Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 18

----Chapter 18----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

As Howard drives up to the Pinnacle Department, he will do so in an area with a small gate meant for cars to drive into. Here, two guards are seen standing at a guard post, whom stop the car to check who they are. As this happens, Howard rolls down the window, and the guard then speaks to him first-

Guard #1

...Howard Pinnacle. How nice to see you again...

The man says, with a suspicious look in his eyes. Howard ignores it, as he then explains-

Howard Pinnacle

I'm just here to bring Bijou inside, as she wanted to see her friends in the morning-after getting some rest.

Guard #1


As the guard looks into the car, he will spot Bijou inside-with a tired expression on her face-

Bijou Luisant


To which the guard will then change his tone towards Howard, as he then speaks to Bijou-

Guard #1

I see. Would you also like for these two to stay the night, Ms. Luisant?

The guard asks Bijou, who sits in the passenger seat. She then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

I would. Won't you let them stay just until the morning?

With Bijou asking, the guard will reply-

Guard #1

Of course...!

The guard then raises his hand to his co-worker, who then opens the gate for the car to drive inside of the Pinnacle Department. As Howard drives, the car will soon stop inside of a private parking lot, as the three then climb out of the car. As they meet up, Bijou will then speak-

Bijou Luisant

Phew...finally, we can get some sleep...

Bijou says, tried from the previous day's events. Now, she won't need Stanley to carry her anymore, as while she is still tried, she will have just enough energy to make it to her room. As she starts walking towards the elevators nearby, both Howard and Stanley will follow her, as the three then call an elevator and then get inside. As they do, the scene will then transition...

Now, Bijou will be seen to be standing in front of a room, with both Howard and Stanley still behind her. As she speaks, Bijou will then speak-

Bijou Luisant

Alright. This is one of the guest rooms. Let's go inside...

Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest


As Bijou says this, both Howard and Stanley will be slightly surprised, as they then ask Bijou for clarification-

Howard Pinnacle

Uh, Bijou?

Stanley Tempest

What did you just say?

Both Howard and Stanley are slightly confused, as Bijou opens the door to the room. She then turns around, saying-

Bijou Luisant

C'mon, you two. We used to play sleepover all the time just a couple of years ago.

With this explanation, Howard will still opt to say-

Howard Pinnacle

Yeah, but...

Stanley Tempest

Now that you are an adult, it just feels...

With Stanley and Howard more apprehensive about playing "sleepover" with Bijou due to her age, she will finish up the conversation by saying-

Bijou Luisant

It's really not a big deal, as we'll be in our own separate beds anyway.

As Bijou says this, she will then enter into the room while leaving the door open for Howard and Stanley. As they take a minute to think about what to do-

Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest


The two will then opt to go inside of Bijou's room. Once inside, Bijou will head straight for one of the three beds in the large room, as she won't even have the energy to take a bath before laying down on the top part of the bed-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou mutters, as the second her head hit the pillow, she will be asleep-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou falls asleep, Howard will then see how quickly she fell asleep, to which he will then come over and help Bijou to get under the blankets. He takes off her shoes before doing so, and then with her in bed, he and Stanley will then get themselves ready for bed offscreen, as the scene then transitions to the morning.

Late in the morning, Bijou will start to open her eyes-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou opens her eyes, she soon notices that she in the bed that she fell onto of in the morning. As she looks around, she will see-

Bijou Luisant

Mph...Howard? Stanley?

As she calls out the names of both Howard and Stanley, neither will reply, as she then notices that she is the only person in the room. Both men will have already left, to which as she looks to her left, she will see a small card on top of the dresser next to her bed. After focusing on it, she picks it up to see what is written on it-

Bijou Luisant

*12:50 PM. Turn on the Television to watch a "special" Broadcast.*

Bijou Luisant

...Did Howard leave this for me...? I'm not sure...

As Bijou reads this message in her head, she will then see the clock on the dresser, which reads 12:46 PM. As such, Bijou will then turn on the television using a remote control that was next to the card on the dresser. As she watches the news, it will begin with a male reporter saying-

Male Reporter #1

...And so now that the protectors of Hilayornia have succeeded in pushing back the Ascension from Above, we hear by give our gratitude to Fleet Captain Andrea for her valiant service in assisting our pilots this morning. Please, accept this gift as thanks for your bravery and valor.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Thank you, Sir. I accept your gift with all the respect and admiration of our proud country.

"Thunderous Applause!!!"

Bijou Luisant


As Fleet Captain Andrea is seen, she will do so in a kind of auditorium, where she will be accepting a reward from the civilians of Hilayornia. Captain Carlos, Captain Tatianna and Captain Miracle are seen in the background, as Bijou soon realizes that they update is just a simple ceremony for Fleet Captain Andrea, which she remarks about in a tired tone-

Bijou Luisant

Congratulations, Andrea. You did a great job this morning...*yawwwn*...

As Bijou yawns, she will opt to turn off the tv, as the ceremony is for Fleet Captain Andrea will just bores her. However, just before she can do that, something on the tv will occur, which will draw her attention-




Bijou Luisant


As the audience on the tv suddenly gasps loudly at a sudden sound, Bijou will focus on the screen, as the Male Reporter receives an update from one of his co-workers off screen. He then begins to fill in everyone on the situation-

Male Reporter

...Uh, everyone, please remain calm as I say this, but right now, everyone at the Pinnacle Department needs to leave, as the Ascension are-

Suddenly, the report will cut all of a sudden, as Bijou then leans up in her bed and says-

Bijou Luisant

What did that guy just say?!

As Bijou asks this, further above Hilayornia, dozens of AA Blockades are seen to be descending down towards Hilayornia. As they quickly descend, they will be accompanied by two distinctly different looking models, of which inside, both Princess Generals are seen-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

...AndroIs. Once we get close enough, spread out around the Department, as we'll take over from there.

AndroIs (comms)

Confirmed, Princess General Azalea.

As the AndroIs say this over their comms, outside of her cockpit, the AA Blockades will start to fan out as they descend and then once they are close enough will then surround the Pinnacle Department. As they land, they do so causing a loud stomp sound-

*STOMP!!!!* *STOMP!!!!*

As Bijou will be seen inside of her room, as she is now looking out to the face of an AA Blockade-which looks directly at her-

Bijou Luisant

GHK!!!! The...Ascension...

AA Blockade


As the AA Blockade looks at Bijou, she will be frightened in her bed, as she can do nothing by the AA Blockade slowly raises it's weapons towards her window, but doesn't fire. All of the other AA Blockades will do the same, as they now instantly take over the Pinnacle Department, to which as the two new models land nearby, one of the AA Blockades will announce this to the people of Hilayornia-

The Ascension suddenly land just outside of the Pinnacle Department. Their Blockades tower above the room that Bijou and Chole are in. Bijou then speaks.

AndroIs #1 (comms)

Attention people of the island called Hilayornia. Hear our words, as we state our intentions today for you all to hear.

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest


President Sacha Luisant


As Bijou reacts with surprise, all over the Department, several other people will be seen briefly. Chole will be seen in the medical wing in bandages over her torso; Howard and Stanley will be seen briefly in one of the lounges-having a drink and President Sacha will be seen in a command room along with Vice President Georges and Director Oberon nearby. Elsewhere, Fleet Captain and the rest of her friends also hear the message, as the AndroIs continues to speak-

AndroIs (comms)

We are servants of the Ascension from Above called "AndroIs", and we have come to ensure that our masters deliver to you all an important message today. This message will inform to you the reason behind this "war" that we have begun with the DIC, and at it's conclusion, all of you will be forced to ask yourselves a simple question: Who do you fight for, and why?

Stunned, Bijou says-

Bijou Luisant

...Who do I fight for? And why...?

Bijou is confused by the questions, as she then looks outside of her window to see the two new models that accompanied the AA Blockades. Their cockpits will now open to revel the two Princess Generals, who then jump over to a waiting hand from two AA Blockades, who then raise them up to a certain section of the Pinnacle Department. Here, another AA Blockade will then punch a hole into the window, causing glass and debris to rain down below. Inside of this part of the Pinnacle Department, the people will cry out in fear-

Scared Reporters


As the two AA Blockades holding the two Princess Generals will then be held to the rim of the window. As they enter inside, a small group of AndroIs acting as their bodyguards will accompany them, as they enter into a kind of broadcasting area. The people inside the room are terrified of them, as now, the skin of both Princess General Azalea and Princess General Fayola are shown in full detail.

As this happens, Princess General Azalea then speaks to the nearest reporter-

Princess General Fayola Ascension


Princess General Azalea Ascension

...You there?

Reporter #1


The reporter freaks out a little, as Azalea speaks to him-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Does this room have the capacity to broadcast a message to the DIC-like we've been told?

Princess General Azalea asks, as the reporter then replies in a scared tone-

Reporter #1 does. We use this room to inform the DIC of regular updates concerning Pinnacle-lead projects, and-GAHH!!!!

Princess General Azalea Ascension


Princess General Azalea now points a gun at the reporter, freaking him out even more-

Reporter #1


Azalea then speaks.

Princess General Azalea Ascension

...Please, allow us to broadcast our message to the DIC. If you do that, then I will spare all of your lives.



As everyone in the room is at the mercy of the Ascension, they are in no position to refuse, as they are all unarmed. As if to hammer the point home even more, Azalea now shows an act of force-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

And just to let you know we mean business-*Snap*



At the snap of Azalea's fingers, the AndroIs behind her and her sister now react and open fire in the room, horrifying everyone in there-


Scared Reporters


While the show of force is terrifying, it is merely done as a scare tactic, as none of the reporters are harmed. Once the display ceases, one of the reporters will then say-

Reporter #2

...Alright...we'll...broadcast anything you want...

As a random female reporter says this, she will have tears in her-as Princess General Fayola then replies-

Princess General Fayola Ascension

I'm glad my sister has managed to persuade you all. Now...get this equipment operational, as we don't have all day here.

Reporter #2

Yes...right away!!!

As the reporters start to do their tasks, elsewhere, in another room within the Department, President Sacha, Vice President Georges and Director Oberon all observe the situation from the monitor room from before. As they watch, President Sacha says-

President Sacha Luisant

...Now, it begins.

He says this intently, as next to him, Vice President Georges watching another monitor, which shows off Bijou's room.

Here, two men will be rushing towards this room from down the hallway-

Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest


Once the two men get to the room, Howard will then knock loudly on the door-as he then says-

*KNOCK!!!!* *KNOCK!!!!*

Howard Pinnacle

Bijou?! Are you awake yet??!!

Stanley Tempest

Those Ascension terrorists are downstairs in the media room on the 5th floor!! Their leaders are also with them, meaning this is a perfect opportunity!!

Just then, Bijou then opens her door-dressed in the same clothes she was in yesterday. As she sees both Howard and Stanley, she will say-

*Door opening*

Bijou Luisant

Stanley?! What do you mean "perfect opportunity"?!!

Howard Pinnacle


Bijou Luisant


Howard now gives both Bijou a pistol and magazine. As he does this, he will explain-

Howard Pinnacle

Keep this with you, as you might need this down there. If we can defeat the Ascension ringleaders today, then this whole war will come to an end.

Bijou Luisant


As Howard explains this to Bijou, her eyes will light up with glee, as Stanley then finishes up by saying-

Stanley Tempest

We can avenge all of the people you must've seen die today, Bijou. And afterwards, we can get some answers from Sacha, as he needs to explain why he allowed civilians to enter this war.

Bijou Luisant

!...Yes. You're right, Stanely-

Bijou says, now more confident in Stanley's words. She will then load the gun with the magazine, as she does know how to handle a gun, and then, she will speak-

Bijou Luisant

...Let's go and end this.

Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest

Keep your voice down and watch our backs...

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou nods, the three will then start running towards the nearest elevator, as the scene then transitions.

Back in the media room, Princess General Azalea sits down in a seat while her sister stands behind her-as the AndroIs hold the people in the room at gunpoint. In response, these reporters proceed to operate the cameras around them, which then connects them to the entire nation of the DIC. Behind a secret camera, Chairwoman Francoise Luisant is seen back in the Confederation, watching the event on a private network. As she does this, one of her subordinates stands next to her, as he then explains-

Subordinate #1

Lady Francoise. The Ascension are beginning their broadcast to the DIC from the Pinnacle Department in Hilayornia.

Chairwoman Francoise Luisant

I am aware of their actions, as all of this was already outlined from the start, my friend.

Chairwoman Francoise says this in a confident tone, as her subordinate then asks-

Subordinate #1

Could it be possible for them to send their views to the Confederation and it's people?

To which Chairwoman Francoise replies-

Chairwoman Francoise Luisant

That isn't a part of my brother's Grand Plan, as the equipment over there is only set up to communicate to the whole of the DIC. However, just in case, is our backup ready?

To which the Subordinate then says-

Subordinate #1

Yes, Chairwoman Francoise. With a power outage being blamed on the frequent blizzard storms across the Confederation, our population won't know a thing about your brother's Grand Plan.

By using an excuse of the cold weather to cover as a planned power outage, the Confederation will be in the dark when it comes to Sacha's grand plan. Francoise speaks.

Chairwoman Francoise Luisant

Execute that plan at once, as they are just about to start, my friend.

Subordinate #1


As the Subordinate leaves, Chairwoman Francoise then tilts her head to her side and looks down in fear and worry. She looks at the screen in front of her, which shows Azalea and Fayola, and as she watches the broadcast, she speaks.

Chairwoman Francoise Luisant

...Brother...I hope that this plan of yours works...

Back in Hilayornia, at the Pinnacle Department, Bijou, Howard and Stanley are now seen at the front door to the media room. As Howard and Stanley nod towards Bijou, the two men will be the firsts to start to subtly open the doors-

*Quietly opening the doors*

Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest


As the two men peer into the tiny crack, they will only be able to barely see where one of the two Ascension Generals are, as the camera equipment is blocking their view. As they then brace themselves to barge inside, they then wait...and then-


Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest

You are-

Before Stanley can even finish his words, several guns will be pointed at their heads-








As several AndroIs hold up both Howard and Stanley at gunpoint, Bijou will then cry out from behind-

Bijou Luisant

Wait!! NO!!! Don't shoot them!!!!



None of the AndroIs will even react to Bijou's cries, as Princess General Azalea and Princess General Fayola will then take notice of them and will then stop what they are about to do. Princess General Azalea then starts off by asking-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

AndroIs. Hold your fire...



As Princess General Azalea commands the AndroIs to hold their fire, they will do so-but they will still keep their guns pointed just millimeters away from the heads of both Howard and Stanley. Bijou will have the gun she got from Howard in her hand, but one gun against several AndroIs is meaningless, as Princess General Fayola then notices her specifically. Bijou's eyes and hair are suspicious to her, as she asks-

Princess General Fayola Ascension

You three...who are you?

Princess General Fayola asks this coldly as she approaches the three. As Howard sees her, he and Stanley will show genuine surprise at her natural pink-skin, to which he will say to Bijou-

Howard Pinnacle

...Bijou. Put the gun that I gave you down onto the floor...

Bijou Luisant


Reluctantly, Bijou will heed Howards' words and gently place the gun down onto the floor in front of her. As she does this, across from her, both Princess Generals will react with surprise at hearing Bijou's name-

Princess General Azalea Ascension


Princess General Fayola Ascension


They won't be able to hide their amusement, as Howard will then introduce themselves-bringing their attention back onto him-

Howard Pinnacle

My name is Howard Pinnacle, and I am the former son of Genbu Pinnacle-of the true Pinnacle family. This man next to me is named Stanley Tempest, who is a part of the Tempest Foundation-and one of my dearest friends...

Stanley Tempest

...It's a pleasure to meet you two.

Stanley will say this in a tense tone, as Princess General Azalea will then explain-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Howard and Stanley. We've learned of both of you from some of our...private associates...some time ago. While I would extend some hospitality your way, I'm afraid I'm on a tight schedule at the moment...

Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest


Both men will wait for Princess General Azalea to continue, to which she does-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Thus, would you two kindly mind waiting for us to speak what we need to say-before you point your weapons at us. Once you hear what we have to say, I'm sure that you will know who you should really be pointing those things at.

Howard Pinnacle

What are you talking about? Your group is a terrorist organization that has invaded our nation and caused the deaths of many people!!

Howard says this strongly, as he will be talking from experience-especially after seeing Bijou's expressions. In response, Princess General Azalea will then say-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

We've only started this war with the DIC-or more specifically President Sacha-because of something that man organized and conducted recently that we cannot forgive.

Howard Pinnacle


Howar will be confused as Azalea tries to explain herself, to which her sister will then step in and say-

Princess General Fayola Ascension

Please, just let us inform this nation of what we must first-and then you will understand what we are trying to say. This information concerns how the DIC created people like us, so just listen to us...

As Princess General Fayola says this, she will almost sound as if she's begging both Howard and Stanley to just listen to their words. Howard will be silent, as he isn't sure of how to proceed-

Howard Pinnacle


While next to him, Stanley will ask-

Stanley Tempest

You said "created" just now...? It's been something that I wanted to ask you the moment I saw you two, but...why is your skin pink? If that's make-up, then that's an odd-but clever way to conceal your ethnicity so we can't trace back your origins...

As Stanley says this, Princess General Azalea will look at him rather coldly...but, she will then lighten her expression, as she then explains herself-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Make no mistake, consumer, for our skin is in fact pink naturally. And like I said...the DIC did create us-much in the same way they create the food that you sustain yourselves with every day.

Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest


Both men will be shocked to hear this, while behind them, Bijou will remain uncertain, as she will need to hear more evidence before making a conclusive judgement-

Bijou Luisant


With their curiosity piqued, Princess General Azalea will then see the chance to seize hold of this opportunity-to which she then says-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Now that I see we have your attention, may we begin to explain to you our views? I guarantee, you will find it most entertaining-to say the least.

Howard Pinnacle


Howard now gives this situation some thought, before replying-

Howard Pinnacle


To which Bijou will then ask-

Bijou Luisant

Howard?! Are you sure that's a good idea?

As Bijou asks this question, Howard holsters his gun, as does Stanley after him. He then looks over his shoulder to Bijou, and explains-

Howard Pinnacle

Yes, Bijou. I'm curious to know if what these two are saying is true-and even if it's not, they seem to have something they want to say at the least. They wouldn't have gone this far if what they had to tell us wasn't something that they felt is important.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou isn't convinced just yet, so Stanley reminds her of another fact that ends the discussion-

Stanley Tempest

Besides...we can't really do much right now, as we are still being held up at gunpoint.



Bijou Luisant


Bijou now remembers the AndroIs around them, of which still have their guns pointed at their heads. As they are machines and not humans, neither Howard nor Stanley would dare risk trying to best them at this time. Bijou will then reply-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou now puts her gun back into her pocket. After seeing that, Azalea then speaks to them-

Princess General Fayola Ascension

You all have my thanks...especially you, Howard Pinnacle.

Howard Pinnacle


With Howard allowing the Ascension to speak, causing the scene to transition to the monitor room where President Sacha, Vice President Georges and Director Oberon are. As none of the AndroIs in the media room will have pointed their guns at Bijou, President Sacha will be silent-

President Sacha Luisant


Next to him, he will have a kind of device similar to the one seen by the men who kidnapped Princess Media in Mainland. He will not activate this device, as he will then leave the room along with the other two men, to which they will proceed to make their way to the media room.

Back in the media room, the two Ascension Princess Generals are now back in their previous positions before Howard, Stanley and Bijou barged into the room. The three will now watch what happens next from the sidelines, as soon the reporters in the area wave to the two Ascension Princesses-signaling that they are now live-

Reporter #3


Princess General Azalea Ascension


Now, across the DICs' four major areas, many random civilians will be seen as they watch tv-

Random Civilians


Suddenly, their usual channels are soon cut and replaced with the same image-an image of Princess General Azalea and her sister, Princess General Fayola. As their faces are shown to the whole of the DIC, Azalea starts off by saying-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

...Greetings, consumers of the planet Gleen. My name is Princess General Azalea Ascension and this woman behind me is my sister-Princess General Fayola Ascension-. We have come before you today to share with you all the history of our race, the Ascension, and the truths in our creation that has been shrouded in shadows and lies by your leaders.



Princess Azalea then speaks.

Princess General Azalea Ascension

...Eleven years ago in the year 2030 SSE, the DIC began to create our race within a secret installation called "Catalyst", somewhere within the DIC. The reason why we were created was to help you all survive, as the resources of Gleen are nearing a breaking point where they can't be naturally replenished to suit your endless desires-which is also causing the destabilization of your planet's ecosystem.

Princess General Azalea Ascension

There is also another issue concerning an asteroid that is currently on a collision course with this planet as we speak. Its arrival will occur after the next 2 decades-which also lines up with when the natural resources of this planet will be depleted. If by then your race still remains on this planet, then each and every single man, woman, child and animal living on this planet...will perish.



Bijou, Howard and Stanley will react with shock as they hear this information, as will many random civilians across the nation. Princess General Azalea continues speaking-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Once upon a time, it would've been our destiny to help you all escape this fate, as that was what we were created to do...but that was before we Ascension were given the opportunity to turn away from this fate, through the assistance of people who shall go unmentioned at this time. What this means is that we, the Ascension, are abandoning you all, forever.



People are confused and curious as to what this means, so Azalea continues.

Princess General Azalea Ascension

The reason why is because ever since we escaped this planet 3 years ago, our allies who helped us escape managed to shed some light on the shadows of our creation-specifically what would happen after we assisted your species from the upcoming disasters.

Princess General Azalea Ascension

You see, as we were being created, often times we would be left in stasis while still awake, so we were aware of our surroundings and the people in charge. On a regular basis, we would watch several Ascension have parts of their bodies...disintegrate...

A series of brief flashbacks will occur, showing off-


Scenes of Ascension laying on stretchers-with parts of their bodies crumbling before them. These Ascension would appear as if they are dead, but the personal in these brief scenes would be intentionally showing the Ascension these bodies.


After these brief series of flashbacks, Bijou, Howard, Stanley and everyone of the reporters will wait for Princess General Azalea to continue-with baited breath-



As at the exact same time, many other people are shown to either listen or ignore the question-

President Sacha/ Vice President Georges/Director Oberon


Fleet Captain Andrea/Captain Carlos/Captain Tatianna/Captain Miracle


Grid Arbiter Alexia/Grid Arbiter Noel/Grid Arbiter Silvia/Grid Arbiter Vivi




Random civilians


After this brief shot, Princess Azalea will finally explain-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

The reason why we were shown because after a certain amount of time, we too will disintegrate!!! That was to be our reward after helping your race survive!!!!



Princess General Azalea now shocks the entire DIC, including Howard and Stanley, as she then proceeds to throw out many pictures onto the floor out in front of everyone. Some of them land next to Bijou, Howard and Stanley, as the cameras in the background show these images off to the DIC. As they do, Howard and Stanley will pick up a few of them and see-

Howard Pinnacle

Guh! These pictures!!

Stanley Tempest

This is...!

Bijou Luisant


As the three of them look at some of the photos, Princess General Azalea will then explain-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Those pictures are what the people of Catalyst showed us so as to instill a sense of purpose into us. Often, they would whisper to us as we slept in those pods that our only purpose for existing was to help you ascend into the future. That our only purpose was to die for you all to live.

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Naturally, we resented that notion, as we all watched them-with hate in our eyes. As the months went by, many of us then saw some of these individuals being brought back to life...

Princess General Fayola Ascension


Another series of brief flashbacks occurs-


Back with the same personal, they will be bringing back the bodies they were discarding from before to then inject them with something-in front of several Ascension pods. This injection will seemingly cease their disintegration, which the Ascension will see from inside their pods and will then conclude the existence of a "cure".


As Howard and Stanley both look onto the pictures, they mutter some words-while Howard will be more shaken up by what he is seeing personally-

Howard Pinnacle

...Are you all certain that this information is true? That the DIC really does have a cure that they are withholding from you??

Howard asks, while becoming visibly irate. Stanley and Bijou will feel bad for the Ascension, as across from them, Princess General Azalea looks at the two men and sees that they are about to collapse-which is the perfect time for her to instill her beliefs into them. She speaks-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

I'm certain, Howard. We are also certain that Catalyst used someone from one of the Pinnacle families to create this cure that could save us.

Howard Pinnacle


Howard now realizes something, as Princess General Azalea now starts to wrap up her speech-

Princess General Azalea says, as she now looks back at the cameras that are watching her. She concludes-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

This is the true face of this country called the Divided Islands of Columbia! This is why we refuse to help such a species live in space, as those who would doom our race to save their own do not need to leave this planet!!! Instead...this place will become your graves!!!

Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest


Bijou Luisant


As Princess General Azalea says this, elsewhere, deep underground, Princess Media is seen. She watches the broadcast while in the center of a small room, with several shadowy individuals watching her from a one-way mirror-

Princess Media Ascension

...My sisters...

Back in Hilayornia, Bijou will now be shown to feel unsure about how to feel on the situation in front of her. While she will feel bad for the Ascension, she will see the bigger picture, as she asks Princess General Azalea-

Bijou Luisant

Wait a moment. If what you said just now is true, Azalea, that our planet is running out of resources and an asteroid is heading out way...then, everyone on this planet really is going to perish in two decades without your help.

Princess General Azalea Ascension


Princess General Fayola Ascension


After a brief silence, Princess General Azalea speaks-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

...After what we just showed you...we simply do not care.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou will be shocked to hear this, as Princess General Azalea continues speaking-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

The people of this country only created us to serve as disposable personal, so it's only natural that we would reject that destiny. Not only that, but just before the DIC started this war with us, they kidnapped our youngest sister, Media, and are holding her against her will somewhere within the DIC!

Bijou Luisant

That can't be true! My father...he couldn't do something like that-

Bijou protests, trying to vouch for her father's innocence. However, Princess General Azalea will ignore her cries, as she says-

Princess General Fayola Ascension

It's the truth!! He told our mother that he kidnapped our sister right as we were about to leave this planet with Mainland!! ...And until we find her, we, the Ascension, will now be declaring a campaign of extermination against all consumers of the DIC!! You'd best hope that she remains safe until we find we will begin our campaign...with these people right here!

Scared Reporters


Bijou Luisant

Wait!! Stop!!!

As Princess Fayola says this, she will then point her fingers over at some of the scared reporters in the room, to which the AndroIs will react by moving away from Bijou, Howard and Stanley and will then prepare to fire their guns at them. Howard and Stanley can't react in time to save them, as they will standby with the pictures in their hands still, as Princess General Azalea speaks-

Princess General Azalea Ascension


Suddenly, a voice will call interrupt the scene from behind Bijou-

President Sacha Luisant

That's enough!!!!

Princess General Azalea Ascension


Princess General Fayola Ascension


Bijou Luisant


Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest




From behind Bijou, President Sacha, Vice President Georges and Director Oberon will arrive from the hallway. As they do, President Sacha stands in front of Bijou-guarding her from the scene. Surprised, Bijou then speaks to her father-in a bewildered tone-

Bijou Luisant


President Sacha then speaks, in a firm and dominating tone-

President Sacha Luisant

Stay behind me, Bijou. Azalea. These people are apart of the Divided Islands of Columbia, to which I will not let you shoot them in my presence. Especially since I'd expect you to kill my only daughter and these two afterwards-per your words of a campaign against all of us...

Princess General Azalea Ascension

...Heh. Naturally we do just that, as none of you are exactly our allies, after all.

Bijou Luisant


As Princess General Azalea glares over to Bijou and President Sacha, he looks back at her with a fierce look in his eyes, as he says-

President Sacha Luisant

I will not let you harm my only daughter, as she is all I have left to remember my late wife, Rhapsody Luisant.

Princess General Azalea Ascension


Princess General Fayola Ascension


Both Azalea and Fayola are seen to be slightly confused, but then, Azalea speaks-

Princess General Azalea Ascension don't know, huh?

President Sacha Luisant


President Sacha now looks to be genuinely confused for a moment as Azalea says that. Suddenly, Azalea and Fayola get a message from their comms in their ears.

"Beep Beep" "Beep Beep"

Princess General Azalea Ascension


Princess General Fayola Ascension


The two then listen to the comms, to which everyone looks at them. Shortly afterwards, Azalea and Fayola get up and speaks to their AndroIs.

Princess General Azalea Ascension

......AndroIs. We have accomplished our mission for our mother.

Princess General Fayola Ascension

We will be leaving. Come with us.


Understood, Princess Generals.

President Sacha Luisant


As everyone watches the Ascension leave, no one stops them, as they then get onto their Superior Weapons. From their perspectives, Princess General Azalea and Princess General Fayola will take a moment to zoom on on Howard and Stanley-

Princess General Azalea Ascension


Princess General Fayola Ascension


Before then leaving the side of the Pinnacle Department and head back into space. As they go, everyone, including President Sacha, are left confused, so Director Oberon comes up to Bijou and speaks to her in a caring tone-

Director Oberon Luisant

Bijou. Are you ok?

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is silent, as Howard and Stanley then rise up and speak-

Howard Pinnacle

Sacha...was all of that true? Did, did my mother have a hand in this?!

President Sacha Luisant

...That is something she can explain to you herself, actually...

Howard Pinnacle


As President Sacha says this to Howard, he will stand up and approach him to look in his eyes-

President Sacha Luisant


Howard Pinnacle


A moment later, Howard will then break away his sight from President Sacha and then walk out the open door behind him. He will quietly pass by a bewildered Bijou, as Stanley soon follows him out.

After the two men leave, President Sacha will then speak to Bijou-who is still speechless-

President Sacha Luisant

...Bijou. I'm sorry you had to see that between me and Howard just now. Please, leave this to us and go back to your room, as you can come to see me after things quiet down a little...

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou then leaves the room, she will look confused as she goes back the way she came. Once she's gone far enough, President Sacha will pick up the gun that Bijou left on the ground and pocket it, as he then looks back at the reporters and says-

President Sacha Luisant

Cut the transmission. Follow what we told you to do beforehand-just as we planned.


...Yes, Sir.

They say, seemingly knowing that all of this was supposed to happen. Afterwards, the scene then transitions to above the area of Hilayornia, as time then moves on-ending the chapter.

----Chapter END----