
"The artificiality of scientific experimentation is not a weakness but the very thing that gives it its unique power to yield explanations about the nature of the world" - Stanovich.


Dawn of the Witch

The curiosity of humans about the nature of the world is unbound, learning and experimenting in all ways to twist the fiber of reality to their advantage. What was once seen as witchcraft hundreds of years ago is now called science. Humanity has achieved the ability to travel and explore the land more efficiently than many generations ago. The invention of aircraft allowed for exploration of the sky, humanity once again reached its new heights and potential. Yet once again it did not stop there. Despite being recently developed for less than a hundred years, outer space, what was beyond that blue atmosphere is now within the grasp of the human hand. With every major milestone, humanity has achieved, the grander its next capstone. The benefits of revolution bring to those at the very top their pitfall, however. Such an example is the Father of the Renaissance of this era. A young man in his teens has made a name for himself in the world. Science, Artistic, Politics, and almost every other major aspect that had contributed to the advancement of human society, he has made his name. The young man is, frankly put, the very top of his kind, one that is not only fluence in what he does, but also goes above and beyond others' expectations. With that said, this is the story about a young man, one that is at his very top, and now experiencing his pitfall of success.

Once upon a time, a very long ago, there was a wandering witch. She traveled from land to land on this continent of Weiss to learn about the world. Bearing the reputation of a witch, humanity was not so kind in her presence. The witch hid her identity to live among the humans. The days went by as the witch made herself a name among the villagers for her ability to cure the sick. One day, however, the witch's identity was discovered and so the villagers cast her out of their village. In frustration and felt betrayal by those she held dear, the witch kept wandering and eventually, fell by a barn just off the main road. Everyone passed by but not one offered the witch help. Days went by when she felt like all was lost, then suddenly a young man appeared before her. The young shepherd offered her food and warm cloth he had at his disposal. The young shepherd also wandered the land and stumbled upon the sight of the beautiful witch. He was curious so the young man stayed by her side, offering help in exchange for her story during her time as a wandering witch. Just like that, the two have made a connection, subtle yet very strong. Soon the villagers nearby discovered the witch is staying at a barn near their village, however, they were too scared to chase the witch out. So they approached the young shepherd knowing he was close to the witch. Some days passed, and the witch was still waiting at the very same barn they used to meet up, but this time, the young shepherd was nowhere to be found. She waited, waited patiently from days to days, then months to months. But the young shepherd never showed up again.

Loid: Then? What happened to the witch and the shepherd after that?

Girl: No idea (playful tone). I can't remember what happened after that. The last I heard of this story was from long ago, there might be another part to the story …or not. But that is why you are here right? We will find the last part of the tales.

… And so is the situation I'm in right now. To explain it, let's go back to yesterday evening just before dusk.

A day before,

My name is Loid, Loid Nogard, I am an elite. It might sound arrogant to claim myself as an elite, but in truth, I am one. At 16 years old, I am currently the youngest man that has made myself the name in the record of history. People often referred to me as the Father of Renaissance. The contribution of Seriz and The Ark, the two companies under my control, have raised the kingdom out of debt. The invention of modern machines to help advance society such as the modern car, machine guns, and even as far as autonomous humanoids all came from Seriz and The Ark. All of these inventions are developed under me, or to be exact, my contribution to their success. As a young man in his teens, all thanks to the fortune that I inherited from my parents and the core mechanic of Natural Quartz my father discovered, I continued to develop them further. Many companies under my name are controlling the bloodline of this very kingdom. Truly, an elite myself, but what I have in exchange for these milestone achievements, was nothing but the emptiness filling inside me. The price to pay for being at the very top of my kind, I am facing the pitfall. My worst enemy has always been boredom. After reaching this peak of success in life at only 17 years old, there is nothing left in this mortality world that can interest me. I started traveling around the world searching for challenges that can once again ignite the fire within me. After years of wandering, I once again ended up in my own country.

Tired of all the attention the world has been giving me lately, I decided to move to the countryside to the west of the capital of Holy Bell. Located at the very center of the Kingdom of Aurora, this town has less than 1000 population, a rustic town with vine branches can be seen probably more than its population. However rustic it may be, peaceful is what this town has to offer me during my stay here. Soon after I arrived in the town, I made my way to the newly bought apartment on the outskirts of the town. Looking through the bus window, I could see the vivid scenery of the town slowly coming into my eyesight. After quite a quick ride, I stepped off the bus and arrived in front of the convenience store.

Loid: Heh… I didn't expect there to be a convenience store here at all. It does not seem as deserted as I imagined.

I took a look around, it seems that this might be the only convenience store in this town… And fortunately, one that is very close to my apartment. Just a couple steps down the street is my newly bought apartment, the only apartment in this town, and a newly constructed one at that. Newly constructed it may be called, but it was built almost over ten years ago during the reconstruction plan of the new city. The plan was to renovate the surrounding areas of the capital into the fresh eight major orbit cities around Holy Bell. The plan soon was canceled not long after its execution, hence explaining the difference between the outskirt of town and the central area.

Loid: Wonder if my stuff has arrived yet… Well, I don't have all day, might as well finish what little work I have left.

The room that I rented is on the 12th floor of this apartment, the highest and probably the most luxurious room that this apartment has to offer me. I could have bought the entire building for myself, but I figure that would make me stand out too much. I took the elevator after checking in with the guard, despite its rustic look, the apartment holds itself quite well.

"Ting", the elevator bell rang, signaling it has arrived at the designated floor. The door slowly opened and I stepped out. Down the hallway, there seem to be only 5 rooms in total on this floor. Though all of them except for my room are empty as if there has never been a person to rent these rooms before.

Loid: Here it is, my new home for the next couple of months. Please to see you this nice, my little room.

Loid: Seems like all my stuff has arrived as scheduled, this apartment's service is not quite sappy as its looks hm.

Not taking long to familiarize myself with my new home, I sat down and set out my portable terminal, or P.T for short. Today people often referred to them as "portable computer", but only 10 years ago, P.C was not very common in this kingdom. Now, everywhere I go, P.C has been a part of every person's life, not that everyone understands how to utilize them to their potential. Two hours passed by, and I quickly finished all my tasks. To enjoy my peaceful life in this town for the next couple of months, I needed to take care of all my work from the government and my companies both internally and abroad.

Loid: Alright that should cover everything for the next 2 to 3 months, hopefully, these executives don't disappoint me.

Loid: Clark, I need you to contact the executive of AIB, finance department (Aurora International Bank). Tell them to verify my project soon and let them carry out my plan. I want it done next week. Report back to me once everything is finished. I do not tolerate mistakes or failure you understood?

Clark: Yes chief, on behalf of the executive team, I will carry out your order. Your plan will see to its success.

The call ended, and with that final conversation with Clark, my executive, my work is finally finished. I took a look outside, from up here I can see the whole town comes into my view. Reaching far away is the image of this old town, a very different scenery from other major cities of the kingdom. I have traveled from land to land, but not one place I can feel at home like this town. That's right…

Loid: Welcome to Brhunen, the birthplace of the Chosen Hero. Known for its charming natural scenery of mountains and fields reaching as far as the wide horizon.

The sun is still out and bright so I figured to make myself acquaintance of this place. Stepping out of the apartment building, up the street is the bus station I got off earlier and the only convenience store in this town. Down this street, leads to only one place, the famous academy of this town, probably of the whole nation, Seven Stars Academy. However, I am not interested in the academy, but in the area behind it, a vast mountain area right behind the academy itself. I decided to take a walk to the hill behind the academy, it was rather a short walk. Not too long, I found myself already lost in the middle of trees and the beauty of this hill.

Loid: Not even the Holy Forest in Draconia can be compared to this place, why is this town still underpopulated is a wonder to me.

After a couple of minutes of walking in, I sat down at a bench along the small trail uphill just off the main road. Looking back, I never really had a moment of rest like this before. It always worked and researched, from one thing to another, life never slowed down for me, not ever since that day. Believe it or not, I was not the same person I am today as just many years ago. I was a child, childish like any child, longing for love like any child, but with one exception, I was too talented for my age. Back then, my parents were still with me, ever since that incident, it was like something has completely changed within me. I spent days and days putting my mind into research and work, for whatever reasons even I could not remember now.

Loid: If only there is a goddess or anything that can interest me again. This life is started to become boring, money, power, charm, I have had it all. What else can satisfy me now…

Loid: Goddess… why did you take them away from me -

And as I barely finished my sentence, a footstep came from behind me, almost too suddenly it knocked me to the ground. I turned around, and a figure of a lady standing there, her long silky hair and its ebony color as deep as the abyss itself, sucked me in.

Before I could make out anything, with her gentle smile, her bright red eyes opened wide.

Girl: Did you call me?

I reclaimed my composure and stood up

Loid: Heh?...

Girl: Didn't you just call for me now? Said you wanted something interesting did you not?

Loid: Indeed I did make that wish, but the wish I made was to the goddess….

I paused

Loid: Unless you are the goddess herself? Are you goddess Lehmian?

Loid: Mah... There's no way...

In normal circumstances, I would not believe in any occult events, not even if they happened right before my eyes. As they always say, it is but a trick of the eye. However, after traveling the continent in my past years, it is just as true to me as reality itself. During my travels, I have learned that the history of this continent is the history of science and witchcraft, hence the religion of the goddess and the tales of the Chosen Hero and the Divine Dragons.

Girl: No, I am not the goddess, beside, do I look like a goddess to you?

Loid: Right… you don't look like one that I would imagine…

Girl: That's right! I am not the goddess.

Loid: So if you're not the goddess, then who are you?

Girl: Isn't it rude to ask someone else's name before saying yours?

Loid: Aren't you the one that suddenly appeared behind me?!

Girl: Ahhh, right. My apology, you can call me "witch"

Loid: Heh, "witch" hm.

Loid: Then I am "Maou". Then, what business do you have with me "witch"?

Girl: Hmm let's see... I am the one to fulfill your wish. How that sounds?

Loid: Are you trying to scam me?

Girl: Why do you think I am trying to scam you?! That's quite rude, I said I am here to help you fulfill your wish earlier didn't I?

Loid: How are you going to fulfill my wish exactly, besides, I have witnessed this occult stuff many times before, you are not going to fool me with your scam.

Girl: You are quite a conspicuous young man aren't you? Well then let me get straight to the point.

Girl: Join the Mystery Club of Seven Stars. I will see you there tomorrow, if you decide to join my club, I will tell you the rest. How that sounds?! Quite a deal right?!

Loid: Seven Stars mystery club?... Do you mean you want me to enroll at this academy?

Girl: So, or else how would you be able to join my club if you're not a student here?

The girl said as if it was an obvious matter to her.

Girl: Well then, you have until tomorrow to decide, once you have decided, well… you knew the rest.

Girl: Then, I will see you soon. I expect your appearance in my club room tomorrow.

And just like that, the girl ran off toward the school and soon her shadow disappeared with the sun's final shred of light.

Loid: What just happened…

I questioned myself, everything that happened during that conversation was like a swift storm approached and went as swiftly as it could.

Loid: Am I dreaming? I think I just worked myself too hard, probably need to head home and get some rest…

The next morning I woke up on my bed, I looked around to confirm that I have moved to my new home starting yesterday. The images of my conversation with the girl yesterday were still vivid in my head as they appear to be a dream.

Loid: Maybe I fell asleep after I finished work yesterday… What a weird dream I had.

I got up, but surprisingly to me, in my hand was holding a piece of paper, that said "Seven Stars Application", and everything was filled out from my name to the reason for enrolling. Before I could understand anything, I realized that it might have not been a dream after all.

However, I am not a man to shies myself from challenges, especially if the challenge was targeted directly at me. I indeed referring to the conversation I had with that weird girl yesterday.

Loid: I'm not sure what you want to achieve with this, but if you want me to join your mystery club then you'll have it. As long as you can show me what will interest me.

With that said, I immediately rushed to the academy, and coincidentally, today is the first day of enrollment at Seven Stars academy, the first of March. I had not realized yesterday, but the road leading to the campus is filled to the brim with Ukon flowers blooming. It truly stands up to its name as one of the oldest academies of the kingdom. Ukon flowers, are quite pale and transparent, accompany by their light pink color. They bloom around March to the end of April, the traditional flower of the kingdom ever since its establishment centuries ago. Welcomed by the blessing of Ukon's pale pink, I marched on ahead, toward the unknown future brought possible by the people that I later called friends and our precious time within the small club room.

This is the beginning of the story about a witch and her shepherd, and perhaps… their mistakes as well.

Chapter 1

Witch of Seven Stars

As hectic as things may have become, my sudden enrollment at the academy was a shock to everyone, perhaps not everyone, but only those that managed to figure out my true identity. There is a thing about being a famous person, an elite, that I am a person of public. Not a single place I visit that people don't just strike up a random conversation about the Father of Renaissance or the like. But that is correct, the conversations they strike up were about the Father of Renaissance, the young talented man, not "me". I too, like the witch in the tale, had to hide my identity, not for the reason that will bring ill manner to my name, but rather because I am too loved by others. I appeared to the public as a perfectly talented young man, and of course, never really showed my face to the public once. Hence my identity is still a mystery to the public, some have gone as far as to say that I am in truth, the son of the goddess herself. The hidden identity is quite a convenience for me in this case, except for some people at this academy, I am but a young man.

The sudden appearance I made at the instructor's office has caused all the confusion. After a rather short conversation with the principal, he accepted me as a transfer student and I was placed in one of the classes without having to go through all the entry tests for normal students. Precisely, the principal is one of the people who know my actual identity. Our history can go all the way back to 5 years ago, but that is rather a long story that I might have to save for another time.

After everything went into order, I enrolled at this academy under the name of Elline Ingrid and was placed in the second-year class A2 accordingly to my age. However, without the need to explain, I have never attended school before, not even kindergarten. As apparent as it is, I am talented, and my knowledge has surpassed what normal humans could have grasped, let alone educate me. Enrolling at this academy will be somewhat of a fresh experience for me to say the least, but interesting or not is the matter I will find out soon after the introduction of my homeroom teacher.

The first day of school ended swiftly, I never attended school before, but perhaps the first day was only for the introduction so there was nothing else to do after the introduction, the class was done for the day. Students attending at this academy are mostly boarding students who stay on campus in the dorms built for students' use only. One would think that an academy in a small town would have mostly local students, but wrongly they would think. As I have mentioned, this academy is one of the oldest and the most famous among the academies of this kingdom. It despite being in a small rustic town, is still a national treasure, to say the least. Students at this academy comprised mostly students from other provinces, a small portion of international students from the Empire of Draconia and the United Kingdom of Altera, and the rest, as figured, are local students.

The dismissing bell signaled the ending of class, students poured out of the hallway, some went directly back to the dorm, and some hung out with other friends they made on the first day of school. Some, like myself, went and look for clubs to join as it was strongly recommended after all. A portion of the students headed to the meeting room for staff and students.

During the introduction of the class earlier

Gin: And that is everything for our first class today. Once again, I am Gin Mareike, your homeroom teacher for this school year. As I mentioned earlier, this academy is well known for its tradition of joining clubs and creating connections. I hope everyone here will continue to carry on that beautiful tradition.

Gin: In case anyone cannot find the clubs they want, feel free to contact me, I will put you guys to good use at the student councils. And before anyone has such an idea, let me just say, the student council will work directly under the principal so you guys better be careful with your choices.

I'm glad I already knew what club I wanted to join, though the thought of working directly under "him" is not too bad of an idea after all. There are three major buildings on campus. The main building is located at the very center of campus, to the right and left respectively are the club building and the student dorm. As the name implied, this building was built entirely for club usage, there is a pool on the underground level, two martial art practice rooms, and several club rooms for use, including the mystery club that I am having trouble looking for. After several minutes of checking on and off the map of the building, and yet I have not been able to find the club room at all.

Elline: There is no way I have missed the club after checking this map so many times… Is this mystery club even real?!

It came to the point that I had to realize on the building manager to help find the club. Yet to my surprise, the reason I could not find the club was rather so obvious, that it was never here, to begin with.

Let me explain, the club does not exist, on paper that is. Apparently, in this academy, students are free to create clubs and join clubs as they want. Of course, as long as the club's purpose and activity are approved by the principal, then the club is considered official. However, there is also another condition made by the academy board, that each club would require at least 4 members and a supervisor to be considered official. Failure to meet these conditions, in the club will not be registered in the system and won't be provided with a club room in the building. Which explains why I haven't been able to locate the club room at all.

Just when I thought that I may have wasted my time believing in that weird girl, she showed up again in front of me.

Girl: Ossu, so you decided to enroll after all hmm. I knew I could trust you!

Elline: There you are. Hey, mind telling me what evil are you brewing? You told me to join your mystery club, but it's not even an official club, to begin with!

Girl: Hehehe… Sorry bout that, you see, there is only me in the club right now. No one seems to be interested in mystery so….

She continued

Girl: But don't worry, I still have a club room for us… it's just not official (said in teaseful tone).

She pointed toward the back of the school as she said. Following the direction, it is a small storage-like room.

Elline: You don't tell me that is your club room now don't you…

The girl nodded and took my hand to run straight to the so-called "club room". She opened the door,

Girl: Welcome to my club! You are now officially a member of the club!

Elline: Never said I would join, only conside-

But before I could finish my sentence, the girl immediately pull me into the club room and we reached a point in my explanation of the situation I'm in right now. Yet that was not all there is to explain.

Back to present

Elline: So what do you expect me to do, after telling me that witch story? I'm sure anyone in the kingdom would have read or heard about that story at least once before.

Girl: No need for hasty Elline. Here's the catch. This is not the end of the story, for what I remember, there is another part to the tale, the true end would you say?

Girl: And that true end is what I am looking for, well kinda. Elline, have you ever heard of the seven wonders of the academy?

Elline: I might have, though the version is different from place to place.

Girl: Then it makes this easier. Listen Elline, this academy has a very long history, and you know that too. But what important is, the period that this academy was built and sustained throughout history, was what they called the reconstruction era of the world. According to the tale, during the period of witchcraft and war lasting for what it seems like an eternity, the Awakener and their Divine Dragons awoke. Each Awakener represented a major power of a nation, they each battled it out until there was only one stood victorious. The war ended after the other six Awakeners were stripped of their power and the Divine Dragons once again went into slumber. In this very land, the rumor is the victorious Awakener built a library that kept the true record of the history. However, the Awakener hid the record away from everyone, this building was later used as an institution until today.

Elline: I have read about that tale from before too. Though this version is different from the other tale I have heard of in other nations.

Girl: Then don't you feel what is strange about the tale? The Divine Dragons and their Awakeners in each version of the tale are different. It is almost as if they are telling a completely different version of the battle.

Elline: It is understandable though, given that no nation would want to show their loss against the other nations. But aren't they just fairy tales?

Girl: How would you explain the fact that the description of these tales is very similar, with only differences in the outcome of the battles in each version? What chances are that similarity is a coincidence? What chances are that the entire continent of Weiss has had the same image of the same tale?

Girl: They are not simply a reconstruction of the tale or even a fairy tale, if I have to put it, their version of the tale almost seems too realistic. For what I can assume is that their record of the battle might have happened after the original battle that was recorded in our version.

Elline: Wait… So are you implying that there is more than one battle between the Awakeners? And the tale recorded in our book is just one of the many battles that the Awakeners have fought?!

Girl: Exactly what I am referring to. However, the truth is, this is only a theory on my part. Now back to the main topic.

Girl: The tale of the wandering witch, the rumor of the true record of history, and the library built by the Awakener here, all of these can be explained if you have conquered the seven wonders of this academy.

Elline: Care to explain how would you conquer these wonders, to begin with?

Girl: We will have to find out the truth behind these mysteries. From the book that I read, "once the truth governs behind the wonders has been revealed, may one truth lead to another. At the very end shall be the most precious price thou seek", so it said.

Elline: And that precious price…

Girl: Yes, you are correct. As the book implied, the "precious price" is the access to the Ancient Library built by the Awakener. In this library, we shall find the true record of history. Which contains the truth about the history of this continent, and the true end to the tale of the witch. Rumor is the book will grant its owner a wish.

Girl: So what say you, Elline? Does that pique your interest, even just a little? Finding out the truth about the continent and its dark history. Can anything be of more interest to you than this?!

Elline: Yeah, you are not wrong. (smirk)

Elline: This certainly does pique my interest. Truly deserves my attention, the Ancient Library, the historical record... hahaha! Count me in, president!

Girl: Good to have you on board. Now then, allow me to introduce myself again,

Charlotte: My name is Charlotte Ilnoa, mystery club's president, please be your acquaintance, Elline. I hope we get along.

And with the introduction out of the way,

Elline: So, what's our first move? I'm ready to crack open a wonder or two, though I figure we would need some more members to make this club official first. Then we will need to start gathering information.

Charlotte: Well, sad to break it to you, but you're right. First, we need to recruit more members. At this rate, by the end of the month, we won't even have a club room to sit let alone discover any wonders.

Elline: My… I should have known better, this club is as "handicapped" as the room itself. Well, whatever it is, just say the word, and I will see to your plan's success.

Elline: I will play along with your plan as long as they can entertain me. Now then, your first order?

Charlotte: You are still quite a conspicuous guy, very well then. Here is your first mission recruit. Find and recruit others that have the potential to make this club official. You have until the end of March.

Elline: By my hand, considered it done.

The conversation between me and Charlotte just yesterday has led me to an unexpected turn, and one I definitely would never think of. Though to my surprise, things were just about to get more interesting, they sure will be worthy of my time. Our first day in the club ended so was my first day at school. With my first task at hand, I headed home and rested.

The next day,

Elline: Though even I said that, I don't know anyone to begin with.

Elline: With only 4 weeks left until my deadline, I need to find 2 more people to join the club and a supervisor. And there is that condition about a potential individual too, what could she have meant by that…

Drowning in thoughts, I did not realize my feet have carried me in front of the club room already. I let out a sigh, the first time in these years I ever let out a sigh.

Elline: Truly this is very interesting (smirk)

I opened the club door, and there she was, already in the room busy reading some books.

Charlotte: Hi Elline, you are early today. Did I hear your sigh, what troubled you so much?

Elline: Firstly I don't ever think that I showed up late to anything ever before, and besides this is only the second day for me. The first day didn't count, your club did not even exist.

Elline: Also if you would be so kind to tell me what conditions the recruit, to begin with, would be very appreciated, and perhaps it would be less of a trouble for me.

I ranted on.

With a surprised face, Charlotte said

Charlotte: … Woah I did not think you would be that serious. C'mon, you gotta loosen up a bit Elline.

Charlotte: Hahaa, actually how about a word of advice for you, if you ever find yourself struggling, take a step back and relax. Perhaps you will see your problem more clearly.

Elline: Thanks, wise word coming from you, although I never had trouble in my life befor-

Charlotte: Which is exactly why I recommend you to do so because you are in trouble now aren't you?

Charlotte: Mah, just sit here and have fun, I brought some cookies today as well.

Charlotte acted like a child when she pointed at the cookies, I could see how happy she was. Like a child was given a toy by her mother. That child is probably me.

Elline: Well you're right, some cookies won't hurt anyone.

In only two days, I have relaxed more times than I have ever done so in the past years. Sitting down beside Charlotte, and having some cookies and tea made me realize just at what pace I have been with my life for these past couple of years. Finally when I decided to slow down by moving to this town, I still often find myself caught up in old habits. Being in this club room has taught me something I never realized before.

Elline: I can see being even-minded like you is not so bad after all.

Charlotte: Right? Especially when you have cookies and tea to accompany with.

Charlotte: Teh, did you just call me stupid?

Elline: I'd leave that up to your imagination.

Our quiet yet relaxing time went by rather quickly and ended with a knock on the door. I heard the voice of a girl.

Girl: Hello, this is the mystery club right? Is anyone here?

The surprised look on our faces when we turned to face each other as if we would never expect guests here.

Charlotte: Yes, please come in.

The door slowly opened, and a female student walked in, she looks rather, timid.

Charlotte: Please take a sit

Charlotte signaled the girl to take a seat at the other end of the table.

Charlotte: Hi there, how can I help you?

With a slow and timid voice, the girl replied

Luna: Good afternoon, I... I am Luna. I need your help!

I whispered to Charlotte

Elline: Does this club also takes request from other students? I thought we were a mystery club.

Charlotte: I'm not sure… this is the first time I saw someone come to the mystery club to make a request…

Charlotte: But either way, it's fun so why not!

Luna: Etoo, is something wro- -wrong?

Charlotte: Alrighty Luna - san, I am Charlotte, club president. Let's calm down first, what do you need help with?

Charlotte: You are aware that we are a mystery club right? I assume your request is somewhat related to something or someone mysterious?

Luna: Ye... Yes, I wanted to ask if the mystery club can help me with this rumor. It's about a witch…

Both Charlotte and I were surprised when she mentioned "the witch".

Charlotte: Alright then Luna - san, can you tell us more about that rumor?

Luna started to explain, apparently there is a rumor among the students about a hidden section in the academy's library. It is said that a figure of a girl was sighted there just last night. People are calling her a witch, after being seen at the library, she immediately disappeared, like vanishing into thin air without leaving even a trace.

Luna: I was there last night to clean up after my library duty. When I walked down the aisles, there are only 12 aisles in total in the library…

Luna: But for some reason, it might be a little dark and I was tired, but I can swear I saw 13 aisles in total. And I was not the only one, there were other 3 students there that witnessed the event as well.

Charlotte: Hmm, quite a peculiar event you witnessed, and not only you, but there were other students as well. So to summarize, last night, after finishing your library duty, you walked down the aisles to clean up and saw there were 13 aisles in total.

Charlotte: Not only that but you also saw a figure of a girl, then she immediately vanished into thin air, is that correct?

Luna: Yes…, that is correct.

Charlotte: Then I assume that you would like the mystery club to investigate the event?

Luna: Ye- Yes! Is it strange that I came to a mystery club to request something like this…

Luna: I'm sorry if I caused trouble for you guys-

I cut her in before Luna could finish her sentence.

Elline: Luna-san, this question might be of private matter to you, so feel free to not answer it…

Elline: But if we are going to accept your request, which means you are going to be our client. Usually, I don't ask my clients their reasons for making requests, but with a request as strange as this, what might your reason be?

Luna: It's fine, I don't plan to hide it anyway.

Luna: It's nothing special, I'm just really curious about this kind of stuff, especially occult events.

Elline: Alright, so just to make clear your request. You would like us to investigate the truth of the matter. Hence two objectives, the extra aisles and the identity of the "witch" I assume?

Luna: That is correct.

Charlotte: Well then Luna - san, we gladly accept your request. Elline if you would do the honor.

Elline: Sure, Luna-san, I will take care of the request for you, however, I will also need cooperation on your term. It will make things easier for us to investigate.

Then we exchanged code numbers with each other for contact. A code number is a serial number created for each Exelon unit. By exchanging these numbers, the user can contact the owner of the other Exelon unit. Since the invention of the long-distance communication system by my grandfather's company 120 years ago, the communication unit has played a major role in everyone's life, creating a revolution of communication spur and inventions of many other things. Starting from a large situated terminal, it slowly evolves to become a small box-like model that everyone can own and carry around.

Elline: Though that was surprising, I did not expect there to be a rumor among students already given this is only the second day of school…

Charlotte: Ah, and how coincidentally that rumor matches up with what we were discussing earlier.

Elline: You don't think that the "witch" and that hidden library section have some connection to the Ancient Library?

Charlotte: It is only my speculation so I cannot guarantee anything yet. But I have a feeling this event might give us some clues to the wonders.

Elline: Well, be it or not there is only one way to find out.

Charlotte: Yeah it is requested of us after all. I'm looking forward to seeing how you handle this then.

Elline: Ah, leave it to me, this is but a small fry.

Our club time ended on the second day with a strange request I received. It might have some clues to our actual objective and my reason for being here. Though thinking about it, I never really asked Charlotte about her true intention or her reason to find the true end of tales. Perhaps it was her curiosity, or perhaps she was bored, either way, even if I did know her true intention back then, would it have changed my course of action in the coming events? I always wonder if life is a game and I can reset back to the previous save point, would I choose to act differently?

Elline: I wouldn't know, life is not a game. And even if I was able to, perhaps, my actions would have not changed.

Elline: It defines who I am after all…

Next day

To fulfill Luna-san's request, it is important to complete these two objectives. First is the identity of the so-called "witch" and second, the 13th section of the library. I don't believe in magic, that is before I met Charlotte. Not that I am convinced, but for now I will have to operate based on the belief that magic is indeed real.

Elline: So then, my first objective should be identifying the hidden section of the library, it should give me more clues about the identity of the witch.

I messaged Luna and we decided to meet up after school at the library. During my investigation, I was permitted to not attend the club.

Elline: Luna-san, thank you for coming here.

Luna: No it really is nothing, I will try to cooperate to the best abilities!

Elline: Alright then, I need to ask you about the other three witnesses. Do you remember them?

Luna: Yes actually, they are members of the library club. Well it is not really a club, but some students are tasked to take care of and clean up the library, it is self-management after all.

Luna: So I and the other three students were having a meeting yesterday here in the library to make plans and schedule for the work division.

Luna: There are three girls, the first one is a student in the third year, the other two are second-year students and I am in the first year.

Luna: The third-year student is Sarah Astraid, and the two second year is Emily Rosner and Sofia Adriane. Sarah - senpai is in class A3, Emily -senpai and Sofia - senpai are both members of the C2 class.

Elline: Thank you, well then. Do you know where they are now? It doesn't look like they have library duty today.

Luna: I'm not sure where are they right now, but I can message them if you would like.

Elline: Please do, thanks. In the meantime, I will investigate the library.

I strolled down the library aisles, there are indeed 12 aisles in total each with its own categorical label. Math, Military Science, Art, History, Folk Tales... and lastly, Political is the final row.

Elline: Hm, doesn't seem strange to me at all.

Elline: Just to make sure, do you remember anything else that happened yesterday? Anything, even small details or what you think is irrelevant.

Luna: If you say that… I think we heard someone's voice come from the direction you are standing. I thought it was strange but senpais were acting all casual.

Luna: It was then that I saw the figure of the witch but she immediately disappeared. I was going to take a look but senpais said it was just normal things.

Luna: "you'll get used to it soon", so they said.

Elline: Hmm, alright. Did you manage to find out where the others are?

Luna: Ah yes, they just replied to me a bit earlier.

Luna: Sarah - senpai is in the swimming club at the moment, the other two are in town.

Luna: So are you going to meet up with them after this?

Elline: Hmm… Probably not, one is having club activity and the other two are too far away, I don't want to walk all that way and back.

Elline: I'll talk to them tomorrow. If possible I would like you to let them know in advance Luna - san.

Luna: Ye- yes I will let them know!

Elline: Thanks. But this library is quite empty don't you think? I thought a library of such a famous academy would attract lots, apparently, students here don't appreciate the value these books can offer.

Luna: Really? I think it's quite normal, isn't it?

Elline: With only five students here, two being us already, you don't think it is way too empty?!

Luna: The city I came from, our library has like one or two guests visit maximum each day, and it is the town's library. If anything, this is quite "crowded" to me in a sense.

Elline: Now that you mentioned it, what city are you from Luna - san?

Luna: I'm from a small town called Orchis in the Southeastern of the capital, it is close to the major port city of Heimer.

Elline: Orchis hmm, I have visited that town once before. If I remember correctly it has an even less population than Bhrunen. Also, the town is famous for its steam bun right?

Luna: You know that too Elline - senpai?! I'm surprised! My family has a long tradition of making steam buns. I am a little clumsy so my parents sent me to this academy.

Luna: They heard of the academy's reputation for educating young students to become the elite of society.

Elline: Are you planning to inherit your family's business after graduating?

Luna: I am not sure, since I am the eldest in the house I think that responsibility naturally falls on my shoulder. Though if possible I would like to pursue my dream.

Elline: Might I ask what that would be?

Luna: It's kinda embarrassing, but I want to become an author. I always love to write novels, especially occultic and mystery novels!

Elline: Hahaha, I see now where your enthusiasm came from.

Luna: Hehee, senpai are you making fun of me?

Elline: No, not at all. If anything I admire you actually, having a dream of your own to follow despite the hardship.

Luna: …

Elline: What I can say is, don't ever give up on it. Having a dream of your own is the first step in the right direction of one's life. I speak from my experience.

Luna: Senpai… Thank you so much! Your words encouraged me a lot! But now I am curious about what kind of experience senpai had.

Elline: Hahaha, nothing special or worth mentioning. I just had a chance to travel here and there.

Elline: But anyway, I think that's all for today. Thanks again for agreeing to meet me, I will contact you tomorrow to meet up with your friends.

Luna: No it really is nothing, thank you senpai. I ah… see you tomorrow senpai!

Later that night when I got home, I received a message from Charlotte. The message is written,

Charlotte: Hi there Elline, how's your investigation going? Did you find something cool yet? (blink emoji)

Elline: What is this emoji…

Elline: Going in the right direction, I don't expect you to want a report from my work today aren't you?

Charlotte: Hahaha, not exactly a report, but you know it ~

Elline: Charlotte, do you know any rumors or anything related to the library?

Charlotte: The library hmm…

Elline: Something that only second-year and third-year students would know.

Charlotte: Hmm nothing that fits your description that I can recall…

Charlotte: Though if you want a rumor then I know a very famous one among our students.

Charlotte: They say the last row of the bookshelf in the library is a very famous place for couples to hang out.

Elline: Couples?

Charlotte: Yeah, lovers.

Elline: Why would they choose to hang out there of all places?!

Charlotte: I'm not really sure, I just know it's really famous among students. Or actually, it became famous among students last year.

Charlotte: I remember people said that if someone confesses their love behind the last row of the bookshelf in the library, the confession will succeed. Or something like that.

Elline: Hmm, interesting. Thank you Charlotte, I think I have quite a decent idea of what this hidden section thing is now.

Charlotte: Wait, already?! Does that mean you figured out the "witch" identity as well?

Elline: Not yet, but that's what I am going to find out tomorrow.

Charlotte: Heh, that's Einstein Jr for you.

Elline: Oi, where did you get that name from?

Charlotte: Let's just say, I heard it from a certain someone (blink emoji)

Elline: "What the heck that emoji…"

Elline: Well it's fine as long as you don't go blabbering it around.

Charlotte: You can trust me! We are clubmates right?!

Even though I admit I am curious as to who the person Charlotte mentioned was, part of me felt like I already knew who it was.

Elline: Well then if there's nothing else then I'm going to bed.

Charlotte: Yeah, goodnight Elline!

I turned off my Exelon unit and went to bed to suddenly find the Exelon unit flashed.

Charlotte: Hey you didn't text me "goodnight" back, you rude!

Elline: "Are you a kid?!"

Though knowing her, if I keep ignoring her message she might spam me all night.

Elline: Good night! There you happy?!

Charlotte: "Hmm, doesn't have many expressions in it yet… Mah I guess that's fine for now".