Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 16

----Chapter 16----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

As the explosion from the AA Blockade's cockpit section subsides within the intersection, nearby, the Liberty ErotiCake will be seen-still kneeling, along with the Liberty Blaster in it's hands. As it retracts the Blaster onto it's back, inside, Bijou will pant heavily-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou catches her breath, Chole will speak to her-

Chole Madison

Are you alright?!

To which Bijou will then slowly reply-

Bijou Luisant


Just before Bijou can finish her sentence, the two OrderFinder Blockades will come up around the Liberty ErotiCake. As they do-from the perspective of the cockpit-both Howard and Stanley will speak to Bijou-still believing that Sebastion and Cesario are the ones piloting the Liberty ErotiCake-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

Not too shabby, Sebastion. Though frankly, I recall the Liberty Blaster being much more powerful than that...

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


As Howard speaks to Bijou and Chole, he will not know that Bijou is inside, as Stanley then speaks-

Stanley Tempest (comms)

Still, you boys probably didn't want to destroy more than that Ascension Blockade's cockpit. Isn't that right, Cesario?

As Stanley says this, Bijou will finally speak, in a somewhat confused tone towards the two men-

Bijou Luisant

...Um, Howard and Stanley. It's me, Bijou. Both Sebastion and Cesario are still back home in Appledale, as I decided to come out here instead.

Howard Pinnacle (comms)


Stanley Tempest (comms)


Now, neither men will reply to Bijou, as Howard is then reveled inside of his Blockade. As he is shown, his jaw will hang open, as he then says-

Howard Pinnacle

...Bijou?! What are YOU are inside of the Liberty ErotiCake??!

Howard says, surprised and irritated. Bijou's voice then comes out of his comms, as she explains-

Bijou Luisant (comms)

I...I convinced my father to let me come out here to fight, and-

Suddenly, Stanley will ask-cutting off Bijou, as he will speak in an irritated tone as well-

Stanley Tempest (comms)

Your father allowed you to risk your life in battle today?! Does he want to see you get killed??!

Stanley says, clearly irritated that Bijou is out here fighting. In response, Bijou will speak with more confidence, as she explains-

Bijou Luisant

I am sure he doesn't, but this is a long story that I can explain to you later! Right now, I came here in order to help Isaac, as he needs our help right now!

As Bijou says this, her cockpit will open, to which Stanley will then be reveled inside of his Blockade. He speaks-

Stanley Tempest

!...Isaac? Could you be talking about...!

Now, Stanley will notice Isaac below on the ground, to which back inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, both Bijou and Chole will be seen, as Bijou opens a compartment under her seat-revealing a large medical kit. As she picks it up, she then speaks to Chole-

Bijou Luisant

C'mon. Let's get down there.

Chole Madison


As the two climb out of the Liberty ErotiCake, the scene will then transition...

Once on the ground, both Bijou and Chole will be seen kneeling down next to Isaac, as his faint breaths can be heard-

Isaac Carter


As Isaac breaths faintly, both Bijou and Chole will struggle to read a medical instruction manual, as neither of them have knowledge in medicine-

Bijou Luisant

Umm...uh...ok-does have several lacerations? Um...uh...

As Bijou skims through the medical manual, she will then take a moment to look over Isaac's body. He will be pretty battered-being bruised and cut up all over his body and arms, to which Chole then speaks-just as clueless as Bijou is-

Chole Madison

His wounds...could we just apply some bandages, or...maybe...

Chole says, as she fumbles the manual in her hands. Then, all of a sudden, two men will come up to them from behind and gently put their hand on the side of their shoulders-

Howard Pinnacle

How about you let us help him?

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


Now, both Howard and Stanley are reveled, to which they speak-

Stanley Tempest

It has been a while since we practiced medical procedures, but we should still be able to do something for him. Could you let us sit down, please?

Stanley says to Chole, as she then replies-

Chole Madison

Oh, um...sure...

Chole says reluctantly, as she then stands up to make room for Stanley. Bijou then does the same for Howard, and as he kneels down next to Isaac, he and Stanley will then look inside of the medical box that Bijou brought out and say-

Howard Pinnacle

Thanks...let's see what we got in here...

Howard says, as he takes out some medical instruments. Stanley then speaks-

Stanley Tempest

We need to hurry, as this area won't stay safe for long.

Stanley says, as the sounds of battle sound off close by and far away-



As these sounds eco around them, Bijou and Chole will remain silent, as Howard and Stanley get to work-

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


As the scene transitions, a short while later, Isaac is now seen leaning against the side of a destroyed DIC Blockades' hand, with both Howard and Stanley next to him. He will be awake, as the two men will be just finishing up bandaging his body. Both of his arms will be broken and in need of slings, and most of his face and body will be covered in bandages, to which as this is seen, Isaac breaths more calmly than before-

Isaac Carter


As Isaac pants, Chole then asks-

Chole Madison

Is he going to be alright?!

Chole asks, concerned about Isaac, as she leans in closer to him. Howard then speaks to her-

Howard Pinnacle

Don't worry-he'll make it, as most of his injuries aren't life-threatening. He will still need better treatment, which can be provided to him at the Pinnacle Department up top.

Howard says, as he starts to put away the roll of bandages into the plastic container they came out of. Stanley then speaks directly to Isaac-

Stanley Tempest are going to have to ride in one of our Blockades until we can get there-as this is the only way you can get out of this. Can you stand up for us?

As Stanley asks Isaac this, he will struggle to reply-

Isaac Carter

...Yeah...just, give me a second here...

Isaac says, as he braces himself to stand. Once he is ready, he is then helped up by both Howard and Stanley. With the two men supporting him, Bijou will ask-

Bijou Luisant

Where are we taking him?

Howard then says-

Howard Pinnacle

Inside the Liberty ErotiCake-if you two wouldn't mind. He'll have to sit in one of your seats-while we take over fighting from here on and protect you three as we go.

Howard says this caring for Bijou, to which she then replies-

Bijou Luisant

Alright...thank you, Howard.

She says this kindly, as she then leads them back to the Liberty ErotiCake-as Chole then walks along-

Chole Madison


As Chole looks at Isaac, she will be shown to have taken a liking to his kind and gentle face, as the four then walk over to the Liberty ErotiCake...

After a scene transition, inside of the Liberty ErotiCake's cockpit, Isaac is now seen to be helped into one of the seats by both Howard and Stanley-while both Bijou and Chole standby next to them-

Howard Pinnacle

...Is this seat alright?

Howard asks, as Bijou then replies-

Bijou Luisant

Yeah. Chole will sit to his right, so she can keep an eye on him-while I focus on piloting.

With this explanation, Stanley will then help Isaac sit down, as Howard then helps to strap him in the seat. As they do this, Isaac will then speak-

Isaac Carter

Thanks...I'm sorry about...being the only one left...

To which Stanley will then say-

Stanley Tempest

Honestly, Sacha should've known better than to have civilians like yourselves allowed into the military.

Stanley says this strongly, as Isaac continues speaking-

Isaac Carter

But still...I should've been stronger...for them...

Isaac says in a strained tone, as Howard then finishes strapping him in his seat, as he speaks-

Howard Pinnacle

Just try to relax...and trust us when we say this-we will uncover why Sacha shipped off most of the more experienced pilots elsewhere before his declaration...and have him explain himself for this farce...

Bijou Luisant


As Howard says this firmly, Bijou will also be shown to also be in agreement in discovering the reasons as to why her father did all of this-while also being informed of how her father also had a hand in shipping off Hilayornia's seasoned pilots elsewhere before the battle began. Afterwards, Howard stands up and faces Bijou to tell her-

Howard Pinnacle

Alright, Bijou. Remember to take things easy from here on, as he's still in pretty bad shape.

Howard says, as Stanley adds in by saying-

Stanley Tempest

Try not to make too many sudden movements, as he might have some internal injuries that can't be treated if things get worse for him.

With this warning, Bijou will then reply-

Bijou Luisant

I understand. I'll be careful.

As Bijou says this, both Howard and Stanley will then proceed to leave the cockpit of the Liberty ErotiCake. As they go, both girls will then sit back down in their seats and close the cockpit, as Bijou then looks over to see Chole next to her-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou looks to her left, she will see Chole taking a liking to Isaac, as his injuries will cause her to attempt to look after him. As she does this, she will speak to him-softly-

Chole Madison

Don't worry, Isaac. We are about to move out and get you some help...

To which Isaac will then respond to her, as he pants slightly-

Isaac Carter

Hah...hah...thank you.....I don't to...thank you two...

Now, Chole continues to show her affection towards Isaac, as she tells him this-while gently rubbing his back-

Chole Madison

It's alright. We can talk about that later on, as your health is what matters right now...

Isaac Carter


Isaac won't respond to this comment from Chole, as he's in too much pain at the moment. To the right of Chole, Bijou will smile subtly-

Bijou Luisant


As then suddenly, the alarms go out-


Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


Now, suddenly, just outside of the OrderFinder Blockades and Liberty ErotiCake, a building nearby will erupt, reveling a single AA Blockade that comes crashing through it-


AA Blockade


As it comes crashing through, it will slam into the side of a building behind it, as in front of it, more gunshots and kinetic blaster shots will impact it-causing it to raise it's arms in defense in front of itself. As it does, the AndroIs inside will be seen-

AndroIs #1


As it looks over to it's right, it will see the Liberty ErotiCake and the two OrderFinder Blockades near it, to which it will speak-

AndroIs #1

More targets...!

Suddenly, through this AndroIs eyes, AI Cody will be seen to be watching what it is viewing, to which all the way back at the Midnight, it is seen to now react-


AI Cody


As AI Cody is shown to be watching the battle through the eyes of many AndroIs, it will then instantly send the view of the Liberty ErotiCake and the two OrderFinder Blockades to another area. This area will be the Pinnacle Department, where inside of a room, a man will be seen-surrounded by many monitors-all of which show the battle through the eyes of many AndroIs.

Here, the individual will speak, as he receives the video of the Liberty ErotiCake and two OrderFinder Blockades-


...! Ah, there she is...and those two are also with her, it seems...

He says, as he starts to get in control of the AndroIs-just like how AI Cody demonstrated before. As he does this, he then speaks-


And the path behind them leads directly towards the Stem, where they can get into an elevator to come up here...getting back on track with things...!

As the man finishes getting in control of the AndroIs, it will subtly lean forward-as if it's being controlled like a puppet-

AndroIs #1


As it's eyes start to lose their color, it will then react-silently-

AndroIs #1


As it does, it will now have the AA Blockade it's piloting raise its arm towards the Liberty ErotiCake and two OrderFinder Blockades to its right, and fire it's weapons at the ground in front of them-


The force of the explosion will cause the Liberty ErotiCake to raise its arms in front of it, as inside, both Bijou and Chole are seen to brace themselves against the wave from the explosion-

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


As the two brace themselves, they won't feel that much force from the explosion in front of them. However, to the left of Chole, Isaac will cry out in pain-

Isaac Carter


As Isaac cries out, Chole will then speak-

Chole Madison


Bijou Luisant


As both Chole and Bijou take notice of Isaac's pain, more beam attacks will explode in front of the Liberty ErotiCake outside. As this happens, both OrderFinder Blockades will then step in front of the Liberty ErotiCake to protect it, as Howard's voice then comes on the comms-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

Bijou!!! Get going back to the Stem!!!

Bijou Luisant


Bijou says, as outside, both OrderFinder Blockades will now retaliate by firing their weapons, as Stanley then speaks to Bijou over her comms as well-

Stanley Tempest (comms)

Hurry!! We'll hold it off, while you make a run for it!!!

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou stutters, she will then notice Chole next to her, as she strains herself over Isaac's pain-

Chole Madison

Isacc...please, hold on...

Isaac Carter


Bijou Luisant


As the explosions subsides, Bijou then reacts-

Bijou Luisant

Alright...but, you two have to come with me...

As Bijou says this, she has the Liberty ErotiCake turn around, as Howard and Stanley will then speak to her-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

Hmph...don't worry about us, Bijou.

Stanley Tempest (comms)

Just take Isaac to the Stem behind us. Hurry!!

They say, as they continue to return fire towards the AA Blockade in front of them-while also slowly having their Blockades walk backwards. As they do, Bijou then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

Chole. Isaac...hold on-I'm going to move now-

She says, as the Liberty ErotiCake then runs towards the Stem of the Umbrella. As it goes, the two OrderFinder Blockades will continue to barrage the AA Blockade for a short while-before turning around and chasing after Bijou in the Liberty ErotiCake.

As the three Blockades run away, the AA Blockade will watch them go and will raise its left arm to attack the enemies in front of it-while also still raising its right arm to continue firing at the Liberty ErotiCake and two OrderFinder Blockades-

*Beam attacks!!!*

As the AA Blockade continues to fire at the two OrderFinder Blockades and Liberty ErotiCake, it's attacks will strike at the sides of the buildings that the three Blockades are running through, causing debris to rain down around the three Blockade-

*Falling debris*

*CRASH!!!!!* *CRASH!!!!* *CRASH!!!!*

Liberty ErotiCake


As the Liberty ErotiCake and two OrderFinder Blockades behind it continue running through the debris, Bijou will be seen-skillfully maneuvering around the falling debris that she spots from her cockpit-

Bijou Luisant


As she continues to have the Liberty ErotiCake move around the falling debris before they crash in front of her, behind her, the two OrderFinder Blockades will mix up running and gunning behind them as they go-

OrderFinder Blockades


Their attacks are skilled enough to still strike at the AA Blockade, which starts to disappear behind a coat of smoke and dust, as the three then soon escape from it's radius. As they do, they soon are in the clear of it's attacks, as inside, Bijou then speaks to Chole-

Bijou Luisant

...Alright, I think we are out of it's range. How are you doing, Isaac?!

She then looks over to see Isaac-as he struggles to breath properly, while small drops of blood come out of his mouth. His eyes are closed tightly, as beads of sweat also fall off from his forehead-

Isaac Carter


As he pants heavily, Chole then replies-

Chole Madison

...Hang in there, Isaac...we are almost at the Stem by now...

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou sees this, she will grit her teeth, as she knows that she has to hurry if she's going to save Isaac's life-

Bijou Luisant


As she continues to have the Liberty ErotiCake run forward, behind it, the two OrderFinder Blockades run just behind it, as they soon escape the confines of the cities and then run into a small open section, which is in-between the Stem and the cities. As they come up to the Stem of the Umbrella, several cameras will silently flash-indicating that the three Blockades are being watched-



Bijou, nor Howard and Stanley will notice the cameras, as they are too small to be spotted at this time. As the three Blockades come up to an elevator big enough for Blockades, Bijou then operates the controls-as both Howard and Stanley standby to protect the Liberty ErotiCake behind it-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou says, as she stresses herself to have the Liberty ErotiCake operate the mechanism. As she takes a few seconds, Stanley asks her over her comms-

Stanley Tempest (comms)

...Bijou? Is the elevator on its way yet?

He asks, slightly impatient, as Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

I've almost got it, Stanley.....alright!! It's coming!!

True to Bijou's words, a few seconds later an elevator big enough for Blockades arrives and opens for the three. As they get inside, Bijou then has the Liberty ErotiCake push a button that closes the doors and then the elevator starts to rise upwards-

Liberty ErotiCake


As the elevator rises upwards, the cities below are seen-with constant battle and gunfire passing over its buildings in all directions-

*Sounds of Battle*

Bijou Luisant


Bijou doesn't reply to the scene, as all of her focus is solely on Isaac and his health. While Chole looks after him, Howard and Stanley then speak, which draws her attention-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

Bijou? Once we get up top, a medical team will meet us in front of the Pinnacle Department -in order to collect Isaac.

Bijou Luisant


As Howard says this, he will continue-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

You might need to have that girl who is with you go out with him, as he'll need some support in order to get inside.

As Howard mentions this, Bijou will then look over to Chole-who will then say-

Chole Madison

Alright. I'll help him get into the Department as safely as I can.

Chole says this rather strongly, as she has taken a liking towards Isaac, to which Bijou then replies-

Bijou Luisant

You heard her, Howard. She will go ahead and help Isaac get inside...all thanks to you, of course.

To which Howard will then say-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

It was a small challenge, considering how my family doesn't want anything to do with me. But, when I mentioned it was you helping a wounded pilot, they immediately agreed and are on their way to meet you right now.

Howard says, reveling a bit about his history. Bijou then says-

Bijou Luisant

!...Thanks. I greatly appreciate your help tonight-regardless of how that other group of people feel towards you.

To which Howard will then say-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

Don't mention it...

As Howard says this, his voice will seemingly fade away-but he will still be on the comms network, as Stanley's voice then comes out-

Stanley Tempest (comms)

I don't mean to butt in, but I've been looking over my radar, and it would seem that our allies in the cities below are actually doing rather well. Howard? Could you take a look at this information with me?

Bijou Luisant


As Stanley asks Howard this from Bijou's perspective, he then speaks-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

Sure, Stanley. Pass it along to!

As Howard reacts to the information he receives, he will then say-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

You're right. It's quite amazing that the Ascension aren't putting that much of a fight...

As Bijou hears of this, she will be reminded of how much destruction has been caused so far-some of which she has seen personally. This will spur Bijou to ask this of Howard-in a questioning tone-

Bijou Luisant

Are...are you two sure that things are going that well down there? I mean...Isaac is...

As Bijou looks over to Isaac, he will continue to breath heavily-

Isaac Carter


To which Stanley will then start off by explaining-

Stanley Tempest (comms)

While there are dozens of Blockades' whose signals we have already lost, that wasn't enough to even make a dent in the numbers we started with. And when you add the numbers we received from Fleet Captain Andrea-according to this information, the civilians are actually doing very well right now.

Stanley says-almost complementing how the civilians below are doing against the AA. Howard then speaks-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

...Even still, we need to stay on our toes, as who knows what else the Ascension might try against us.

He says, as Bijou is then seen-

Bijou Luisant


Suddenly, a series of stray laser blasts will impact the sides of the elevator, causing some strong turbulence to occur-


As the shockwave occurs around the outside of the elevator, the strong vibration will be felt mostly by Isaac, who groans as it happens-

Isaac Carter


Chole Madison


Chole says, in concern for Isaac. As the vibration then ceases, Bijou then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

Dammit...we are so close to the top, too...

Bijou says, as the elevator then continues to rise upwards. As it does, it will soon disappear in the structure in-between the bottom of the top part of the Umbrella and the Stem, and then as it emerges to a station for Blockades to emerge from, the three will do so to greet-

AA Blockades

*Laser Fire!!!!!*

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest


As the elevator opens its doors, the outside area will be shown to have several AA Blockades firing at and around the DIC Blockades that are guarding the Pinnacle Department. As they battle, the protectors of the Department will be shown to put up a good defense, while the AA Blockades aim is more sloppy-as many of their shots will miss their intended targets-


As explosions rock the area, Howard will then speak over to Bijou-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

Bijou!! Hurry and get to the Department!!

Bijou Luisant


As Howard has his OrderFinder Blockade point out to a specific area of the Pinnacle Department, Bijou sees where they are about to go, to which Stanley then speaks-

Stanley Tempest (comms)

We'll cover your back while you get Isaac and that girl to safety!!

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou says this, she will then have the Liberty ErotiCake run out of the elevator. As it goes, it will do so in the middle of a skirmish between the DIC Blockades in the distance and several AA Blockades-which stand just outside of the area that the Liberty ErotiCake runs out from. As some of them take notice of it-

AA Blockades


Just before they can move their arms to fire at the Liberty ErotiCake, both Howard and Stanley will then step in with their Blockades and fire at their arms-

OrderFinder Blockades



As their attacks connect with the AA Blockades', they will turn fully around to see the two OrderFinder Blockades below, as inside, both Howard and Stanley will then speak-

Howard Pinnacle

WE are your opponent's tonight.

Stanley Tempest

Come and fight us, if you dare.

They say, as they continue to fight against the AA Blockades in front of them-as the scene then transitions.

As the Liberty ErotiCake runs up to the frontside of the Pinnacle Department, inside on the ground, some doctors are shown to rush out with a stretcher for Isaac. As they do, they can only go just outside of the doors, as the explosions from the battle just outside are too much for them-




They scream, as some of the explosions from beam attacks erupt close to their location-but they are not harmed. As the Liberty ErotiCake arrives, it will then take a knee quickly, as the cockpit then opens up, reveling-

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


As Chole helps support Isaac against her shoulder, Bijou will then speak to her-

Bijou Luisant

Alright, Chole!! Hang on to the finger of the Liberty ErotiCake!!!

Chole Madison


Chole says, as she struggles to hold up Isaac in one arm and hold herself on the finger of the Liberty ErotiCake with her other arm. As Bijou slowly lowers the arm of the Liberty ErotiCake, another explosion will then occur even closer to where the Liberty ErotiCake is, causing it to shake violently-

Liberty ErotiCake


Chole Madison


Bijou Luisant


The violent shaking will cause Chole to let go of Isaac, who then plummets off the side of the Liberty ErotiCakes' hand-

Isaac Carter


As he falls, Chole will then jump down after him-

Chole Madison


Bijou Luisant


As Chole jumps off of the Liberty ErotiCake's hand, she will ram into Isaac's body, which causes him to be on top of her as he falls now. Seconds later, the doctors below will then catch the two in the stretcher, which buckles under the pressure of two individuals-

*CLACK!!!!* *CRACK!!!!*

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


As Isaac lands on top of Chole, she will take the brunt of his weight under her body-but in the process will save his life. As she struggles to hold Isaac in her arms, her face is then seen-exhausted and worn out-

Chole Madison

HAH...HAH...Isaac...are you alright...?

Chole asks, worn out from the sudden fall nearly two stories onto a stretcher, to which Isaac will then reply-

Isaac Carter


Isaac now faints, which causes Chole to start crying-as she holds him in her arms-

Chole Madison

!...*cries*...please...don't die on me....please........

She says, softly, as the doctors then quickly move both Isaac and Chole back into the Pinnacle Department. As they go, back with Bijou, she is seen to be very worried about Chole and Isaac-

Bijou Luisant

Dammit...what happened down there?!

She asks, as another explosion occurs nearby-


Bijou Luisant


Just before the explosion hits the Liberty ErotiCake, Bijou will close its cockpit-saving her from the dust and debris caused by the eruption. Inside, she will take another look at the doors below where the Doctors had emerged from, and see-



Very briefly, the doctors will be seen to be rushing the stretcher with both Isaac and Chole on top back inside of the Department. Afterwards, the Liberty ErotiCake will then stand back up and then face the AA Blockades attacking everything behind it-

Liberty ErotiCake


As it's eyes flash, inside, Bijou will then speak-

Bijou Luisant

...Damn you guys...

She mutters, as she then has the Liberty ErotiCake deploy its two Liberty Assault Rifles. As it takes aim, Bijou will then say-

Bijou Luisant

Stop all of this fighting already!!!!


She screams, as she then has the Liberty ErotiCake fire at the AA Blockades. As it does, the scene will then transition to show the mysterious man from before-



As this man is shown back inside of the room with all of the monitors, he will then speak-


!...It seems like the curtain is just about to rise on the next part to his Grand Plan...

He says, as the fighting outside of the Pinnacle Department is seen once more. As the fighting continues, the AA Blockades are shown to be struggling against the onslaught of attacks coming from the protectors of the Pinnacle Department. As the fighting continues, suddenly, an attack will rain down on the AA Blockades from above-

*Kinetic Blaster attacks*

AA Blockades


As the attacks come from about, the blasts will cause a few of the AA Blockades to stagger forward. Inside of some of their cockpits, a few AndroIs then speak as they look up and see who is attacking them-

AndroIs #1

! A new enemy detected above.

Now, the AndroIs look above them to see a single huge Frontier-which is the exact same size as the AA Blockades below. It hovers in the sky-with its weapons pointed down at them. As it descends, it will land directly in front of the Liberty ErotiCake-

*STOMP!!!* *STOMP!!!*

Bijou Luisant


As suddenly, the comms in front of Bijou will come alive with the voice of a familiar man, who now speaks-

??? (Callius Maverick) (comms)

My Ascension really do know how to trash a place...

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou takes notice of this familiar voice, another more familiar voice will then come from her comms-

??? (Cassius Maverick) (comms) are you doing down there?

Bijou Luisant

Cassius!! Stage Fright is actually using that Frontier my father gave to you all!

Bijou says this-knowing full well of what this particular Superior Splendor is and also states that it isn't a "Blockade", but a "Frontier". The man named Callius then speaks to Bijou-

Cassius Maverick (comms)

Of course. We couldn't just leave you to fight out here all by yourself...after all, I made a promise to your father to always keep you safe.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou will now blush as Cassius reminds her of this, as his older brother will then speak over the open comms to the enemy-while having the Frontier they are piloting move to protect the Liberty ErotiCake-

Cassius Maverick (open comms)

Alright, Ascension!!! This is where you guys are going to pay for causing all of this damage to our Hilayornia!!!!

Cassius shouts, as inside of some of the AA Blockades, the AndroIs are seen to get a contact from the two Princess Generals in space-

AndroIs #2

...! Receiving a transmission from space...!

It says, as in front of it, it's hologram projector then comes to life. As it does, two pink-skinned individuals are shown, to which they speak-

Princess General Azalea Ascension (hologram)

...AndroIs. What is your current progress in Hilayornia?

Princess General Azalea asks, to which the AndroIs replies-

AndroIs #2

!-We have softened up most of the infrastructure of this island, in preparation for your arrival later today. However, there is another issue that needs to be mentioned...

Princess General Fayola then speaks-

Princess General Fayola Ascension (hologram)

Speak it.

The AndroIs will then reply-

AndroIs #2

We have just been attacked by a Frontier from the DIC that bears an uncanny resemblance to the Frontiers in Mainland-though scaled down. What are your orders from here on?

As it asks this, back in Mainland, both Princess Generals will then speak amongst themselves-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

...That's to be expected, considering how most of the more advanced Superior Splendors the DIC constructed are now in our hands.

Princess General Azalea says to her sister, who then mentions back to her-

Princess General Fayola Ascension

And don't forget about how the document she gave to mother also outlined that Frontier helping with the defense of Hilayornia. What should we do now that it made its appearance?

She asks, to which her older sister then replies-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Simple. We'll just go along with what was outlined, as that is the only way we can gain more allies in our war to find Media.

Princess General Azalea says this strongly, as her sister then agrees with her-

Princess General Fayola Ascension


Back on the ground, Princess General Azalea then speaks to the AndroIs from before, as she then instructs it to-

Princess General Fayola Ascension (hologram)

AndroIs. I am ordering for all AndroIs currently in the DIC to return immediately to low orbit. We will be preparing to seize full control over Hilayornia come midafternoon tomorrow, so return at once.



With it's orders received, the AndroIs will then have it's AA Blockade stop firing-which in turn will cause all other AA Blockades in the area and soon the entire island to stop firing their weapons at the DIC Blockades. Just before the Frontier piloted by Stage Fright fires it's weapons, Cassius will show shock at this sudden movement-

Cassius Maverick

Alright, let's get this show star...huh?!

As he takes notice of the AA Blockades ceasing their attacks, he will do the same unintentionally, as the other four in his cockpit are shown-just as confused. As many DIC Pilots soon stop their attacks, they now just watch, as the AA Blockades soon engage their "EffectPhase" armor and then slowly begin rising upwards-

AA Blockades


As they fly out of the city, they will not fire any of their weapons, as they will just silently rise into the sky...and then disappear. After this, all of the AA Blockades will then leave the city, leaving Cassius bewildered at what just happened-

Cassius Maverick

Wha...what just happened...?

Suddenly, the voices of many pilots will come flooding on the comms network-

Random Pilots

WE WON!!!!!

Cassius Maverick


As the happy cheers of the pilots in their Blockades will be heard, many of them will be happy that they survived the battle. True enough, the battle is over in Hilayornia, as the chapter then ends-