Chapter 50 part 2

Great Hall

Walking into the Great Hall there was no excited fanfare or looks his way. Harry just walked in with the girls and sat down at their usual spot before loading up their plates. Hermione soon joined them only a few minutes behind them.

Two minutes into breakfast the post arrived and students started noticing the front page of the Prophet. Harry had even received a copy from Rita. There was a small note attached that read.

You look really sexy on the front page. I don't think I have to say how wet this made me. I hope next time to show you how wet I can get for you.

Love Rita

P.S I bet I am not the only girl who is going to get off looking at you in this picture.

Harry didn't think the picture was anything special but the headline did a lot of the heavy lifting. "The Chosen One: Harry Potter Saves the Wizarding World''. Harry thought the headline was a little dramatic but the further he read it was clear she had interviewed a few people to get the whole story. From Order members, to his friends and the Aurors involved in the ambush. All had positive things to say about the plan and the result of said plan.

There was even a quote from Sirius explaining how he was wrongfully convicted and how he had never stopped loving Harry. He then went on to explain how the plan came to be and how Harry had masterminded the whole thing.

Looking around. Harry saw everyone was now staring at him and openly gawking. It was at that moment a knife hitting the side of the glass cut through the chatter. Ding ding ding.

Once Dumbledore had everyone's attention he started, "As you have read in the paper something happened last night. Mr. Potter has helped bring down Voldemort and some of his most rabid supporters." Letting his words sink in for a moment he soon continued, "But he wasn't alone. With the help of other students he staged a break in at the Ministry to lure the death eaters there. From there he trapped them and sorry to say those death eaters did not make it out alive. While I wish this could have been without bloodshed it has been brought to my attention that this is a war. Was a war. Let's all give a hand for Harry Potter, George and Fred Weasley, Daphne Greengrass, and Hermione Granger"

While Dumbledore was talking Draco was furious. He read the list of casualties and his father was among them. Standing up Draco couldn't hold it in anymore, "Shut up!" Everyone was now looking at Draco whose outburst made the already quiet room even quieter. "How dare you celebrate my father's death. He was a better man than all of you. I won't stand for this and promise it won't be forgotten." Draco was snarling as his entire face was red in anger.

Harry couldn't take this tantrum anymore and stood up, "The paper didn't say who killed your father Malfoy." Harry knew he was twisting the knife in Draco but it was clear Draco wanted this fight. To be honest it was a fight he has wanted since he was a first year.

Draco screamed with a spittle flying out of his mouth, "When I find out who it is I'm going to kill them. They took everything from me! I will not stop until I find the person responsible." Draco was quickly becoming unhinged as his whole life fell apart in a matter of minutes.

Harry was not impressed by Draco's threats, "I killed your father." Harry said calmly. That made the whole room gasp in shock and even for a few people to drop their goblets or silverware.

Draco recoiled like he was punched in the face. He almost couldn't believe what he just heard. Draco's rage then swirled and focused on one person.

Harry continued, "Yes I killed him and it was all because your mother told me Voldemort's plan. She wanted out of her loveless marriage and decided to help me end Voldemort once and for all. I couldn't risk your father escaping justice again so this time I put him down for good. So if I were you I would remember that before I have to do the same to you." Harry didn't want any death eaters to escape justice and that's why everyone made sure none of the death eaters made it out of the Death Chamber alive.

Draco was shaking and the whole room was on edge as they waited for the inevitable which was Draco raising his wand to attack Harry. Draco had already pulled his wand but hesitated on attacking Harry. He hoped that hesitation would help drop Potter's guard. When he thought it was safe he fired a killing curse at Harry in front of hundreds of witnesses.

"Get down!" Harry saw the curse coming and in one move he dodged the spell which sailed over everyone's heads before it hit the far wall. Harry moved to the right before sending a bone breaker right to Draco's wand hand. With a loud snap Draco's wrist snapped in half as he dropped his wand and cried out in pain.

It was at this point Dumbledore yelled for Severus who ran in and grabbed Draco by the shoulders to take him away. Dumbledore on the other hand felt sad he was going to have to call the Aurors who would arrest the young Malfoy for using an unforgivable, in front of a thousand witnesses. That would have been enough on its own but he had fired it at Harry who was the new savior of the wizarding world. There was no way around the fact Draco was going to spend a very long time in Azkaban.

Dumbledore had hoped to undo some of the damage Draco's father inflicted but nothing could be done. Lucius had warped Draco's mind to the point he didn't hesitate before casting the killing curse in the school at another student. Shaking his head he hoped to advocate for Draco since he doubted anyone else would.

Just as Draco was being dragged out of the room kicking and screaming everyone soon cheered for Harry minus the Slytherin table who still hated Harry. Not to say Harry didn't see a few smiles from the table. Both of the Carrow twins were smiling along with Daphne, Tracey and Astoria.

He knew Daphne and her friends were happy but he was surprised to see the Carrows had a little smile on their faces. While it was true he had sex with them he didn't know if they regretted it because Harry seduced them as an enemy. While it was a feat and they seemed receptive he didn't know if they grew to regret it.

Pansy on the other hand looked very upset that her future was crumbling right in front of her eyes. She assumed she was going to marry Draco and marry into his even wealthier family. She wanted to have his children in her magical pureblood society. All of that was snatched from her by Harry bloody Potter.

Dumbledore cleared his throat, "That interruption aside I think I have to give out some points. Harry Potter for going above and beyond the call of duty and saving countless lives, Gryffindor gets two hundred points. Neville Longbottom for sticking with a friend in the face of mortal danger and defeating Bellatrix Lestrange in a duel. I will award you a hundred points."

To say Neville won a duel was putting it mildly if anything his victory was more of a shock than his own against Voldemort. 'Who kills someone with a sword nowadays anyway. Bitch got what she deserved but fuck a sword to the chest was pretty badass on Neville's part.' Harry thought who only got a glimpse of the body on the way out of the chamber. On the second page of the paper had a bloody Neville holding onto the sword used to slay Bellatrix Lestrange once and for all. If anything Harry thought the picture was better than his own.

"To Daphne Greengrass I award fifty points for fighting on the side of justice. For George and Fred Weasley I will also award fifty points each. To Hermione Granger I award another fifty points for standing at the side of a friend when the odds were at their worst. And last but not least I award Desiree Sultan fifty points for her mature attitude that helps grow all who are near her." With the points taken care of he began to clap as the rest of the school joined in.

Desiree blushed getting praise not used to all of the praise and adulation that came with being a hero. After thousands of years being treated as something lower than the worst animal she wasn't used to being treated as a real person. Harry had done a lot to build her self esteem but she had to admit she liked being clapped and cheered for.

While students always thought it was unfair when Dumbledore gave his end of the year points this time it felt completely valid. Who could argue with the fact this group of students took down a fearsome dark lord and his army. These points no doubt swung the house cup to the Gryffindor side but after this year people couldn't care less. Umbridge already skewed it for the Slytherin's anyway and if anything Dumbledore was setting the score right. As long as Slytherin lost, that's all that mattered to the other houses.

Once the clapping wound down everyone went back to their breakfasts and finished reading the paper. This edition was filled with all the details of the attack and surprise ambush. What people seemed most interested in was Neville's heroic victory over Bellatrix Lestrange. It made quite the story and Harry was sure there were going to be many books written about the subject. Afterall who wouldn't want to read a book about the most fearsome witch in a generation being beat by a child. A child she helped orphan as a baby by torturing his parents to insanity. It was a classic tale of revenge that mirrored his own and would make great reading.

Even deeper in the paper was a full page on Sirius Black's innocence and Amelia Bones putting an end to the kill on sight order. While there were still hoops to jump through as long as he came back for questioning he would soon be a free man.

The paper was quite a read and by the end all the students lined up to get Harry and the others autographs on the paper. Harry, Neville and the others signed their names a couple dozen times as they were now the most popular kids in school. They were even bombarded with questions of what it was like and how they were doing. They all answered the questions.

Even Daphne answered questions but hers were more about how she could betray her own kind being purebloods. Daphne just stuck her nose up and said that she wanted to be free rather than live under the boot of Voldemort. She wasn't a follower who would cower to a madman.

With only a few days left in the term they weren't able to enjoy it too long before they went home. After breakfast Hannah had run over and was dragging Neville out of the Great Hall. She obviously wanted the full unabridged story and was probably going to scold him for doing something so stupid and dangerous. She was kept out of the loop for safety reasons so she was unaware they were even planning this. Safe to say he had a lot of explaining to do.

Desiree joked that the poor boy was going to be ridden like Harry rides Luna. That made Harry groan and since as his mind pictured it. "I'm gonna get you back for that." Harry was still very horny and was dying to stick his cock somewhere right now.

Before Harry could say another word Luna had rushed over to sit down across from Harry next to Desiree. "I knew you could do it Harry. Voldemort never stood a chance against you and Desiree." Luna said with wonder written all over her face.

Harry hadn't seen Luna in a while with the blonde keeping her distance. It almost made it seem like he did something wrong. "Where have you been, Luna?" He missed her and didn't realize how much he missed her bright light.

Luna let out a giggle, "I didn't want to mess up the future." Was Luna's casual answer which made no sense to anyone else at the table.

Harry just blinked, not expecting that answer, "What do you mean?" He knew she had predicted a few future events but seeing a clear picture of the future was an amazing gift.

Luna smiled and tilted her head, "Well when I saw you at the Ministry you had won and I was worried if I did anything I would ruin that so I just kept my distance." Luna had a fear that if she shagged Harry too hard it could alter the future. She didn't want her body to be the reason Voldemort won the war.

Luna's explanation made a little sense and seeing as it worked Harry couldn't be upset. Harry still didn't get how Luna's visions worked, "Well then thank you...I guess. It all worked out for the best and now I'm free to just live my life with all you girls." He could now start his harem safely and not worry about them being targeted.

The blonde shook her head, "I didn't want to hurt you and risk you not winning. So I was a good girl and didn't bother you but now that it is over I need you to make up for all those lost orgasms. I need to cum so badly Harry my pussy has never felt so empty even when I use my entire wand and hand." Every night with her curtain drown she would use everything she could to cum but nothing could beat a real flesh and blood cock.

All the other girls at the table were giggling hearing Luna talk like that. None of them knew the little blonde was so sexual and it almost didn't seem real. She was a real life pixie, tall as a small third year girl and she was talking about Harry shagging her. Most girls weren't surprised by the turn of events but that it was coming out of Luna's mouth.

Harry hoped no one besides this table heard that. Under his breath he whispered, "Later."

Luna smiled and clapped her hands together, "I want to do something special for you and I need you to do something special for me." Luna said while using her fingers to gesture sex.

Harry pulled her hands apart, "Yes yes I get it, stop that." Harry knew what she meant from the moment she sat down. As did everyone sitting around them. Hermione was no longer shocked about the words coming out of Luna's mouth but wished she would be a little quieter about it.

"I know you are busy today but meet me tomorrow in the defense classroom and we can have some fun." Luna winked at him before getting up and skipping off. She skipped like she had a tune in her head while thinking about her cock filled day tomorrow.

Desiree liked the little blonde ball of sexual energy while Harry was suddenly a little worried about what she had planned. "So Harry, why don't you go to the Hospital Wing and get that body healed for later." Desiree said.

Harry nodded knowing if he wanted to perform well tonight he had to be fully healthy. He could feel the sore bruises all over his body. "What are you going to do?" Harry asked.

Desiree smiled, "That would be telling. Just come to the dorms after dinner and get ready for a night you will never forget." Desiree then turned to the girls. "You all are coming back to the dorm to help me."

Most of the girls agreed while some like Katie, Angelina and Alicia were hoping to get one more full day of quidditch practice. While there wasn't a game to be played Angelina, Alicia and even Katie had gotten their scouting letters which promised them a try out at Holyhead Harpies which was a more female heavy team, the Tutshill Tornados and the Wimbourne Wasps. All of whom had their positives and negatives. The Tornados had won the cup a couple years ago while the Wasps was under new management and wanted to win by any means necessary. Alicia, Katie and Angelina had promised to play together which meant their options were going to be limited. But that wasn't going to stop them.

Soon all the girls agreed even Hermione who was a little more laid back now that the tests and school work was over. With all that said Harry rose to his feet once again and started to make his way to the Hospital Wing. Getting all healed up was in his best interest because Desiree never failed in her desire to blow him away. If he had to guess she would have all the girls lined up just begging for his cock as he went down the line and shagged them all one by one all night long. That would have been his preferred way to spend the night anyway, wanting to enjoy all the girls while he had them together before the end of the year.