Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 20

----Chapter 20----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

As the Midnight travels across the ocean, many new MP Liberty ErotiCakes are seen in their Block forms at this time. Around the middle section of the ship, the Liberty ErotiCake is soon reveled-

"Liberty ErotiCake"

Inside, Bijou is seen to be resting while laying on top of her bed, while both Chole and Isaac aren't seen in the bedroom at this time. As Bijou lays on her bed, she looks up at the ceiling, as she recalls a flashback of a time that happened sometime during the five month time gap a while ago. Here, Bijou is seen walking down a random hallway, as both Howard and Stanley come up to her from behind. Howard then calls out to her-


Howard Pinnacle


Bijou Luisant


Howard says, as Bijou then turns around to see both him and Stanley. With her attention now on his, Howard then asks-

Howard Pinnacle you have a minute?

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is hesitant, as she then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

...If you make it quick. I'm still trying to process what happened back at the Station yesterday.

As Bijou says this, Howard will then say-

Howard Pinnacle

I'll get straight to the point, then. What do you think so far about what your father has done with the Ascension situation?

Bijou Luisant


Bijou has to think for a moment, and then, she replies-

Bijou Luisant

Overall, my opinion of his actions up until now are...terrible, to say the least. Creating people just to use and then throw them away like trash is wrong, I believe...

Bijou says while looking at the ground, as she still hasn't come to terms about what was said about the Ascension. Howard continues-

Howard Pinnacle

Good. I'm actually planning to speak to my mother about this after I talk to you first, but I'm surprised that your father hasn't spoken to even you about why he did this.

To which Bijou then replies-

Bijou Luisant

I'm still trying to get my thoughts in order, before I can approach him. Maybe he can give a valid explanation-but, I doubt it...

Bijou says this in a conflicted tone, to which Howard then Stanley then asks.

Howard Pinnacle

What do you think you will decide when you confront him?

Bijou Luisant

...I don't know yet.

As Bijou replies, she will continue to look away, to which Howard will then come a little closer to Bijou. Once he's close enough, he then asks-

Howard Pinnacle

Come with us.

Bijou Luisant


Howard continues-

Howard Pinnacle

In a few days, I'm going to announce to the DIC that we are leaving this country behind-in order to form a group called the "Red Feathers" in New Columbia. We'll accept anyone who agrees with us against Sacha's actions, and will then work to change this nation...

Bijou Luisant


Howard Pinnacle

If you come with me, your presence would be a great moral boost that would help sway even more people to my side. And I'm sure that if you were aligned with the RF, we would be able to eventually remove your father from office for doing this.

After Howard explains this, Bijou will ask-

Bijou Luisant

!...Do you intend to split apart our families by doing this? I'm well aware that your family in the past was betrayed by my family and those "fakers", though that was done in order to bring about the peace that we've seen for over 200 years since. But, if you go through with what you just told me, that would-

Howard Pinnacle

This has nothing to do with that, Bijou...

Stanley Tempest


Bijou Luisant


As Howard cuts off Bijou, he will insist that his actions will not have anything to do with whatever happened 200 years ago, but his tone will be that of slight agreement. He tries to hide his deceit, as he then continues speaking-

Howard Pinnacle

We-or, at least, myself and Susan, are not really even considered a part of the Pinnacle family anymore, so our actions shouldn't affect them in the long run. Besides, I just returned to active duty when we fought together in Hilayornia, as my family still doesn't want to have much interaction with me...after what we did.

Bijou Luisant


Howard's words will indicate to Bijou that they have a history, of which she is all too aware of. Stanley then speaks-

Stanley Tempest

However, despite the good that has come from Howard' family stepping aside for those...other people...what your father has done with the Ascension cannot be overlooked, as he feels the same way you do-it's wrong to create people just to use them as if they are disposable.

Stanley says, in a tone that speaks highly of Howard-without discussing his own interests on the matter. None the wiser, Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

I agree.

To which Howard then backs him up-

Howard Pinnacle

He's right. As much as it pains us to go through with this...we will have to stand against your father.

Bijou Luisant

But, if you do that, then-

Howard says this in a serious tone, which will slightly surprise Bijou. As she is startled, Howard then reacts by getting her attention-as he will continue to try to bring her over to his mindset-

Howard Pinnacle

Bijou. We now have the opportunity to create a nation that will shine a light onto the Ascension, as they need our protection-not the cold shoulder. The way that they are acting right now is how anyone would react in their position...but, we need your influence to make our future dreams for them and the DIC into a reality.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is shocked, as she now comes to the realization that Howard and Stanley are trying to force her into. She speaks-

Bijou Luisant

...What are you going to do to my father...if I even agree to help you get that far...?

Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest


Bijou Luisant


Howard now slowly and cooly lets go of Bijou and backs off slightly. He then speaks-

Howard Pinnacle

...I think that we were trying a bit too hard to push you into this right now. I'm sure that you still must be tired, so I apologize for bringing this up onto you right now. Maybe if we just...give you some time to think about this, then you can better come to terms with what we are asking of you.

Howard Pinnacle

Stanley, let's go.

Stanley Tempest


As Howard walks the other way, Stanley looks at Bijou one more time, before leaving her behind. Bijou watches the two men leave her, and then, she thinks-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is now tempted to chase after Howard and Stanley, as she then takes two or three steps forward, but then stops herself. She looks at the ground, as if to try to find some answer for herself, but then, she turns around and runs off in the opposite direction. Howard and Stanley had their eyes on Bijou, but then close them in disappointment. After putting their fingers on the tips of their heads in disappointment, they then drop them instantly and roughly and then storm off in frustration.

As Bijou continues to run, she runs and runs and runs until she gets to her father's room. She knocks.

"Knock Knock"

Bijou Luisant


A voice then comes from within-


It's open.

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou opens the door, Sacha is seen to put away some kind of monitor that emerges from his desk. Bijou then approaches her father, and as she does, she looks at him with a look that is full of confusion and intent-

Bijou Luisant


President Sacha Luisant

Hm...what's wrong, Bijou?

President Sacha says, in a calm and caring tone. However, this only serves to make Bijou upset, as she starts off by saying-

Bijou Luisant

...Don't "What's wrong, Bijou" me, father! You already know exactly what's wrong!!

Bijou says, as she now becomes visibly mad at her father, to which he speaks-

President Sacha Luisant

You must be referring to why I had the Ascension created?

President Sacha says, still calm, as Bijou angerly replies-

Bijou Luisant

Of course I am!! You created the Ascension using Catalyst-just to cast them away once their purpose had been fulfilled!!! That's what that Ascension Princess said yesterday!!!

Bijou shouts. However, President Sacha will calmly reply to her with-

President Sacha Luisant

True. That is what Azalea stated yesterday. However, that isn't what I ever said they were created for.

Bijou Luisant


Before Bijou blows her stack, President Sacha clarifies to her something that shocks her. Bijou then looks confused, so President Sacha stands up and walks to the side of his table. He then goes to look out the window-

President Sacha Luisant


Bijou Luisant


Bijou is confused, and then, President Sacha speaks-

President Sacha Luisant

Bijou. Come over here and look outside this window with me.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou reluctantly does as she is told, and then as she comes up to the window, she stands next to her father and looks outside with him. He speaks-

President Sacha Luisant

...Such a nice view from here, huh? You can see all of the people outside, busily going about with their lives. When you were little, your mother and I used to bring you up here and show you the city outside along with all of its people.

Bijou Luisant


President Sacha continues-

President Sacha Luisant

Each and every person alive today is a precious part of our world, just like you've always said, Bijou. While some are more gifted than others, each one has an unlimited amount of potential waiting to burst out from them-should the conditions around them be perfect so as to allow them to spread their wings and craft such futures. Watching all of the people below-the lights of their cars at night zooming on the highways...I had forgotten about how much fun this hobby of ours was...

Bijou Luisant


Bijou now looks at her father's face, and it as a face that shows that he truly cares for the people of this world. He then speaks-

President Sacha Luisant

However, there is one trait that I wish the people-no, the people of the world didn't have.

Bijou Luisant

...And that is?

Instead of answering outright, President Sacha will vear offtrack for a moment to describe-

President Sacha Luisant

...Did you know that Fran's Confederation has the capability to produce nanomachines that can mass-replicate to then terraform entire planets to suit our needs? We've had this technology ever since 2025 and could've deployed it to the other planets in our TRAPPIST-1 solar system back then-thus creating a stepping stone for the ones after us to reach out further into space. And yet, for some reason, we haven't done so. Do you know why?

Bijou Luisant

...No. I don't know why...

President Sacha Luisant

That's because we could only create one of these "SEED"s from the resources left in the DIC, Bijou. In order for us to create more, we need the "next generation" of people to travel into space and then harvest the resources from other planets to create more SEEDs. And that is where the problem that we face today becomes apparent, and what I wish the people of the world didn't have...

Bijou Luisant


President Sacha Luisant

Even though the people of the DIC now know that we only have 2 decades left before the natural resources of this planet cease and an asteroid kills us all, they still do not want to truly leave this cradle of life behind, as training for life in space is a long and hard investment. Had I not been in charge of leading this country, the people would've grown to love this planet and its seemingly endless supply of resources so much that they wouldn't want to let it go...just like a infant who constantly want's more of it's mother's breast milk until nothing can come out.

Bijou Luisant

...What are you getting at, father?

Bijou asks, as clearly Sacha is building up to something. He then speaks-

President Sacha Luisant

What I'm saying is that while my plan for this war is a difficult one for all of us to bear, I will carry all of the sins that it will bring and see it through to the end. That includes all of the people that you told me died back on the Deserted Islands that you went to and all of the others that are to come in the months to follow. No matter what happens, I will see the new world that will be birthed by our plan, and when that time will then take my place as President of the new world nation...the United Islands of Columbia.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is shocked, as President Sacha continues-

President Sacha Luisant

That's right, Bijou. I want you to be there in order to run this country in my steed, along with your older brothers...but, in order for you to do so, you will need to understand everything that we have planned...with "her".

Bijou Luisant


President Sacha now faces Bijou and shows her his most sincere smile-

President Sacha Luisant


Bijou Luisant


Surprised, Bijou will remember this smile her father is showing her, as it's the same smile he showed her shortly after she was born and while she was a small child. Faced with this, President Sacha will then speak-

President Sacha Luisant

Believe in me, my daughter. I promise you, if you stay by my side, this experience will make us all stronger individuals for the challenges to come. Please...

President Sacha now begs Bijou to listen to his words, to which she does, as she then looks at her father as deeply as she can. Instead of seeing a tyrannical madman, she will see a man who desperately wishes to change the world in his own way. His eyes will be stern-and yet, at the same time, gentle. His stance will be firm-and yet, inviting. This temptation will silently convey to Bijou her fathers' intent, as after seeing this in her father, Bijou will then explain herself by saying-

Bijou Luisant

...Honestly...before coming here, I was thinking that you wouldn't have a good reason to defend yourself for doing all of this. I thought that this talk would've ended with me just shouting at you for what happened at the Deserted Islands, storming out of here and then joining up with both Howard and Stanley for whatever goals they wanted to accomplish...but now...

President Sacha Luisant


President Sacha will wait patiently for his daughter to finish speaking-

Bijou Luisant

...I'll stay with you in our DIC...and continue fighting for whatever this plan of yours is. Maybe I'm making a huge mistake or maybe this is a good idea on my seem to have the best intentions in mind, so I'll continue to hope that you know what you are doing.

President Sacha Luisant

Thank you, my daughter.

President Sacha says, as he will now look at his daughter with pride in his eyes. In response, Bijou will nod in acceptance-

Bijou Luisant


As President Sacha then finishes up by saying-

President Sacha Luisant

...Stay safe out there...and remember that you will always have my love as your father, as you will always be my daughter.

Bijou Luisant


With that, Bijou then leaves her father's office, making sure to close the door gently. After this, the flashback ends-


Afterwards, back with the Midnight, above it, the sky will change from morning to night and then to morning again a few times, to which afterwards, the Midnight will approach a landmass in the distance. As it does, Fleet Captain Andrea is seen on her bridge, reading a large book in her hands-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Now, the book that Fleet Captain Andrea is reading will be shown to be a heavily documented description of the Crown family and their philosophies. While most of what is described won't be seen, Fleet Captain Andrea will be taking plenty of notes from this book-as Grid Arbiter Alexia is then seen to be looking over a map of New Columbia from her desk. As she does this, she speaks-as a signed autograph from Callius is briefly seen next to her-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

...I can't believe the President allowed for Bijou to meet the RF in the war-torn seaport city of Viperod. Even before the RF arrived and started fighting, their feuds with the Crown family have been ongoing behind the scenes for centuries-mostly due to them transforming the entire country into a cesspool and destroying the Banebrutes' natural habitats in the process.

Grid Arbiter Alexia explains, as she looks at the area on the holographic map of New Columbia. Fleet Captain Andrea responds by closing her book to say-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Indeed. However, the Crowns were always defenders of the status quo, as the Banebrutes back then were the biggest threat we had ever faced. Now that they are all but captured and used for private experiments by the Crown family, I believe that there is more to this mission than what President Sacha explained the other day.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

...Fleet Captain Andrea?

Slightly confused, Grid Arbiter Alexia will ask for clarification from Fleet Captain Andrea, as she mutters that last sentence to herself. However, Fleet Captain Andrea will then speak clearly to Grid Arbiter Alexia, saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Oh...don't mind me, Alexia. I was just thinking out loud.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


While still looking confused, Grid Arbiter Alexia will then turn around to see AI Cody, watching the two interact. Now seeing that Fleet Captain Andrea is being careful around AI Cody, she will understand and continue explaining the mission brief-

AI Cody


Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

!...Of course, Fleet Captain Andrea. Please, forgive my interruption...

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Just before Grid Arbiter Alexia continues, Fleet Captain Andrea will subtly glare towards AI Cody. It won't respond-

AI Cody


As Grid Arbiter Alexia changes the subject to ask-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

AI Cody? Could you explain to us everything you know of the RF's current military strength and current situation?

AI Cody then explains-

AI Cody

Certainly. Nearly 6 months ago now, the RF were reported to have stolen around 25% of the DIC's current military-where they quickly aligned with the Tempest Foundation to challenge the Crown family in New Columbia. Ever since, both the RF and Crown family have lost a considerable amount of military assets, while also causing the civilians in this area to suffer tremendously.

Grid Arbiter Alexia then asks-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Yes-but, as far as we know, both sides should've worked to mitigate some of those loses, correct?

AI Cody pauses, as it calculates its response. A moment later, it replies-

AI Cody

...According to the news, that should be correct.

While AI Cody says this, it will do so in a way that implied it knows more than it's letting on. Fleet Captain Andrea will show some suspicion-but as AI Cody is a machine, she will lighten up, as she then says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I see. Thank you very much, AI Cody.

AI Cody

Certainly, Fleet Captain Andrea.

After thanking AI Cody, Fleet Captain Andrea will put her finger on her lip. She will know what the answer is, but for now, she will think to herself-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

*That information does match up with what I've seen on the news. I guess that malfunction that happened back then only occurs during those regular geomagnetic storms in the DIC. But, if that's true, then what would happen if we asked AI Cody some questions during a time like that...?*

As Fleet Captain Andrea is deep in thought, Grid Arbiter Alexia then speaks to her, as she gets a ring from the phone to the left of her-

"Ring Ring"

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


She picks it up, and then a few moments later, she speaks to Fleet Captain Andrea-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

...Fleet Captain Andrea?

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Yes, Alexia?

Grid Arbiter Alexia speaks, as she gets Fleet Captain Andrea's attention-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Captain Miracle is on the line right now. She would like to speak to you about some of the information that we've been talking about.

To which Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Ok. I'll take it on this phone here.

Fleet Captain Andrea then picks up the phone to her left on her seat, and then begins talking to Captain Miracle. Alexia stays on the phone that she's on, as Miracle beings to speak to Fleet Captain Andrea-

Captain Miracle Risingstar (phone)

...Andrea? Is now a good time to discuss some of what we've been going over for the past five months?

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Before continuing, Fleet Captain Andea looks slyly over to AI Cody again, who is seen to now be in standby mode-

AI Cody


To this, Fleet Captain Andrea speaks up-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Yeah. Have you made contact with Bijou's niece?

Captain Miracle Risingstar (phone)

Not exactly. She can't meet up with me where I'm going, but she wanted me to tell you that she'll be in Viperod soon. I hope you can get some information out of her, as we don't have enough say in the YES military to accuse President Sacha beyond what happened over 5 months ago.

Captain Miracle explains, as Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I know. If we move things too quickly, we'll either be relieved of command or in the worst case tried for treason.

Captain Miracle then asks-

Captain Miracle Risingstar (phone)

Do you think...Bijou could help us in any way? Rebecca is her niece, so maybe we should include her in this investigation we are doing?

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Fleet Captain Andrea has to think about how to reply to this question. A moment later, she replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...No, Miracle. We shouldn't involve her in this, as once we have enough evidence against her father, we will present that to the National Justice Department and ask them to remove President Sacha from his duties as Commander in Chief. That will mean that some changes will be in store for the Luisant family as a whole-depending on what the NJD say.

Captain Miracle Risingstar (phone)

...Are you sure?

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Yeah. Let's just focus on our own investigations for now, as I'll meet with Rebecca and determine what she knows. From there, I'll let you know what I uncover, and we'll go from there.

Fleet Captain Andrea's feelings for Bijou will shine through here, as she will not want to tear apart her relationship with Bijou, while also trying to build a case against President Sacha. In response to this, Captain Miracle replies-

Captain Miracle Risingstar (phone)

Alright. We don't really have many other avenues to obtain information, which is why I thought Bijou could help us. But, I guess we'll keep Bijou in the dark, then, as I have other people I can meet to get some more bits of information.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Yes...please do that, for me...

With that, Captain Miracle ends the call, and then she looks over to her right. Alexia now has two phones in her hands, as she talks to her siblings, which makes Andrea smile at her. Alexia is having a lot of fun, and then Vivi is also seen to be diligently working on his work. Captain Andrea looks out to the Liberty ErotiCake outside.

"Screen Transition"

Inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, Bijou is now seen in the bathroom in a tank top. Bijou washes her face before drying her face with a dry towel, and then as she does this, she then smells the alure of food coming from the kitchen-

Bijou Luisant

"sniff sniff"

As Bijou smells the air, she will leave the washroom and go downstairs, where she sees Chole with Isaac inside of the kitchen. Bijou then speaks out to them.

Bijou Luisant

...Hey there, Chole and Isaac.

Isaac Carter

Hey, Ms. Luisant.

Chole Madison

We're about half-way done making some sandwiches. If you'd like, I can give you some more pointers on how to make these kinds of foods yourself.

Bijou Luisant

Ok. I'd appreciate that.

With that, Bijou then enters into the kitchen and then, Chole is seen to give her some more training on how to cook. Now, Bijou is seen to have a broader range of understanding when it comes to cooking her own food, as Chole revels that she brought with her many cookbooks. She helps both Bijou and Isaac understand how to blend the proper number of sauces to make something delicious, while Chole then gets the other ingredients ready to be prepared. After watching the two mix their ingredients for a bit, Chole comes over to taste-test some of Bijou's and Isaac's sauces. After a taste, she then speaks-

Chole Madison

...Great job, Bijou and Isaac. You two are really starting to make some good sauces for food.

Bijou Luisant

Th-thank you.

Bijou says, with a bit of shyness. Isaac then replies-

Isaac Carter

Thanks...our skills are thanks to your help, as you've been the most helpful.

Isaac says, with a bit of a blush on his face. Then, Chole is seen to blush a little, as she looks to the right at Isaac's comment. She then speaks-

Chole Madison're making me blush a little, Isaac...

Chole likes the attention coming from Isaac, to which Isaac then turns to prepare the desert. With this, Bijou then picks up the plate of sauces and then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

Anyway, I'll go ahead and set up these sandwiches with these sauces on the table.

Chole Madison

Alright. We'll be there in a minute with the dessert.

As Bijou leaves, Chole then goes back over to Isaac with a kind smile on her face. She then speaks to him-

Chole Madison

...Isaac? How are the desserts going?

Isaac Carter

P-pretty good, I think.

Chole Madison


Isaac is now seen to jolt a bit as he puts a small batch of homemade cookies onto three separate plates, which is the dessert. As he then proceeds to pick two of them up, Chole speaks to him in a hush, as she leans in closer to him-

Chole Madison

...Hey, it'll be alright, Isaac.

Isaac Carter


Chole now presses her chest against Isaac's back, and as her breasts squeeze against his back, Chole speaks to Isaac-

Chole Madison

Just because you are now living with two ladies doesn't mean that you have to be so shy around us, ok? Just be yourself...while also following the rules that I'll show after we eat, alright?

Isaac Carter

A...alright, Chole.

Isaac blushes a little as Chole gently hugs him with a look of happiness, but also sadness in her eyes. She then helps Isaac bring the desserts out to the table, where Bijou is already sitting by picking up the last plate. Bijou is then seen-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou now briefly remembers how when she was back at the White Block how her many servants came to her at her slightest whim to do whatever she asked for. While she does see some of that in both Chole and Isaac, she enjoys being able to be in the kitchen and make her own food for a change, as it's a completely new experience to her. Then, Chole and Isaac come out with the desert. They set it down on the table and then Chole speaks-

Chole Madison

Let's eat.

Bijou Luisant


As the three eat their food, Chole looks at Bijou and speaks-

Chole Madison

...Hey, Bijou? Could I ask you a question regarding the Liberty Blaster?

Bijou Luisant


Bijou was just about to fill her mouth with her sandwich, when Chole asks her that question. Bijou responds-

Bijou Luisant

Sure. What is it?

Chole Madison

I've been taking a lot of notes about the weapon these past 5 months, and honestly, I find it odd that such a weapon takes so long to charge up. On the battlefield, having a weapon with such a long charge time would make it pretty ineffective, don't you think?

Chole takes out several pieces of papers, which are the notes that she's been taking, and lays them out next to Bijou. Bijou doesn't need to look at the papers, but she does so and then speak-

Bijou Luisant

...You might be right there, Chole. From what I remember about the Liberty ErotiCake when I was little, my mother said that it was made to be as quick, versatile and powerful as possible. I would assume that the Liberty Blaster would fit into this claim...but for now, the charge takes too long in my opinion.

Bijou now takes a closer look at the papers that Chole wrote down now. Chole speaks-

Chole Madison

I also find it strange that if the Liberty Blaster charges for too long then the weapon will explode. But that shouldn't be an issue because of how slowly it charges, don't you think?

Bijou Luisant

...Yeah...could it be that...there's some kind of limiter?

Chole Madison


As Bijou looks at the papers, she speaks-

Bijou Luisant

I don't remember my mother mentioning anything like this problem when I was a child...

Chole Madison

...Well, this is just something that I wanted to share with you. Anyway, on to my next topic-

As Chole says this, Bijou is still deep in thought about the Liberty Blaster. Chole then looks over to Isaac, who is quietly eating his food, and speaks to him-

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


Chole now speaks to Isaac, as she takes out another piece of paper from her jacket. She then holds it in front of Isaac's face as he finishes his meal-

Chole Madison

I wrote down these rules for you to follow while we fight together in this Liberty ErotiCake. Please read them out loud so Bijou can hear them as well.

Isaac Carter


Isaac takes the piece of paper and begins to read out the rules. Bijou half-heartedly listens to Isaac as he speaks-

Isaac Carter

Between the hours of 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM each day, both Bijou and Chole will have the bathroom to themselves-unless they tell me otherwise. I will have the bathroom after they clean up. ...Privacy rules...more time periods...laundry rules...bed rules...

Isaac mumbles all of the important details out loud so both Bijou and Chole can hear him. Once he is done, he speaks-

Isaac Carter

...Alright, Chole. I understand all of these rules and agree to them all. Could I keep this just for reference?

Chole Madison

Sure. Bijou, are you ok with what Isaac said out loud?

Bijou Luisant

Oh, uh...yes. I'm alright with that.

Bijou, who wasn't listening, jolts when Chole speaks to her. Chole then speaks-

Chole Madison

Alright. With the ground rules laid out, now we can start to work together.

Chole then stands up and takes her dishes to the kitchen to wash them. Isaac then speaks to Bijou-

Isaac Carter

Uh, Ms. Luisant?

Bijou Luisant


Isaac speaks as he gets up as well-

Isaac Carter

Since you're still thinking about the Liberty Blaster, how about we go upstairs and see if we can figure out anything from the command seats-after we wash our dishes?

Bijou Luisant

I was thinking I'd do just that today, actually. And it wouldn't hurt to also have a chat with our other friends while we are checking this out, too.

Bijou then finishes up her meal, and as she does, she too gets up as Isaac is walking away and speaks-

Bijou Luisant

Oh, and Isaac?

Isaac Carter


Bijou Luisant

Just call me "Bijou" from now on, ok? Being so formal isn't necessary now that we are living together.

Isaac Carter

Oh, uh, sure. Sorry about that...Bijou...

Bijou Luisant

*nods and smiles*

With that, the three then go into the kitchen to wash the dishes. Afterwards, they are seen to approach their seats, and then-

Bijou Luisant

Hm...there is only the seat next to mine on the left, so how about you take that one, Isaac?

Isaac Carter

Yeah. I can do that.

As Isaac says this, he will then approach his seat, which is positioned across Chole's seat. Bijou's seat will be in the middle of the two, and as Isaac sits down, Chole and Isaac will approach their own seats and sit down, as the scene then transitions-

"Scene Transition"

After some time has passed, both Chole and Bijou will lean back in their seats with a look of frustration on their faces, as they speak-

Chole Madison

...Hmm, I still can't figure out any of what this means...

Chole says, as she looks frustrated. Bijou then explains-

Bijou Luisant

I know. I wasn't expecting to run into this many roadblocks, myself...

She continues-

Bijou Luisant

No matter how much I look at these files, it doesn't allow me access into any of them for some reason. And there are also other files that pertain to other functions of the Liberty ErotiCake that I can't understand either.

Bijou says, frustrated at the lack of progress the two have made in trying to figure out how to unlock the limiter for the Liberty Blaster. Chole then says-

Chole Madison

We might need to ask for some help from people who are more tech savvy than we are. Otherwise, we'll just be spinning our wheels for nothing...!

As Chole says this, she will then notice Isaac is still clicking away at the screen in front of him-

"Click Click Click Clack Click"

Isaac Carter


Then, Bijou also notices him working hard, to which she asks him-

Bijou Luisant

...Isaac? You've been pretty hard at work for a while now. Have you got something yet?

To which Isaac replies-

Isaac Carter

Not quite, though I have been looking over the specs for the Liberty ErotiCake, and I've taken a few notes on things that

Chole Madison

How so?

Chole asks, to which Isaac then explains-

Isaac Carter

For example, take a look at the armor parts around the Liberty ErotiCake's arms, legs and body. Don't they seem as if they could come off?

Bijou Luisant

...I suppose, though I've always seen the Liberty ErotiCake as is for years.

As Isaac implies, Bijou will mention that she's seen the Liberty ErotiCake for years as is. Isaac will continue-

Isaac Carter

Alright, but just maybe they could come off to revel more weapons that even you aren't aware of. Could you say that the Liberty ErotiCake could have such weapons hidden underneath these plates? Like here? And here?

Isaac says, as he points to the forearms of the Liberty ErotiCake-which is enough for Bijou to see on his terminal. She replies-

Bijou Luisant

I could see that, yes...

Chole then asks-

Chole Madison

What kinds of weapons could the Liberty ErotiCake have-outside of the standard missiles and assault rifles, though?

Isaac replies-

Isaac Carter

I'm not sure. This terminal isn't defining anything that pertains to that, as I'm just throwing out some ideas I've had since looking into this. I can't figure out anything else at the moment, so maybe I'll ask around for someone to help us out.

To which Bijou then replies-

Bijou Luisant

That would help, as we've been stuck on just this for about...half an hour now...!

Bijou says this in a slightly shocked tone, as she didn't think that much time had passed since they began. However, now, a beeping noise will be heard by the trio-

"Beep Beep" "Beep Beep"



The sound comes from the comms, to which Bijou then answers it. Now, the voice of Jonathan comes out of the comms-

Jonathan Castlecat (comms)

...Hello? Is this Bijou?

Bijou Luisant

Jonathan? How can I help you?

Jonathan explains-

Jonathan Castlecat (comms)

I had something important that I wanted to discuss with you. It's pretty big, so I was hoping you'd hear me out.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou takes a quick look at the terminal in front of her, which is going to take a while to really get into. Thus, Bijou decides to put that issue down for now, as she speaks to Jonathan-

Bijou Luisant

...Ok, I guess I could spare a few minutes to chat.

Bijou will say this casually, as both Chole and Isaac will do their own things next to her. Jonathan will then say-

Jonathan Castlecat (comms)

Great. Let me just get Charlotte on the line, and I can begin...

Bijou Luisant


As Jonathan begins, the view then pans out from the Liberty ErotiCake, as the chapter will then end-

----Chapter END----