Chapter 39

Susan Bones: Sophie Turner with DD or DDD

Hermione: Emma Watson

Ginny: 16 year old Karen Gillan.

Katie Bell: 18 year old Anna Kendrick

Angelina: Nathalie Emmanuel

Alicia: Candice Patton

Lavender Brown: Hayden Panettiere with DDs

Parvati and Padma: Alia Bhatt

Luna Lovegood: Blonde Maisie Williams

Daphne Greengrass: Sydney Sweeney

Astoria Greengrass: Kathryn Newton

Tracey Davis: Hailee Steinfeld

Madam Rosmerta: Hannah Waddingham

Aurora Sinistra: Lesley-Ann Brandt

Septima Vector: Jaimie Alexander

Nymphadora Tonks: Natalie Dormer

Narcissa: Eva Green

Fleur: Katherine McNamara

Apolline Delacour: Katheryn Winnick

Rita Skeeter: Rachael Harris {Linda from Lucifer}


The streets were quiet and cold the day following arriving at Grimmauld for break. Harry and Desiree were currently in Diagon Alley trying to pick up gifts for all of the special people in his life. There were a lot of them now from his roommates to his girlfriends and students. While he was just going to go with the flow and try to find things that fit the girls he did want to spend a little more gold than they were expecting. He felt the need to go above and beyond because they always did the same for him. 'How could I not buy them expensive gifts after everything they have done for me. I have put them through a lot one way or another.' Harry thought.

Desiree was happy her master was a generous soul. 'That is the spirit master. These girls deserve to be spoiled especially after most of them have let you claim every inch of them.' Desiree was silently hoping he was also in the giving mood towards her as well.

For his guards he couldn't get Tonks and had to settle for Moody and Remus which was a shame because Desiree wanted to head down Knockturn Alley and have a shag in public. While Harry wanted to say no to that, he had heard a lot about Knockturn Alley whores and was curious about going down there. Desiree also offered to let him buy one to join them. While Harry didn't know what they looked like, he hoped to see in the future and he hoped they were at least shaggable. He wasn't going to be with a bridge troll though.

Starting at the back of the alley Harry and Desiree decided to look at every store. He had a lot of gifts to buy and Harry knew by the end of the day he would be a couple hundred or thousands galleons poorer.

They went story to store picking items and trinkets he thought every person would like. In Twilfitt and Tattings clothing store he managed to find a nice big leather jacket duster for Remus that they bought with charms to be cut resistant and stretch resistant. It cost a pretty penny but it was going to be worth it. Harry also added a nice suit to go underneath that would make him more presentable. When you wear dirty and tattered clothes people do tend to look down on you no matter what. He wanted Remus to hold his head up high and nice clothes might give him that little push in confidence.

Next he had found a mannequin displaying a set of Auror robes which gave Harry an idea. Talking with the store clerk he found out it was possible to alter the design and buy them in bulk. Since the Ministry also ordered them in bulk they came charmed to fit to the wearer's body. This would be perfect for the F.C and could give them all a uniform. These were probably better to fight in than their Hogwarts uniform.

Harry loved the Auror uniform and he kept the dragon skin jacket but removed the Ministry sigil and seal. On the arms of the jacket he added thick leather bracers that could cushion against bone breakers or falls. Next he added a standard leather vest for everyone else but for a select few he also had the inside vest be dragon skin.

His little club was going to be a sharp dressed group of fighters ready to whip out their wands and fight at any moment. While they couldn't wear them during all times of the day it would just be nice to have.

All in all the clothes alone were a little over a thousand galleons. It was so worth it because now he could outfit the entire F.C with battle robes which could possibly save their lives. The order was going to take a little while and Harry told them to just send him a letter when it was going to be ready so his owl could fly over and pick it up. Lucky for them Remus's gift was available now and was shrunk down into a large gift bag Desiree was carrying.

When they came out of the shop Moody already looked bored as Desiree pointed them to the next store. There were multiple bookstores in the Alley so they just went into the closest one to try and find some books for Hermione. She was probably going to be the easiest buy because she loved books more than anything. Even more than sex which was something Desiree didn't understand. 'What could possibly be better than sex?'

Harry heard his genie's question and he agreed but could understand another hobby taking the top spot. Hermione had been reading long before she had sex and it was more apart of her personal development. Harry didn't have anything like that and was now just hopelessly in love with sex to the point he would have taken it over quidditch.

Walking out of Whizz Hard Books with a bag of fifteen books that would keep Hermione busy for a while. He tried to find books on alchemy, rituals and defense. He had also grabbed a few defense books to read for himself to look and see if there is anything the F.C could use.

Next was the final shop that was for sure going to take the longest and even made Moody grumble louder. The jewelry shop. It was the same one they had been in before where Desiree picked out a few pieces to give her look some color. Walking in they were greeted with the clerk talking with a tall woman who Harry immediately recognized as Narcissa Malfoy. If the bell above the door wasn't there she wouldn't have turned around to look at the door and see him. Much like Harry Narcissa stiffened.

Both were looking at each other up and down. For Harry he was taken by Narcissa's choice of dress which hugged her many curves. From the swell of her hips and breasts he would have loved nothing more than to throw her on the jewelry display cases and shag her until someone broke them up.

Narcissa but her lip slightly seeing Harry Potter in a tight shirt and jeans that did very little to cover the fact he had an impressive bulge. Narcissa could feel her body getting hot remembering that bulge at full mast inside her. It was a scene she had many dreams about and spent hours using her toy trying to replicate. 'I am acting like a love struck teenager. You are a powerful older woman not a weak willed teenager chasing after a cute boy.' Narcissa tried to remind herself.

Desiree smiled at being able to see the woman in the flesh. She looked even better than she did that day in that office. It was clear that a little romp with her master made this woman much more daring. With that low cut dress showing off those precious breasts it was almost like she wanted someone to just come along and drag her away for a quick shag. "Hello Narcissa." Desiree purred. Desiree was now planning on changing to Narcissa later tonight because she could feel her master's need for her.

Narcissa didn't know who this girl was but she was addressing her so informally. "I don't know you." Narcissa said as she tried to turn away and focus on the clerk who was in the process of taking some of her older pieces to be cleaned. There was a ministry function on Christmas day and she wanted to wear some of her older family pieces with her expensive dress.

Desiree walked over to Narcissa and was much closer than the woman would have liked, "But you know Harry. You know him very well." Desiree teased. Desiree was close enough she could smell Narcissa even the slight smell of fear when she let it slip that she had been intimate with Harry.

Narcissa tried to fight off the blush on her face and just pushed the jewelry towards the clerk and stopped haggling the price. "Just give them all your best clean please." Swiftly turning away she walked towards Harry before throwing up a privacy charm. "You told me you weren't going to tell anyone." Narcissa was furious that she believed him to keep his mouth shut. If this girl knew than Draco or worse her husband could find out.

Harry put his hands up, "It's hard to explain but she has been in my head before and saw the memories. I would never betray you Narcissa." In an effort to calm the woman down he reached out and grabbed her hand trying to massage the back of it with his thumb. "She would never say anything to anyone. I made her promise."

Narcissa wanted to lean into his touch. She had multiple if not never ending dreams starting this way before it turned into wild sex with of them doing it everywhere from the Minister's office to the middle of Diagon Alley in front of the whole world. His warm and tingly touch made her angry melt away. "Who is she?" Narcissa had never seen a girl like her before. She was a different breed of witch that wasn't common in the U.K.

Desiree walked in with a Cheshire grin knowing both of these two thought of each other often enough to make this awkward. "I am his one of many girlfriends. We are always looking for more and I think you would be-" Harry slammed his hand over Desiree's mouth and apologized. "I am so sorry but she gets a little ahead of herself." Harry wanted to be upset at Desiree for letting that slip but Narcissa didn't seem to recoil.

Narcissa found that statement curious, "Many girlfriends? How many do you have?" She felt her heart lifting like there was a chance for them which was a schoolgirl dream because she was still married. With the dark lord coming back there was always a chance Lucius could die on a raid and leave her a free and clear widow. She used to not think like this but now she was counting down the days until she was free and could find a partner that could satisfy her many needs.

Harry let go of Desiree's mouth while answering, "I have a lot but I need you to keep that to yourself. But Desiree is right, if you ever want to be a part of a relationship with me I would be open to it." While he liked Narcissa she was still Lucius and he just hoped she didn't share any of this so it could be used against him. "I know our time together was rushed and a little forced. I want you to know it meant a lot more to me than you realize."

It meant a lot to Narcissa too and was always a little worried she had given into the situation too easily or that she was doing it for her own selfish needs. Staring into Harry's green eyes she remembers doing so in the Headmaster's office and she was unable to stop the arousal starting to build up in her knickers.

With the hand off her mouth Desiree slithered closer to Narcissa. "Harry satisfies multiple girls everyday and I bet you have been dying to feel that again. To feel loved and cared for. I have seen him satisfy eight girls in one night. Just think of what he could do with you when he has the time to fuck you right."

Narcissa let a tiny whine escape her lips because that's what that day in the Headmaster's office felt like. Even when she was being buggered she could feel his passion and almost love seep into her body. He even made her cum more in a morning than she had in the last fifteen years. "I am married, Mr. Potter and unless that changes there is nothing that can be done in that regard." Narcissa pulled her hand back before looking back to see if the clerk was still there. The clerk seemed to go to the back office which gave Narcissa the chance to lean in and give Harry a kiss on the cheek. She didn't know why she didn't go for the lips but didn't want to risk anyone possibly seeing.

Harry was stunned at the kiss and watched as she then took her leave. Thankfully there were no windows to this shop or else the whole Alley including Remus and Moody would have seen that.

Desiree waited until Narcissa was out of the shop before saying, "She wants you to kill her husband." It was said in such a flat and serious tone it made Harry almost fall over in shock. Desiree could read in between the lines and know that the regal woman needed her strings cut before she could act on her heart. Those strings were her husband.

"She probably meant it legally. I don't think she expects me to kill her husband so she could possibly be with me." Harry didn't think she could be that cold. Although he did feel a small tingle below the belt imagining the thrill of killing Malfoy then bedding his newly widowed wife. That would have made their sex even hotter knowing he ended her previous husband and he was claiming her for himself.

Desiree had seen that look in Narcissa's eyes before one of being a trapped animal in a cage. It was very unlike the look in her eyes when she was with Harry that day in the office. She had pictures that proved how different her eyes were. "You will probably be facing him down sooner or later and if he were to die then it would free her to be with you." She let that hang in the air as they walked to the front of the store and before Harry rang the help bell she added, "And you would be Draco's step daddy."

"Shut up before I get sick all over the counters and we are kicked out of here before I find you a gift." Was all Harry said before he rang the bell while in his head he threatened to not get her anything. That did the job of stopping her from adding anymore on the subject.

The clerk came around from the back office, "Hello what can I do for you?" The jeweler seemed to be genuine about his excitement to help them. After all this was his best time of the year second only to Valentine's day.

Clearing his throat Harry inquired about getting matching sets of jewelry in different stone variations. While he wanted his gifts to be special he also wanted them to be uniform so every girl couldn't get upset about another one's gift. For Daphne, Fleur, Luna, Hermione, Tonks and Desiree he picked out big gemstone earrings. For other girls like Ginny, Tracey, Astoria, and other girls in the dorm he got them all small trinket charm necklaces. Each with a special charm he thought fit the person.

Just as he was about to call it quits he decided to get a few more gifts for some of the other ladies in his life. Women like Rita, Madam Rosmerta, Aurora, Septima, or Narcissa. For those women he found small but classy bracelets that wouldn't attract too much attention. While they glistened in the light they weren't blinding. Some were small elegant pieces and a few were bigger but brought attention to the amazing gemstones. 'Poor Hedwig is going to be really busy this week.'

The smaller elegant pieces went to Aurora and Septima while the bigger pieces went to Madam Rosmerta, Rita and Narcissa. He gave Madam Rosmerta a diamond bracelet for the sole reason she had given everything to him. Their lovemaking was much like Narcissa in the fact it involves their mind, body and soul. As for Rita he gave her a big one because he owed her for not going at him in the papers too hard. She could have easily tarred and feathered him for the world to see. Narcissa received the biggest and flashiest bracelet of the lot since she clearly had the most expensive tastes.

For Septima and Aurora he needed to get them something that wouldn't be noticed. Something nice enough to make them happy but not something so big it attracted attention from students or Umbridge. All in all he found little gold and silver chain bracelets for both professors. Something to constantly remind them of him when they wore it. They were matching but different colors so it wasn't too obvious they were given by the same person.

All together the bill for all this jewelry was massive but Desiree did some haggling and got the clerk to throw in a small tiara that could almost be considered a headband. It was on a display behind the counter and looked to be very old. It was silver with a blue gem in the center along with multiple smaller gems around the entire piece. Those pieces seemed to have fallen out of favor but Desiree had an attraction to it. The clerk was more than willing to throw it in given how much they spent and how the piece hadn't sold in decades. The shop owner even had to hit it with a dust removal spell before sliding it over to Desiree.

'Why do you want that?' Harry mentally asked. He didn't understand why she was so taken with the item. He was ready to buy her a big ring along with some of the others but she refused and just had her eyes set on this extravagant item.

'Because master it was always my destiny. I was meant to be a queen. Also for your information it's my crown although I wouldn't be opposed to a real big crown in the future.' Upon getting the small almost tiara-like item Desiree looked in a mirror and put it on. She tried to mask some of it in her hair so it looked like an ornate headband.

Harry paid the bill and the clerk told him to come back anytime. It was a typical response for someone who just made a boatload of money. Harry was probably their best customer this month and with Christmas in a week that was a feat.

Both Remus and Moody were waiting for them outside as Desiree filled the bag with the last of the gifts. "Are you two done yet?" Moody grumbled. Moody was glad to be out of the house but chaperoning teenagers doing their holiday shopping wasn't his favorite use of that time. He would much rather be at the bar if he was to be out at all.

Harry shook his head, "I have to get a few things for Hedwig and then maybe we could grab some ice cream. I haven't had any forever."

Desiree cackled mentally and said, 'I have a warm serving every morning.' Which only made Harry want to spank Desiree as they were walking down main street in front of the ten or so people milling about. Just thinking about that punishment made Desiree double down. 'You can do that when we get home. I wouldn't mind a few hard spankings especially while wearing this. A naughty queen being disciplined by her powerful king.'

Harry had to use all of his will power to not get hard in the middle of main street and just focus on the other shops they were passing. Once they finally reached Eeylops Owl Emporium.

Inside Harry picked up all of Hedwig's favorite treats and even a new cage that looked to be much bigger than the one Hagrid picked for him on his first shopping trip. Hedwig had grown a little and needed more room which he hoped would make the bird happier. Merlin knows that Hedwig wasn't always happy around Desiree and would even try to peck her at their house table while delivering the post.

After the final bits of shopping were completed Harry paid for everyone to get some ice cream before heading back to Grimmauld. Moody even ate his with a grumble trying to act like he didn't enjoy ice cream but the spiced rum ice cream was too hard to pass up.

Remus was more than happy to be back to headquarters and was also very glad Harry and Desiree didn't sneak off for private time or do anything explicit in public. Knowing that Harry was extremely sexually active always made things awkward when he snuck off. Most people in the house had an unspoken knowledge of this besides Mrs. Weasley who was thankfully unaware. Remus was glad Harry still had a little self control.

Once home Harry and Desiree ran up to his room to wrap and pack all of his gifts before writing letters to all of his other women to accompany the gifts he bought for them. He decided to start with the bigger ones first.

Sitting down at the small desk in his room he picked up a quill and some ink before starting to write.

Dear Rita,

Merry Christmas I got you a little something, okay a big something because I was thinking of you. I don't know if you are a big jewelry person but I hope you like it. I saw it and knew a high class woman like yourself would love it. I hope to see you wear it soon in person or possibly in the paper.

I hope you are well and your job isn't so stressful you aren't taking time to relax. I know I gave you another tool to help you relax but this is just a gift I hope makes you just as happy as the other gift.


Your favorite assignment

Attached to the letter was a little bracelet box with a silver bracelet inside. The bracelet had teal gemstones mixed with diamonds that almost matched his eyes. It hopefully matched some of her more eccentric outfits. Attaching the letter and package to Hedwig's leg he told Desiree to open the window after giving the command to Hedwig on where to go.

Going back to his blank stationary he started.

Dear Elizabeth Rosmerta,

I was out Christmas shopping and had a flashback to us in your room. I couldn't resist giving you a little something to thank you for trusting me with all of your body. I hope we can find time again soon because I don't want your body to forget mine. Next time though my girlfriend would be very interested in joining us.

Everytime I have a Butterbeer I think of your curvy body pressed against mine and you moaning your heart out.


Your favorite customer.

Harry chose to be mysterious just in case the letters were intercepted or read. Setting that letter aside, Desiree wrapped the letter around Madam Rosmerta's gift and waited for Hedwig to get back.

Desiree had read the letter and was interested in joining Harry and Madam Rosmerta in bed. "Master, do you think she would be up for both of us at the same time? The way you describe her ass I don't think I could pass up the chance to try it for myself."

Harry rolled his eyes, "I meant more of you using your mouth. We shouldn't go too hard on her if we end up in bed together. She isn't Tonks or Luna, you have to remember she is much older."

Desiree pouted but then thought her mouth might be enough. "Well she does have amazing tits. I wouldn't mind sharing them with you. Maybe we could even give you a double titfuck."

Harry thought about the two women pushing their breasts together around his cock and he had to try and push the image out of his head while he continued to try and write.

Dear, My Favorite Astronomy Teacher,

A little something to show my appreciation for your guidance and willingness to help a student. Attached is another gift for Septima so you don't have to "share". They are matching bracelets so you can remember you have shared more than that. One silver and one gold. I hope to see you both wearing them in the future.


Your favorite student.

Harry wanted to add more lewd things in the letter but he had to be sneaky and not give anything away. He hated they lived in a time where he couldn't say what he wanted to just in case someone found it.

Desiree loved to see her master claim these women and now each of them would have a trophy of their time together. Every time they looked or you he'd their presents they would think of what they had to do to earn it.

The countless times they took Harry inside of them. The countless times they kissed his lips as they felt him spray his seed inside of them. She loved to see her master claim what's his. They would forever have a momento to remember the amazing lover her master was. Even if they settled down with someone else Harry had left his mark inside them.

Harry was unaware what Desiree was thinking about and instead was trying to think of what to write Narcissa.

Dear, Narcissa

Just a little something for one of the most beautiful and regal women I have ever seen. I wish you the best and hope you think of me when you wear this. I know I think of you plenty. I wish I could be there the first time you put it on or open the box so I could see the surprised look on your face. I bet it would be a similar face to the one in a particular office where we first met.


Your "secret" admirer

Harry was quite proud of his stealth in these letters and knew all the girls were going to know it was him. He just hoped that when Narcissa received this she was going to be as thrilled as he was with her kiss on the cheek earlier. In the box was a big expensive bracelet but instead of standard silver it was a platinum base covered in big brilliant diamonds. It cost him a pretty penny but she was worth it. He wanted it to go with everything so she would never take it off.

Next Harry wrote letters to all of his other girls from school which were very simple because he could just talk to them all in person later. Harry didn't bother writing anything for the Delacour's because he was going to give them their gifts face to face.

It was at that moment he forgot about a gift for Apolline and Gabrielle. Apolline deserved a gift for setting up the thing for Sirius on top of the time in their carriage. Even though that was to just thank him that day would be forever etched in his mind. "Desiree I wish I had a matching replica of Fleur's necklace but with different gems for Apolline and a smaller necklace for Gabrielle."

Desiree granted the wish because with the Delacour's everything was sexual. By giving her a big gift it would probably make her or Fleur want to "thank" him for his generosity. With a smoke filled wave of her hands a replica Fleur de lis but with amethyst where Fleur's sapphires would be. "Perfect. Thank you Desiree." Now he officially had a gift for everyone. While Gabrielle's might not be as flashy as her sister's or mother's it should be more than enough for a girl her age. A simple necklace with a silver locket attached should be something she could fill and wear everyday.

For Fleur he wished up a matching set of Fleur de lis earrings to her necklace that he made her. It was something she never took off so it only made sense to get her something to go with it.

With all the gifts taken care of he turned back to Desiree who was in her adult form, naked and looking into the mirror with just the tiara slash crown on. "Do you really need to be naked for that?" It was clear she was now just doing this for his benefit.

Desiree never took her eyes off herself in the mirror. "Didn't want to rip my teenage clothes with my adult curves. I am just seeing how well this goes with the rest of me." Desiree's hands moved up and down her body touching her soft skin while cupping her wet pussy or her full breasts. While she didn't mind being a teenager her teenage D-cups had nothing on her almost triple D-cups.

Harry couldn't take his eyes off of her jiggling backside or front as she shook her body in front of the mirror. "You always look good without clothes. No one would even notice the tiara." He was glad he was the only male to see her like this.

Desiree kept fiddling with the "crown" on her head, "That is just for you master but I am trying to decide if this is going to be a permanent addition to my look." The tiara slash crown was small enough it wouldn't draw attention and gave Desiree a powerful feeling. This was her destiny that was stolen away from her. While she liked where she was now it came with a lot of emotional baggage.

Harry stood up from the desk and walked around behind Desiree and wrapped his arms around her. "Whatever makes you happy. All I want is for you to be happy." While he meant that to all of his girls he meant it the most with Desiree. She had been given the short end of the stick for over two thousand years and deserved all the happiness she could get.

Desiree smiled and leaned into Harry's touch. He truly was the best master. She even let out a breathy moan as his hands glided over her stomach before trailing down her moistening lower lips. "Mmmm I know you want to get started but I want you to spank me first. I was a bad queen for teasing you so much in the street today. Punish your queen and bend her over the knee of her king."

Harry growled at that idea and pulled her down as he fell back into the bed before positioning her over his knee. The first spank was hard and fast which made Desiree give a surprised moan, "One, my king. Harder."

Harry could already see a faint pink outline on her caramel cheeks before he brought his hand down harder with his cock now fully digging into her side. When the loud smack reverberated around the room she just moaned louder which made Harry panic forgetting the privacy charms. "I wish no one could hear us."

Desiree granted the wish at the same time another blow rained down on her already stinging ass. The wish worked and she moaned louder while counting out, "Three my king."

This continued until Desiree's whole bum was pink and Harry left no spot untouched and felt a pool of her arousal soaking through his jeans. "Last one and I will reward you my queen."

"FIFTY MY KING!" Desiree screamed as the last spank made her explode in climax. She felt so drained and that was before Harry laid her down on the bed and mounted her from the back. Usually when she was in this position he went straight for her tight back door. She didn't even have to wait for him to get done and fuck her ass first because he went right for her soaking wet pussy.

"Excellent choice!" Desiree screamed out in pure bliss complimenting his knowledge of what she needed. There was no doubt the bed was ruined now and would need a change before they went to bed. She had soaked the bed like she had done before but this time was special. Even though she just came she needed more in her needy hole. "Yes my king. Fuck me. Fuck your naughty royal slut."

Harry purred in his genie's ear, "Yes my queen." With those words alone mixed with his long and deep thrusts made Desiree tighten up before she muffled her moan in a pillow. "That was quick." Harry said not expecting her to cum again so quickly.

Desiree took her mouth out of the pillow, "Don't stop. Don't you dare fucking stop." Desiree was desperate. She didn't want this to stop until he came and seeded her like his personal breeding cow.

Harry did his best to hold onto his climax and with a vigorous shag he was able to get Desiree to cum one more time before he let loose. Laying all of his weight on his mature bodied genie made her cum all over again as she accepted a hot cup of warm spunk inside her welcoming womb.

Desiree could feel Harry panting into her neck as he came down from his climax and she herself was panting after the four to five orgasms she herself had. "I hope Hermione can break this curse." She said the thought aloud because to her that would have been the best gift possible.

Harry was still panting, "Me...too." While he wasn't short on girls in his harem the thought of a human Desiree at his side was his biggest dream. With Daphne, Fleur and Desiree as his three queens along with countless other girls to fill his bed he couldn't think of a better life. 'Oh yeah I forgot that for that to happen I have to kill Voldemort. Fuck why does life have to get in the way of my dreams.'

Desiree heard her master's thoughts and sensed his mood shift when thinking about Voldemort taking away everything he loved. Reaching behind her head she stroked Harry's head lovingly as she still felt his hard cock inside her. "My King, there is still another hole that needs your attention." Desiree said with almost a giggle in her voice. She knew this was what he was waiting for and she was too. Being fucked in the ass by her kind was going to be so sweet she couldn't wait.

That snapped Harry out if his melancholy and made him pull out of Desiree's wonderfully tight and wet pussy before thrusting all ten inches in her perfect anal ready asshole. Desiree didn't even flinch at the fast and hard thrust and only moaned like the most wanton whore in the world.

Like always Harry took her ass with all of the power and skill and power he could. So much so it made the bed creak and shake from each thrust. "I love you. I love you so fucking much my queen." Harry was on a short leash and could already feel himself start to lose himself from the tightness of her bum. Plus the way she was tightening up like she was massaging every inch of cock with her anal muscles.

Harry did manage to hold on for a few more minutes which was long enough for Desiree to cum. The rhythmic thrusts against her still stinging ass made her cum in half the time loving the mix of pleasure and pain. 'I have to get you to do this to me and the others more often.' She thought. She had let him do this during their bondage sessions but she forgot how great it felt and in the dorms they couldn't get this crazy in front of the others. Desiree also would love to see Luna or one of the other girls in this situation. A girl like Tonks could appreciate this kind of pleasure but girls like Hermione sadly couldn't.

With another groan and pump Harry felt his cock throb as an enhanced cumshot filled Desiree's bum. He was sure this orgasm had to be bigger than the last. Once again he laid on Desiree with all of his weight. "It's amazing how every time still feels like the first." Harry loved sex but even he knew that sometimes he was just going through the motions with some of the other girls in the dorm. With Desiree and some of his other girls every time felt like the first time.

Desiree nodded, "I know what you mean. You make me feel like I'm twenty again and I'm talking about my real twenties." Part of her was glad she ended up in this moment even with all the pain and tragedy in her life being with Harry made it all better. When she was with him she didn't have nightmares and she could go days or months without thinking about all the horrible things done to her over the years. All that mattered was that she was with Harry now.

After a couple minutes of basking in the after climax glow, Harry pulled out of his genie with a soft cock. Before he could get away Desiree grabbed his arm and changed her body into one Narcissa Malfoy. "Harry, I need you. Seeing you in the alley again has made my pussy so wet for you. You can even shag my bum if you want as long as you fuck me here and now."

Harry was fully soft but seeing Narcissa naked and begging for him made it impossible to not react. Within a minute his cock was raging hard again as he just kept staring at Narcissa's tits and bald pussy. Harry didn't even need to get her into position because she was on her back with her legs spread ready for him to mount her.

Desiree loved changing into other girls sometimes and seeing Harry's soft cock fill up before he pounced on her and shoved all ten hard inches into Narcissa's pussy. Desiree's pussy wasn't her own because she could feel everything the way Narcissa would have. "Yes Harry, fuck me nice and deep like my husband never could."

That just made Harry fuck harder now totally lost in the fantasy and was just chanting Narcissa in his head as he thrusted hard and deep in the dark haired woman. Harry even reached up to cup her breast before bringing his fingers to her nipples.

Desiree cried out when he pinched her nipples with Narcissa's body feeling much more sensitive in that area. "Harry. I'm so close." Desiree knew there was a difference in the way Harry fucked her and Narcissa but both fucks felt amazing. Harry was an expert in reading a woman and knowing what she liked. Harry must have remembered it from their first time together. "Cum in me Harry. Cum inside me and knock me up."

Harry didn't expect that to hit him so hard but when she was begging for him to get her pregnant in Narcissa's voice made Harry cum so hard. With a loud groan Harry felt everything shoot out of him and into Narcissa.

Just before Desiree was about to say something Harry leaned in to kiss Narcissa and the little snogging session lasted a few minutes before he broke it off. Desiree then had the chance to say, "How about we take this to the shower and we can do this again but this time you shag Narcissa's ass nice and hard before giving her a nice hard mouth fucking." Desiree wanted to have Harry grip her hair and use this slut's mouth to the fullest extent.

Harry didn't need to hear anymore and quickly grabbed a towel. Desiree quickly followed behind him after wrapping her body in a towel after changing back into her teenage form. Once they were in the safety of the bathroom she was going to change back into Narcissa and let Harry have full access to this body.

In the shower with the hot water running Desiree stood into position with her legs spread the width of the tub with her arms bracing on the wall. Her hands touched the cool tile as she looked back to see Harry hop into the tub with her as he let the water rain down on him. Looking absolutely beautiful with the water cascading down his body Desiree was about to compliment him when she felt it. "Mr. Potter."

Harry would have done anything to have the real Narcissa in this position. Desiree looked just like her and was looking over her shoulder as he brought his hard knob to her tight closed asshole before pushing in. While he wasn't as rough as he was in Desiree's real form it still might have been too much for the real Narcissa.

Desiree let out a deep moan feeling Narcissa's tight ass submit to Harry's big cock. It was no issue as Harry kept pushing inch after inch until their wet bodies were molded together. "Harry! Fuck my arse already."

Harry couldn't resist a command like that and soon started giving the fake Narcissa even harder thrusts as he shagged her like she was going to be the last girl he ever shagged. Their slippery wet bodies made a cacophony of smacking and noises along with Desiree's moans. "Cum for me Narcissa. Cum with my cock buried deep in your ass. Be my whore. Be what you always wanted to be as I fill you up."

Desiree felt bad for Narcissa that she wasn't feeling this for herself. It was simply exquisite. Her master really knew how to please a woman and while she just felt that for herself earlier being in Narcissa's body she felt it all over again. "Cum in my ass Harry. Dump it all up there before I suck the rest off your cock."

Harry couldn't stop her words from hitting him. With a harder squeeze around her narrow hips Harry kept slamming into fake Narcissa before letting his body shake. Without warning he let rope after rope fill Narcissa's asshole. Almost unable to stand any longer he put all of his weight against fake Narcissa pinning her to the tiled wall.

Desiree could feel his cock start to soften again so before it went completely soft she pushed back on Harry letting his cock slip out of her tight cum filled asshole. Quickly dropping to her knees she sucked the entirety of his sweet tasting cock. She even smacked it against her face for good measure which made him throb as well as grow a few inches. With a smile Desiree looked up at her master with Narcissa's dark eyes, "If you can stay hard you could use my mouth any way you wish."

Harry just sighed and looked down before gripping Narcissa's straight dark hair with a blonde streak. Bringing her mouth to his cock he wasn't gentle sliding every inch down her gullet. Unable to stop himself out loud Harry confessed, "I love my life. Fuck I love all you girls."

Outside the Bathroom

Hermione and Ginny were in the hallway and watched a toweled Harry and Desiree quickly shuffle off to the bathroom. Both girls just looked at each other knowing what they were doing. "That girl really has no shame." Ginny said with no malice in her voice. Ginny had become a little more open in the dorm and was fine with some of the other girls watching her having sex with Harry.

Both girls then had to listen as they forgot to silence the door and heard Desiree's moans. The pair of lovers didn't waste any time before jumping back into sexual frenzy.

Hermione had to admit that she still had a little shame. "I don't know how she does it or more like how Harry does it." Hermione was one of the only ones who knew Desiree's genie status so she understands Desiree's need for sex but with Harry she can't believe how he adapted to her lifestyle. She even managed to convince an entire dorm of girls to let him stay with them while simultaneously offering his sexual services. This year no girl had gone a few days without the pleasure of Harry's body in some form or another. Even Hermione was guilty of riding his face while he was under another girl unable to wait another minute so she could cum.

Ginny looked to Hermione, "If the showers were as big as ours back at the dorm we could join them." Ginny had a couple romps in the shower and they were some of her favorites. She had been picked up, pinned and all sorts of other positions in those showers.

Hermione had only done it in the shower once at least with Harry because he was the only one in the dorm. Desiree had gone off to breakfast with the rest of the girls and gave her a wink. Harry was in the shower alone and Hermione had just gotten naked and joined a naked Harry in the shower. That led to some of the most passionate sex she had ever had. Under the spray of hot water being in the air while pinned against the wall while getting shagged. Just the thought of that morning made her knickers wet.

Ginny saw the blush on Hermione's cheeks. "I know that look." Hermione snapped out of her thoughts and lightly pushed Ginny on the shoulder before going back into their room. Hermione jumped on her bed, "I don't know what you are talking about."

Ginny needled her friend, "Come on. You were thinking of a time where Harry was shagging you. I was doing the same. It's impossible not to when there are so many to choose from. You want to know my favorite?" Ginny had multiple favorites like the first time she was put on all fours or the time she rode his face while leaning forward and taking his cock down her throat. Not to mention the slow loving sex he tended to have with her until she was ready to start taking his cock harder.

Hermione didn't want to play this game and just picked up a book off her bedside, "No Ginny I don't." Opening her bookmark she tried to ignore her friend.

Ginny just kept talking as if Hermione answered yes. "My favorite was the night he shagged Lavender's bum so hard she passed out then I jumped in and Harry ate my pussy and asshole before he picked me up in front of the entire room and forced me down on his giant cock. Everyone saw me cum that night. Poor elves had to clean up a lot of cum from the floor the next day." Ginny said with a dreamy look in her eyes remembering that night like it was yesterday. "I am thinking of letting Harry take my bum. Have you done that yet?"

Hermione felt a vein starting to form in her head. Snapping the book shut Hermione answered, "No I haven't and I don't see the point. Just because Desiree and Lavender enjoy it so vocally doesn't mean it feels that good." Desiree had teased her about letting Harry have her bum. Desiree teased that it was one of his favorite things and if she wants to know what all the fuss was about she should try it.

"I talked with Luna and she said that she even let Harry bugger her. Can you imagine such a sweet little girl like Luna taking his massive cock." Ginny said. While Ginny was small she wasn't Luna small. Ginny would be lying if she didn't think of those two together when she played with herself one night. She imagined Harry throwing the girl around and pounding Luna's tight little body until she passed out with cum filled holes.

Hermione remembered the train and Luna taking an animal cock as it stretched out her tight tiny body. Hermione played dumb like she didn't know exactly how Luna was able to take all the cock Harry offered. "Can we just stop talking about sex for a while. We will have lunch soon and I don't want to change my knickers."

Ginny started to cackle at her friend who had a scowl on her face as she fought her arousal. "Maybe you should sneak to Harry's room tonight and jump in bed with those two. I'm sure he will be willing to give you the shag you need."

Hermione wanted to deny that she needed a shag because but had only been a few days since her last one. "I don't need it."

Ginny scoffed at her friend, "I have been shuffling from here to the hospital everyday for the last week and a half and trust me I need it but I can wait until we are back at school. Much too weird to do it in a house with my mum in it." Ginny would have loved some time alone with Harry over the break but wouldn't dare do that in this house with her mum. Ginny had a fear that her mother would somehow know if she had a smile on her face coming down for dinner after having Harry pump a hot load inside her.

Hermione huffed and hoped that her feelings and needs would just go away for the rest of the holiday break. "It is weird for me too." While she didn't have the same family aspect Ginny did there were so many people in the house it just felt awkward. Desiree was shameless so she knew how the girl did it but she was surprised Harry could do it in this house with all these people around.

The two friends continued to bicker until lunch while Harry had pleased Desiree in the shower two more times. All before they showed up to lunch with the entire house wearing big cheesy smiles. Tonks gave the pair a knowing smile as everyone dug into the soup and sandwiches Mrs Weasley made before the Weasley's planned to visit the hospital. The healers said they would try to flush the venom from Arthur's system again but this time with some phoenix tears. The treatment was expensive but Harry had footed the bill when he heard about the possible treatment. It had worked with him so he hoped it would work for Mr. Weasley. Sirius wanted to pay for it but he was still a wanted felon so his resources were limited. While he could special order items here and there he couldn't pay for a hospital visit without raising some eyebrows.

Harry wanted to go with the family but Moody put a stop to that saying the hospital was too public and dangerous. With all the rooms and hallways it would be harder to protect him. Even Diagon Alley was a risk but they went early and it was public which offered more defense.

Tonks just gave Harry a wink as a way to say it wouldn't be all bad. After finishing lunch the Weasley's floo'd to the hospital with Remus and Moody leaving Harry with Sirius, Desiree, Tonks and Hermione. While Hermione refused to do anything with Harry right now. Sirius knew what his godson wanted to do. "Pup I'm going to my room to do a little research for our big Christmas outing. I trust you won't get into too much trouble."

Harry nodded, "I promise Sirius." Sirius smiled and walked to his room to peruse his old smut mags along with all of those Veela pictures to see if he could train himself not to be a disappointment to those Veela in a couple days. He hated the idea of letting a woman down or the feeling of embarrassment that came with being a quick shot. There was one or two women who he started off with in fifth year that could say he wasn't a satisfying lover. From those he promised himself to be the best lover he could.

Tonks was left at the table with Hermione, Desiree and Harry. "Harry can I come with you to your room to see what you got everyone for Christmas." It was a lame excuse but she had to think of something. She wanted a reason to come to his room so she could get her slice of Harry.

Hermione rolled her eyes at the purple haired Auror. Hermione learned to never be surprised with Harry's sexual reach. He had shagged almost every girl he had ever met if that thick book was anything to go by. While at first she was convinced it was all Desiree she now saw his charm and fame played a bigger part. Harry was now very magnetic and girls wanted to be around him. Hermione butted in, "I will be reading in the library so enjoy yourselves."

Tonks didn't miss that Hermione seemed to know about her and Harry. Tonks arched an eyebrow at the girl for being so casual about the fact she was about to shag her friend. Desiree answered, "Hermione figured it all out, Tonks. She knows about me and has seen the scrapbook."

Tonks was shocked Hermione was so calm about Desiree. If she expected anyone to lose their shit about an all powerful sex genie she would think it would be Hermione. "Bollocks Hermione, how are you so calm and what do you mean scrapbook?" She had so many questions that needed to be answered right now.

Desiree just poofed in the scrapbook to Tonks's hands much to Harry's chagrin who tried to grab the book but Tonks moved her hands out of the way so she could flip through the book of Harry impaling and cumming over or in all sorts of girls and women. She didn't even know Hermione was in the middle of her explanation.

"-I have just realized Desiree has been good for Harry. The only reason I wasn't more angry was because he treats her and other girls with respect. Or as much as respect you can have for a girl you are shagging." Hermione answered. She had seen the scrapbook also and had also had Harry cum on her face. It did feel a little demeaning but the look in his eyes and the pleasure leading up to that made it worth it.

Tonks took in all the photos and her jaw was permanently dropped when she saw the likes of Rita Skeeter, Madam Rosmerta and Narcissa Malfoy taking Harry's cock in all sorts of ways. The ones with Luna didn't shock her, having been shown the extent of Desiree's magical abilities before. She had also felt the pleasure of the horse cock thanks to Desiree giving her a shag she will never forget. Having flipped through the entire book she just looked at Hermione and wiggled her eyebrows, "Hermione such a naughty girl doing all of that in front of your entire dorm."

Hermione folded her arms, "Desiree convinced the other girls in the house to let him live in our dorm. You can't hold out for long with Harry around." She tried to be strong in the beginning but it was useless after seeing him shag every girl night after night. Now it was just commonplace and she wouldn't have traded it for anything. It truly did work out for the best and took a lot of stress off her due to Umbridge.

Tonks shut the book and slid it back to Desiree who poofed it away. "I get it. If I was in school with Harry in my dorm I would have made him shag me all night every night. You girls are so lucky." Tonks was now thinking of breaking out her old Hufflepuff uniform and letting Harry have a go with her in that.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "I would argue Harry is the lucky one but some nights he looks utterly exhausted. Regardless, he still does his duty to the other girls." Sometimes she saw Harry be completely drained but a girl would be waiting for him and he would put his well being aside to make that girl cum multiple times. It lends itself to his selfless nature and desire to help others.

Tonks looked at Harry who had rosy red cheeks and was struck speechless. "Are there any girls you set your eyes on but haven't had yet? I can do a little body change and give you any girl you want." Tonks wouldn't mind a little body change sex right now.

Harry had to think of any girl he hadn't had which wasn't a lot but then he thought of seeing a seventh year Tonks when he was a first year. "I remember you in first year. Can you change back to your seventeen year old self?"

Tonks just smiled and shifted to her shorter teenage self. She also had bigger tits back then because they didn't get in the way of her job. So now she was a chestnut haired girl with bubblegum pink streaks with massive tits in a tight body. "Ohh I forgot how good this body felt." She could see both Desiree and Harry's gaze attracted to her chest which was pushing her shirt almost to it's breaking point. "Let's go to your room before the others come back."

Hermione rolled her eyes again as the trio of sex crazed maniacs ran up to Harry's room. Hermione knew it was still a crazy turn of events that Harry had a sex genie but she was fine with it. 'I would be more upset if it was Ron with Desiree but Harry it just makes sense. That's a weird thought. Snap out of it Hermione we need to get to the library and look up things to break her curse. The philosopher's stone is our best bet but I want to find a way around the human sacrifice part.'

Harry's Bedroom

Tonks, Desiree and Harry burst through his door and soon fell onto his bed with everyone kissing each other. Tonks was in the middle and switching between Harry and Desiree's mouths. Both kissed extremely well and very similar in a way which went to show her how much Harry had learned from Desiree.

Tonks's clothes didn't last long on her body between two sets of hands ripping it off her body and before too long Tonks was naked under their stares. Both had an intense look on their faces and she knew that this was going to end up in his scrapbook somehow. "Fuck me Harry. I need it." Even her voice was different in this form. It was a higher pitch and not nearly as sultry as her regular voice.

Harry dragged a slow finger up her smooth thighs to her apex and swirled it around her clit. "I will Tonks but I need to know. Did you do anal back in school?" Even though Harry thought he was done with sex for the day he was pulled back in. With some food and an hour's rest he was now ready to go again. He just hoped he could keep going until Tonks was satisfied.

Tonks had but decided to lie so they could be in a fantasy of him being her first time. "You would be my first at that age in that hole, Harry." Tonks said in a more innocent and higher pitched voice. She had lost her anal virginity sixth year and while she wouldn't mind going younger for Harry this felt like the perfect age and when her body was at its peak.

It always made Harry so hard to be a girl's first there. "I wish I was naked." With a wave of Desiree's hands he was soon naked and both girls on the bed could see his veiny throbbing cock. "Don't worry Tonks I'm going to fuck you nice and long before I take your bum. I am going to fill you with so much of my seed you will be thinking about it everyday when you sit down in class this week."

Tonks could cum then and there imagining his words. "Yes! Come on and shag me Harry." She didn't need to wait long before Harry climbed on her and stuck his throbbing cock right up her weeping wet pussy. She could already feel a difference between her teenage pussy and adult pussy. In her adult form it didn't feel nearly as cramped in her smaller body. "Fuck your cock is so big Harry. You are filling my tiny teenage pussy so good." Tonks never had a cock this big in all of her years but she was glad she could feel what it would be like if they found each other back then.

Harry felt her enveloping tightness and while she was just as tight in her adult form he felt himself have more power over her now. She was a formidable adult Auror but now she was a smaller teenager under him whining on his cock as he dragged it in and out. With just a few thrusts he could feel Tonks tremble under him. "You are such a slut Tonks ready to cum under a minute." He was giving her one of his cocky smiles that he reserved for easy girls who couldn't handle his cock for long.

Tonks couldn't deny it, "I'm going to cum. Fuck me harder. Use me." Tonks wanted to be used like one of his other teenage cumdumps. She had long denied that her body was just for men's pleasure but now all she wanted was for Harry to get pleasure from her while giving her an equal amount of pleasure. His cock was slamming against her G-spot and womb on every thrust mercilessly and without fail. It was pure lightning to her clit and pussy when she came and instead of screaming and crying out she just shuddered as Harry never stopped moving inside her.

Harry was holding himself up on his hands looking down at Tonks and could see the moment she came as well as feel it around his cock and it only drove him harder. There was a loud squelching suction sound of her soaking wet pussy being fucked by him. He could also hear Desiree fingering her own wet pussy next to him. He chose to ignore his genie and just focus on Tonks. "I love you Tonks." Harry blurted out the closer his orgasm approached.

The confession of love made Tonks seize in pleasure as she felt his thrusts get faster before she felt a flooding of cum enter her teenage body like never before. Reaching down she cupped Harry's massive bollocks and gave them a gentle squeeze trying to get all of his sweet cream out. Leaning up she kissed his jaw, "I love you too Harry." It was a weird thing to say to a schoolboy who had shagged her boss and every other girl but she knew this was special.

Desiree knew that Harry didn't use that word lightly and Harry only said that when he meant it. Desiree could see Harry's true harem expanding in front of her eyes. While he would always have concubines his inner circle was growing which was fine by her. By her count the inner circle could be Tonks, Daphne, Fleur, maybe Hermione and of course herself. Then there were wild cards like Narcissa and Madam Rosmerta. Desiree didn't know what fate awaited them but her master wouldn't turn them down if given the chance.

Harry kept himself inside of Tonks's teenage pussy which was doing an excellent job of milking his cock. With a couple more small thrusts he whispered, "Where do you want it next?" While he would prefer to have her bum now he didn't care what she wanted and would do anything to make her happy.

Desiree took this chance to speak up, "Put her on me and fuck her ass master. I want to lick out all your precious seed from her pretty cunt." The genie's vulgar language made both Harry and Tonks blush but Tonks agreed and soon they were on the bed in a new position. Harry was standing on the ground with Desiree laying down on the bed with her head near his cock. He couldn't resist dipping his cock in her mouth once or twice while Tonks went on her knees and elbows above Desiree. Desiree now had a face full of cum dripping snatch while Harry had his hands spreading open Tonks's smaller and tighter teenage bum.

Harry took a moment to just enjoy the sight of her tight asshole before he stretched it out. It was easy to imagine they were in Hogwarts and he was the first to take this hole. Placing his saliva soaked cock at her asshole he knew Desiree's anal magic was already in play which lubed her up so this was going to go as smooth as always. Slowly edging his way inside her tight ring he felt her asshole give way and start to stretch around his massive cock. He could also hear her moans from Desiree increase as he started to thrust into Tonks's tight ass.

Tonks had felt Desiree's mouth before but mixed with Harry's giant cock pushing into her teenage bum was a new height of pleasure. She was now stuck to just moaning and couldn't vocalize how good this felt. 'Merlin, a girl, could get used to this.' Desiree sucking her cum filled cunt and clit was exquisite. The genie really knew how to use her mouth.

Desiree always enjoyed lapping at another girl's pussy and with Harry's sweet cum made it all the better. While she liked men more in her past life she had come to enjoy females more since being enslaved. As she stuck her tongue deeper inside of Tonks Desiree's hands went around Tonks's ass and spread her cheeks for Harry.

Harry was able to take his hands off Tonks's bum and bring his hands to her hips and now bring her back and forth while he slammed forward. "Moan Tonks. I want to hear your moans get louder and louder until I cum."

That made Tonks moan louder was imagining how good an anal creampie would feel in this body. She enjoyed it enough in her regular body but in this body he might be able to fill her stomach with the amount he shot. "I want your cum. I want it up my ass. Please don't stop."

Like always words like that had an effect on Harry which made him thrust harder until the entire bed and room was rocking with how hard he was shagging Tonks. The hard anal fuck lasted for over ten minutes which made Tonks cum over and over partly from the deep anal reaming but also from Desiree's mouth. Between each climax Desiree would tease her or just suck her clit for minutes at a time. It was torture but she could feel that Desire had already cleaned up her cum filled pussy. 'That woman is a miracle worker and just a bottomless pit for cum.' She had seen that genie be filled with two cocks and have so much cum shot into her she balloons up but it was all for her benefit.

Harry felt Tonks's ass tighten up for the final time and he couldn't hold back anymore. He had already been holding on by a thread since her last orgasm and by now he counted that Desiree and him had given the Auror four orgasms and this was going to be magical number five. "Here it comes Nymphadora." He decided to use her first name knowing that she held a small resentment towards it.

The spike of frustration that came with her first name was soon drowned out by the soul piercing pleasure of the massive analgasm. All from having Harry's big cock letting loose a tsunami of molten seed into her bowels. She could see her vision start to go hazy as her body was wrapped in so much pleasure she didn't know what to do. Neither of her partners had stopped moving and was just digging her deeper and deeper into a hole.

Desiree surely didn't want to stop and even had plans of eating the girl's ass after her master was done. It was something that she liked to happen after she got her ass fucked that hard. She even had that happen recently in the dorm where Lavender and her switched doing it to each other when Harry was done with the other.

Once Harry was sure he gave her all the cum he could he pulled out of Tonks and watched his seed start to pour down her crack into Desiree's waiting mouth. Harry sat down next to the pair on the bed and just laid down on the bed exhausted. He had already shagged Desiree multiple times today and now Tonks.

Desiree had moved Tonks into a more comfortable position which was now just on her knees riding the genie's face as Desiree licked her asshole clean. Tonks loved the personal touch Desiree displayed when eating her out. The girl knew exactly what to do to get her all hot and bothered. Looking over she saw Harry was still hard, "Shit I thought my bum would be good enough to make your snake go soft."

Harry looked up to see the teenage Tonks riding his genie's face. "Me too, I don't know how I still have one more in me." Harry didn't know what to do with his cock next but with these two in bed it was impossible to not keep a hard erection.

Tonks just smiled and said, "Stand on the bed and come put it in my mouth. I will have you know I gave the best blowjobs back at Hogwarts. It actually caused me quite a lot of problems to be honest." Once it got around school how good she was, every boy wanted a taste for themselves. While she accepted some of their advancements it came with conditions like they had to eat her out first or do her homework if she felt particularly lazy.

Harry did as Tonks asked and stood on the bed straddling Desiree's legs while bringing his cock to Tonks face. Without hesitation Tonks rubbed her cheek against his cock before slipping it into her mouth and swirling her tongue around the tip. It was a great start and he could already feel her skill like her other blowjobs. Being a metamorphmagus he knew she was able to take all of his cock down her throat with no issue.

Tonks wanted to take her time as she teased his cock in her mouth as she brought her hand to his shaft and slowly wanked his giant cock into her mouth. Since he had just cum there was no worry of him popping off too quickly. It took minutes and minutes of teasing before Tonks finally brought his cock all the way down her throat. When she did she made sure to look up and lock her eyes with his. It was her silent way of giving him permission to start moving the way he wanted.

Harry had gotten enough blowjobs from Desiree and Tonks to know that look and he pulled back his hips until just the tip was left in Tonks's mouth before slamming forward making Tonks lightly choke. Even though her airway was plugged for a few seconds there was no pain in her throat from the face fuck.

Harry kept using Tonks's face like her other holes and he soon saw her hand go from his balls down to her clit. He knew she was getting off on this treatment but also the treatment from Desiree. "Tonks you are going to be perfect in my harem. I can't wait to see you with Fleur, Daphne and the others. You will be the perfect slut for every occasion."

Tonks listened to Harry describe her future and she couldn't wait. She liked the idea of being Harry's lover for the rest of her life. This was the only cock she wanted. 'Well the only man. I might have to wish for a different cock now and then. Whatever that last one was with Desiree felt amazing.'

This went on for minutes before he felt Tonks tremble and moan around his cock signalling her orgasm just before he reached his. With one final thrust he hilted himself in her throat before unleashing his final load of spunk for the night.

Tonks swallowed every rope of hot spunk down her throat only wishing she could have tasted a little bit. 'There will be plenty of time for that before the break is over.' Tonks told herself as she just enjoyed coming down from a light finger and tongue fueled orgasm.

After Harry was done painting Tonks's throat white he once again fell back into bed but this time he was finally soft and worn out. Looking at the pair of sexy girls on the bed he couldn't believe his luck.

Desiree had long finished eating all the cum from Tonks's asshole and pushed the Auror off of her before Desiree curled herself against her master. "That was nice, master. Thank you for all the dessert." Tonks added a little schoolgirl giggle at the end that made both of her other bedmates roll their eyes.

Tonks agreed and curled up on the other side of Harry wrapping her arms around his tight and sweaty torso. "You two are the best. I am so glad I found you and not some boring bloke who couldn't handle all of this." As she said that she morphed back into her adult form. "Ah, much better."

Desiree had also morphed back to her adult form, "While I like being young I prefer this form. At least for now we have yet to put your skills to the test. I have a few ideas for when that time comes." Desiree would have even loved to double team Harry as the same woman. With Tonks and Desiree taking the shape of the same woman

Harry just groaned feeling Desiree's curvy adult body press against him. "Desiree don't get me in the mood again I don't think I can take another go around."

Desiree smiled at Harry, "I am a magical sex genie. Remember? Now wish to go again because I am so horny after having my face buried in Tonks's ass for the last hour."

Harry just groaned and complied with his genie and he felt his erection come back as Desire straddled his waist and rode him. Tonks stayed cuddled up to Harry's side and dirty talked into his ear as the genie rode him to her explosive final climax of the night.

Harry was helpless against the two women and when he came Tonks kissed his ear lobe. All after she begged him to cum in his cumslut of a genie so she could lick it out.

Tonks wasn't bluffing because as soon as Harry was done cumming inside Desiree she asked Desiree to straddle her face. Desiree was more than happy to and moaned out happy noises as Tonks eagerly let the cum fall into her mouth. Tonks was licking and sucking out the rest with the same kind of enthusiasm as Desiree did to her.

Harry was just glad for a moment of rest and knew even with a wish he didn't think it was possible to get hard, much less cum again.

When they were finally done they heard the Weasley's come home and Tonks had to quickly get dressed and cover for the two who were still in bed. Harry was exhausted and didn't think he could move after having this crazy sex filled afternoon.

By dinner he was finally able to move and go down for dinner where it was revealed Mr. Weasely had woken up and would be home for Christmas. It was all good news and very welcome.

It was a cause for celebration and the mood around the house was suddenly lifted. The Weasley's were smiling and laughing again. There was even a round of old champagne that was left in this house from well over a hundred years ago. Everyone raised a glass and even thanked Harry for making it possible. The Phoenix Tears were not cheap and set him back over a thousand galleons. It came from his trust vault which was refilled every year and had much more than just that.

Once the festive dinner was over everyone had calmed down enough to head back to their rooms for the night. Harry still had plenty of gifts to send out and before dinner had sent Hedwig out again to be his personal little Santa Claus.

After dinner he sent Hedwig out again with another gift which earned him a small peck on the hand from the owl. He planned to get her all the treats she can eat by the time she was done delivering over a dozen presents.