Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 14

----Chapter 14---

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

Back inside of the Midnight, Fleet Captain Andrea and the other three captains are seen to still be sitting where they were previously. As they are shown, Fleet Captain Andrea is seen-just coming off from her flashback-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


After recalling this, Captain Miracle speaks to Andrea-

Captain Miracle Risingstar

...Hey, Andrea? Are you alright?

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Captain Miracle asks-as everyone else now looks at Fleet Captain Andrea. As she is being put on the spot, she replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Ah...I'm fine, Miracle. I was just thinking about the past, back when Rhapsody was my fleet commander...

Now, Miracle speaks up to her friend-

Captain Miracle Risingstar

The report that you put in detailed that she was considered KIA, due to being missing from the Liberty ErotiCake. I remember hearing about how it had to be hoisted up from the bottom of a frozen lake after a few days.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia took so long in order to thaw it out after that, too...

Captain Carlos now asks-

Captain Carlos Kai

...How is Bijou? We all had it pretty rough back today, so I was just wondering...?

Captain Carlos asks, as Fleet Captain Andrea then replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

She's alive...but she had it pretty rough as well. Thankfully for her sake, a young woman named Chole Madison also survived and I had her transferred into the Liberty ErotiCake, just before you all arrived.

Captain Carlos Kai

That will help her-in more ways than one.

Captain Tatianna then speaks up-

Captain Tatianna Erina

I hope so, as it's probably going to get a lot tougher out here going forward.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


With that, Andrea looks over to the clock on the wall. It reads 9:00 PM, and so, everyone sees this and gets ready to leave-

Captain Miracle Risingstar

!-Wow, it's already 9:00 PM. How about we end things here and keep this in mind until later.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Alright. Oh, and-

Just before Andrea can speak, Tatianna says exactly what Andrea was about to-

Captain Tatianna Erina

Don't worry, we'll keep this a secret between us and those who we can trust.

Upon hearing this, Fleet Captain Andrea will relax and say-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Thank you, Tatianna.

Fleet Captain Andrea smiles kindly as she says this, as her friends are all on the exact same page as she is. Carlos then speaks-

Captain Carlos Kai

Thank you for inviting us for a late dinner, Andrea and Alexia. It's always a pleasure.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


As everyone thanks Andrea and Alexia for inviting them, the two will say the same thing, which will cause them to chuckle to themselves quietly. Afterwards, the other captains and their Grid Arbiters will then leave the room.

After the door closes, Alexia speaks to Andrea-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

...Before we get some rest, I believe that President Sacha will contact us regarding Bijou's safety, Andrea.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Faced with this, Fleet Captain Andrea will react, as Grid Arbiter Alexia continues-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

As such, we shouldn't go to sleep just yet, as we'd best prepare to receive his call, right?

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Yes. I nearly forgotten about that.

Fleet Captain Andrea says, as she then stands up and goes over to a comms unit near her bed. As she fiddles around with it, she will speak-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Alright, whenever he contacts me, I'll be ready. Go ahead and get some rest for the time being, as I'll handle him when he calls.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Thank you, Fleet Captain Andrea!

Grid Arbiter Alexia says this kindly, as she then nods and then leaves the room. With her gone, Fleet Captain Andrea will then lay down on her bed, as she will start to close her eyes for a bit-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As Fleet Captain Andrea gets relaxed, the scene will then transition...

Elsewhere, back inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, the kitchen and table just outside are seen to be empty, as the view then pans over to the bathroom upstairs. As it does, the door to the bathroom has light pouring out from a crack in the door, as inside, running water is heard-

*Running Water*

A few seconds later, through the steam clouds inside, the water will be turned off, as both Bijou and Chole are seen taking a bath together now. As they sit in the water, Bijou speaks from the far-left side, while Chole sits on the far right-side-

Bijou Luisant

...Are you enjoying the bubble bath, Chole?

Chole Madison

Mm hmm. The water is perfect, Ms. Luisant.

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou hears Chole call her "Ms. Luisant", she will speak up, saying-

Bijou Luisant

...Hey, Chole...since we are going to be in this Blockade from now on, you can just call me "Bijou" from now on. Calling me "Ms. Luisant" is just too formal for my tastes.

Chole Madison


Chole will be surprised at Bijou asking her to call her by her name. In response, Chole will respond-

Chole Madison

I'm sorry about that, Ms. Lui-...I mean...Bijou. I'll try to start calling you by your name, as you are doing the same for me...

Bijou Luisant


As the two continue sitting in the tub, Chole then speaks up-as Bijou replies

Chole Madison

...Hey, Bijou?

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison

Now that...I'll be here with you, which seat do you think I should take when controlling the Liberty ErotiCake with you?

As Chole asks this quietly, Bijou will put her finger to her lip and say-

Bijou Luisant

Hm...I guess we should decide on that soon, huh?

Bijou says, as she thinks about it. She then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

How about we go up there right now and I'll tell you then?

Chole Madison

!...Right now?

Chole asks, slightly confused, as Bijou then rises up from the water. As she stands, she will say-

Bijou Luisant

Yeah. We've been in here for quite a while already, so let's go...

While Bijou will say this with a hint of glee in her tone, she will just be doing her best to not look depressed in front of Chole. Chole doesn't notice anything, as she then watches Bijou leave the tub and then speaks-

Chole Madison


Chole mutters, as she then pulls the plug out from the bottom of the tub and places it next to the faucet near her. As she then stands up, she will then see Bijou covering herself with a bathtowel and she will now enjoy watching Bijou cover herself-

Chole Madison


Bijou is oblivious to Chole watching her from behind, as she has her eyes closed while covering herself with the bath towel. After she does this, she will get her feet into some slippers, where afterwards, she will then look behind her with a solemn look, as she then asks-

Bijou Luisant

...Hm? Is something wrong, Chole?

Chole reacts with surprise, as she then blurts out-

Chole Madison

Oh, no! It's nothing...!

She says, as she then gets out of the tub and then covers herself with a bath towal-just as Bijou had done. As she does this, Bijou will look slightly confused-

Bijou Luisant


As Chole covers herself, she will then put on her slippers and then look towards Bijou, saying-

Chole Madison

Shall we get going?

Bijou then replies-

Bijou Luisant

Yeah, let's go.

Bijou says this with a smile on her face, as the two then walk out of the bathroom and head through the bedroom, where they soon walk out and then head to the cockpit. As they go, Bijou walks in front of Chole, and then as they get to the command seats, Bijou takes one look at them and then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

...How about you take this seat right here, Chole?

Bijou points to the seat right next to her main seat on her left. Chole then speaks-

Chole Madison

Alright...may I sit down for a second?

Bijou Luisant

Sure. Go ahead.

With Bijou's approval, Chole sits down in the seat next to Bijou's seat. As she does, the console in front of her will then automatically come to life. As this happens, Chole reacts-

Chole Madison


As she sees the console, Chole then proceeds to press a few things on the screen. Bijou then speaks to her-

Bijou Luisant

...What are you up to there?

As Bijou asks this from behind, Chole will say-

Chole Madison

Oh, sorry! The screen just showed me a pop-up for the specs of the Liberty ErotiCake, is all.

Bijou Luisant

Ah...I've never seen those before...

Bijou says, as she takes a closer look from behind Chole, who now sees the specs of the Liberty ErotiCake. As she views this, Bijou will notice the full name of the Liberty ErotiCake, which causes her to mutter-

Bijou Luisant

..."LB3"...that must be the Liberty ErotiCake's code name...!

Suddenly, the screen will go dark, which will cause Chole to then speak up-


Chole Madison

Huh? That's odd...the screen just went dark all of a sudden...

Bijou Luisant


As Chole tries to get the screen back on, it doesn't respond to anything she tries, so Bijou then leans in closer to the screen from behind where Chole is sitting. Bijou now speaks-

Bijou Luisant

Did you try pressing these buttons over here? Maybe that will bring the screen back on...

Chole Madison

Now, with Bijou leaning over Choles' shoulder, Bijou's breasts will sway next to Chole's face-as she tries pressing a few buttons to get the screen to turn back on. This will cause Chole to blush slightly, as Bijou continues to try to press some of the buttons in front of Chole. As she reaches over to another button, she will unintentionally press her chest against the side of Chole's head, which will cause her to react in surprise-

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


Now noticing that her breasts are pressing against Chole's head, Bijou let's out a small cry. Chole then speaks-

Chole Madison

I'm sorry...I wanted to say something, but...

Despite Bijou being surprised, she will slowly move herself away from Chole's head and then stand behind her in her seat. Bijou then asks her-

Bijou Luisant

Please, forgive me...I'll be more mindful of giving you your personal space. Did I hurt you?

Chole Madison didn't hurt me at all...actually, your warmth felt...pleasant...

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou looks down at Chole, she will notice that her face is now red, as her breathing is heavy-

Chole Madison


Bijou Luisant


As she notices this, Bijou will then raise her hand towards Chole's face, which causes her to look her way-

Chole Madison


Now that Bijou has Chole's attention, she will tell her-

Bijou Luisant

If you'd like, I could share some more of my warmth with you...

Bijou says this with a blush on her face, as Chole then replies-

Chole Madison

...Ye...yes...I'd like that...

With that, the scene will then transition...

Inside of the bedroom, both Bijou and Chole will now be seen inside of Bijou's bed together, as the two now snuggle up with each other under the blanket. As they do, they will hug each other gently, as Bijou then asks Chole-who is in her arms-

Bijou Luisant

...I'm sorry for asking this, but...did you use to do this sort of thing with...your older sister?

Bijou asks this reluctantly, as Chole slowly responds, with a sorrowful expression-

Chole Madison

...Yeah. Whenever she did this with me, it always made me helped me to calm down and focus more on whatever I was going through...

Chole says this, grasping onto Bijou tightly, which makes Bijou hold her firmly in her arms. Bijou then replies, as she looks fondly at Chole-

Bijou Luisant

We'll be together for a while starting tonight, so whenever you want, just let me know and I'll calm you down like this myself.

Bijou will say this calmly, which surprises Chole-enough for her to ask-

Chole Madison'd do this with a commoner like me, Bijou?

Chole now looks up to Bijou, who smiles kindly at Chole. Bijou then replies-

Bijou Luisant

Absolutely, as the Luisant family does allow for certain individuals to become apart of our family-under special circumstances like right now. If this helps you to feel safe while working with me, then I'll allow for this private activity.

Chole Madison


Chole remains silent, as Bijou continues-

Bijou Luisant

It actually feels good for me to be like this too, so I guess we both gain something out of this sort of thing.

Faced with this explanation from Bijou, Chole will still be surprised. She will then reply-

Chole Madison

I never thought you'd be this kind...

Chole says, in disbelief. Bijou then says-as she gently pats Chole on her head-

Bijou Luisant

Don't mention it.

Bijou closes her eyes, as the two continue to bond with each other. As this occurs, the scene then transitions...

Back on the bridge, Andrea is now seen to be sleeping on her bed-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As she sleeps, suddenly, a beeping noise will be heard next to her-

*Beeping* *Beeping*

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As the beeping noise continues, Fleet Captain Andrea will wake up and then slowly see where the noise is coming from. It's coming from the comms device next to her, which then gets her to answer the call while still half asleep-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

*Yawn*...This is Fleet Captain Andrea speaking...

Now, a mechanical voice speaks to her. It says-

AI Cody (comms)

Good evening, Fleet Captain Andrea. I apologize for waking you, but President Sacha is on the comms network and wishes to speak with you right now.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As Fleet Captain Andrea hears this, she will focus on what AI Cody just told her and will then speak in a more serious tone-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Patch him through for me.

As she says this, she will pick up the phone from the comms and begin speaking to President Sacha. He speaks-

President Sacha Luisant (comms)

...Good evening, Fleet Captain Andrea. Before we get down to business-please, tell me how my daughter is doing right now?

President Sacha asks this in a quick tone, as his daughter's safety is his top concern at the moment. Andrea replies-in a calm tone-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Your daughter is alive, Mr. President, Sir. However, she had to go through with seeing a lot of her new friends lose their lives in the battle today, which is troubling her at the moment...

In response to this, President Sacha's voice is strained as he then says-

President Sacha Luisant (comms)

*Sigh*...I knew that would happen, but she still insisted on getting involved...

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Fleet Captain Andrea will remain silent, while President Sacha starts to go off on a small rant. Before he continues, he will then stop himself and return to the task at hand, as he says-

President Sacha Luisant (comms)

...I'm sorry about that, as I should be happy that my only daughter is at least ok.

To which Fleet Captain Andrea then says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

For now, yes, Mr. President. Are there any new orders from you, Sir?

Fleet Captain Andrea asks this calmly, as President Sacha then replies over the comms-

President Sacha Luisant (comms)

Yes. Forgive me, as I'll tell you your orders right now.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As Fleet Captain Andrea braces herself to hear her new orders, the view then cuts off to show President Sacha-now inside of the President ErotiCake. Around it, the Vice President ErotiCake flies with it in the sky, as President Sacha explains-

President Sacha Luisant

Earlier, I received an update from your Grid Arbiter and ship AI, which informs me that your fleet is very close to catching up with the AA fleet that attacked Appledale and Ecogon.

Fleet Captain Andrea then says over her comms-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

That's correct, Sir. Despite running into their forces today, we will still catch up to them in just one or two more hours.

Fleet Captain Andrea says with some confidence in her voice. President Sacha then explains-

President Sacha Luisant

Indeed. Now...I want to share with you my idea of what the AA are after in heading for Hilayornia, as I believe that the AA are most likely attempting to take control of a specific know the one, yes?

Fleet Captain Andrea now speaks-in a confident tone-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

I believe so, Sir. Their target must be the Pinnacle Department there, as it has a broadcasting network that expands over the entire DIC.

Fleet Captain Andrea says this confidently, as President Sacha then smiles, and then speaks-

President Sacha Luisant

"Smiles"-My thoughts exactly. If they gain control over the Department, then not only will then have the potential to spread false information to our citizens. Or, they could even use the broadcasting network as a means to sway public opinion in their favor of this war-which must be avoided posthaste.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

I agree, Mr. President.

As Fleet Captain Andrea says this firmly, President Sacha will then say-

President Sacha Luisant

As we are in an understanding, once you arrive in Hilayornias' waters, you will first make contact with Commanders Howard Pinnacle and Stanley Wilber. From there, you will communicate with them what we just discussed and then work to keep the Ascension away from the Department.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Understood, Sir!

President Sacha then finishes off by saying-

President Sacha Luisant

I am also sending you another "reinforcement" or sorts, whom will arrive in Hilayornia shortly after you do to help with the defense of the Department. They will be there to specifically assist my daughter in battle, as she is already very familiar with them.

President Sacha Luisant

That is all...unless you have any questions before I dismiss you?

Before President Sacha finishes giving his orders, the scene will then transition back to Fleet Captain Andrea-where she is now sitting cross-legged on the side of her bed. She will say-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Just one question, if I may?

As Fleet Captain Andrea asks this, President Sacha will speak on her phone now, saying-

President Sacha Luisant (comms)


With President Sacha's permission, Fleet Captain Andrea speaks up-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I'm just wondering...are the pilots of the Blockades in Hilayornia more civilians who have almost no experience fighting in a real war like this?

Andrea asks, as the deaths of all of the people on the islands weighs on her mind. President Sacha replies-

President Sacha Luisant (comms)

Sadly, the answer to that question is yes, Fleet Captain Andrea. However, should the people in your fleet and the people in Hilayornia repel the Ascension, I will then make sure that when the fighting continues, the pilots that will be deployed will be more trained than those who fought today. I give you my word on that.

This explanation will not satisfy Fleet Captain Andrea, as she then presses the matter by asking-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I understand that, Sir...but, I have to ask...why didn't you bring in pilots from our Brigades in Old Columbia when you had the time? Or, what about bringing in our experienced pilots from Old Columbia?

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

What made you force our superiors in Appledale to only accept literal civilians yesterday, only to have them ruthlessly killed-due to having zero experience?!

Fleet Captain Andrea raises her voice a little, as she feels deep sadness over the huge loss of life today. In response, President Sacha is then shown once more and now starts to show some strain on his face, as he doesn't want to hide things from his he then replies to her-

President Sacha Luisant

...I understand your frustration, Fleet Captain Andrea. Believe me when I say truly pains me to have to keep the truth behind my actions today a secret-especially from you...

President Sacha says this in a heavily strained tone, as it really will hurt him to have to keep secrets from his friends. In response, Fleet Captain Andrea will then start to sense his pain and ask him-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

If that's the case, then...please, Sacha-for the Goddess' sake, just tell me...why did so many people have to die today?!

President Sacha Luisant


President Sacha will fall silent, as he then says-

President Sacha Luisant

The reason...will have to remain a secret for now, Andrea, as what I have worked on for the past 2 decades has to be seen through until the bitter end. It is a plan that I worked tirelessly on without the public knowing...and as such, it's completion is of the greatest importance to the survival of our species...

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As Fleet Captain Andrea will not receive an answer, she will then return to speaking towards President Sacha in a firm tone. She says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I see. So, this "plan" of yours is why hundreds of civilians had to die today...?

President Sacha will then say-

President Sacha Luisant

Yes...and they were just the beginning, I'm afraid...

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Upon hearing this, Fleet Captain Andrea will then say-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Can I assume that you know of how this level of gross misconduct will be viewed in a court of law, Mr. President?

Fleet Captain Andrea now threatens President Sacha with judicial action, to which he replies-

President Sacha Luisant

Of course-and not only that, but I implore you to also begin building a case against me, Oberon and Georges, as we will come clean as the constructors of this plan-after we see it through to the end.

Fleet Captain Andrea now says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I will do just that, Mr. President...though, for now, I will opt to gather more information BEFORE I present this case to the court. I currently lack enough information to determine exactly what you are scheming, so you had better hope your reasons are sound-before I make this case publicly known.

President Sacha will then say-

President Sacha Luisant

You know me, Andrea-I don't do things unless it's absolutely necessary. And in time, you will be able to learn of exactly what my plan for this world is.

President Sacha Luisant

However, for now, I must request that you continue to follow my orders, as it is for the benefit of our entire species that we leave this planet soon. We must-in order to secure "it" before it leaves our solar system.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Fleet Captain Andrea won't ask what "it" is, as she will then say-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Alright then, Sir. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now, as we are still friends, after all.

President Sacha then replies-in a relieve tone-

President Sacha Luisant

Thank you, Andrea. And rest assured-after tomorrow, I will get more experienced pilots to replace all the less experienced ones that are in your fleet.

President Sacha Luisant

Now...was there anything else you wished to discuss with me?

Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

No, Mr. President. That will be all for now.

With this, President Sacha will then finish things off by saying-

President Sacha Luisant

I wish you all the best then, Fleet Captain Andrea.

With that, the transmission ends. As it does, AI Cody then speaks to Fleet Captain Andrea over her phone-

AI Cody

...Connection ended. Fleet Captain Andrea. Just so you are aware, this fleet will arrive at Hilayornia in 1 hour and 23 minutes.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Thank you for the update, AI Cody. Wake me up 20 minutes before we arrive, please.

AI Cody

Of course.

With that, Fleet Captain Andrea then puts the phone back into the comms device and will then lie back down in her bed. As she closes her eyes, the scene then transitions...

Elsewhere, President Sacha and Vice President Georges are now seen to be on the Deserted Islands that the Midnight were just at a few hours ago. The two are inside of their own personal Blockades, the President ErotiCake and the Vice President ErotiCakes, to which they speak to each other.

Vice President Georges Luisant

...Do you think it's alright that Andrea begins building a case against us so soon, Sacha? That wasn't supposed to happen until after the battle in Hilayornia...

Vice President Sacha asks, as President Sacha then replies-

President Sacha Luisant

It will be of no concern, as Andrea still needs more information-which she will naturally try to get from Bijou-who knows nothing of what we are planning. And once the Ascension gain control of the Department tomorrow and spread their version of events to the DIC, the next step of our plan will begin-which will force Andrea to think of other matters.

Vice President Georges Luisant


As the two men speak, suddenly, Vice President Georges gets a contact from somewhere. He speaks.

Vice President Georges Luisant

...Sacha! Pierre and Nicholas are contacting us.

President Sacha Luisant

Right on schedule. Let's hear what they have to say.

As President Sacha says, as he then presses a button next to his comms in front of him, which will cause a hologram to emerge from the command console. A moment later, two men are seen, to which they speak-

Nicholas Luisant (hologram)

...Sacha. The AA group that split from the main fleet after the attack on Ecogon is here in the West Islands. The "operatives" over here are all struggling against them, as we've only just begun shipping Superior Splendors with kinetic blasters over here.

President Sacha now replies to his Uncle by saying-

President Sacha Luisant

Very good, Uncle. I'm sure that will mean they will be relying on your Superior Splendors to help keep their losses down.

Now, President Sacha's father now speaks-

Pierre Luisant (hologram)

Exactly, my son. This war is a wake-up call to everyone here in the West Islands, but after the main AA force takes the Department tomorrow morning, these poor people will have a short break-as we know what is coming next.

President Sacha now replies-

President Sacha Luisant

Indeed. Continue on just like we planned, as we will take care of things in Hilayornia.

Pierre Luisant (hologram)

Alright, my son.

With that, President Sacha then ends the contact and then has his Blockade fly in the air-along with the and Vice President ErotiCake. As they go, President Sacha thinks to himself about a conversation he had in the past with a woman who looks just like his wife-as she explains to her while covered in shadows-


...Within the next 20 years, this planet's resources will run dry. If the Consumers of this planet do not start to expand outwards into the solar system and then eventually the galaxy, then they as a species will go extinct. Hopefully with this plan that I'll give to you, the people of this world will start to develop a need to go into space, as living in this war will force them to think differently."

President Sacha Luisant


As President Sacha recalls this conversation, outside, the President ErotiCake and Vice President ErotiCake will then continue flying towards Hilayornia in the distance-as the chapter then ends-