Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 13

----Chapter 13----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

At 1900 hours (7:00 PM), a light of fire is lit and placed in the hand of a destroyed Blockade. Around it in its palm, many bouquets of paper flowers are shown, with each one having five names on it. As the scene then pans out, several individuals are seen to bring more bouquets to several more destroyed Blockades, and among there are Bijou and Chole-standing together-

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


As Bijou and Chole come along, they then place down their own bouquets, of which Bijou's bouquet is reveled to be larger than the others-including Choles'. The names of Bijou's many friends are seen on her bouquet, while Chole just has the name of her big sister on hers, and then as they come up to the Blockade's hand, they will the gently place down their bouquets-with tears in their eyes-

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


Once they do this, they then walk past this scene, as several more pilots come up to place down their bouquets. Soon, the pilots return to the pack nearby, as they are allowed to come up to the hand and place their own flowers, of which also each have their own names. After this, a squad of civilian pilots are seen to be reading books on "Three-Volley Salute" while sitting down nearby, of which as they finish reading these books by closing them, Fleet Captain Andrea is reveled to notice and then speaks to them-

Random Pilots


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Pilots! Prepare to being the volley on my mark, please...

Random Pilots


As the pilots react, they will clumsily stand up with their rifles and then walk over to the location that Fleet Captain Andrea is pointing towards. As they get there, Fleet Captain Andrea will say-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Random Pilots


Now, the pilots will heed Fleet Captain Andrea's orders and will pull the trigger of their rifles-firing bullets into the skies above everyone. fire into the air out of respect. As this happens, Fleet Captain Andrea will begin praying, as nearby, the Liberty ErotiCake is seen, kneeling while watching the scene-

Liberty ErotiCake


After this, the memorial will soon end, as time then moves forward...

Later that night, above in the sky the clouds are seen to roar with thunder-of which appears to be slightly clouded with geomagnetic energy-


As this occurs, back at the Midnight, the few remaining Blockades are seen to return to the ship-along with the Liberty ErotiCake. As they board, the ESG is seen to shift around the Blockades-including many Medical Blockades and Construction Blockades-of which are not apart of the remaining 1019 Blockades and are sent to the far back of the ship. Once everyone is back on the dreadnought, Fleet Captain Andrea and Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue are seen to enter into the bridge, where the two then sit down in their seats. Fleet Captain Andrea then speaks to AI Cody-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...AI Cody? Please respond.

A second later, AI Cody's face lights up, as it then speaks-

AI Cody

Yes, Fleet Captain Andrea. How may I be of service?

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

What are your AI clones doing on the Twilight, Dawnlight and Dusklight at this time?

AI Cody goes silent, and then a moment later, it speaks-

AI Cody

...None of them are active at this time, Fleet Captain Andrea. It is likely that their captains, Carlos, Tatianna and Miracle, are still in the middle of their memorial services, like the one you just preformed.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I see...

Fleet Captain Andrea then thinks to herself, and then speaks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

AI Cody. Could you activate the hologram and then calculate a projected flight path, based on the data we know of from when the AA forces headed towards Hilayornia 2 days ago.

AI Cody

Of course. One moment, please...

AI Cody now displays a huge holographic map in front of Fleet Captain Andrea and Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue. Fleet Captain Andrea then talks about the events that have happened from the beginning-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Alright, so the AA first came to Appledale 2 days ago and our fleet gave chase today, where we had our first encounter with the AA, like this-

On the map, the AA pass by the four islands that Fleet Captain Andrea, Captain Carlos, Captain Tatianna and Captain Miracle went to. Fleet Captain Andrea then continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Thankfully, because of the geomagnetic storms that our planet suffers from regularly, a 7-hour trip from Appledale to Hilayornia should've forced the Ascension fleet to be delayed...until at least 2300 hours tonight. But will we make it in time along with everyone else...?

Fleet Captain Andrea now looks at her clock on her monitor. It reads:

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...7:21 PM...

Then, Grid Arbiter Alexia speaks up-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Hopefully those Ascension terrorists haven't been able to breach the geomagnetic storms yet, or else the people in Hilayornia will be in trouble.

As Grid Arbiter Alexia mentions this, AI Cody will then suddenly respond to her-in a strange tone-

AI Cody

That is unlikely, Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As Fleet Captain Andrea takes interest in this conversation, AI Cody continues-

AI Cody

Ever since the Ascension fleet headed north towards Hilayornia, the geomagnetic storms have been occuring between Appledale and Hilayornia ahead-which would've caused the "AndroIs" to deactivate until it ends. This is because the AndroIs have been constructed using poor materials in order to mass produce them quickly, which causes them to suffer mechanical difficulties should they come into contact with geomagnetic storms or signals that can replicate them.

AI Cody says this instantly-without any forewarning. Convinced, Grid Arbiter Alexia then speaks up with a glee in her tone-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Oh! I see. Then, with that the people in Hilayornia will be-

Before Grid Arbiter Alexia can finish her sentence, Fleet Captain Andrea will cut her off-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Wait, Alexia.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


Fleet Captain Andrea now speaks to AI Cody, as she asks it-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

AI did you know about those machines called "AndroIs"-or even how poorly constructed they are? We only just brought one of them onboard for study later in Hilayornia, so you should have no idea what they even are.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


As Grid Arbiter Alexia remains silent, AI Cody will be shown-silent-

AI Cody


Outside of the captain's nest, the roaring thunder will begin to fade away, and as it does, back with AI Cody, it will return to normal, as it then speaks in a cold machine tone-

AI Cody

I am unable to answer those questions, Fleet Captain Andrea. Please state another quarry.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


AI Cody reiterates-

AI Cody

Please state another quarry.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


Fleet Captain Andrea is now seen to look concerned, while Grid Arbiter Alexia looks clueless as to what is going on. Taking what AI Cody just mentioned, Fleet Captain Andrea will now look outside to see the storm dissipating above, and thinks to herself-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

*...Is it possible that...the storm above is also capable of affecting AI Cody? What it just said must've been true...but, if that's the case, then...!*

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


As Fleet Captain Andrea thinks this, across from her, Grid Arbiter Alexia will still appear to be clueless as to what just happened-as she didn't really catch what AI Cody just said. A moment later, Fleet Captain Andrea will then speak-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

N-never mind-forget I asked anything just now. AI Cody. Have the Midnight leave this island and start heading towards Hilayornia, please.

AI Cody

Understood, Fleet Captain Andrea.

As AI Cody prepares to follow Fleet Captain Andrea's orders, she then looks over to Grid Arbiter Alexia and speaks to her-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Alexia. Please send a message to President Sacha, informing him of our current status...while I write something down real quick...

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Alright, Fleet Captain Andrea...

As both Andrea and Alexia begin their duties, Fleet Captain Andrea looks at AI Cody with a subtle look. It doesn't appear different in any way to her, now that the storm outside is starting to cease. After returning her gaze to her message that she writes with a pen, it is seen to include the exact quote that Fleet Captain Andrea heard from AI Cody just now, and then as she snaps a picture of it, she then sends that to the other three ships via private messaging-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


After secretly sending this message, she then speaks over to Grid Arbiter Alexia-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Alexia? Are you finished over there yet?

As Fleet Captain Andrea asks this, Grid Arbiter Alexia will then say-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Just a second....ok, now I'm done.

Alexia says, as she sends the message to President Sacha. Fleet Captain Andrea then speaks, as she stands up-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Excellent. Now, how about we retire for the night, as AI Cody will take care of the rest.

This surprises Grid Arbiter Alexia, who then mutters-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue, alright.

With that, the two now retire from the bridge, as AI Cody soon moves the Midnight away from the island. As the ship leaves, the many destroyed Blockades are seen for the last time, along with all of the paper flowers on their hands...

Back on the Midnight, Fleet Captain Andrea and Grid Arbiter Alexia are seen walking to their rooms, to which as they get to their individual doors, Grid Arbiter Alexia then asks-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

...Um, Andrea? Back there with AI Cody, did it say something...odd?

Grid Arbiter Alexia asks this curiously, as Fleet Captain Andrea explains-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Yes, Alexia. You didn't catch it, but AI Cody said something that could explain why this war with the AA is even happening.

Surprised, Grid Arbiter Alexia will speak-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Really?! Wasn't that just because the Ascension are terrorists, like President Sacha said?

As Grid Arbiter Alexia asks this, Fleet Captain will take a moment to put her finger on the topic, as she then replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I think...that part might be true. However, after what AI Cody just said and the fact that we were fighting against AndroIs that come from the Confederation...I'm starting to think that there is something more sinister going on here...

Andrea is still struggling to put together the pieces at this time, while Grid Arbiter Alexia remains quiet-unable to understand anything going on at the moment-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As both remain speechless, Fleet Captain Andrea then says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...How about we discuss this more thoroughly once Carlos, Tatianna and Miracle come over with their Arbiters in my room, as I hope they see the message I sent them soon.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


Fleet Captain Andrea opens the door to her room, she will speak again-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Before they arrive, give me a hand with some cooking, please.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


While standing in front of Fleet Captain Andrea's room, Grid Arbiter Alexia is now seen to be very happy at this news, as she hums to herself while smiling. Curiously, Fleet Captain Andrea will ask her-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Now, Grid Arbiter Alexia explains why she's so happy-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Sorry,'s just, I'm quite impressed you caught what AI Cody said back there, as it went by so quickly. I wasn't paying attention, so I completely missed whatever it talked about.

Hearing this, Fleet Captain Andrea will relax, as she then explains her duty as a Fleet Captain-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

A Fleet Captain's duty is to analyze and comprehend every detail in the situations they are placed into-no matter how insignificant they may seem. As much as I wanted to press the issue, I couldn't because AI Cody is a machine-not a live person-so it would be pointless to try. This is just something that I picked up from Bijou's mother...back then...

Fleet Captain Andrea imparts some wise wisdom onto Alexia, she will then look down with a pained look when she has to be reminded of Bijou's mother. Grid Arbiter Alexia does notice, as she then speaks-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

I see. Then, I'll have to become a little sharper in front of AI Cody from now on.

Grid Arbiter Alexia says with a smile on her face, indicating that she looks up to Fleet Captain Andrea and wants to surpass her one day. Andrea finds this attitude cute, as she raises back up her head and then speaks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Haha...thank you, Alexia. We both can still learn a lot of things together, and then, you can share what you've learned with your older sisters and vise-versa, alright?

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


There is a bond between these two, as Grid Arbiter Alexia says this with glee in her tone. Andrea then speaks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Now...let's cook.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


With that, the two then go inside of Andrea's personal quarters, as the Midnight continues on towards Hilayornia.

As time moves on, in the sky, the six other planets of the TRAPPIST-1 solar system once again hang beautifully in the night sky along with the red dwarf star. Inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, Bijou is seen once more in her luxury room-silently laying in her bed from before-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is holding onto her pillow while on her bed, as she has several horrible flashbacks of the battles today-


Lucy Autumn



Lucas Murdocks

Im...possible...I didn't...even get to do all...



As the voices of both Lucy and Lucas haunt Bijou, she will be seen to grit her teeth tightly-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou struggles to keep herself calm, the screams of more of her friends dying in battle and all of the destruction will continue to cause her discomfort-


Comms Specialist Andy Nex



Bell Noa


Bijou Luisant


As Bijou sweats heavily from the flashbacks, her breath will become haggard and strained, as she will continue to struggle to keep these voices out of her head-while more screams continue to torment her. In desperation, she then tries to shut out all of the images from her mind by covering her eyes and ears with one of her pillows. The tactic seems to work, as now, the voices around her start to fade away-



Bijou Luisant


With the voices and screams muffled, Bijou will now appear at peace, as her stressed expression will slowly subside. As she wipes away her sweat from her forehead, suddenly, a beeping noise will be heard-

*Beep Beep*

Bijou Luisant


Now, the comms nearby will go off, which will make Bijou move aside her pillow to look at the comms-

Bijou Luisant


Silently, Bijou will get up out of bed and then she will walk over to the comms unit. Once close enough, she will answer the comms, asking-

Bijou Luisant

...This is Bijou speaking. Who might this be?

A second later, Andrea's voice then comes out of the comms-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Bijou? Are you still awake?

Bijou Luisant


Upon hearing Fleet Captain Andrea's voice, Bijou will relax a little, as she starts speaking more casually with her-

Bijou Luisant

Yes, Andrea. I can't sleep just yet, so I'm in the Liberty ErotiCake. What can I do for you?

Now, Fleet Captain Andrea explains-

Fleet Captain Andrea (comms)

I just wanted to let you know that Alexia put together a through reassignment for our remaining pilots-when I came to see you and your new friend earlier. The rearrangement to different Blockades is currently ongoing, so I just wanted to personally give you a heads up.

Bijou then says-

Bijou Luisant

Thanks, Andrea. Will Chole be coming over here soon?

To which Fleet Captain Andrea explains-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Yes. She should be on her way over to the Liberty ErotiCake right now. Based on what I saw earlier, I'm sure you two will get along well enough.

Bijou Luisant


Upon hearing this, Bijou will take notice-but she won't be too worried, as her room is pretty neat at the moment. She says-

Bijou Luisant

Thanks again. I should make sure to get ready for her arrival, then.

Bijou says, as Fleet Captain Andrea finishes up-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

You're welcome, Bijou. I'll leave you to that, then...

After saying that, the comms with cut out, to which Bijou will then move away from the comms unit and then gets dressed. Afterwards, she will go downstairs and then gets some food out from the fridge. The food looks different from military rations (African food), and then as she opens it, she reads the name of the food label out loud-

Bijou Luisant

...Jollof rice with chicken and egusi soup. Interesting...

She says, as she then places the food into the microwave, where she now struggles to operate a microwave. Bijou comments-

Bijou Luisant

...How did my servants manage this machine...? I think it goes something like...this, maybe...

Now, Bijou will press a few of the numbers on the microwave and the press start-

*Beep Beep Beep...Beep!*

Bijou Luisant

Got it!

To which the food then begins to heat up for about 3 minutes. As Bijou waits, she then looks at the dishes nearby and then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

...We will also need some dishes...but, I don't think I've ever had to wash dishes in my life...

While Bijou says this reluctantly, she will then come over to the sink, where she will open a cabinet below and take out some plates from a pack that are inside of a box. As a precaution, she washes two of them and then afterwards, the microwave is done-


*Beep Beep!!*

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou puts the clean dishes down, she will then walk over to the microwave and take out the food and then bring everything over to the table outside of the kitchen. As she does this, a sound will alert her nearby-

*Beep beep* *Beep beep*

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou hears this, she will know to go upstairs instead of checking the monitor nearby. She will then quickly head upstairs and sees on the radar near the main control seat that several people are coming closer. One of them then separates from the group and comes closer to the Liberty ErotiCake, so Bijou then opens the hatch, and sees-

Bijou Luisant

...Hey there, Chole.

Chole Madison

Ah...Ms. Luisant...

As Bijou looks out of the Liberty ErotiCake's cockpit, Chole will be seen to be standing at the entrance. Chole will have a backpack of all of her things, and as the two look at each other, they will be silent-

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


After a few more moments of this, Chole will speak up in order to break up the silence-

Chole Madison

Um...I...I hope I can be of some use to someone like yourself...

Chole says this timidly, to which Bijou then responds-

Bijou Luisant

You'll do just fine, as there is plenty that you can help me with, Chole. Just having you here with me will be the biggest help, as I'm all alone in this Blockade at the moment...

Bijou says this in a depressed tone, while Chole feels comfort in her words. She grabs ahold of her backpack in her hands in front of her, as she will then smell something in the air behind Bijou, as she speaks about this-

Chole Madison

*Sniff sniff*...Umm...that doesn't smell like military rations to me...

Bijou Luisant


Bijou now speaks up-

Bijou Luisant

Ah-the Liberty ErotiCake has foods that are more...exotic, you see. I just heated up some of that for us to eat...if you're hungry right now?

Now, Chole's stomach starts to growl.


Chole Madison


As Chole blushes, Bijou will then smile-

Bijou Luisant

...Come on inside so we can eat...Little Partner.

Upon being welcomed inside, Chole then smiles as she speaks-

Chole Madison

*nods & smiles*...Thanks...

With that, Bijou lets Chole inside of the Liberty ErotiCake. As Chole comes inside, she is instantly amazed at how luxurious it is and speaks up-

Chole Madison

Wow...this Blockade is much more spacious than the PeaceBringer Blockade that I was in.

As Chole says this out loud, Bijou explains-

Bijou Luisant

I've heard. It is a Blockade that was built exclusively for my family to operate, so it stands that it'd be a lot nicer than regular Blockades...!

As Bijou says this, a quick flashback of the moment just before she got knocked out by the last AA Blockade will come to her mind-


AA Blockade

*Weapons charging and firing*

Liberty ErotiCake


Bijou Luisant


She screams, as she has the Liberty ErotiCake throw it's arms in front of itself, trying to protect itself from the attacks coming from the AA Blockade in front of it. The beams then slam into the Liberty ErotiCake-



Bijou Luisant


Now, Bijou will have a suspicion that there is something different about the Liberty ErotiCake-but she won't delve further into this thought, as Chole continues to be amazed at whatever her eyes look at inside of the Liberty ErotiCake-

Chole Madison

Amazing! There is so much to look at in here that no other Blockade has!!

Bijou Luisant


As Chole says this, Bijou will then smile and refocus herself on Chole in front of her. As they go downstairs, the two will then get to the bottom, where Chole will then see the table with the food already waiting for them. She speaks-

Chole Madison

You set the food up already?

Chole asks, as Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

Yeah. I was expecting you due to Andrea contacting me beforehand, so I went ahead and did all of this for us.

As Bijou says this, she then sits down and then Bijou also sits down in her own chair. As she does, the chairs are magnetically connected to the floor and move without issue, and then, Bijou announces-

Bijou Luisant

Enjoy the food.

Chole Madison

Thank you very much.

With that, the two begin eating the food in front of them. As the two eat, Bijou is seen silently eating her food-

Bijou Luisant


She passes her fork through the food slowly and then puts some of it into her mouth and then eats. As she does, across from her, Chole is seen eating her food with glee, as she speaks-

Chole Madison

*Eating*-This is really good, Ms. Luisant. Did you learn how to cook something like this back at your home in Appledale?

Chole asks, as Bijou then replies-

Bijou Luisant

No, not really. I've always had my meals handed to me by skilled chefs back home, as I barely know how to use a microwave...

Bijou says honestly, as Chole then sees an opportunity to speak-

Chole Madison

I-I could teach you! I...learned how to cook a while back from...well...someone very important to me, as she taught me how to prepare food for others. She did that so I could eventually be a good mother one day, so I made sure to practice all the time.

Chole says this, avoiding bringing up her sister's name so as to not bring down the mood. Bijou will then reply kindly to Chole, saying-

Bijou Luisant

That's very nice of you. If it would be no trouble to you, then I'll accept that offer.

Bijou says this proudly, as Chole then says-

Chole Madison

You can count on me.

The two then continue eating their meals, as some time then passes by.

Late that night, the scene will then transition to the outside of the Midnight, as three other dreadnoughts now approach the Midnight from the right from behind. As they come up, three transports then leave their damaged dreadnoughts and then fly in the night sky over to the Midnight, where they soon land at the back of the Midnight-where a small open hanger area is seen with a flight pad. Out of the transports come 6 individuals, who are dressed in casual clothes, and as they come out they then go inside of the Midnight and are soon seen to stand in front of Fleet Captain Andrea's room. One of them knocks-

*Knock Knock!*

To which the door then opens. As it does, one of the six individuals speaks-

Captain Miracle Risingstar

...We are here, Andrea.

Captain Miracle says, as Fleet Captain Andrea and Grid Arbiter Alexia are then seen inside. Fleet Captain Andrea then speaks kindly to everyone-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Welcome, everyone. Please, do come in, as the food is just about to be served.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

I would appreciate some help with that, as there is a lot of it to go around.

As Grid Arbiter Alexia announces this, the three other Grid Arbiters will then come over to help her, as the scene transitions.

With the Captains sitting at the table, Alexia and the other three will come out with several plates for themselves and their respective Captain. As they come to the table, they will place down the plate for their Captain first, as they announce-

Grid Arbiter Noel Blue

These plates of rustic chicken with garlic gravy and chicken adobo are for us, Captain Miracle.

She says, as she puts down the plates for Captain Miracle first and the puts her plates down next to her. Captain Miracle then says-

Captain Miracle Risingstar

Thank you, Noel.

As Noel sits down, another Grid Arbiter will then be seen to put her food down for her Captain, as she says-

Grid Arbiter Silvia Blue

These plates of London chicken and beef skillet are for us, Captain Tatianna.

Captain Tatianna Erina

I appreciate this, Silvia.

After Grid Arbiter Silvia puts the food down for her Captain first, she will then sit down with her own plates next to her. Then, the last Grid Arbiter will be seen, putting some plates down for his Captain-

Grid Arbiter Vivi Giant

These plates of spicy meat kabobs with nan bread and sauce are for us, Captain Carlos.

Captain Carlos Kai

Excellent, Vivi.

Vivi then places the plates of food down for his Captain, as he then sits down next to him. Grid Arbiter Alexia is then seen to be sitting down with her food, as she says what she and Fleet Captain Andrea are about to eat as well-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

And the rest of the food, being doria and curry bread, are for us.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


With their food in front of them, all eight of these people now eat their meals. After some time has passed, their plates are nearly spotless, as Captain Miracle then speaks up-

Captain Miracle Risingstar

Thank you for inviting all of us over for dinner, Andrea.

She says, as she applies a napkin to her mouth. Fleet Captain Andrea then responds-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

It was no problem.

Fleet Captain says, as she finishes her drink next to her. Then, Captain Tatianna speaks up, asking-

Captain Tatianna Erina

...Now, how about we get into the real reason you called us over.

She says, as nearby, Captain Carlos is seen to pause before he takes a bite of his last meat kabob. Fleet Captain Andrea then speaks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Indeed. Can I assume you read the message I sent you?

Fleet Captain Andrea asks, as Captain Carlos then puts down his meat kabob and answers her question-

Captain Carlos Kai

Of course, Andrea. We didn't get the chance to inspect the pilots inside of those Ascension Blockades on the island we went to, but to now find out that they are piloted by machines called "AndroIs" raises a lot of questions...

He says, as Captain Tatianna speaks-

Captain Tatianna Erina

What I also find interesting is what you talked about how your AI was able to detail that information to you all of a sudden. Could you tell us more of what happened at that time, as why would it tell you that information-and then refuse to explain itself after doing so?

Captain Tatianna asks, as Fleet Captain Andrea starts off with-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I don't understand it's behavior myself, as AI Cody refused to answer me back then. However, from what I heard it tell me, it's clear that there is more to this situation...but, it makes no sense for the Confederation to be allying the Ascension, as two of the four nations over there are directly controlled by the Luisant family...

Fleet Captain says, confused. Captain Miracle then speaks up-

Captain Miracle Risingstar

And I can't see how the Ascension-who are supposed to be a terrorist group-would have the capacity to mass produce such machines and Superior Weapons in space after just 3 years of capturing Mainland-like the President said during his speech.

Captain Miracle Risingstar

Unless they brought that tech from Jaenelle or Old Columbia and then into space, there could be no way for them to accomplish such a feat.

Then, Grid Arbiter Noel speaks up-backing up Captain Miracle's claims by saying-

Grid Arbiter Noel Blue

And don't forget about how heavily the Luisant family have Jaenelle under surveillance at all times. Ginnette has been wanting to separate her nation from the Confederation for a while in order to restore her "true" family" That might be a good reason to ally with the Ascension...but, surely, she would've been caught doing that by now if that was the case...

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Fleet Captain Andrea can't answer this question, as she just remains silent. As she and everyone else around her are lost in frustration, Fleet Captain Andrea then recalls something that Captain Miracle just said-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...3 years ago...

As she mutters this to herself, Fleet Captain Andrea starts to remember a time from 3 years ago, where she was serving as a novice Second Captain under the wing of a woman named Rhapsody Luisant. This individual will always be shown in shadow, but her physique clearly outlines that she is a woman, and as this person is seen, Andrea's past is reveled-


Fleet Commander Rhapsody is seen to be sitting in a captain's chair inside the Captain's nest of a large moving land-fortress. There is a howling blizzard outside, indicating that the area that they are currently in is a cold environment, and then, Second Captain Andrea is seen. Andrea sits close to a window, and then, Fleet Captain Rhapsody speaks to her-

Fleet Commander Rhapsody Luisant

...Second Captain Andrea? Are you awake over there?

Second Captain Andrea Regalia


Second Captain Andrea is shocked to hear the Fleet Commander, as she continues speaking to her-

Fleet Commander Rhapsody Luisant

Is the cold getting to you? I can have some men come over and bring you another jacket if you're that cold.

Second Captain Andrea Regalia

...No, it's not that I'm too cold or anything. It's just...this blizzard will make finding that insurgency group that much more difficult, don't you think?

Fleet Commander Rhapsody Luisant


Rhapsody remains quiet, as she subtly looks to a watch on her left wrist out of sight of anyone else on the bridge. She then speaks-

Fleet Commander Rhapsody Luisant

I don't think so, Andrea. All we need to do is wait for them to cross our path up ahead and then move out to capture them with the Blockades.

Rhapsody says this confidently, as Andrea then replies-

Second Captain Andrea Regalia

Oh, right. ...I guess this cold weather really is getting to me or something...

Fleet Commander Rhapsody Luisant


Rhapsody enjoys the cold much more than Andrea, and then, someone speaks.

Operator #1

Fleet Commander! The stolen convoy ships along with their defenders are coming up ahead!

Fleet Commander Rhapsody Luisant

Right on schedule.

Second Captain Andrea Regalia


Rhapsody mutters this, as Andrea then quickly comes over towards Rhapsody. Then, Rhapsody speaks.

Fleet Commander Rhapsody Luisant

Operator! Have us brake here at once!

Operator #1

Yes, First Lady!

Outside, the massive land-fortress is seen to come to a slow stop. It's huge treadmills slowly stop moving, and then back on the bridge, a holographic model sprouts out from the center of the bridge. As it turns on, far outside, a large canal is seen. Approaching from the ocean under the cover of the howling blizzard to the right are 8 huge ships. As they arrive in the canal, around 50 winter coated PeaceBringer Blockades then emerge from the water around the ships. The water here in the canal is low enough for them to walk just under the water, to which as they go, back with Rhapsody and Andrea, Rhapsody then speaks-

Fleet Commander Rhapsody Luisant

Andrea. Go ahead and take this seat for me, as I'll give the mission briefing from inside the Liberty ErotiCake.

Second Captain Andrea Regalia


Andrea will now look surprised, as she then asks-

Second Captain Andrea Regalia

R-Rhapsody?! Are you really going to fight out there?!!

Andrea says, clearly worried for Rhapsody, as she then replies in a calm tone-

Fleet Commander Rhapsody Luisant

Of course, Andrea. This blizzard is sure to make visibility next to impossible, so the pilots will need someone as experienced as myself out there in order to lead them correctly. We are also very close to a Banebrute nest, which is why I came along...and why I'll be trusting you to oversee the mission for me...Second Captain Andrea.

Second Captain Andrea Regalia


Andrea will now be seen to be much timider, as she replies in a soft tone-

Second Captain Andrea Regalia

But...Rhapsody...this is my first real mission and all of us back home are still studying under your wing...

Andrea says, as she is visibly nervous about taking on the Captain's role right now. Rhapsody then approaches her and then speaks directly to her face now-

Fleet Commander Rhapsody Luisant

I know that as well, Andrea. However, just like with Tatianna, Carlos, Miracle and Coen, I have taught you all that I know, and I am very proud at how all five of you have come along since I took you under my wing. Each of you will make fine military officers one day, but in order to become better than myself, every one of you needs to have a taste of what it's like in the field at least once...and right now, this is your best chance.

Second Captain Andrea Regalia


Now, Andrea will be shown to become slightly more confident in herself, as Fleet Commander Rhapsody finishes by saying-

Fleet Commander Rhapsody Luisant

Just believe in the training that I personally gave to you five for the past 5 years and listen for my orders while I'm out there, and everything will be alright.

With this, Second Captain Andrea will then look Rhapsody in her eyes and say to her-

Second Captain Andrea Regalia

...Ok. I'll do my best.

With this, Fleet Commander Rhapsody will then smile, as she then reaches out to Andrea and kindly puts her hand onto her shoulder, as she then says-

Fleet Commander Rhapsody Luisant

*smiles*-Thank you, Andrea. Take care of yourself and the others.

Second Captain Andrea Regalia


Rhapsody now looks very fondly at Andrea, as if she's going somewhere that Andrea can't follow. For a second, Andrea is confused, until Rhapsody then retracts her arm and then walks out of the Captain's Nest. With her out, Andrea then proceeds to sit down in her seat, as some time later...

A short time later, Fleet Commander Rhapsody is now seen to stand in front of the Liberty ErotiCake inside of one of the vessel's hangers. As she does, it's face is reveled to be covered in shadows, as it's glowing eyes are the only part of it's face that can be seen at the moment-

Liberty ErotiCake


Fleet Commander Rhapsody Luisant


A second later, Fleet Commander Rhapsody will then enter inside of the Liberty ErotiCake and then close the hatch. As she does, she then activates the Blockade and connects herself to the entire comms network. She then speaks, as many random people listen to her words-

Fleet Commander Rhapsody Luisant

...Attention everyone. This is Fleet Commander Rhapsody speaking. Directly ahead of us is a fleet of 8 ships, which are currently using this blizzard as cover in order to move secretly towards the coastline of Old Columbia through this canal. Our mission is to neutralize the defenders of these ships, which number about 50 PeaceBringer [W-Type] Blockades and then secure the ships afterwards.



Fleet Commander Rhapsody continues, as her voice is now heard from the perspective of many random individuals-

Fleet Commander Rhapsody Luisant (comms)

Please remember that under no circumstances are the ships to be shot at or damaged at any point during the course of this mission. The contents of these ships are extremely sensitive to damage, so you are to ignore them completely and concentrate on the Blockades defending them instead.

Fleet Captain Rhapsody Luisant (comms)

If they break off from the convoy, you are to give chase and leave the ships alone, as our mission cannot continue with them in the way. After we get rid of the defenders, we can then easily stop the convoy ships at our leisure.

After saying this, Second Captain Andrea will be seen inside of the Captain's Nest, as she sits in the seat that Rhapsody was sitting in-

Second Captain Andrea Regalia


As Fleet Commander Rhapsody's' voice then comes out of her comms in front of her-

Fleet Commander Rhapsody Luisant (comms)

Naturally, I will also be joining you all in this operation with my Liberty ErotiCake as well. In my stead, my successor, Second Captain Andrea Regalia will take over command of this mission. I expect good things from you all.

Second Captain Andrea Regalia


As the comms end, back with Fleet Commander Rhapsody, she will now activate the Liberty ErotiCake's EffectPhase/Fabric-after inputting a special password into the console in front of her. Afterwards, outside, the Liberty ErotiCake's color scheme will change from gray to a verity of colors, and then its binders are released around it. As it moves out, it then walks out from an open launchpad and then slowly descends downwards with many other Blockades-as it does so in order to not show that it can actually fly. As this occurs, the flashback will then end-


As the flashback ends, the chapter then ends.

----Chapter END----