Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 05

----Chapter 05----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

The next morning, President Sacha, Vice President Georges, Cesario and Sebastion are all seen to be inside of the White Block's main office once more. Here, they are shown to be sitting down, as across from them, five individuals in shadow stand-but their outlines indicate that they are the five members of Stage Fright. Now, President Sacha speaks-

President Sacha Luisant

...And so, once you arrive at Hilayornia later tonight, I expect for you to have your new song ready for the pilots, as they will be quite wary after today's events by then.

Stage Fright Leader ???

We understand, Sir.

The man says, as President Sacha continues-

President Sacha Luisant

My daughter, Bijou, will also be going with the First Wave, instead of my I had hoped for. Should you arrive at Hilayornia while the Ascension are present, you will assist my daughter in their brief battle against them using the Frontier that I had created for you and your friends.

Now, the man standing next to the Stage Fright leader will react, as he then speaks up-

Stage Fright Member ???

!...Yes. We understand.

Now, President Sacha will speak to this individual, as he is Bijou's boyfriend. President Sacha says-

President Sacha Luisant

...I am forced to rely on you and your friends during occurrence, as this all happened so suddenly, and no alternatives could be scheduled in time. Thus, I now leave the safety of my daughter in your hands...I hope that you will not disappoint me in allowing her to come to any harm...

President Sacha says this very strongly, almost demanding an appropriate answer be given. In response, the man he is talking to speaks quickly, saying-

Stage Fright Member ???

No, Sir!!! I will make sure that not a single hair on Bijou's head is hurt, as we will make sure to keep her safe!!!

The man says, to which President Sacha is then confident in his response. He then says-

President Sacha Luisant

...Good. That will be all.

As President Sacha relieves them, the leader of Stage Fright will then speak-

Stage Fright Leader ???

We'll take our leave then, Sir.

With that, the five individuals leave the room, and then, the four men then look out towards the YES HQ. President Sacha then looks at his watch on his wrist, which reads-


8:30 AM

President Sacha Luisant


After seeing this, President Sacha speaks-

President Sacha Luisant

...By now, they should be just about to leave the docks and begin the first part of my plan. And as luck would have it, the AA fleet are caught in a geomagnetic storm, which will allow for our First Wave to close the gap between them.

President Sacha says this in a sinister tone. Vice President Georges then says this-as Sebastion and Cesario look out the window-

Vice President Georges Luisant

Aside from Bijou's "interruption", everything is proceeding according to our plan.

President Sacha Luisant


President Sacha says this reluctantly, as the scene then transitions elsewhere...

Back at the YES Barracks, Fleet Captain Andrea is seen to be sitting down in her seat in the cockpit of her dreadnought. Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue stands next to her, to which as the bridge is then revealed, they are the only two people on the bridge of the ship-as everything else is automated. A single terminal, which is AI Cody, is seen in front of Fleet Captain Andrea, as she and Grid Arbiter Alexia begin to talk to each other-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I can't believe the higher ups are actually making us do this. Making us ship out with so many civilians, who are somehow supposed to act as official pilots...

Fleet Captain Andrea says angerly, as Grid Arbiter Alexia then speaks to her-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

I couldn't agree with you more, Fleet Captain. They literally forced us to accept 95% of the civilians who came from Ecogon, while the remaining 5% were trained pilots.

Grid Arbiter Alexia says, also upset at the situation. Fleet Captain Andrea then says, as she puts her hand over her face in shame-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

What the hell could they be thinking?!

A second later, Fleet Captain Andrea takes her hand off of her face, and then turns to ask Alexia a question-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

And you are sure that they had more applications of actual pilots from both Ecogon and Appledale-which they refused to give most of them to us yesterday?!

Fleet Captain Andrea asks this of Grid Arbiter Alexia, in a huff, to which she replies-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Absolutely. My sisters, along with Vivi all saw many applications of people who were actual trained pilots that could've at least tipped that percentage from 95% to nearly 40%. But when we tried to ask for those instead, the higher ups refused to let us take them-as they just told us that those applications were being held back for "evaluation".

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

What could there be to evaluate, especially when we are beginning a war today?!

Andrea says, furious at the current situation. In response, Grid Arbiter Alexia replies-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

I also asked what would happen if we decided to decline following the order to bring these kinds of people onto our ships today, and the response I got was that the higher ups already have replacement Grid Arbiters and Captains waiting on standby-if we refused to accept these orders...

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Now, Andrea will fall silent. A moment later, she will reply-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...As much as I hate following these orders, following them is the only way to uncover the truths behind these decisions, as I believe that there is much more to this situation that the higher ups aren't telling us.

Fleet Captain Andrea says, to which Grid Arbiter Alexia asks-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Are you sure, Andrea?

Fleet Captain Andrea then explains herself-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Yeah. It isn't going to be easy, but we have to not draw any suspicion to ourselves-at least until we find out more as to what is going on above our heads. I'd hate for the President to be involved in this absurdity, but he is also the supreme commander in chief of the military and must've organized all of this beforehand...

Fleet Captain Andrea now has a slightly pained expression on her face, as she doesn't want to suspect President Sacha of any wrongdoing at this time. She still has a great deal of respect for the man, so to assume that he intentionally is ordering her and her friends to oversee the deaths of hundreds of civilians is abhorrent to her-enough for her to want to investigate the situation on the side.

Grid Arbiter Alexia then mentions-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

...Still...if we go through with these orders today, how many civilians are going to die should we make contact with the enemy?

Grid Arbiter Alexia asks a very hard question to answer, to which Fleet Captain Andrea says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I don't know...

She says, in a stressed tone. Grid Arbiter Alexia also can't decide on an appropriate answer, as she remains silent-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


The two look extremely stressed now, as neither can answer their own questions that they just mentioned. As this is shown, within the terminal that contains AI-Cody, it is seen that behind the screen a microphone was recording the entire conversation between Andrea and Alexia. As it continues to monitor them, the scene will then transition...

Elsewhere, Bijou is now seen sleeping inside of the Liberty ErotiCake's personal rooms-

Bijou Luisant


A moment later, Bijou then starts to wake up-

Bijou Luisant


As she leans up in her bed, she then stretches and then gets herself up and out of her bed. She is wearing a nightgown as she comes out of her bed, and then she goes to the washroom nearby, where she is silent-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou washes her face with some sink water, she then takes off her nightgown and then jumps into the shower, where afterwards she then climbs out of the shower and then dries herself off with a towel. After this, she then comes out wearing just her bath towel covering her body, as she then thinks to herself-

Bijou Luisant

*...The Liberty ErotiCake is quite luxurious-especially for a Superior Splendor. If I had known it had all of this furniture, along with a fully stocked kitchen and washrooms just like we have at home, then I might've spent some more time in here in the past...*.

Bijou thinks, as she then starts to smell the air around her-

Bijou Luisant

..."Sniff"..."Sniff" "Sniff"...!

A second later, Bijou speaks up-

Bijou Luisant

This's just like Mom's favorite perfume..."Délicieux parfum doré"...

As Bijou smells her mother's favorite perfume in the air, she looks down for a moment, as she is overcome with nostalgia. After this is shown, a sound from nearby alerts Bijou-

Comms Station


Bijou Luisant


Upon hearing this sound, Bijou is startled slightly. A moment later, a voice comes from the station nearby-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

...Attention all pilots. This is your Fleet Captain, Andrea Regalia, speaking.

Bijou Luisant


Suddenly, the Command Console's speakers, along with several other speakers come alive automatically with the voice of Fleet Captain Andrea coming out. Bijou is slightly surprised, but listens intently to the voice of Fleet Captain Andrea-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

At 9:00 AM, we will be leaving Appledale in order to begin our mission as the First Wave that will confront the AA. Though each dreadnought has their own individual captain, please remember that I, the Fleet Captain, will have the final say over all future decisions from here on. As such, please prepare for departure.

As the comms cut, Bijou is slightly surprised that Fleet Captain Andrea is able to contact her, as she walks back to her bed-while still in her bath towel-

Bijou Luisant

...Hm. I guess Andrea can contact all Blockades in the fleet while they are on the ESG platform..."Yawn"...

Bijou is now seen to still be visibly tired, as she then lays back down into her bed. As she pulls the blankets back over her body, the scene then transitions back to the bridge...

Back on the Bridge, both Fleet Captain Andrea and Alexia Blue are reveled to be in their positions. Andrea sits above Alexia in her captain's seat, while Alexia sits in front of a wide setup in front of her on her desk. Andrea then speaks to-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...AI Cody. Please preform a quick systems check on the Midnight, before we depart out. Give that same request to Carlos, Miracle and Tatianna, please.

Andrea now raises her head to speak to an AI, which is mounted directly in front of them in the wall. A metal face is seen, which then begins speaking.

AI Cody

...They have received your order, Fleet Captain Andrea. Now preforming systems check of the Midnight. ...Bridge controls. Green. Navigations. Green. Weapon systems. Green. Energy Transfer systems. Green. EffectPhase Armor status. Green. Hull Integrity. Green. ESG Platforms. Green. ...All Systems, Green.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Alexia now speaks, as she gets a contact from the three other ships-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

And we just received a transmission from Carlos, Tatianna and Miracle, saying that their ships are also in the Green.

With this, Fleet Captain Andrea prepares to leave the docks. She then announces this to AI Cody-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Alright. AI Cody. Activate EffectPhase armor.

AI Cody

As you wish, Fleet Captain.

Just as Fleet Captain Andrea asks this of AI Cody, outside, the Midnight and all three other ships are then shown to visibly change their color. as it does this, a kind of field forms around each of the dreadnoughts, causing the water around them to become slightly displaced. With the process then complete, Andrea speaks.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Now, AI Cody. Open a line to the bay door operators. Tell them we are ready to leave.

AI Cody

As you wish, Fleet Captain.

As AI Cody then sends out a message, the staff outside at the edges of the docks then receive the message and then operate the bay door controls in front of them. A few seconds later, the doors then begin to open, as sunlight then starts to pierce through and into the enormous dock area-slowly reveling the four dreadnoughts waiting inside. Once the doors are open all the way, Fleet Captain Andrea then speaks once more-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Midnight!! Depart!!!

She says, as her ship the Midnight is then shown to be the first ship to leave the docks. The other three ships then follow suit, and as they file out one by one, they each move through the water much faster than any boat-thanks to their EffectPhase armor at play.

As they leave, President Sacha, Vice President Georges, Cesario and Sebastion all watch from the White Block. President Sacha then mutters this-

President Sacha Luisant

Now, it safe out there, Bijou...

He says, as the scene then transitions...

Later on during the same morning, Bijou is seen to be waking up again from the comfort of her luxury bed. She does because she hears a beeping noise coming from the Command Console just outside of her room-

Bijou Luisant


Command Console


Bijou Luisant


As the sound doesn't stop, Bijou wakes up and then reacts to the sound-

Bijou Luisant

...What is...that sound...?

Bijou mutters, as she lazily gets up out of her bed and goes to see what that sound is. As she does, she is still in her bath towel from before, to which as she walks over to the Command Console, she then sees on the monitor-

Bijou Luisant

Hm...? A request to board..."Gasp"!

As Bijou inspects the console more, it now shows her that 6 humans are coming closer to the Liberty ErotiCake. It takes a moment for her to realize who they are, but when she does realize that it's her friends from yesterday, she gasps and takes a quick glance at herself-

Bijou Luisant

Dammit-I'm still wearing this thing and they are almost here already!!! And the bed is also a mess, too!!!

She says, as she then darts back to her room and scrambles to get dressed and clean up her room as fast as she can. In her mad hurry, Bijou does dress herself in a skirt and shirt, while also fixing up her bed as well as putting the towel into the bathroom, to which as she does this, she then proceeds to comb her hair and put on some more makeup. As she's doing this, outside, the ESG platform gets to her platform, which causes a slight shake. Feeling this, Bijou then runs out of the bathroom-just as the people outside speak on the comms.

Abigail Lemon (comms)

...Bijou? Are you awake in there?

Bijou Luisant


Hearing that Abigail is just outside, Bijou is happy to hear her voice. She then stands in front of the main Command Console, and after taking a second to catch her breath, she then opens the cockpit. As she does, she sees-

Abigail Lemon

...Hey there!

Amy Annison


Devion Trevor

Good morning.

Harold Winters

Good morning.

Dr. Ivon Ludwig

Good morning.

Zoen Edwards

Good morning.

Now, Abigail and all of Bijou's other friends that she met yesterday are seen in front of the Liberty ErotiCake's cockpit, as they can come up there thanks to a kind of lift system that comes from the edges of the ship. Upon seeing them, Bijou speaks fondly towards them-

Bijou Luisant

"Hah"...Good morning, everyone. I'm happy to see Andrea managed to have all of you onboard the Midnight.

Bijou says, to which Abigail replies to her-

Abigail Lemon

It's all thanks to you name dropping our names to her, Bijou. Who'd ever thought that people like us would be able to have the president's daughter show us favor like this?

Bijou Luisant

...Heh. You're welcome.

Suddenly, Abigail's stomach starts to growl, which prompts her to blush-


Abigail Lemon


Bijou Luisant


Upon hearing this, Zoen Edwards laughs and then says this out loud-

Zoen Edwards

!...Ahaha! That's the third time your belly has rumbled now.

Abigail then responds, while still blushing-

Abigail Lemon's just because I haven't eaten anything yet, Zoen. Actually...Bijou, could I ask you to allow me to use you kitchen, in order to cook all of us some breakfest? I'm the heir to my families bakery back home, and I brought a bunch of ingredients just now, so I'm quite confident in my skills.

Abigail says, confidently, to which Bijou-having not have had any breakfest yet, decides to see what Abigail can do-

Bijou Luisant

...Alright, Abigail. Let's see what you've got up your sleeve....

Bijou says this kindly-but in a way that suggest that she doesn't expect much from an underclasswoman-as she is the daughter of the President and is used to having food of the highest quality. Bijou doesn't have high hopes for Abigials' skills in cooking, but Abigail grins and then says-

Abigail Lemon

Heh...I'll make something that will blow even your socks off, Ms. Luisant...

With that, Bijou then gets up and allows for everyone to come inside of the Liberty ErotiCake. As they do, everyone is amazed by the luxury of the Liberty ErotiCake and speaks up-

Harold Winters

Wooow. This is much more luxurious than any of our Blockades!

Bijou then looks at Harold, and asks him this-curiously-

Bijou Luisant

Really? I'd only ever been inside of this Liberty ErotiCake, so I wouldn't know about what other Blockades are like.

Harold continues, saying-

Harold Winters

Absolutly, Bijou! All of the other Blockades outside, aside from the Medical Blockades in the back, are so low-grade that they don't even hold a candle to the Liberty ErotiCake. Everything in here is so well furnished and incredible...!

Harold says, as he is continued to be amazed at what he sees inside of the Liberty ErotiCake. Bijou just takes it at face value, as everyone then gets to the lounge downstairs.

Here, Bijou and everyone goes and sits down at the table in the middle of the lounge-while Abigail goes into the kitchen with her bag of ingredients. As she goes, she turns to speak to everyone-

Abigail Lemon

Alright, everyone. Just wait there, and I'll have something ready soon...

Bijou Luisant

Take your time to look at the instruments in the kitchen. I only glanced over them yesterday, but you can use anything that will help you.

Abigail Lemon


Abigail says kindly, to which everyone then waves at her, as she disappears into the kitchen to cook everyone something to eat. As everyone sits, Bijou is shown to place her fingue on her lip-indicating that she's deep in her thoughts-

Bijou Luisant

*...I still can't understand why father is having such people make up the bulk of our forces, whom will be the first to engage the Ascension-who are armed and presumably highly-trained terrorists? Even with whatever training Andrea and her friends can offer these people today, that still takes months of training-and yet, at the rate we are moving, we might come across the AA soon.*

As Bijou thinks this to herself, Zoen notices her and speaks to her-

Zoen Edwards

Hey, Bijou?

Bijou Luisant


Bijou now looks over to Zoen, as he asks-

Zoen Edwards

You look like you have something on your mind. Could you still be worried about all of us fighting against the Ascension?

Bijou Luisant

...Yeah, that's pretty much it, in fact.

Bijou admits, as Zoen doesn't seem to beat around the bush. Bijou continues to explain her thoughts-

Bijou Luisant

...It's just...I can't wrap my head around the idea of my father allowing for so many civilians like all of you to fight against the Ascension. It's so hard to imagine how people who have probably never even held a gun, now being put into Superior Splendors and going off to fight against the Ascension-whom are most likely heavily trained terrorists who somehow have better weapons than us at the moment.

Bijou now speaks her thoughts, to which while she does mention the idea of how the Ascension somehow have better weapons than the DIC, no one takes the hint, as Zoen then asks-

Zoen Edwards

...Do you think that our lack of experience will also be an issue?

Zoen asks, in a calm way. Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

...Yes. I just think that my father is making a huge mistake in having underclass civilians get involved in this war-espically without any training whatsoever.

Bijou says this as kindly as she can, because she is simply worried about the people around her. Dr. Ivon then speaks up-

Dr. Ivon Ludwig

It's nice to have someone like yourself worry about people like us, Ms. Luisant. Afterall, we all come from so many different backgrounds and lifestyles...some of whom never even picked up a gun-just as you said. However, even though we lack military training and don't know exactly what we will go up against, that's not the real reason why we are here-as for many of us, there is a reason why we chose to come out here.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou now appears confused, as she then turns her head to look at all of her friends' faces. As she sees their faces, she flinches slightly in shock-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou looks around herself, all of her friends are seen showing her several faces full of kindness. They smile at her, and then Devion and the others soon start to explain their reasons as to why they joined this war-

Devion Trevor

I can't speak for everyone here, but as Ecogon was being destroyed by the Ascension, I...I saw some of my teammates getting killed right in front of me. They were running with me as we tried to get to the docks to escape, but they...they got crushed by some debris...which happened no less than 5 feet away from me...

Bijou Luisant


Devion says, as he tenses up slightly while looking down, as recalling this memory is painful for him. Bijou takes notice, as he continues speaking-

Devion Trevor

I don't know if it's seeing something so horrible happening right in front of you, but after I saw that, I just wanted to have the power to go back in time and stop that situation from happening. Sadly, that's not how reality works, as going back in time isn't possible...but, it is possible to gain power after the fact and then use that to prevent more deaths from occuring, which is why I chose to be here today.

Bijou Luisant


Upon hearing this, Devion's thoughts will eco Bijou's own reasoning as to why she joined up in this war, as she is here in order to avenge the deaths of her friends and prevent more deaths from occuring. Devion then finishes up by saying-

Devion Trevor

That's my reason as to why I chose to be here with all of you, as now that I have the chance to protect others with a Superior Splendor, I want to use that machine in order to keep other people from suffering the same pain and loss that I just experienced. So what if I don't have the experience-what I believe matters is that I have the drive to be here and learn whatever I can so I can fight.

Devion says this strongly, to which Bijou is slightly convinced...but not fully, as she then says-

Bijou Luisant very admirable of you to say, but-

Now, Dr. Ivon speaks up, saying-

Dr. Ivon Ludwig

I apologize for interupting you, but I also have a similar experience that has drove me to be here today.

Bijou Luisant


Now, Dr. Ivon explains-

Dr. Ivon Ludwig

You my field of being a doctor, it could easily be related to being a pilot in the military during war, as I've seen my fair share of people who I could and couldn't save the lives of. Even though those people that I couldn't save were people that I never knew personally, when the same thing happens to people that I know and love-espically with what happened yesterday...the feelings tend to mix into each other, which is hard to describe...

Dr. Ivon is being vague right now, as he won't go into detail about his true intentions behind him chosing to be here right now. This will be due to his memories being too painful to recall for him, as he will then finish up by saying this-while looking downwards just like Devion-

Dr. Ivon Ludwig

...While I can't correctly explain to you how I feel right now, my reasons for being here are similar to why Devion is here, as just like he says, we have the chance to achieve something meaningful-should we pilot a Superior Splendor and fight in this war. Is that not a good enough reason to fight?

Dr. Ivon says and then asks-finishing his explamation. Bijou then asks-

Bijou Luisant

But, why? Why chose to fight so suddenly-espically when you all have no combat experience?

Bijou asks, still worried. Amy then speaks-

Amy Annison

That is true....but, could you say the samething about yourself, Ms. Luisant?

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou flinches, Amy continues-

Amy Annison

As far as we can see, you yourself have just as little experience in combat as the rest of us. And yet, despite that, you chose to still fight last night and then you chose to come out here with this Blockade to fight against the Ascension...why is that?

Amy asks a very good question, to which Bijou is forced to offer this as a response-

Bijou Luisant

Well...I just...want to prevent the deaths of more people that I care for...just like both Devion and Dr. Ivon...

Bijou says, being honest, as her reasons match up with the reasons that both Devion and Dr. Ivon just stated. With this, Amy says this, in a confident tone-

Amy Annison, your reason for being out here instead of your brothers is exactly the same reason that these two just described to us.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou admits, as she looks away in a slightly shamed way. However, Amy then reaches out to her, as she places her hands onto her shoulder, which gets Bijou's attention-

Bijou Luisant


With Bijou looking at Amy, she speaks to Bijou in a tender and gentle tone-

Amy Annison

...It's alright, Bijou. It's alright to feel this way, as everyone here feels the exact same way that you do right now...

Bijou Luisant


Amy then finishes up by saying-

Amy Annison

We'll get through this together, Bijou. By working that, we can make up for our lack of training and come out ontop of the Ascension-but we can only do that if we erase all doubt and worry from our minds and develop a bond of trust with each other.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is silent, as she takes what Amy is telling her to heart. After a short moment, Bijou then replies-

Bijou Luisant

...By bonding with each other right now...that would make up for our lack of experience and potentially make us come out ontop of the Ascension...

Bijou says, as she is starting to develop some confidence in what Amy is telling her. Her friends smile, as Amy ends her speech by saying-

Amy Annison

That's the spirit. By thinking positively and doing what we can do right now, we can win against the Ascension. Just follow those words, and everything will be fine.

Amy says, motivating Bijou to think more positively. Bijou starts to try to follow Amy's advice, as she then-

Bijou Luisant

...Alright. I'll do my best to follow your advice.

Bijou says, giving Amy a slight smile, as Amy then retracts her arm. A moment later, Abigail then comes out of the kitchen with a huge plate of freshly-cooked bread, and speaks-

Abigail Lemon

...Here you go, everyone!



As the plate lands on the table, the scent of freshly-cooked bread makes everyone's mouths water-including Bijou. Then, Abigail speaks-

Abigail Lemon

Let this be the beginning of us developing trust with each other. From here on, we will work together so we can all go home alive.

Abigail says, having heard of everything that was just discussed, and in response, will have made all of this food to deepen her own relationship with Bijou. As everyone starts to help themselves to the food, Bijou doesn't budge just yet, as she proceeds to start chuckling to herself-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is seen to chuckle to herself now, to which she then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

Yes...that's the answer all along, it seems...!

Bijou says, as she then takes some of the bread that Abigail brought out for everyone. As she takes a bite, everyone else soon does the same, as time then moves foward...

Afterwards, the plate that originally had all of the food on it is now empty. Everyone looks satisfied, having eaten their fill, to which Abigail then speaks-

Abigail Lemon

...Phew! I always love having fresh bread in the morning. It always helps me think more clearly when I was back home.

Abigail says, happy that she cooked such good bread. Bijou then replies to her, as she is seen to be just wiping her mouth with a napkin-

Bijou Luisant

...I remember you mentioned that earlier. You said that you worked at your families bakery, right?

Bijou asks, to which Abigail replies-

Abigail Lemon

Yep. And once I go home after this war, I'll inherit the family bakery for myself with my two little brothers.

Bijou Luisant


Abigail says this fondly, while Bijou acts with surprise as she hear that Abigail has two little brothers. Hearing this reminds her of her own older brothers and her relationship to them, which makes Bijou silent. Abigail continues speaking-

Abigail Lemon

When that happens, I'll have to work even harder than before I joined up here in order to find that special someone to help me out...or, at least until my brothers grow up and then inherit the family bakery with me.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou smiles, as hearing of this coming from Abigail reminds her of her own duties that she will have to rise up to eventually-alongside her older brothers. Amy Annison then speaks up-

Amy Annison

That's a wonderful goal, Abigail. That reminds me of my own responsibilities as a math teacher, as even though things have become disrupted by the Ascension, that alone shouldn't stop us from aspiring to do things after we come back...

Amy says, hinting that she too has goals that she wants to achieve when she gets back to Ecogon. Bijou asks-

Bijou Luisant

You said that you are a math teacher...which grade do you teach?

Amy then replies-

Amy Annison

I taught elementary students for the past 9 years, and I want to stay for one more year-before sending an application to move on to teach high school students. When I get back to Ecogon, I'll be sure to send a request for that, as I was always slacking off on that decision...but, after all of this, I think I'll have a new outlook on life and learn to seize upon the moment.

Amy says this, proud of her work in teaching elementary students for the past 9 years. Bijou smiles, to which Devion and Harold then quickly get their goals out into the open-

Devion Trevor

Even though a lot of bad things have happened recently, I still have my career to look foward to after all of this. I'm going to become a legendary base ball player one day, so all of this is just more training to help me achieve my dream.

Harold Winters

Thankfully, I'm still the manager of my hotel back in Appledale, which I'll probably run after I go back there. However, I am not married as of yet, so maybe after going back there I'll find myself that special someone, in order to help restore things back to the way they were.

The two men say, to which Bijou finds their goals admirable. She speaks-

Bijou Luisant

Those are all wonderful goals, and I wish you all the best of luck.

Bijou says, as she then looks over to Dr. Ivon. She then asks-

Bijou Luisant

...Dr. Ivon? What kind of goals do you have after going back to Ecogon?

Bijou asks, to which Dr. Ivon replies-

Dr. Ivon Ludwig

Hmm...I think it may be time for me to retire and buy a nice condo somewhere-maybe the resort city-islands of Rekonsas in the West Islands. I've been a doctor for the past 15 years and done plenty of good, so I think that after this war ends I will just retire to a nice place to spend the rest of my days in peace.

Bijou Luisant


And finally, Bijou looks over to Zoen, and asks him-

Bijou Luisant

Zoen? What are your plans after all of this is over?

Zoen then replies-

Zoen Edwards

I've been a professional trainer for most of my life, and I think I'll always have that kind of healthy mindset-even after all of this. Thus, my continued goal is to educate the youths of our country about the importance of physical health-especially at a young age. The later one gets into a healthy attitude about working out, the more fat they will accumulate-especially around their thigh-!

Suddenly, Zoen stops speaking, as he feels a sudden chill coming down his spine. Across from him, Abigail's hair covers her eyes, as two menacing red eyes stare at Zoen from behind her hair-

Abigail Lemon


Zoen Edwards


Zoen then snaps to attention and then continues.

Zoen Edwards

But being like that is attractive, as it's better than appearing malnurished afterall!!! Ahahahahaha!

Zoen says this ackwardly and in a rushed tone, as soon enough, the red aura surrounding Abigail ceases and then she returns back to her normal, bubbly self-

Abigial Lemon

Mmm hmm...

Bijou Luisant


Bijou smiles, as she now gets to see that the people around her in this war all have dreams and goals that they want to grasp after this war ends. She then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

...Wonderful. Thank you all for sharing your dreams with me...



Everyone has a smile on their face, to which then, Bijou notices the time on the wall next to everyone. The clock reads 9:59 AM, to which in a moment, it then happens-


"Beep Beep" "Beep Beep"



Now, the comms beep louldy, alerting everyone to pay attention. A second later, the beeps cease, to which Andrea's voice then starts coming out of the comms.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

...Good morning, everyone. This is your Fleet Captain speaking.



In many other Blockades, many people are seen to stop what they are doing, and listen intently to the comms in their Blockades. They are seen in various places around their Blockades, to which Andrea speaks.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

I hope all of you had a great breakfest or are about to have one, as today is when you all will be instructed on the basics of controlling a Superior Splendor through the use of "Artificial Combat Simulation". Allow me to explain.



Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

As you all know, we have been tasked to be the First Wave of Pilots that will confront the Ascension up ahead today. But first, you all must understand how to control the Blockades that your are all in by using the ACSs that are installed in all of your Blockades...for the next 2 hours.

Andrea says this with a hint of disbelief in her voice. Bijou then thinks to herself.

Bijou Luisant

*!...Just two hours of simulated training?!*

Bijou is just as baffled as Andrea sounds at the moment. However, for her friends who are with her, they believe that this pultry amount of time will be enough, as they smile at Andrea's words-blissfully unaware of how dire the situation is. Andrea continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

This training will aim to cover most of the basics of movement, targeting/firing per individual person and understanding the differences between transformations. After that 2 hours of training, we will then soon come up to a series of small islands called the "Deserted Islands", where we will then begin our first mission against the AA as the First Wave. I will discuss that once we get this..."training"...finished with.

Fleet Captain Andrea says this coldly, as she knows that this isn't enough time to teach anyone how to properly control Superior Splendors. Nonetheless, she finishes up by saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

We will begin in 5 minutes, so I want everyone to get ready and stand-by in the command seats of your Blockades right away. Please decide on your seating arrangements by yourselves, as you will use those setups until after this first mission is over. Once you come back, I will relocate you all to other seats or Blockades-should I deem it needed.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

That will be all...

With that, Andrea then signs off, cutting off the comms. Afterwards, Bijou then thinks to herself-

Bijou Luisant

*...I'm sure that Andrea is just as dumbfounded as I am-no way is 2 hours enough time for these people to learn anything...!*

Suddenly, as if completely opposite to Bijou's current thoughts, Abigail and the others still have smiles on their faces, as they then stand up and speak-

Abigail Lemon

...I guess we'll be leaving now, Bijou, as we all have our own crews that we need to decide some matters with before we begin.

Bijou Luisant


As the six get up, Amy speaks up-

Amy Annison

...Do you have anyone with you to help you train, Bijou?

Amy asks, unaware of Bijou's current thoughts. Bijou blurts out-

Bijou Luisant don't have anyone else here with me at the moment, as I have the Liberty ErotiCake all to myself...

Bijou says, to which Harold and Devion then reply-

Harold Winters

You're lucky, Bijou.

Devion Trevor

Yeah. All of my crew members are a bunch of knuckleheads that seem as if they are from some prat school back in Ecogon.

As Devion says this, everyone except Bijou then breaks out into a laugh, as she remains silent-



Bijou Luisant


Despite Bijou clearly being worried once more, everyone else is still blinded by how little time they will have training today-as the thought of them getting to learn how to control a Superior Splendor will be blinding them at the moment. None of them speak up about this, and so, with that everyone except Bijou then leaves the Liberty ErotiCake, and as they do, Bijou calls out to Abigail-

Bijou Luisant

"...Sniff...sniff"...Hey, Abigail? Did you leave the oven on?

Bijou asks, to which Abigail says-

Abigail Lemon

Yes, Bijou. I had a bunch more bread pieces finishing cooking in there, just in case you were still hungry. You can have all of them, as they should be done cooking right about now.

Abigail says, as she waves to Bijou. Bijou then replies-

Bijou Luisant

...Thanks, Abigail.

Abigail Lemon

No problem. Thanks for letting me use your oven to make breakfest. Seeing people smile while eating the food that I make with my hands is one of the happiest things in my life. Please, enjoy.

With that, Abigail and everyone else then leave the Liberty ErotiCake and then board the ESG platform that they came from. They say a command and then they are transported on a mini grid that takes them to their individual Blockades. Bijou watches them go from the living room of the Liberty ErotiCake, and then once they are out of sight, she then goes into the kitchen and then turns off the oven. Afterwards, she then takes out a gigantic metal sheet from within, which has many finely cut pieces of bread on it. As she puts it onto the stove, she then picks up and tastes one of the bread pieces and sees that it contains cream cheese inside of it. She speaks-

Bijou Luisant

...SO GOOD!!! There's even warm cream cheese inside of bread!

Bijou smiles as she eats the piece of bread, seemingly forgetting about what she just heard, as then, time moves on, as the chapter ends.

----Chapter END----