Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 12

----Chapter 12----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

Sometime later, several DIC Blockades are seen searching through the jungles of the island. Some of them carry kinetic blasters, and as they go, one of the random pilots within speaks-

Random Pilot #1

...This area doesn't have any enemies.

He says, as the scene then pans outwards to the air above. In other areas in and around the jungle, several other Blockades are shown to be searching through the jungles, as voices can be heard-

Random Pilot #2

This area is safe.

Random Pilot #3

No enemies found over here, either.

As this is shown, all the way back at the beach of the island, the Midnight is seen to be docked next to the island near the beach. As it is shown, the bay doors are then lowered to revel several more Blockades-including Construction Blockades and Medical Blockades-

Construction Blockades


Medical Blockades


As they walk down the ramp, they will head into the city and eventually the Stem, as the scene then transitions.

Sometime later, in the area where the last battle was shown in the upper section of the incomplete Stem, several Construction Blockades and Medical Blockades will be seen. As the Medical Blockades are docked nearby, the Construction Blockades work on clearing debris away from the area and forcing open several destroyed Blockades, hoping to find any survivors inside. As this occurs, a group of Construction Blockades clear away the debris where the Liberty ErotiCake disappeared, soon reveling it below-

Liberty ErotiCake


As the Construction Blockades start to hoist it up, they have to do so by it's legs, as it is upside-down at the moment. As they lift it up, it's arms are then close enough for two more Construction Blockades to reach down and grab ahold, and then they raise it up out of the crater. They then lower it down onto the ground nearby on it's back, and then as several medical individuals come closer, they then get to the cockpit-

Medical Doctor #1


As one of them gets close, she will take out a certain device from her coat, which will cause the Liberty ErotiCake's cockpit to open up without any direct interface. She does this without the people behind her noticing her actions, as inside, a sole individual will be seen, motionless in her command seat-

Bijou Luisant


As the doctor enters into the Liberty ErotiCake, she will check on Bijou by feeling her pulse on her neck-

Doctor #1


Once she does this, she will then smile and then back away slightly, as she then speaks into a comms in her ear-

Doctor #1

...Inform Fleet Captain Andrea that Bijou Luisant is alive. I repeat-Bijou is alive-but she's unconscious at the moment. We'll need to check her body in Medical Blockade #04 to see if she has any severe injuries that need tending to.

As she says this, she will signal for the other doctors behind her to come in and help Bijou get into a stretcher. As she is then taken away to a Medical Blockade nearby, some time passes...

By mid-day (Approx 3:30 PM), a small vehicle is shown to approach the bottom of the Stem-along with an escort of two DIC Blockades. As they go, Fleet Captain Andrea and Grid Arbiter Alexia will be seen riding in the back of one of them, to which Grid Arbiter Alexia will be informing Fleet Captain Andrea of some information that she is reading from a portable laptop on her lap. She says to her-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I see. So, Carlos, Tatianna and Miracle had it just as rough as we did, huh?

Fleet Captain Andrea asks, to which Grid Arbiter Alexia explains-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

That's right, Andrea. Their losses were just as bad as ours-if not worse. They are currently preparing a memorial service for those who died today, and once they are done, they will then regroup with us up ahead.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

We should do the same. It should help those who survived to...cope a little, at least.

After saying this, Fleet Captain Andrea will pause for a moment, before asking-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

How many Blockades did we lose exactly, Alexia?

As Fleet Captain Andrea asks this, Grid Arbiter Alexia looks down, as the information is going to be hard for her to say. Regardless, she will then speak up after a moment of silence-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

...Out of the 90 or so Blockades that remained from when Comms Specialist Andy Nex last spoke to us almost 2 hours ago...only 6 Blockades came out of this intact...

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

!...Absolutly unbelievable...

Fleet Captain Andrea says this in disbelief, as Alexia continues-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Comms Specialist Andy Nex was included among our KIA report that I received from AI Cody.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Fleet Captain Andrea then looks down while closing her eyes, as she asks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I see.

. Grid Arbiter Alexia then speaks-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

There are confirmations of survivors outside of the 6 remaining Blockades...but, many of them have severe injuries at the moment and need to be transferred to a hospital in Hilayornia, preferably...

Fleet Captain Andrea then speaks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Of course. Once we repel the Ascension that are heading there as well, we'll need to replace these people with more capable individuals-in order to ensure that this level of embarrassment never happens under my sight again.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


Grid Arbiter Alexia remains silent as Fleet Captain Andrea says this, as now Fleet Captain Andrea will mention of the possibility of these people having to fight one more time-before being released from the military. Fleet Captain Andrea then senses the sensitivity of the conversation and lays off of it by saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

!...But, we can discuss that later, as I'm sure that those that managed to escape that situation with their lives must be tired after going through such an ordeal...especially after so many unusual circumstances happening as well.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


As Fleet Captain Andrea says this, the convoy of cars and Blockades get to the elevator from before. As they get in, one of the Blockades then presses the elevator switch and the as the elevator goes up, Fleet Captain Andrea will then speak up-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Finally, we can ascertain the identity of who did all of this today.

Grid Arbiter Alexia then speaks, in a confident tone-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Yes...but, I think you would want to check on "her" condition before that, right?

As Grid Arbiter Alexia asks this, Fleet Captain Andrea will look slightly surprised, as she then replies in a soft tone-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

!...Yes...I would like to do that as well.

As Fleet Captain Andrea says this, the elevator will continue to ascend, as the scene will then transition.

Elsewhere, inside of a Medical Blockade, Bijou will be seen inside, sleeping soundly in a bed within a small room-

Bijou Luisant


A few seconds later, Bijou will then wake up, slowly, as her eyes will barely open-

Bijou Luisant

..."Opens eyes"

As Bijou's vision comes into focus, she will then lean up in her bed. She will take a look around her and see that she's inside of a small room. As she leans up further, she will notice that she has band aids over her face and arms, and that she is not in her previous outfit, but a simple white dress. As she looks at her arms, she will then notice someone to her left-

Bijou Luisant


Next to Bijou, in another bed that is connected to her's, another person is seen. This woman is experiencing a bad dream, as her cries can be heard from under the covers-



Bijou Luisant


As Bijou takes an interest in this person, she will be close enough to reach over to the covers of this individual and pull them off to revel-

Chole Madison


Bijou Luisant


As Bijou sees that Chole is in pain from her nightmare, she will gently lower her hand to caress the left-side of Chole's face. This action will seemingly calm her down enough for her to open her eyes, to which as she does, she will then look up from her pillow-

Chole Madison


As she looks at the hand hovering above her head, she will then look to her right to see Bijou leaning over to her side-

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


After looking at each other for a few seconds, Bijou will ask Chole-

Bijou Luisant

I'm sorry, Chole...were you having a bad dream?

Bijou asks, innocently enough-with a look of sadness on her face. Chole will then explain-

Chole Madison

...Yeah. I was...dreaming about how everything that happened today...was just a nightmare. After watching you disappear, we all tried to avenge you....but, that just got Ayden, Brandon and...even my sister...

Bijou Luisant


Bijou will be surprised by hearing this, as she will have been knocked out just before Sophie, Ayden and Brandon were killed. She will then look down in sadness, as Chole then finishes by saying this-in an extremely strained tone-

Chole Madison

...All of them...are gone...even big sis..."crying"

Chole now starts crying in her bed, as Bijou then retracts her arm and continues to look away-

Bijou Luisant


Now, Bijou recalls her speech that she told to her father before she left Appledale to join the war-


Bijou Luisant

...I'm sure...and I'm not afraid, as I am going to have mother's Blockade with me. By using the power of the Liberty ErotiCake, I will set out to accomplish what I said I'd do last night, father. I will make sure to keep everyone safe from those horrors, as its power will become their guiding light.


As Bijou recalls this quote, she mentioned herself, she will come to the realization that she was overconfident and will look very remorseful, as tears start to stream out from her own eyes-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou cries, Chole will curl up under her blankets in her bed, as time then proceeds onwards.

Sometime later, Bijou will have stopped crying and will now sit on the left side of her bed-facing towards Chole bed. As Bijou sits, she will do so while slightly slumped over herself, but despite that, she will then speak to Chole, as she remains silent-

Bijou Luisant

...Hey, Chole? Can you...listen to me for a minute?

Chole Madison


Chole doesn't reply to Bijou, as Bijou continues to speak-

Bijou Luisant

I...can't describe to you how...sorry I am about what happened to your big sister. Back there, when I tried to take down the Ascension Blockade by myself...that was a dumb idea, as I should've gone with her when she contacted me and ran away with you all-instead of staying there and trying to fight...

Chole Madison


Bijou continues, while stressing over having to admit this failure to Chole. Bijou says-

Bijou Luisant

I...I wasn't capable of defeating it the way I was back there, as I was just...trying to act as if I was a hero or something... If you want to hate me for what happened, I would understand and welcome it...

Chole Madison


As Bijou says this, she will look up to see Chole-still not responding to her. As she's about to conclude that Chole still won't communicate to her, Chole will then move her blankets from her face and look towards Bijou. As their eyes lock, she will say to her-

Chole Madison

...When we arrived on this island...before everything happened today, Fleet Captain Andrea said the truth about us...didn't she?

Bijou Luisant


As Chole says this, she will then lean up in her bed, while continuing to look at her in her eyes. Chole continues-

Chole Madison

Because of how little training we received this morning, it should've been obvious that none of us should've signed up to come out here...but, after seeing Ecogon destroyed, we...we just wanted to have the power to do anything we could to help prevent more Umbrellas from being destroyed like that...

Bijou Luisant


As Chole mentions this, she will look at Bijou with a look of desperation-while trying to hold back her tears again. She continues-

Chole Madison

If we had just...thought twice about joining something like this, I'm sure there would be actual pilots in our places today...whom would've prevented us from suffering. ...Because that's the truth, I...I don't hate you for what you tried to do...even though it's still painful to go on like this...

Bijou Luisant


As Chole says this, she will imply that living is too painful, which will worry Bijou enough to stand up and come over to sit down with her. As Bijou sits down next to Chole, she will bring her closer to her body and give her a gentle hug, as she then speaks-

Chole Madison


Bijou Luisant

...I'm just sounded as if you didn't want to live anymore for a second. Please...don't say something like that again, as my heart can't take anymore death and destruction...please...

Chole Madison

...I'm sorry...

As Chole is hugged by Bijou, she will then look down and hug Bijou back by wrapping her arms around Bijou's back. Both girls will look remorseful, to which suddenly, a sound will alert the two's attention from another part of the Medical Blockade-

"Door Opening"

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


Now, the voice of Fleet Captain Andrea will be heard coming from just outside the room that both Bijou and Chole are in. She says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (next room)

...Is this the correct Blockade?

As Fleet Captain Andrea asks this, another voice will be heard. She explains-

Doctor #1 (next room)

Yes, Fleet Captain Andrea. Bijou Luisant is in that room just over there, along with another patient. Here is her dossier.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (next room)


Fleet Captain Andrea's voice goes silent for a second, as the Doctor explains-

Doctor #1 (next room)

While we would've opted to separate patients, their physical injuries were minor, and we needed to make room for more severe patients.

After explaining this, a moment later, Fleet Captain Andrea will then speak to Alexia, who then speaks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (next room)

Thank you. Alexia, hold onto this for me, please-and give me a moment with them...

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue (next room)

Of course, Andrea.

Bijou Luisant


Now, with Fleet Captain Andrea coming closer, Bijou will let go of Chole-as she does the same for her. A few seconds later, a knock on the door will be heard-

"Knock Knock Knock!"

Bijou Luisant

...Come in.

With Bijou's invite, the door to the room will then open to revel-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

!...Bijou...and Chole Madison...

Fleet Captain Andrea says, in a relieved tone. Bijou then speaks up, saying-

Bijou Luisant

Ande-I mean...Fleet Captain Andrea...

Chole Madison


As Bijou mentions this, she will be reluctant to call her friend by her normal name, while Chole will remain quiet. The two girls will have been through a lot today, so they will expect Fleet Captain Andrea to speak to them about the current situation. However, Fleet Captain Andrea will then surprise them both by walking closer to them and then kneeling down. Once she's close enough, she will then speak to them in a soft and caring tone-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I'm sorry...truly, I am sorry about your loss today. I know how it be going through what you two must be going through right now.

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


Fleet Captain Andrea then speaks one more time-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Please, accept this as my condolences...!

Fleet Captain Andrea then reaches out with both of her arms and holds both Bijou and Chole close to her chest. As this happens, both Bijou and Chole will be seen to be surprised-

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


As Bijou is held in Fleet Captain Andrea's arms, she will subtly close her eyes, as she then asks her-

Bijou Luisant

...I thought you couldn't show any of us this kind of treatment, as we are just Privates at the moment...

Fleet Captain Andrea then replies, in a strong tone-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

The mission is over now, you can just call me by my name like you've done before today.

Bijou Luisant


She continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

You two aren't soldiers or pilots right now, so it's alright for me to hold you and your new friend in my arms like this and treat you more like human beings...unless, you don't want me to right now...?

Bijou Luisant


As Fleet Captain Andrea asks this, Bijou will soon reply, as she raises her arms to wrap around Fleet Captain Andrea's body-

Bijou Luisant

No...I'd like you to do this more this room is pretty cold at the moment, anyways...Andrea.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regaila

Thank you...

Chole Madison


As Bijou says this, Chole will be seen to be silent due to not really knowing Fleet Captain Andrea as well as Bijou seems to. Reguardless, she will be enticed by being so close to Fleet Captain Andrea's chest, as she will then wrap her arms around her back as well, as the scene then transitions to the outside of the room.

Here, Grid Arbiter Alexia is seen to be sitting down in a seat-going over some information on her portable laptop-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


As she works, some time passes, as the scene then transitions.

As time goes on by about 3 hours, the sun and planets of the TRAPPIST-1 solar system start to move across the sky. The sun then begins to set, and as it does, many doctors and nurses are seen to be treating dozens of critically injured people just outside of several Medical Blockades. By now, the doctors will have uncovered almost all of the critically injured civilians from their destroyed Blockades, and as they treat them, the scenes will be harrowing to witness-

"Scenes of critically injured civilians being treated"

As these people are treated, many of them are missing limbs or have parts of their bodies melted off. Their injuries will be bad, but the doctors attending to them will do their best to make them as comfortable as possible, as the scene then transitions...

Back inside of the Medical Blockade where Bijou and Chole were seen earlier, Fleet Captain Andrea will have left, to which both Bijou and Chole are now seen to be sitting down on the same bed like before. Two nurses will be checking over their bodies, as both will have light cuts and several bruises that are covered by band-aids. As they check over these, they will be silent as they work and write on a datapad-

Nurse #1


Nurse #2


Once they are done, the two nurses speak to the girls-starting with Bijou-

Nurse #1

...Alright, you can get dressed now, Ms. Luisant.

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou puts back on her clothes, the other nurse speaks to Chole-

Nurse #2

You can go with her as well, Ms. Madison.

Chole Madison


As Chole dresses herself, she and Bijou will then stand up-as the nurses speak to them-

Nurse #1

Make sure that you two take it easy for now, alright? While your wounds are light, your mental wounds will take a lot more time to heal.

Bijou Luisant

...I know...

Chole Madison


As the two girls then stand up, they will leave out the door that Fleet Captain Andrea came from earlier and will then come across-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

!...Hey there.

Now, Grid Arbiter Alexia will be seen still sitting in her seat from before, as she will close her laptop as she says this. Bijou will then speak to her-

Bijou Luisant

Ah...Alexia, right?

Chole Madison


Grid Arbiter Alexia then explains-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

That's right. I just wanted to let you know that Andrea asked me to keep an eye on you two until we leave this island. She will be making it a point to shuffle around the pilots that survived this...battle...after she confrims something real quick.

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


This news is surprising to the two girls. Bijou then asks-

Bijou Luisant

...Is Andrea thinking of having...Chole transfered into the Liberty ErotiCake with me?

Chole Madison


Chole now looks up towards Bijou, as her resemblance to her older sister Sophie is clearly noticible once again. Alexia then speaks

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Why-yes, in fact. However, as you do sorta of outrank even her, you alone will have the final decision in that placement-as Andrea doesn't want to force either of you to be together if you don't want to.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is seen to think about it by looking down slightly, as she then decides to look to her right-where Chole is standing just behind her. As she is just about to face her to ask her opinion, Chole will suddenly blurt out-

Chole Madison

Please, Bijou!! Please let me be with you in the Liberty ErotiCake!!!

Bijou Luisant


Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


Both Alexia and Bijou are a bit surprised by Chole's sudden outburst, and so, Bijou speaks to her.

Bijou Luisant

Chole...are you sure you want to be with me?

Bijou asks this kindly, as Chole then explains herself-

Chole Madison

Please...Bijou. After what happened today, I...I...don't want to be all by myself...I'll be so scared without someone there with

Bijou Luisant


Chole looks down, as she clearly is in a lot of pain right now. Bijou notices her pain and then speaks to her, as she reaches out to Chole's check and gently rubs her-

Bijou Luisant

...Alright, Chole. I understand. From now on, we will be partners onboard the Liberty ErotiCake, alright?

Chole Madison


Chole then raises her head to look at Bijou, and then smiles a little-as she then speaks-

Chole Madison

...Thanks, Bijou...My used to have the nickname "Little Partner" before, so to hear you call me "partner" just now...makes me feel a little better inside.

Seeing an invitation to further their relationship, Bijou speaks.

Bijou Luisant

Your're welcome..."Little Partner".

Chole Madison


With this, Grid Arbiter Alexia is then reveled to be sure that having both Bijou and Chole inside of the Liberty ErotiCake is the right decision. She then speaks up-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

...Well, I guess the two of you will be alright from here.

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


Now remembering that Grid Arbiter Alexia is two feet away from them, both Bijou and Chole will react with some surprise as they are returned to reality. Bijou speaks-

Bijou Usagi

Oh, um...yeah. We'll try to get a little better from here on, Alexia. Do we need to sign something so that it's alright with Andrea?

Grid Arbiter Alexia explains-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

That's alright. I'll just let Andrea know that Chole is alright with being transfered from her Blockade over to your Liberty ErotiCake.

Bijou Luisant

Thank you.

As Bijou says this, Alexia now looks at her watch and then speaks-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

...By now, Andrea should be just about to begin her inspection...

As Grid Arbiter Alexia says this, Bijou will ask-

Bijou Luisant


Grid Arbiter Alexia explains-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Yes. Andrea went over with a couple of pilots from the Midnight to investigate one of the cockpits of the enemy AA Blockades, in order to find their pilots' remains.

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


Grid Arbiter Alexia continues-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Seeing them will help us understand which part of Gleen the Ascension terrorists come from, as we can tell a lot from just their nationality. That should also revel to us who might be backing them and allow us to determine how to cripple their resources.

As Bijou hears this, she will then ask-

Bijou Luisant you mind if I go see?

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


Slightly surprised, Grid Arbiter Alexia will say-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Uh...sure. Though, I thought you'd be a little reluctant to do that, Bijou, after what happened today.

Bijou Luisant


Alexia means no disrespect in saying this, as Bijou then looks down for a moment. A moment later, she then raises up her head and then speaks to Alexia-

Bijou Luisant

...What you say is I really don't want to see who it is we were fighting today. However, should I view the enemy of the DIC with Andrea, then I will be able to father...!

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


Chole Madison


Bijou doesn't finish her sentence, as she will now be seen to become slightly enraged at the mention of her father. Grid Arbiter Alexia will notice her change in demeaner, while Chole-who is standing to her right behind her, will not notice. Instead of bringing this up, Grid Arbiter Alexia will just close her eyes and then reopen them to say-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Alright. I'll take you there over to where Andrea is right now. ...Chole, do you feel the same way that Bijou does, or would you like to remain here?

Chole Madison


Put on the spot, Chole freezes. But, a moment later, she then relaxes and then speaks-

Chole Madison

...I...if I can come along with Ms. Luisant...then I'll come along too...

Chole says, as she looks deeply at Bijou. The resemblence between Bijou and Sophie is undeniable at this point for Chole, to which Alexia notices and then speaks-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

...Alright. Follow me.

With that, Grid Arbiter Alexia leads the way out of the Medical Blockade, as both Bijou and Chole will follow after her. As they go, the men and women in the area now start to look at each other and the three with eyes of desire. They look at each other's bodies with longing eyes, and as they do this, they all start to feel just a tad bit better, as they then preform their duties more quicker.

Back with Grid Arbiter Alexia, Bijou and Chole, once they get to the destination, they arrive in an area where many DIC Blockades lay ruined on the ground. In the middle of all of this carnage lies a single AA Blockade-destroyed, where they soon spot Fleet Captain Andrea-along with a small group of pilots armed with powerful cutters for cutting through large sheets of metal. The soldiers are just about to cut open the hatch of the AA cockpit in order to look inside of the cockpit in it's head, while Fleet Captain Andrea watches them from a safe distance.

As Grid Arbiter Alexia, Bijou and Chole approach, Alexia speaks up to Fleet Captain Andrea, who is nearby-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

...Fleet Captain Andrea? I have finished watching over both Bijou and Chole, like you asked me.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As Grid Arbiter Alexia says this from behind Fleet Captain Andrea, she will notice her and then turn around, saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Good, Alexi-!

As Fleet Captain Andrea turns to see Grid Arbiter Alexia behind her, she will now also see both Bijou and Chole. She then pauses and then speaks, as Bijou replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Bijou...and Chole.

Bijou Luisant

...Hey, Andrea. I'm starting to feel...a bit better now with Chole joining me in the Liberty ErotiCake.

Bijou says, as she looks fondly over to Chole next to her. Chole then speaks-

Chole Madison

Yes...Ms. Luisant and I have decided to be together from now on.

Upon seeing this, Fleet Captain Andrea will reply-in a confident tone-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

!...I see. I will pray that the two of you start to feel better by being together in the Liberty ErotiCake, then.

Bijou Luisant

Thank you, Andrea.

With that, a sound will alert the four to look back-

"Cutting Metal sound!!!"

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As Fleet Captain Andrea looks back, Grid Arbiter Alexia, Bijou and Chole will look ahead, as one of the pilots ahead calls out to Fleet Captain Andrea from a bit ahead-

Pilot #1

...Fleet Captain!! We are just about to open the hatch!!!

As he says this, Fleet Captain Andrea will then announce-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Good! To all those who aren't opening the hatch at the moment. Be ready for any traps inside, as the Ascension could've placed a bomb inside to ensure we can't confrim what we want right now.


Yes, Ma'am!!!

Now, a row of rookie pilots will take up formation behind the few people who are just about to open the hatch and brace themselves for anything. Seconds later, the people manage to cut off the hatch, as it then falls to the ground-

"CLACK!!!" "CLACK!!!!"



As everyone peers into the darkness, suddenly, a robotic hand will emerge from within-

Robotic Hand


As the robotic hand claws it's way forward, it will do so approaching everyone, as Fleet Captain Andrea speaks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Get ready, everyone!!! Someone is coming out!!!!



Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


As everyone watches from a safe distance, the AndroIs from before now claws it's way foward some more. As it gets outside, it will lay on the ground on it's chest, as it then manages to speak-

AndroIs #1

Con-con-consumers-s-s.....This unit is-BRZZZT-AndroIs-Is-Is-Is!



The machine that calls itself an AndroIs is badly damaged, as it's lower body has been severed off completely. It's face and upper body is also critically damaged, as it can barely support itself and barely speak, but Fleet Captain Andrea then speaks to it.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

An AndroIs?! Weren't these all the rage back in the Confederation a while ago...?

Andrea says, as if she knows what an AndroIs is. Bijou then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

I remember. About a decade ago, even Francoise had a personal one of them in her office one time...

Bijou says, remembering a time ago with a woman named Francoise and how this individual had her own AndroIs. Across from them, the AndroIs continues to barely speak-

AndroIs #1

The-The-The Ascension w....destroy the Divided Isl-BRRZTTT-for you-you-you are the-the pro...tec-tec-te...tors of people who-who-who-would.....

As the AndroIs was speaking all of this, the parts that make it up were starting to shut down and catch fire. It doesn't finish it's threat, as it then falls onto it's face and then shuts off for good. Fleet Captain Andrea then orders-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...What happened to it?

She asks, as a few Pilots walk over cautiously to the AndroIs. As they begin to inspect the machine, and they soon speak-

Pilot #1

...It's no use, Fleet Captain. It's too badly destroyed, so it shut off as a result.

With this, Fleet Captain Andrea will respond-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I see. Put it into a bodybag and bring it back to the Midnight for further study-once we get to Hilayornia. We are done here, so anyone who can should help the doctors around here to search for anymore remaining survivors, and then at 1900 hours, we will be holding a memorial service before carrying on.



Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


As the Pilots proceed to carry out their orders, Fleet Captain Andrea then turns to face Bijou and Chole. She then speaks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Would you two like to come to that memorial? I'm sure it will help you to find some closure?

Fleet Captain Andrea asks politely, as Bijou and Chole then respond-

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison

If we may...

Fleet Captain Andrea then pats Chole gently on her head, as she then speaks-

"Pat Pat"

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Then, please come with me while we wait over there with the others. Follow me, Alexia.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


With that, Fleet Captain Andrea leads Bijou and Chole back to where they came from, along with Grid Arbiter Alexia, as the chapter then ends-

----Chapter END----