Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 04

----Chapter 04----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

As Bijou walks down the stairs outside of the White Block, she is seen to be cleaning her face with some makeup-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou mutters, as she is shown to have a bruise on her left cheek from the slap that her father gave her just a few minutes ago. As she applies the makeup, she does so carefully, as the pain from the bruise mixing in with makeup isn't pleasant. With some work, she then covers up the bruise and then puts her makeup back into her bag, as she then gets to the center of the Umbrella, where a large collection of elevators are seen. Bijou gets inside of one of them and then goes down to the ground floor, and once there, she then arrives at the base of a large train system, which connects the entire island of Appledale and also has several military sections used for their ESG platforms-

Bijou Luisant


As she walks into the train station, it is seen to be populated by civilians who are seeking to join the war. They also need to take the train in order to arrive at the Barracks further away, to which this scene doesn't bother Bijou, as she simply walks inside and minds her own business. As Bijou walks up to one of the ticket booths, there are a few lines, but Bijou doesn't pay them any attention, as she walks over to the VIP section, which has no one in line. As she walks up to this booth, the people around her instantly recognize her and speak as she walks past them-

Civilian #1

! that the President's daughter?!

Civilian #2

Yeah, it is!!

Civilian #3

Is she going to be joining the war against the Ascension?!

Some of them say, to which Bijou turns to face them and says-

Bijou Luisant

That is correct, commoners. I will be using my mother's machine, the Liberty ErotiCake, in order to fight the Ascension from Above.

Upon saying this, the Civilians go wild, saying-



The people are excited to hear that Bijou herself will be using the Liberty ErotiCake to fight alongside them. However, Bijou won't think too highly of them, as she thinks to herself-

Bijou Luisant

*Hmph...working alongside such underclassmen is beneath me, as the Liberty ErotiCake alone is surely powerful enough to defeat the Ascension. And with me as its sole pilot, fighting will become a simple chore...*

Bijou claims this to herself, arrogantly, to which as she then gets to the VIP Booth, she then speaks to the woman inside-

Bijou Luisant

Hello there, ma'am. I would like to request a VIP ticket, as I'm heading for the YES Barracks.

Bijou asks, to which the lady rep inside the booth says-

Booth lady #1

Certainly, Ms. Luisant. Give me one second...

As the lady rep proceeds to work on her computer, she then speaks-

Booth lady #1

...I'm terribly sorry, Ms. Luisant, but all of the trains in Appledale are currently full of eager civilians from Ecogon who are looking to join the war. All trains in service are currently bringing said people from the shores through here and then they will head over to the barracks, as your father allowed for all VIP sections of every train to be opened to everyone who wants to fight.

Bijou Luisant

...I see.

Bijou is seen to be slightly upset at this discovery, but the lady then says-

Booth lady #1

Again, I'm terribly sorry...but, there are still regular seats available-if you still wish to proceed to the barracks when the next trains arrive, as I'm sure that things will just get more flooded as the day goes on.

Faced with this information, Bijou speaks-

Bijou Luisant

...Alright. I'll take any open seat you have, then.

Bijou says, in a slightly annoyed tone, to which the Booth lady then immediately produces a ticket for Bijou. As she hands it to her, she says-

Booth lady #1

Here you go, Bijou. You may sit in any seat that is open with this ticket once the trains arrive. I hope you have a pleasant trip, Ms. Luisant...

The lady says, as kindly as she can, to which Bijou responds by saying-

Bijou Luisant

Thanks...and don't worry about the VIP seat-I'm fine with sitting with the regular civilians.

Bijou says this, trying to convince the lady in front of her that she isn't upset or anything at not having a VIP seat to herself-even though secretly she is still upset. The lady, however, believes her, as she then says-

Booth lady #1

Of course, Ms. Luisant. Thank you.

After this, Bijou then walks away from the booth to wait in a VIP section for the next train. As she goes over there, the civilians along the way look at her in awe, smiling, which makes Bijou feel slightly better.

As Bijou gets to the lounge, she goes inside, and the interior is then shown to be designed for VIPs. As she walks inside, she first puts down her ticket and bag next to a wide couch and then approaches a vending machine and proceeds to press a few buttons on the machine, which then produces a bottle of tea and a fancy snack-free of charge. With her treats in hand, she then goes back to the wide couch and sits down, as outside the lounge area, several civilians are seen to look at her from the large open windows-



Bijou Luisant


As Bijou sits, she hardly gives these people any notice, as she just concentrates on relaxing and enjoying her treats-until the train arrives. She drinks her tea and eats her snack, and then as she throws away the trash, an automated voice suddenly starts speaking-

Automated Voice

...Attention. 5 trains heading towards the "Yatagon Enforcement Service Barracks" will arrive in...1...minutes. All passengers waiting for this train, please stay back behind the red line and make sure to have all of your belongings secured. Have a nice day.

Bijou Luisant

...Finally, we can get this show on the road!

Bijou says, sounding slightly irritated-despite the short wait time for the train to arrive. Now that it's arriving, she then picks up her ticket and bag and then heads out of the lounge, to which while there are a large number of civilians nearby, she doesn't have to wait with them, as the area just outside of the lounge she comes forms leads to a section with the words "VIP Boarding" on the floor. As Bijou stands here, she doesn't have to wait in line for anyone, as the train soon arrives and opens it's doors for everyone to board.

As Bijou gets into the train from the VIP boarding, she manages to skip past the long lines of civilians behind her, which allows her to see exactly the situation within the train of her choice. Just as the Booth lady said to her before, the VIP compartments of the train are full of civilians, forcing Bijou to look around the normal compartments for an open seat-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou moves to the other compartments, she sees a few open seats within, along with more civilians sitting nearby, to which as she hears the people flooding into the train from behind her, she is then forced to take a seat for herself. As she does, many more people start to flood into the compartment, looking for a free seat, to which as they walk around her, the people who were already sitting in their seats then notice Bijou and start to speak towards her-



As the civilians around Bijou stare at her, one of them-a woman, leans over the backside of her chair to look at Bijou. Faced with her looking directly at her, Bijou is then forced to speak up, saying-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou says, to which the woman who is shown to be holding onto a bag of sweets in her hands. As Bijou looks at her, she soon says this-in an excited tone, which surprises Bijou a little-


Wow-I can't believe that Bijou Luisant, the President's daughter, just said "hello" to me!!



Bijou Luisant


Bijou says this rather reluctantly, as everyone around them then start to pay Bijou more attention. As this happens, the woman who spoke continues to speak, as she asks-


Hey, is it really true that you piloted the Liberty ErotiCake last night, when the Ascension attacked?

The woman asks, giddy for an answer, to which Bijou replies, slowly-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou says this, while wanting to know the name of the person who she's talking to. The woman notices her subtly and speaks-

Abigail Lemon

Oh. Where are my manners? My name is Abigail Lemon, and I'm from a bakery back in Ecogon.

Bijou Luisant


As Abigail says this, Bijou is shown to be visually stunned by this mention. Abigail is then about to explain things to her, but the Train Conductor cuts her off, as he speaks to everyone on the train over the speakers-

Train Conductor #1 (speakers)

...Attention passengers. The train has now reached full capacity. All those who haven't found a seat, please depart from the train and depart immediately, as several more trains will arrive within the next hour.

As the Train Conductor says this, people who are standing up and have still not found a seat yet start to file out of the train, disappointed that they couldn't get a seat. After they leave, the Train Conductor says-

Train Conductor #1 (speakers)

All current passengers. Please make sure to be buckled in and have all of your belongings secured, as we are now about to depart from this station.

After saying this, the train then leaves the station, as now, Bijou speaks up-only for Abigail to cut her off in order to explain herself-

Bijou Luisant

I...I see. Since you came from Ecogon, that must mean that you-

Abigail Lemon

I'm sorry to cut you off, Ms. Luisant, but you don't have to worry about what happened to me. Back when the Ascension attacked Ecogon yesterday, the bakery that I worked in alongside my family managed to escape being targeted by them, and we also made it to the ships safely-which was very lucky of us.

With this explanation, Bijou looks relieved, as she then says-

Bijou Luisant

Ah, that's great. I was worried there for a second, as whenever I hear of anyone coming from Ecogon nowadays, I just assume that they had gotten intro some trouble with the Ascension.

Bijou admits, to which Abigail continues, in a happy tone-

Abigail Lemon

That's been true for a lot of folks lately, but that just makes those people want to join this fight even more.

As Abigail says this, Bijou then starts to size her up. As she does this, Bijou then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

...Um...Abigail? Forgive me, but...when you say that you are also going to be fighting the Ascension...I can't help but feel that you might be a be going off to fight.

Bijou says this half-heartedly, as she tries to be as kind as possible while saying this. Abigail then replies to her-

Abigail Lemon

I could say the same thing about yourself, Ms. Presidents' daughter, as aren't you also around the same age as me?

Abigail jabs kindly at Bijou, which makes Bijou smile a little, as she says-

Bijou Luisant

...Heh, I suppose you got me there.

Abigail Lemon


Abigail then breaks out into a short laugh, as then, a few more people lean in and speak-


...Hey, Abigail? Are you done pestering the daughter of the President yet?

A woman sitting next to Abigail says, as Abigail turns to look at her and speaks-while also eating some more of her sweets-

Abigail Lemon

Hey! I'm not pestering her, Amy. I'm just having a nice, little chat with her, right Bijou?!

Abigail asks Bijou-almost demanding that she replies-but it's all in good fun, as Bijou then quickly replies-

Bijou Luisant

Y-yeah. Umm...

As Bijou stutters, she speaks in a way that indicates she wants to know of who this person is who is sitting next to Abigail. The woman then speaks up-

Amy Annison

Allow me to introduce myself, Ms. Luisant. My name is Amy Annison, and I work as a math teacher back in Ecogon.

Amy says, indicating that she is also from Ecogon. As she says this, Bijou once again flinches slightly, as she then asks-

Bijou Luisant

!...Considering you are also from Ecogon, I suppose everyone on this train must be from Ecogon, probably.

Bijou says, to which Amy then leans over her seat to look at Bijou. As she does this, she sees her bag and then says-

Amy Annison

That's true...and now that I get a better look at you, since you have a backpack with you, can I assume that you are going to the YES Barracks in order to fight against the Ascension with us?

Bijou replies, calmly-

Bijou Luisant

That's right. I made up my mind and managed to convince my father to let me fight with the Liberty ErotiCake in this war, so I'll be joining all of you on the battlefield in the near future.

Now, a male voice speaks out to Bijou from the left, saying-


It is going to be very dangerous out there, Ms. Luisant. Are you sure you are up to the dangers of war?

Bijou Luisant


Now, the origin of the voice will be reveled, as to the left of where Bijou is sitting on the other side of the aile, three men that shown. One of them now speaks up-

Devion Trevor

My apologies for eavesdropping on your conversation, ladies. My name is Devion Trevor and I'm a up and coming baseball player for the DIC's national league. Just like everyone else onboard, I also came from Ecogon.

As this man says this, Amy starts speaking to him in a familiar tone-

Amy Annison

I've heard of you from some of our school's staff. You've made quite a name for yourself, even though I've never gotten to meet you face-to-face.

Amy says, kindly, to which Devion starts talking to her-

Devion Trevor

I see that my name is getting quite popular among the ladies these days. That's what happens when you work hard for your dreams.

Devion says this confidently, to which another man sitting next to him speaks up-



Now, this other man introduces himself-

Harold Winters

*Clears throat*...Hello, everyone. My name is Harold Winters, and I...guess I have to say that I "worked" as a hotel manager back in Ecogon. I say that because the Ascension did destroy my hotel, but thankfully all of my tenants managed to get to safety before that occurred...

Harold says, which make Bijou smile-

Bijou Luisant


And then the last man speaks up-

Dr. Ivon Ludwig

...And my name is Dr. Ivon Ludwig. As my name implies, I am a skilled doctor who worked at one of Ecogon's least, before the Ascension attacked...

Dr. Ivon says this rather sadly, indicating that the hospital that he worked at had some complications with the Ascension during their attack. Bijou doesn't investigate this, as she says-

Bijou Luisant

I see. All of you have your reasons for wanting to head to the YES Barracks, in order to enlist for the war...

Bijou says this, as if wanting to say more, but she doesn't. Harold then speaks up, saying-

Harold Winters

Yes. We all heard how your father-the President, is allowing for virtually anyone to show their convictions in wanting to defend our home from the Ascension. That's why we are going to be fighting-in order to show the Ascension that they can't just fly down one morning and kill our loved ones so suddenly.

While Harold says this rather strongly, Bijou then takes another good look at the people around here who are wanting to fight in this war. All of them are civilians, which means that they do not have the necessary training required in order to operate a Superior Splendor. Bijou then asks-

Bijou Luisant

Umm...If I could ask this of all of you...have any of you managed to receive any training in how to pilot a Superior Splendor? Afterall, that's going to be a crucial part for any of you to become a part of this war.

As Bijou asks this, another man from behind her seat will speak up, surprising her-


I overheard some people on the way here say something about that. Apparently, we will all receive some training in that topic through something called an "ACS" once we get onto the ships, Ms. Luisant.

Bijou Luisant


Abigail Lemon


Now, another man from behind Bijou's seat will be reveled, to which Abigail then speaks to him in a fond tone-

Abigail Lemon

Ah, Zoen! You made it onto our train as well!!

Abigail says, happy that the man named Zoen is also here on the train with her and everyone else she knows. Bijou then speaks to her, asking-

Bijou Luisant

You know him?

To which Abigail replies to Bijou-

Abigail Lemon

Oh, yes. You see, Mr. Edwards here is actually my personal trainer back in Ecogon. He works pretty close by to where my family bakery is, in fact.

Abigail says, speaking fondly of the man named Zoen-as she continues to eat her snacks. He then speaks for himself, saying-

Zoen Edwards

It still pleases me that you remember me so well, Abigail. I have to wonder if the reason why is because you've not been following the exercise schedule that I've laid out for you and need me to constantly come over to remind...!

Abigail Lemon


Abigail, who is still eating the sweets that are in her bag, now crunches down hard on one of them-which causes a very loud noise. Everyone-including Zoen-hears this, to which as Abigail has a fierce glare on her face, Zoen then speaks quickly-

Zoen Edwards

!...But, I guess it's not really necessary, as you still look as beautiful as ever, Abigail.

Suddenly, the tension in the air fades away, as Abigail then returns to being her usual happy self. She speaks-

Abigail Lemon

Oh...Mr. Edwards, you are such a player sometimes...ahahahaha...

With Abigail having calmed down, Bijou then speaks up after a light chuckle, asking about the previous topic-

Bijou Luisant

Aheheh. So...Zoen, was it? You said a moment ago that some Fleet Captain will be providing everyone here with training in the field through an...?

Bijou doesn't finish her sentence, as Zoen then fills in the gaps with what he's heard-

Zoen Edwards

An "Artificial Combat Simulation", or "ACS" for short. Since the President is allowing for regular citizens to make up it's First Wave against the AA, they of course need to provide everyone with some sort of training session that will quickly teach us how to control Superior Splendors as s team. Though, I didn't hear as to how long this session would be...

Bijou Luisant


Bijou thinks to herself about how strange that is-

Bijou Luisant

*...I guess that explains how father would've allowed for these people to become pilots so quickly, but still-what is he thinking?! These people look as if they've never even held a gun in their lives, so what's a bit of simulated training going to do for them when they come up against the Ascension, who are most likely trained terrorists operating stolen Superior Splendor?!*

After this, Abigail speaks up, while pointing out the window-

Abigail Lemon

Ah! Look, there's the YES Barracks in the distance!

Bijou Luisant




As Abigail says this, everyone around Bijou and on the train then look out towards the YES Barracks in the distance from their windows-

*Revel of YES Barracks*

As the scene cuts to show the YES Barracks, it is reveled to be a large military structure that is situated alongside the upper part of Appledale. Here, a large military base is reveled, which has it's own docks, where up to 10 dreadnought-class ships and several other smaller ships classes are stored in an enormous hanger system.

Back with Bijou and her acquaintances, the trains that left the previous stations will soon enter into a main open station that leads directly towards the YES Barracks. Once they come to a stop, the doors will soon open to let all of the people out. As they come out, Bijou and her acquaintances are seen within the packs of people, to which as they come along, Bijou will now speak up at seeing just how many people from Ecogon are already at the YES Barracks-which is situated just across the street-

Bijou Luisant

!...So many people...

As Bijou says this, the area that she is looking at will have hundreds of people standing in lines-just outside of the Barracks across the street. Many Military assistant workers are seen to be giving out papers of applications to the people in the lines, as Bijou and her group walk towards the area-alongside everyone else. Now, Bijou's new acquaintances start to show their enthusiasm towards the situation-

Abigail Lemon

...Wow, there sure are a lot of people here! With all of them helping us, we will surely make a difference in this war against the Ascension.

Abigail says, happy that there are so many people here to help with the war effort. Devion and Harold then speak up, saying-

Devion Trevor

I'm starting to get excited a little, as all of this feels like some kind of grand adventure. Think about it-we are about to fight against the people who destroyed our home, and when we win, our names will go down in history.

Harold Winters


Bijou Luisant


As Bijou hears all of this, she then takes another more concerned look at her new acquaintances and starts to think to herself once more-

Bijou Luisant

*...Is everyone here just signing up to look cool in battle? I have serious reservations in father letting these kinds of people pilot our Blockades...but, maybe the convictions that I am seeing will be a good thing...*

Bijou's thoughts are a jumble now, as she can't decide weather or not these kinds of people have their hearts in the right place or are just foolishly running off to their deaths. She continues to think to herself, as she continues to walk across the street with everyone else-

Bijou Luisant

*Maybe...just maybe, these people will use this enthusiasm to somehow keep themselves alive in this war, as I've read that running off of adrenaline can keep people alive in times of hardship...hmm?*

Suddenly, Bijou returns to the real world, as she and the people around her get to the other side of the street. Here, a young male Military assistant worker immediately spots Bijou and comes running up to her from the crowds of people. He is seen to be carrying a large collection of papers in his arms, as he comes up to Bijou and starts speaking to her-

Military Assistant Worker #1

...Hey, you're Bijou Luisant, the President's daughter, right?

The Assistant asks, to which Bijou replies in a firm tone-

Bijou Luisant

Y-yes, I am.

The Military Assistant Worker then speaks-

Military Assistant Worker #1

My goodness! When I heard the rumor that your father just allowed you to fight in this war a little while ago, I didn't think that it was true-even when my buddies at the Umbrella train station told me that they saw you boarding one of the trains! But then, when we received the Liberty ErotiCake just now, I couldn't get the rumors out of my head.

The man says this in a surprised tone while smiling, to which Bijou then speaks to him-

Bijou Luisant

Well, your eyes don't deceive you. I have my father's permission to fight in this war, with the Liberty ErotiCake.

Bijou says this confidently, to which the man the replies to her-

Military Assistant Worker #1

That's...great, Ms. Luisant.

The man says, rather unsure of the thought of the President's daughter fighting with civilians. Bijou then takes a quick glance at the stack of papers in his arms and then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

So...tell me, what are those papers you were handing out to those people over there for? Is there some sort of application that we all need to sign before getting onto the ships?

Bijou asks, not knowing of what the papers that the man is holding onto are for. He then quickly responds to her question-in a clearly nervous tone-

Military Assistant Worker #1

Oh-these applications are just to get these people processed into the system, before you all leave in the morning. However, you absolutely do not have to worry about this thing, as your father has already instructed us to give you special treatment-due to your position as his daughter.

Bijou Luisant

...Thank goodness.

As Bijou says this, she looks slightly relieved, as the man continues to speak to her-

Military Assistant Worker #1

Unfortunately, I'm afraid your friends here will have to sign these applications and wait in line like everyone else here.

Bijou Luisant

Upon hearing this, Bijou will look rather disappointed, which is unusual for her. She will then ask-

Bijou Luisant

Is there really no other way for me to have these people get through this process faster?

The man then says-

Military Assistant Worker #1

I'm sorry, but aside from military pilots and VIPs such as yourself, we cannot bend the rules for anyone else at this time. If we did, then everyone would want to skip this process and get onboard the ships in the back, and as you can see, there are just so many people arriving from Ecogon that we are nearly overwhelmed right now.

Bijou Luisant

I see...

Though Bijou is disappointed about this news, she will still asks another question, as her friends standby next to her-

Bijou Luisant

...If I may ask...could you tell me some details about the ships that you mentioned just now?

The man then speaks, in a confident tone-

Military Assistant Worker #1

Certainly. Your father has allowed for 4 Senshi-class dreadnoughts to lead the charge from Appledale and head northwards-in order to confront and evict the AA from our planet through the use of military force. As such, all applicants who are signed into the system before 2200 hours tonight will make up the "First Wave" that will be the first to make contact with the AA tomorrow.

With this explanation, Bijou will then say-

Bijou Luisant

Ok...then, could it be possible for someone like myself to hand-pick certain individuals to get onto certain ships?

Bijou asks, to which the man says this in a slightly confused tone-

Military Assistant Worker #1

...Yes, that should be possible. Did you have anyone in mind?

Bijou will now smile, as she then says-

Bijou Luisant

*Smiles*-Yes. I would like for these six individuals behind me to board the ship that I will be serving on. Is it possible for you to make that happen?



Bijou's new friends all smile at receiving such recognition from Bijou, as the man speaks-

Military Assistant Worker #1

I can't do that myself, but the Fleet Captain in the back will be able to make that happen for you. Do you know everyone's names already?

Bijou Luisant


Bijou says this confidently, to which the man then finishes up the conversation by saying-

Military Assistant Worker #1

Excellent. Remember their names until you speak to the Fleet Captain, as you will need to name drop their full names to her so that she knows which applications to pick out. There are three other Captains in her fleet as well, whom are all shifting through hundreds of other applicants right now, so it's important that you know their exact names beforehand.

As the man says this, he makes sure to stress the importance to Bijou of knowing her new friends' names fully and perfectly. As Bijou says she already knows their names by heart, she then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

I understand. Could you please take me to where she is right now?

Military Assistant Worker #1

Yes. Right this way.

With that, the conversation ends, as Bijou now waves goodbye to her new friends. They wave to her as she and the assistant walk towards and eventually into the YES Barracks-

Bijou Luisant




Once Bijou and the man leading her get into one of the front doors of the YES Barracks, the inside of this area is even more packed than what was seen outside. Now, the entire area is shown to be full of many more civilians-some of whom are seen saying their goodbyes to their wives, families and children. Even here, many people are seen to still be busy filling out their applications, all the while Bijou and the man leading her maneuver through all of that noise and continue heading towards the back. As the two go, many people spot Bijou and begin speaking amongst themselves-

Civilian #1

...Hey, that's the President's daughter!!

Civilian #2

Is she here to join this war against the Ascension with us??!

Some of them say, to which Bijou just politely waves at them while smiling-

Bijou Luisant


As some more civilians smile at seeing Bijou walking near them, they are seen to become more confident in joining up in this war. Bijou is now reveled to be something of a celebrity to them all, as Bijou and the man leading her keep walking. As they go past some large counters, the man then opens the door to the back, and...

In the back of the YES Barracks, it is reveled to be a massive indoor dock with 4 huge dreadnoughts inside of a large shipyard-built for 10 of these enormous ships. Just a short distance away, a large desk with four people in military Captain uniforms are seen sitting down, with another four individuals in military attire standing behind them. As the four individuals sit down, they are seen to be shifting through application after application, quickly deciding on who gets to be apart of their ship-as the four individuals behind them bring in piles of new applications for them to shift through.

As Bijou and the man leading her approach, the man will then stop about halfway in-between and speak to Bijou-

Military Assistant Worker #1

...Alright, Ms. Luisant. Do you see that woman over there to the far left?

Bijou Luisant


The man now points to a beautiful woman in a different colored captain uniform. He then explains-

Military Assistant Worker #1

She is the Fleet Captain of the fleet that will make up the First Wave. If you speak to her, she should be able to help you in getting your friends onto her ship.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou says, as the man then turns to leave. He says this as he does so-

Military Assistant Worker #1

I have to return to handing out more applications outside, so I won't be able to introduce you to her.

The man says as he is leaving, to which Bijou says-

Bijou Luisant

That's fine. You've done plenty for me already, as I got to skip that mess outside thanks to you spotting me. I thank you deeply for that, sir.

Bijou says, smiling fondly at the man, which makes him blush a little. He then speaks, in a slightly jabbering manner-

Military Assistant Worker #1

*Blush* you...Ms. Luisant. safe out there!!

He then leaves in a hurry, which makes Bijou giggle a little-

Bijou Luisant


With that, Bijou then turns around and approaches the Fleet Captain where she is sitting. Once Bijou is close enough to her desk, the Fleet Captain is shown to be just finishing up sorting out through some applications in front of her. As she looks up, she then sees Bijou, who then speaks to her-

Bijou Luisant

...Hello there.

Bijou says calmly, to which the Fleet Captain speaks fondly to her-

Fleet Captain ???

Hello, Bijou. It's been quite some time since we last met...

The Fleet Captain says this fondly towards Bijou. Bijou then asks her-

Bijou Luisant

Um...have we...met somewhere before?

Bijou asks, curious as to how this woman knows who she is. The Fleet Captain then says-

Fleet Captain ???

Yes, Bijou. We did meet when you were much younger to have some tea with Rebecca...and your mother.

Bijou Luisant


Surprised to hear this, the woman then introduces herself to Bijou-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Allow me to introduce myself once more. My full name is Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia, and I worked with your mother 3 years ago before her disappearance during that insurgency situation that occurred back then. Before that, the four of us here were your mother's top students in the field of ship-to-ship tactics, which lead to me being picked to help her during that...mission.

Faced with this explanation, Bijou will start to recall seeing brief flashbacks of Fleet Captain Andrea's face-


Bijou Luisant


A moment later, Bijou will then speak kindly to Fleet Captain Andrea, as she has accepted what happened to her mother by now and will harbor no animosity towards Fleet Captain Andrea for whatever happened-

Bijou Luisant

...Ah, I remember seeing you all those years ago. How have you been?

Fleet Captain Andrea will now speak-in a fond tone-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Pleasent. It did take me a while to come to terms with my failure to discover whatever happened to your mother 3 years ago. Honestly, even now, it's quite hard for me to even show my face to you, as her still being...missing...hurts me deep inside...

Fleet Captain Andrea will now look away from Bijou, but Bijou will then reach out to Fleet Captain Andrea-putting her hand onto her shoulder. This will draw Fleet Captain Andrea's attention, to which as she looks at Bijou standing across from her, Bijou will then kindly tell her-

Bijou Luisant

...You don't have to beat yourself up for whatever happened to my mother, Andrea. I now recall reading your report shortly after you came back from Old Samada, and I fully believe that you did everything you could to find her alive back then.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...But, still...I believe could've done more in the search for her...

Fleet Captain Andrea will still not be able to let the issue go-even with Bijou asking her to do so. In response, Bijou will say this-

Bijou Luisant

I insist that you try to not let what happened back then consume while my mother's disapperance still affects even me sometimes, I have to say that in the report you submitted you described something like-"her body was never recovered"-which I still think could mean that there was more to that situation than at first glance.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

!...Do you think that...she might still be alive?!

Fleet Captain Andrea will ask, to which Bijou will reply-

Bijou Luisant

I what my heart says to me at times. I of course want her to be alive, as I miss jumping into her arms whenever I came back from a concert or sitting on her lap as we looked out to the city from the porch at night. However, with her being gone for 3 years now and not contacting anyone-even myself...we both have to accept the chances that what we want to see in fantasy and what we see in reality are two seperate sides to the same coin...

Bijou says this, not weavering to either side. Fleet Captain Andrea then speaks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...You are very strong, Bijou...much more than myself back then, as I was so devastated at what happened to my mentor that I nearly quit the military. However, your father then reached out to me and helped me to regain my senses, as he saw how painful it was for me to lose her in that situation and had me appointed me to Fleet Captain status. I have a lot to thank him for, as his kindness towards me after that event helped me come out of that dark abyss as a stronger person than I was.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

And after hearing your words on this matter, I feel even more confidence in myself to start to put this memory behind me at last. Thank you for that, Bijou...

Bijou then speaks.

Bijou Luisant

You are welcome, Andrea.

Bijou says, as she takes her hand off of Fleet Captain Andrea's shoulder now. After this, Fleet Captain Andrea will then take a closer look at Bijou, to which she will notice her backpack and then ask-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Now then, how about we talk about something else-specifically the fact that I see you have a bag over your back and your brothers are not here. Because of that, can I assume that the rumors of you wanting to fight against the Ascension with the Liberty ErotiCake are true?

Bijou will reply-

Bijou Luisant

They are true, Andrea. I already have the green light from my father, so I'd like it if you could allow me to fight...on your ship, please.

Bijou asks, as she and Fleet Captain Andrea have a history between each other. Fleet Captain Andrea then replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Of course. I had hoped you would want to be on my ship after we spoke just now, so I personally had the Liberty ErotiCake placed onto my ship, the Midnight, a short while ago. My ship is just over there-

Fleet Captain Andrea now raises her arm to point in the direction to her ship, which is right behind her. Bijou then speaks, as she looks at the enourmous vessle-

Bijou Luisant


After mentioning this, Fleet Captain Andrea speaks up to the woman standing behind her-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


The woman says, as now, the young lady in a slightly different uniform, who was standing behind Fleet Captain Andrea approaches her. Once she's close enough, Fleet Captain Andrea then says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Bijou will be boarding our ship, the Midnight, today. Please give her Grid Label #007.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Of course, Ma'am.

Grid Arbiter Alexia now hands Bijou a label from a large roll that she is carrying on her waist. As Bijou takes it into her hand, she then asks-

Bijou Luisant

...What's this for?

Gird Arbiter Alexia then explains-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

This label is for our dreadnought's AI, named Cody, as you board the Midnight and show this label to him, he will then bring up the Liberty ErotiCake on it's own ESG platform.

Bijou Luisant

...ESG platform?

Grid Arbiter Alexia also explains this-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Yes. For all ships in the DIC military, they come equipped with a feature called "Electromagnetic-Seperate Grid" platforms, or "ESG-Platforms" for short. This allows for Blockades to be placed on a physical "plate" that is comprised of physical energy, of which the Blockade is then locked in place by a series of energy binders that keep the Blockade stable and secure during combat.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

In this state, the Blockade receives energy directly from the ship itself, which allows the Blockade to use it's thirdary energy weapons-of which isn't possible to use without a ship powering it up. The Blockades also act as additional "turrets" for the ship, which help to repel any enemies that we might face.

After this explamation, Bijou will then ask-

Bijou Luisant

I see. What is underneath the ESG-Platforms, may I ask?

Grid Arbiter Alexia responds-slightly confused at the question-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Well...nothing. The area under the energy platforms leads directly into the ocean, as should a Blockade take enough damage, our ships AIs' will then automatically dump it into the waters below. If Blockades had a lifeboat system installed, then the pilots would be able to use that to escape...

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

But, since the DIC and Confederation of Pioneering Uniforms are alligned with each other, the idea of a war breaking out between them never was used to bring that idea past the initial planning stages. Thus, if a Blockade sustains too much damage and is dumped into the sea...then, the pilots will have a very limited amount of time to try to escape on their own-before the whole thing erupts...

Bijou Luisant

That's...quite worrying-especially now that we are going up against terrorists, who are using our own tech against us...

Bijou says, as this is a critical design flaw in the construction of Superior Splendors that could led to people dying-if they don't get out before their Blockades explode. Fleet Captain Andrea then speaks up-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I agree with you fully on that point, Bijou. And it's even more worrying knowing that each Blockade requires a crew of 5 people to effectivly pilot. Just knowing that there are five people within each single Blockade and that each of their lives are in my a feeling that is hard to cope with...

Fleet Captain Andrea admits this, to which Bijou continues to show more concern-

Bijou Luisant

Strange, as the Liberty ErotiCake only has three seats. Why would they design it like that for those Blockades only??!

Bijou says, clearly upset at the design of the Blockades. Grid Arbiter Alexia then says this to try and calm her down-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

They were designed to be like that over a decade ago now, so I'm sure that the people who built them then didn't think we'd ever have to use them in war today.

Bijou Luisant

...Still, they should've thought of the possibility and at least implemented a lifeboat system...

Bijou says, still upset at the fact that none of the Superior Splendor have an effective lifeboat system. Fleet Captain Andrea then speaks up, while also getting the conversation back on course-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Oftentimes, those who are in positions such as ours always have the hardest times in the field-as our struggles are rarely considered when these weapons are being funded and built for behind the scenes. As such, we just have to follow our orders as best we can...and getting back on the topic of five pilots per Superior Splendor, for the time being, you will have the three-seated Liberty ErotiCake all to yourself, Bijou.

Bijou Luisant


Fleet Captain Andrea continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

However, considering how we are accepting literal civilians to come pilot our Blockades, that fact will change in the near future, as I will opt to reposition whomever I wish into any Blockade on our ships-even yours.

After this, Bijou will say-

Bijou Luisant

...I understand. Just let me know who you want in there with me beforehand, as I wouldn't want any dirty old men with me...

Bijou says, poking some fun, as Fleet Captain Andrea replies, chuckling at Bijou's suggestion

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

*chuckle*...Of course, Bijou. I'll let you know and wait for your reply before I make any decision...!

Now, Fleet Captain Andrea notices someone coming towards Bijou from behind her. As she does, she then finishes up her conversation with Bijou by saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Now...if you have any more questions, then please hold off on asking them until we are finished with processing the incoming applicants.

Bijou Luisant


As Fleet Captain Andrea says this, Bijou notices footsteps approaching her and then turns around to see more Assistants coming towards Andrea and her friends-along with more applications for them to shift through. Bijou is then about to leave for the ship-but stops real quick to tell Captain Andrea something else-

Bijou Luisant

Well, I look foward to working with you, then...oh, wait a moment!

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Now, Bijou quickly says-

Bijou Luisant

If I could, there are six individuals who I'd like to be allowed onto your dreadnought, the Midnight, with us. They are people who I've become acquainted with just today and I'd like it very much if I could get to know them better while on your ship.

After Bijou says this, Fleet Captain Andrea will soon reply-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Alright. Do you know their full names?

Andrea moves a sheet of paper in front of her, while grabbing a pen at the same time. Bijou then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

Yes. Their names are...Abigail Lemon. Amy Annison. Devion Trevor. Harold Winters. Dr. Ivon Ludwig and Zoen Edwards.

Bijou says, as Fleet Captain Andrea quickly writes down their names. Afterwards, she then speaks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

....Alright, I got it. We'll make sure to keep an eye out for those names and I'll then have them board my ship when we see their applicants.

Fleet Captain Andrea says, as she waves towards the three other captains next to her-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


They take the hint and then wave back at Fleet Captain Andrea-as they are still shifting through several applications in front of them-

*Three other captains*


After this, Bijou will smile fondly at Fleet Captain Andrea, and then, she takes her leave-

Bijou Luisant

*Smiles*...Thank you, Andrea.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Now we are even, Bijou.

Bijou Luisant


With that, Bijou then walks behind the desk and heads towards the Midnight-while holding the Grid Label in her hand. As she goes up the ramp leading up to the Midnight, she gets to a small terminal at the edge of a empty area in front of her. There is nothing in front of her, but alongside the sides of the ship there are dozens of Blockades in their "Block" modes, which are all sitting on an energy platform. Bijou looks down and sees water at the bottom of the wide open shaft, which freaks her out a little, until a machine-voice speaks to her-

AI Cody

...Please present your Grid Label.

Bijou Luisant


Startled, Bijou takes a step back, and then looks at the terminal. It speaks again-

AI Cody

Please present your Grid Label.

Bijou Luisant

Ah...yes. Here.

AI Cody

...Scanning. Please stand by.

Bijou Luisant


In front of Bijou, the energy platforms start to move the Blockades around the ESG Platforms. A few moments later, the Liberty ErotiCake is moved along the energy platforms. Unlike the other Blockades, the Liberty ErotiCake does not have a Block mode, as it is now seen to be kneeling down on one leg, while it's arms are leaning against it's knee. As it is brought up to Bijou, she speaks-

Bijou Luisant

...The Liberty ErotiCake....Mom's personal ErotiCake. Let's make a difference, starting right now.

Liberty ErotiCake


With that, Bijou then boards the Liberty ErotiCake through it's open cockpit, and then the chapter end-

----Chapter END----