Dawn of the Witch (cont)

March 4th

Mysterious girl: "To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering" so was said by a philosophist of the era, one of the greatest. Struggling in finding the meaning of your suffering, such as what it means to survive…

Mysterious girl: However, I aim not only for surviving but to live. And to live, I need to find meaning in my life.

Mysterious girl: Ne, tell me Elline, have you ever wondered what is your reason for existence? Perhaps what is your purpose in this world?

Elline: Yeah…

Elline: Not a single second passes by do I forget to ask myself that very same question.

Mysterious girl: That is why Elline, the Ancient Library is necessary. I am without a reason to exist in this world. Though perhaps, I used to have one…

Elline: You think the Ancient Library will give you a purpose?

Mysterious girl: No… I don't think so…

Mysterious girl: Finding the library is my purpose itself. I can't remember, but it's like something has been calling me. An urge to reach a true end of the tale I don't even know of.

Elline: ***… you -

It never occurred to me that the reason for *** actions is the burden she has always been carrying. If I have known from the beginning… No, even just a little earlier, maybe things would have turned out differently.

Or would it… I have no ways to know now that I have long passed the crossroad of fate. That is why I wrote to you, my other "self" at another time, or even another dimension. If you are looking for the truth, you need to steel yourself. For it seems that "we" have failed to save her before when she needed our help the most.

"Seeker of truth, may goddess' blessing be with you".

Elline: Ahhh!!

The strange dream seemed to wake me up too suddenly, in the middle of class. I can see the looks of everyone focusing on me.

Elline: My apology, instructor

Strangely this is the first time I fell asleep like this. I never had any conditions with my health or sleep. I always go to bed early as well…

Instructor Gin: Heh, looks like my lecture is too boring for you.

Elline: No way instructor, your lecture is very interesting! Though the content of it is rather too basic for my taste.

Instructor Gin: Ohh big talk now aren't you! Well if you'd be so nice as to tell the class the "basics" of the lecture again?

Elline: My pleasure, instructor.

So I stated the basics of the Reformist War in the year of 1202 continental calendar. The event occurred just two years after the declaration of war by the Empire of Draconia against the Kingdom of Aurora. A group of resistance led by talented people, their leader was given the title Chosen Hero. After the defeat of Draconia, the churches from the kingdom of Aurora and now called the United Kingdom of Altera used the war as a reason to raise arms against the churches in Draconia. It was a battle of religious conflict between the Empire and the Kingdom and its ally, soon, however, it upscaled and became another great war involving the whole west of the Weiss continent. Until this day it is still not clear who, or what even ended the war that lasted for the entire year. Some speculated that the goddess of Lehman herself was saddened by the war caused by humans in the name of religion. Goddess herself in a moment of frustration sent down a heavenly force and destroyed an entire intersection area between the Kingdom of Aurora, United Kingdom of Altera, and the United Autonomy States or UAS. The area now became famous for sightseeing, Dolorem lake as large as 58,030 legi in size.

Elline: And that should be everything

Instructor Gin: Thanks Elline - kun, looks like you got that down to the very detail. If possible, how about a historical chat with me sometime?

Elline: If the opportunity arises, instructor.

Though in all honesty, ever since the conversation with Charlotte, I started questioning how true these recorded events are. I feel like there is something that is still covered in the dark cloud, hidden from plain sight. Something so sinister about the history of the continent. Perhaps it is not wrong to say that the history of humanity is written by blood and tragedy, though triumph prevailed in the end, it is up to history to decide what was right or wrong. And history is decided by the victor. Whether they are accurate or not, there must be a reason behind their missing components. As all things are governed by rules and logic, so will they. Finding the Ancient Library will be the key to understanding these rules and whoever created them.

Elline: Heh, just the thought of it would send a shiver down my whole body. Truly fascinating! (smirk)

Later that day, I met up with Luna and managed to talk with Sarah - senpai during lunchtime.

Elline: Thank you, Sarah - senpai for your time.

Sarah: No worry, I heard from Luna yesterday. Nice to meet you Elline - kun, I am Sarah Astraid, a third-year student.

Elline: My pleasure, Sarah - senpai. My name is Elline, Elline Ingrid, a second-year student.

Elline: I thought it might have been a coincidence, but are you perhaps the eldest daughter of Astraid family?

Sarah: Yes, that I am.

Luna: Eh? Astraid family?

Elline: Ah Luna - san hasn't heard of Astraid family?

Luna: No - not that I am aware of…

Elline: Astraid family is very famously known for their strong tie with the imperial family. It has been dated back almost 200 years ago.

Elline: Not only that but their talented children, the youngest daughter made her first debut as a singer only at 12 years old. The oldest son is currently the major general of the Imperial Force, working directly under the imperial family. And the oldest daughter is known for her collaboration in the invention of the newest Exelon unit.

Luna: Heh?!?!! And that person is Sarah - senpai?!?!!

Sarah: Shhhhh Luna - chan, you were being quite loud there.

Luna: I - I'm sorry senpai, I was just too surprised!!

Luna: I mean, you are the inventor of the newest Exelon model… I didn't even know!

Sarah: To be precise, I only collaborated with them, inputting ideas here and there but that's about everything. Nothing too special -

Luna: But still I think that is very awesome!!

Sarah: Hehe you making me embarrassed now Luna - chan. But thank you.

Sarah: But you seem to know a lot about it, Elline - kun… It's not like my collaboration part is that well-known…

Elline: Ehh, I just have a keen eye for information. Maybe if other students keep up with the news they would know about you more, senpai.

Sarah: Hahaha, not that I want any more attention than I already had anyway.

Sarah: By the way, speaking of information, you have something to ask me about Elline - kun?

Elline: Ah yes, I assume you have already heard of the rumor about the witch and the extra section in the library?

Sarah: Ah so you're looking into that rumor?

Sarah: Hmm to be honest if you are expecting something supernatural I might have to break it to you. There is actually no witch or extra section at all.

Luna: EHh??!! That can't be, I mean I did see a figure of a girl in the library that day, even the extra row of bookshelf too…

Luna: Even senpai saw it too right? I mean that figure of the girl, and that noise too…

Elline: Can you explain to me what kind of noise that was?

Luna: Eh… I'm not sure how to put it, but I think it was the sound of something, like an animal growling.

Elline: Was that what you heard as well Sarah - senpai?

Sarah: Yeah, I did hear something like that … This is not a secret or anything, but it's really well-known among second-year students and third-year students.

Elline: Oh, I assume you mean the confession library rumor?

Sarah: Ah yes that one! I mean if you knew about the rumor then you would have known right?

Luna: Ehh? I'm curious, what kind of rumor is it?

Sarah: Ah actually since last year someone said that if a person confesses their love to the other behind the back row of bookshelves in the library, it will succeed. Since then it became a hotspot for couples to hang out.

Luna: Ehhhh, so you are saying that what I saw yesterday was just someone minding their own business??

Elline: Hmm, then that would explain your reaction.

Elline: But what of the sound? You said it sounded like a growling sound right?

Sarah: I don't want to go any further beyond my speculation, but I think they were having a "good" time…

Elline: …

Luna: … Good time?

Sarah: Uhm, I mean is there a better place than the back row for that kind of sweet love action? Also, it's kinda exciting, isn't it?

Elline: Mah… I can understand where you came from. Does that mean you stumbled upon one before?

Sarah: … Just a little.

Elline: Well, for now, I can consider it to be a possibility.

Elline: Thank you, Sarah - senpai for your time, I hope we did not take up too much of your free time.

Sarah: Not a problem, I'm glad we get to talk, I think you really are interesting Elline - kun. I hope we can get along.

Elline: The feeling is mutual, Sarah - senpai. Let's talk about technology next time. Maybe we can have some tea and cookies to accompany.

Sarah: My pleasure, see you then Elline - kun, Luna - chan.

We left the dining room to go back to the classroom section, on the way back we had a small discussion and encountered an uninvited guest.

Luna: Elline - senpai are you into technology?

Elline: Not really, why you ask?

Luna: No it's nothing, I was just surprised you knew about Sarah - senpai's work…

Elline: Ah you mean her collaboration work?

Elline: I just happened to see her name in a newspaper a couple of years back is all. You know I used to travel a lot, and keeping up with news about the kingdom is one way to feel at home.

Of course, that was a lie. I know exactly who Sarah Astraid is, even her younger sister and her older brother that is currently serving directly under the Imperial family. After all the collaboration was between the Astraid family and my main research institution located at Vern. Though I was not present during the research work, I did receive a report from all collaborators and staffs member of the project. There I happened to see Sarah's name. In all honesty, even though her name actually popped up in one of the issues of the Imperial News, it was in a small corner of the page so I wouldn't expect many people to notice besides, well her relatives and family.

Elline: By the way, Luna-san, I forgot to ask earlier, but do you remember around what time the event happened?

Luna: Eh… If I remember correctly, I think it was around 5:00 PM or so…

Elline: I see, thank you very much.

Elline: You got that?

I turned around

Charlotte: Ehhh… you found out already? I was going to surprise you two

Elline: Well you gotta do better than that

Charlotte: When did you notice??

Elline: Before we left the lunch room

Charlotte: Heee… so from the beginning already?!

Luna: Ehh… Good day to you Charlotte - senpai

Charlotte: Good day to you Luna - chan!

Elline: When did you two become that close?

Charlotte: Well we've been texting each other quite recently to exchange information. She's really sweettttt

Luna: Senpai you could just have come and said "hi"...

Charlotte: Ehh… I didn't want to interrupt your lovely-dovey time… you see

Luna: Oh no it's not like that senpai, we were just talking about the event is all -

Elline: Don't let her mess with you, she was just joking.

Charlotte: Heheh

Elline: So, you got that, around 5:00 PM after school. You've been following us so I assume you found something?

Charlotte: Heh very sharp of you. Yeah, I got something that goes very well with your information.

Elline: Alright I'll see you at the clubroom today after I finished with the other two.

Elline: Would you mind coming as well Luna - san, if you don't have library duty today?

Luna: Ye- Yes! I will, I don't have library duty today. I will see you later then senpais.

She waved us off and headed toward the lower floor for first-year students.

Charlotte: See? Sweet girls right?! She is so cute!

Elline: Yeah yeah whatever you say. So, mind telling me what you got there?

Charlotte: Club information, from a very official source that is!

Elline: Heh, I don't know how you managed to get your hands on that kind of document, but that will be a great help.

Elline: Thanks

Charlotte: Not a problem, I see you later then

Elline: Yeah, later.

And we too parted ways.

The evening of that same day

Elline: Hello, you two must be Emily - san and Sofia - san from class C2.

Elline: Please to meet you, my name is Elline, Elline Ingrid from class A2.

Emily: Nice to meet you too Elline - san

Sofia: Me too, nice to meet you Elline - san.

Luna: Thank you senpais for taking your free time.

Emily: Hahaha not a problem Luna - chan. You said you have something to ask us.

Elline: Actually yes, I would like to ask you two regarding the witch's rumor.

Elline: Since you two were also present when it happened, do you remember anything else?

Emily: You mean the witch rumor in the library that everyone has been talking about?

Sofia: I think people just like rumors here and there, makes life a little more exciting don't you think?

Emily: Hmm I think it's pretty normal actually. Do you know about the confession library rumor? It's very famous among second-year students and third-year students. Only first-year students like Luna - chan wouldn't know or transfer students.

Elline: So I heard of. Do you mean what you two saw the other day just coupled with confessing to each other?

Sofia: Uhm, I think so… Though I'm not sure who spread the rumor about the witch.

Emily: Right? I was wondering about that too, me and Sofia both think some people were hanging out there.

Sofia: Yeah and I know Sarah - senpai knew about the rumor as well. This leaves Luna - chan, but she is very shy around people so I don't think it's possible

Luna: Ye- yes… I'm not very comfortable yet around people so I wouldn't go talk about this kind of thing to everyone…

Emily: So that's that.

Elline: Hmm… so that means none of the people witnessed could have spread the rumor. Then how did it get out to everyone so fast in just one day?

Elline: And assuming that if someone else was spreading the rumor, how coincidentally that the rumor matches exactly word by word to what Luna-san described?

Elline: Luna-san, did you perhaps talk about what you saw to anyone else besides the library staff?

Luna: Ehh… no… I don't think I did. After I left the library that day… Maybe… I remember someone approached me…

Luna: Ehh… Now that I think about it, there was someone I was talking to after I left the library…

Elline: Do you remember what the person looks like?

Luna: … I … can't I'm sorry. A re, how come I cannot remember what that person looks like…

Elline: Just in case, do you remember around what time did you leave the library until you met that person?

Luna: I think… I left the library at around 5:40 after I cleaned up, only a short walk outside the library where I met that person.

Luna: So I think around 5:45?

Elline: Alright, thanks Luna - san, you two as well.

Emily: No worries at all, let me know if you found something cool

Sofia: It would be cool if there's really a witch right

Elline: For sure, if anything Luna - san here will be the first to know.

After Emily and Sofia left, I got up and went to the club building with Luna. On our way there,

Luna: Senpai, are we not going to meet up with Charlotte senpai?

Elline: Actually Luna - san, why don't you head to the club room first? I have something to take care of real quick. Can you tell Charlotte-san I will be there in a bit?

Luna: Yes senpai. I will see you there then.

After seeing Charlotte headed off to the club room, I made my way into the building.

Elline: Excuse me, Ms. Lomeyer.

Ms. Lomeyer is the club building manager. Her responsibilities include everything from managing the building's hygiene, to the club's activities control, and the thing that I am looking for is in her possession as well.

Elline: Do you remember me, I was the student that couldn't find the club room on the first school day.

Lohmeyer: Ohh you are that student, Ingrid-kun right? Did you manage to find your club room?

Elline: Yes, thank you so much for your help that day.

Elline: Ms. Lomeyer is the building manager so I guess you have the club's checking-in and out timetable right?

Lohmeyer: Yes, I keep all the keys to the club room so every student needs to sign in when they take and return the keys.

Elline: Is it possible that I can borrow that timetable? I just need to confirm a few things about how long on average club time usually takes.

Elline: I'm actually a transfer student here, there are still many clubs I want to take a look at before deciding if I want to join. So I just want to make sure the club activity time is not too long

Lohmeyer: Sorry Ingrid-kun but the log is of private club matters, I cannot just give it to students. But if there's anything else I can help you with, please let me know.

Just as I thought, it would not be easy to have my hands on these academy's documents. It makes me wonder how Charlotte managed to get her hands on that information. Just when I thought to give up and return to the club room, a figure of a familiar man walked into the building, he spoke as if he was waiting for this moment all along.

Principle Roland: Good evening Maya - kun. I see you are still very hard at work as usual.

Lohmeyer: I appreciate it principle Roland, perhaps you can learn a thing or two from my diligence?

Principle Roland: Hahaha

Lohmeyer: And please stop calling Maya - kun in front of students for once.

Principle Roland: What, your name is beautiful, would be a waste to not use it more often!

Lohmeyer: That is thoughtful of you, but we are at work right now principal.

Elline: Ehhh… Principle and Ms. Lohmeyer are acquaintances?

Principle Roland: Hahaha, you can say so…

Principle Roland: By the way Elline - kun, you seem to be in trouble.

Lohmeyer: Ingrid - kun wanted to check the club activities time so he asked for the check-in log. But I told him it is the club's private matter so I could not let students have it.

Principle Roland: Ahh so that is why…

Principle Roland: Hmmm, actually Elline - kun came to me and asked how to decide what club to join. He is a transfer student so there are still many things he does not know about the academy's tradition.

Principle Roland: So I told him to check out the club's activities and maybe their activity time to see which one best fits his interest. I said I will give him full support…

Principle Roland: So perhaps he wanted to use the academy's report to check on clubs' activities and time.

Lohmeyer: Ahh so that is why… No wonder, I've never seen any students go asked for this kind of stuff. So it was your idea then principal, you always give students vague explanations and weird ideas….

Principle Roland: Hahaha sorry Maya - kun, but would you make an exception this time for him?

Lohmeyer: Well, it can't be helped if it's a direct request from the principal. Besides it's your fault, to begin with too, a principle so don't just laugh it off.

Principle Roland: Hahaha thank you Maya - kun, I know I can always count on you!

Lohmeyer: Not a problem, and please stop calling me "Maya - kun" in front of students.

Ms. Lomeyer handed me the check-in log after principal Roland requested it. I was half surprised, and the other half, I thought this might be part of his plan from the beginning.

Lohmeyer: Here you go Ingrid - kun, just know it's an exception this time okay? And next time if you would like advice about the academy, you better come to me instead of that old geezer.

Principle Roland: Nooooo Maya - kun did you just call me an old geezer?!!!

Elline: Thank you so much, Ms. Lohmeyer, I will return it to you as soon as I finished with it.

I left the club building with principal Roland and waited outside.

Elline: So… would you mind explaining to me what are you brewing up this time?

Roland: Hahaha, you still sharp as ever Loid - kun, ahh, now is Elline - kun right?

Roland: Nothing really, I was just surprised you came to ask me for enrollment.

Roland: Don't get me wrong, you always surprised me in more ways than I could have imagined. But knowing you for 5 years I never once expected you to come and ask me to enroll at an academy.

Roland: Part of me just felt like, "maybe this is the chance I need to repay you my debt". So that's that.

Elline: Roland - san… Like I said you don't owe me anything, I simply did that because I felt like it.

Roland: Even if you said that it was a life-saving matter for me. You saved my family, my whole world to me. At least I want to do something in return.

Elline: I appreciate it Roland - san, ahh I mean principle Roland.

Roland: Hahaha, when there are two of us you don't have to put your act up.

Elline: Well, then mind you explain to me what else are you still hiding?

Roland: Ohh it's exposed already hm

Elline: Quite obvious. First of all, I don't ever think anyone would go to a mystery club for a request as strange as that. Secondly, someone that shy around people like Luna-san wouldn't have had the courage to come to our club for the request, to begin with.

Elline: Which means there must be someone that encouraged her to come to us with her request.

Elline: For a club that is not even existed in the system, not even Ms. Lohmeyer, the club building manager knows about it. Hence there can be only one person behind this, one that has authority all over the academy itself.

Elline: Principle Roland.

Principle Roland: Hahaha, as expected of you. I thought it would take you longer to figure out though.

Principle Roland: How did you know it was me, to begin with?

Elline: Because of the club documents my clubmate somehow had access to.

Elline: At first I was not convinced, but after I saw what you did earlier, I finally understood that you were pulling the strings behind the request.

Principle Roland: Hahaha you are right. As I said, I wanted to return the favor to you. The knowledge you have might already surpass what this academy can offer to you.

Principle Roland: But when you asked me to sign your enrollment paper, I was wondering as to what reason, someone in your league would be interested in this academy.

Principle Roland: I found out later that the mystery club might be the reason you wanted to enroll here. And my theory was confirmed.

Elline: So that's why you agreed to help my clubmate out, that's quite considerate of you, principal.

Principle Roland: As I said, I will do all I can in my ability to help you here as long as you are a student of this academy. I hope you can learn a thing or two from your time here.

Elline: Thank you Roland - san, I really appreciate your considerate thoughts. Though I must ask, did you tell Charlotte my actual identity?

Principle Roland: No actually -

Elline: So the other person must have told her then…

Principle Roland: That might not be the case…

Elline: Eh? What do you mean by that?

Principle Roland: When she came to my office for the club document, she said her reason was to help you out with your investigation.

Principle Roland: Quote by quote, "Loid - kun can be very smart with his works, but when it comes to human relationships in a close environment like this academy he might need my help", was what Charlotte - kun said.

Elline: Eh? What does she mean… "I need her help"?!

Principle Roland: Eh?

Elline: Hmm that cheeky girl I can't believe she thinks she is better than me. I am the one helping her out actually!

Principle Roland: Ehhh…

He was surprised, but then the principal burst out in laughter

Principle Roland: Hahaha…! I can't believe there would be a day that I see this side of you! I'm glad the time you spent together already had some effect.

Elline: What are you laughing at principal, this is no laughing matter, my pride as a man is being put to a test. That cheeky girl!!!

Principle Roland: Well then Elline - kun, I hope you get along with Charlotte well, she is like family to me, please help her out too. I will continue to provide your club with help to the best of my ability.

Elline: You are right principal, I am the one helping her, not the other way around.

After our conversation ended, I made my way back to the club room while checking the check-in log on the way there.

Charlotte: Heyy Elline, you here. What took you so long?!

Luna: Elline - senpai, welcome back

Elline: Ahh I went to get something, had an unexpected conversation so that's why it took a bit longer.

Elline: By the way, let's get the meeting started, I think we should have all the materials to start shaping up our conclusion now.

Luna: Ehh??!! Already?!

Charlotte: That's Elline - kun for you, always fast at work.

Charlotte: Well then, how about you explain the overall situation for us Elline?

I sat down on the other end of the table, pulled out all the documents, and took a final glance over everything.

Elline: Let's start with summarizing our request.

Elline: Luna-san, a first-year student, and the other three members, Sarah Astraid a third-year student, Emily Rosner, and Sofia Adriane, a second-year student, have witnessed a rather peculiar event on the 1st of March, which was the first day of school in the academy library.

Elline: After school, at around 5:00 PM when the library staff returned from the meeting, Luna-san heard something like a growling noise, there she saw the figure of a girl, then it was quicking disappeared into thin air. Luna-san then ran down the aisles but found out there were other extra aisles, thirteen in total.

Elline: Immediately Luna - san ran back to senpais and asked if they have witnessed that. Sarah - senpai, Emily - san as well as Sofia - san all replied that it is a very common thing and that Luna - san shouldn't worry about it.

Elline: Luna-san went back to confirm but this time there is only 12 aisles. After that at around 5:45 when Luna-san left the library to go back to the student dorm, she talked with a student, whose identity is unknown. However, she has no recollection of the details of the conversation.

Elline: Is that correct?

Luna: Ye- yes, that is correct senpai.

Elline: Well then, to fulfill Luna-san's request, there are two objectives we needed to accomplish. First is the identity of the witch, and second is the extra aisle in the library. Confirming these two objectives, we can conclude whether this peculiar event is truly occultic, or was a stroke of random events that happened one after another.

Elline: There is also another rumor related to the library, called the confession library. It is said that those who confess to their loved ones behind the back row of bookshelves in the library will have a higher chance of success. This rumor is famous among second-year students and third-year students it has become famous since last year. Hence, new students won't likely know.

Elline: Based on the information I have collected, and thanks to Charlotte's effort, I will report them here.

Charlotte: Please go ahead

Elline: From the club documents that Charlotte somehow managed to get her hands on, there is information on all the club members and facility volunteer members. Based on this information, we can tell which organizations that each student is registered in.

Elline: Combined this with the check-in log I managed to borrow from Ms. Lohmeyer, the club building manager. The check-in log contains the times at which students checked in and out with Ms. Lomeyer.

Elline: From what I can see, most clubs that are registered in the system, sad to say, which are all the clubs except for this mystery club, were checking in at around the same time frame from 4:30 to around 4:35 PM on the 1st of March.

Elline: Then, what we need to look for is the check-out time, when the clubs returned their room key to Ms. Lomeyer. Based on the check-in time we can deduce which body of students might have had the chance to access the library before 5:00 PM which was when the event happened.

Elline: Another point to take notice of is the check-out time of the clubs because there might be a chance that the person that approached Luna-san after she left the library is the same person Luna-san witnessed in the library.

Elline: If we operate based on such belief, then here is my theory.

Elline: By the method of elimination, clubs that have the check-in and check-out in the time frame of 4:30 and 5:40 are only two. The first is the horse riding club, which started at 4:35 and checked out at around 5:45. The other one is the literature club, which started at 4:30 and checked out at 5:40…

Elline: We can safely say that the members of these two clubs will have the highest chance of being presented at the event, and met with Luna - san after she left the library. Assuming these two figures are of the same person.

Elline: Though in all honesty, I think the literature club might have a higher chance of coming to the library. After all, they have more reason to use the library than the horse riding club. However, we still cannot exclude the possibilities.

Elline: Using the club documents, we will split out and talk to these club members, I will take care of the Literature club, and Charlotte will take care of the horse riding club. After that, we will meet back here to summarize our findings and decide where to go from here.

Elline: If my thought process is correct, the so-called "witch" might be a member of one of the two clubs. Though as to how that figure disappeared and the extra aisles, I still cannot confirm whether they are actual magic or Luna - san was just tired. But we will find out after we caught this witch.

Charlotte: Well then, it's witch hunt time?

Elline: Sure if you want to put it that way.

Luna: Etoo, so what am I going to do?

Charlotte: Luna - chan hmm…. Well, you go with Elline, that guy is not good and clueless when it comes to normal social interaction.

Luna: Ye- yes, Elline - senpai, I hope we get alon-

Luna: Ahhh I mean I hope I can be of use to you!!

Elline: Oii… I might be the one helping her actually…

Elline: And besides, who did you call clueless hah you empty-headed girl?!!

Charlotte: Hahaha, okay you two have fun, I'll see you two in a bit then.

Elline: Hmp, just like that. Well then Luna - san, let's go we have our task to finish.

Luna: Yes senpai!

Based on the club documents, the literature club room is on the third floor of the club building. There are four members currently registered, their supervisor is the homeroom teacher of class B2, instructor Maria Kovesky.

Elline: Sorry for the intrusion, literature club, can I have a minute?

The voice replied from behind the club door

Voice: Yes, please come in.

Elline: Sorry for the intrusion

Luna: So-sorry… for the intrusion…

Elline: My name is Elline Ingrid, from class A2 and this is Luna-san, a first-year student. Looks like everyone is having club activity right at the moment. Would it be possible for us to ask each of the members some questions?

Club president: Ah we are still cleaning up the club room, but if you want to ask us anything feel free to. My name is Leon, Leon Berlett, the literature club's president.

Then Leon started introducing all the club members

Leon: This right here is club vice president Mia Lester

Mia: Nice to meet you, I am Mia Lester, the club's vice president

Leon: And the other two over there are Emma and Claire respectively

Emma: My name is Emma Payton, club member. Nice to meet you.

Claire Estein: Claire Estein, nice to meet you.

Luna: Thank you for your time, my name is Luna Grace, nice to meet you all…

Elline: Alright then, to not waste your club time, do you mind if I start with you Leon - san?

Leon: Sure no problem

We pulled Leon out to the hallway

Elline: Hi so I wanted to ask you something about the witch rumor recently, have you heard of it?

Leon: Ahh that rumor, yeah it has been popular among students recently. Are you looking into it?

Elline: You can say so, we will need some information from you, you are under no obligation to answer us, however, I would appreciate it if you are willing to cooperate.

Leon: Eh???

Luna: Ahhh I'm sorry Elline - senpai sometimes talks in a weird way. Leon - senpai, we wanted to ask you about the literature club's first day. We think it might have something to do with the rumor.

Leon: Ahh... Ah no worries, please go ahead.

Elline: Alright then, first I would like to ask if you have ever heard of the confession library.

Leon: Yeah, it's really famous among us second-year and third-year students after all.

Elline: Okay then, can you tell me about your club's activity on the 1st of March?

Leon: 1st of March hmm, so the first day of school?... I think we were cleaning up the club room. There was a lot of stuff that needed to be cleaned it was like a whole mess.

Elline: So everyone started cleaning the club room as soon as club time started?

Leon: Yeah, around 4:30 something…

Elline: Thank you. Then do you remember what each club member did while cleaning the club room?

Leon: Hmm let's see, I don't think there was anything out of the ordinary…

Leon: We were all just cleaning the club room.

Elline: Let me rephrase it this way then, did you remember if someone left the club room for a while?

Leon: I think Claire-san was leaving for quite a while.

Leon: But other members including me also left the club room too.

Elline: Do you remember what each member left the club room for?

Leon: I think Emma - san and Mia-chan headed out together to fill the bucket with water, we were cleaning up the room so we needed two or three buckets.

Leon: We cleaned up for a while, then I left the club room to go get everyone some water. There is a vending machine just down the hallway.

Leon: I came back to the club room right after that. Then we found some old books on the bookshelf. We didn't know what to do with them so Claire-san volunteered to bring them to the library.

Elline: And you said she took a while to get back?

Leon: Yeah… now that you mentioned it, the stack of old books was not that heavy. At first, I told her that I can take care of it but she insisted. There were probably two or three books and walking directly to the library takes at most 5 minutes even while carrying the books.

Elline: Did Claire-san get back to the clubroom at around 5:00 PM?

Leon: Ahh yes! I think so, but how did you know?

Elline: Just a guess.

Elline: That should be everything I wanted to ask you about, thank you so much Leon - san.

Leon: Ah that is no problem at all. You don't need to talk to the other members?

Elline: No no yet, not at the moment. You have a good even then.

Leon: You two as well.

We waved off Leon and headed back to the club room, only to find out that Charlotte was already there.

Charlotte: Hey there, took you two long enough

Luna: Ehhh Charlotte - senpai?? How did you get back so quickly?!

Elline: The horse riding club members are practicing right next door. Besides the information we just obtained, likely, the horse riding club is not the right answer.

Charlotte: Heh, that makes it easier then. But before you say I did not do it seriously, I did.

Charlotte: I made sure to ask if anyone left the club room during their club activity. All of the club members were busy cleaning up the horse stable the whole time, and there is a cleaning station built into the stable itself so they didn't have to go to the restroom for water.

Elline: Well, thanks for the details. Great work there Charlotte.

Charlotte: Hehe, you're welcome.

Elline: Alright then, from what we have heard so far, it is safe to assume that the witch's identity is Claire Estein of the literature club.

Elline: Though we have no concrete evidence, we will soon after she is finished with club activity. I need to talk to her again to confirm a few things.

Elline: You guys just wait at the academy gate, I will talk to her alone first.

Charlotte/Luna: Okayy/Yes, senpai.

At 5:30 PM, we started to head out. Luna-san and Charlotte headed to the academy gate.

Elline: Claire-san, would you mind going out with me for a bit?

Claire: Oh, you are from earlier. Do you still need something? I heard you were looking into the witch rumor.

Elline: So Leon - san told everyone then, guess this would make things easier.

Elline: This place is quite crowded, how about we go somewhere else?

Claire: Sure, I don't mind.

We went back to the main building and headed to the rooftop. The view up here is quite magnificent, certainly enough to take the whole sight of the town in. Under the slowly fading light, there are only two people on the rooftop.

Elline: Now then, let's get straight to the point. Claire-san, I heard from Leon - san that you went to the library when th-

Claire: Wait before you say anything else, I just want to let you know that the rumor is nothing special. I think you don't know, but apparently, every second-year and third-year students here know about the confession library rumor.

Elline: Ah you mean the one place where couples like to hang out? Yes, I have heard of that one just recently. It sure is famous among students here hm.

Elline: Though the fact that you said that, means you already know that I am a transfer student here right? Even though you are not a student of class A2, if I remember correctly, you are a B2 student correct?

Claire: Well… you see words just got around. It's not really an everyday thing this academy has transfer students after all.

Elline: Hmm, seems like you know about this academy quite well. But anyway,

Elline: I wanted to ask you about those books that you carried to the library.

Claire: What of it?

Elline: Don't you find it strange?


Elline: Usually if you find old books that are unidentified or unsure of how to process them, the first place you should be heading to is the faculty room and report them to one of the instructors. Instead, you brought them straight to the library, not only that, but you put them back onto the shelves by yourself.

Claire: What do you mean…

Elline: Luna-san and the other library staff arrived at the library later that day at around 5:00 PM. If you brought them back to the library then the first place you should be putting them is on the counter so the staff or the instructor can check them. Instead, you decided to place them back on the shelves, as if you already knew where they belong.

Claire: Then what of it, I just thought it would save them some hassles if I put them back where they belong.

Elline: Well, are you sure that you put them back where they belong?

Claire: Yes, I'm confident of it. If they are in the wrong section then I will go apologies to the staff later.

Elline: Indeed they are placed in the wrong section. However, that is not simply because of your mistakes, but rather because you intended to put them in the wrong section.

Elline: You see after I accepted the request from Luna-san, I did go back to the library the next day to check to see if there is anything strange. Sadly I did not find anything strange, besides three books.

Elline: Those three old books are very out of place, and the weirdest thing is that they are all placed in the same row, on the same bookshelf. I wonder how much of the chances are those three books are the same as those old books you brought to the library.

Elline: Let's see, Tales of the Albion Wolf, History of lake Dolorem, and the other book's cover is hard to make out, but based on the content I think it is about the evolution of natural quartz.

Claire: …

Elline: Those three old books are placed in the same row, on the same bookshelf. Even if you have made a mistake in identifying the category of the books, you wouldn't happen to wrongly identify all three of them to be the same category, would you?

Claire: What are you trying to say…

Elline: Mah don't be impatient, let me explain a few other things to you first.

Elline: You are a second-year student and you know about the confession library rumor and what it actually is, a place for couples to hang out. Everyone knows that wouldn't go to the back row of bookshelves in the library. How convenient now that you have a place, almost as sacred as the church of Lehmian itself to hide something without worrying others can see it.

Elline: It is still a theory on my part, and in fact, I don't know or really care what you are hiding back there because they are not of my business. What I am here to do is to confirm whether you are the "witch" in the rumor.

Elline: Besides there are still many things that cannot be explained. The witch that suddenly disappeared, the extra aisles, the sound Luna-san heard. And last, the mysterious person Luna-san traded conversation with that she somehow had to the memory of.

Elline: Do you get what I'm saying here?

Claire: Are you implying that I am the witch?

Elline: No no, that part I already implied. I am saying that you are the mysterious person Luna-san traded conversation with after she left the library.

Elline: I'm not sure what kind of magic you used, but what a coincidence there is a rumor about a witch in the library, the content of the rumor is the same as what Luna - san witnessed. Despite no one spreading that rumor in the first place, it spread like wildfire in just a day. If that is not magic I'm not sure what else, because Luna-san herself cannot do something like this.

Claire: Well… Detective. All I can say is that you are on a right track.

Elline: Heh, so you confirmed that you are the "witch" in the rumor?

Claire: No, not at all, I am not a "witch"...

Claire: But that part about the rumor is not wrong (smile).

Elline: Huh?...

Then suddenly my memory became hazy, my eyelids were so heavy they could shut themselves down any moment. When I opened my eyes again, I found myself standing on the academy rooftop.

Elline: Ehh? What am I doing here…

Then I heard a growling voice, I turned around

Elline: Eto… you are Claire - san right?

Claire: Yes, you okay Elline - san? You said you wanted to tell me something…

Elline: Ah…. Ahhh that's right my apology. I forgot what I wanted to say…

Claire: Hehe, no it's fine don't worry about it. If you remember what you wanted to say you can let me know. I don't mind going out with you another time.

Elline: My apology if it's rude of me, but are you perhaps hungry?

Claire: … That's quite rude, no I am fine.

Elline: Ah… uhmm, sorry…

Elline: "Hm… weird I swear I heard a growling sound… Mah I need to go see Charlotte and Luna - san, they are probably waiting for me right now".

We parted way after that, I headed straight to the academy gate.

Elline: Sorry for taking so long. Have you two been waiting here the whole time?

Charlotte/Luna: Yeah/Yes, senpai.

Charlotte: Actually we did not wait that long anyway, right?

Luna: Ye- yes, you actually took care of it very quickly senpai.

Charlotte: Then… how is it?

Elline: How is what?

Charlotte: Hah? You're kidding me? I'm asking you for the result.

Elline: Result what? What are you talking about?

Charlotte: Are you sure you are okay? Did you hit your head somewhere?

Luna: Heh Elline - senpai did you injure yourself???

Elline: No I did not hit my head anywhere. If anything you two are being weird, asking me for results all of a sudden.

Charlotte: Didn't you say you were going to talk to Claire then you will know the answer?!

Elline: Claire…? Oh Claire Estein - san right?

Charlotte: Who else?!

Elline: Wait, I forgot what I was going to tell her I think. Besides, didn't we agree to go into town after we finished with the club today?

Luna: Etou….

Luna: Charlotte - senpai, I think Elline - senpai really hit his head somewhere…

Charlotte: You don't say…

Charlotte: Hey Elline look at me

Elline: What? What so sudden?

Charlotte: Hurry up just look at me, straight in the eyes.

Elline: Okay?

I hesitated at first, but after hearing her serious voice, I looked straight into her eyes.

Charlotte: Hmm I thought so… Elline's pupil is smaller, and there is a purple color on the retina. He is controlled by magic.

Luna: Ehh magic, what?! WHAT?!!!!

Charlotte: Shh quiet down Luna - chan, others might hear it.

Elline: You finished? What about magic?

Charlotte: Elline I need you to close your eyes.

Elline: What is it this time? We will be late for the next bus if you don't hurry up Charlotte.

Charlotte: I'm trying to hurry up here Elline, just hurry up and close your eyes.

Elline: Fine, whatever you do just do it quick.

Luna: Charlotte - senpai do you know how to cure this magic?

Charlotte: I'm not sure, I can only try, hopefully, this work.

With my eyes closed, I could feel Charlotte's hands placed on my cheeks. She slowly pulled me forward. Second later, I could feel her lips on min-

Elline: Ehhhh?!?!! What are you doing Charlotte?!! Why all of the sudden?!!?

Luna: AH ahhh ahahhhhh!!! Char– Char, Charlotte - senpai?!!!!!

Charlotte: Shut up, not like I wanted to do it. I just want to see if it would work

Elline: Work what?! Kissing me? That was my first kiss, not like it's a problem or anything but…

Charlotte: What?!! How dare you say it's not a problem, that was my first kiss as well!! It's very important to girls, don't you know that you social freaks?!

Elline: What you said?! You suddenly kissed me on your own and now you blamed it on me?!! You empty-headed witch!!

Elline: Ehh… Witch… That's right, about the witch-

But before I could finish my sentence

"Smack", a slap on my face.

Charlotte: Pheww… Now I feel better, that is for saying my first kiss is nothing important.

Elline: Now's not the time for that you cheeky girl! Listen I just talked to Claire Estein and she confirmed the rumor!

Luna: Looks like it worked, Charlotte - senpai, how did you do it?

Charlotte: Hehehe, you know in those fairy tales where the princess is asleep and the prince kissed her on the lips? I thought if I replicate that it would cure whatever magic is controlling Elline's mind.

Elline: Magic?

Charlotte: Yeah listen Elline, I'm not sure what your conversation with Claire Estein was, but you were controlled by magic.

Charlotte: You did not remember what you talked to Claire, then you even told us we were going to hang out in town.

Elline: What… did I say that? You are not joking?

Luna: Yes, senpai, I thought it was weird as well.

Elline: Claire Estein, I actually did have a conversation with her… then all a sudden, my eyelids felt heavy. When I woke up I found myself standing there with her…

Elline: Hmm… That's right!!! The noise, the growling noise!!

Elline: Did you hear that noise as well Luna - san?!

Luna: You mean the growling noise, senpai?

Elline: Yes! Right after you had the conversation with the mysterious person.

Luna: Hmm… I can't remember… my memory is kinda hazy when I tried to, it's like a thick fog is covering it up…

Elline: Charlotte, you were saying that is magic right? Then is it true that there is actual magic?!

Charlotte: I cannot confirm to you, but based on the many fairy tales that I have read, I can say that it is not 100% impossible that there might be some individual who carries special traits or power on the continent.

Elline: Alright, that's all I need to know. Charlotte, do it.

Charlotte: Do what?

Elline: What else… What you did to me earlier

Charlotte: What?! You want me to kiss you again?!! If you are so desperate for my kiss just say so you social freaks!

Elline: No that's not what I meant! Kiss Luna - san, not me. She is probably affected by the same magic that controlled my mind as well.

Luna: Ehhhhhh???? Charlotte - senpai kissing me???

Charlotte: No time, here we go Luna - san, close your eyes.

Luna: T_T my first kissssss…..

After the two kissed.

Elline: So how does it feel?

Charlotte: Quite refreshing actually

Elline: I'm not asking you

Luna: T_T they say the first kiss tastes like lemon, why did my kiss taste like Orion chips…

Elline: Heh??

Charlotte: Ahhh sorry, I just ate two bags of Orion chips earlier… Sorry

Elline: Eiii that's not the point, Luna - san, do you remember who you talked to yesterday now?

Luna: Ahhh yes!!! It was Claire Estein - senpai. I remember it vividly now.

Luna: After I left the library at around 5:45 PM, I met Claire - senpai and she asked me about what I saw earlier in the library.

Luna: I described to her the event, then after that… My eyelids also felt heavy. When I opened my eyes I found myself there with Claire - senpai but I could not remember what I was doing there.

Luna: That's right, right after that I heard a growling sound…. The very same noise I heard back in the library!

Elline: Heh, we got you now Claire Estein!

Elline: You two get ready, we are going for a witch hunt. Let's hurry before she goes back home.

Charlotte: Wait, before you go, do you even know where she is?

Elline: If my guess is correct, I know exactly where she is right now.

It took us no time to recover our breath, then we ran off straight back to the main building.

Elline: Hmm there you are, sorry for interrupting Sarah - senpai.

Sarah: Ohh it's you guys. Please come in, Are you guys still investigating the witch rumor?

Elline: Ehh no, I already found the truth.

That's right, if there are any places Claire can go to right now, it must be the library. Earlier in my conversation with Claire, I told her I found evidence of her doing this because of the old books she placed back on the wrong shelf. The next day I visited the library and talked with Luna - san who was on her librarian shift. When I investigated the bookshelves, I found three books that are oddly out of place compared to all the other books. I thought it might have had something to do with the rumor so I decided to leave them alone. After going back to the counter to talk with Luna-san, I carefully watched the others in the library at the same time. I noticed no one approached that section. And the other thing I noticed now, one of the other 3 people who were in the library yesterday was Claire Estein. My guess is that she went back to the library so she can place those books back on their right shelves.

Elline: Isn't that right, Claire Estein, or should I say "witch"?

Claire: …

Elline: You are surprised I assume, given that you used your magic to control my mind, and yet here I am still remembering everything we talked about earlier.

Claire: How did you -

Elline: Not even I know how a single kiss could have cured that, truly there are many things in this world I still need to learn about.

Elline: Claire - san, I have deduced that whenever you used your magic, it will make you hungry, hence the growling sound both Luna - san and I heard. The first time was when you used your magic to disappear from the library when Luna-san saw you. Not that I know if it was possible or not.

Elline: The second time was when you talked to Luna-san after she left the library and asked what did she see in the library.

Elline: Oh, by the way, Luna-san also recovered her memory as well. Though I did have to watch a yuri scene, hopefully in the future there won't be any more yuri tags in this story.

Elline: But either way, it explains why the rumor spread like wildfire and it matches exactly the same as what Luna-san described.

Elline: After you heard the story from Luna-san, you used your magic to control her memory and made her forget about the conversation. Then you would use your magic to influence the rumor to spread.

Elline: That is why the rumor went out exactly as Luna-san described. And only the second day of school but almost the whole body of students already knew about the rumor.

Elline: I guess that you thought Luna-san was going to spread the rumor so you decided to use that to your advantage. By making the rumor spread widely, you can make the students stay away from the already deserted library.

Elline: Just like how you used the confession library to your advantage. Most students know that this place is where couples like to hang out so they would not be going close to there. Imagine another rumor about a witch in the library, no students would ever want to come here again.

Elline: Which leads to another question, what is it you are hiding here that makes it worth all of your effort? I can only assume it has something to do with that hidden bookshelf of yours.

Claire: …

A moment of silence

Claire: How convenient is it… when you can just label everything you don't understand as magic…

Elline: You -

Claire: But you are right on the mark, Mr. Detective.

Charlotte/Luna: Hah…

Claire: Yeah, I am the "witch" in the rumor, your reasoning was on point, even though you knew nothing about magic, yet with only these facts you could have pieced together this story.

Claire: So what are you going to do now, telling me to the principal? Do you want some magic that can make your wish come true?

Claire: Sorry but I have to break it to you, if have a spell like tha-

Charlotte: We don't plan on anything like that Claire - san. We simply curious about the rumor is all. But now that you mentioned it, maybe about your reason behind all this as well.

Charlotte: But besides that, we would like to confirm our client's request.

Charlotte: Luna - chan, is this explanation enough to satisfy your curiosity?

Luna: …

Luna: YES!!!!! It was so exciting, senpais!! Thank you very much for your help!!!

Luna: Thank you for not giving up the request, I started to believe that the rumor might just be another "confession library" halfway through. But thanks to senpais' effort!

Elline/Charlotte: You don't have to worry about it

Luna: Hehehe, senpais are really suitable for each other.

Elline/Charlotte: No in a thousand years!

Luna: See?!

Claire: … Etoo… So do you guys still need me or am I good to go now?

Elline: Ehm, sorry about that. Like Charlotte said earlier, usually, I don't pry into personal matters. However, I feel like there must be a reason for you to go this far. If you would not mind sharing it with us, maybe we can help each other out.

Charlotte: Ohh listen to that, Elline - kun talking about helping each other out??

Elline: Hah? You wanna pick a fight with me? Charlotte - chan?!

Claire: …

Claire: Ha… ahhahahah!

Claire: I can't believe just a moment earlier I was pushed against the wall by you two….

Claire: Let's go somewhere else shall we, library is not really a place for conversations.

After that, we moved back to the mystery club room, since this is not an official club, the principal allowed Charlotte to keep the key in her possession at all times.

Claire: Heh, so there is actually a mystery club. I thought some students were just joking.

Claire: Allow me to introduce myself properly again, my name is Claire, Claire Olwyn. Estein is actually a fake name I go by here at this academy.

Claire: My true identity is a witch-in-training like what you would call. I am from the empire of Draconia. I used to attend Seven Stars academy when I was still living in Draconia, two years back I made my transfer to the main branch of Seven Stars academy in the kingdom of Aurora.

Elline: So you are actually a witch?

Claire: I wouldn't call myself a witch. I'm not sure if you would understand or believe any of this, but witches that you call are actually people with special talents in controlling mana.

Claire: According to the study comprised by the witch institution based in Draconia, many thousand years ago humanity used to be able to control mana at will. However, it is said that after the event of lake Dolorem, humanity slowly became unable to control mana. Mana is presented in everyone, but some individuals can control it which leads to the many unbelievable things that everyone calls magic.

Elline: Does that mean I also have mana in me?

Claire: Yes, even though it is quite transparent, I can sense mana within both of you and Luna-san.

Claire: Charlotte-san, however… Has a very dense stream of mana flowing in her body. She really has the potential to become a mana user!

Charlotte: Ehhh really??!! WOW, I can use magic??!!

Elline: Didn't you already use it earlier? When you kissed me and Luna - san. No ordinary kisses can counter the effect of a magic spell. That would explain…

Charlotte: Well, I was just trying to replicate the story in the fairy tales…

Claire: Anyway, back to the main topic. You guys wanted to know my reason right?

Claire: You guys are mystery club, I assume you all must be familiar with the -

Charlotte: The seven wonders correct? So I thought…

Charlotte: I had my suspicions, but Claire-san, are you also after the Ancient Library?

Claire: How did you know about that?! But "after"...

Charlotte: Then it must be right. You are looking for this book correct?

Charlotte took out an old book from her bag, the very same book she used to read off the story about these tales for me a couple of days before.

Claire: How– Where did you get that book from?!

Charlotte: Online. Exelon Net, I found this book on their site, it was on sale so I ordered it thinking it would be good material for the mystery club!

Claire/Luna/Elline: …

Elline: Are you kidding me?!!

Claire/Luna: I am speechless Charlotte - san/senpai.

Charlotte: Hahahha, I was kidding actually. I found this book in the library.

Charlotte: I assume you did all this to find the book correct? Even your transfer to this academy branch means you are after the Ancient Library here.

Elline: So you created the 13th aisles to hide all the books you found that are related to the Ancient Library?

Claire: Yeah… and actually I wanted to hide it in case anyone got their hands on the book for a bad purpose.

Claire: … Little did I know it was always right in front of me.

Claire: But wait! That doesn't explain why I could not find the book after searching the whole school last year!

Charlotte: Maybe it was not there last year?

Claire: … Haha, that must explain it. I even went as far as creating the confession library rumor for that… What have I been doing…

Elline: Hold on, I want to confirm something. Does that mean whenever you use magic, it really makes you hungry?

Claire: …

Charlotte: Elline you know that is quite rude to ask a girl right?

Luna: Yeah senpai, I would have to agree with Charlotte senpai.

Charlotte: Claire-san just slaps him.

Elline: Wait wait I didn't mean that! I was just curious is all!

Claire: Yeah… you're right. That is why I am still in training. My control of mana flow is not yet complete, it will take quite a decent amount of mana when I use a spell. Losing mana makes me feel hungry.

Elline: Ahh I see… now that explains it.

Charlotte: So Claire-san, since you already told us your reason, why don't we also tell you ours?

Claire: Eh?

Charlotte: We mysterious club are also looking for the Ancient Library too. Probably for the same purpose as you.

Charlotte: I think it's a good time I tell you my personal reason too Elline.

Charlotte: I wanted to find myself, I feel like the Ancient Library has something that will make this feeling go away. The feeling that every day I am living someone else's life, not my own.

Charlotte: Until I fulfill my purpose, I cannot feel at ease. My purpose, I feel as if the Ancient Library is calling for me, that it has the answer for who I am.

Elline: … Char -

Charlotte: But that of course, does not stop me from enjoying myself, the time in the tiny club room too.

Luna: Senpai…

Elline: Haha, I thought as much. After all, you are quite an empty-headed person, why bother right

Charlotte: Hehehe, you're not wrong.

Elline: As for my reason, I am here to find something interesting to do, that's all. Perhaps if the Ancient Library is real, and it really contains the true historical record, that will be a good bonus.

Claire: Soo it is the same for me…

Charlotte: In that case! Why don't you join us? If we work together we might have a better chance to find the Ancient Library. We have the same target and the same purpose after all.

Elline: So she said, I have no objection. What do you say Claire Olwyn - san?

Claire: …

Charlotte: You don't have to decide right now Claire - san -

Claire: No I already decided. I've been doing this by myself for many years, traveling from branch to branch in the search of the Ancient Library. What better opportunity to have comrades and friends together with the same purpose?

Charlotte: Then does that mean…

Claire: Yes, I would like to accept your invitation Charlotte-san. But first I need to let Leon - san know and ready my application form.

Charlotte: So it settles, welcome on board Claire - san! I hope we can all get along from now on!

Elline: Welcome Claire - san, hope we get along.

Luna: T_T I'm so glad for you Claire - senpai, Charlotte - senpai and Elline - senpai too!! I wish I can be part of it -

Charlotte: Then in that case why don't you join us as well Luna - chan? You are not currently registered in any clubs, aren't you?

Luna: Ehh? Can I really? I don't have any talents or smarts, I don't know anything about occultic or magic, I'm also very clumsy too….

Charlotte: But are you interested in mystery?

Luna: That I do!

Elline: Then isn't that more than enough reason for you to join the club? Who cares if you have to be smart or know anything about magic? Don't put yourself down like that Luna - san.

Charlotte: Elline's right. As long as you devote your effort and love toward something, it will give you strength above all.

Elline: Besides if we have another member our club's officialty problem will be easier to manage.

Charlotte: That's right, Luna - chan. That's all we have to say, the decision is up to you.

Luna: I have decided, senpais, please let me be a part of your club. I want to be a member of the mystery club!

Everyone: Welcome Luna - chan/san!

- Extra -

Elline: By the way Charlotte, do you perhaps use telepathy?

Charlotte: What is that? Are you interested in magic now?

Eline: Not even a bit. I saw you in my dream earlier... Or at least someone with the same voice as you...

Charlotte: Woahh, you dreamed about me?? How sweet!!

Elline: Quit joking around and answer me

Charlotte: ...

Charlotte: That is not something I can answer you... You see, "I think, therefore I am". What I think is decided by who I am, and it also works the other way around.

Charlotte: What then controls my thought process, is it my brain, or is it, my soul? If one day my soul disappeared, am I still the Charlotte Ilnoa you know?

Charlotte: If my soul is transferred into a new body, will my old body still Charlotte? Or would it turn into someone else now that my soul is gone?

Charlotte: I am controlled by an urge, this urge decides my actions. Yet even I don't know where this urge came from or why I act in such a way. Like I said didn't I,

Charlotte: I am living a life not of my own. So until we found the Ancient Library, I'm sorry, I cannot answer your question.

End of Chapter 1

Witch of Seven Stars