Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 15

----Chapter 15----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

Over an hour later, the island of Hilayornia is now seen in the distance. Many lights from battles are seen under the massive Umbrella at this time, as further away in the ocean, four ships steadily approach the island. As this happens, Fleet Captain Andrea and Grid Arbiter Alexia are seen on the bridge of the Midnight-as they are hailed by two individuals who appear via (hologram)s in front of them. They speak with familiarity towards the two-

??? (hologram)

...Hello, Fleet Captain Andrea.

??? (hologram)

It's been a while since we last spoke.

The two men say calmly, as Fleet Captain Andrea then speaks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Indeed it has, Howard and Stanley. I'm pleased to see you two have decided to return to your duties in the military, as that will be a huge help to us.

Commander Stanley now speaks-

Commander Stanley Tempest (hologram)

Indeed. I heard Sacha's speech, and we are still dumbfounded on how he'd let civilians go up against the Ascension today. Fortunately, we had time to prepare a proper defense, along with actual pilots that have training-but we are still understaffed in that department, I'm afraid.

In response to this, Fleet Captain Andrea continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Honestly, just having the two of you is more than enough-especially after what we had to deal with today. However, we can save that talk for after we evict the Ascension from Hilayornia, as the defense of the city should come first right now.

Fleet Captain Andrea says this frankly and honestly, as she will still be upset about what happened earlier. Commander Howard then speaks quickly-as he doesn't want to anger Fleet Captain Andrea-

Commander Howard Pinnacle (hologram)

Of course. The AA seem to be attacking Hilayornia indiscriminately, as they are spread out all over the place and also don't seem all that coordinated. If you have could provide us some extra hands, we could use them to keep things from getting worse.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As Commander Howard says this, Fleet Captain Andrea will then remember what President Sacha told her earlier. She then says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Naturally-but before I do that, I think I should tell you that Sacha informed me earlier that the Ascension are trying to seize control of the Pinnacle Department.

Commander Howard Pinnacle (hologram)


Commander Stanley Tempest (hologram)


Both Commander Howard and Commander Stanley will be visibly shocked to hear that. Howard then says-

Commander Howard Pinnacle (hologram)

My half-I mean...Sacha said that to you...?

Howard says this in a way that implies that he is related to President Sacha, while still sounding surprised. Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Yes. He contacted me just an hour ago and wanted me to relay that to you two-once we arrived in Hilayornia.

Stanley then speaks-

Commander Stanley Tempest (hologram)

We thank you for telling us that...but, I have to wonder why he wouldn't just contact Oberon-and then have him tell us all that? It would've saved us a lot of trouble beforehand...

Commander Stanley now implies that there have been many complications on their side-without actually saying anything substantial. Fleet Captain Andrea interupts by saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I agree. He is certainly up to something, of which I'll be doing an investigation into later on-where he will answer for his crimes...

Commander Howard then reacts with some surprise, before talking about his own suspicions-

Commander Howard Pinnacle (hologram)

!...I...actually had a hunch that the Ascension were after the Department and sent some Blockades to protect it. However, they are mostly piloted by new recruits, while the more experienced pilots are moving around in the cities fighting.

Fleet Captain Andrea then gets back on topic by suggesting-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

If I may suggest-send anyone you can spare back to defend the Department, as I'll send out our remaining forces to help repel the Ascension from four strategic positions. As you two are in the field, you can order them in my stead-as we can't exactly use our ships weapons in a city.

To this, Commander Howard will say-

Commander Howard Pinnacle (hologram)

Sounds like a plan, Andrea. I'll inform everyone on my side of that right away!

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Same here.

With that, Andrea turns off the comms and then activates another set of comms to speak to all of the Privates across all four ships. As this happens, the scene transitions...

Outside, the four ships are then seen to break off from their formation and start to encircle the island of Hilayornia. As this happens, the scene then moves to the inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, where both Bijou and Chole are seen-already dressed and sitting in their assigned seats. As they wait, Fleet Captain Andrea soon speaks to them and everyone else-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

...Attention all Privates! This is Fleet Captain Andrea speaking.

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


Briefly, many other random Privates are shown in their individual Blockades-



Fleet Captain Andrea's voice then continues speaking-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

At this moment, I've ordered for each of our ships encircle Hilayornia, in order to trap the Ascension and prevent them from leaving. Naturally, this will mean that in just a few moments those that remain will be set loose to help repel the Ascension-under the command of Commanders Howard and Stanley.

Bijou Luisant

!...Howard and Stanley are here?!

Bijou says, hinting that she knows of both Howard and Stanley. Chole will notice her tone and quickly ask-

Chole Madison

...That name...Howard Pinnacle-I know I've heard his name before...?

To which Bijou will quickly reply to her-

Bijou Luisant

You should remember...him, his wife-Susan and his friend Stanley are personal friends of mine...

Before Bijou can continue speaking, the sounds of people murmuring on the comms is now heard-

Random Pilots (comms)

*Murmur* *Murmur*

As this happens, Fleet Captain Andrea will speak-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

First off, please allow me to say that for those few who survived fighting in the previous battles against the Ascension today will NOT be required to fight tonight. Again, if you fought in the previous battle, you do not need to fight-if you don't think you can or if you don't want to.

Random Pilots


Many random pilots now react with shock, as they now stop murmuring and listen to Fleet Captain Andrea's words. She continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

However, for the 75 Blockades that remained on my ship prior to the previous battle, I must ask that all of you prepare to head out to Hilayornia and assist with the defense...even though I know that all of you don't want to-especially after seeing how bad things got for everyone else today.

Now, many random pilots on Fleet Captain Andrea's ship are reveled to be worried, as they continue to murmur as Fleet Captain Andrea speaks to them-

Random Pilots

*Murmur* *Murmur*

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

The only thing that I can offer you to make this easier to the fact that this will be your last mission for the YES Military. That, and you will be under the supervision of actual military Commanders, who will direct you to specific areas that need assistance.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

They are also well aware of how stressful it is to accept civilians into such critical positions as Pilot roles, so they will of course take that into consideration. Now, please prepare for launch.

After this, the comms then cut, as back inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, Chole and Bijou then speak to each other-

Chole Madison

...Hey, Bijou? Would to skip out on this battle? Fleet Captain Andrea did say we could have that option, so...maybe we could not have to fight right now...

As Chole says this, she will look up towards Bijou, who then looks at the hands of the Liberty ErotiCake-

Bijou Luisant


As she does, she will once again recall how the Liberty ErotiCake wasn't affected by the AA Blockade's direct attack during the previous battle. After recalling this, Chole will now tug on Bijou's sleeve, which gets her attention-


Bijou Luisant


As Bijou now looks at Chole to her left, Chole will say-

Chole Madison you hear me just now...?

Now, Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

Oh, yes, I did. I'm sorry, but I wanted to go into the city and help with the defense, as I can't sit by when I could potentially help.

Chole Madison


Chole will be alerted to this mention, as she will now look away from Bijou. In response, Bijou will then gently pat her head-

*Gentle pat*

Chole Madison


This action will get Chole's attention, as she then looks back up to Bijou. She then tells her-

Bijou Luisant

Don't worry-I'm not going to play "hero" or anything this time, as I am going to consider your feelings before I try anything dangerous. Afterall, I now have a Little Partner to watch out for, so I'm going to take things more carefully out there.

Chole Madison


Chole will be surprised by this-though she won't mention anything. As she is still dumbfounded, Bijou will then look forward and then contact Fleet Captain Andrea on her comms-

Bijou Luisant

...Andrea? It's Bijou, in the Liberty ErotiCake.

Now, the voice of Fleet Captain Andrea will come out of the comms-as around the Liberty ErotiCake from it's cockpit, many Blockades are seen moving towards the front of the ship-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Bijou...are you contacting me because you want to fight?

Fleet Captain Andrea asks, sharply, to which Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

That's right. I just talked about this with Chole and she's fine with it, so please, have the Liberty ErotiCake be sent out as well.

While Bijou is ready, Fleet Captain Andrea will try to dissuade her by saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

...Are you certain? As I just said, we might complete the mission with just the Blockades that remain on my ship alone tonight.

Bijou then finishes up by saying-

Bijou Luisant

I'm sure. Even if I don't end up fighting, I can still at least defend the city, as the Liberty ErotiCake's armor is more powerful than I thought it was.

Bijou says, hinting how powerful the Liberty ErotiCake's armor is when compared to other Blockades. With this, Fleet Captain Andrea is then forced to return to her previous stern tone towards Bijou, as she then says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

...Alright then, Private. I'll have AI Cody send you two out in just a few seconds...

Fleet Captain Andrea says, in a somewhat strained and cold tone. In response, Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

!...See you soon, Fleet Captain Andrea.

As she then cuts the comms. Just as Fleet Captain Andrea said, a few seconds later, the Liberty ErotiCake then starts moving along the ESG Platform-along with many other Blockades. As it gets to the front of the ship, Bijou and Chole are seen to brace themselves from within, as they are then sent out in the Liberty ErotiCake-

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


As the Liberty ErotiCake is sent out towards Hilayornia, it soon glides with the other Blockades, as the scene then transitions...

Once the Blockades arrive in Hilayornia, they do so at the beach just outside of the city, where they then transform into their Blockade modes. As they do, many of them start to run towards the city, as the Liberty ErotiCake then lands at the beach-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou looks out towards the cities in the distance, they will be engulfed in battle, as AA Blockades will be positioned amongst the buildings-firing their weapons down below and creating explosions-


As this is seen, Chole is seen to cower in fear, as she mutters-

Chole Madison


Bijou Luisant


Upon noticing Chole, Bijou will look down at her and notice that she's feeling dread at having to battle against the AA Blockades once more. She then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

Chole-are you-

Chole then speaks-cutting off Bijou by saying-

Chole Madsion

It's nothing!! ...I'm...I'll be fine...

As Chole says this, she will shiver in her seat as she says this, indicating that she has serious reservations on fighting-

Chole Madison


Bijou Luisant


As Bijou takes a notice to this, she will then speak in a soft tone to Chole-

Bijou Luisant

...If you are this worried being close to the fighting, then I'll do my best to keep away as best I can, alright?

Chole Madison


Chole remains silent, as Bijou continues to speak to her, as she suggests-

Bijou Luisant

Instead, how about we look around for some survivors, as that should be easier to do...for both our sakes...

Bijou says this in a slightly worried tone, to which after a moment of silence, Chole then speaks-

Chole Madison


With Chole more understanding of this notion, Bijou then smiles and then says-

Bijou Luisant

Great. Could you keep an eye on the comms chatter for me, while I pilot the Liberty ErotiCake?

Chole will then reply-in a soft and worried tone-

Chole Madison

Yes...I'll do that...

As Bijou says this, she will move the Liberty ErotiCake forward-as Chole then operates the comms in front of her. As the Liberty ErotiCake walks, it heads towards the cities in the distance along with the other Blockades, as the scene then transitions...

A short time later, inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, Chole is seen to listen to some comm chatter, as Bijou moves the Liberty ErotiCake forward-

*Comms chatter*

Chole Madison


Chole soon gets something. She speaks.

Chole Madison

...Bijou. There are some mentions about how all of the civilians in Hilayornia have been moved into the Understructure below.

This information pleases Bijou, as she replies-

Bijou Luisant

That's good news, as I was concerned about that. With the commonwealth safely in the Understructure, we can fight without being worried about any civilian casualties.

As Chole then says-

Chole Madison

Yeah...are you going to charge up the Liberty Blaster, like you did back at the deserted island?

Bijou then speaks, in a firm tone-

Bijou Luisant

Not if I can help it. That weapon is too powerful to use in a city-even though our allies and the enemy are the only ones fighting here. If it comes to having to fight, I'll try to only use the weapons that we have on-hand...and hopefully there are some people with kinetic blasters around that can help us further...

Bijou says the last part of her sentence reluctantly, as she will now notice that she came out here without any kinetic blaster. Chole will then say-

Chole Madison


Now, the Liberty ErotiCake will come to a stop, as in front of it the city of Hilayornia will be shown. Fires and destroyed building fill the air with smoke, which makes for a horrific scene. As the Liberty ErotiCake stands, several other Blockades will also stand or arrive, to which they will start to fan out. They slowly head into the cities to strike back at the enemies within, as back inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, Bijou speaks to Chole-

Bijou Luisant

...Hold on tight! I'm going to move us into the city...

Chole Madison


As Bijou moves the Liberty ErotiCake forward, it then begins walking amongst the rubble and debris. As it goes, it does so while slightly crouched-slowly maneuvering it's way into the destroyed city so as to not draw attention to itself. Inside, Chole then speaks, as she continues to listen to the comms chatter-

Chole Madison

...Bijou. seems that some of the Blockades that were just with us have made contact with...the enemy...

Bijou Luisant

!...Alright, thanks...

Bijou says this concentrating on not rushing forward and drawing any attention towards her and the Liberty ErotiCake at the moment. Her tactic works, as around her, several AA Blockades shift their focus towards the edges of the city and start attacking those sections-which then leaves their backsides open to attacks from behind.

As the fighting continues in the distance, Bijou stealthily moves the Liberty ErotiCake into a clear area with almost no debris. As it continues to crouch as it moves forward, Bijou is seen inside to speak to Chole-

Bijou Luisant

...We should be safe so long as we keep to this path. Chole? Can you narrow down the comms traffic to SOS signals? That's what I'm interested in looking for right now.

As Bijou asks this of Chole, she then speaks as she operates the comms device in front of her-

Chole Madison

Just one second...!

After a few seconds of working the comms device in front of her, Chole then speaks to Bijou with a hit-

Chole Madison

Bijou. I'm hearing...someone's voice coming from an area further ahead of us.

As Chole points out ahead of herself, Bijou will ask-

Bijou Luisant

Can you put it on speaker so we can both hear it?

Chole Madison

Yes. Hold on.

Chole proceeds to put the comms on speaker so that the two of them can hear the SOS. As this happens, a man's voice can be heard-of which can barely speak-

??? (comms) o....ere?

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


As the two hear this man's voice, he will speak in a labored tone-as if he is close to dying. Concerned, Chole speaks up-

Chole Madison

He-hello, can you hear me out there? My name is Chole Madison, and we are closing in on your position to help.

Chole explains, as the man continues to barely be able to speak-

??? (comms)


In response, Chole continues-

Chole Madison

That's right! My name is Chole Madison. What is your name? Are you alright?

The man now tries to introduce himself-

Isaac Carter (comms)

...Ame is.......Isaac...Car...ter...

In response, Chole asks-

Chole Madison

You name is...Isaac? Where are you right now?! If you are close, we can come over to help you.

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou continues to move the Liberty ErotiCake, the man will explain his situation-

Isaac Carter (comms)

.....on the whole squad of...ere...destroyed by.......

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter (comms)


Chole Madison


Isaac is heard to start crying, and so, Bijou speaks.

Bijou Luisant

Isaac! Please, tell us where you are so that we can come help you!

After a brief silence from Isaac, he then speaks.

Isaac Carter (comms)

......I' an intersection...called...USG.I.....there are many destroyed...Blockades here.....

As Isaac says this, Bijou will then say-

Bijou Luisant

Ok. An intersection called USG.I, which has destroyed Blockades in the area. We'll find you and bring you some medical supplies, alright?

As Bijou says this, Chole will then bring up a map of the city of Hilayornia on one of her monitors, of which she will work to find this intersection. As she does this, Isaac's voice will speak-

Isaac Carter (comms)

...Than...ks.....your voice...I think I've.....heard it from somewhere before...

Curious, Isaac says this, to which Bijou replies to him-

Bijou Luisant

I'm Bijou Luisant, the President's daughter. My voice probably sounds similar to my late mother, who was on tv in the past.

Isaac Carter (comms)


No response will come from Isaac, which worries Chole, as she speaks up-

Chole Madison

Isaac?! Are you alive?! Please, say something!!

She says, concerned for Isaac. A few moments later, he will speak up, saying-

Isaac Carter (comms)

....Ah,'s just...I never thought...I'd get to meet.....the President's a place like this....

Isaac goes silent again, worrying Bijou. She speaks.

Bijou Luisant

You are going to make it out of here alive, Isaac. I won't let you die tonight, as I can't stand the thought for even a second anymore.

Bijou says-in a strong tone. Isaac then replies with a warning-

Isaac Carter (comms)

Be careful....there's an enemy careful....

Bijou Luisant


Realizing what Isaac said, Bijou perks up, as she's now on full alert for whatever she will find up ahead. Chole will then speak-worried about having to fight, as she says-

Chole Madison

...Even still...we can't just turn our backs on you-especially after we reached out to you like this...right, Bijou...?

Bijou Luisant


Now, both Bijou and Chole will be seen to be visually shaken up about the idea of possibly having to fight against another AA Blockade-by themselves. As sweat beads form and soon slide from their foreheads, Bijou will then speak-while trying to contain her worried tone behind a confident voice-

Bijou Luisant

...Of...of course. We...won't turn our backs on you, Isaac...

To this, Isaac will then say-

Isaac Carter (comms)

....I'll...owe you my life.....thank you....

As Isaac's voice fades away, his comms then cut off, to which Chole then speaks to Bijou-in a worried tone-

Chole Madison

...There...should be an intersection called USG.I just ahead...

Bijou then replies-softly-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou slowly moves the Liberty ErotiCake forward, it continues to move through the ruined streets, as the scene then transitions...

As the Liberty ErotiCake approaches the intersection, many destroyed and ruined PeaceBringer Blockades now lay around and within the area. Just as the Liberty ErotiCake is about to walk inside of the intersection, inside the cockpit, Bijou and Chole look out at the area, as Chole then speaks-

Chole Madison

...Bijou, look! There's a wounded man down there! He's-

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


Bijou suddenly backs off in the Liberty ErotiCake and hides behind the buildings to it's right, as around the corner, a heavily damaged AA Blockade almost notices them-as it's head moves to look at the area where the Liberty ErotiCake just emerged from-

AA Blockade


Thanks to Bijou's quick reflexes, the Liberty ErotiCake wasn't noticed just now, as the AA Blockade then continues to observe the area around itself. As it scans for targets around itself, Bijou and Chole then speak within the Liberty ErotiCake-

Bijou Luisant

...Sorry about that-I just saw a damaged Ascension Blockade over there. I don't think it saw us, though...

Chole Madison


As Bijou says this, she then has the Liberty ErotiCake lean as close as it can to the edge of the building-so as to not be noticed again. The AA Blockade won't notice her doing this, as it continues to scan the area around itself. As it does so, Bijou will look out towards the area where Chole was pointing and then see Isaac laying on the ground-

Bijou Luisant


Now, Isaac is seen laying on the ground in the open, to which he is covered in bruises and cuts. His lips are bleeding, and he is barely able to breath, as it appears as if an explosion tore through his uniform-

Isaac Carter


As his breathing becomes more labored, back inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, Bijou will then start off by suggesting-

Bijou Luisant

I think we should send out a request for help on the comms network. While that Ascension Blockade is damaged, it still could be dangerous if we don't get some backup.

Bijou's reasoning sounds reasonable enough, but Chole then suggests-

Chole Madison

Are you sure about that, Bijou? That would take time and that Ascension Blockade is scanning the area. If it finds him, then Isaac won't make it if we don't go in there and help.

Chole's reasoning is sounder than Bijou's, as she then struggles to explain her position-

Bijou Luisant

...Still...can we really defeat an Ascension Blockade with just these assault rifles...?

Bijou asks in a worried tone, as a view of the Liberty ErotiCake's assault rifles are shown. Chole then speaks again, as she is able to see the AA Blockade in more detail than Bijou-

Chole Madison

It's a longshot, but if you target the exposed cockpit well enough, we might be able to destroy it's pilot before it can do any harm...!

Suddenly, Chole will notice the damaged AA Blockade moving, as it now notices Isaac barely alive on the ground-

AA Blockade


As it moves to attack him, Chole will then speak to Bijou, telling her-

Chole Madison

B-Bijou! It spotted him!!

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou then has the Liberty ErotiCake lean fully over the side of the building, she will see that the AA Blockade is moving towards Isaac on the ground, and then she will react-

Bijou Luisant

Tch!! Dammit!!

As Bijou is forced to move, she first begins charging the Liberty Blaster-before moving the Liberty ErotiCake around the corner of the building and opening fire at the AA Blockade. As she has the Liberty ErotiCake open fire from the corner of the building that she was leaning against, her attacks will miss the cockpit area that she was trying to aim at. As this occurs, the AA Blockade will take notice of her now-

AA Blockade


As the AA Blockade now reacts, it will raise up one of its arms and fires it's beam cannons at the Liberty ErotiCake. As the beams fly out, Isaac on the ground will brace himself from the force coming from the beams-

Isaac Carter


As the beams continue towards Bijou and Chole in the Liberty ErotiCake, she will have it dart away from its position behind the buildings-just as they are hit by the beams. As this happens, several explosions occur-


As the Liberty ErotiCake moves away from the buildings, Bijou will then get a lock-on and fire her two assault rifles towards the AA Blockade-

Bijou Luisant



As this happens, the bullets are now seen to not be stopped by any Curtain Barrier, which causes Bijou to speak-

Bijou Luisant

!...It's barrier is gone!!

Chole then smiles, as she looks up towards Bijou and says-

Chole Madison

We have a chance now! Hurry!!

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou says this, she will have the Liberty ErotiCake continue to fire it's weapons at the AA Blockade. As this occurs, the AndroIs inside of the exposed cockpit will then asses the situation-



As the AndroIs inside of the cockpit is shown, it will be reviewing all of the information that led up to this situation on it's monitors, to which it will then deduce that the reason why the Liberty ErotiCake is attacking it is to save the life of Isaac down below. With this information, it will then avert it's attention from the Liberty ErotiCake and move to look down towards where Isaac is still laying on the ground. He will be barely awake, as the force from the beams earlier will have strained him to the point of nearly fainting-

Isaac Carter


Upon seeing his dire state, the AA Blockade will opt to attack him instead by raising it's right hand-

AA Blockade


Upon seeing this, Bijou and Chole take immediate notice-

Bijou Luisant

*gasp*!! Is it about to-

Just as Bijou says this, Chole will speak-

Chole Madison

Bijou!!! Hurry and stop it!!!

Bijou Luisant


Without even thinking, Bijou will first look at the monitor next to her and then move the Liberty ErotiCake to rush over towards the AA Blockade. As it swings it's hand downwards, below, Isaac will notice it coming towards him, as he will scream-

Isaac Carter



Suddenly, just before the hand comes crashing down on top of Isaac, he will be saved by the Liberty ErotiCake-as it holds back it's hand with it's arms. As this happens, Bijou is seen to stress-

Bijou Luisant

Ugh!!! ....Grk!!!!

Chole Madison


As Bijou strains herself to hold back the AA Blockade's hand, it will press harder onto it, which causes the Liberty ErotiCake to strain itself-


Liberty ErotiCake


As the Liberty ErotiCake can barely hold back the AA Blockade's hand, inside, Bijou will strain herself with the controls in her hands, as she speaks-

Bijou Luisant

GRRRRK!!!! I...don't want to see any more people die around me...I don't...want to see that anymore-

She strains to say this, as short flashbacks of her friends from earlier dying will be seen. As Bijou continues to struggle, outside, the Liberty ErotiCake takes a knee at the stress from the AA Blockade's hand pressing down onto it, as below, Isaac struggles to remain awake-

Isaac Carter I.....atone...?

As Isaac asks this, it will appear as if the Liberty ErotiCake is about to come crashing onto him. However, just before it does so, suddenly, a volley of attacks from come from the side-





As these attacks come from the side, they will strike and then penetrate through the cockpit of the AA Blockade, causing it and it's AndroIs pilot damage. This will cause the Liberty ErotiCake to be released from the grasp of the AA Blockade, allowing the Liberty ErotiCake to look over to where the attacks just came from-

Liberty ErotiCake


Now, to the left of the Liberty ErotiCake, two "OrderFinder" Blockades will be reveled-

OrderFinder Blockade #1


OrderFinder Blockade #2


Now, the voice of a man will come over the comms, as he speaks to Bijou-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

...To think that you would be caught in such a simple trap, Sebastion...

Bijou Luisant


As Howard speaks, he will believe that Sebastion is inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, as another voice them comes out of Bijou's comms-

Stanley Tempest (comms)

Hurry, Cesario!!! Use the Liberty Blaster to destroy that Ascension Blockade!!!

Bijou Luisant


Without even thinking about it, Bijou will then engage the Liberty Blaster, which now has 5% power and aim it at the AA Blockade behind her. A second later, she will fire the weapon-

*Blaster Beam!!!!*

As this beam comes out of the Liberty Blaster, it will fly out and slam into the AA Blockade's cockpit. As it does, it will melt the already-destroyed armor of the AA Blockade and then destroy the AndroIs inside. As the beam then dissipates, it will not punch through the AA Blockade, as it will only be powerful enough to destroy the head section-ending the skirmish with a small explosion-


As this occurs, the chapter will then end-