Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 17

----Chapter 17----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

After the battle in Hilayornia, Bijou will bring the Liberty ErotiCake back to the Pinnacle Department, where it will enter into a hanger for Superior Weapons-just like a military base. As the Liberty ErotiCake is locked in place and a walkway is brought up to it's cockpit, to it's left, two Orderfinder Blockades and the Stage Fright Frontier are briefly shown-as on the walkway, a single man is seen. He is dressed in a suit similar to President Sacha, and as the walkway stops just shy of the Liberty ErotiCake's cockpit, which opens up to revel Bijou-who comes out and spot the man. The man then speaks to her first-

Director Oberon Luisant


To which Bijou will then greet this man and identify him as-

Bijou Luisant

Ah! Uncle Oberon...

As Bijou identifies her Uncle, she will hop out of the cockpit of the Liberty ErotiCake and take a few steps closer to her Uncle. Once she is close enough, Director Oberon then speaks to her-as she looks at the ground-

Bijou Luisant


Director Oberon Luisant

I see that you've chosen to become the pilot of the Liberty ErotiCake-just like your father told me about.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou says, slowly-while still looking at the ground. Her face will be strained between confused and stressed, as Oberon continues speaking to her. As he does so, he kindly places his hand on Bijou's left shoulder-

Director Oberon Luisant

You must've known how dangerous things would've been for you out here? Did you think about that-or was your decision impulsive?

Bijou Luisant


Bijou remains silent, as she struggles to even raise her head up to her Uncle. At this time, to their right, Cassius, Callius and the other members of Stage Fright will come into focus nearby-

Cassius Maverick


Just as Cassius spots Bijou, he will opt to come closer-but suddenly, two men will bare his way-

Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest


Cassius Maverick


Without a word, both Howard and Stanley will block Cassius from going any closer to Bijou and her uncle, as they will politely wave for him and his friends to give them a few minutes alone. They silently heed his gestures, as back with Bijou, she will speak-

Bijou Luisant

...My decision to join this war...was impulsive and I should've thought twice about doing so. The things that I saw today...are things that I'll never be able to forget about...

Director Oberon Luisant


As Bijou struggles to keep her composure, she will bite her lip with a pained expression over her face, as the horrible memories of what she witnessed today will once again haunt her. In front of her, Director Oberon will look deeply at Bijou, as his eyes will not show any hint of hate or contempt for Bijou. Instead, he will look at her with caring, soft eyes as he hears this from her, as he then gently moves his hand to raise Bijous' head to look at him in his eyes-

Bijou Luisant


With her attention, he will explain to her-

Director Oberon Luisant

...Why, Bijou? Why would you jump into something like this and cause yourself so much pain?

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou looks at her uncle, he will start to cry, as he will show that he cared deeply for Bijou's feelings-

Director Oberon Luisant


Tears will start to swell up in Bijou's eyes as she sees her uncle crying. A moment later, she replies-

Bijou Luisant

I just...thought that I could protect everyone with the power of the Liberty ErotiCake, is all...

Bijou strains herself as she says this to her Uncle, as he then speaks-in a strong tone-

Director Oberon Luisant

Bijou...if you weren't in the Liberty ErotiCake, you could've gotten yourself killed today. Do you even realize that?

Bijou Luisant


As Director Oberon says this, Bijou will jolt slightly at the idea of getting killed, as he continues-

Director Oberon Luisant

I understand how you must've felt-but maybe your brothers would've been better fits for this task, as what you saw has deeply affected you...

Bijou Luisant


While Director Oberon will say that Bijou's brothers would've been better suited for the war, he will still remember the specifics of the Grand Plan that President Sacha constructed in secret. As such, he won't try to remove Bijou from piloting the Liberty ErotiCake, as he will only suggest to her that there might've been a better replacement to her-in order to protect her.

Bijou, oblivious to her Uncle's true intentions, will reply-

Bijou Luisant

I know...but...

Bijou now looks away again-this time looking more frustrated than stressed, as her thoughts will be a jumble at the moment. Instead of continuing with reprimanding Bijou, Director Oberon will then take a moment to give Bijou a break-as suddenly, a random personal will then call out to him from down below-

Random Personal

Director, Sir!! The President ErotiCake and Vice President ErotiCake are just arriving outside!!!

Bijou Luisant


Bijou reacts to this with shock, as the man is then reveled below. Director Oberon will then lean over the guardrail to look down at the individual, and then reply to him-

Director Oberon Luisant

...Thank you for the update, my good man. Go ahead and have their Superior Weapons locked in for me next door.

Random Personal


As the man then leaves to do his task, Bijou will then manage to ask-

Bijou Luisant

Father...he's here?!

She asks, as Director Oberon then replies to her-

Director Oberon Luisant

Yes, Bijou. The two of them will have some business to oversee by the morning-but, that's not something that you need to be concerned about, as I actually have a gift for you...

Bijou Luisant


Now, Director Oberon will take something out of her suit's pocket and present it to Bijou. As she inspects it, it will be revealed to be-

Bijou Luisant

...A concert ticket?

To which Director Oberon will then reply-

Director Oberon Luisant

Yes. Stage Fright came to Hilayornia not just to repel the Ascension-but also aid the surviving pilots leaving our military with a new song of theirs. By the time they set up just down the street, you can start to put what happened to you today behind you, as things are about to change...

Bijou Luisant


As Director Oberon holds the concert ticket in front of Bijou, she will not take it-instead she will ask her Uncle-

Bijou Luisant

...Where is he? My father...where is he?

Director Oberon Luisant


Bijou will ask again-

Bijou Luisant

I need to speak with him...before I even think about going to concerts or anything else...

To which Director Oberon will then answer Bijou-

Director Oberon Luisant

He should be in the hanger just behind that door there.

Bijou Luisant


Without another word, Bijou will then turn around from her Uncle and start running towards the door that he just pointed out to her. As she goes, Director Oberon will call out to her-

Director Oberon Luisant


Bijou won't reply, leaving her Uncle slightly confused, as he will have never seen Bijou ever turn down a concert ticket from her favorite band. As Bijou runs towards the doors, they will open automatically and then close the second she passes through them, signaling a scene transition...

As Bijou runs into the next hanger, she will stop instantly, as she sees-

Bijou Luisant


A short distance away, President Sacha and Vice President Georges will be seen already out of their Blockades and standing close to each other. They will be speaking to each other, as parts of their conversation is heard by Bijou-who slowly approaches her father and nephew-

President Sacha Luisant

...By tomorrow, they should arrive to take over this place, so...

Vice President Sacha Luisant

...Yes, Sacha. Oberon has everything ready...

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou hears her father and nephew talking to each other, she doesn't understand any of it, as all she can see in her eyes are the faces of the people who died around her today-


As Bijou experiences these flashbacks, she will see all of the people who she came to know today. Their desperate cries before being killed by the Ascension Blockades will echo in her head, as she then slowly walks up to her father-with tears falling off her face-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou cries, President Sacha will then notice her footsteps coming closer to him, and then he will turn around to face her. As he does, he will see her crying, and then speak-in a caring tone-

President Sacha Luisant

...! Bijou... I'm happy to see that you're safe.

Bijou Luisant


As both President Sacha and Bijou look at each other, Bijou will stand still-still crying from the voices she's hearing in her head. A few seconds later, Bijou will start to ask-as she continues crying-

Bijou Luisant

Why, father? Why did you do all of this...?

President Sacha Luisant


Vice President Georges Luisant


As she asks this, neither President Sacha nor Vice President Georges will reply, as President Sacha quietly walks up to Bijou and then takes out a handkerchief from his suit to wipe away Bijou's tears. Once they are gone, he then holds her tightly in his arms, as something will alert him from where Bijou came from-

President Sacha Luisant


*Door Opening*

As the door that Bijou just entered from will open, in will walk-

Director Oberon Luisant


As Director Oberon walks into the area, he will hold out the concert ticket to President Sacha without saying a word. With this gesture, President Sacha will then look back to Bijou and speak to his crying daughter-

President Sacha Luisant

Bijou...go to the concert hall with your boyfriend and enjoy yourself for now. Tomorrow, you will understand everything-at least from "their" perspective.

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou looks away from her father while still in his arms, she will continue to cry. As she continues, the scene will then transition once more...

By early morning, President Sacha and Vice President Georges are seen with Director Oberon in a large bedroom within the Pinnacle Department. They are all in bathrobes and sit in separate chairs on an open balcony, as they have a bird's eye view of the open concert hall that is being held below. As they look out to the lights down there, the faint cheering of the pilots will be heard-

*Faint Cheering*

As Vice President Georges will then start things off by saying-

Vice President Georges Luisant

...The survivors from the islands seem to be quite ecstatic this morning.

He says, taking note of how booming things seem in the distance. Director Oberon then replies to him, as President Sacha pours himself a drink next to him-

Director Oberon Luisant

It's to be expected, as hardly anyone died in the battle last night-thanks to our planned intervention. Toss in one of the most well known musician groups like Stage Fright giving a new song as their sendoffs, and this just makes for a nice farewell for those people.

President Sacha Luisant


As Oberon explains this, he then helps himself to some of the nice spread of desserts and treats besides them. After taking a few bites, Director Oberon will then speak to President Sacha, as he explains-

Director Oberon Luisant

...Though, I'm more concerned with Bijou at the moment, as what she told us before she left with Howard and Stanley was...hard to listen to...

President Sacha Luisant


As President Sacha takes notice of Oberon's words, he will continue-

Director Oberon Luisant

You know, Sacha? Couldn't we have had one of the "successors" pilot the Liberty ErotiCake in place of your sons. That way, maybe we wouldn't need to stress ourselves over Bijou being it's pilot from now on.

Upon hearing this, President Sacha will reply to Director Oberon, explaining-

President Sacha Luisant

...That could've been a potential alternative...but, just off the top of my head, I don't think that would've worked out in the end. The Ascension are supposed to resent the DIC in order to fight in this artificial war we've constructed, so to have them learn of beings that were created to replace them would've just made our Grand Plan more difficult to execute.

Director Oberon Luisant


Vice President Georges Luisant


President Sacha continues-

President Sacha Luisant

Besides...we've considered every single possible calculation with "her" help these past decades, so all we need to do is adhere to the Grand Plan and believe that it will work out in the end. We have spent too many resources to try and change things now, so we must continue-into the Middle of this plan.

President Sacha says this solemnly, solidifying his commitment to see his plan through to the bitter end. Both Vice President Georges and Director Oberon then reply to him-

Vice President Georges Luisant


Director Oberon Luisant


Now, next to President Sacha on the table near him, he will have a small dossier of Isaac Carter-along with Chole Madison, to which as the scene is about to transition, President Sacha will end things by saying-

President Sacha Luisant

All she has to do is survive with those two, as I will ask Andrea to let them help her pilot the Liberty ErotiCake when they get better.

He says, indicating that both Chole and Isaac are in need of medical attention-but once they get better, they will have the opportunity to join Bijou in the Liberty ErotiCake. After saying this, the view will then look out towards the concert hall below, as the faint cheers become louder and louder.

Now, at the concert hall below, the civilian pilots are seen to be cheering loudly, as the concert is in full swing. On a stage in the middle of everything, the five members of Stage Fright are seen-as they speak to people in front of them-

Callius Maverick




Callius speaks to the fans inside of the concert hall to a thunderous applause. He continues.

Callius Maverick




As the men start singing their new song, in the front row seats, Bijou is now reveled-along with both Howard and Stanley sitting on her sides. While Howard will be cheering them on, Bijou will be unusually silent-

Bijou Luisant


As she sits quietly, Stanley will then notice her not cheering and then try to speak to her over the loud cheering around them-

Stanley Tempest


Bijou Luisant


While Bijou will want to cheer on her favorite boy-band, she will just not have the energy to do so, as she can only look at Stanley. He then speaks to her again-this time closer to her ears so he doesn't have to shout over the crowds of people cheering nearby-

Stanley Tempest

I know you had it pretty rough yesterday, but your father wanted us to take you out here to cheer you up-if only just a little! Please!!

With Stanley requesting Bijou to cheer up, she will start to do so for him-

Bijou Luisant


With that, Bijou will stand up along with Stanley and then start to cheer on Stage Fright in front of her. While at first, she will do so half-heartedly, as the song goes on, she will start returning to how she was seen during the concert she attended earlier.

As the song starts to conclude, Cassius will speak up to the pilots-

Cassius Maverick

Alright, my ladies and gents. Now is the part for a slow part, before we wrap things up for the morning!!!



As the tunes start to go into a slow and quiet faze, people will start to move a little differently, as the song makes them relax. They start to sit back down into their seats, and as they continue listening to Stage Fright, people will start to subtly sway along with the rhymes to the song. As this continues, some suspicious movements are seen among certain people, which soon starts occurring across the entire concert hall-eventually reaching Bijou, Howard and Stanley-

Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest


Bijou Luisant


Now, the men and women around Bijou, Howard and Stanley will start to sway their hands around their bodies-ever so slightly. While it starts off with their hands moving slowly across their bodies from either their sides of from behind, soon it leads to the three being caressed-as all around them, the same scene plays out with many men and women caressing each other as well. There is security in the area, but none of them react to this behavior, as they simply enjoy the song being played by Stage Fright.

As the scene continues, Bijou is seen to be caressed heavily from behind, but she doesn't resist, as deep in her mind, she will want an escape from the pain that she experienced yesterday-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou allows for more hands to reach out to her, she will allow them to hold onto her body, as their hand movements become more bolder and bolder. Next to her, both Stanley and Howard will also be held by several random women, who look at them desperatly-

Random woman #1


Random woman #2


Random woman #3


While these women will look desperatly towards both Howard and Stanley, only Stanley will return their feelings to the two women who are next to him. However, Howard will react coldly to the woman who is desperatly wanting his feelings, as he will gently push her aside to then show her the wedding ring on his ring finger-

Random woman #3


Howard Pinnacle


Random woman #3


While the woman will be devastated at Howard shunning her, she will then move across him and Bijou to receive some acceptance from Stanley at the least-as he will at least return the feelings of the women around him a little bit. A short while later, the women and men who are preforming these acts to both Bijou and Stanley will then stop their actions, as the concert will then continue with a final roar from the members of Stage Fright-

Cassius Maverick

...Alright, let's end things for tonight with a big bang!!!!!



As the people get back into the wild spirit of things, the concert will then wrap up with one more big bang. As the scene then transitions, the concert will finally end around 2:25 AM, and as it does, the people in the open concert will start receive word on where to go from several security members in the area. They speak to them in a strong tone, saying-

Security Personal #1

Attention all Pilots who came here piloting a Blockade from the four ships. Please return to your Blockade and bring it to the military base further down this street, where afterwards, you may stay at the hotels.

Security Personal #2

By the morning, we'll have each of you on ships to take you back to either Appledale or Ecogon.

As these individuals say this to the civilian pilots departing from the concert hall, back inside, all five members of Stage Fright are seen to be signing autographs for their fans that still have the energy to do so. The people in this area will be small-with Bijou seen just behind another fan-while Howard and Stanley wait for her nearby. Once he's gotten his autograph, she will then approach Cassius and speak to him-

Bijou Luisant

...Thank you for the autographs, Cassius.

Bijou says, in a pleasent tone towards Cassius. He then replies with a kind smile on his face-

Cassius Maverick

You're welcome, Bijou.

He says, as he now places his left hand over Bijou's right hand. Bijou allows this, as the two are in a relationship, as he then asks-

Cassius Maverick

...Why did you want two autographs, though?

Bijou now thinks back to when she was first boarding the Midnight, where she was talking to Fleet Captain Andrea. She saw that her Grid Arbiter, Alexia Blue, had a Stage Fright themed pair of glasses on her, so Bijou just assumes that she too is a huge fan of Stage Fright. She then explains herself-

Bijou Luisant

There is a woman on the dreadnought that I'm serving on called Alexia Blue, who when I first saw her had some Stage Fright-themed glasses on her suit. I think she's a huge fan of Stage Fright to have that on her while on duty, which is why I'll give her this spare signed autograph when next I see her.

As Bijou explains herself, Cassius will then reply-

Cassius Maverick

Ah, I see. Those glasses must've been a part of a limited run during the holidays that we did a few years back. She must've been really lucky to get her hands on one, as we only gave out 2,000 of them and we even signed them as well.

Cassius says, cheering up Bijou-as she then replies with more spirit in her tone-

Bijou Luisant

I remember that event. I, of course, got one for myself back then, which is why I wanted to get her a signed autograph to go with the glasses.

Bijou says in a kind tone, as Cassius replies-

Cassius Maverick

I'm sure that she will enjoy a signed autograph from us. You enjoy it as well, ok?

Bijou Luisant


Cassius Maverick


Cassius and Bijou now share an eye-to-eye moment, as they appear in love for just a brief moment. However, they can't actually do anything more becuase they are in public, to which Bijou then quietly leaves.

As Bijou then comes up to both Howard and Stanley, the two will speak to her-

Howard Pinnacle

...Hey, Bijou.

Stanley Tempest

Did you get your autographs signed by Stage Fright?

Stanley asks, to which Bijou replies to him-

Bijou Luisant

Yes. Thanks for waiting for me.

Howard then replies-

Howard Pinnacle

No problem. Now, how about we turn in for the night, as I'm pretty tired?

Howard says this with a tone of tiredness, as Stanley then suggests to Bijou-

Stanley Tempest

We could either go to the base along with the other pilots you accompanied with, or you could pull another favor for us to get back into the Department uptop-if you want to...

Stanley says, indicating that he doesn't really want to go back to the Pinnacle Department. Despite that, Bijou will say-

Bijou Luisant

I'll go ahead and get us back into the Pinnacle Department, as I want to check on Chole and Isaac in the morning. Could you drive us back, Howard?

Bijou asks this kindly, to which Howard then replies-

Howard Pinnacle

...Alright. Let's go.

Howard says, as he too is reluctant to go back to the Department. Reguardless, he will still lead the way with Bijou and Stanley behind him-but as they go, Bijou will react-

Bijou Luisant


Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest


As Bijou cries out, she will fall to one knee, as both Howard and Stanley then take notice of her and kneel next to her in concern. As they do, she will explain herself-

Bijou Luisant

Ah...sorry about that. I'm just...more tired than I thought I was...

As Bijou says this, she will struggle to stand up, but she can't quite do so. In response, Stanley will then say-

Stanley Tempest

Then, how about I do this for you-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou acts with surprise, Stanley will then suddenly hoist her up and hold her in his arms-like a princess. As this happens, Bijou will be calm, as she replies-

Bijou Luisant

...This...brings back some good memories...

To which Stanley will then reply-kindly-

Stanley Tempest

Same here. This was often how we carried you during your birthdays, as back then your...mother was...

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou is reminded about how Stanley used to carry her in the past, he will unintentionally bring up her mother, which will cause a moment of silence to occur. In defiance of the mood, Howard will then say-

Howard Pinnacle

She was always the one who allowed us to be with you, as the five of us were the perfect team back then...

Bijou Luisant


As Howard says this, the mood will continue to feel sour, but he will then say-

Howard Pinnacle

But, even though she's gone now, that's just more of a reason for the four of us to stick together.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou will smile as Howard says this, indicating that she likes the idea he proposes, to which Stanley then says-

Stanley Tempest

Now...let's get going.

Bijou Luisant


As Stanley says this, he will then start walking, as Howard then walked ahead of him. As they go, they will walk past several random people in the concert hall, and once they get outside, Howard will then approach a car, which he will then open for Stanley and Tempest to climb into. Howard will then close the door behind them, and then get into the driver's seat and start driving, to which as this happens, 3 security cars follows them. Inside one of them-

Security #1

...Mr. President. Commander Howard and Commander Stanley are heading back towards the Pinnacle Department. It seems that we won't need to give them a message to spend the night there, as Bijou probably convinced them to spend the night.

The man in black speaks to a comms to President Sacha. He speaks back.

President Sacha Luisant (comms)

I hoped that she'd do that, as I'm sure she misses her bed back home. Follow them quietly and make sure that they make it back to the Pinnacle Department safely.

Security #1

Yes, Sir!

As the security then turns off the comms, they will continue to follow after the car that Bijou, Howard and Stanley are in, as the chapter then ends.

----Chapter END----