep in her throat he was seeing stars. Her throat was so fucking tight it felt just like her tight pussy. Looking down he saw her blue eyes looking back at him. "Merlin Luna." He loved Luna's shining blue eyes looking at him in her most depraved moments. It didn't matter what it was, her looking back at him did something inside of him. Now he only wanted to just give her the roughest pounding possible.

Desiree admired the blonde's dedication to her master's cock. "Master pull her chain to keep her there until she needs to breathe." Desiree loved breath play and the dizzy feeling that came with it. She had even taught Harry the proper way to choke a woman with light but firm squeezes around the neck at the precise moment of climax. While she didn't demand it, sometimes he would surprise her with a choke before a big climax when he is on top pumping his glorious cock into her very willing body.

Harry pulled Luna's chain hard so her nose was mashed against his torso. He could see her blue eyes start to tear up but there was no panic in her eyes. Only pure love as she kept trying to massage his cock with her throat. When Harry did finally give her some chain back Luna pulled away so she could gulp down some much needed air. Her vision even started to get spotty but she wouldn't trade it for anything because her knickers were soaked. The kind of soaked they only got when she was at peak arousal.

Harry let Luna catch her breath for a moment before pulling the chain again. Luna just opened her mouth in a big O shape as she let his cock slide back into her mouth and throat. This time Harry went right back into her throat and started bucking his hips effectively fucking her face which was just what Luna wanted. Feeling Harry thrust into her mouth while grunting the closer he edged towards his climax. Luna's hands went under her skirt into her knickers as she started to rub furiously. Her fingers made a loud wet sound as the entire room could hear her fingering herself as she was getting her throat fucked.

Desiree had conjured a bed to lay on as she stripped down and started to play with herself. Luna always puts on a hell of a show. Desiree had to admit how hot it was to see Harry dominate this poor little blonde slut. Luna was devoted to sex and the pleasure that came with it no matter the cost. Her master could do anything to Luna and as long as he made her cum all would be forgiven. Conjuring a "Harry toy" Desiree started to slowly fuck herself watching her master roughly throat fuck this innocent looking schoolgirl.

Loud gagging was all anyone in the room heard as Harry edged closer and closer. "I'm going to cum Luna. I'm about to cum down your fucking throat." He didn't mean to be so vulgar but the cute little doe eyes she looked up at him with drew out his dominance. Luna only responded to his threat with an eager nod, not asking a moment to catch her breath. With a loud groan Harry felt his resolve slip as cum shot from the tip of his cock. It was swallowed down Luna's throat with loud gulps as Luna didn't even get a chance to taste it before it was being shot down her gullet.

Desiree had to muffle a climax as the sound of Harry cumming and Luna's loud gulps made her cum. Desiree knew that exact feeling of having Harry's cock rammed down her throat and feeling him let loose. He knew how to hose down her throat with his hot seed. Add to that the dizzy feeling of no air made it all the better.

'Fuck he feels so good.' Luna thought as she kept gulping down his explosive climax. While she wished she could have tasted him, the lack of air was its own treat. Luna's pussy was gushing as now she wanted the real thing soon.

Harry heard his genie cum as Luna was still gulping down his enhanced load before she had to take a breath and pulled away. When she pulled away he wasn't done cumming yet and a stray rope or two landed on her face painting two lines up her right cheek and under her nose down her lips and chin. "Fuck Luna that was perfect." Harry panted out.

Luna loved the feeling of his cum on her face; she didn't even bother to clean it up yet. "Master, did this slut do good?" Luna wished she could have switched places with Desiree and be Harry's sex genie. She would enjoy every second of being his sex toy. She wouldn't care what he wished for or how he would relive his sexual frustrations inside her. Luna had secret conversations with Desiree where Desiree shared some of the things she did for Harry and how good it felt. Luna practically came when Desiree described the time she introduced Harry into the world on bondage. Desiree had to teach him to be forceful and to not apologize in the moment. He had to save the apologies for later when they were done in the morning. In the moment Desiree just wanted to be punished and fucked like the perfect slut. That was what Luna strived to be.

Luna wanted to try bondage later because she always had the need to be dominated like that. To be tied up and at a boy's mercy as he did what he liked with her body. That boy was now Harry and she couldn't see herself doing it with anyone else. "Harry, I need you to walk me around and degrade me. I need to be broken down before you fuck me like the useless animal I am." Luna was already wiggling her bum like she had a tail.

Harry's cock was still raging and ready to go. He wanted to just get into sex but also wanted to give Luna what she wanted and she wanted this. Pulling the chain hard he heard Luna whimper from the hard pull as she was forced on her hands and knees. Inside she was cheering for Harry taking control and treating her the way she wanted to be treated. Her hands and knees scraped along the floor following Harry around the room.

Pulling Luna around the room he quickly learned how to walk a girl on a leash. With every few steps Luna took on all fours he would pull the chain hard so she would change direction. "That's a good little slut. I know you are so wet being treated this way." Luna couldn't deny that and could actually feel her arousal soak through her knickers and was starting to roll down her thighs. "Why don't we leave the room and I walk you around the castle like this. I think everyone would love to see you on all fours crawling around like my slutty pet." While he would never do that he saw the big shiver that rippled through her body.

Luna felt his words go straight to her clit which was rubbing against the cotton of her knickers and she could almost feel an orgasm building. Trying to be the good pet she was, she didn't speak and just took his verbal abuse. Part of her wanted to let out animal noises but instead she just let out small gasps.

"I think this is always what you were meant to be. You are just a pet and only good as a wet hole to fuck. Too bad we don't have classes together or else I would have had you by now bent over a desk for everyone to see. Would you like that? That cute little skirt hiked up with your knickers pulled down before I stuck this cock up your arse. I should show the professor and students the way you cum from a nice hard buggering." Those words did the trick and Luna had to stop walking and just shudder as her body shivered as she experienced a tiny orgasm.

Harry felt Luna stop and looked down to see her biting her lip as she shook. "Are you cumming? I want to cum too. I guess I will just have to make use of you in a different way." Pulling his wand from his robe he vanished all of Luna's uniform off before doing the same to himself. While Luna was still on all fours Harry dropped to his knees on the hard stone floor. With his cock pointing at Luna's backside he didn't know which hole to take because both looked so good. Her pussy was dripping but her bum looked so perfect.

Desiree could sense her master's hesitation and decided to help him. 'Take her ass first and finish with her pussy. Remember she wants to be treated like your toy. She wants you to use her anyways you like and we both know where you want to start.'

Harry listened to his genie's advice and pressed his cock against her tight pink little asshole. Not easing himself in, he pushed forward with force and felt Luna's ass open up to him. She was already primed and ready to get shagged on top of her wish to be able to take any sized cock.

Luna let out a howl like a dog as she felt the glorious feeling of Harry's cock push into her guts. He was so big and she was so small. Thank Merlin she made that wish when she did so she was able to take any sized cock she wanted. Without that wish he would have torn her in two. His big cock was simply too big for her petite little body. Even without the horse cock she could feel his cock reaching deep enough for her to see stars. 'He is always so deep in me. I love it.'

Harry just grunted when he was balls deep in the girl was now arching her back as she laid her face on the floor pointing her ass up higher. Harry put both hands on her hips as he got into a squatting position before driving his cock down into Luna at a new angle. This new position made Luna howl louder. Looking down at her platinum blonde hair spread out on the stone floor made him only thrust harder.

Luna wanted to stay in character as a pet but if she could vocalize her pleasure she would be asking him to go harder and faster. It felt so good being fucked so deep in this position. Even as her knees hurt from walking on them this pleasure made it worth it. Her face was also being pushed into the hard, cold, dirty floor and even with all of that she was ready to explode any moment.

Harry admired Luna and stayed in character as he started to pull back over half his length before slamming it back into Luna. Repeating this over and over all he could do was make the girl howl and moan. He had Desiree in this position a few times when she was really backed up or whipped up in such a sexual frenzy she couldn't function.

Desiree loved the show she was watching but felt she should instruct Harry. 'Master, she still wants you to be vocal. Call her your pet or a dirty slut. She wants your words to cut her as you fuck her body. Also go ahead and also pull the leash.'

Harry took her words under advisement. "You are such a good pet Luna. Your ass feels incredible. You will always be my favorite pet." As he spoke he could feel her tighten up a little. "I wish we could play pet and master everyday. Would you like that? Would you like me shagging your ass everyday?" To punctuate his words he picked up the chain to her leash and pulled hard enough her head had to come off the stone floor. With a loud choking sound Luna's choker was being pulled and she could feel her air being cut off.

Luna loved this new plane of pleasure and couldn't tell if it was better than the horse cock or at the very least even. Getting her ass fucked while Harry pulled her chain attached choker pushed her towards one of her biggest orgasms. 'I love being a pet. I love getting fucked like an animal. I love big cocks in my ass.' Luna confessed to herself before her head went blank.

Establishing a nice and steady pace while fucking her with deep and hard thrusts that made her eyes almost cross. Harry felt Luna's ass tighten up to an impossible tightness. Harry could see her face in the mirrored walls of the Room of Requirement and could see the effect he was having on her. It filled his heart with joy to see Luna so happy which was always the case when they were like this. It pushed him over the edge and with a final few hard thrusts he came inside Luna's bum. "I can't hold on." Was all Harry said before he felt another hot load of cum rush from his balls into Luna's tight ass. All the while he kept pulling her chain making sure she didn't have any air as he filled her up.

Luna couldn't hold her character anymore and choked out, "Harry." As she felt almost a pint of warm spunk fill her ass which pushed her into a powerful anal orgasm that made her knees wobble before finally giving out. With Harry putting all of his weight on her backside she fell forward as he came along with her for the ride. When his orgasm finally ended he let go of the chain so she could breathe again. Now with all of his body weight on her she moaned even harder.

Harry groaned as he laid on Luna while never stopping as he pumped hot rope after rope inside her. Whispering into Luna's ear he said, "Good little slut. You are such a perfect pet and cum slut. I think you deserve a reward."

Luna didn't know what the reward was going to be but Harry pushed off of her and pulled his cock out of her bum. That made her whimper at the loss but Harry soon picked her up before walking over to the big bed Desiree made. Harry threw Luna on the bed before quickly mounting her and thrusting into her dripping pussy. She wasn't even fully ready yet and the sudden intrusion made Luna scream out in pure bliss. With just one thrust she felt her body light up as she was only a minute away from cumming all over again.

Desiree loved to see the show get up close and personal. "Oh that's a good pet." Desiree stroked Luna's face. "Master is going to fuck that pussy nice and hard. Master likes his pets with all their holes filled with his seed." Desiree couldn't be prouder of Luna or Harry for being a good master to his pet. Desiree also loved playing the role of Harry's pet which was something she had taught him. Putting sluts in their place was one of the crucial skills he needed if he wanted girls like Desiree and Luna to be happy.

Luna was out of it. Getting her asshole fucked like a bitch in heat was almost too much. Now she felt Harry wildly thrusting in and out of her pussy and she wasn't sure she could take another climax. While she had taken more in the forest that night she was ready for it. This time she was unaware that playing the part of his pet would be so hot. Giving her body to Harry's will turned her on so much. Being just a pet that he could fuck as in any way he so choosed was what she wanted to be for the rest of her days.

Harry loved Luna's breathy panting as he shagged her wet pussy with everything he had. His hips never slowed as he felt Luna tremble and shake underneath him before she wrapped her legs around him. Luna's eyes looked back at him with a love and lust that almost made him freeze. That was the final straw and with another groan he felt his cock throb before another climax was pulled out of him.

"Cum inside your little moon." Luna purred as she felt the first few ropes of cum start to fill her womb. "More please more, more cum more." Luna said, trying to make sure Harry filled her with everything he had.

Desiree watched her master fuck Luna on the bed for the last seven minutes. The whole time she was playing her part as a pet but the last few seconds Luna broke and was back to being Luna. Her legs wrapped around Harry as she held him tight at the moment he was about to cum. His climax was enough to set her off the moment he filled her womb up with his burning seed.

Harry couldn't hold back either and leaned down to kiss Luna as he felt her pussy milking the rest of his cum out of his body. He still couldn't get over how this tiny girl could know his body so well. With their kiss he tried to pour everything into it and convey his feelings of love for her.

Luna could feel the love in that kiss as Harry grinded his hips into hers as his tongue invaded her mouth. The both of them moaned into each other's mouths feeling each other's climaxes. For Luna it was a burning searing heat selling up inside of both her holes and for Harry it was a hot wet tightness choking the cum out of him.

Desiree gave the pair a small little clap at their performance which was truly inspiring. "You two were amazing but when you two are done I need some relief now." Desiree's holes were throbbing and so hungry for the cock she just watched fuck little Luna.

Luna uncrossed her legs from around Harry as she felt the final few waves of pleasure leave her. "As long as I get to ride your face. I think you might enjoy the treat Harry left inside me." Luna said back in her playful almost innocent voice. A voice that didn't match what she had just witnessed.

Desiree just responded by laying back on the bed ready for both Harry and Luna to take their positions. She couldn't wait to eat Luna's cum filled pussy again. From their time in the forest Desiree loved the taste of the little nymph's body.

Harry was still hard and Luna didn't seem upset at their time being cut short. Harry would have been more than happy to give Luna another walk around the room before giving her another hard and dirty shag. Pulling out of Luna he crawled over to Desiree before rubbing his cum covered cock up and down her dripping slit. "So selfish Desiree. Poor Luna probably wanted another couple shags first." Harry's teased as his cock pressed against Desiree's clit.

Luna just giggled and crawled over before dropping her pussy on Desiree's pretty face. "I don't mind Harry. She made sure I had my final orgasm before she jumped in. Now she can lick all this sweet cum out of me." Halfway through her speech Luna moaned as she felt Desiree's tongue start to scoop out Harry's seed while trying to suck out what she could.

Harry roughly thrusted into Desiree's pussy and even though he did it almost every day it was something he would never tire of. It was perfectly molded to his cock now and responded with every move he made. She also knew how to clench her pussy in a special way to drive him wild. "Luna you are going to have to try her pussy one of these days."

Luna moaned at that suggestion. "Maybe Desiree can make some time for me after the next lesson. I know Daphne is going to want you alone at the next meeting anyway." Luna had seen glimpses of the future and while sometimes it was blurry this one was crystal clear.

Harry and Luna both kept riding Desiree for the next half hour with Harry filling her pussy twice while Luna had cum once before flipping around and forcing the genie to eat her soiled bum. Desiree happily lapped at Luna's cum soiled asshole while Harry kept fucking her the way he knew she liked it.

Luna was now turned around on Desiree and facing Harry. Neither one could help themselves as their lips were pulled together. The two kissed as Harry shagged his faithful genie. Both could feel the love and need from each other as their tongues dueled.

By the time the trio was done shagging Desiree was a cum soaked mess from her face down to her pussy which had two large loads dumped in it. Desiree's face had her master's cum dripping down her cheeks and chin, unable to luck every drop from Luna's sloppy holes. Luna had tried her best to clean Desiree but eventually gave up when Harry realized what time it was and cut their meeting short. Quickly cleaning up and getting dressed the trio then had to make it to the Great Hall before dinner ended.

Luna walked into that Great hall with the biggest smile in the room. While Harry walked in with a shy blush hoping no one would notice all three of them came in together. If people were more observant they would have noticed Luna's slight limp instead of her usual skip. Desiree didn't show any signs of the hard shag Harry just gave her.

Flashback End

Harry was still in the shower thinking of that day and couldn't help but feel his cock throb at the memory. Without anyone to help him with his erection he just wrapped his fist around his cock and started to stroke himself up and down as he thought about the time Daphne and him spent together after the last F.C meeting.


After their fifth meeting Daphne had also brought a bag to practice and told Desiree to leave when the meeting was over. Daphne wanted Harry alone for her fantasy. Desiree said she would take Tracey and Astoria to the library and wait for Daphne to be done.

Once Harry and Daphne were alone in the Room of Requirement Daphne threw her bag at him and told him, "Get dressed Potter." Daphne commanded with a mischievous smirk.

Harry opened the bag to see a green and silver uniform. With a loud frustrated groan Harry took out the uniform and stripped out of his Gryffindor uniform to put on the Slytherin uniform. Harry wanted to hold his ground and refuse but she has always done what he wanted in bed he figured he owed her. 'The things I do for love.'

Daphne was aroused watching Harry get naked but once he was in the Slytherin uniform she felt her pussy throb with need. She always imagined marrying and falling in love with a Slytherin but sadly there were none in her house that deserved her like Harry. "Oh Potter, you look perfect."

Harry looked at himself up and down and he didn't see it. The uniform was technically the same just with different emotions attached. "I don't see it but let's get this over with."

Daphne didn't like Harry's attitude towards her fantasy. "Harry, I need you to act like a Slytherin. I want you to be charming and cocky. I want to be swept off my feet before you shag the living daylights out of me." It was a specific attitude that had always attracted her to Slytherin.

Harry just sighed and tried to get into character. "Okay Greengrass." With that said he took a step closer and he saw her shudder with his voice dipping low.

Daphne pulled her wand and conjured two desks. Sitting at the desk she also conjured a quill and a piece of parchment. Scribbling nonsense she just waited to see what Harry was going to do next.

Harry saw that her fantasy took place in the classroom. Sitting in the desk next to her Harry whispered, "Greengrass did I mention how good you look today? That body is too good to be covered up by a uniform."

Daphne tried to hush him, "Stop it Potter I'm trying to listen." She pretended to listen to an imaginary teacher as she scribbled down notes. She still had a blush thinking if that line would work in a different situation.

Harry stepped it up by reaching over and grazing the tips of her fingers up her thigh that was revealed past her skirt. He saw Daphne's breath hitch when he did that. "Come on Greengrass. You are the hottest girl in our whole house and I'm clearly the best looking boy. Shouldn't we be together? Shouldn't we breed the next generations of purebloods."

Daphne stopped writing to look over at Harry, "You think I'm the prettiest girl in school?" Seeing Harry with his green and silver tie that matched his eyes made her heart melt. There was also the added benefit he was talking about knocking her up which gave her a new separate thrill.

Harry nodded while trying to still act a little cocky. "Of course and I can't wait to see what you have hidden under those robes. I bet those big breasts are perfect with cute little pink nipples." This time his hands went up her side trying to get a rise out of her.

Daphne giggled as she smacked his arm, "Oh come off it Potter. You probably wouldn't know what to do with this body." She hoped he would keep pushing until he kept knocking down all of her walls.

Harry smiled at Daphne and scooted closer. "I don't think you would know what to do with my body. You know I have the biggest cock in school don't you?" He could see Daphne scoot closer at the mention of his cock.

"I don't believe the rumors. I bet you have a really small one and have to spread those rumors so no one knows the truth." Daphne loved their little back and forth. She loved playing the word games and could feel her knickers slowly get ruined. Now they were talking about his cock and she hoped he would just show it to her now. The idea they were in class would make it so hot.

Harry sensed her thoughts and moved both of his hands to his trousers to unbutton them and fish his cock out. Now being hidden behind the desk the only one that could see it would be Daphne if they were in a real class.

"Potter!" Daphne said in an urgent whisper. "Put that thing away now before someone sees." It was big as the rumors said it was and almost as big as her forearm. It was so big she was surprised it didn't peek over the desk so the whole class could see.

Harry shook his head, "Look at how hard you made it. If you want me to put it away you will have to take care of it." He was getting into the idea of this really happening. He wished they could do this in class for real.

Daphne rolled her eyes and tried to act casual as she reached over and wrapped a hand around his cock and felt him throb in her hand as she slowly started to stroke him. "Come on Potter hurry up and cum." She was playing the part of a clueless girl and that included her hand movements which were clumsy at best.

For the next two minutes he let her wank him off and she was purposely doing a bad job so she didn't actually make him cum too soon. "That isn't good enough Greengrass, why don't you quickly use your mouth."

Daphne gave another signature eye roll before pretending to look around pretending that she was trying to be stealthy. Once she was sure there was no one looking she leaned over and slowly took his big throbbing ten inches right down her throat.

Harry groaned but was still whispering, "That's good Greengrass. Suck my cock before anyone sees you. Use the cute little mouth." With that little extra motivation he felt her speed up and as much as she tried to be quiet those loud slurps and gagging would have alerted a real class. He couldn't stop resting his hands on the back of her head as his hips shot up and made sure she was throating all ten inches. 'Thank Merlin she doesn't have a gag reflex.' Harry thought.

Daphne felt Harry put his hand on the back of her head as he guided her expertly up his long and thick shaft. Every couple bobs she felt him hold her head as he entered her throat and bucked his hips up. She honestly didn't know how she was able to suck the entirety of this cock but it was like her mouth was made for it. She didn't have a gag reflex like other girls which suited her just fine. The ability to take all of Harry's cock in her mouth was something that set her apart.

Harry couldn't stop smiling as he felt Daphne get deeper and deeper into the blowjob. Just to keep the fantasy going he decided to add some things. "Tracey is looking over here wondering where you went. Should I tell her you are under the desk taking my big cock down your throat?"

Daphne felt her pussy gush more arousal at the mention of Tracey looking for her in this fantasy and knowing she was sucking Harry off under the desk. "Mmmphh!" Was all Daphne could say as Harry started to roughly start to fuck her throat.

"I think McGonagall is looking for you too because she just looked back here but turned back around to continue writing on the black board." All of these added details made Daphne work harder until he felt his balls clench before he came without warning in the blonde's mouth and throat.

Daphne was waiting for his climax and from the increasing intensity of his pulses and twitches in his cock she knew he was close. When he finally did cum she received a mouthful of his sweet spunk. She greedily sucked it all down and like always and she promised herself to not spill a drop. Once she was done swallowing all of his hot spunk Daphne pulled her mouth off his cock before wiping her mouth and sitting back up. "Don't go to dinner Potter and meet me in the common room to finish this." Daphne said, still in character.

Harry smiled at seeing her mask slip back on. "You want to suck me off again Greengrass?" Harry knew she had bigger plans than just another blowjob.

Daphne just smiled, "I am going to let you do a lot more than that." With that scene done she stood up from the desk and pulled her wand before transfiguring the desks into an exact replica of the couch in the Slytherin common room. "Keep your uniform on Potter."

Harry was now standing up and watching as Daphne slowly stripped out of her uniform before laying on the couch looking like a model out of his dreams. Daphne's blonde hair framing her face perfectly as she pushed out her double D-cups as she slightly spread her legs just enough to see her perfect wet little slit. "Fuck Greengrass you are just perfect."

Daphne smiled and looked at Harry dressed as a Slytherin and it warmed her heart in a special way because this was how she always imagined it. "Get those trousers off Potter and get over here. I need your cock badly." She said the last part in an almost baby-like way which made Harry drop his trousers faster than lightning before he climbed on the couch with her. Wrapping her legs around him Daphne moaned into his ear, "Fuck me Potter. Slam that Slytherin cock in my pussy and fuck me."

Harry almost growled hearing her say that and by reaching down he slid his cock in between her folds before thrusting everything inside her. With no slow build up he slammed all ten inches into her soaking wet pussy in one go. The loud moan from Daphne just spurred him on as he started to move his hips in and out of her perfect heat. "You have such a nice pussy Greengrass." Harry heard her moan at the compliment. "I wonder if the same could be said about your ass."

Daphne moaned at the thought of getting buggered while Harry was in this uniform. "Keep this up and you will find out. Only a true Slytherin would be worthy of my ass." With that incentive she felt Harry start to move faster and harder as he fucked her into the very soul of this couch. She wouldn't be able to see the real couch in her common room without thinking of this moment. While Harry was on top of her shagging her like the Slytherin princess she was. With a quick pull down on his tie their lips met for an explosive kiss.

Harry liked kissing Daphne and he liked it even more when he felt her pussy trying to milk his cock. Moaning into the kiss he could feel himself edge closer to the end.

Daphne was closer to the edge and with Harry's hard thrusts she was ready to cum. Pushing Harry away from her lips she screamed out. "I am gonna cum. I'm gonna cum on your big Slytherin cock." Daphne truly loved all things Slytherin.

Harry smiled seeing Daphne's eyes almost have tears in them as she was about to cum. "I'm going to cum too. Get ready. I'm going to fill the Slytherin Queen's pussy to it's limit." With only a few more thrusts he felt his balls tighten as another hot load of cum rushed out of his cock and into her accepting womb.

Daphne's jaw dropped as she felt her womb get filled with rope after rope of hot cum. It always felt good but this one almost felt different for her. This time it was like every single need of her's was being met. The thing she had wanted since she ever heard of Hogwarts. She wanted to meet her prince in Slytherin like her parents but sadly this was as close as she could get to her dream. 'It's perfect. This is so perfect I know it's Harry that I love more than anything. Slytherin or not he is my perfect man.' His warmth from his seed was welling up in her womb and she felt the sudden wish that this could have been the one that knocked her up. She always hoped when she got pregnant it would be perfect and this was just that...perfect.

Harry put all of his weight on Daphne as their sweaty foreheads met as she tried to use her pussy to wring his cock dry. They laid there for a few minutes before he felt Daphne start to push him away. Once he was completely off of her and she felt his cock pop out of her freshly fucked pussy she pulled her legs up. Spreading her legs nice and wide she kept pulling until he had a clear line of sight to the next hole she wanted him to fuck. While she usually likes to be bent over or on all fours for this she wanted to see him this time.

Harry stroked his cock a few times before leaning back over and pressing his cock to her tight puckered hole. "This ass will always be mine Greengrass. No matter what you will always remember when I took your ass in the Slytherin common room. My cock will own this ass."

Daphne shuddered as Harry claimed her ass both physically and with his words. He was right and that she would always be his. There was nothing that could split them up because she could handle everything he threw her way if it meant not being separated from this cock. "That's it Potter, nice and deep. Hurry up before people start coming back from dinner" He was using his long strokes to properly bugger her and give her the maximum amount of pleasure possible.

As Harry kept thrusting long and hard into his girlfriend he just watched as her enhanced breasts jumped back and forth. "You have the best tits in our house Daphne. You must be so proud." He said the last part with a smile knowing that he was the reason they looked even better although even without that wish they were still the best in her house.

Daphne smiled at Harry pointing that out. "Keep fucking my ass Potter and maybe I will let you finish on them." Besides her face she had never taken a cumshot anywhere else but she would love to feel him paint her tits like his own personal canvas.

Harry kept thrusting in and out of Daphne, edging closer and closer to the point that if he wasn't careful he wouldn't be able to hold on. In a move of desperation he used one of his hands to attack her clit which made her tighten up. "Hurry up Greengrass or else I will blow my load in your perfect bum."

Daphne let out a final scream as she felt an intense analgasm from the hard buggering and the whole role playing fantasy in general. Just as she felt Harry almost cum she felt him pull out of her tightening asshole to pull out and mount her midsection before cumming all over her tits. The amount of spunk that came out of his cock was always staggering but she had an up close and personal look as every inch of her chest was covered with his seed. There was even a rope or two that splattered against her chin.

Harry let out a loud groan when he felt the final few ropes shoot out of him as his cock started to soften. "Merlin's balls, that felt amazing." He didn't think this was going to go that well but Daphne was simply perfect. It was also a little painful to admit he kinda liked doing this about halfway through. While the hat wanted to put him in Slytherin maybe that wouldn't have been the worst thing in the world if it happened.

Daphne nodded as she started to scoop up fingers full of seed before licking it off her fingers. "You make a good Slytherin Potter. You sure fucked me like one. My sore bum will thank you in the morning." She still didn't know what made his spunk taste so sweet but she kept scooping it into her mouth as she talked.

Harry groaned, "Call me Harry, Daphne. I can't take the proper name bollocks anymore." He didn't understand why all of Slytherin called each other by their last names but it must be an old pureblood tradition or something.

Daphne giggled at Harry's true Gryffindor colors coming back out. "You did a good job and were a convincing actor. That bit about Tracey's and the teacher looking for me made me so wet. I wish there was a way of doing that for real." She never thought of public sex of being so hot before but now it was all she could think about.

Harry started to peel off the Slytherin uniform. "Me too." Maybe there was a way of using Desiree but Daphne had yet to find out about her. Harry had been getting an earful from Hermione about being honest and he didn't want to lie to Daphne anymore. He really loved her and couldn't beat the thought of not being able to share everything with her. Looking at Daphne he just stared at her and his heart was breaking thinking about keeping secrets from her. "Daphne, I have something to tell you."

Daphne wondered why the mood in Harry just went from sexy to serious. "What is it?" She hoped this wasn't him trying to break up with her.

Harry rubbed the back of his head suddenly wishing he had clothes on. Thankfully he didn't think it hard enough for Desiree to pick up on it. "Last year something happened. In this very room I found a bottle." Harry then pointed to his arm, "This bottle had a genie in it. The genie granted me wishes...sexual wishes. The genie is Desiree. She is my magical sex genie that helps me. She taught me everything about sex, she made it so all you girls are fine with sharing me and that even made my cum taste like sweets." His explanation needed a lot of work. He was just so nervous it all came out in a giant jumble.

Daphne couldn't believe how silly Harry was being, "Is this another role play? Do you want Desiree to join us? I can do that but I don't know much about genie's. Does that mean I can wish to take her bum because that's what I want to do. I have to admit she might have the best bum in the school." She had been caught staring at Desiree's big bum like she was a teenage boy. The thing was just so big and round it was impossible not to even if you were a girl.

Harry shook his head and sat back on the couch with her and took her hand in his, "No this is real Desiree is a genie. A real life sex genie." In his head he called Desiree to come and join them for a second. "See."

Just as Daphne was about to make another joke Desiree appeared out of nowhere. "Where did you come from?" Daphne said in a startled tone.

Desiree looked sheepish, "What Harry said is true. I'm his genie." She didn't know Harry was going to tell her and it was clear Daphne wasn't processing this as reality. To show that she was who she says she was she changed into her genie form with green skin and revealing silk top.

Daphne was stunned into silence and struggled to find the words. "So...this is all a wish."

Desiree changed back into her teenage form, "No Harry didn't wish for you. He was actually going after Fleur and you did this all on your own. Harry never influenced your free will. He did make it so you girls are okay with sharing him but I think you can agree that just works out for the best." Desiree knew Daphne had no problem with it besides a little sisterly competition.

Daphne just sat back on the couch in shock as she thought back to their first time together. She did think about Harry for a long time well before fourth year so she knew her feelings were genuine. During the second year when everyone thought he was the heir to Slytherin she remembered feeling something for Harry. Then third year she saw him grow up to an attractive boy and then fourth year he was downright sexy. Seeing him in the first task killing a dragon made her so wet. "Okay saying this is all true what have you wished for exactly."

Desiree then rattled off some of his wishes. "He wished to alter girls cup sizes like you and Tracey, a bigger cock, sweet cum, a horse cock-" To Desiree this was the same conversation she had with Hermione multiple times about his wishes. The horse cock had also tripped Hermione up and the pictures of the two of them taking Harry's giant horse cock was one that nearly made Hermione pass out.

Daphne put her hands up, "Hold on, why would you wish for a horse cock?" Daphne didn't understand why he would wish for that unless he was trying to shag a horse or something. If Harry was out there shagging horses that was going to be a big problem for her.

Desiree waved her hands and a replica of the cock she gave Harry appeared in her hands. "Luna wished for it. She is a little kinky and it was her dream to get shagged by the biggest cock she could. She found an Abraxen horse she liked the look of and asked Harry to replicate it." Desiree couldn't resist stroking the cock up and down, loving the feeling of a big cock in her hands. It was actually making her a little wet and giving her a craving for a repeat. 'Master, we are doing this wish again soon.' That made Harry groan out loud remembering how insatiable Desiree was when big cocks were around.

Daphne knew Luna from the F.C and couldn't picture that sweet girl taking a cock that big. "Luna Lovegood? That sweet girl dreamed of getting fucked by that thing?" Daphne couldn't understand how that thing wouldn't rip through the girl's stomach; it looked absolutely massive. It was a twenty inch tube of meat that looked like it would tear your guts out and go through your stomach. There was a small tingle in her pussy at the thought of taking that thing. Her mind just kept telling her no and to stop being such a cock slut. Even being as freshly fucked as she was didn't diminish her lust in the least. There was also a little voice telling her if tiny Luna could do it, so could she.

Desiree nodded as Harry hid his face in his hands. "Yes she also wished for the sweet cum and I fought Harry to keep it. We knew it was going to raise suspicion but I mean come it is just so tasty. I'm sure that's something you can agree with. She is a little sexual genius if I do say so myself." Desiree thanked Luna everyday when she had that sweet cream in her mouth.

Daphne nodded as things in her mind started to make sense and come together. "Wow, things are starting to make sense. I always wondered why all this weird stuff seemed to happen to you in bed." Taking a few pauses she gathered up her voice again. "I know this is supposed to be a big shock but I...I don't care. I do love you Harry and I know my feelings are for real now. You have always been perfect to me and even today you did what I wanted to do. You could have just wished me to do whatever you wanted but you played the part. I know you love me. I know I love you." She was just letting the words fall out of her mouth frantically.

Harry nodded and brought his face to hers, "I do love you." He said before he kissed her. Kissing Daphne was always a different experience than some of the girls in his dorm who there was just a physical connection with. Daphne understood everything about him and there were no more secrets.

Desiree felt relief Daphne was taking this so well or at least better than Hermione. 'Master I know I have said this a lot but she is a keeper.' He responded with a simple mental, 'I know.'

Daphne broke the kiss, "So does Fleur know?"

Harry shook his head, "No but I plan to tell her over the holidays. The only people that know are Hermione, Tonks, Luna and now you."

Daphne was a little upset; she wasn't the first to know, "Why did they know before me?" She understands why he would be so nervous about telling her but she is the fourth to know which miffed her a little.

Desiree cut in, "Luna could see me in my invisible genie form last year. I was always hovering and following Harry around last year and she just came over and started talking to me. Tonks caught us over the summer and convinced me to enroll as a student. Hermione found out this year by coincidence and determination. At least part coincidence because she slowly put the puzzle together and was lucky enough to find the answer in the library." Desiree couldn't believe there was enough information in the library to piece together some of her past.

Daphne wasn't too angry about being the fourth to find out although she wished she was the first. "Okay so Granger is okay with you having a sex genie? I would think she would have a big objection to that."

Harry shifted and leaned back on the couch. "She wasn't thrilled but thankfully I had just started sleeping with her again so that softened her up. She was very angry that I kept it from her and that I used Desiree in general but I think Desiree had a talk with her."

Desiree nodded, "I had to explain to Hermione that I have been doing this for thousands of years and I haven't had the best master's. Harry is without a doubt my best one and once I explained to her that his wishes were down right tame compared to others I think she realized Harry is still a very good boy."

Daphne could understand how a sex genie could be abused, "So how much did Harry learn from you?" Harry always did seem like he was leagues above them in bed and always had the upper hand. Unless Daphne had other girls to help Harry was just so dominant.

Desiree smiled and waved her hand around, "I don't like to brag-" She tried to throw on an air of humility.

Harry cut her off, "Yes you do. It is the one thing you live for besides sex." Desiree loved to brag to the entire dorm about how she was able to take Harry at his best or most rough. For the other girls it wasn't fair to be compared to an immortal genie but that didn't stop Desiree from strutting around with a feeling of superiority after taking his roughest shag in front of the entire dorm.

"Shut it." She warned Harry before looking back at Daphne. "But I taught him everything. I have thousands of years of experience so I taught him lovemaking, fucking, anal, seduction, the art of massage, bondage and punishment. Pretty much every tool he has to make a woman scream. He was a virgin when he opened my bottle so I had a clean slate for the first time and there were no bad habits I had to correct. I also had him wish for the perfect cock so you're welcome for that by the way." Desiree loved taking credit for her master's impressive love making ability.

Daphne looked over at Harry's cock, "What was it like before?" She was curious to know what Harry was like before Desiree came into the picture.

Desiree spaced out her hands about six inches. "Little above average and he could have done very well with that but I prefer a bigger cock and I know other women do too. He wished for the perfect cock and at that size it just hits differently. It can make you curl your toes or just black you out in a world of pleasure. I almost went eleven inches but I was worried some of you younger girls would have trouble with something that big." Desiree had made a lot of cocks over the years and men usually wanted bigger than ten and sometimes went obscene with fifteen inches and didn't care if they hurt a real woman with all that length. Harry made sure no woman was hurt by him and wanted each girl to feel the most pleasure possible.

Daphne was now just staring at Harry's half hard cock and pictured it smaller. It was something she could easily get past if they met before Desiree. Six inches was respectable and she was sure he would learn to use it just fine but she was glad he came to her knowing exactly how to use it. "Now I have a question about the sharing girls thing. Did you wish for that so Fleur and I could be friends?" Daphne and Fleur corresponded regularly and were very friendly.

Desiree shook her head, "No you were really dead set on not liking her but you didn't get angry at Harry for sleeping with Fleur. Everything that happened in that room was genuine as you two learned to like each other." Desiree was happy her plan worked that day. "But the plan to get you two in the same room was my plan. Harry knew nothing about it. You two are very similar and I know you just had to see her as a real person and not as the ethereal sex angel you were jealous of."

Daphne did take pleasure that she got to know about Desiree before Fleur but she held no resentment for the Veela anymore. "Okay but do I have your word you didn't enchant Astoria with a wish." Daphne wanted to make sure all their feelings were natural. While she didn't have a problem with her sister sleeping with Harry she just wanted to make sure it's what Astoria really wanted.

Harry and Desiree both raised a hand swearing they had nothing to do with that. Desiree explained, "Fleur's younger sister feels the same way about Harry and I think that's just a normal occurrence in sisters. They see their older sister with the perfect man and want to have that also. I'm sure it didn't help that you had an exact replica of his cock around your house over the summer."

Daphne rolled her eyes, "Don't remind me. I caught her in the act with that down her throat and it would go missing whenever she went for one of her baths. I had to clean that thing more than twenty times." Daphne was happy to see Harry didn't wish for Astoria and that whatever was there was natural. Harry was a good man and she shuddered to think what would have happened if any of the boys from her house found the bottle. "Have you used Desiree to influence a girl before?"

Harry looked away ashamed as Desiree stepped up, "He was new to sex and he didn't force anyone but he wished "I want every girl to like me as much as I like them" as you can imagine it did influence girls but only a couple. He reversed the wish to ask Fleur to the ball. He wanted it to feel real when he asked her out while simultaneously realizing he learned enough to do it on his own. During that time only one of those girls didn't come back for more." Desiree was so happy all those girls were more than happy to come back to Harry for more without any influence.

"Which one?" Daphne asked curious to know who would be crazy enough to not come running back to Harry.

Harry answered, "Pansy."

If Daphne was drinking something she would have spit it out. "Pansy! You shagged Pansy?" Daphne couldn't believe that stuck up bitch was still like that after being shagged by Harry.

Desiree cut Harry off before he dug himself in a hole. "This one was my fault. She was being mean to my master so I told him to wish for her to be punished. He did but kept it vague which let me punish her the way I wanted to. Which was a foot and a half of anal beads shoved up her ass that could only be removed by Harry. This led to Harry shagging her stuck up ass."

Daphne could almost pinpoint the day that happened because Pansy had gone from wearing that "Potter Stinks" pin to being really quiet. Pansy was almost a pleasant person for the rest of the year not being as loud and opinionated. That was at least before this year when Pansy was a hundred times worse with her new position on the Inquisitorial Squad. "I can't believe I agree with Desiree but maybe that was for the best. That was the only time I have been around Pansy without feeling the need to strangle her. This year she is back to her usual attitude and it is getting back on my nerves." Daphne then had a dark thought. "Can you do it again?" Daphne half joked.

Desiree laughed while Harry shook his head, "No. I didn't like that side of myself using sex as a punishment...or more like using it as revenge. Unless the girl wants it like Desiree here. I want sex to be about love and lust not dealing out justice." While he did punish Desiree from time to time it wasn't out of malice but fun mixed with frustration depending on her offense.

Daphne didn't know that his answer would light a fire in her but this was just another reason to love Harry. He truly was a good person which was more than she deserved. "I guess this explains why Desiree is so good at sex because Tracey has been annoying me to try and get you two together again."

Desiree smiled, "I left your sister and Tracey in the library and she was laying it on pretty thick. I can try to make some time for her. As much as I love men I love women just as much. It also helped me teach Harry the proper ways to please a woman with his mouth. Took me a while to learn and perfect those tricks."

Daphne didn't know if she should be offended the way Tracey went on and on about Desiree's oral sex skill and how good her body felt but the fact she was a sex genie softened the blow a little bit. "So who else have you been with Harry?"

Like when Hermione asked Desiree poofed in Harry's big sex scrapbook. Harry just groaned but didn't fight to take it away like Hermione. He didn't want to have any secrets with Daphne. 'I know this is for my own good but I hate it when you do that Desiree.' Harry chastised his genie in his head.

'I know you do but I think it is funny. Maybe you should punish me tonight...let's say with a big horse cock.' Harry just groaned at that and told her depending how Daphne took this that she might get her wish. For that though it would have to either be in the shower or in their bed with the curtains drawn and if that was the case she was going to be taking it in her adult form.

Daphne flipped through the massive book that was as big as Hogwarts: A History. She wasn't surprised to find the first few pages filled with Harry's and Desiree. The next one was Pansy with Harry's hand pulling out beads, her gaped asshole and Harry thrusting into her ass before the final picture which was Pansy's orgasm face. 'Gross.' Daphne thought. While Pansy was moderately attractive Daphne couldn't stand the person inside her. Flipping the pages she came upon Amelia Bones who Daphne had seen at multiple Ministry functions. "No way. You shagged Susan's aunt." Daphne's eyes couldn't be torn away from the massive swinging breasts in the moving photograph.

Harry blushed, "Yes that one was unintentional as just blurted out. I wish her tits were wrapped around my cock and Desiree granted that wish. Before I knew it we were having sex. It wasn't planned." He still felt a little bad about that.

Daphne smiled at her boyfriend because even she would jump at the chance to sleep with Amelia Bones. She was a beautiful red head much like Susan but Amelia had the best tits in the wizarding world. It was a large topic of discussion and sadly no other woman came close. Going back to the book and really trying to memorize those pictures for later. She then started flipping through, not surprised to find Hermione or Katie Bell. Then there was a surprise that almost made her drop the book. "You shagged Professor Sinistra?"

Harry always forgot that he wasn't supposed to be sleeping with professors. "Yes that one was off the wish but she enjoyed it and came back for more."

"He fucked Vector too. In fact he even did both at the same time." Desiree added. She quite enjoyed watching her master with those two.

Daphne quickly thumbed through the book to find those pictures. Towards the end she found them and seeing both of her professors moving in a sexual way in this taboo threesome almost made her drop the book and request Harry to shag her again.

Daphne almost missed a page but saw a very familiar face that shocked Daphne to her core. "No fucking way...YOU SHAGGED NARCISSA MALFOY!" Daphne was screaming at the end of this revelation. She was also screaming in shock because she was seeing Narcissa Malfoy take it up the bum she does. She never expected the older and proper pureblood to be used as Harry's anal cock sleeve.

Harry winced at Daphne's raised volume. "Calm down. She let me do that to keep Draco out of Azkaban. When he attacked Fleur which hit me there was enough to either put him in Azkaban but she convinced me to spare Draco from Azkaban." Harry put air quotes around convinced because it was clear what she did to convince him. "She enjoyed herself and so did I so let's leave it at that."

Daphne calmed down but was studying the photos of Narcissa being bent over a desk and buggered mixed with others with his cock in her mouth. Narcissa's red lipstick left marks at her deepest attempt to deepthroat him. Daphne found the image so hot the next time she was at Hogsmeade she was going to buy a lot of lipstick so she could mark up his cock. Daphne just decided to let this go and keep flipping the pages and came upon someone she came upon another big shock. "You shagged Madam Rosmerta!"

Harry just sighed and cursed Desiree for getting him into a position where he had to defend all of his conquests. "Hermione already ripped into me because of her age so please don't."

Daphne flipped the page and saw there were more pictures and for a woman in her fifties she looked pretty good. Daphne could see the appeal for a bloke. Big tits, full figure and a deceptively big bum. "Nothing like that. I was just wondering how you convince all these older women. I guess I see what is in it for them but I didn't expect it from you. I would never have thought that was something you wanted."

Harry leaned back on the conjured couch. "I like older women. When I first was introduced to sex with Desiree she was in her older body. So age doesn't matter to me that much. Do you think it's weird I have so many older women in my book?" Harry asked, hoping she didn't have a problem with it. If he was to have a harem there had to be a few older women in it.

Daphne kept flipping through the book and passed Rita Skeeter and some unnamed blonde older woman. "I just wasn't expecting it but I guess it's a good thing. It reassures me that you won't get tired of me when I'm old." There were plenty of stories in the wizarding world of husband's getting mistresses when their wives got older. Her mother promised to cut her father's balls off if he did that and here she was not minding to share Harry with a handful of other girls.

Harry laughed, "Daphne I'm not going to stop shagging you girls until my old bones shatter into a million pieces." Harry imagined he was going to die shagging when he was Dumbledore's age. That was his preferred method of death if he had to choose. Being in a bed full of twenty women and dying after he satisfied all of them.

Daphne had a smirk on her face imagining herself at fifty and getting shagged the way she was now. 'By then I would probably have two or three kids and by the time they are off at Hogwarts I'm going to be spending every day getting shagged with the rest of the girls.' The only unfair thought was the fact Fleur wasn't going to age that much and still be perfect into her old age.

Harry just kept quiet and let Daphne look through the entire book and answer all of her questions. Harry didn't know what was more embarrassing being in the Slytherin uniform or talking about all the girls he shagged. Once Daphne reached the Luna in the forest pictures he saw her eyes darken.

Daphne's mind almost went blank when she saw all the depraved things that little blonde did with Harry in that forest. That one had a lot of pictures courtesy of Desiree going back into their minds and putting those memories into the book. Daphne didn't ask many questions but took note of everything with a plan to talk to Luna at some point.

Daphne then flipped to the end of the book and found that there were pictures of Harry with seven other girls all from Gryffindor. "What are these? Does Gryffindor have a sex club I'm not aware of?" It instantly made her jealous that she wasn't inf Gryffindor.

Desiree smiled at her big plan that came together beautifully. "That one was all me. I didn't want to be without Harry the whole year so I convinced the girls to allow him to sleep in our dorm in exchange for him fucking them regularly." It was the perfect arrangement in her eyes.

Daphne was so green with jealousy she wasn't in Gryffindor right now. Daphne had to admit all the girls were beautiful and besides Harry there would be plenty to keep her occupied with when he was busy. She didn't know who she liked better but even Hermione had a body that she could get lost in. "Who likes it up the bum the most?" Daphne was sure Harry had a favorite or knew the girl that loved that kind of treatment.

"Me." Desiree said with a raised hand.

Harry rolled his eyes before answering, "Her but Lavender really likes it but that's in part because she was learning to do it and I wished she would love it. Desiree took that as a wish to make Lavender love it as much as she does. It has turned Lavender into the other anal queen of the dorm. So most nights someone has to shag her bum. As you can see from the other pictures the other girls use the strapon toys on her."

Daphne didn't even notice those pictures always looking for Harry but seeing those fit quidditch girls dominating that big titted slut's bum made her so wet.

Harry was shocked this was going so well and it didn't devolve into a yelling match. "You are taking this so well." Harry said almost timidly.

Daphne looked up from the book and was seconds away from asking him about Rita Skeeter. "I learned to not question it. I have seen you kill a dragon, give Tracey and I new tits and we made a Fleur Delacour sandwich together. I think we are past the awkward phase." Daphne went back to thumbing through his big book of sex and saw pictures of Harry with both Fleur and her mother. Now that she knew what a Veela really felt like she couldn't help but be impressed with Harry. Fleur's mum was still very attractive and probably felt as good as her daughter. Daphne shivered remembering the feeling of feeling the sensation of being inside Fleur. It was something she couldn't wait to do again as soon as possible.

Harry smiled at his girlfriend for accepting him all now that everything in his life was laid bare. "I am so relieved to hear you say that because I can't think of losing you and Fleur." Harry's biggest fear was being alone and losing the people he loves most.

Daphne was touched that she was so important to Harry that he cared about her above all of the other girls he slept with. Flipping through the book there were a lot of girls and many times with some. Harry could just keep shagging all the girls he wanted but he actually wanted her involved and to know everything. Slamming the book shut Daphne set it on the ground before jumping on Harry. "Enough talk I need that cock again." She was so aroused after this emotional talk she needed more.

Harry was quickly able to get hard again before Daphne slipped it into her pussy which felt even wetter than before. Desiree took that as her cue to leave, "Don't miss dinner master because you still have to satisfy all us girls tonight." With that said she turned back into her genie form before flying back to the library.

Harry groaned, feeling himself already tired from the F.C lesson and shagging Daphne. He didn't know how he was going to satisfy all the other girls tonight. It was hard to concentrate on anyone else though as Daphne was riding his cock expertly. His hands went to her hips as he helped guide her up and down in long strokes.

Daphne came so hard when she felt Harry lose it inside of her. His climax flooded her already ruined womb pushing her over the edge and left them both boneless on the couch. They were able to rest there a while before having a quick rinse off in a shower provided by the room before going to dinner.

Flashback End

Harry had cum multiple times while thinking of these memories. He needed relief and the final memory of Daphne shagging him after knowing about Desiree made him cum just as hard as the memory of buggering Luna.

Harry loved to think of that memory often and just how perfect his life was with Daphne now knowing about Desiree. Everything was going his way and he hoped it could just last this way forever but Voldemort was still on the loose and the school was taken over by a tyrant. 'Well it's going as good as it can be with multiple people out there trying to kill you.'

After drying off Harry walked back into the dorm and saw most of the girls were asleep. He had relaxed all of them so well they easily slipped off into sleep. Even Hermione was asleep and she was usually the last to go to sleep choosing to read most nights. The only ones that were awake was Angelina who was using a toy on herself and Desiree who was awake waiting for him.

He slipped into bed and wrapped his arms around his genie, spooning her to his chest. "I love you." He said.

Desiree loved it when her master was all romantic with her. "I love you too master." She heard his thoughts and could tell he was wanking in the shower. "You get it all out in the shower or do you still need some relief?"

Harry chuckled into her vanilla smelling hair, "No I got it all. Sometimes it's better to do things by hand. You can relieve me tomorrow morning like usual." It was times like this he missed her adult body that just fit his body better in this position.

Desiree rubbed her bum against his soft cock almost daring him to do something. "I would love to but Hermione has requested me to teach her how to give a proper blowjob and you are going to be the volunteer."

Harry was shocked to hear Hermione wanted to blow him tomorrow when he woke up. Since finding out about Desiree she has become more daring especially with the private talks with Desiree. "Well that is nice but I doubt you will be able to get her to deepthroat the whole thing."

Desiree smiled evilly, "Would you want to make a wager on that?"

"Nice try but never again." Harry said, almost shivering at the thought of their last wager.

"Oh well but I'm sure she will do fine. We have talked about her being more sexually open and I think by the end of the year she will really surprise you. Next is just going to be me trying to convince her to give up her virgin asshole." Desiree and Hermione had numerous conversations about her trying new things and how being sexual in front of other people wasn't a big deal. She was also slowly teaching Hermione to try and be with another girl. During some of his time with other girls Desiree had been letting Hermione play with her body and telling her what feels good and what to do. While Hermione was mainly attracted to boys, the other girls in the dorm swung both ways. Even Ginny was more than happy to get fucked by another girl wearing a Harry strapon. Lavender filled this role for Ginny and was her usual partner when Harry wasn't available.

Harry was able to keep his cock from reacting to all of this sexual talk and could feel his eyes getting heavier and heavier. "Good night Desiree. I love you." He whispered the last part into the back of her head but making sure she heard it.

"Good night master." Desiree whispered. Feeling his arms around hers she couldn't stop the words from bubbling up. "I love you too." Melting into his touch it was easily enough to help her drift off into dreamland.


This was longer than I was expecting but I felt it was the right time to reveal Desiree to Daphne. While it should have been its own chapter there are still so many girls to get to.

I hope I didn't disappoint with that big reveal but I think she would be the most accepting. I also think I softened it by her liking Harry before fourth year. So she didn't question what was real like Hermione. Now it's just Fleur left which will happen over the holidays.