Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 21

----Chapter 21----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

As the Midnight nears an area within New Columbia, it will approach the seaport city of Viperod near nighttime-which is situated along the far east side of the continent. As the ship comes into port, the badly damaged city will be reveled-

"Revel of the city of Viperod"

Just outside of the port, a few RF ships will be seen in other ports for smaller ships-all of which are severely damaged from previous encounters with the Crown family. The city itself will be shown to have plumes of black smoke rising into the skies, as most of the city will have been attacked by the Crown family over the past months. Buildings are destroyed; streets are full of rubble and debris; fires rage across the city and civilians are scared to even leave their houses, as many armed RF Blockades patrol the city-

RF Blockades


In this chaos, on the bridge of the Midnight, Fleet Captain Andrea and Grid Arbiter Alexia will speak on what they see-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

"Gasp"...This is much worse than I thought...

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I do people even live in a place like this...?

The two say, in disbelief as to what they see around them. Then, all of a sudden, AI Cody speaks-

AI Cody

Fleet Captain Andrea. Several Blockades are approaching from the left at this time.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


With AI Cody's suggestion, Fleet Captain Andrea and Grid Arbiter Alexia now turn their heads to look towards the right, where true enough, several RF Blockades are approaching the Midnight from the port. As they stop near the edge of the ship, Grid Arbiter Alexia then speaks, as a beeping noise is heard from her desk-

"Beep Beep"

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

!...That commander unit is requesting that we make contact with him, Fleet Captain.

To which Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Go ahead and put him on the comms.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Got it.

A second later, a voice then comes out of the comms on the bridge. The person explains-

RF Commander #1 (comms)

...Greetings, Fleet Captain Andrea. We of the RF would like to extend to you and your crew a warm welcome to Viperod...though, we apologize for the dire state this city is in at the moment.

The pilot explains, as Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Thank you for the gesture, Commander. We are here on orders from President Sacha of the DIC to escort his daughter Bijou to meet Howard, as he offered to us negotiations that we were interested in.

The RF Commander replies-

RF Commander #1 (comms)

That's right. Though, I regret to inform you that our leader Howard isn't here right now. Earlier today, he and Stanley were drawn outside of the city to investigate a potential attack force from the Crowns.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


The RF Commander continues-

RF Commander #1 (comms)

They haven't come across any enemies yet, but they want to make sure nothing will interrupt the meeting by tomorrow morning. He did ask that we bring Bijou and the Liberty ErotiCake to wait for him at one of our hotels on base until he returns, as Viperod Castle has become the main sanctuary for the people at the moment.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I see.

Sensing an opportunity to get some more information about the current state of the city, Fleet Captain Andrea will now ask-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Before I let Bijou go, could I ask that you provide me with some information as to how do people live in this city?

The RF Commander replies-

RF Commander #1 (comms)

Certainly. Ever since the fighting broke out between the RF and Crowns across New Columbia, the people of each area we have organized within have had to share their homes with refugees from areas controlled by the Crowns. Daimondale, the capital of New Columbia and home for the Crowns, responded to our creation by attacking and killing anyone who wished to align with the RF-as most people who joined the RF in recent months were people who wished to escape the fighting...myself included.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


He continues-

RF Commander #1 (comms)

As the fighting spread, though, it was clear to most of us that we couldn't avoid fighting, so we took up arms against the Crowns and their mass produced AI-controlled Superior Variants. The fighting has been rough, but in order to return to our homes across the country, we have to fight-not only for ourselves, but to also prevent the enemy from crippling our alliance to protect the Ascension from Above.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


AI Cody


Both Fleet Captain Andrea and Grid Arbiter Alexia are surprised by this mention, while AI Cody is more passive, as this information will confirm that the RF are aligned with the Ascension at this time. The RF Commander then finishes up by saying-

RF Commander #1 (comms)

Thankfully, support from the DIC through the RF has been good, especially in recent months. Aside from military assets, we've also received basic necessities like food and water from our backers over there. The Tempest Foundation has also been expanding, though we haven't actually seen them assist us on the battlefield yet, as they are mainly staying on the sidelines-though they do offer their support to the RF.

Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Interesting. I only asked because the RF haven't been forthcoming with updates on their struggle to the media back home.

The RF Commander then finishes the conversation by saying-

RF Commander #1 (comms)

It's alright. We've been fighting for so long against the Crowns that taking the time to answer questions from the media isn't a priority we have at the moment. Anyway, now that I've explained that to you, could you have Bijou accompany us to the hangers, where after we leave our Blockades there, we'll take her to the hotel?

Fleet Captain Andrea then replies with-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Of course. I'll also direct my Blockades on my ship to help with your patrols of the city-if you wouldn't mind that.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


Surprised to hear this, Grid Arbiter Alexia stops what she's doing and looks at Fleet Captain Andrea. On the comms, the RF Commander responds with-

RF Commander #1 (comms)

That...would actually be very helpful of you.

The RF Commander says, kindly, as the situation is a "scratch my back, I'll scratch your back" scenario. Fleet Captain Andrea then finishes the conversation by saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

No problem.

With that, the comms are then cut between the two-

"comms cut"

As Grid Arbiter Alexia then speaks to Fleet Captain Andrea, asking her-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

...Fleet Captain? Aren't you going to-

To which Fleet Captain Andrea will cut her off by saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Rebecca is supposed to contact me first, Alexia, as I haven't even heard where we were supposed to meet to exchange information. I'll wait until after the negotiations happen between Bijou and Howard, before I look into that matter further.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


With that, the scene transitions-

"Scene Transition"

On the sides of the Midnight, all of the ramps for Blockades extends out from the ship and lands on the port. As it does, hundreds of DIC Blockades depart from the Midnight. Among the last that leave off the ship are the MP Liberty ErotiCakes belonging to Jonathan and Charlotte and the Liberty ErotiCake, as the two now speak to Bijou via private comms linkup, saying-

Jonathan Castlecat (comms)

...After this, we'll go ahead and take a look at the Liberty ErotiCakes' OS for you three.

Jonathan says from his Blockade, as he and Charlotte appear to be just leaving. Bijou replies from her Blockade-

Bijou Luisant

Thanks, you two.

Jonathan then leaves with the remaining the DIC Blockades from the Midnight, as Charlotte then speaks-

Charlotte Knighthood (comms)

Do remember what we discussed earlier, as I'd expect there is more to things on the surface going on around here.

Bijou Luisant

Of course.

Bijou replies to this as well, as Charlotte then leaves the Midnight. Afterwards, Bijou will speak to Fleet Captain Andrea, saying-

Bijou Luisant

...Alright, Andrea. We'll be off now.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

See you tomorrow morning, Bijou.

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


After this brief exchange between Bijou and Fleet Captain Andrea, she then moves her Blockade-as her friends silently watch-

Liberty ErotiCake

"Stomp!!!" "Stomp!!!" "Stomp!!!"

As it walks down the ramp, it will soon step into the port for ships, where several RF Blockades are waiting for it-

RF Blockades


A moment later, Bijou gets a contact from one of the RF Blockades-

"Beep Beep"

Bijou Luisant

!...This is Bijou Luisant speaking.

To which the RF Pilot then replies-

RF Pilot #2 (comms)

Welcome, Ms. Luisant. We deeply apologize to you for not bringing you a limo, as the city has seen better days.

The RF Pilot says, trying to spark up some light chit-chat. Bijou isn't impressed, as she replies-

Bijou Luisant

Thanks, but I'm fine piloting the Liberty ErotiCake for the time being. I assume you guys are here to escort me to the hangers, and then to the hotel, yes?

To which the RF Pilot replies-

RF Pilot #2 (comms)

Yes, Ms. Luisant. Right this way, please...

He says, in a slightly depressed tone-as the comms then cut between them and Bijou-

"Comms ut"

With that, he and the other RF Blockades begin walking towards a military base, which is situated a short distance away from the port, to which Bijou then follow suit in the Liberty ErotiCake-

RF Blockades

"Stomp!!!" "Stomp!!!" "Stomp!!!"

Liberty ErotiCake

"Stomp!!!" "Stomp!!!" "Stomp!!!"

As they go, the scene will now transition once more to show the devastation and destruction caused by the battles in recent months. The city will be nearly in total ruins, as buildings and businesses lay in utter destruction. Small fires and destroyed windows of buildings litter the area that the Blockades walk through, and at each street corner, several armed RF Blockades stand, with long-range weapons at the ready-

Battle Ready RF Blockades


Back inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, both Chole and Isaac take notice of what they are seeing, and speaks-

Chole Madison

...All of those Blockades are equipped with long-range weapons, it seems.

Chole says, taking a closer look at the RF Blockades around her. Bijou responds to her-

Bijou Luisant

I've noticed. Those weapons are most effective against "Superior Variants", which are a favorite among families like the Crowns.

Bijou explains, hinting that there are other such families out there that prize Superior Variants over Superior Splendors. Isaac then speaks up-

Isaac Carter

On another note, it looks like Howard has a lot of PeaceBringers and OrderFinder Blockades-but none of the models we have on the Midnight.

Isaac says, as both Bijou and Chole now take a closer look at the Blockades around them, of which none of them are the mass-produced Liberty ErotiCake variant seen on the Midnight. Chole then speaks-

Chole Madison

You're right, Isaac...and that color that the RF's color of choice?

Chole comments, as she takes an interest in the color choice of the RF. Bijou then explains-

Bijou Luisant

It suits Howard' style, as he always did like the colors red, gold and white. I personally don't see why, though...

She says, as some OrderFinder Blockades around them are briefly shown off. They are dyed completely in white with red feathers on the left arm falling downwards-while wearing a golden mask over their faces.

After this detail is pointed out, the group then approaches the military base, where several more RF Blockades stand at the entrance-with weapons at the ready. They let the group escorting the Liberty ErotiCake enter inside, as the area is surrounded on all sides by large walls taller than Blockades. As they go, the interior of the base will now come into view-

"Military base"

Here, the area that the Liberty ErotiCake and RF Blockades will walk through will be designed for them to either walk or use an ESG system-but the Blockades will opt to just walk, as the hangers and hotel is separated between a simple fence and is just down the street from their location. As they get there, the field in front will be a military training area, with dozens of hangers for Superior Splendors, where pilots will be undergoing late-night training outside.

"RF Pilots training"

Just before getting to an empty hanger, Isaac will notice something from the hangers nearby and speaks up-as the Liberty ErotiCake walks by-

Isaac Carter

...! Whoa. The RF have Frontiers laying over there!

Chole Madison


Bijou Luisant


As Isaac points this out, both Chole and Bijou will look over to where he is pointing, to which they will see a brief shot of several Superior Splendor Frontiers being moved around under wraps-

-Revel of Superior Splendor Frontiers-

As this is briefly shown, several Foundation members in different uniforms than the regular RF pilots will be covering them up with wrappings. They appear as if they are being very careful not to be suspicious, but Bijou and her friends will now have their eyes on them-while outside the Liberty ErotiCake, the RF Blockades will stop walking, thus prompting Bijou to do the same-

RF Blockades


Liberty ErotiCake


Bijou Luisant


As this happens, the RF Commander from before contacts Bijou once more-

"Beep Beep"

Bijou Luisant

!...Yes, sir?

Bijou says, as she is forced to be quiet, while still trying to get a good view of the scene she and her friends were so interested in. As Chole and Isaac do the same, the RF Commander speaks-

RF Commander #1 (comms)

Ms. Luisant. Once you depart from the Liberty ErotiCake, we'll have it moved inside and keep it safe for the night. We'll then walk over to the hotel just over there, where you will be provided with a dinner and room.

Bijou Luisant

Thanks. Just give me one minute...!

"cuts comms"

As Bijou cuts the comms, across the way, back at the hanger with the Foundation members, the men will now close the doors to the hanger, which Bijou and her friends will see. They speak about the matter-

Chole Madison

I read about those models, as they have a new variant of the EffectPhase armor on naval ships that allows them to fly-just like-

Bijou Luisant

The Stage Fright Frontier...

Bijou says, as she is then reminded about Stage Fright and her relationship with Cassius. She considers the information about both Frontiers at this time, until Isaac and Chole both interrupt her train of thought by replying-

Isaac Carter

That's right...but, why are they under wraps like that? And what were those Foundation people doing in there?

Chole asks, curious as to the unusual situation. Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

Perhaps Stanley has something in store for those models, as they haven't been mass produced as far as I know.

Chole Madison


Just as Chole says this, Bijou will then open the cockpit, as she prepares to come out of the Liberty ErotiCake. As she does, she looks to her friends and speaks-.

Bijou Luisant

...Alright, you two. Let's go.

Bijou says this sheepishly, to which Isaac then asks-

Isaac Carter


Chole Madison

Can we really come with you?

Bijou replies, softly-

Bijou Luisant

Of course. I'll vouch for you two if they ask questions, as it's just for one night, anyway.

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


Both Isaac and Chole say this in a caring tone, as Bijou then stands up from her seat. With that, Bijou is the first to leave the Liberty ErotiCake, as she is then followed by both Chole and Isaac.

As the three step off of the Liberty ErotiCake, they descend down to the ground in front of the hanger, where the RF Pilots have already gathered after exiting their Blockades. They will act slightly surprised to see Chole and Isaac, as they will not have heard that there were other people besides Bijou inside. As they get to the ground, the RF Commander will then approach and speak to Bijou-

RF Commander #1

...We weren't aware that you had two other pilots within the Liberty ErotiCake, Ms. Luisant...

The RF Commander says slyly, as Bijou then replies-

Bijou Luisant

You have my apologies, as I should've said something about them earlier. I hope this won't be an issue...

Bijou says, to which the RF Commander then replies-

RF Commander #1

Not at all. It just means we'll have to prepare another room and some more food for your friends. Are you two alright with waiting for that?

Chole and Isaac then speak-

Chole Madison

Oh, of course.

Isaac Carter

We can wait for that.

The RF Commander then speaks-

RF Commander #1

Right this way, then...

With that, the group then starts to walk away from the hanger and head for the hotel. As they do, the scene then transitions-

"Scene Transition"

Sometime later, Bijou will be seen alone in a room within the hotel, as she sits at the table in the room. An empty tray with crumbs of food will be seen in front of her, as Bijou is seen to be combing her hair, as she gets ready to go to bed-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou doesn't say anything, as suddenly, a knock comes from the front door-

"Knock Knock"

Bijou Luisant

Come in!

Bijou says, as the doors then open to revel some housekeeping maids. As they enter, one of them speaks to her-

Housekeeping Maid #1

Please forgive our intrusion, Ms. Luisant. Is there anything we can do before you head off to bed?

Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

Just take this tray and leave me with two more bars of chocolate, please.

Housekeeping Maid #1

Of course, my dear...

With that, the Housekeeping Maid then comes closer to Bijou and picks up the tray, while giving Bijou two chocolate bars. She takes them as if she is a princess being given food on a silver platter, to which the Housekeeping Maids then leave, as they say-

Housekeeping Maid #1

Have a wonderful night, Ms. Luisant.

Bijou Luisant

Thank you.

After this exchange, the Housekeeping Maids then leave, as Bijou then gets up from the table with the chocolates in hand. She puts them into the mini fridge nearby, before moving over to the bed, where she climbs inside and then gets some sleep-

Bijou Luisant


With that, time will move forward to the next day, as the scene transitions from night to morning-

In the morning, Bijou will be seen to be still sleeping in bed-

Bijou Luisant


As she slumbers, a ringing noise will then wake her up from near her bed-


Bijou Luisant


As Bijou opens her eyes, she will now notice that the ringing is coming from the wall to the right of her bed. She picks up a remote control and then presses a button on it, which activates the comms in the room. Then, a familiar voice will speak to her-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

...Good morning, Bijou. I hope I'm not waking you right now, as me and Stanley are already here at the hotel and waiting for you to come see us.

Bijou Luisant

..."Yawn" did just wake me up, Howard...but, whatever...

Bijou says, in a slightly annoyed tone, as Howard continues-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

I'm really sorry, Bijou. When can you come to the conference room so we can get things started?

Bijou Luisant


Now, Bijou will look over to the clock next to her bed, which reads "8:41 AM". She then replies-

Bijou Luisant

...I'll be there by 9:00 AM. Does that sound good?

To which Howard replies-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

Yes, Bijou. I'll have one of the maids come to show you the way by then.

Bijou Luisant


"Comms cut"

With that, the comms then cut between the two, as Bijou lays back in bed, still tired from being waken up so suddenly. However, she knows she has to get up now, so she does so, as the scene then transitions-

"Scene Transition"

As the next scene comes into focus, an elevator will open to show Bijou being accompanied by several Maid-

"Elevator doors opening."

Bijou Luisant


Housekeeping Maids


As the group emerges, they will do so just outside of a conference room, where a lounge area will be seen next to it. It's here that both Chole and Isaac are already sitting down, as the two then stand up to greet Bijou, who approaches with the maids-

Chole Madison

Ah, Bijou!

Isaac Carter

Good morning, Bijou. Did you sleep well last night?

To which Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

Yes, Isaac. I'm ready to meet Howard now, so keep a lid on things for me back here-

She says, as she extends her hand to give the two of them the chocolate bars she received the night prior. The two spot this and then accept her gift, saying-

Chole Madison

Oh...thank you, Bijou.

Chole says, happy to have some chocolate given to her by Bijou. Isaac also takes the chocolate bar from Bijou, as he says-

Isaac Carter

Are you sure you want us to have these?

To which Bijou says-

Bijou Luisant

Yeah. I'm sorry about taking so long, as I heard along the way that all of you were waiting on me to get up here. I should've been ready much earlier...

Bijou admits this, as she now appears to be slightly harsh on herself for making her friends wait for her. In response, Isaac tells her-

Isaac Carter

...Really, Bijou, don't worry about something like that. We are the ones who should be waiting for you anyway, as without you leading us, we wouldn't even be here right now.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is surprised, as this comes from Isaac. Chole remains silent, as Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

...Thanks, Isaac. I'll go ahead and see Howard and Stanley now.

Isaac Carter


With that, the two then separate, as Bijou then walks towards the doors to the conference room. She then goes inside, alone, while Isaac sits back down next to Chole outside.

Now inside of the room, it will be revealed to be a large and wide room with multiple doors leading into it. A large table sits in the middle of the room, to which Bijou now sees both Howard and Stanley-sitting on the right side of the table. Nearby them, a woman sits in a wheelchair, who is named Susan Pinnacle-Howard' wife, and as Bijou notices her, Howard will turn to speak to her-

Howard Pinnacle

Welcome, Bijou. Please, come in and have a seat.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is silent, as Howard points to a seat on the left side of the table for her to sit in. As Bijou comes over and sits down, both Howard and Stanley remain silent-while Susan faces Bijou from her wheelchair-

Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest


Susan Pinnacle


Sensing that Howard intends for Bijou to make the first move, she will take the bait by starting things off by asking-

Bijou Luisant

...Howard. May I ask you two what exactly are your goals? Why did you steal some of our military assets and bring to here to New Columbia? And what is the purpose in creating the RF?

Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest


Neither Howard nor Stanley answers these questions, prompting Bijou to continue-

Bijou Luisant

Need I remind you that the Ascension have made it clear to all of us that they intend to wage a campaign of extermination against all Consumers? How is the creation of the RF going to protect us from dwindling resources and an asteroid that's on it's way?!

Now, Howard speaks-

Howard Pinnacle

I see you are on your father's side, as you sound much more convicted to his views than you were when last we spoke.

Bijou Luisant


As Howard points this out, he will ascertain the fact that Bijou has had an interaction with her father and taken his side in this war. Bijou will then reply-

Bijou Luisant

I'm simply trying to look at the bigger picture here, as we are running out of time before these issues destroy everyone on this planet-including us. That's why, I think we shouldn't split our forces up like this and try to find some other way to resolve the crisis the DIC faces?

Howard Pinnacle


Now, Howard falls silent, as he then explains-

Howard Pinnacle

I agree with you...for the most part, Bijou. However, don't you think that we as a species shouldn't be allowed to start living in space, when we have people in the DIC that can create life-only to then dispose of said life after a purpose they never learned of is fulfilled?

Bijou is perplexed by this question, as she then asks her own question-

Bijou Luisant

...Should that really be something that everyone in the DIC-or the world-be responsible for, Howard? Afterall, not everyone in the DIC has that thought process, as it was strictly the people associated with Catalyst who decided that-and how to handle that cure situation as well.

Stanley Tempest

...We have our own thoughts about that "cure" the Ascension mentioned they needed, Bijou. However, that's not really important to discuss at the moment, so please, continue-Howard.

Bijou Luisant


As Stanley says this, he will imply that both he and Howard do not believe that the Ascension are suffering for a sickness-passing off the situation as if it's an afterthought and then telling Howard to continue speaking. None the wiser, Howard will then bring up a new point of interest-

Howard Pinnacle

...Think about it like this, Bijou. Say if we did start to live in space and colonized Grissom and Schirra, like we need to do in order to survive the upcoming asteroid impact. What do you think would happen should the people in that time create another species like the Ascension?

Bijou Luisant


Bijou doesn't say anything, as Howard continues-

Howard Pinnacle

The answer that I see is that we would be showing the civilizations-of whom live outside of our solar system-that all we can do when we have the opportunity to create life is to use them and then let them die. Would you really want to have that become our identity after our children leave this solar system behind? How could those aliens possibly wish to interact with us one day if we show them that kind of message?

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is taken aback by Howards' comments. Both Susan and Stanley wait for Bijou to speak, as she does so-

Bijou Luisant

...Those civilizations that you are talking investigation concluded that several of them were hardly on our level-technology wise. Some of them were seen building up weapons of mass destruction-such as outdated nuclear and atomic weapons.

Bijou explains, as she mentions some important developments of other planets in the galaxy-but she does NOT elaborate at this time. Instead, Howard continues-

Howard Pinnacle

True-but that investigation was conducted 41 years ago. Can you imagine how their civilizations might appear now? Especially if they were to develop more advanced telescopes and send them into space-like we've already done? What then?

Bijou Luisant


Bijou now cannot reply, as she can only look away from Howard. She mutters-

Bijou Luisant

I don't know...

Howard Pinnacle


Howard will now lean forward, which catches Bijou's attention. He then speaks, as he gets back on track by saying-

Howard Pinnacle

To answer one of your questions, about what purpose we had in creating the RF...I actually have a few goals in mind that are separate from the Ascensions' goals, of which I'd like for you to read-if you wouldn't mind...

As Howard says this, Stanley will hand him a small stack of papers. As he does this, Bijou will ask Howard directly-

Bijou Luisant

...What goals? What are you planning?

To which Howard then lays out the papers on the table for Bijou to pick up and read. Stanley then explains-

Howard Pinnacle

This is the plan that I'll be using the RF for-after we defeat the Crown family and bring all of New Columbia under our control. Please, take a read...

Bijou Luisant


With Howard offering Bijou to read his plans, Bijou will then pick up the papers on the table and will begin to read a few of the pages. At first, her expression is of curiosity-however, as she reads more, her expression turns from intrigue to pure contempt. Bijou then carelessly tosses the papers back onto the table and speaks in a foul tone-

*Papers scattering*

Bijou Luisant

Pah!! This plan of yours is rubbish!!!

Bijou continues-

Bijou Luisant

You intend to have me, Andrea and the rest of her fleet align with the RF, in order to turn against my father and have the whole of the DIC forcibly accept the Ascension as people above Consumers?! That will never work, Howard!! I will not agree to that, as the Ascension told everyone in the DIC that they would exterminate us all-just to find a cure and their sister!!!

As Bijou shouts this, both Stanley and Howard will remain silent. A few seconds later, Howard will then say-

Howard Pinnacle

...Oh, the people of the DIC will agree to our plans, Bijou. That's why we asked for you specifically to come here, after all.

Bijou Luisant

What did you say?!

Bijou is confused, as Howard now ignores her question and picks up all of the papers that Bijou carelessly threw onto the table. He then straightens them out and then holds them firmly in his hands, as he continues to speak-

Howard Pinnacle

If you were to willingly join our cause right now, then we will first combine our remaining forces with the Midnight outside to finally crush the last holdouts of the Crown family-as we believe they would not dare raise a hand against you, out of fear of drawing the ire of your father.

Bijou Luisant


Howard continues-

Howard Pinnacle

At the same time, with you continuing to support us afterwards, we could then have you rally even more support for my fraction-as we return to the DIC. Once back, I believe that your voice would prevent your father, Georges and even your uncle Oberon from resisting our dreams for the DIC-and they would quickly agree to step down from their respective positions if you asked them to.

Bijou Luisant


Howard continues-

Howard Pinnacle

Once that occurs, I would then seize full control over the East Islands, which is where nearly half of our supporters offer us their backing. It's here that the next step in our plan would occur-which you didn't bother to read, I might add...

Bijou Luisant


As Howard says this, Bijou will be shocked. However, for Stanley, he will react with some surprise at what Howard just said-while still staying silent-

Stanley Tempest


Susan Pinnacle


As Stanley and Susan watch, Howard continues-

Howard Pinnacle

At that stage, the RF and AA will begin to impose our views onto the rest of the DIC-and eventually the Confederation as well. We might've encountered opposition were we to try this ploy by ourselves-but with you at our side we'd have a lot of potential enemies accept our views and align to our ideals.

Howard Pinnacle

That would eventually include both Chairwoman Francoise and her mother, Rohais Luisant-both of whom govern over two wholes of the Confederation and are very close to you, so they also wouldn't try to harm you...were you to willingly align to our side, that is.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou remains silent, as she takes in Howard's beliefs. He finishes up by saying-

Howard Pinnacle

Should everything go as we plan then, we will then establish a new system to allow for those who accept our views to be allowed to relocate into Mainland-long before 2 decades have elapsed when those disasters will occur. And then, with the Ascension leading us, those that move into space will then survive the upcoming disasters.

Bijou Luisant


With Howard' plans laid bare, Bijou will then poise a question-

Bijou Luisant

...What about the people who don't want to accept the Ascension like that, Howard? What will you do to them?

To which Howard offers a simple answer-

Howard Pinnacle

...I think you already know the answer to that, Bijou.

Bijou Luisant


Howard says this in a strong tone, which makes Bijou uncomfortable. He reluctantly continues-

Howard Pinnacle

All of this comes from after I had my meeting with my mother and seeing her twisted views firsthand. After seeing how far she's descended, I decided to take it upon myself to remind her how our family used to do things concerning genetic modification. My family used to protect that which we created with our lives, but now, my mother is blinded by the circumstances that you are also trying to impose onto me.

To which Bijou snaps back with-

Bijou Luisant

That's only because it's the bigger picture, Howard!

Bijou says, as she starts to raise her voice. However, Howard remains in his own mindset, as he insists-

Howard Pinnacle

The bigger picture is still made up of many smaller pieces, Bijou!

Bijou Luisant


Bijou will now look stressed, as she cannot seem to reason with Howard. He then says-

Howard Pinnacle

...Ultimately, just to answer another one of your questions, once we have power over the world, if some people still refuse to accept the Ascension as anything other than pure wholeheartedly...then they will simply be left behind to endure the upcoming disasters-alone.

Bijou Luisant


Howard then finishes up his speech as Bijou looks at him by saying-

Howard Pinnacle

I say that because as we start moving into space, resources will be heavily constricted until we start colonizing other planets-which with our new government in place, will naturally mean that only those who wish nothing but the best for the Ascension will be allowed to live with us.

Bijou will now cover her mouth in shock at Howards' words. Afterwards, she will slowly lower them to poise another question-

Bijou Luisant

...And my family back in the DIC?! What would you do if they resisted?!!

Howard Pinnacle


Howard will now quiet down, as both he and Stanley will lower their heads. The two will then look towards Susan, who will wheel herself forward up to where Howard is standing. Once she is close enough, Howard will then speak-

Howard Pinnacle

...I...don't want to see you sad or in pain as all of this happens, Bijou. As a matter of fact, Susan was the one who explained to me how we could keep you away from everything that we are going to do with the DIC.

Bijou Luisant

...Susan?! You...spoke??!

Susan Pinnacle


Susan can only nod without any reply, as Howard continues to speak-

Howard Pinnacle

It's because we care so much about you that I asked Sacha to let me speak to you today...and what luck that he let you come here with the Midnight as well, as that will help my plans as well.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou now sees where the conversation is going, to which she comments-

Bijou Luisant

...If you go through with this'll break everything that both the DIC and Confederation stand for. You know that...

Howard replies-cooly-

Howard Pinnacle

I know, Bijou. But, I'm prepared to go this far for what I believe is the right way to show the Ascension we mean well. I'm even ready to force you to help us if I have to-though I don't want to get to that point if I can help it...

Bijou Luisant

!...You would dare...suggest that to my face, Howard?!

Howard then finishes up by saying-

Howard Pinnacle

The Ascension are expecting us to become their protectors, so they expect me and the RF to exceed their expectations in us. And whether or not my plans create a peaceful co-existence between our races or utter chaos, when everything is over, I will then personally release you and your family to then see what remains of our world.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou now closes her eyes and thinks. A moment later, she then quietly stands up and looks at Howard, Stanley and Susan with eyes of skepticism. She then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

...My answer is no. I cannot in good faith place my lot in with you or the RF at this time, Howard. Even though you, Stanley and Susan are near to my heart...I refuse to believe in your plan above my father's.

Howard Pinnacle


Susan Pinnacle


Howard will look disappointed in Bijou as she says this to him. Susan will also appear disappointed, but as for Stanley, he will subtly smile fiendishly-

Stanley Tempest


A moment later, suddenly-


Bijou Luisant


Howard Pinnacle


Susan Pinnacle


Outside, an explosion will grab everyone attention, as the scene then transitions to show a battle erupting along the edges of Viperod. Here, several RF Blockades will be attacked by the Crown family, who send several new kinds of Superior Splendors called "Superior Variants"-

Revel of Superior Variants

"Beam Fire!!!!"

As the Superior Variants attack, they will fly in the air and rain down destruction from above, while the RF Blockades in the area will speak-

RF Pilot #3

It's the Crown family!!! They're attacking!!!!


As the alarms go off, in the area, they struggle to push back the Superior Variants-but fail, as they are beaten back and destroyed. As more RF Blockades rush to the area to try and contain the situation, the scene will then transition back to the Viperod Castle.

Once back, Howard will take a comms device from his shirt and activate it, which then connects him to-

Howard Pinnacle

...Commander? Can you hear me?

To which the RF Commander will reply-

RF Commander ??? (comms)

Howard?! We are under attack around the entrance to the Kraken Straight again!! What are your orders?!!

Howard will take a moment to reply, as he will look at Bijou for just a moment. She will look back to him silently-

Bijou Luisant


With her seemingly unwilling to assist the RF, Howard replies with-

Howard Pinnacle

...Have our forces move to intercept and repel the enemy. As long as they can stand and have a gun and shield, send them out to fight.

Commander ??? (comms)


Howard Pinnacle

Prepare two Frontiers for me and Stanley, as we'll be going out there to help repel the enemy as well.

RF Commander

Of course, sir!!

After issuing this order, Howard will look back at Bijou, asking her one more time to align with his ideals-

Howard Pinnacle

...I apologize for this sudden occurrence...

To which Bijou will reply, in a haughty tone, saying-

Bijou Luisant

Oh, think nothing of it. Afterall, I do believe this is where I'll take my leave...

As Bijou says this, she will stand and head towards the door, to which Howard will call out to her-

Howard Pinnacle

You're leaving us?! Just like that?!

He says, in a surprised tone. Bijou will then reply by saying-

Bijou Luisant

Of course. I'm not about to lend you my voice for this nonsense you are scheming, as now that I think about it, it'll be better just to have the RF and Crowns burn each other out. That will prevent you from throwing away your lives against the DIC, as I do still look at the three of you as my friends, after all.

As Bijou explains this, Howard will grow even more frustrated, as he then says-

Howard Pinnacle

But I have the best interests in mind for the whole world, Bijou!!

He says, angerly trying to validate his plans. Bijou now replies calmly with-

Bijou Luisant

...Your plans are garbage, Howard. Just think of this as my way of ensuring you don't needlessly throw your life away-though, you and Stanley are too skilled to ever let that happen.

With that, Bijou will turn her back on Howard, which will push him over the edge, as he will then say-

Howard Pinnacle

...Well, I guess you don't care about what happens to Rebecca, then...

Bijou Luisant


Just as Bijou was about to leave through the door she came from, she will stop in her tracks as Howard mentions this. Intrigued, Bijou will look back over her shoulder to ask-

Bijou Luisant

...Come again?

Now, Howard will reply-

Howard Pinnacle

I apologize for not bringing this up sooner, as I did just say I didn't want to force you to help us...but, now that you are being like this, I'm afraid I have no choice...

Bijou Luisant


Now, Bijou turns around to demand answers from Howard, as she says-

Bijou Luisant

If I learn that you've done something to my niece, then I will-

To which Howard will then cut Bijou off by saying-

Howard Pinnacle

She's not here in Viperod anymore, as the Crowns took her soon after we established the Red Feathers.

Bijou Luisant


Howard continues-

Howard Pinnacle

I wasn't there when it happened, but as we began fighting against the Crowns, we in the RF did come across Rebecca and her family several times.

Bijou Luisant

How?! Rebecca is married to Georges, so he should've known about this...

Howard continues to explain-

Howard Pinnacle

Again, Bijou-I wasn't there when the Crowns approached her, so I don't know how they managed to convince her to support their fraction. However, I do know that she is helping them, as on several occasions she has piloted some of their Superior Variants-which are still attacking the city as we have this discussion...

Bijou Luisant


As Howard points this out, more explosions will rock the city outside, indicating that the fighting is becoming more fierce-


"Machine gun Fire!!!!!"

In response, Bijou is now forced to make a decision-

Bijou Luisant


Howard will then ask her-

Howard Pinnacle


To which Bijou then turns around to head out the door. As she does, she will say-

Bijou Luisant

...Just so you know, I'm not going to do this for the sake of the RF, as I'm only going to bring Rebecca and her family back to the DIC with me. Do you understand that...?

Howard Pinnacle


A moment later, Howard will reply-

Howard Pinnacle

I understand, Bijou.

Bijou Luisant


With that, Bijou will then leave the room, to which Howard will then breath a sigh of relief-

Howard Pinnacle


Next to him, Stanley will speak up-

Stanley Tempest

Well...that could've gone worse for you.

Howard replies-

Howard Pinnacle

At least she finally agreed to help us deal with the Crown family...though, how are we supposed to continue to appease the Ascension when our numbers are like this...?

Howard says, indicating that the remaining RF Superior Splendor numbers aren't where they need to be in order to challenge the DIC. Stanley will then simply say-

Stanley Tempest

Let's leave that issue alone for the moment, as you should at least be happy that Bijou agreed to help you deal with the Crown family. They were your biggest obstacle, so to even have thought you could've split the RF now to deal with the both of them and the DIC was foolish.

Howard Pinnacle


As Stanley mentions this, Howard will fall silent, as susan then reacts to something-

Susan Pinnacle


Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest


As Susan reacts to some pain in her belly, Howard will jump to his feet to approach her. As he does, he will then say-

Susan Pinnacle


Howard Pinnacle

...It's your pregnancy again...

To which Susan will then barely manage to speak-

Susan Pinnacle

I'll let...them at least see the light of day, Howard. At least let them have that chance...please...

Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest


Both men will then fall silent, as the chapter then ends-