Chapter 40

Fleur Delacour: Katherine McNamara

Tonks: Natalie Dormer

Apolline Delacour: Katheryn Winnick

Gabrielle Delacour: Kiernan Shipka

Harley: Margot Robbie

Penny: Kaley Cuoco

Hermione: Emma Watson

Ginny: 18 year old Karen Gillan

For Sirius's Veela I just took the names of Margot's and Samara's most popular characters.

Harley Quinn for Margot and Penny from the big bang theory. So it is easier and no one has to keep coming back to look at the cast list. People say the two look alike and we're the perfect look for two sexy Veela. I hope everyone can agree with that.

This is my Christmas gift to all of you faithful readers. It just worked out where the next chapter was exactly this chapter so I decided to release it today. Read and enjoy. Please review and tell me your favorite parts. It's a long one and I hope it isn't too much too soon.


Christmas at Grimmauld was an actual pleasant affair and the house was filled with joy for the first time besides what went on in Harry's room. Sitting at the dining room table, presents went around after a big breakfast with the reveal that Mr. Weasley was back home and even looked like he lost a bit of weight. A few weeks without his wife's cooking made him even look like a new man. He still had some scarring snake bites on his face along with bandages holding up his most injured arm. The one he fell on after the snake venom knocked him out.

Before everyone dug in for breakfast Mr. Weasley even made a toast thanking Harry for paying for his life saving procedure. Harry took the praise and nearly became a little misty that he was able to save his life so Ginny and the twins didn't have to grow up without a parent. The mood was a little somber for a minute but quickly picked up with the delicious food and talk of other subjects.

When the time presents started everyone received their yearly Weasley made jumper. The twins gave out some of the new products they had been developing much to their mother's chagrin. When Harry's turn to give presents came he had Desiree help him pass them out. He gave Ron his first which was a small bag of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. That was a little dig because about half of those were rancid flavors.

For Tonks, Hermione and Ginny he gave them the small jewelry boxes first and received some very happy noises from all the girls. Hermione received a silver book charm necklace that doubled as a locket. It was beautiful and didn't look cheap. Hermione once again felt like Harry knew her so well. Looking up into his very pleased green eyes she promised to give him a gift just as good as this one.

Ginny received a silver broom pendant necklace that she immediately put on. She was a quidditch girl through and through and this would be a perfect addition to her look. With her parents she couldn't thank Harry the way she wanted to but gave him a deep thank you with a twinkle in her eye. Harry had to be blind to miss it because once they were back in the dorms she was going to thank him properly and not stop until she wears him out.

For Tonks he got her a pair of earrings that matched her usual purple hair. They weren't too big but big enough to bring attention from her eyes to her ears. Tonks usually wore small little hoops in her ears but she loved how Harry's gift matched her shade of purple hair exactly. And she didn't even need to put any effort into changing her usual hair color. She had already given Harry plenty of sex the last couple days in every position imaginable so she didn't know what more she could do to show her thanks. Being stuck between Harry and Desiree was very pleasurable and almost made her earn this gift.

Before Harry was done he doubled back on Hermione and handed her a big box gift wrapped. She ripped open the gift wrap to find a box filled with antique magic books. While Harry didn't know too much about the books they were all in new magical avenues Hermione would likely want to go down. A book on rituals, runes, alchemy, etc. All things that could possibly help him in the future but she would get hours of enjoyment out of. He had seen the happy face she put on while reading a new book.

Hermione was a little embarrassed to get a big boxed present in front of the entire room. It was the biggest present by far but one that no one else could be jealous of because it was something only she would enjoy. Everyone notices Ron grumble at the large box and only settling down once he realizes it was old dusty books. Ron was smart enough to shut his mouth and not be too vocal about his disappointment in presents this year. Usually Harry got him something nice like a Chudley Cannons jersey or a bigger selection of sweets. In the last two years he had partly brought this on himself for turning on Harry's during the tournament. It didn't work out the way he planned with Harry coming crawling back to him.

Once Harry was done giving his gifts Tonks passed over two boxes one for Desiree and one for Harry. Desiree hadn't got a gift besides her new master almost ever. This day she received a jumper on top of her master and Tonks's gift. Opening the wrapping she found it was a special kind of perfume that promised it would enchant the man of her dreams. Desiree usually just kept her natural scent, a kind of vanilla with a little jasmine. It was a scent no one ever had a problem with. Desiree was curious to try something new.

Harry was next and opened his box to find a dragonhide leather vest that went over his shirt and could save him from bone breakers and lesser spells. Harry knew how pricey dragonhide was and gave her a look that promised he was going to pay her back in pleasure tenfold. While he bought new combat uniforms with dragon hide he liked this vest much better. The vest was dark and almost a midnight black leather with gold stitching.

In truth Tonks had gone into this present only paying half and with Amelia Bones paying the other half. Amelia had just had Harry's baby while he was at school and Amelia said her child was the best gift she could have ever received. Amelia also wanted Harry to survive long enough to meet his child.

Amelia had arrived back to work from maternity leave and was usually in a much chipper mood which unnerved all the Auror's that knew of her as a stern commander. Amelia had kept the baby a secret but they had already talked about her telling Harry as soon as the war was over. Where Amelia was worried about his response Tonks knew Harry better and promised he would be nothing short of thrilled.

After Tonks's gifts Sirius went next and slid over a box in front of Harry which was a copied book of Defense and curses from the Black family grimoire. Harry thanked Sirius for the gift and joked he was going to get his later which made the old dog bark out a laugh seeing as he was quite eager for that gift.

After presents everyone went their separate ways to spend some more time with their gifts. Hermione went right to the library to start cracking open her books, unable to decide which one she would start first. Eventually she decided on the oldest ones first and with a deep sniff of the pages she then started to dig in for answers.

Ron just went to his room grumbling after he tried to talk to Harry to make up only to get Desiree dragging him away. Ron didn't like that girl. She was always hanging on Harry and she never stopped glaring at him. He was sure she was poisoning Harry against him which he didn't understand because she didn't even know him before this year. That only left the fact that Harry was very angry at him last year and since meeting this girl had vented that frustration to her and now she held it against him. It also hurt that he took Seamus's side at the beginning of the year. 'Self righteous prick, chosen one my arse. Doesn't give you the right to treat other people like they aren't important.'

Ron wished things could go back to the way things were but Harry was a liar and a spotlight hogger. Ron knew Harry loved the spotlight no matter how much he said otherwise. He is proving that over and over and now he has one of the most beautiful girls in school which again puts him on center stage. Ron heard all the girls talk about Harry and giggle when he walked by. It just made him sick how girls were fawning over him. 'There is nothing special about Harry besides the fact he is rich.' Ron continued to stew all day as he ate the rest of the sweets in the house including ones his sister hid.

Tonks had to leave because she promised to visit Amelia and her mother before the day was over. So she couldn't stick around with Harry and Desiree. Which was a shame because Desiree had suggested herself being in the middle this time. Tonks had yet to have the pleasure of shagging Desiree the way the genie shagged her. Tonks had to get a rain check so she didn't miss the opportunity later.

Shacklebolt had also promised to join her to Amelia's to visit Amelia's new son. For Tonks she could see Harry in the baby right away. Besides the dark almost red hair he had Harry's eyes. Also the fact that he pawed Amelia's breasts whenever he fed led Tonks to make a joke about it. Which only made Amelia throw a stuffed animal at her. Shacklebolt never asked or caught on to the fact Amelia's son looked so similarly to Harry. Not that Shacklebolt liked to think about it or stick his nose where it didn't belong in his boss's business. It was also unfathomable for Shacklebolt that Harry could have been the father.

Harry and Desiree went to their room and instead of having sex so soon Harry decided to just lie in bed and read what Sirius gave him. While Desiree was smelling her new perfume which smells like nothing to her but when she sprayed it then Harry looked away from his book to look at Desiree fiddling with her hair and clothes in the mirror. For Harry the room was suddenly filled with the smell of berry and vanilla with a hint of pussy which made his loins stir. It was enough for him to put down the book and stand up to get closer to the source of the delicious smell.

Desiree didn't expect Harry to come behind her and sniff her neck with a deep inhale. "Can I help you?" Desiree jokingly asked. She could feel him grinding his erection in her clothed ass. Unable to help herself she couldn't help but rubbing back and adding friction to the front of his erection.

Harry kept smelling her sweet neck where she sprayed the perfume. "You smell amazing." Harry almost could have started licking her like a giant lollipop.

Desiree couldn't believe that perfume would have such an effect on Harry. "What do you smell?" She was curious, having not smelled anything.

Harry couldn't stop kissing her neck as he grinded his body against her curvy backside with hands getting more brave on her chest. "Strawberry and vanilla along with the very distinct smell of your wonderful pussy. I don't know why but I can't help myself. I almost wish I could lick that taste off you. It smells so good."

Desiree just giggled as Harry's hands were now roughly squeezing her chest through her shirt. "I will have to thank Tonks but I guess that means I can't wear this during classes or else you wouldn't be able to control yourself." As soon as she was done saying that she felt Harry's hands sliding down her skirt and knickers before pushing her against the mirror and sliding in. "Merry Christmas to me." Desiree said as she felt Harry fill her up and start moving while pressing her face and tits against the full length mirror. She liked this present very much as her face pressed against the cold mirror as he plundered her depth with his cock.

The pair spent the day having more sex than should have been possible or acceptable on Christmas day but neither one could help themselves.

By the time it was time for dinner there had been a stack of post for him thankfully guarded by Hedwig who tried to peck anyone from reading his mail. To say they were sensitive was an understatement given the fact they were all from women he has had relationships with.

Unable to read the mail at dinner Harry just pretended to ignore them. He fell into conversations with the other people gathered for dinner. Hermione had already started filling him in on the two books she started and the things she had learned. Harry was happy about that and then fell into conversation with his godfather who was barely hiding his excitement about tomorrow.

After dinner he went back to his room to read his mail and found numerous letters from the women in his life. He was sure most of these were happy letters but he just wished they could have been here with him.

The first one was from Rita that read:

Dear Harry,

Thank you for the gift. The only thing I could get you was a break from mentioning your name in the Prophet for a few days. Fudge has been relentless in wanting to take you and Dumbledore down. The only piece of good news I can give you is that his support is slipping with the increased nightly raids on the public. While no arrests have been made if Voldemort is truly back it is just a matter of time before the tide changes.

By the time this is over everyone will turn to you for hope and I know you won't let us down. You didn't let me down when you could have spilled my secret. I know I "convinced" you not to but you also didn't have to make it feel so good. A lesser person would have been cruel and vindictive. You have made me feel things I haven't felt since I was in school.

Love Rita

P.S I promise the next time we see each other I will give you the shag of your life. I use your toy every day and I could give you the ride of your life now that I have mastered it.

The letter made Harry a little hard thinking of Rita practicing riding his cock for hours at a time. He just hoped she didn't neglect her asshole because he wanted to shag it again. Rita's bum was fantastic and deserved as much love as other parts of her. While he did give her new tits for an older woman her ass was fantastic and deserved to be fucked often. He also wouldn't mind making her suck his cock again. She did have such an attractive set of lipstick covered lips that were perfect for messy blowjobs.

Desiree read the letter over his shoulder and was trying to think of where Rita would fit in Harry's life. While she wasn't a main girlfriend material she would make an excellent concubine or sex friend. She did have her uses in her master's life that was for sure.

The next letter was from Narcissa.

Dear Secret Admirer,

I know you think you are being clever but I know who you are and I hope you aren't just playing with me. I do like the bracelet you attached to your letter and I promise to wear it often. It goes with quite a few of my formal wear for social events. If you read the Prophet around the time of the next Ministry Ball I'm sure you will see I will be wearing it.

My husband and son can never know about us at least until the bigger problem is addressed. Speaking of that problem he has been seen around our house and has been making his presence known. My sister has also been around lately and has let it slip that she is guarding something important in the Lestrange Gringotts vault.

Love Narcissa

P.S My son will be coming at you with a renewed ferocity when you are back in school. Be safe.

Harry smiled at that letter and was as good as he could have hoped. He also received a new piece of information that will be sure to help them. He made sure to clip out the more personal stuff before passing the information to Dumbledore or The Order.

The next letter was from Aurora and had a Hogwarts seal.

Thank you for the gifts besides making me smile. You also managed to get a big smile out of Septima which was quite a feat. While she tries to deny it you do bring a smile to her face despite her frequent blushes.


Professor Aurora Sinistra

P.S Tell your girlfriend that if she still wants Septima her window is open as soon as possible while she is in a good mood. Don't tell Septima I told you that she will kill me.

Desiree had been reading the letter over his shoulder and swiped it out of his hands when she read that part. "Oh thank you master. Your gift is going to be the final piece to pry her legs apart. I can't wait to taste her. I think I might even use my fingers up her ass. After a good tongue lashing though. She seemed to like getting her ass eaten by you before you plundered her virgin asshole." Desiree was almost out of breath thinking about all she was going to do with the professor. " Or I could give her a strap on and let her fuck me. I bet she won't be as good as you but would make it interesting at least. As long as I could watch her while she fucked me. She is so beautiful."

Harry knew Septima was a very attractive woman but she seemed to light something in Desiree. "One day you are going to need to explain your fascination with her. You don't usually get this riled up about other girls the way you do about her."

Desiree knew it was a little strange for Harry to have her be so head over heels for another person but Septima reminded her of a friend before she was cursed as a genie. They had the same dark hair and facial features. While her friend was more bronzed from the desert sun they resembled each other heavily. Down to her cute nose and high cheekbones. Her friend was a few years older than her and someone she always admired. Her beauty was something she strived for and with her friend's help she learned to take care of her appearance. Which eventually caught the eye of the sultan which in turn made his wife so angry she convinced him to cast her out before going to the local witch and cursing her to this fate.

Harry could see some of the flashes in Desiree's head as she kept thinking about this friend. It was obviously a painful subject and he didn't want to push it. Instead he opened the last letter which was from Apolline telling him to meet her tomorrow in the park tomorrow morning before anyone would be out. At the end there were lipstick kisses from three sets of lips and he could easily tell who was who. The bigger red set was from Apolline who had beautiful cock sucking lips. The middle red set was from Fleur who had thinner lips but that didn't mean they weren't great for blowjobs. She more than made up for it with her tight throat. The smallest set was from Gabrielle they were also the only one that wasn't a deep red instead hers was more of a bubblegum pink color that filled him with an anticipation for tomorrow.

Harry had an appreciation for Gabrielle and did see her as an attractive young woman. While she wasn't as built as her sister her more petite body was going to be fun breaking in. Much like Luna it seemed the more petite a girl was the wilder they were when it came to cock.

By the time Desiree was done fawning over her letter she saw the Delacour's letter and couldn't wait to meet them officially. It was also going to be the big reveal of Desiree to Fleur which was going to be a bitter potion to swallow. He just hoped she didn't overreact worse than Hermione. It was always a lot to digest and Desiree sometimes didn't help especially when she broke out the scrapbook or talked about some of the more perverse wishes.

It was a big piece of news but one that he could explain. He had gotten really good at explaining it. While Desiree laid an excellent guilt trip about how she is bound to him and how he wasn't misusing her like other master's.

Harry went to deliver the news to Sirius who was just as excited as him to go to the Delacour's. Sirius promised to be ready and write Tonks so she could be at the house early to cover for them. They needed her shapeshifting abilities to make sure they were seen around the house while not letting it be known they were gone.

When Harry made it back to his room Desiree was in bed already but promised to let him save his energy for tomorrow. She wanted him to get the most out of his time with the Delacour's. So much so that she even promised not to suck him off in the morning so Fleur or Gabrielle would have the honor.

Desiree was lucky enough as always to fall asleep in Harry's arms which was a feeling she never hoped to tire of. Together in bed she just laid there huddled in her master's strong arms.

Next Day

The trio made up of Sirius, Harry and Desiree snuck out of the house with Sirius in his dog form to start out with. To anyone passing by it would just look like a couple walking a dog. When they made it to the park it was a little foggy which was a good thing to cover their magic from muggles. Apolline was waiting for them and called them over to come grab the portkey. There wasn't even time for greetings because she wanted to get in and out as soon as possible.

Sirius transformed back into his human form to grab onto the large metal ring that could be shrunk down to fit on the Minister's finger. Once everyone had a firm grip on it Apolline activated it and they were in France in a few seconds.

Harry hated magical forms of travel besides his broom but it didn't nearly affect him as much because his mind was on what was going to happen afterwards. The pulling of his navel across an entire country didn't make him retch like usual. 'Lucky for them.'

For Desiree however she was very unhappy with the feeling of Portkeys. Desiree nearly fell to her hands and knees after touching down in France and wished she didn't have to do that again. It was just so damn unpleasant she would rather Harry spank her two hundred times than to that again. Harry understood her feelings toward port keys and helped her back to her feet. 'I know, I know.' Harry said mentally.

Appearing at the courtyard of the Minister's Mansion Apolline led them inside. Her wide motherly hips were swaying side to side giving everyone a little show as she ushered them to the front door. "Come in, there are some people very excited to see you." Sirius slapped his godson on the arm in excitement which made Harry laugh as they were led inside the massive mansion to see a welcoming party. Besides Gabrielle and Fleur there was the Minister and the two Veela for Sirius.

Sirius let his jaw drop looking at the two Veela for him. Both were tall, beautiful and blonde while having an allure that almost made him drop to his knees and crawl over to them. The women were the same size height wise but one had a bigger set of breasts than the other and made it very clear with their tight shirts. The same tight shirts that were riding up high enough to see their flat and defined stomachs.

Both blondes had a beautiful look with one looking more model like and the other looking like more of a girl next door. Both had brilliant smiles that made Sirius melt and made him sure glad he bathed before showing up today.

The two Veela walked up to Sirius first and took him by the hand. "Hello handsome. I am Penny and this is Harley. We heard so much about you and by so much we mean that you need a good shag." Said the bigger busted blonde.

The smaller busted Harley hugged herself to Sirius's other side not occupied by Penny and said, "Come with us Mr. Badboy. We haven't been off the reservation in years and been without a man for so long. We hope you can satisfy us."

Sirius was nearly busting out of his trousers from these two beautiful blondes grabbing onto him and dragging him away. He didn't even look back to his godson and just followed the two girls as they led him to the room Apolline allocated to them. The two Veela didn't leave the Veela reservation much but when they did they liked to let their hair down like this to get their needs met. While other Veela sex was nice especially with their new toys there was still an itch only a real man could scratch.

The French Minister seemed resigned to letting all this debauchery happen under his roof but it was the price of being with a Veela. While he would prefer his daughters didn't have sex under his roof he was just happy it was with a boy that he approved of. It also didn't take a genius to see why his wife was his most vehement defender. While they had an open relationship he could see his wife had a dalliance with the boy. It was when she was upset at him for putting their daughters at risk for the tournament. Not to say he didn't do the same by crawling to his secretary for the night. So he was in no position to judge.

Fleur ran up to Harry and hugged him so happy to see him after all this time. She had questions about the girl he brought with him but she was happy for them to wait and just enjoy the feeling of his arms around her. While today was about Gabrielle losing her virginity she planned to have Harry as well, multiple times today.

Harry had to break the hug and pull a few boxes from his pockets before enlarging them with his wand. Thanks to him being in France he didn't have to worry about the law of underage magic. In talking with Fleur he learned in France the age was fourteen and not seventeen. He handed the gifts to the girls and watched their eyes light up when they opened them. Apolline made a very happy noise when she opened hers seeing that it was the same kind of necklace Fleur received. She had been a touch envious of the necklace but now had one of her own.

The Minister was very happy he went big on this year's Christmas presents. He had gotten his wife a large diamond ring with matching earrings which was going to save him from the doghouse tonight. He also went big for the girls who had a rough year with the tournament.

Fleur was happy for her earrings and planned to put it on the second they were back in her room and she could find a mirror. Gabrielle also received a locket necklace. Now all three Delacour women had necklaces and knowing he was about to have slept with all of them made the gift better in his eyes. It was his way of claiming all three women. Whenever he saw them wearing those necklaces he was going to be thinking of being in bed with them.

Apolline wished she could join her daughters with their bedding of Harry but she promised her husband that they would never sleep with another person in their house. It was one of the only few rules in their marriage. While now it seemed unfair she knew that would have been a step over the line which meant if she was to have Harry again in the future it needed to be somewhere else.

Fleur was about to start questioning Harry about this bronze goddess he brought with him but Gabrielle grabbed Harry by his hand and started to drag him towards Fleur's room. Fleur had the biggest room between them and had been set up for this very occasion. Fleur's bed was enlarged and had softer sheets with lots of pillows for support, having a feeling they were going to need them. Besides that Fleur's room also had a little study attached which would be the perfect place to interrogate Harry's new girlfriend.

Desiree and Fleur walked behind Harry and Gabrielle sizing the other up. The last thing they heard was from Apolline telling, "Have fun with Harry." She certainly did after the second task and she knew from countless stories that all the Veela at the enclave loved the Harry toys. Single handedly was responsible for giving a new pleasure to the Veela reservation to give them control of their own pleasure so they didn't need to rely on anyone else for their own climaxes. With the toys they could take their own climaxes from another Veela with force. There was no telling how many climaxes Harry was responsible for in the Veela community.

Once Fleur, Gabrielle, Desiree and Harry made it to Fleur's room Harry didn't even have a chance to take in Fleur's room before Gabrielle was trying to peel his clothes off. Her small hands went right to his growing bulge while giggling that her time has finally come. His shirt was practically ripped in half before Gabrielle went to her knees to work on his trousers.

Desiree saw where this was going but also saw that Fleur had a small closed room attached to her room as a study. "Fleur why don't we let these two have their fun and we talk for a moment."

Fleur wanted to have Harry's first load in fact she was having dreams about his sweet cum for the last week. Looking at her sister she was seconds away from pushing her sister away and taking over until she milked out his first load. Instead she let Desiree lead her to her study. 'Enjoy this sister because when I come back he is all mine.'

Harry knew Desiree was going to break the news of her genie status. While he wanted to be there he found that hearing it come from Desiree softened the blow. Harry was having hard enough time feeling Gabrielle's hands all over his body as clothes started to come off. Looking at her face really for the first time since he arrived he could see the effects of the Veela maturity. All of her cute little baby fat was gone and now she had much more grown up features. Even her body seemed to grow a few inches but she was still much shorter than him. She was like Luna in terms of size but maybe a little taller. 'I hope I get a chance to hold her in my arms and shag her.'

Once Gabrielle had Harry's trousers and boxers down she tugged on his cock like a rope. It was so big and hard at the moment. While she has touched his sex toys plenty the real thing felt even bigger if possible and had a little more weight to it. Even the feeling of his soft balls in her hands made her knickers a wet mess. Her small hands couldn't hope to wrap all the way around and she needed to use two hands as she stroked him from base to tip.

Gabrielle was just too mesmerized by the enormous nature of his cock she was stunned and silent as she just focused on her hands going up and down his soft and warm skin. His cock was pulsing and thriving indicating he wanted more but Gabrielle just wanted to enjoy the feeling for a little while longer.

Harry was enjoying the wonder in her face at playing with his cock but she wasn't even giving it her all yet. "I thought I would have been inside you by now. Your jaw is dropped and it looks like you are ready to start sucking at any moment."

Those words snapped Gabrielle out of it and she quickly shot forwards. All Veela had the ability to deepthroat any cock naturally being born without gag reflexes. At least that's what she was told by her mother and sister who were able to suck down every inch of Harry's sex toy. Fleur had also given her dozens of pointers on how to suck cock properly.

There was also a day this week where her mum had shown her a demonstration on a toy of how to give a man the most pleasure. Both Fleur and her mum had slept with Harry already and knew exactly what he liked. It also led to a little argument about who sucked Harry's cock better.

While Fleur made her case Apolline brought up the fact she had sucked much more cock than her daughter and knew what she was talking about. It almost led to a letter being sent to Harry to end the argument once and for all but it was eventually forgotten as the lesson went on.

Harry didn't know what to expect as she started to slide his cock in her small mouth but it exceeded every expectation. She didn't hesitate to keep going down on his cock until her nose was touching his skin. With a groan he gripped her silky blonde hair to hold her there for a second. He hadn't received his morning blowjob today and this was a feeling he was accustomed to. "Oh Gabrielle you are so good for a virgin." While he was talking he let go which allowed her to pull back halfway off his cock before going back down deep.

Harry loved the feeling of sliding down her tight little gullet and the feeling of her trying to swallow him even deeper. 'Fuck I love Veela.' Harry thought as Gabrielle bobbed her head up and down giving him a wonderful first attempt at sucking cock. It was by far the best first attempt he had.

Gabrielle could feel her eyes tearing up at how much Harry was stretching her throat and cutting off her air on every plunge of his cock down her throat. But she wouldn't have given up this feeling for anything in the world. It was exactly what she always wanted having grown up on stores of Harry Potter and her first time learning about sex. She would gladly let him spend the next five hours fucking her throat if that's what he wanted.

Harry mostly let Gabrielle go at her own pace as he felt himself edging closer and closer to the finish line. Only rarely would he push her head down, which was just as a small assert of power that Veela seemed to like. It was something that always got Fleur worked up when he would take control and put her in her place.

Gabrielle was helpless as her neck and throat pushed forward trying to stuff all ten inches of cock down her throat. She could almost feel her arousal dripping out of her soiled knickers and onto the floor as she became lost in her first real blowjob. 'No wonder my sister and mother talk about Harry so much. This cock is magnificent. I need to ask for another couple toys for myself so I can stop borrowing Fleur's.' She was envious of their conversations about what Harry was like in bed or other sex topics but now she could understand after today.

Loud choking and gurgling sounds were filling the room as Harry inches closer and closer to cumming. "I'm gonna cum Gabrielle. Your throat feels so fucking good." Unable to help himself he took control of the blowjob and was now using Gabrielle's mouth as his own personal fuck sleeve. For a dozen or so thrusts he punished Gabrielle's throat before letting out a grunt and feeling the cum shoot from his cock down her swallowing gullet.

Gabrielle had his cock buried down her throat for the first few warm ropes which felt amazing as they slid down her throat and into her belly. Being a Veela she could absorb magical essence from cum and she suddenly felt energized and ready for whatever came next. Pushing against Harry's thighs she was able to get him to pull back a little bit so she could taste some of this cum that Fleur raved so highly about.

Once the first splash of sweet warm cream hit Gabrielle's tongue she greedily started to suck his cock like a straw trying to get all of his cum into her mouth. She was the one in the family with a sweet tooth and this was her new favorite treat. 'I bet it's Fleur's too.' Gabrielle thought to herself.

It took a minute to have Harry stop cumming but when Gabrielle was sure she sucked every drop of cum from Harry's balls she pulled away. "I can see why Fleur loves sucking your cock so much. I know cum isn't always supposed to taste like this or else I would be in trouble." She would be begging for every boy's cum if it always tasted this good not caring who it was attached to.

Harry chuckled at her love for his cum at the same time he pulled her up to her feet and started undressing her. "Well be glad that's not the case. Now let's get you out of these clothes so you can finally get this cock inside your tight little body." Before the tiny petite girl knew it she was naked in front of Harry with her smaller breasts out in the cool morning air. Harry finally went to her knickers and felt what had to be the wettest pair of knickers he has ever felt. "So wet Gabrielle. Do I turn you on this much?"

Gabrielle nodded as she felt his fingers peel away her knickers before prodding her virgin pussy with his fingers. "Only for you Harry. I need your cock now." She was desperate for his cock because looking down all she imagined what it was going to feel like inside her. While she could have used his toy in the last month she wanted to give him her real virginity. For a Veela the virginity was treasured above all else and shouldn't be cheated with a sex toy. You needed a real boy or sometimes man for the job.

Harry pushed Gabrielle back onto Fleur's bed and before he could say or do anything she threw her legs behind her head. Locking her ankles behind her head she showed off her flexibility. She was stretched so her pussy was now presented to him like the gift it was. Much like Fleur and Apolline she had a small slit that was so beautiful he would almost call it perfect. From what he could tell Veela had the perfect pussies and some of the nicest bodies in the world. He could even see some of her natural pink peeking out of her puffy little pussy lips. From the limited time of touching and groping Gabrielle's body she was so tender and soft. It was a contrast to her sister who was a little more muscular from dueling and exercise. Gabrielle definitely wasn't a fighter like her sister but was still beautiful and tight. Veela had the ability to never get fat, which was a good thing if the stories about Gabrielle's ravenous sweet tooth were anything to go by. Without a word Harry took a step towards Gabrielle and saw her shiver before he slapped his ten inch cock on her wet pussy. The slap was loud and wet and even Harry had to moan from the furnace that was her pussy touching the underside of his cock.

Gabrielle had to stifle a big moan feeling his cock slap against her sensitive clit. Before she could revel in the feeling she felt Harry press his cock at her opening as he slowly pushed in before finding her hymen and ripping through it like it didn't exist. While this would have hurt a normal girl it didn't even phase Gabrielle as she just moaned louder and louder the deeper Harry's cock pushed. He wasn't even half way and she could feel her eyes cross in pleasure. Her pussy was so wet she could hear the sound of his wet cock skin slide against her sensitive pussy. "Harry keep going. Give me all your cock. I need it so bad." Gabrielle cried out.

When Harry was fully inside of Gabrielle he could feel her whole pussy massaging his cock and getting tighter as her orgasm became closer and closer. When Harry felt ready he started to pull back until just the head of his cock remained wrapped in her tight warmth before pushing back in with all his weight. Once again he could feel her soft almost veal like body against him. His body was rough and hard with scars and muscles and he had to admit he liked the contrast of soft Veela skin against his. Even while Desiree was perfect she couldn't exactly replicate the softness of Veela skin. "Such a good girl. You are taking my cock so well."

With just one thrust Gabrielle felt her body shake and nearly cum. With two she just grit her teeth and promised to hold on as long as possible. At twenty something thrusts her resolve died and she screamed out in pure bliss as she came so hard she squirted her own cum all over Harry's abs and the bed. In this house they didn't bother with privacy charms and she was sure her mother and father could hear that downstairs. Her mother would be so disappointed she didn't last long but she was sure even her mother would have trouble under this treatment if she was a virgin.

Harry wasn't expecting for Gabrielle to have such a violent reaction to her first climax. The thing was that Harry wasn't near being done with her tight pussy so he kept thrusting into the contorted blonde as she moaned over and over. It took another few minutes for him to finally cum and by then he felt that she had another in her. "Are you going to cum again, slut? You're going to cum for my cock?" Fleur had told him to keep knocking her down a little so she didn't get a big head or think that she was better than Fleur.

Gabrielle could only nod as she felt her second orgasm build waiting to feel the feeling of her first creampie. The final thing she heard before her mind went blank was Harry announcing his climax and feeling a warm spray of hot spunk right in her virgin womb. With just a couple ropes she could feel her womb was filled but he kept cumming until the point she was sure she was going to burst. Looking down her normally flat stomach had a small bump from both his cock and the cum he was pumping into her. 'I love sex. I love getting my holes filled by cum. I love Harry.'

Harry leaned on the young Veela as he rode out his orgasm. "Such a good slut. Just like your mother and sister. I think I can find a use for you in the future." With Luna and Gabrielle together as his personal sex pets he could do all sorts of twisted sex games with the two. He was sure Gabrielle would be up for anything Luna wanted to try. 'I bet both would look perfect on an enlarged cock.' Desiree had enlarged his cock even bigger than his ten inches and he imagined all sorts of positions he could put those two in while shagging them with that oversized cock. He might even wish for two so he could lay them on top of one another and shag them both at the same time. 'I'm getting carried away already.' Harry thought.

Gabrielle didn't care if that use was his personal footstool as long as he fucked her on a regular basis she would be happy. This was everything she always wanted it to be. It felt just as good if not better than what she imagined. "Use that hard cock and fuck me. Use my ass if you wish but I need more." Growing up and listening to all of Harry Potter's children's books he was always the one that she saw herself with. Now that was actually happening and she didn't care what he wanted because it felt so good. She happily offered up her ass knowing it was a weak spot for Harry according to her sister.

The wild thrusts from Harry we're now shaking the entire metal frame bed and making all of the springs in the mattress whine. When Harry didn't hold back he was every bed's worst nightmare because he wasn't gentle and it was like he was trying to break it. It was honestly a little surprising he hadn't broken a bed yet given how hard he had given it to Desiree on occasion.

Harry smiled at her offering her bum with not even a push from him. "You want me in your tight little bum? I don't know, can you handle this big cock back there?" He liked teasing the younger girl. He did the same thing with Astoria and sometimes Luna depending on their game. Sometimes that little blonde liked to be humiliated and taunted before or as he was shagging the living daylights out of her.

Gabrielle didn't change position as she felt Harry lift her butt off the bed a little as he pulled out his cum covered cock from her now dripping pussy. "Fuck my tight ass Harry. Fuck it nice and hard with that big cock. I need it so bad." Fleur and her mother both told her the joys of anal sex especially with Harry and how good it felt. Her mother was the most shameless and even when Gabrielle took the pictures of Fleur and her mother together for Harry she could see both of her family members loved it up the bum. She couldn't wait to feel the same feeling of euphoria.

Harry didn't hesitate to bring the tip of his cock to her tight little hole and with the smallest pressure he could feel that she was going to be very tight. With more pressure he started to pry open her tight puckered hole enough to push a few inches inside of her. Like he thought Gabrielle was indeed tight and maybe tighter than her sister which was saying something. "So tight Gabrielle. It will take me some time to break in this ass." From his limited Veela experience he knew she could take it and would adapt quickly to his cock.

Gabrielle thought he meant over a course of days, weeks, and months she didn't think he meant right now. He wasn't slow and before she knew it he had his entire cock sheathed in her asshole which felt like her sister's arm was inside her. His cock felt so much bigger back there and now she was appreciating the thick and long length. Every vein and ridge she could make out as he pulled back and pushed all ten inches deep inside her. She could feel her stretched legs shaking behind her head and had to lock her ankles together tighter so she didn't lose this position. She wanted to keep looking at him while he buggered her. There was a part of her thought that wanted him to bring her over to Fleur's vanity and bend her over it before shagging her ass raw. His big thrust was enough to knock the breath out of her lungs but that didn't stop Harry. He just kept pulling back and thrusting back in with a greater power and speed. "Ah Harry so rough with my ass." She wasn't complaining and deeply enjoyed this treatment. Now that he had taken all of her holes all that was left was for him to leave his flag so to speak and cum inside of it.

Harry didn't hear her pleading with him to stop so he kept thrusting in and out of Gabrielle. "If it's too much I can call your sister in here with us so she can take over with her bum." At the mention of her sister he could see her eyes widen scared that he would stop. Her ass then became impossibly tight as it wanted to hold Harry's cock inside so he didn't follow through on his threat.

Gabrielle's eyes went wide at that suggestion and shook her head. "Do what you want with my body. I'm yours Harry. Use me to cum. Cum in any hole you want but don't stop." She acted like she wasn't getting pleasure out of this but she was while it felt weird at first with a few dozen thrusts the awkwardness was replaced by soul piercing pleasure as he took her most prized hole for himself. If she was honest with herself she didn't know who was going to cum first.

After a few minutes of rough anal treatment Gabrielle did manage to cum first. Her first analgasm was beautiful and it was everything she imagined it would be like. If Harry had a camera she was sure she was making a similar face to her mother or sister when they came with a cock in their bum. Gabrielle was followed by Harry and when she felt him blast all of his massive amount of cum in her bowels she couldn't help herself and squirted again all over Harry's lap and the bed. 'My sister is going to be so mad at me for ruining her bed and silk sheets.' Those thoughts could wait for later because all that mattered now was the satisfaction and pleasure of feeling Harry's cum in each one of her holes and the knowledge he had claimed every inch of her body.

Harry was panting a little bit putting more effort than he thought into the buggering of the youngest Delacour. "I don't need to ask if you came." He could feel every pulse of her tight asshole around him. Feeling every second of her pleasure leading up to her big climaxes.

Gabrielle blushed, "I knew sex was going to feel good but this was amazing. I loved it all from sucking your cock to you pumping a hot cup of cum in my bum. Can you do it again?" She loved anal more than she thought she would and felt that he was still hard inside of her.

Harry was always up for more anal. "Of course Gabrielle. All you have to do is ask and I will be more than happy to bend you over and bugger you anytime you want." The last part he said with a grunt as he started moving in her lube and cum filled passage.

This went on for minutes of Harry grunting as he rapidly filled her bum with more and more cock while pushing his cum deeper and deeper inside her. By minute twenty he felt Gabrielle cum two more times before his climax. When he did cum again he made sure he was as deep in her as he could do as another flood of cum hosed down her bowels.

Gabrielle could feel her entire body strain from having her legs behind her head so long in addition to her body quivering, shaking and contracting through the length of this wild fuck. There was no other way to put it other than she was fucked. While she wouldn't have minded it to be more of a give and take during sex she had a sick desire to be fucked like she was nothing more than his toy.

Gabrielle knew Fleur's job was to be his girlfriend and the most she could hope for was this. Her sister made it clear while she would share him and let her sneak into their bed from time to time she was never going to be higher than her. So if Fleur was his girlfriend she was going to be his wet personal hole. A hole for him to use anytime he wanted and whenever Fleur was too tired to do it herself.

Harry could see a lot of similarities between Gabrielle and Luna and almost dreaded the two of them meeting because together they were probably going to break his cock in two. Just as he pulled out of Gabrielle he saw movement to his side and saw that Fleur and Desiree were watching them. Harry studied Fleur's face and she didn't look upset or angry which was a good sign. He had been busy so he wasn't listening to Desiree's thoughts as she revealed to Fleur about her existence. It was probably something he should have been paying more attention to but how could he inside a tight Veela like Gabrielle.

Just before he was about to dive into Gabrielle again Desiree said, "Why don't you and Fleur have a little talk while I clean up this little slut." Desiree said with a smile and lick of her lips. Harry couldn't argue with that and walked towards Fleur's study while Desiree walked past him. He turned around to catch a glimpse of Desiree dropping to her knees on the floor before diving into Gabrielle's presented cum dripping holes. Harry had seen Desiree in this position a lot over the last few months and couldn't imagine the amount of cum she had cleaned out of the witches he shagged.

Fleur closed the door behind them and just looked at Harry's eyes which was hard with his hard swinging cock with sweet white pearls dripping out of the top. Some even dripped onto the floor but Fleur didn't seem to care he was making a mess. "How could you not tell me?" Fleur asked a little hurt he would keep something so big from her. She had thought they had reached a place of total honesty and here he was keeping the biggest secret.

Harry knew she was talking about Desiree and he had no excuse. "I'm sorry but what was I supposed to say? Hi my name is Harry and I have this sex genie who follows my every sexual whim please go to the dance with me." Harry said it as a joke which made Fleur laugh at the absurdity of that.

Fleur knew that it was all crazy and part of her thought Harry was playing a joke on her until she saw Desiree in her genie form. "I was angry for a second but she told me everything and how you didn't use her magic on me. I know it's not a magical spell that makes me love you or a trick that ensnared me. Besides the necklace which I still love very much by the way. It even helped me out over the summer when a boy tried to flip up my skirt with a spell." Fleur was a little sidetracked but came back to her point. "I just wish you could have trusted me with this sooner. I don't like that I'm the fourth person to find out, I should have been the first. It does hurt that you kept this from me for so long."

Harry didn't like to hear about a boy trying to see what he wasn't supposed to. That was a sentence that threw him off as he tried to stay focused in their serious conversation. "I love you Fleur. I love you and Daphne, Tonks and Desiree. While I might love others, you four will always be at the top of my list and I will do anything for you. I know this feels like a betrayal but I promise it will never happen again." He took her hands in his which was hard because his still hard cock was pressing against her clothed stomach. "I should have told you earlier and I'm sorry but with the tournament going on I just wanted to keep her a secret. Then Tonks found out and convinced us to let her enroll as a student which led to Hermione and Daphne to find out. If you were closer I would have told you as soon as Tonks found out."

Fleur knew that he meant that. "I know you love me, Harry. I still wish you trusted me with this earlier. You told Daphne before you told me and other people found out before you told me. I know long distance relationships are hard but you must make a better effort to not make me feel like we are millions of kilometers away." She was still a little upset he couldn't trust her. She was a Veela which was a sexual being that could understand more than anyone else.

Harry brought his hands to her face and stroked her cheeks with his thumbs. "I should have but I didn't want to during the tournament so you didn't think I was cheating and by the time I wanted to confess you were in France. I couldn't trust this information in a letter." He hated they didn't have enough time together for this to come around but now that everything was out in the open they had the time to learn to fix their relationship.

Fleur saw his point but she was still a little upset. "You will have to make this up to me. It won't be easy but I'm sure you are up to the task." Fleur couldn't stay mad at Harry but wouldn't mind making him squirm for a little. As she said the last part she backed up and dragged her long nails down his cock making him shiver.

"Whatever you want." Harry said. His eyes went up and down her clothed body hoping he could make it up to her by indulging in her perfect body. He didn't care what she wanted because most likely it was all going to be good for him.

Fleur thought about it and thought back to some of the items Desiree talked about. "I want to test out more of those wishes later but now I want you to show me how sorry you are." She left it open ended to see what he came up with to say sorry. In all honesty she would have taken anything at this point because she was so backed up having not seen him in six months. 'Even a rough cock up the bum wouldn't go unwanted.' Fleur thought.

Harry took the initiative and started undressing Fleur starting with her sexy short black skirt she wore especially for him. Underneath he saw she wasn't wearing anything which only made his cock throb harder. He pushed her towards her big table meant for schoolwork or research but instead he was about to put it to a different use.

Fleur was worried the table couldn't take the weight of the two of them together but Harry didn't jump on top like she expected instead he was down on his knees and whispered something before she felt a massive tongue start to enter her spread legs. She was already so wet after hearing the loud moans from her sister bleed through the door while trying to listen to Desiree.

Harry had whispered and thought about wishing for a larger tongue. It was a wish that he used for special occasions on Desiree and other girls who knew about Desiree. With a eight inch tongue he was now able to give the best oral sex any girl could ever ask for. He found oral sex was the best apology at least when it came to making a girl forgive him faster. It worked like a charm with Hermione who was unable to stay mad at him after he gave her a good tongue lashing.

One night in the dorm when she was still upset at Desiree he waited until everyone was asleep before crawling into her bed and spreading her legs and diving in to eat her out. She turned out to be more upset afterwards because she had to muffle her noises so the other girls didn't wake up but he did manage to pull two big climaxes out of her. Those two orgasms did put her in a better mood the next day.

Fleur was confused when she felt his tongue doing its usual sweeps over her clit and pussy lips before it started to enter her. Usually his tongue stopped at an inch or two but this time his tongue kept going until she was sure the tip was touching the front of her aching womb. She had been aching for his cum all day and the feeling of his tongue going that deep was an itch scratch that was better than she could have imagined. 'He used a wish for me. These are what his wishes can do. Oh I can't wait for more. I might even be tempted to try one of those Luna girl wishes Desiree told me about.'

Harry kept using his tongue to essentially fuck his girlfriend's pussy and was rewarded with her almost pulling his hair out by the roots. 'Must be that I'm doing a good job.' He was waiting until she was right on the edge before he vibrates his tongue and set her off to the moon.

In his head Desiree responded, 'I am in the same situation master Gabrielle is nearly tearing my hair out as I eat her pussy and asshole. You certainly did a number on the girl. She is so sensitive.' It was praise from his genie who loved to eat out sensitive girls who she could make cum in minutes. It was so simple after a girl had her holes tenderized by Harry's big cock. A nice soft tongue could easily soothe and tickle said holes into cumming over and over.

Fleur was ready to say he was forgiven right now because she couldn't stay mad at him. Harry was the perfect partner and was going to make her cum like a helpless little slut with that big tongue of his. She also knew him well enough to know that he could be doing more. "Hiss. Make that tongue move faster. I'm so close. I need to cum." She had felt his hissing tongue often during the tournament and it never failed to make her or Daphne cum like a fountain.

Harry listened to his girlfriend and hissed, making his giant tongue vibrate as fast as a girl's favorite spell. Fleur gripped his hair so tightly she could have drowned him in her pussy when she came. With a loud scream that almost came at the same time as her sister in the other room Fleur felt a large gush of girl cum shoot out of her. This only happened a few times in her life and most of those are when Daphne and Harry double teamed her. "HARRY!"

Harry felt her cum hit his face and it was a sign of a good apology. It could easily be cleaned with a wave of his wand. Reaching up he detangled Fleur's hands from his hair before bringing his mouth lower. When his tongue just touched Fleur's untouched asshole he felt her hands grip his hair and push him deeper. Harry wanted to tease her cute little asshole more but was pushed so fast that the first three inches of his tongue entered her newly cleaned asshole. Harry thanked Merlin for that wish or more like thanked Desiree. Harry tried to fight against Fleur's hands but they were too strong as they kept pushing him deeper and deeper until his lips were touching her crinkled hole and all eight inches of tongue was inside her. Not wanting to take things slow Harry brought one hand to her neglected clit and started rubbing at the same time he started to hiss and vibrate his tongue. Like expected, within a few moments Fleur was cumming all over again.

Fleur screamed louder than before feeling her poor sensitive asshole vibrate as Harry rubbed her clit. She couldn't stop the tidal wave of a climax coming. 'Oh I love you Desiree. I don't care if you share our bed in the future. If you can keep granting wishes like this I will give you anything you want.' Fleur thought. What used to be a hesitancy was now a full blown acceptance that this genie was going to be in their relationship for the foreseeable future.

Harry's tongue found a special spot in her bum that made her shiver and pull his hair harder and he didn't let up as Fleur kept shaking before she let out another shriek. "CUMMING!"

Fleur couldn't take anymore of this magically enlarged tongue and had to push Harry away from her. She pushed so hard he even fell back onto his butt on the floor. Fleur laid back on the cool wood desk and just wanted to try to regain her breath and sanity. This was what she had been missing since Harry had been gone. While she loved his toy it didn't feel as good as the real Harry.

Harry stood up with his rock hard cock swinging ready for the main event. Now that his apology was paid in full he walked around the desk until his cock slapped against Fleur's face. She was upside down looking up at his cock knowing what he wanted. She scooted up the desk until her head was hanging off the edge of the desk. Like she expected he brought his cock to her lips and let her kiss the precum leaking tip a few times before he started to push past her luscious lips. Fleur was so happy he didn't just start rutting in her overly sensitive lower holes and would gladly suck his cock for the next few minutes.

Harry didn't need to move fast as he kept slowly pushing deeper and deeper into Fleur's tight throat until he rested all ten inches of his cock in her throat. Looking down he could see the clear bulge in her tight throat where his cock would be and it just fueled him to start moving with more purpose. He even felt his balls bouncing off her face and knew she was getting a good smell of her sister's pussy juice left all over him.

While he had plenty of blowjobs and deepthroats he had never had one at this angle and he found that he really enjoyed it. It was something he was going to have to try more often. Looking down he could see his girlfriend inhale his cock as his very visible cock bulge pushed through her throat. He just couldn't get over that sight and was now wanting to do this with Daphne and Desiree who were experts at deepthroating.

With loud gagging noises Harry pulled back and pushed into her tight throat relishing those noises. Hhhggkk glurk glakk hhggkkk. Were all music to his ears as he kept fucking her mouth. Just to heighten the pleasure he reached down and grabbed Fleur's perky breasts and was sure to give them a firm pinch before palming them in his hands. He loved the feeling of tits in his hands along with the feeling of his cock wrapped in a tight hole. "I am getting close, Fleur. I hope you are ready." When Harry came he was sure he wanted it to flood her senses and fill her belly like never before.

Fleur was dealing with the pleasure of having his cock rip through her tight throat as well as his balls resting on her nose with every thrust. The smell of his balls with it's manly musk mixed with her sister's fluids made Fleur move a hand down to her aching clit. Rubbing furiously she felt her clit tingle as her body inches towards her own climax as Harry fucked her face.

This action lasted a few long glorious minutes before Fleur couldn't help herself but wanted to taste his cum instead of it being shot directly down her gullet. So she tried to push his thighs back until just the tip of his cock resided in her mouth. With both of her skilled hands she brought them to his cock and balls and both stroked and pulled trying to milk his precious load from his big balls that were inches away from her face.

Harry didn't mind finishing with some firm suction and hand work. "Keep going Fleur, I'm close. As soon as I cum I will be dragging you into your bedroom and shagging you in front of both Desiree and your sister. I won't stop until you are satisfied. I'm sure you have been so pent up the last few months that you need a good hard shag." Harry was loving Fleur's dedication to his pleasure but promised to pay her back in the bedroom.

Fleur just moaned in approval of that plan while she continued to suck and move her hands. He was right; she needed more. She didn't care if it was in front of an audience but she needed multiple shags in every inch of her to be satisfied. His dirty talk seemed to push him further along also because she felt his balls tighten up moments before she felt the familiar sweet cream fill her mouth. With loud awkward upside down gulps she tried to swallow the massive amount of cum her boyfriend outputted. 'Oh this must have been a wish also. I have a very clever boyfriend who knows what girls want.' Fleur thought as she sucked down the much bigger than average load of hot spunk. This had to be Desiree's idea and it was one she fully endorsed. Nothing felt better than making a boy cum buckets inside you and giving you a gigantic creampie.

Once Harry was sure he was done cumming he pulled out of his girlfriend's mouth. Fleur sat up on her desk and was panting for her breath back. Harry felt like he went too far for a second but Fleur spun around on the desk and spread her legs. "Fuck me Harry. Fuck my cunt and fill it with your seed." While she was ready to join her sister and Desiree in the room she didn't want to waste another second before feeling his cock inside of her.

Harry didn't need to be told twice and eagerly stepped forward and placed the tip of his cock at her dripping wet center. "Anything for you my queen." Since his little roleplay with Desiree he did like the idea of having multiple queens to his king. With a big push forward he pressed all ten inches inside his perfect Veela girlfriend in one big push. He saw her jaw drop in a silent scream as her eyes closed. "You like that, Fleur. You love my cock in your perfect pussy." As he talked he never stopped moving and with big long strokes he pulled his cock in and out of her tightening pussy. A pussy that was pouring honey and arousal all over both him and the desk.

Fleur couldn't put into words how much she missed him. Even with the startling news that he had a magical fuck genie didn't deter her from loving her boyfriend. "Fuck Harry!" Right when Harry was done with her she was going to go into her room and thank Desiree because it was now clear how he was the perfect lover. It was all practice and wisdom passed down from her. Right now his cock was slamming into her G-spot before pressing against her cervix as he battered her soft Veela insides with his massive pole. "I want it bigger, wish it bigger!" Fleur said in a desperate voice. She wanted to see what he could really do. If this felt this good a bigger cock would feel even better.

Harry heard that and in his head he wished, 'I wish my cock was an even foot.' He didn't hear Desiree acknowledge him but he felt the feeling of his cock growing a few extra inches which he promptly shoved into Fleur. "Two extra inches for my little Veela slut."

Fleur felt those two inches press against her poor womb harder. She didn't care of she was walking with a limp later today but she wanted this fuck long and hard. "Oui oui. When you cum I want it all in my pussy. Don't pull it out until I say." She has been dying to feel a creampie again since it was the one thing her Harry toy couldn't do. She loved his massive cock and these extra two inches were just the cherry on top.

Harry was getting closer and closer with every thrust. "I can't wait to cum inside you Fleur. I have been thinking about it all week. The feeling of filling up my favorite Veela slut." His hands went from her hips to her bouncing big tits and gave them a big squeeze. While he called her a slut he did so because he noticed she always gave his cock a little squeeze with her pussy when he did so. "I love you Fleur. I love your body in every conceivable way. I can't wait to make you mine forever and never go another day without filling you up."

Fleur felt Harry speed up and she knew he was getting close. Throwing her legs around him she locked her legs together behind his back and held him fully sheathed inside her. With all of her expert muscle control she started to massage his cock in her pussy. "Mon amour cum. Cum inside me."

Harry leaned down to kiss his girlfriend on the mouth seconds before he felt his balls clench tight. His hot spunk raced from his bloated balls to the tip before spilling directly inside his girlfriend's open womb. He could feel Fleur shake as every rope of cum pushed her deeper and deeper into a pleasure hole she was going to have to dig herself out of.

Fleur felt her eyes flutter at the sheer volume of hot cum being pumped inside of her. "I am glad you found her. These big loads feel better than you could ever imagine." Her head was almost going a little hazy the more warm spunk being pushed inside of her. The only thing that could make this better would be when she finally decided to have his child.

Harry groaned as Fleur's pussy never stopped massaging him. "I will take your word for it. I am so glad you are taking this so well. The Desiree thing, not the cum thing." Harry let out a small chuckle at the joke as they both basked in their respective climaxes. "Daphne also took it well, luckily. The only one who didn't was Hermione but she figured it out on her own. At first I wanted to tell you myself but Desiree convinced me she would be better equipped to talk woman to woman."

Fleur tried to focus on his words but the warmth spreading through her torso was hard to ignore. Even though Harry was talking about important things she didn't care at the moment. All she wanted to talk about was sex. "How did my sister take that cock?" Fleur had other things she wanted to talk about. Harry was here for a limited time and she wanted sex right now.

Harry smiled at the change in subject. "She was perfect for a virgin. No need to go slow, she took it like a professional little slut. You should be proud of her. I take it you and your mother gave her lessons?"

Fleur was proud of her sister but there was still one thing she wanted to try with her. "Oh yes. Maman and I gave her so many pointers and knowledge of what you liked. I just hope her oral wasn't too sloppy. While all Veela can deepthroat I was worried about her using her teeth by accident."

Harry smiled and let out a chuckle, "Oh no she was exceptional. No teeth and she was able to take the whole thing without issue. While she doesn't have you or Daphne's skill I'm sure she will get there. I think you will be happy to hold that over her head forever." Gabrielle's mouth was the perfect oral fuck sleeve. Harry could have spent all day pushing into it.

Fleur was happy with that answer. "I want to put her in the middle of us. Like you and Daphne did to me. She needs to know the joy of double penetration." Fleur truly loved the feeling of multiple lovers and if Gabrielle wanted into her relationship it was something she had to be comfortable with. There was no way of escaping the fact a girl had to be comfortable between Harry and another girl.

Harry was a little worried for Gabrielle with that glint in Fleur's eyes. "You sure we should be moving that fast with her?" Harry thought that was a little extreme for today. Even Daphne didn't push Astoria that quick thankfully. That would have probably broken the poor girl but Veela were just built differently.

Fleur ran her hand up from Harry's well defined chest up to his cheek. "Take that big cock and fuck her pretty little asshole. I will be underneath and filling her pussy while you bugger her. Once you are done with her ass I will let you finish with mine. When I say finish Harry I mean you can do it as many times as you like before you leave." Fleur could feel how much he liked that plan. "I can feel your cock twitching. Now carry me to my bed." Fleur said in a husky voice as she felt Harry's hand grip her firm backside tightly before lifting her off her desk.

Harry didn't need to be told twice and with a little effort he carried Fleur to her room to see Gabrielle with her face buried in a pillow with Desiree two fingers deep in both holes. Setting Fleur on her queen sized bed he said, "Desiree let her up."

Fleur let Desiree do just that and stop toying with her sister before Fleur added, "Harry, wish for a double sided cock so my sister and I can feel each other." While a strapon was nice Fleur had seen this new toy while out on a trip in the muggle world with her mother.

Harry looked at Desiree and said the magic words before a long almost two feet slightly curved fake piece of meat fell into his hands. It felt weird to be holding so he passed it to Fleur who eagerly shoved half inside her pussy before telling Harry to bring over her sister.

Gabrielle wanted, no needed a break. This new girl had made her cum twice with her tongue and was trying to keep her holes loose in case Harry came back. The girl's fingers were long and rough, never giving her a chance to calm down. Before she knew it she felt Harry pick her up like she weighed nothing before positioning her over her sister who had a massive sex toy sticking up from her waist. As she was lowered on it she felt the familiar feeling of Harry's brand of sex toys where he felt what the toy felt. She could feel every crevice of her sister's tight pussy. It was so strong she barely even felt how deep the toy was in her own pussy.

Both Veela moaned, feeling the other's tight hole wrapped around their fake cock. Desiree felt so jealous of these two but now had the perfect idea for more toys like this for the dorm. 'Master since I am just sitting here can you wish for me to feel what Gabrielle is feeling.' Desiree laid back on the free space on the bed and started massaging her own clit. Desiree wanted to feel Fleur inside and out.

Harry rolled his eyes at his needy genie and made the wish so she would be occupied while he worked on Gabrielle. Not even two seconds after he gave Desiree her wish he heard her moans loudly ring out in the room.

Fleur looked past her sister's small body to Harry's large foot long cock bobbing up and down. With a practiced ease she reached down her sister's back and spread her sister's smaller and tighter ass for Harry. "Do it Harry, bugger my sister with that big cock." Fleur wanted him to ruin her sister just like he ruined her for all other men. Fleur wanted her sister to be addicted to the same cock she was. She wanted to share this with her sister and be in Harry's harem for the rest of their lives.

Gabrielle wanted to protest because he had already taken that hole and she was starting to feel the slight burning from the last hard buggering. Her words died in her throat as she felt his big cock head pushed past her softened up ring of muscles. Before she knew it he was back in her ass. Gabrielle let out a howl like a bitch in heat. She felt both of her holes being stretched by two cocks and both felt even bigger than they did before. The fact they were also grinding against each other inside of her didn't help either. "Too much. You two are tearing me apart!"

Both Fleur and Harry pushed Gabrielle's body back and forth between the two using her like their own personal cock sleeves. Neither one of them could stop indulging in the extreme tightness of Gabrielle's body. With two cocks inside of her she was even tighter for the two of them. Fleur had a front row seat to the lewd faces her sister was making. "You feel so good sister. Those holes were meant for Harry's cock much like my own. No man can make you feel as good as Harry can. Now moan for us. Let the world know how much you love our cock."

Fleur used her hands in conjunction with Harry's to let her younger sister's hips rise and fall with purpose. That purpose was to make them cum. 'I have to show Gabby who the alpha is.' Fleur was loving this new dynamic and once Harry was gone she was going to spend more time with Gabby alone. With her toys her mother could join her in putting Gabrielle in her place. 'Oh maman is going to love joining us in bed and we can take even more pictures for Harry.'

Poor Gabrielle was in between both her sister and her new boyfriend. She could hear the bed creaking and shaking back and forth from the rough shag. Harry wasn't gentle and neither was her sister. 'I wonder if they will break me or the bed first.' Gabrielle thought before her eyes rolled up when Harry's cock tip touched Fleur's toy inside her. The bolt of pleasure was enough to make her howl as a small orgasm ripped through her.

Fleur looked past her sister to Harry who was a little lost just enjoying the tight coiling around his cock from Gabrielle's tight Veela ass. "Let's fuck her hard and deep, mon amour." Fleur could hear Gabrielle let out a defeated whine as both of them started moving together even faster impaling her little sister from both ends. Fleur would have never done this unless she knew her sister could handle it. She believed in her sister and her deep desire to please Harry.

Harry nodded and was just grunting as he looked down at the snow white skin of Gabrielle and the sight of his cock stretching her small red little asshole. Reaching down he moved Fleur's hands to Gabrielle's hips so he could feel up her bum. Gabrielle was firm and tight for sure. Gabrielle's smaller butt cheeks were different from her sister's but he imagined they would look better with a little color.

A loud smack echoed through the room as the first of many spanks from Harry to Gabrielle rang out. Gabrielle was still speechless from all the pleasure she felt but the spank made her cry out. "Please." Gabrielle didn't know if she was talking to herself or Harry. She was hoping being spanked wasn't a new sexual fetish she had. It was hard being between two cocks while also being spanked like a petulant child.

Both Harry and Fleur felt Gabrielle's holes contract which led to Harry doing it again over and over. Fleur was the first to cum from her sister's holes. "Gabby, you are making your sister cum." Fleur reached up and brought her sister's hot open mouth down to her own as she slipped her tongue in her little sister's mouth. She had kissed her sister more than a sister multiple times but none more hotter than this. It reminded her of the time she kissed Daphne when Daphne was in the middle of Harry and herself.

Harry took that as his moment to speed up to try and meet Fleur's climax with his own. Gabrielle had been having mini orgasms for the last few minutes. A never ending string of mini orgasms that was going to make Gabrielle sleep for the next week by the time they were done. She was so sexually exhausted she thought she couldn't have any more big ones. Harry, Fleur and Desiree had made her cum too many times.