Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 06

----Chapter 06----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

On the Midnight, it will now be shown that many pilots are seen to be studying hard within their Blockades-in order to understand the controls-

Pilot #1


Pilot #2


Pilot #3


Pilot #4


Pilot #5


As the pilots of one Blockade are shown, they each are receiving multiple instructions from an automated voice that comes from their Blockades' Command Consoles. The voice is actually AI Cody's, whom instructs the pilots on how to preform various operations. It speaks-

AI Cody

...Those are the basic controls of operating the secondary systems that pilots #2 and #4 need to know, while pilots #3 and #5 should understand how to inform Pilot #1 of information on the HUD-whom controls the Blockades' primary functions/weapons. Next, you shall review the proper controls on how to utalize "Block" mode and understanding how gliding works...

Pilot #2


As AI Cody instructs the pilots, they are seen to barely be able to keep up with all of this information that is being fed to them at this time. Some sweat neavously, while others try to just skim over what is being told to them-while not actually listening due to the complexities of controlling a Blockade. It's all a bit too much for some, while others do get an understanding of the basics, if they are not the main pilots they realize that there will be trouble later on. Faced with this, some of the main pilots speak to their co-pilots next to them-

Pilot #1

...Hey, are you guys keeping up with this?

One of the main pilots of a random Blockade asks, to which his co-pilots nervously reply-

Pilot #4

Um...kinda. While I get what most of my directions are telling me, I'm not sure I understood most of anything else AI Cody just told me...

Faced with this, the main pilot looks over to the pilot having trouble, and then reiterates what AI Cody just told him. He says-

Pilot #1

Don't think about the specifics too much, as all you guys need to know is that what you are doing is a complement to what I do. I will be the one controlling the main functions of the Blockade, while the rest of you will be supporting me by operating the secondary and support systems.

Now, another pilot speaks up, saying-

Pilot #3


She says, also nervously, to which the main Pilot finishes up by saying-

Pilot #1

You guys have to understand this information-or else we are just going to drag everyone else down out there...

The main pilot says, slightly frustrated at his co-pilot's lack of understanding their share of the information. Another pilot then says-

Pilot #5

We are doing our best, you know...

This pilot says, trying to defend Pilot #3, but the main pilot doesn't seem to care, as the stress of the situation is getting to him. He then says this-

Pilot #1

Try harder, then! If we don't get this right, then we are going to be left behind!!

He says, angerly, as he then presses several buttons and moves the controlls of his Blockade, which causes him to suceed in his training simulation. AI Cody then praises him, as it says-

AI Cody

...Well done, Pilot #1. You are showing considerable skill in the ACS and can now move on to study how to operate a Kinetic Blaster. Please be aware that this instrument is 4x heavier than your standard primary weapons, and as such, your Blockade will move considerably less frequently when dual-weilding it. Are you ready?

Pilot #1

...Yes. Begin the next simulation, please.

He says, as his co-pilots take notice of him leaving them behind in the dust. As this happens, the last pilot within this Blockade is seen to become frustrated-

Pilot #2

...Damn it.

She mutters to herself, as the scene then transitions and skims across several other Blockade, which describe similiar scenarios occuring...

Elsewhere on the Midnight, inside of Bijou's Liberty ErotiCake, she is the only one inside. Her Command Console is turned off, however, as Bijou sits in her seat, confidently-while AI Cody speaks to her via her comms-

AI Cody (comms)

...Bijou Luisant. Please define to me why you are still refusing to cooperate.

It asks, to which Bijou then explains herself, again apperantly-

Bijou Luisant

As I've told you several times already, I do not need a refresher on how to control my mother's Blockade. I already know how to move it, as well as how to activate it's primary weapons and use the blaster, so I don't need any of your boring lessons!

Bijou says, in a angry tone, to which AI Cody then speaks-

AI Cody (comms)

One moment. I will be informing Fleet Captain Andrea of your disobedience and will make it known to her that you should receive a complaint for military insubordination.

Upon hearing of this, Bijou will throw up her arm in frustration, as she then says this angerly-

Bijou Luisant

Ugh, you are soo annoying-stupid machine!! You seriously think a trashcan like you can suggest that kind of action to the President's daughter?! Go ahead and bring Andrea into this conversation, as I'll make sure she sends you to the scarp heap for talking like that to me!!!

Bijou screams, as she argues with AI Cody. AI Cody then replies, in a cold, machine tone-

AI Cody (comms)

In the event that you didn't hear me due to your ears being clogged with too much money, I said to give me one moment while I inform Fleet Captain Andrea of you insolence...

Bijou Luisant

What was that??!!

Bijou shouts, to which AI Cody doesn't reply. After a few more seconds, another voice speaks from Bijou's Command Console in front of her. It's-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

...Bijou? Can you hear me?

Upon hearing Fleet Captain Andrea's voice, Bijou will start to settle down, as she explains herself-

Bijou Luisant

!-Yes...Andrea!! I'm glad that stupid machine brought you into this conversation, as it will not leave me alone right now!

Fleet Captain Andrea will then ask-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

AI Cody is just doing what I instructed it to do, as almost everyone here needs some guidance in order to learn the basics of controlling a Superior Splendor-before we get to the Deserted Islands up ahead.

Bijou then cuts off Fleet Captain Andrea, as she says-

Bijou Luisant

Everyone except myself, as I already demonstrated that I can move the Liberty ErotiCake just fine during last night's battle. I'm sure you heard of what I did, as it was all over the media.

Bijou says this frimly, to which Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Yes, Bijou...I did see your display last night on the news and I do suspect that you should have some experience with your Mother's Blockade. However, do you also know how to control the other functions of that Blockade?

Fleet Captain Andrea asks, politely, to which Bijou quickly replies-

Bijou Luisant

Yes, I already know everything! I know how to move around and aim it's primary and secondary weapons; how to deploy and use the Liberty Blaster and how the thirdary weapon systems don't work without the ESG platform powering it up.

As Bijou explains this, Fleet Captain Andrea is impressed, to which she then says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Oh...then, based on that, you might be on the level of an experienced pilot...?

Fleet Captain Andrea asks, to which Bijou responds in a honest tone-

Bijou Luisant

...I'm not as experienced than either of my brothers-but that doesn't mean I'm like any of these underclass civilians, as I did sit down with my mother at times to understand some of how this Blockade works. As such, I request that you exclude me from this training that your ship AI is trying to impose onto me, as I believe I will be just fine during combat.

Bijou states, arrogantly and confidently, to which Fleet Captain Andrea soon responds-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Alright, Bijou. If you are that confident in your skills, then I will instruct AI Cody to exclude you from this ACS, as it really is only meant to be a refresher for more experienced pilots.

Fleet Captain Andrea now says the real purpose for the Artificial Combat Simulation, to which Bijou then finishes up by saying-

Bijou Luisant

Thank you, Andrea...oh, and could I request that you scrap that AI of yours? It spoke to me in a foul tone earlier while I was trying to explain to it my case-but it just wouldn't listen to me!

Bijou thanks Fleet Captain Andrea, but then turns the conversation back to how AI Cody was speaking to her. Fleet Captain Andrea then explains to her, in a slightly stressed tone-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

...I apologize for how he might've spoken to you, as I personally instructed him to be as frim as possible in teaching the people who need it. The two of us here have to be involved in helping a lot of people with a lot of questions right now, so I just told AI Cody to do his best to help people with this information, as we are pretty stressed with how many people need help right now.

Fleet Captain Andrea explains how stressful her and Grid Arbiter Alexia's situation is to Bijou, as the stress of instructing hundreds of civilians is a hard one-espically for just two individuals. Upon hearing this, as Andrea is a friend of Bijou's, she will now speak leniently towards her, as she then says-

Bijou Luisant

Oh...I see. I'll...then accept your apology for how it spoke to me just now, and allow you to return to your duties, then...

Bijou says, calmly, to which Fleet Captain Andrea thanks her by saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Thank you...that's one less problem I need to have over my head right now...

Fleet Captain Andrea says, as she then cuts the comms between her and Bijou. As she does, Bijou is then seen to shrug a little, as she then climbs out of her seat and then retreats back into her room, where she then lays on her bed from before. As she does, she then checks the clock nearby, which reads-


10:34 AM

Bijou Luisant


Bijou lets out a heavy sigh, as the scene then moves out of the Liberty ErotiCake to revel the four ships. As the press onwards, time then moves foward...

After another hour and a half hours, the four ships then get closer to some islands in the distance. As they do, the skies above are seen to be growing darker, as below in their Blockades, many pilots are seen-



As they are shown, they have worried looks on their faces, as even though by now they will have completed their ACS training, many of them will not have been able to keep up with some of their peers. These people are seen to be frustrated at their lack of capable co-pilots or main pilots, of which some will be reveled to be Harold, Devion, Amy and even Dr. Ivon-

Harold Winters


Devion Trevor


Amy Annison


Dr. Ivon Ludwig


These four will be seen to be main pilots, while their co-pilots are shown to be random civilians-with shadows over their inexperienced faces. In another Blockade, Zoen is also shown to be a main pilot-as is Abigail in another Blockade-

Zoen Edwards


Abigail Lemon


And finally, within the Liberty ErotiCake, Bijou is then seen, sitting in front of her Command Console and ready for battle-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou sits, she then spots the three other Dreadnoughts to the right of the Midnight breaking off and heading towards the other islands in the distance. As this occurs, the comms in each of the Blockades' on the Midnight come to life, as Fleet Captain Andrea then explains the situation-




A second later, Fleet Captain Andrea's voice speaks from the comms within Bijou's Liberty ErotiCake-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

...Attention, everyone. This is Fleet Captain Andrea speaking. As some of you can tell, the Twilight, Dawnlight and Dusklight are now splitting away from our ship, the Midnight. They are doing so in order to search the other Deserted Islands to our right, while we investigate the island directly in front of us.

Bijou Luisant


Fleet Captain Andrea continues speaking-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

For a brief review, these islands were originally considered for Umbrella construction back when the DIC was first being colonized, over 200 years ago. However, after a brief construction period, they were all deemed too small by our forefathers to support a large enough Umbrella and Understructure for a growing influx of immigrants from the Confederation-and were thus abandonded.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Fast foward to today, and our first mission will be to inspect this island, in order to determine if there is an Ascension presense within. They now make the perfect location for terrorists to set traps for us-due in part to the dense jungles that overtook the islands after people left.

The people in their Blockades remain silent. Fleet Captain Andrea continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

In order to properly investigate this island before us, I...have orders to send out 200 Blockades from our total of 275 Blockades, in order to investigate the Deserted Island in front of us for any said traps-while the Midnight keeps a reasonable distance away. I realize that your training has been extremely short, but right now, you all are regognized as "Privates" of the DIC and are now apart of an official war, and in this war, you may end up dying today if you don't follow these orders precisly from here on out.

As Fleet Captain Andrea says this in a strong tone, she does so sheepishly, as she will mentioned that she was "given orders" to send out that many Blockades all at once, while keeping another 75 back as reserves. As she continues speaking, in some of the Blockades, a few of the Privates are now seen to gulp deeply, while others begin to sweat from their foreheads, as they hear Fleet Captain Andrea's message-

Pilot #1


Pilot #4

*Sweating profusely*

Fleet Captain Andrea continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

...Before you launch, I must stress to you all the importance of the Blockades that will carry the Kinetic Blasters during this mission. We only have 20 of these blasters right now per ship, which means that the Blockades that will carry these weapons must be protected-if not, then at the very least their Kinetic Blasters should be protected, as without them you will not be able to bypass the Curtain Barrier that the Ascension use around their Blockades.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

In the case that they can't resume the mission, any Peacebringer Blockade may use a Kinetic Blaster by using the energy transfer system, which is located along the belt of any of your Blockades. Remember, these weapons are much heavier than your standard primary weapons, so be sure to take that into consideration BEFORE you engage with the enemy.

Bijou Luisant


Several Privates


As Bijou is shown, she is also seen to be visibly worried-but not as much as the Privates around her, as it will be their duty to ensure that they keep the Kinetic Blasters safe from harm. Fleet Captain Andrea then continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

While there is a possibility that the Ascension didn't leave any of there forces for us to fight here, you will still need to treat this mission as if they are there and ready to engage us. Thus, once you get to the island up ahead, you should split into several large teams that will then split up again into smaller groups around a few Blockades that will have Kinetic Blasters, while you then search the island for any threats.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

I will pray that none of you come across anything out there, as I now begin the countdown for launch. The Blockades numbered between 000 to 200 will be the ones who will make first contact in 60 seconds, and will take with them 15 Kinetic Blasters. Everyone else will remain here on standby.

As Fleet Captain Andrea says this, she then nods over to Grid Arbiter Alexia, who then sweeps through her Grid terminal to then easily select the Blockades numbered between 000 to 200. The Liberty ErotiCake is amoung them, to which as the energy locks on the Blockades are turned off, the 200 Blockades that are leaving will now be moved to the front of the ship. Here, several launch pads are shown to become engaged, as Fleet Captain Andrea then says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

AI Cody. Begin sending out the Blockades...

AI Cody

Very well, Fleet Captain Andrea.

With Fleet Captain Andrea's direction, AI Cody then proceeds to send out dozens and dozens of Blockades in their Block modes towards the island. As they fly out, Bijou soon gets to one of the launch pads and is then sent out in her Block mode-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou stresses, as she is then sent out. As the Liberty ErotiCake glides in the air, Bijou soon gets a contact over the comms-


Bijou Luisant

Hm? It's from...Abigail. Looks like she wants a private conversation with me...!

Bijou mutters, as she then answers the comms. Suddenly, Abigails' voice comes out from Bijou's Command Console, as she begins to say-

Abigail Lemon (comms)

...Hey, Bijou? Are you there?

Abigail asks this nervously, to which Bijou notices-but still responds accordingly-

Bijou Luisant

Yes, Abigail. I'm here.

Bijou says, as Abigail then replies, softly-

Abigail Lemon (comms)

A...are you nervous about being apart of the First Wave? I sure I didn't think we'd be selected to be the first ones to fight...

Bijou Luisant


Bijou remains silent, as while she doesn't have any combat experience, she is still more calm about the situation than Abigail is at the moment. Abigail then continues to speak-

Abigail Lemon (comms)

...You know, I think a lot of people...myself included...jumped the gun a little bit when we heard about how your father was allowing us the power to retaliate against the Ascension. We may have not been thinking clearly, so I...we...might be in the wrong place right now...

As Abigail admits this, Bijou closes her eyes once more, and then soon reopens them to say-

Bijou Luisant

I thought as much, Abigail. I said it before, and I'll say it again-I am very worried about all of you being out here, as I know for a fact that my father could've easily organized a more trained pilot group to come to Appledale yesterday-so that none of you would be feeling what you are right now.

Abigail Lemon (comms)


Abigail stutters over the comms, as Bijou continues-

Bijou Luisant

However, despite that, I am going to make sure that I use the full power of this Liberty ErotiCake, in order to prevent anyone from dying from this point on. With it's powerful Liberty Blaster, I'll protect all of you by myself, so that you can go home and accomplish the goals that you told me about.

Bijou is extremely sure of herself, as she places all of her confidence solely on the fact that she controls a single Blockade that has a special weapon. Abigail then speaks-

Abigail Lemon (comms)

...I see...

While Abigail will trust Bijou's words, she and her co-pilots will now be seen within her Blockade. As they are shown, all five of them-both men and women-will be seen to be tearing up as they listen to Bijou speak to them over their comms. They are not trained pilots or capable individuals who command prototype military hardware-they are just regular people who are now in a situation that will kill them-if they so much as make one single mistake.

Despite this, Abigail will try to see the bright side of this conversation, as Bijou is speaking to her personally to try to cheer her up. Abigail then looks up and starts to wipe away her tears, as hearing Bijou's voice does help to calm her and her co-pilots down-if only slightly. Abigail then speaks-

Abigail Lemon (comms)

...Thank you, Bijou...I hope you can come through on those words while we fight in this war.

Bijou Luisant

Don't worry. I promise I will make sure that none of you come to harm-should we even have to fight today, as Andrea did mention that there are other possibilities, afterall.

Now, Bijou makes a promise to Abigail, who takes Bijou's kindness towards her to heart-

Abigail Lemon (comms)

R...right, she did mention something like that...

Bijou says this in order to try to take Abigail's mind off of fighting against the Ascension. Her words convince Abigail to think positively, as she then finishes up by saying-

Bijou Luisant

Now, stay sharp for me, as we've getting closer to the island.

Abigail Lemon (comms)


With that, 200 Peacebringer Blockades, including some that carry the Kinetic blasters and the Liberty ErotiCake-are seen to continue to glide closer to the island. As they do, the skies above them darken, as everyone takes notice of the sudden darkness...and then, it happens-


Now, a flash of light will emerge from the jungles of the island and travel across the air at an incredible speed. As it travels over the overgrown city and flies over the ocean, it then makes contact with Abigail's Blockade-as it was gliding in it's Block mode. An instant later, a huge fire breaks out from within the Blockade's cockpit-causing the people inside to begin screaming and flailing their arms, as they are engulfed in flames-



Abigail Lemon (comms)


As this happens, Abigail is seen to press a button that causes her to begin broadcasting her and her co-pilot's voices across the entire Comms network. As their screams are heard, Bijou and her friends are shown to be in total shock at what is happening-

Bijou Luisant


Amy Annison


Devion Trevor


Harold Winters


Dr. Ivon Ludwig


Zoen Edwards


Back on the bridge of the Midnight, Fleet Captain Andrea sees what has happened and then soon take immeadiate action, as Grid Arbiter Alexia is just as surprised as everyone else-

Grid Advisor Alexia Blue


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As Abigail and her co-pilots inside of their Blockade are seen to be engulfed in flames, their Blockade begins to fall from the air. As this happens, Bijou cries out over the comms-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou screams, as suddenly, Fleet Captain Andrea speaks to everyone over their comms-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Attention all Blockades!! Spread out and get to the island!! Do it, now!!!

Fleet Captain Andrea shouts, to which many of the other Blockades heading towards the Island heeds her order and does as they are told. However, Bijou then contacts Fleet Captain Andrea, pleading with her to-

Bijou Luisant

But, Andrea!! Abigail is burning alive inside of her Blockade!! We have to help her!!!

Bijou pleads, as Abigail's screams continue to echo on the comms along with her co-pilots-

Abigail Lemon/co-pilots (comms)


But in response to Bijou, several more beam attacks now come from the jungle of the island and start to hit other Blockades in the air-


Bijou Luisant


As this happens, Bijou and her friends are caught off guard once more, as the many beam attacks strike at several more Blockades around them. In response, they all now struggle to evade the attacks, to which Bijou and her friends are lucky enough to evade the attacks-but for some-including several that carry the heavy Kinetic Blasters-they are shot, as their pilots react-

Pilot #1

AHHH!!!! We've been hit!!!!!

Pilot #3

We have a Kinetic Blaster!!!! Someone, save it!!!!!

Some of them say, as the Blockades that are holding onto a Kinetic Blaster and are hit now try to throw these precious weapons to other more fortunate Blockades. Many of them do catch the weapons, and as the carnage continues, Fleet Captain Andrea responds on the comms once more-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Everyone!!! Listen to me!!! You all need to get to that island before anymore of you are shot down!!! There's nothing that can be done for the ones that are falling right now, as you've have to leave them behind!!!!

Bijou Luisant


As Fleet Captain Andrea continues to shout at the pilots to continue on towards the island, Bijou is seen to look back on the burning Blockades behind them-with a pained expression on her face, as they plument and then crash into the ocean waters below. As they do, their screams eventually begin to wain, as their Blockades are shown to become heavily damaged while crashing into the ocean, as inside, their pilots are either dead from the explousions or burnt alive. Soon, several explousions occur, destroying the Blockades-including the Blockade that belonged to Abigail, as she is seen one final time-while still burning alive-

Abigail Lemon


A moment later, her Blockade erupts, killing her and her co-pilots, which Bijou and the others see-

Bijou Luisant


Upon seeing this, Bijou is heartbroken, as she and the others continue to glide towards the islands-as several more beam attacks fly around them and the other Blockades going with them.

As most of the Blockades begin to arrive at the far edges of the island, they transform into their Blockades and begin to land and then walk onto the edges of the island. As they do, Bijou and her remaining friends look back at the sinking wreckages a short distance away. Bijou is silent-

Bijou Luisant


Suddenly, Fleet Captain Andrea contacts everyone via comms-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

...Most of you seem to have made it to the island.

Bijou Luisant




With the voice of Fleet Captain Andrea speaking to them all over the comms, everyone snaps to attention-including Bijou. Fleet Captain Andrea then speaks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

...Listen up, Privates. Now that we know that the enemy is on these islands, you all need to brace yourselves for actual combat against them, as they will have to be dealt with before we can leave this area.

Fleet Captain Andrea announces, to which most people don't know what to say. Bijou then speaks up, slowly-

Bijou Luisant

...But, Andrea...Abigail and many other people just...died...

As Fleet Captain Andrea hears Bijou's voice, she hesitates for a moment. But a second later, she then regains her composure, and then speaks to Bijou specifically-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

...Bijou. I understand that you have just lost a friend today. I am sorry for that...but, right now I am going to need to ask you to start calling me "Fleet Captain Andrea" from here on.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou asks, shocked to hear her friend talking to her like this. Fleet Captain Andrea continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Please, listen to me-all of you. Right now, all of you are in a situation where you need to work together in order to survive. As such, I can't play favorites with any of you...that includes even you, Bijou, as I now need to look at all of you as Privates in a real battle that can cost you your lives.

Bijou Luisant




Everyone else is then seen to wince greatly at the thought of actually dying out here. Fleet Captain Andrea then finishes up by saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Now...if you can understand the prediciment you are all in, then I need you all to set up several Foward Operating Bases comprised of Blockades within the city. After they are established, you all should send out several groups that will preform some recon for me. I need to know just how many enemies are on the island, before I can issue you more or-

Before Fleet Captain Andrea can finish her sentence, people will then cry out on the comms-

Private Pilot #1 (comms)

We...we can't do this!!!

Private Pilot #2 (comms)

I am just a regular office worker who worked a desk job back in Ecogon...

Private Pilot #3 (comms)

Why did I even come out here?!! Damn it all to hell!!!

Upon hearing this, it is clear to Fleet Captain Andrea that a lot of these people are just random civilians who had regular jobs and they didn't think that war would be like this. Faced with this, Fleet Captain Andrea is forced to raise her voice towards these people-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Enough!! I know you are all scared and terrified right now, as this is clearly more than you bargined for when you signed the application back in Appledale. But, if you can just get me the information that I need, I can gurantee you all that I will do my absolute best to get as many of you all out of this place alive. Then, you can return to Ecogon in peace, while I personally ensure that actual trained pilots will replace you all.

Fleet Captain Andrea tries to explain, but her words will continue to be ignored, as more people sound off on the comms-

Private Pilot #1

We can't do this...we can't do this...we can't do this...

Private Pilot #2

Why did I agree to come out here?!!

Private Pilot #3

How are we supposed to do anything right now??!!

They cry out, and as more and more people on the comms sound off similarly, back with Fleet Captain Andrea, she is seen to grow frustrated, as she slams her hand onto her armrest-


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

UGH...Dammit!!! At this rate, no one on that island will cooperate and will die!!!

Fleet Captain Andrea says, as in front of her, Grid Arbiter Alexia can do nothing else-aside from waiting. She hears the sounds of people crying out that they cannot do anything-

Private Pilots (comms)


Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

...There has to be something we can do to make them listen...

To which a second later, AI Cody is then seen to light up subtly-

AI Cody


Now, AI Cody will proceed to send out a signal to the island, where several "special" towers will be seen to be positoned within hidden sections of the city. As these towers are shown to activate, they then start to influence the Peacebringer Blockades along the beach, as they then react-

DIC Blockades


Now, as many DIC Blockades are slowly influenced by this signal, AI Cody will then gain complete control over all of the DIC Blockades along the beach-except for the Liberty ErotiCake. As this happens, the comms will then go silent-



Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As Fleet Captain Andrea notices the sudden comms network going silent, she will speak-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...What's going on? Where did all of the voices on the comms go?

She asks, as AI Cody then explains-

AI Cody

...Alert. Detecting jamming wave patterns coming from the island, which has thus nullified our comms network with the Blockades on the beach.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Fleet Captain Andrea is surprised by this, as AI Cody continues-

AI Cody

Please note that direct communication with Blockades that are equipped with a Comms Backpack is possible-but due to the jamming, it is not recommended at this time. Advise for Fleet Captain Andrea to leave the situation alone for the time being, while having the Midnight pull a safe distance away from the island.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


Surprised by this, Fleet Captain Andrea and Grid Arbiter Alexia will be interested in how AI Cody knows of this. Fleet Captain Andrea will then ask AI Cody-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...AI Cody? How do you know that there is a jamming device on that island? Do you have some kind of technology that allows you to detect jamming signals that I am not aware of?

Fleet Captain Andrea asks, to which AI Cody soon responds, subtly-

AI Cody

...I am unable to answer that question at this time, Fleet Captain Andrea. Please standby, as I have the Midnight move away from the island for you...

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


With this, Fleet Captain Andrea and Grid Arbiter Alexia will be just as confused as the other, as AI Cody then has the Midnight begin to move away from the island. As the scene then transitions back to the island...

As the scene moves back to the beach, all of the DIC Blockades are now shown to be skillfully moving out. As if devoid of their pilots' past worries, the DIC Blockades will now be shown to be moving as if they are being piloted by skilled experts, as they do so in a highly coordinated and complex manner-heading towards the city that is overgrown with vegetation. As this happens, the Liberty ErotiCake is seemingly the only one that is not affected by this situation, as within, Bijou speaks to herself-

Bijou Luisant

...That's odd. A moment ago, everyone was talking as if they didn't want to do anything. But now, they are moving out as if they are piloted by real experts...

Bijou says, as she watches the Blockades around her move out. As this happens, she in the Liberty ErotiCake is soon reveled to be the only one remaining at the beach. As this occurs, Bijou speaks-

Bijou Luisant

...What could've come over them all in such a way...?

She says, as she then tries contacting Fleet Captain Andrea via her comms within her Blockade. As Bijou sends out a comms to Fleet Captain Andrea, she receives her contact via a small phone that's on her left armrest. As she picks it up, she speaks-quietly-


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As Fleet Captain Andrea notices the sound next to her, she will pick up the phone and then see who is contacting her. She speaks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...It's from Bijou...!

As Fleet Captain Andrea holds the phone, she will then look suspiciously over to AI Cody, who is not responsive to her or Grid Arbiter Alexia in any way. Sensing that something might be wrong with AI Cody, she then disconnects the phone and then stands up, taking it with her as she then turns around to leave the bridge. She speaks quickly to Grid Arbiter Alexia as she gets to the doors, which open as she then says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Alexia. Take over for me for a second, please...

She says, while moving away from view. Grid Arbiter Alexia responds quickly-just as Fleet Captain Andrea is leaving the bridge-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Oh, um...sure thing, Fleet Captain...

She says, as the doors then close behind Fleet Captain Andrea.

Outside of the bridge, Fleet Captain Andrea then looks around and doesn't see anything, to which she then activates the phone and then speaks into it-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

!...Bijou. Can you hear me?

She asks, as back with Bijou, she responds-

Bijou Luisant

Y-yes, Andre-I mean...Fleet Captain Andrea. I'm still in the Liberty ErotiCake at the beach.

Bijou says, flustered as to what is happening right now. Fleet Captain Andrea then asks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Bijou...AI Cody just told me that the entire comms network is being jammed by the AA Blockades.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou asks this, confused at the situation, as Fleet Captain Andrea continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

I don't know what is happening right now, as AI Cody is acting strangly towards me at the moment. Can you inform me as to what is going on right now?

Fleet Captain Andrea asks, to which Bijou then explains-

Bijou Luisant

Well...everyone's Blockades just suddenly started moving and heading deeper into the city, but they are acting strangely right now. A moment ago, everyone on the comms network sounded as if they didn't want to fight, but now, their Blockades as if they suddenly became expert pilots...

As Bijou explains this, back with Fleet Captain Andrea she takes this information into immediate consideration. She then speaks a second later-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I see. It might be possible that AI Cody has somehow taken control over them...but, that technology was supposed to be only meant for the White Block to execute...

Fleet Captain Andrea mentions this information, as the scene will then transition back to Bijou. Here, she will be shown to be confused at what Fleet Captain Andrea just said, as she will not have heard of this information-

Bijou Luisant

My house...has that kind of capability...?

A moment later, Fleet Captain Andrea will speak to her, informing her of what to do-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

It does, but don't mind that right now, as you should just follow one of the groups of Blockades around you for the time being. If AI Cody is in control of them, then it will hopefully direct their Blockades to commit to the orders that I just delivered.

Bijou Luisant


Fleet Captain Andrea then finishes up by saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Because your machine isn't being controlled by AI Cody right now, I will either contact you or some others with a Comms Backpack as the mission proceeds. Now...hurry and catch up with the others...and try to be careful out there...

Bijou Luisant


Upon hearing this, Bijou will recognize that Fleet Captain Andrea still has feelings towards her-despite saying to her earlier that she cannot play favorites with anyone. In response, Bijou says-

Bijou Luisant

Of course...Fleet Captain Andrea.

As she then turns off her comms, Bijou will then begin moving the Liberty ErotiCake to follow after one of the three groups in the distance. Back with Fleet Captain Andrea, she is seen to reposition her hat on her head, as she then returns back to the bridge-with a suspicious look on her face. As the scene transitions...

Back on the island, deep within the tangled and overgrown jungle beyond the city and Umbrella's stem, three large AA Blockades are seen-quietly moving among the foliage. Inside their cockpits, the AndroIs pilots speak to one another-

AndroIs #1

...16 units destroyed.

AndroIs #2

Another 19 units were destroyed...

AndroIs #3

Combine those numbers with the 12 that I shot down...

AndroIs #1

Equals 47 units out of 200 DIC Blockades destroyed.

The AndroIs say, as they have their Blockades silently move through the jungle. They continue speaking-

AndroIs #2

We have orders from the two Princess Generals in Mainland to eliminate anyone that comes after the main fleet ahead.

AndroIs #3

By my calculations, the pilots of the Blockades that we just shot down were all mostly new recruits. My reasoning is due in the fact that they were foolish in approaching this island while bunched, as they should've suspected that they were walking into a trap.

It suggests, to which the other AndroIs states-

AndroIs #2

Your suggestion has a 98% probability chance-especially when based on how none of them even tried to avoid any of our attacks.

The first AndroIs then says-

AndroIs #1

The skill of the enemy doesn't matter. Our mission is to eradicate all that would threaten the main fleet heading north. As such, we should fly over the city and opt to outright destroy every single one of the remaining Blockades from above.

AndroIs #2


AndroIs #3


As the AndroIs opt to do as they just suggested, they will then have their AA Blockades stand at the edges of the jungle-which is shown to be on a small cliff that shows the entire right-side of the city and beach ahead of them. As this happens, suddenly, several hidden cameras will be seen to be keeping an eye on the three AA Blockades from the incomplete stem of the Umbrella-which is positioned in the middle of the island-



As they watch the AA Blockades from afar, they then activate-sending out a signal to the hidden towers from before, which then immediately send out several more signals-this time aiming them towards the area where the AA Blockades are standing. As this signal covers over them, they will now be shown to be subtly affected by the signal-



As they now shrug slightly over themselves, they then start to speak, but in a slightly altered way, as they will say-

AndroIs #1

...Correction...we should instead split up and move our Blockades to the city limits below, as we can...then use the trees down there as attack the DIC Blockades that will create several FOBs...

It says, as it stutters slightly as it says this. The other two AndroIs then speak-

AndroIs #2


AndroIs #3

We shall...follow that new order...instead...

They say, also stuttering as they speak. With that, the AndroIs' will then move their Blockades to jump down the cliff-heading towards the city below, as the chapter then ends-

----Chapter END----