Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 03

----Chapter 03----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

The next morning, several DIC medical and construction Blockades can be seen cleaning up the damage that was caused at the edge of the Umbrella, as well as above in the Upper-City. The medical Blockades are shown to be housing many injured pilots who are in critical condition, while the construction Blockades are equipped with instruments that allow them to pick up debris and move it out of the way for the people below.

As they work, the inside of the White Block's command room while be shown, where both President Sacha is sitting-while Vice President Georges stands behind him. All around them, cameras zoom in and broadcast what they are about to say to the entire nation of the DIC.

Civilians of the DIC


As many civilians intently watch President Sacha and Vice President Georges, President Sacha begins his speech to the masses-

President Sacha Luisant

...Greetings citizens of the Divided Islands of Columbia. I, President Sacha Luisant, come before you all to inform you of a new challenge to our great nation's authority. Please, heed my words.

He announces, as many people from all over the DIC see this broadcast. Elsewhere, across the world in the Confederation of Pioneering Uniforms, one of the leaders is reveled in shadow briefly. She speaks, as she watches the broadcast from a private server-indicating that this proclamation isn't being shown in this part of the world-

??? Luisant

...So, my brother is beginning his Grand Plan with the Ascension today?

She mentions, as another individual in shadow approaches her and speaks-


Indeed, Chairwoman Francoise. What shall we do?

The individual asks, to which the woman named Francoise replies-

Chairwoman Francoise Luisant

We shall keep the entire Confederation in the dark and stay on the sidelines-just like my "her" Grand Pland outlined, my friend. Make sure that the media falls in line.

Francoise says, to which the individual in shadow will speak-


Alright. If you'll excuse me.

The woman then leaves, as Francoise looks at the screen while leaning on her arm from her seat. She then speaks one last time-

Chairwoman Francoise Luisant

...If this plan succeeds, we can all live to see a better future together...older brother.

Francoise is seen to deeply hope that her older brother's plan succeeds, as back in the DIC, President Sacha now speaks to the nation-

President Sacha Luisant

...Allow me to begin by explaining how this situation began. Yesterday, at around 800 hours, the island of Ecogon to the west of Appledale was suddenly attacked by a group of armed terrorists using stolen prototype Blockades that we were working on years ago. Calling themselves "Ascension from Above", these people caught the innocent civilians of Ecogon in a surprise attack, destroying much of Ecogon's military and population.

As examples of this event are shown to the world, the news comes as a shock to many people. President Sacha continues speaking-

President Sacha Luisant

Fortunately, there were survivors, along with many lucky military personal who managed to escape the carnage, by fleeing onboard several ships. These ships then formed into two groups-one making their way towards the West Islands, and the other group heading deeper into the East Islands-eventually coming here to Appledale in order to seek shelter from the enemy.

The civilian ships fleeing Ecogon are then shown, which continues to shock the population of the DIC. President Sacha continues-

President Sacha Luisant

As all of this transpired, the Ascension split up their own forces into three groups-two of which began following after the two civilian groups, while the remaining group stayed in Ecogon to continue the battle. This leads me to the events that transpired last night, when Appledale was then attacked by a small group of enemies comprised of 3 AA Blockades, of which were a small detachment from one of the two groups that chased after the civilians from Ecogon.

President Sacha Luisant

That group as a whole are now heading towards Hilayornia as we speak-however, rest assured that this threat is currently heading towards a "geomagnetic storm" to the north, which will slow them down long enough for us to get together a response to this enemy...

Several more views of what happened last night are shown, as President Sacha is now seen to have flashcards that give him all of the information that he needs to present. As President Sacha then gets to the next notecard in his hands, he pauses, as the notecard that he now has in his hands described Bijou being the pilot instead of Sebastion and Cesario-

President Sacha Luisant


Now, President Sacha looks subtly over the left side of his back, to which Vice President Georges clears his throat-

Vice President Georges Luisant

*Clears throat*

President Sacha Luisant


Faced with this, President Sacha returns his sight back to the notecards in front of him, as he now remembers how Bijou piloted the Liberty ErotiCake last night. As he recalls this, he then resumes speaking-

President Sacha Luisant

...Forgive my hesitation just now, as recalling these events and all of the lives never easy to talk about...

President Sacha says, trying to explain away why he was silent just now. Upon saying this, many within the DIC look fondly at him, as they believe that President Sacha is a good man who cares for them.

After this, President Sacha resumes his speech by saying-

President Sacha Luisant

...Continuing off from where I was, last night, as we engaged with the enemy at the beach, they proved to be too strong for any of our attacks to destroy them due them having a perfected form of experimental technology called "Curtain Barriers". This technology creates a powerful 360-degree energy field around a Blockade, which makes all physical external attacks-such as bullets and missiles-completely ineffective.

President Sacha Luisant

While this tech was never perfected by us here in the DIC, the Ascension were skilled enough to figure out how to mass produce this technology and incorporate it into all of their Blockades that they now use against us.

President Sacha says this while lying to the entire nation of the DIC, as he knows full well that the DIC secretly did create Curtain Barrier technology and gave it to the Ascension to use against them. However, the people will believe his words, as he continues speaking-

President Sacha Luisant

However, despite that early trouble, we were soon lucky enough to witness a weakness to the AA Blockades' Curtain Barriers-thanks in part to the efforts of our brave Construction Blockade pilots. They used a kind of "Kinetic Blaster" used for positioning at a distance, which had an unusual and unexpected effect on our enemies.

President Sacha Luisant

What occurred was that the emitters that produce Curtain Barriers were damaged by the force generated by the Kinetic Blasters, which allowed for our remaining forces to fire their weapons into the holes and start to damage the AA Blockades. At the height of this only daughter, Bijou Luisant, then decided to board the first Blockade to ever be created-the Liberty ErotiCake-and used it's powerful Liberty Blaster to knock back an AA Blockade that attempted to attack the White Block.

As the view shows the battle last night, people around the world are amazed that Bijou was the one piloting the Liberty ErotiCake, which will cover up the fact that President Sacha just glossed over-about how the Liberty ErotiCake was the "first" Blockade to ever be developed by the DIC. Some of the civilians then mention how much Bijou is shaping up to be just like her mother was, as President Sacha continues to speak-

President Sacha Luisant

...And after this event, the three AA Blockades chose to withdraw from Appledale, where they are now heading northwards towards Hilayornia to regroup with the bulk of the group that split off back in Ecogon.

This event is also shown on many people's screens. President Sacha continues to speak-

President Sacha Luisant

Thankfully, as I just mentioned earlier, our planet Gleen suffers from regular geomagnetic storms, which will slow down these terrorists' stolen Blockades long enough for us to deploy a countermeasure by tomorrow morning. At the same time, the people of Hilayornia will have plenty of time to safely get into their Understructure, which were constructed underneath every Umbrella in the DIC to house the full population of each island-should a disaster occur aboveground.

After President Sacha says this, he then stands up and speaks to the nation in a direct manner-

President Sacha Luisant

With this, we as a nation of diverse peoples must now rise up to this challenge to our homeland's security and continued prosperity. I, as President of the DIC and head of the Luisant family, am now officially issuing a declaration of war against the Ascension from Above today. As such, I will enlist the whole of the Yataghan Enforcement Service to heed my call to war-along with any civilian who wishes to avenge their families, friends and homes from Ecogon to also heed my call to arms against the Ascension today.

Now, many of the civilians from the refugee ships are seen, being accepted into Appledales' large dock area. They listen intently to President Sacha's words, as he continues-

President Sacha Luisant

It is vital that any civilian who wishes to fight be given top prioity when it comes to new applications, as this will show the Ascension our determination in this war. Now, more than ever, we need to stand united in the face of this new enemy to our nation, together!!!

All over the DIC, especially the civilians who came to Appledale from Ecogon, many people are seen to rise up and heed that call to action. Many people from Appledale are also seen, cheering the call to war-



President Sacha then speaks, as he sits back down in his seat-

President Sacha Luisant

...Thank you all for your devotion to our nation's integrity. Starting tomorrow, I will authorize the use of 4 of our newest class of naval ships, the Senshi-class dreadnoughts, to follow after the AA force that is heading towards Hilayornia from Appledale in order to evict them from our planet through force. They will be our "First Wave" against this threat to our Great nation. Our "Beginning".

President Sacha says this with an evil-yet subtle grin on his face. He then finishes up his speech to the thunderous applause of the DIC-

President Sacha Luisant

All civilians from Ecogon or Appledale who wish to fight in this First Wave are welcome to come to the YES Barracks here in Appledale to await boarding and deployment by tomorrow morning. I wish you all the best in this coming war against the AA.

With that, President Sacha nods to everyone and then the cameras end their broadcast. Soon afterwards, President Sacha and Vice President Georges are seen preparing to handle the needs of the war, as Sebastion and Cesario then come into the room from another entrance behind them. As they walk up to the two, they then speak-

Sebastion Luisant


President Sacha Luisant

Yes, my sons?

Cesario Luisant

We just received a request from Fleet Captain Andrea, asking to introduce the Kinetic Blasters before she leave with her friends tomorrow.

The two men say, to which President Sacha replies-

President Sacha Luisant

Of course. They will need them when going up against the AA at the "Deserted Islands". Georges, make sure that you give them the exact number that we planned for beforehand.

Vice President Georges Luisant


Vice President Georges says, knowing full well exactly how many Kinetic Blasters he will give to the military, in order to force a scarcity. President Sacha then asks-

President Sacha Luisant

What is the status of the group of AA Blockades that flew towards the West Islands, Sebastion?

Sebastion then replies-

Sebastion Luisant

Grandfather and Granduncle have already arrived in Aerkonsis, and they are just about to give the operatives over there the exact number of kinetic blasters that they will need to make a scarcity as well.

Sebastion says, to which President Sacha then remarks-

President Sacha Luisant

...Despite the unpredictable nature of the geomagnetic storms that both of these groups will be facing, everything is going exactly according to the Grand Plan...except for one outstanding issue...

Sacha now looks anxious, as he falls silent. Sebastion and Cesario then begin speaking to him-

Sebastion Luisant

...The pilot of the Liberty ErotiCake.

President Sacha Luisant


President Sacha doesn't reply, as Cesario then speaks up-

Cesario Luisant

...The plan did call for-

Before Cesario can finish his sentence, President Sacha will cut him off, shouting-

President Sacha Luisant

You two will be its pilots!!

Sebastion Luisant


Cesario Luisant


Vice President Georges Luisant


President Sacha snaps at the thought of Bijou being the pilot of the Liberty ErotiCake, which will startle Sebastion, Cesario and Vice President Georges. President Sacha then says-

President Sacha Luisant

...I'm sorry for raising my voice...but, Bijou is still just a child. While she did just demonstrate some experience in using the Liberty ErotiCake last night, that isn't enough to convince me to let her go any further in this war. I only allowed her to fight because I was not careful enough with her security, but now that we are at the most critical part of our Plan, she cannot be it's pilot...

President Sacha seems to be absolute in his convictions to not let Bijou fight anymore than she has already-but he still has a look of uncertainty on his face. Vice President Georges then speaks to him-

Vice President Georges Luisant

...But, Sacha. You do recall when "she" first came up with Operation SEED with us all those years ago, right?

President Sacha Luisant


Sacha pauses deeply at the reminder, to which he then falls silent. Georges continues-

Vice President Georges Luisant

She specifically said that in order for this Grand Plan to succeed, a young woman who is close to the Luisant family must pilot the Liberty ErotiCake, in order to guarantee success. The children of Queen Alexandra were created as women, so they will be more amicable with another woman from our side, when they meet later on in this war.

President Sacha Luisant


President Sacha knows that this is true, but he then speaks-in a strained tone-

President Sacha Luisant

...I know that, Georges. However...I'm still going to bet on Sebastion and...Cesario...!

Just as President Sacha says this, he then spots something in the corner of his eye. In front of his office, one of the double doors are open, and just then, President Sacha sees Bijou, with a bag over her shoulder walking past the open door. President Sacha is speechless-

President Sacha Luisant


Vice President Georges, along with Sebastion and Cesario, only get a glimpse of Bijou, as Vice President Georges then speaks-

Vice President Georges Luisant

Was that...Bijou?

Furious, President Sacha suddenly gets up and starts running after his daughter. Sebastion, Cesario and Georges are left behind, as the scene then transitions.

Outside, Bijou is seen to hold a picture of her friends in her left hand, to which she then puts into the bag over her shoulder. She is seen to be visible sad, and as she goes down the stairs, she then leaves the White Block and goes outside into the courtyard. As she walks, someone calls out to her from behind.



Bijou Luisant


Bijou hears her father behind her, so she turns around and sees him, standing at the front door. He has a stern look on his face, and stands about 5 feet away from her. He then silently approaches and then speaks to her-

President Sacha Luisant

...Where do you think you're going, Bijou?

Bijou Luisant

I heard your speech about allowing anyone to sign up to battle against the Ascension, so I decided that I too am going to join the campaign to repel the AA from the DIC.

President Sacha Luisant


The veins in President Sacha's right arm and face are seen to pulse, as he clenches his hand into a hard fist. However, he calms himself down and then continues speaking-

President Sacha Luisant don't need to fight in this war, Bijou. I will have the YES take on the Ascension along with your brothers, who will fight in the Liberty ErotiCake. As such, you do not need to fight...

President Sacha then tries to reach out to grab Bijou so as to forcibly bring her back into the White Block, but Bijou subtly moves away from him, and then speaks back to him.

Bijou Luisant

I have a reason to fight in this war, father...

President Sacha Luisant


President Sacha now snaps and sends a hard slap into Bijou's face-


As this happens, birds fly away from the trees nearby, as the blow causes Bijou to take a step back. A second later, President Sacha starts to yell at Bijou in her face-

President Sacha Luisant

You listen to me, Bijou! I am NOT going to let you die like your mother did 3 years ago, you got that?! While you got lucky last night, you now want to run off blindly into a war that you know nothing about and get yourself killed?!! What for??!!

Bijou Luisant


President Sacha shouts, as he cares deeply for Bijou. She doesn't respond, as President Sacha continues-

President Sacha Luisant

...I refuse to allow you to the pilot of the Liberty ErotiCake in this war...I refuse...

President Sacha is now seen to look down to the ground, as he clenches his teeth with tears in his eyes. Deep down, he knows that Bijou has to be the pilot in order for his plan to work, but then, Bijou is seen to cry before he does-

Bijou Luisant


President Sacha Luisant


As President Sacha sees Bijou crying, she speaks up, saying-

Bijou Luisant

...My friends...that I drove to the concert yesterday and who lived at the edges of the Umbrella...were killed by the Ascension when they landed at the edges of the Umbrella. I just heard from their parents that they were trying to get their grandparents to safety...but...they couldn't get out of their home fast they died...even though I said I'd protect everyone with the Liberty ErotiCake's power...

President Sacha Luisant


President Sacha now sees that Bijou is feeling guilty from her speech last night and feels sorry for Bijou. He now looks at the hand that just struck his daughter's face-

President Sacha Luisant


As he then lowers his head and closes his eyes in shame. After a second, he then opens his eyes and looks deeply at Bijou, as he then speaks to her in a calm tone-

President Sacha Luisant

...I...I am sorry for your loss, Bijou...truly, I am sorry...and I also apologize for striking you just now, as I simply didn't know of what you experienced last night.

President Sacha says this in as kind and caring a tone as he can muster to his only daughter. He means well to Bijou right now, as he isn't lying to her when he is saying this, as he then continues-

President Sacha Luisant

...However, just because some of your friends have died and you made a mistake in your speech last night does not mean that you need to go getting involved in all of this fighting.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou doesn't reply to this, as her father starts to explain the situation in vague terms-

President Sacha Luisant

You see, tomorrow the First Wave will be sent out towards Hilayornia to stop the Ascension, where along the way the pilots could be informed of your situation and will feel empowered to fight on your behalf. I will also speak of this tragic event to both of your brothers, whom will surely avenge your friends for you, so you can remain here with me and Georges. They have received training in controlling the Liberty ErotiCake, so you can of course trust that they will succeed.

President Sacha says this, trying to sway Bijou's mind. However, she soon responds with-

Bijou Luisant

...I'm sorry, father...but I cannot accept that...

President Sacha Luisant


As President Sacha sees that Bijou is still not going to listen to him, she then turns her head back at him and looks at her father in his eyes with a steel look-unlike any other that has been seen-

Bijou Luisant


President Sacha Luisant


Sacha is greatly surprised by the look that Bijou is giving him, to which she then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

It's not just because I've lost friends who are precious to me or the fact that I am the sole daughter of the strongest nation on the planet that I want to fight in this war, father. I want to join the YES military because it is still the right thing to do, in order to protect everyone else in the DIC and the world from sharing the same pain that I have suffered. That is why...

Bijou closes her eyes for a second, reopening them to show her father her face one more. A face that is determined to avenge the deaths of her friends by herself-

Bijou Luisant

That is why I choose to fight with the Liberty ErotiCake against the Ascension from Above today. I want to do so in order to stop this war from destroying anymore lives, as with that power I can accomplish that feat all by myself. That is what I believe.

Bijou says this firmly, which surprises her father-

President Sacha Luisant


President Sacha is shocked by what Bijou tells him, as he then recalls a memory from the past, where his wife Rhapsody told him something very similar to what Bijou just told him before she went to fight in the insurgency incident. During this brief flashback, the wife of President Sacha will be telling him this while at the front of the White Block-in the same position that Bijou is standing in. This woman is still not shown fully, as her face and upper body are still cloaked in shadow as she speaks-

??? Luisant

...That Insurgency group has taken with them the Ascension out of bounds of your Grand Plan, who now carry the burden of the future of our planet. While the conclusion to their path is one that I do not agree with, I will still go fourth to Old Samada, in order to ensure that DIC continues to thrive, as it is true that this one single planet cannot sustain our species' needs forever...

President Sacha Luisant

...Thank love...

Immediately after this brief flashback, President Sacha grits his teeth, as he still has reservations about Bijou being the pilot of the Liberty ErotiCake.

President Sacha Luisant


But then, President Sacha looks at Bijou in her face, as she is still staring at him with the same look-a look full of determination. President Sacha then starts to remember the importance of adhering to his Grand Plan that he made many years ago, to which he then starts to put aside his personal feelings for his only daughter and then slowly starts to speak-

President Sacha Luisant

...Bijou. Are you...are you absolutely sure that this is what you want to do with your only life in this world? Are you certain that you want to be a part of something that you have no knowledge of and will likely see the true horrors of war...?

President Sacha asks a hard question to answer, to which his daughter replies-

Bijou Luisant

...I'm sure...and I'm not afraid, as I am going to have mother's Blockade with me. By using the power of the Liberty ErotiCake, I will set out to accomplish what I said I'd do last night, father. I will make sure to keep everyone safe from those horrors, as it's power will become their guiding light.

Bijou says, arrogantly, to which President Sacha, secretly knowing of how powerful the Liberty ErotiCake is compared to the Peacebringer Blockade, falls completely silent-

President Sacha Luisant


A moment later, President Sacha then walks up to Bijou and then attempts to grab her again-but this time, he has a different face on him, which shows Bijou that he understands her determination.

President Sacha Luisant


Bijou Luisant


As President Sacha gets as close to Bijou as possible, he then proceeds to gently hug his daughter firmly in his arms. As he does this, Bijou returns his feelings for her by also hugging him back, as he then begins proceeds to gradually let go of her. Bijou allows this, as her father softly tells her-

President Sacha Luisant

...Then please...make sure you come back alive, my only daughter. I couldn't bear to lose you like I did your mother 3 years ago...

President Sacha says, as he continues to slowly let go of his daughter. Bijou will speak back to him-

Bijou Luisant

...I will come back to you just the way I am right now, Dad.

President Sacha Luisant


With this, President Sacha then lets go fully of his daughter. As she takes a step back from him, she then waves to the people behind her father, which President Sacha sees-

President Sacha Luisant


President Sacha doesn't have to turn around, as he already knows that Sebastion, Cesario, Georges and all of the security and servants of the White Block were watching the two of them go at it just now. President Sacha then shows a slight smile on his face, as he then watches Bijou turn around and walk away, ending the chapter-

----Chapter END----