Chapter 50 part 3

Hospital Wing

It was a long trudge up the stairs to the Hospital Wing but by the time he made it up there he already felt a little worn out. Last night had clearly taken more of a toll than he was expecting. Walking into the room he saw Draco in a hospital bed bound in chains as Madam Pomfrey tried to fix his broken wrist. Looking around he saw that Tonks was standing watch with her wand in her hand. Next to the bed he saw that Draco had a visitor in the form of his very sexy mum.

Harry gaped at Narcissa who was wearing a skin tight black dress like she was in mourning. While she had lost her husband last night the dress was doing a better job of trying to attract a new one. 'Fuck me she looks beautiful.' Much like Madam Rosmerta he could tell she had shed a few pounds and now had an even better body. Not to say she was ever plump but she just seemed more fit probably getting all the exercise she could handle fucking herself silly.

While standing behind her he could see the swells of her bum. It was a very indecent thing to wear to a school but he had a feeling she planned to see him. Maybe even call him to Dumbledore's office for a redo of their first time together.

Narcissa Malfoy was fighting with her son which was to be expected when she heard the news. She was furious he casted an unforgivable and even more angry when it had been at Harry. She didn't even get a full day to enjoy the fact her prick husband was dead before she had to worry about her new love interest nearly being killed. She also had the added worry of her son throwing away his life. She did this to save her son from his father's mistakes but he seemed dead set on making them. "Draco, your father is gone! Do you want to join him in death?" Narcissa yelled at her son.

Draco had his arms bound to the bed and was thrashing with his non broken hand. "You traitor. You helped the enemy. Father should have killed you after I was born. I am his heir! I will be the head of this family and I will banish you from this house!" Draco was just ranting and raving as his voice screeched out insults at his mother.

Harry wished he could break Draco's other arm for hurting his mother. The look on Narcissa's face was one he promised to never give her. Walking up to the woman he reached over to grab her hand in his. Her face was one of a broken heart.

Narcissa was so involved with her son she didn't know another person had entered the room but when she felt a hand grab hers she looked to see it was the boy she had thrown everything away for. "Harry. I didn't expect you to be here."

Harry smiled and replied, "I still have a few bumps and bruises from last night that I need fixed." His voice was calm and soft which was surprising given the situation.

Tonks was the Auror who was watching Draco and when he saw Harry touch his mother he started screaming again so Tonks silenced him. She couldn't take anymore of this pompous asshole who expected the rules not to apply to him.

Narcissa felt Harry's hand rub hers with his thumb caressing the back of her hand. She wanted to just kiss him and take him to bed right now but they had less than an ideal audience. Instead she settled for words, "I'm sorry my son attacked you."

Harry knew she had no control over that. "It's not your fault Narcissa but I'm afraid we can't make the same deal this time. He did this in front of the entire school. His killing curse could have hit a hundred different people behind me. He is going to Azkaban now and I'm sorry."

Narcissa wanted to cry when she heard that piece of news because she knew her son's life was over. That was ten years in Azkaban minimum. He could also get more charges for endangerment because it could have hit someone else. "I know but will you put in a good word for him?"

Harry sighed and looked at Tonks who was listening to the conversation. Tonks saw Harry's pleading look and answered for him. "Harry might be able to convince the courts to put him in the minimum security section of the prison with no dementors but that is the best you can hope for." Tonks personally hated Draco as well, having been teaching him for a couple months. She didn't understand how a young boy could have his own head shoved so far up his own arse.

The little blonde prick made numerous comments about her mum being kicked out of the Black family and had called her a blood traitor. While she was his professor she gave him numerous detentions and he never stopped insulting her. If it was up to her she would lock him up and throw away the key to let Draco rot in prison forever. Tonks hated to say it but Draco seemed to be rotten to the core. Draco was on track to be a death eater and she had no doubt he was a vicious little cunt. It was lucky they caught him now before he really hurt someone.

Harry wants Draco to suffer but he doesn't want to upset Narcissa. "So that's the best I can do. I'm sorry it's not more but his father really did a number on him." Harry just hoped that Narcissa wouldn't take this personally as if she is the one that failed.

Narcissa knew that was a true statement. Lucius had warped her son's innocent child brain since he was old enough to walk. Her sweet little boy was now a pureblood soldier who didn't care who he hurt. "Just try. Try and I will do whatever you want. I promise...anything." Narcissa was once again throwing herself at his mercy and she didn't care what it took to protect her son. She knew it most likely meant sex and she would take anything even a full night of hard buggerings if it meant her son wouldn't go insane from dementors. While she would have taken that deal anyways she hoped it would convince him.

Harry smiled at the older dark haired beauty. Reaching up he brushed her blonde streak out of her face. "After I get fixed, how about I take you up on that." Harry did miss her adult body. While Harry liked his many teen conquests the older womanly form riled him up just as much. That was one thing he was looking forward to was watching his girls grow into even more beautiful women.

Narcissa let a small smile form on her face. "I would like that very much." She felt heat rise to her cheeks feeling a little moisture in her knickers start to form. She hated being aroused in front of her son but seeing Harry again was unavoidable. She had dreamt of seeing him again and being wrapped in his arms fantasizing a new life with him.

She hated her cold, rich, empty life. Well she loved the rich part she didn't love the empty part. She bought countless clothes, shoes and every trinket imaginable but it never brought her happiness. She hadn't felt a spark since that day in Dumbledore's office that lit a fire in her for more. It was her chance for a new life and a second chance. Holding Harry's hand made it all worth it. 'This was the right choice.'

Tonks rolled her eyes seeing Harry snag another beauty for his collection. She made a mental note to keep Harry away from her mother. Since her mother and Narcissa were sister's they even shared a likeness. That could possibly spell disaster for her. 'Ew sharing a harem with my mum.' She was dating Harry and didn't want to also call him dad. While she knew her mother loved her father it was hard to compete with Harry. Tonks knew that from personal experience his body and cock were second to none. 'Ew.' Tonks kept saying in her head.

Madam Pomfrey had just finished up with Draco and was listening to the entire conversation. 'How could one boy be this much trouble?' Madam Pomfrey thought to herself. While she was referring to Mr. Malfoy it could equally be said about Mr. Potter. "What is the problem Mr. Potter?"

Harry walked over to the bed two spots away from Draco and pulled off his shirt. "I need to be fully healed as soon as possible." With his shirt gone the whole room could see his bruises and scrapes clear as day. His pale skin had light purple and blue marks.

Madam Pomfrey rushed over to her potion cabinet and pulled two potions before also pulling a salve. Rushing back over to his bedside she said, "Take these two potions and wait a few minutes then you should be right as rain. But that's also after you also rub this bruising salve in and that should get rid of all the discoloration."

Harry quickly downed the disgusting potions which tasted of a liquified rat and werewolf piss. Nearly spitting the potions up he managed to keep it down before looking around the room. "Can someone help me out with this?" Harry asked while shaking the salve jar.

Tonks wanted to but pointed to Draco who she had to keep an eye on before she brought him into the office. Narcissa happily walked forward and took the jar from him and scooped out some onto her fingers. "It's the least I can do for my hero." Rubbing some salve on Harry was a good use of her time at the moment and gave her the chance to rub Harry's hard body.

Harry felt the older woman's hands rub in this tingly salve into his skin and he could look down to see it was working. He had numerous small bruises on his torso and Narcissa's gentle hands made them all go away. "Oh Narcissa." Harry moaned.

Tonks saw Draco was now struggling even harder against his chains and she had to send a powerful stinging charm to get him to stop. "Knock it off Draco you are in enough trouble as it is." Tonks enjoyed stinging the little bastard.

After a minute on Harry's front she moved around the bed and started to work on his back. His very muscular back which was defined from fighting and high speed quidditch. Narcissa could now feel a definite pooling of arousal in her knickers. She didn't know how many ruined pairs of knickers she had but the reason was always Harry. Whether she was thinking about him or now when she was actually touching him. Leaning forward she whispered in his ear, "I know a broom closet around here."

Harry nodded as she worked her long fingers into his muscle. "For now but this summer I plan to shag you in a nice big bed like you deserve." He knew that she deserved to be laid on a soft bed full of pillows as he gave her body his very best. While all of his girls deserved that in a way he felt for Narcissa he had to help her make up for lost time.

Narcissa couldn't wait for that. So far all they had done was shag on a desk and soon in a broom closet. Not to say she hadn't enjoyed his toy in bed. She did quite enjoy being in bed and fucking herself with the ten inch toy in her soft silk sheets. "I can't wait." She kept her holes nice and accustomed to his size so he could just slide in and not worry about hurting her. Even her asshole was now trained like a professional whore. It was a challenging endeavor to train that part of her but she knew it was worth it.

After Narcissa had rubbed in the bruising salve Narcissa sat in bed next to Harry as Madam Pomfrey checked him over. Madam Pomfrey didn't know what was going on or why Mrs. Malfoy was hanging on Mr. Potter. All she did was ignore it before she gave him a clean bill of health. Part of her longed for the days of an empty Hospital Wing.

Tonks was still just standing there waiting for Draco to be cleared so she can get this over with. This was supposed to be her day off. She had fought hard last night but at least Fleur and the others helped her not get too hurt. Last night was very chaotic and there was a lot of danger that could have put her down for the count. Thankfully they had the numbers and weren't holding back.

Once Harry was clear he threw his shirt back on before grabbing Narcissa's hand and dragging her out of the room. Tonks just chuckled while Draco turned an even darker shade of red. He was struggling to break the silence spell but it was not happening.

Tonks looked down at the pitiful Draco Malfoy. "You know this is all your fault right? If you hadn't attacked Harry and Fleur after the Yule Ball your mother wouldn't have betrayed your father." Draco stopped screaming and just gave a confused look as to how all this connected.

Tonks continued, "Your mother wanted to keep you from going to a bad French prison for attacking the French Minister's daughter. To do that she slept with Harry. So all of this is your fault because Harry is a good man who made your mother feel loved. For the first time in her life she felt loved and he gave her something more. He made her realize your father never loved her. So think about all that while you are alone in your jail cell." Tonks then canceled the spell on Draco to hear his response.

Draco was struggling to accept that it was all his fault but he did so quietly. After a minute of self reflection he calmly asked, "My father gave her everything, why would she betray him?" He didn't want to waste the opportunity to talk.

Tonks didn't mean to laugh but it just came out. The cross look on Draco's face made her get it together before answering. "Your father didn't give her love. He no doubt treated her as a thing and not a woman. I'm sure that's how you treat her as well, not as a mother but as someone to bail you out when you need it. Don't worry about it though Harry will take care of her now." Tonks, much like Harry, had a habit of wanting to twist the knife verbally.

Draco did love his mother deep down but this still didn't explain what happened. "Why does she have to be with him? Why is she his whore?"

Tonks pointed her finger in Draco's face, "You don't get to call her that. Call her that again and I will pelt you with a hundred stingers." Tonks might have not been close to Narcissa but she wasn't going to allow her estranged cousin to call his mother a whore. "I can tell you from personal experience that Harry is a good man. Better than you or your father will ever be because he loves with his heart. He doesn't just care about her because it can help him with something else. He cares for her as a person and actually loves her."

Draco still didn't understand, "Well if she wants to be with him, fine but I won't be a part of it."

Tonks just sighed and shook her head. Teenagers were so dumb. It was a miracle Harry wasn't and was almost already a fully grown man. He had the maturity of a thirty year old man and could juggle all of these girls at once while making them all feel special. "That's your choice Draco. Just realize that as soon as you are healed you are going to the Ministry to be held until your court date. Then you are going to Azkaban for many years and by the time you get out the world will have moved on and you will have nothing."

Draco was still letting his rage dictate everything. "Fine by me. I don't need her. Potter can have her." He snarled.

Tonks shook her head and reapplied the silence charm. "Fucking teenagers." Tonks just hoped any of the many future kids in their family wouldn't be this stupid.

Broom Closet

Narcissa had dragged Harry to the only broom closet on the Hospital Wing floor. It was one that was rarely used due to the random foot traffic in conjunction with the risk of being caught by Madam Pomfrey. Harry quickly kissed Narcissa and was already grabbing her full breasts barely held in due to her not wearing a bra in this skimpy black dress. "Fuck Narcissa I forgot how much I love your tits." His finger sank into her generous bust as he felt her hard nipples dig into his palms.

Inside the cramped broom closet Narcissa reached behind her as Harry mashed her breasts together while trying to play with her stiff nipples. With a simple zip her dress was on the floor and all she was left in was a pair of black knickers. "You like Harry?" She knew that she was looking better than ever and hoped he noticed.

Harry just nodded because Narcissa looked better than his dream this morning. Her curves were much more pronounced. Her breasts looked even larger and was approaching Desiree's size as her wide motherly hips made him want to just grab her and fuck her as hard as he could. "I think I love you Narcissa."

Narcissa smiled and was very happy to hear that. "I was worried that you might have changed your mind." Narcissa was obsessed with aging and her decline of beauty but in Harry's eyes he was staring at her like she was still twenty years old.

Harry pulled Narcissa to him and pressed his growing erection against her and said, "Never. I think you are beautiful and I think you would make an excellent addition to my harem." With that he kissed her full on the lips with their soft lips molding together.

Narcissa knew she couldn't keep Harry to herself but she still had a lot of questions about this harem idea. All of those questions were out of her mind now though as she reached down and undid his zip. Pushing down his trousers and boxers she was soon touching the large and warm cock of her dreams. For a second she thought it had gotten even bigger as she tried to get her hand all the way around it. "Did you grow?"

Harry honestly didn't know if he did or not, "Maybe, does it matter?" Be didn't think she would have any objections right now. She had gone over a year without the real thing. He thought she would have already mounted him by now.

Narcissa shook her head as she leaned back on the wall and spread her legs wider. "No just get inside me already." She saw Harry smile at that proposal.

Harry quickly stepped up and brought his hard cock to her drenched knickers before pushing them to the side and pushing forward. Just like he remembered her pussy was tight and wrapped around his cock nice and snug. Her pussy remembered him because there was no resistance as he was getting fully sheathed inside of her. "Can I cum in your pussy this time?"

Narcissa wasn't on the potion but didn't see the point of waiting anymore. She wasn't getting any younger and she wanted another child. "Only if you want to knock me up." She looked into the young man's green eyes challenging him to see how serious he was about this. She had dreamed about having another child for years and would gladly take this chance to have another.

Harry looked back into her eyes and knew this was a test. Not missing a beat he started to pull back and thrust back in even harder. "Then that's what I will do. I'm going to knock you up today and you are going to give me a beautiful child all our own." Harry refused to back down and really wanted to show her he was serious. "I will keep fucking this pussy for as long as it takes every hour of every day until you are full of my seed."

Narcissa moaned as his thrusts increased in frequency and intensity. Moaning loudly as he pummeled her cervix and G-spot with no mercy. When she was alone she was more loving with herself but she loved this just as much. His hands on her hips were gripping her hard. No doubt she was going to have handprint bruises from how hard he was gripping her as he rammed his cock into her as hard as he could. "Ha...rry…good...ah...that'…fuck!" Every space in her speech was caused by a large moan that she couldn't keep in.

Minutes passed and Harry was getting closer and closer to his climax from the way Narcissa's tight pussy was twitching. She was milking him, wanting his cum nice and deep in her hopefully fertile womb. That was something Harry was more than happy to give her. "I need you to cum for me, Narcissa. Cum and scream my name before I fill you up with all this potent spunk."

Narcissa came when he said that. When Harry told her to cum she couldn't stop herself. His voice was so forceful and her body gave into his demands. Being with the real thing felt a million times better than the cold nights in Malfoy Manor.

Harry felt the woman cum and as he increased his speed for the last few thrusts their skin slapping was echoing around the small room. "That's it Narcissa. You are so beautiful when you cum. I'm so close. Get ready baby." A few more squelching thrusts and he lost the battle and with a groan he let his cock release all of his cum directly into Narcissa's hopefully fertile womb.

Narcissa forgot how much Harry came and couldn't believe how far he was stretching her womb with the amount of cum he pumped into her. 'There is no way I'm not pregnant now.' Narcissa couldn't stop the smile forming on her face thinking of her stomach swelling with Harry's child. "So much cum Harry." She smiled at him with a saucy smile hoping he could do it again and again.

Harry gasped out a laugh, "For you Narcissa...always." The woman chuckled, seeing as how that was what she wanted. "I hope that worked but if it didn't I can't wait to try again over the summer." While he hoped he was successful the first time he would gleefully do it again and again everyday if necessary.

Narcissa nodded, "Yes but even when I'm pregnant I will be demanding more and more of this." As she spoke she tightened her pussy around his cock. She knew she had stiff competition with his other women but she hoped to prove herself as a worthy choice in bed.

Harry groaned as his still hard length was being clenched by the beautiful woman in front of him. "How about I give you another to be sure?" He would happily spend the rest of the day in this closet giving her as much seed as she wanted.

Narcissa smiled and pushed Harry away. His cock was pulled out of her and she felt a rush of his hot cum leave her and splatter on the ground no doubt ruining her dress. Choosing to not worry about that she just turned around in the cramped room and braced her hands on the wall. "Like this Harry. I like it when you fuck me from behind." This was the position they were in the first time they were together.

Harry looked at Narcissa's heart shaped bum and he gripped it and spread her cheeks. "If I wasn't trying to make sure you were knocked up I would be taking this ass again." His hands caressed her backside taking in her smooth alabaster skin. He could feel her bum quiver at the idea of him fucking it again. He could also tell she would take it with a smile.

Narcissa moaned at his threat because she had slowly fallen in love with that kind of sex. While her first anal experience was unexpected she had soon played with that hole more and more to the point she would just use that hole some nights. Even if she was sore in the morning the deep anal orgasms were worth it. "Later. When I'm pregnant you can fuck my bum as much as you want but now you have to breed me."

Harry couldn't argue with that and brought his cock to her cum dripping pussy before shoving all ten inches back inside her the gooey and warm pussy. "I can't wait to knock all you girls up. I want a big family and you girls are going to give it to me." While it might be some men's nightmare to have multiple women pregnant at the same time, Harry liked the idea of all his children being close to the same age. He always wanted siblings and he was going to make sure his future children wouldn't be the lonely and miserable child he was.

Narcissa liked the idea of a big family. She always wished Draco had a sibling and maybe that would have made him turn out different. "I want a daughter. I want you to give me a daughter." She always wanted a little girl but old pureblood families always wanted boys. Even if she had a girl Lucius would have treated her like a burden and possibly try to marry her off for a favor. Now she was happy she never had one with Lucius and that she was getting a second chance now.

Harry kept thrusting inside of Narcissa making her moan on every deep thrust as he roughly squeezed her firm and large bum. "I will give you a daughter no matter how long it takes." Harry made her skin slaps echo in the small room. Looking down he could see her backside jiggle from the force of his thrusts. He was no longer holding back and was giving her his full strength and speed.

Narcissa had a vision of being pregnant non stop with a handful of children and she couldn't stop her sudden orgasm. "Cumming Harry! Fuck I'm cumming so hard for you." She felt him move so fast and hard inside of her she was getting blurry vision.

Harry decided to try and give her an even bigger orgasm so using his thumb he placed it at her back door before pushing in. "There is a good girl. I can feel you get really tight now." Harry thought this might be a small trick to try and stimulate her into another orgasm.

Narcissa knew he was right because when his thumb entered her bum a new pleasure hit her and doubled the strength of her climax. "Deeper!"

Harry pulled out his thumb and replaced it with two fingers going as deep as possible in her perfect bum. "I can't wait to fuck this bum again but you will have to wait." Over the summer he planned to move her into Grimmauld and bugger her along with Fleur and his other girls.

Narcissa didn't want to wait but she could if it meant she was coming out of today with a baby and a spot in his harem. "Cum Harry. Cum in my poor pussy again." She felt pitiful for being such a wanton slut. Also for wanting to be knocked up by a boy her son's age.

Harry loved it when girls talked dirty and as Harry kept thrusting inside the dark haired witch he grabbed her hair and pulled her head back hard. "Take it all. Take all my cum and give me a beautiful child." With another big burst his cock started to fire another stream of ropes of hot spunk inside her already soiled womb.

Narcissa let out a final moan as she felt her legs get weak. With wobbly legs she made herself a promise that next time was going to be in bed. She appreciated that Harry kept his hard cock sheathed inside of her and was effectively keeping her on her feet. Trying to look back Narcissa said, "Amazing Harry. Truly amazing. I think that might have been better than last time."

Harry was panting, putting more energy into that than he expected. "You are worth it."

His words made Narcissa's heart soar with joy. "I hope to see you soon and we can discuss this harem in more detail." Narcissa was just happy to have a place in his heart by any means necessary. Now she was going to be getting a child out of this as well. As much as she loved Draco he was now going to prison and there was nothing she could do about it. She would visit Draco but was going to try and move on with her new child courtesy of Harry.

Harry nodded and pulled out of Narcissa at the same time he moved her knickers back into place and casted a sticking charm on them to keep all of his seed trapped inside of her until she got home to shower.

Narcissa moaned as the seed was sealed inside of her. It was all so hot and virile there was no doubt she was going to be pregnant. In her head she was already planning on making a healer appointment in the next week to confirm. She would casually let the name of the father slip to cause them maximum jealousy throughout the wizarding world. It would leak and be picked up in the papers in no time, everyone would know she was moving up in the world.

Harry picked up her black dress and casted a few cleaning charms on it before handing it back to her. "I plan to invite all my girlfriends to a big meeting and we can discuss what is going to happen going forward. I have to be honest I might have gotten a little ahead of myself here." Harry was still worried about how all these women were going to come together. There were a million things that could still go wrong. He was also playing with fire by not running this plan with any of his other girlfriends.

Narcissa nodded and watched Harry get dressed as she did the same. "I hope we can all get along. I have yet to meet your other girlfriends but I'm sure it won't be a complete bloodbath." Narcissa loved Harry and hoped to get along with all the other women who thought the same. She knew the key to this harem idea was just to focus on Harry and not on the other girls or trying to take control. While that would be hard for her she knew that it was for her own good. She needed to just surrender to Harry and trust him to create her new loving family.

"They are going to love you or you will have to make them love you." That plan was reserved for an extreme emergency and would include Narcissa giving the girls a reason to like her. Now Harry was thinking of Narcissa eating out a cross looking Hermione or Narcissa getting a rough anal pounding from Daphne or Desiree. It didn't matter what the situation was, all that mattered was if they would all be friends by the end of it. It might be a slow process but he hoped it would just be a big happy family soon enough.

Once they were both dressed they opened the broom closet door to see very upset looking Minerva McGonagall standing there angrily tapping her foot. Both Harry and Narcissa knew they were in trouble. It was then he realized he forgot to put up the privacy charms. It was a stupid mistake but both of them were in a rush to feel the other.

Minerva McGonagall had never been so shocked and appalled at the same time. She was on her way to the Hospital Wing when she heard moans and the sounds of sex from coming down the hall. When she investigated she quickly learned it was Harry Potter and Narcissa Malfoy using the broom closet as their own personal hotel.

While she wanted to barge in there and yell at them the subject of Harry knocking Narcissa came up and Minerva didn't want to touch that topic with a ten foot pole. "What is wrong with you two? This is a school not a place for you to shag like bunnies. Never in all my years here has there been a parent of a student shag another student."

Harry had never been more mortified than at this moment. "How much did you hear?" He hoped she wasn't there for long or else that was going to be really embarrassing. He couldn't believe he forgot about the privacy charms.

Minerva looked at Harry and Narcissa and answered, "More than I can ever unhear. Narcissa I want you out of this school this minute and you Mr. Potter, I expected better from you."

Harry hung his head feeling bad he disappointed his favorite teacher. "Sorry Professor." Minerva was like a mother to him and he knew was caught so he had to just take it.

Minerva looked back to Narcissa. "I hope you aren't taking advantage of this boy for your own selfish reasons, Narcissa. He has been through enough without having to deal with all your baggage. You already screwed up one child." The words were harsh out of Minerva's mouth and had a visible effect on Narcissa.

Harry butt in before Narcissa could answer, "No professor. I...we have been seeing each other for a while and she is the one who gave me the information to take down Voldemort last night. She is a hero." Harry didn't want to get into McGonagall's last insult but he could tell it hurt Narcissa.

Minerva looked at Narcissa a little differently hearing that piece of information. In her mind the woman just lost her husband and was shagging a student. "Be that as it may you are still in a committed relationship with Ms. Sultan."

Harry rubbed the back of his neck, "She knows, professor. We have an open relationship and she wants me to have many children with many different women. I know it's a bit strange but this is what she and I want." Harry never felt more of a child than explaining to adults the status of his bizarre relationships.

That answer was not what the elder professor was expecting and it dumped a bucket of cold water on her. Taking a big steadying breath Minerva was trying to think of a retort. "Whatever the reasons are, Hogwarts isn't the place for this behavior. Just because of your heroics last night I'm not going to give you detention before the end of the year but I will be watching you a little more closely."

Minerva then grabbed Narcissa by the arm like she was a misbehaving third year. Minerva dragged Narcissa to her own personal Floo to see the woman off herself. Minerva wanted to watch her leave so something like this didn't happen again.

Harry watched Narcissa get dragged away and wished her a goodbye with a promise to see her when school was over.

Now alone in the hall Harry had nothing to do and he wasn't supposed to go back to the dorms until after dinner. With nothing on the agenda Harry decided to just take a walk around the school and take in the sights a final time before the year is over.

Harry walked around the courtyard and remembered all the fun he had over the years talking with friends or the time he shagged Fleur in the middle of the night when no one was around. Bending her over one of the stone benches with her dress pulled up as he shagged her with all of his pent up arousal. 'Good memories.' Walking out a little further he made his way to the lake.

On the way he passed Hagrid's hut which was a staple of his first few years here. 'Finding the dragon egg, saving Buckbeak or getting the scrapbook of my parents.' All of these were treasured memories and ones he never wanted to forget.

Once at the last stop Harry just sat on the grass and stared at the place where he saved both Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour, Black Lake. The tournament was a mess but the only good thing that came out of it was meeting them. Harry didn't know what the future held for him and Gabrielle but he knew Fleur was forever. They matched each other perfectly and just like the other girls in his harem he could see her as the mother to his children. Veela or not she was simply special and his first real girlfriend. Now that she was around he hoped to spend a lot more time with her.

Gabrielle was still a little young and not ready for that yet but once she was done with school it was a good possibility. 'I only shagged her on Christmas but I know she wants more. I can easily see myself falling in love with her as well. Cute girl and is certainly ravenous in bed. Being her biggest crush allowed me to use her body in any way I saw fit.' Harry then changed his thoughts to what he was going to do with Gabrielle in the future which was going to be really sexy. He might need Desiree and Fleur's help but if she wanted to be with him he had to show her what true sexual surrender is. He liked girls to give up everything and just ride out the wild shag until they can't stop cumming.

Harry relaxed on the grass for hours watching the sun slowly go down as his mind thought about all the new variables in his life. The biggest being that he had a new son. While he had yet to meet the boy Harry was imagining him and trying to be the best father he could be. He would never leave him or needlessly risk his life. His son would not grow up without a father like he did.

It scared him that he didn't know about his own son and there was a chance he could have died without meeting him. He hoped to spend plenty of hands-on time soon and once he was back at Grimmauld he planned to make many visits to the Bones estate. 'Shit I haven't told Desiree yet. Yesterday was so hectic I completely forgot. She is going to kill me.' He imagined this is a time where it would have just been easier to have her in his head.

"Hey Potter, you attention seeking prat!" A loud voice came from behind him.

Harry quickly whipped his head around to see Ron, Dean and Seamus walking up briskly with anger in their eyes. Not wasting anytime Harry stood up ready to draw his wand. He was zoned out so long he missed lunch and he was in another conflict. "What do you want Ron?" Harry asked forcefully. Harry wasn't in the mood for games.

Ron was red faced, "You just love the attention don't you Potter?" Ron was clearly upset about today's paper and all of the praise he was getting. There was even talk about him getting medals and more awards on top of the bounties on the escaped death eaters.

Harry sighed because it was a stupid question. "Do you mean do I like risking my life? In that case, no but I do what I have to so I can keep my loved ones safe. Unlike you, Ron, I don't just do things for myself." Harry liked to point out Ron's obvious faults.

Ron's clenched fists were shaking. "Where do you get off? You replace me with Neville and he kills Bellatrix Lestrange. That should have been me. Come on, that pathetic excuse for a wizard couldn't beat me in a duel. If I killed Bellatrix I would have gotten eighty thousand galleon bounty." Ron wanted gold and fame above all else and it was clear that bounty was something he dreamed about.

Harry couldn't hold back his laughter at Ron's rant. "You think you could have killed Bellatrix Lestrange? You are delusional Ron. Neville is ten times the man you are and he had his own set of trouble against her. Go demand a duel from him and see where that gets you. I promise you he will wipe the floor with you in two seconds." Harry was glad he didn't bring Ron with him. He was an average wizard at best and would have been a liability if anything. Bellatrix would have killed him in a heartbeat. Neville just barely came out of it with his life and he had to pull the sword of Gryffindor out of his butt to win.

Ron was shaking with rage but now it spread to his whole body. "You just couldn't live with me becoming rich and famous." Ron knew Harry must have been jealous of him or possibly losing his large spotlight.

Once again Harry laughed harder, "Be my guest Ron. Go become rich and famous and see what if I care. I'm just glad you weren't there because you would have slowed us down. You are a joke and everyone knows it." Harry could freely insult Ron because there was nothing Ron could do. Harry could beat Ron in his sleep.

Ron was gritting his teeth, "Shut up Potter. You are afraid of me. You are afraid I will show you up and everyone will realize that I'm better than the great Harry Potter." Ron didn't understand why life had turned out this way. He banked on the fact Harry was going to come back grovelling for his help before the war was over.

Harry once again laughed directly in Ron's face, "If Voldemort doesn't scare me what chance do you think you have? Last night I fought the most dangerous man in the world and came out on top and you think I'm afraid of you." Taking another couple moments to laugh he said, "Get a hold of yourself Ron you are embarrassing yourself."

Seamus decided to speak up, "Sounds like you are afraid, Potter." Seamus was still upset about the whole situation at the start of this year. He had accused Harry of lying and that came back to bite him. They weren't invited to his secret study group and now the whole dorm was laughing at him.

Harry didn't understand why these two held a grudge against him. "Why are you upset? I proved your stupid mum wrong about Voldemort. If anything you should be apologizing for being such a cunt." Harry was now just toying with these guys hoping they would just sit there and take it.

Seamus couldn't hold back and raised his wand to attack only to get Harry drawing his wand and firing a stunner in a split second. The force of the stunner blasted Seamus off his feet before he came falling back to the ground out cold.

Ron and Dean both weren't expecting Harry to be that fast on the draw. He had flicked his new wand from his wrist holder to his hand so fast they almost missed it. Harry looked at the other two and said, "Anyone else?" His wand switched between the last two standing boys.

Ron didn't draw his wand but instead raised his fist and tried to hit Harry in the face. Ron thought he was quick enough but with Harry's seeker-like reflexes Harry dodged the punch before casting a stunner point blank at Ron's chest which sent him flying backwards.

Dean was now the only one left. Dean quickly surrendered not wanting to be next. Harry had stunned both of his friends and he wasn't stupid enough to think he could win now. "Please don't hurt me."

Harry sighed and put his hands down but didn't put his wand away yet just in case. "When you wake them up, tell them if they try this again I won't be so nice again. This is their only warning." Harry was being nice because if he wasn't these three would be ending up in the Hospital Wing with broken bones. Harry didn't like it when people attacked him and now that he was the most powerful wizard in the UK he couldn't be seen as a pushover. He was also the owner of the fabled Death Stick which meant he could never lose another duel. He couldn't let this wand fall into the wrong hands.

Walking back to the castle backward he kept his eyes on Dean and the others in case they tried to attack him from behind. When he was far enough away he sheathed his new wand and walked to the Great Hall for dinner. It was still another hour till then but he was banned from going to the dorm early.

Walking into the Great Hall he was the only one there and he just sat down at his table and deeply sighed. Looking around he just remembered all of the fun and not so fun times he had in this room. From his sorting to his name coming out of the goblet. This was also the room where he first saw Fleur, and Luna. Though Luna was a special case seeing as how she walked up to him first. Then there was the memory of him getting his first broom when he made the quidditch team. Then he received his second and favorite broom from his godfather. There were just so many good memories here and Harry didn't know why he was feeling so nostalgic all of a sudden.

Harry was snapped out of his trip down memory lane by a firm clearing of the throat. Turning around he was greeted by the sight of his least favorite professor. "Hello...professor." Harry said cautiously.

Snape gave Harry a critical eye and still couldn't believe the news he was told last night. He had always had a low opinion of Potter but it seems he was wrong. "I wanted to thank you."

That threw Harry for a loop because Snape never thanked anyone ever. "Whatever for?" Harry expected a lecture or a speech of some kind calling him a braggart.

Snape sighed, feeling the weight of all this resentment finally get the better of him. Sitting down on the Slytherin side of the table Snape said, "You defeated Voldemort. You know I was a spy but I did so only because of my guilt for betraying your mother."

Harry was very confused by this apology. "How did you betray my mother?" Harry asked not knowing how this was all connected.

Snape once again sighed knowing that he was revealing things that would have made any sane person angry. "I grew up with your mother. We were best friends and I was the one who introduced her to magic. When we got to Hogwarts we were sorted into different houses and I became resentful." He was glossing over some other smaller details but even this shorter story was stirring up his emotions.

Harry listened with rapt attention as he did with all stories involving his parents. Snape continued, "Your father was my tormentor and bullied me relentlessly. Your mother tried to help but I didn't want it and in my anger I said something I wish I could take back. That was when I pushed her into your father's arms."

Harry was now seeing what the purpose of the story was, "You loved her." Harry said in shock.

Snape nodded as he tried to visibly hold back tears. "Yes and in my anger I joined the death eaters. I made a mistake that cost your parents their lives and for that I'm sorry."

Harry didn't get why Snape was taking responsibility for Peter's actions, "It's not your fault. Pettigrew let Voldemort into the house."

Snape knew the next revelation was going to be the one that might push him over the edge. Now that Snape knew what Harry was capable of he was a little scared of how he was going to react. "I overheard the prophecy about you. I told Voldemort and then he attacked you and the Longbottoms."

Harry felt a stab in his heart hearing this story. It made him furious, "You did all this because my father was mean to you in school?" Harry didn't get how someone could be so petty to let a madman murder a child to get even. Harry wasn't afraid of being a killer or a little petty but he would never harm a baby.

"I was also upset that your father had what I didn't have." Snape confessed.

Harry had to take big calming breaths because he felt his anger rising once again today. He lost track of how many times he was angry today. "So I'm an orphan because you got your feelings hurt?"

"I want to say that I'm sorry. I have been trying to atone for my mistakes by protecting you while you were here." Snape reasoned.

Harry scoffed, "That was protecting? With how many times my life has been in danger at this school. You did a stellar job." Harry said sarcastically. Harry didn't think there was any protection going on at this school. He usually had to save the day himself while teachers did nothing.

"I know you are angry but it's the truth. I have played the part of a spy so I could feed information to our side so we could beat Voldemort." Snape explained.

"Well I won. The war is over and to that end we are done. There is nothing I can do about the past now so count yourself lucky." Harry was angry but tried to not lash out. Harry would love to pull out his new wand to duel Snape here and now but he wanted to not cause anymore trouble.

Snape didn't expect this level of restraint from Potter. He had spent years needling him and saw him rise to the bait nine times out of ten. This was the best he could have hoped for. "I can live with that. I am not coming back next year. With the war over I will be leaving this country and finding somewhere else to settle down. Somewhere where no one knows me and maybe I can finally find a little happiness."

Harry couldn't give a shit what Snape did. "Good for you." Harry was almost a little resentful that Snape could go and try to find happiness while his parents were dead because of him.

"I wanted to give you something." Snape reached into his robe and pulled Lily Potter's blonde wood wand. "This was your mother's. I kept it as something to remember her bye but it rightfully belongs to you." It pained Snape to give it up but it was time.

Harry took the wand from Snape with a shaky hand. As his hand closed around the wand he felt a small warmth from it. It wasn't the hot feeling of his first wand or the cold grip of his new wand but something relaxing. Much like what he imagined a mother's hug would feel like. Not knowing what to say Harry just stared at the wand. Suddenly he was struck by the memory of Ollivander telling him about his parents' wands the first time they met. His mother's wand was made out of willow, very swishy and good for charms. "Thank you."

Snape felt a warmth in his cold heart giving the wand to Lily's son. He used to spend hours just holding the wand and remembering what he was doing it all for. Now the war was over there was no reason to keep it. "I have also alerted Black to the location of Pettigrew."

Harry didn't imagine feeling better during this talk but those two things made him happy. "Thank you professor. I...I wish you well." It killed him to say but he couldn't hold onto all this hate for the past. What was done is done and it was time to move on. He needed to transition into the new phase of his life.

Snape knew it was a forced platitude but he nodded in acceptance just the same. "The same to you. I know you made her proud yesterday." With that Snape stood up and briskly walked away with his cloak billowing away.

Harry just held onto the wand and stared at it not noticing how much time had passed until students started to file in. The food soon appeared at the table. Harry pocketed the wand and loaded up a plate. He needed his energy for tonight. Not seeing the girls at dinner made Harry think they must have spent the whole day in the dorm. He didn't know what they could possibly be doing but he hoped to find out soon.

Harry dug into some roasted chicken and potatoes trying not to get full but have enough fuel for the many shags on his schedule tonight. He knew Desiree liked to push his limits.

After dinner Harry made his way to the dorm while everyone was still eating and talking. Slipping away undetected was easy. Even with his new found fame more people were involved with their food than his whereabouts.