Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 22

----Chapter 22----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

Still inside of the hotel, Bijou will emerge from the conference room in a slight huff, as the talk between her and Howard will have her visually upset-

Bijou Luisant


As she takes a few more steps out of the room, the door closes behind her, as Chole and Isaac will already be standing up and appear distressed, as they then approach Bijou and ask-

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter

What happened in there?!

To which Bijou replies, softly-

Bijou Luisant

...Howard was being a complete idiot in front of me in there. He wanted me to accept a nonsense plan that would pit us against the DIC.

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter

He wanted us to turn our backs on the DIC?!

Isaac says, confused, to which Bijou continues-

Bijou Luisant

Naturally, I refused...but, he then mentioned something I can't ignore...

Before Bijou can elaborate for Chole and Isaac, a strong shockwave will rock the hotel from outside-


Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


Bijou Luisant


As the three brace themselves, the rumbling will then subside, as Bijou then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

...We can talk about this later, as we need to get out there with the Liberty ErotiCake.

Chole & Isaac


Both will nod towards Bijou, as a scene transition occurs-

"Scene Transition"

Now outside on the bottom floor, Bijou and her friends will arrive to see a scene of utter chaos, as all around them in the skies, battles will be seen everywhere in the city-

"Battle Scenes"

At the hangers behind them, several RF Blockades will also be nearby on the field from last night, firing their weapons into the air, as the Superior Variants are shown flying above-



Inside of one of the RF Blockades, the same RF Commander from before will shout-

RF Commander #1

Those damn U2s again!! How did they let them get this far into the city??!


He shouts, as he fires his weapon into the air above.

As the bullets and missiles come flying out, they will travel into the air and disrupt the flightpath of many of the U2 Superior Variants overhead, as they dodge and weave around the incoming fire from below. As they do this, the insides of their cockpits are reveled for a brief moment-

U2 Superior Variants

"AI-Controlled Movements"...!

It is now reveled that the U2 Superior Variants attacking the city of Viperod are AI-Controlled, as they receive orders from somewhere else and begin to move to attack their defined targets. As some of them direct their weapons down at the areas below, another group will break off to head towards the Viperod Castle, as the scene then transitions-

"Scene Transition"

As the view shifts over to the Viperod Castle, the civilians inside are seen to be directed into the inner-most parts of the building. Inside, the people are seen to be visually scared of the attacking Superior Variants, as they scream while being directed to safety by several RF Soldiers-

Scared Civilians


RF Soldier #1

Don't panic!!!

RF Soldiers #2

We have people out there who are fighting to protect us all!!! Proceed to the shelters in a calm manner!!!!

The RF Soldiers say, as many scared civilians run past them. Among them are women with small children and many injured RF Soldiers, who struggle to make it to the shelters. As some of them pause to catch their breaths, one of the civilians will point outside the window-

Exhausted Father #1


Daughter #1

Father!! C'mon, we need to hurry and get to safety!!!

Exhausted Father #1

Please...give me a second here...!

Scared Civilian #1

Look!!! Out there!!!!

Exhausted Father #1


Daughter #1


RF Soldiers


Now, from outside the window, several U2 Superior Variants will hone in on the Viperod Castle. As they fire their weapons at the building, their attacks will strike the sides, causing many explosions to occur-


RF Soldiers


Scared Civilians


Within the Viperod Castle on various floors, several RF Soldiers and Scared Civilians will be hit by the explosions caused by the attacks. As they go flying, they will be killed in this chaos, as outside, the U2 Superior Variants will continue to zoom closer towards the Viperod Castle.

U2 Superior Variants


Then, suddenly, several attacks will cause them to break off from their flightpath, as they rapidly ascend into the air to avoid taking some hits-


"Missile Fire!!!!"

As bullets and missiles fly into the air, several groups of RF Blockades will arrive on the scene from below to assist with repelling the U2 Superior Variants away from the Viperod Castle. Inside one of the RF Blockades, another Commander will be seen to speak, as he issues orders to his men-

RF Commander #2

...Reinforce this area as best you can!! Use the ESG System to get to the roof and fire at will!!!

RF Pilots (comms)

Yes, Sir!!

As this is shown, the barrage of returning fire from the RF Blockades on the ground intensifies, as some of them take several ESG Platforms stationed along the base of the Viperod Castle up to the roof of the complex. Here, they take cover around several barricades and return fire, however, some of them are shot down in this area, as the view then pans away from the Viperod Castle to show most of the city swamped in conflict...

"Scene Transition"

Back at the hangers, Bijou and her friends are seen to run towards the hanger where the Liberty ErotiCake was last night. The doors are open for them already, and as they enter inside, the trio will see the Liberty ErotiCake standing by inside-

Liberty ErotiCake


As the three enter into the hanger, they will soon board a lift that takes them up to the cockpit, where they will then hop inside of the Liberty ErotiCake. Once in, Bijou will close the cockpit and activate the Liberty ErotiCake from her seat, as then, she will get a contact from-

"Beep Beep"

Bijou Luisant

!...Who is this?

Bijou asks, to which the voice of Howard will come out-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

Bijou. It's me.

Bijou Luisant


Now, Bijou's face will contort, as she will be apprehensive to conversing with Howard. Sensing this, Howard will reply-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

Relax...I just wanted to remind you that while we had our differences a moment ago in the conference room, the people of this city need us to cooperate right now.

Bijou Luisant

I already know that, Howard. What you discussed is entirely separate from aiding the civilians of this city.

Bijou says this quickly, as Howard finishes up.

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

Good. That's all I wanted to say, Bijou...oh, and...just be careful out there, as we'll be taking on that commander unit in the skies with these Frontiers.

Bijou Luisant


"Comms cut"

With that, Bijou intentionally cuts the comms, as she then moves the Liberty ErotiCake forward. As she does, both Chole and Isaac will ask-

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter

Are you sure it was a good idea to cut him off like that?

Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

I'm sure. You two weren't in that room to hear what he asked of me, so I'll tell you when we have a free moment...!

Bijou says, as outside of the Liberty ErotiCake, it now emerges from the hanger it was in. As it does, several stray missiles impact the area around it, causing some light damage to the area-


Liberty ErotiCake


The Liberty ErotiCake isn't fazed by this attack, as in another hanger, two more Superior Weapons emerge from the darkness. They are reveled to be RF Frontiers, whom activate EffectPhase armor and then take to the skies-heading towards the entrance to Viperod to the west.

As the two Frontiers leave, several more U2 Superior Variants will descend towards the hanger below. Howard and Stanley will ignore these units, as more U2 Superior Variants fly around them now. As they prepare to fight them, the group that descended towards the hangers below will avoid incoming attacks coming from below-

Superior Variants




As the Superior Variants avoid the incoming attacks, they will now return fire at the RF Blockades firing at them from below. Their attacks are generally missiles, which fly out from the Superior Variants-


As the missiles fly out, they will approach the RF Blockades below, and once close enough, many of them will destroy the areas around the RF Blockades-


RF Blockades


As the RF Blockades buckle from the pressure of being attacked from above, the Liberty ErotiCake will then move in closer to the scene. As it does, inside, Bijou will speak to Chole, while having a serious look in her eyes-

Bijou Luisant

Chole! Back me up!!

Chole Madison

Got it!

Isaac Carter


While Bijou and Chole are ready to fight, Isaac will be more unprepared as to how to react, as he braces himself for what happens next.

Outside, the Liberty ErotiCake will draw it's Double Magnums from its thighs and wield one in each hand. As it does, it will then raise up both of these guns and skillfully aim them at two Superior Variants-

Liberty ErotiCake


"BANG!!! BANG!!!!"

As two shots come out from the Liberty ErotiCakes' weapons, the bullets will travel into the air and pierce through the armor of two of the attacking Superior Variants. As this happens, the two Superior Variants will stutter-long enough for the RF Blockades to see what just happened.

Now, some of the RF Blockade pilots will react to this sudden appearance to the Liberty ErotiCake-

RF Pilot #1


RF Pilot #2

That must be the skill of the Luisant family...

They mention, as the Liberty ErotiCakes' weapons are seen. A single magazine drops from the weapons and then crashes onto the ground with a thud-

"THUD!!!!" "THUD!!!"

As it then continues to charge forward. Inside, Bijou speaks to Chole, saying-

Bijou Luisant

Little Partner! Give me four more magazines!!

Chole Madison


As Bijou asks this, outside, the Liberty ErotiCake will extend four more magazines from it's waist, where the Liberty ErotiCake will reload its weapons in a second-

Liberty ErotiCake


After this is shown, the remaining Superior Variants above turn their attention towards Bijou in the Liberty ErotiCake, as they fire at her using their machine guns-


As they fire at the Liberty ErotiCake, it dodges out of the way with skill that hasn't been seen before by Bijou. As it weaves around the incoming attacks, it then positions itself to retaliate against the attacking Superior Variants above. A moment later, it fires several shots up towards its attackers-

Liberty ErotiCake

"BANG!!!" "BANG!!!!"..."Reloading"..."BANG!!!!" "BANG!!"

The Liberty ErotiCake now fires four more shots into the air, which soon pierce through four more Superior Variants. The damage causes them to also stutter in the air, as they are taken aback by the sudden attacks, to which inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, Isaac comments about how Bijou is currently fighting-

Isaac Carter

...Amazing. You two make a great duo...but, why are you not destroying them?

To which Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

If I do that, then they might crash into the city and explode. I don't want to cause more damage if I can help it-which means no Liberty Blaster either.

Isaac Carter

I see...

Then, Chole will speak up-

Chole Madison

Bijou! On our right!!

Bijou Luisant


Back outside the Liberty ErotiCake, several more Superior Variants will approach from the right. As the Liberty ErotiCake looks over its shoulder, suddenly, they will all be shot at by-


Superior Variants


As the Superior Variants are shot at, they will suffer damage from their attackers and will also stutter in the air. As they back off and ascend, the view will go back into the Liberty ErotiCake, where Bijou will react-

Bijou Luisant

!...Who just did that?!

A second later, a beeping will come from the comms in front of Bijou-

"Beep Beep"

Bijou Luisant

!...This is Bijou! Who is this?

Now, the voice of Jonathan and Charlotte will come from the comms-

Jonathan Castlecat (comms)

Hey there, Bijou. I hope we aren't getting in your way too much.

Bijou Luisant

!...Jonathan!! And Charlotte too?!

Bijou asks, to which Charlotte then speaks up-

Charlotte Knighthood (comms)

Of course, sweety. Fleet Captain Andrea asked us to back you up-but it seems we weren't needed all that much...

Bijou Luisant


Bijou now appears confused, but a moment later, the Liberty ErotiCake will look above itself to see the Superior Variants that were just damaged. Instead of attacking them, they will all now opt to retreat from the area and return back from where they originally appeared from, to which Isaac then comments from within the Liberty ErotiCake-

Isaac Carter

!...They are retreating...

Jonathan then speaks-

Jonathan Castlecat

Yeah...but, what about those three up there...?

Chole Madison



Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


As Chole wonders what Jonathan could be implying, an explosion will occur far above them in the skies, as the scene then transitions to above the clouds-

"Scene Transition"

Here, two RF Frontiers are seen to be engaged in battle against a single U3 Superior Variant. Their battle is fierce, as both Howard and Stanley fire their weapons at the U3 Superior Variant, while dodging its attacks in the skies-



Despite their skill and having this Superior Variant outnumbered 2-to-1, the pilot inside will still manage to evade all of their attacks against her. It is then reveled that this individual has red hair much like Bijou-but has white skin unlike Bijou. As she continues to maneuver her Superior Weapon in the heat of battle, she will suddenly get a contact from somewhere-

??? (comms)

...Hey, Rebecca?! What are you doing still fighting??!

Rebecca ???


As this woman is now pointed out to be Rebecca, she remains silent, as she continues to maneuver her Superior Weapon do evade the incoming attacks from Howard and Stanley. Then, the voice on the comms continues-

??? (comms)

I've given the order to retreat already!! If you don't return, then you can be killed by those two, for all I care...

Rebecca ???


Now, the woman named Rebecca will react by leaning her Superior Variant to it's left. As she does this, she will spot the Liberty ErotiCake far below her, to which she then speaks to the voice berating her-

Rebecca ???

...I can't shake off those two anymore, Caligula. My U3 is already at it's limit, so send me some backup...!


Rebecca insists, as her Superior Variant is then struck by some stray bullets. Small explosions come from her Superior Variant at this time, to which the man named Caligula then replies-

Rebecca ???


Caligula ??? (comms)

...I'm terribly sorry, Rebecca, but I can't send you any reinforcements. You were a great asset to my plans, though, so I'll be sure to use the rest of your family...

Rebecca ???

You...are betraying me...?!

Rebecca says, almost pleading with the man named Caligula, to which the man then replies-

Caligula ??? (comms)

No, Rebecca. Just like I told you before, just think of this as..."doing business".

Rebecca ???

Damn you!!! Caligula!!!!

Rebecca screams, as outside, her Superior Variant is then seen to take many more hits from Howard and Stanley-




As the volley of bullets come from the two Frontiers, a flurry of missiles will then come out from Howard's Frontier-


However, Stanley's Frontier will not fire any missiles, as inside, Stanley will speak-

Stanley Tempest is the time for you to make your move...!

Stanley mutters, in a sinister tone, as the missiles from Howards' Frontier then strike at the U3 Superior Variant. As they hit, the Superior Variant will be seen to be critically damaged and will start falling downwards, to which inside, Rebecca is seen to put on a jetpack onto her back-

Rebecca Luisant


As the Superior Variant falls from the skies, it will do so towards the foggy area from whence it came from. Smoke and fire will blast out from it as it continues to descend, to which as it disappears into the fog, it will take some time for a faint explosion to occur from the fog-


Just outside of the fog, both Howard and Stanley will have their Frontiers hover in the air, just to be sure that the Superior Variant has been destroyed. Once they hear the explosion, a faint glow will be briefly visible from the dense fog ahead, to which Stanley will then speak-

Stanley Tempest

...Finally, after several months, it looks like you've finally taken down one of their top commanders.

Howard Pinnacle

...Yeah...I just hope that wasn't Rebecca in there, as if it was...

Howard will say this in a worried tone, as he will now be seen inside of his Frontier. To keep him focused, Stanley will speak-

Stanley Tempest

I'm sure she wasn't in there, as she was never one who had that much experience behind a Superior Variant. We both know that.

Howard Pinnacle

...Yeah. You're right, Stanley.

Stanley continues-

Stanley Tempest

Now...with that out of the way, our forces will have a much easier time for when we make our final assault against the Crowns and their factories. But first, you'll need to convince Fleet Captain Andrea below to go along with that, as splitting up our forces now to attack the DIC and deal with the Crowns will just lead to our downfall.

Howard Pinnacle

Yes, Stanley.

With subtle conditioning, Stanley will succeed in convincing his old friend to re-focus his efforts from the battle just now to convincing Fleet Captain Andrea to assist him further.

With that, both Frontiers will then return back to the city, as the scene will then transition-

"Scene Transition"

Back at the hangers, the Liberty ErotiCake and two MP Liberty ErotiCakes will be seen very close to each other, as inside, Bijou will be just finishing up what Howard asked of her to all of her friends. In addition to Jonathan and Charlotte, Fleet Captain Andrea will also be connected via the comms network, as Bijou then says-

Bijou Luisant

...And that's what Howard asked of me before we left the hotel to help repel the sudden attack...

Bijou says, finishing up her explanation offscreen. Both Chole and Isaac then reply-

Chole Madison

He's out of his mind if he seriously thought we'd all agree to something like that.

Chole says, strongly suggesting that she would never have agreed to doing such a thing. Isaac then speaks-

Isaac Carter

Same here. I actually thought we could've ended up fighting against the RF-but this was even worse than I imagined.

Isaac says, also in a strong tone. Fleet Captain Andrea then speaks up over the comms-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

...And you did turn him down, correct?

Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

Yes, of course I said no. While I have my suspicions about my father's goals in this war, doing something like what Howard wanted of me would've just distanced all of us from the real truth that he's hiding.

Fleet Captain Andrea continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

I agree-and I do believe you made the right choice back there. However, there is more to this situation now that civilians are involved...!

Bijou Luisant


Just then, the view will briefly shift over to the bridge of the Midnight, where Grid Arbiter Alexia will speak to Fleet Captain Andrea-as a beeping noise will be heard now-

"Beep Beep"

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

!...Fleet Captain Andrea. It's Howard. He's trying to contact us right now.

Fleet Captain Andrea will then reply to Bijou first by saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Bijou. You and your friends stay on the line with me, please. Don't say anything, while I speak to Howard...

Bijou will reply from the comms now-

Bijou Luisant (comms)


Now that things are silent, Fleet Captain Andrea will speak to Grid Arbiter Alexia-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Alexia. Go ahead and connect us now.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Sure thing...!

With the gesture from Fleet Captain Andrea, Grid Arbiter Alexia will then connect the comms to Howard's Frontier. He then speaks-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

...Fleet Captain Andrea? It's me, Howard.

Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I hear you...

Fleet Captain Andrea says, anxious as to what Howard will ask of her. Howard doesn't notice anything, as he begins by saying-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

First off, I must say that I'm impressed how you decided to act the way you did during the battle just now. To repel the Crowns and their Automated killing machines is quite a feat, as we've struggled against them in recent months now.

Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I just did what was expected of me, as the people of this city needed to be defended from the enemy.

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

True. I'm sure they are grateful to you for your assistance...though, may I ask what you intend to do from here on?

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Now, back inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, Bijou will be shown to be very interested in what Fleet Captain Andrea will reply back with, as she and her friends listen silently and intently-

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


Jonathan Castlecat


Charlotte Knighthood


Back in the Midnight, Fleet Captain Andrea will reply with-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Well, while we have repelled the Crowns and their Superior Variants, I do believe that we should return to the DIC for the time being. Our mission was not to engage in fighting down here, as I was told to only bring Bijou to talk to yourself about your goals with creating the RF.

Howard Pinnacle (comms)


Howard will go silent, as Fleet Captain Andrea continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

There is also the issue of your crimes concerning the theft of many of our military assets and passing them off as your own official military. Such acts are very serious, though, it's not my place to decide at the moment how to respond, as I'm only following what I was told by President Sacha.

Now, Howard will speak up-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

...Believe me when I say this-I am fully aware of my transgressions against the DIC, but I only did the things I've done for the benefit of those that I believe are innocent...

Howard now explains, as Fleet Captain Andrea continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I'm not saying you don't have your reasons. I'm just saying that I have my own orders to follow, which I intend to adhere to for the time being.

Sensing an opportunity, Howard will now speak-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

Alright. But before you decide that, may I ask what you would do if the Crowns continued targeting the civilians in this country? Would you seriously consider turning your backs on them if they were to return with more Superior Variants-especially to this city?

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


Fleet Captain Andrea will pause for a moment, as she will know full well as to what Howard is trying to do. A moment later, she will reply-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I would reconsider my decision then, as I can plainly see that this city has become something of a common battleground.

Fleet Captain Andrea says, hinting that she has her own motives for wanting to proceed further. Howard will then reply-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

Then, I'd appreciated it if you would align your ship to our cause, as we had another goal in mind-along with...negotiations...between myself and Bijou. You see, I had also planned to form a combined force to liberate the city of Daimondale with your ship-which is where the Crowns are holed up and forcing their remaining civilians to create more Superior Variants.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Howard continues-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

With your assistance, we could put a stop to them and finally give some relief to the people of New Columbia-as this situation is happening all across this country. We could make use of the Liberty Blaster and the stock of Blockades currently on your ship, which would then bring our conflict in this area to a swift conclusion.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


With this, Fleet Captain Andrea will be tempted by Howards words, to which she will then reply-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I would consider that-though, I would need some time to make a final decision. Could you offer me that?

Howard will reply swiftly-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

Absolutely. I can provide you with one hour to come back with a reply to me. By then, should you agree to join hands with the RF, we'll give your ship some resupplies and go from there.

Howard says, mentioning that there will be some supplies in store for them-should Fleet Captain Andrea agree to fight for the RF's sake. Fleet Captain Andrea then closes the conversation by saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I'll be sure to let you know my decision by then, Howard...

Howard then says-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

I'll be expecting you...

"comms cut"

With that, Howard will then cut the comms, to which Fleet Captain Andrea will then ask Bijou-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Well, Bijou? What do you think I should reply with?

Fleet Captain Andrea asks, as the view then goes back to the Liberty ErotiCake-

"Scene Transition"

Here, Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

I think you should take him up on his offer, as like I just explained to you, my niece Rebecca is somehow involved with the Crowns right now. I need to know how and why she agreed to this, as the plight of the people of New Columbia is a good way to go along with finding those answers.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Yes...that is one thing I'm sure you'd like cleared up from her...

Bijou Luisant


Bijou will now sense as if Fleet Captain Andrea has something to do with Rebecca. She will then ask-

Bijou Luisant

Um...Andrea? Do you...happen to know my niece as well?

To which Fleet Captain Andrea will reply-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Yes, in fact. I actually had my own reasons for coming to Viperod, as I was supposed to meet your niece to exchange information about what your father is scheming behind the scenes.

Bijou Luisant


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

She might've had information about exactly what he was up to, which she agreed to share with me when we met...though, I haven't heard from her since she contacted Miracle and told her that she'd meet with me in this city.

Bijou will be shocked to hear this, as she replies-

Bijou Luisant

!...I see. I didn't know you had something like this in the oven...

Fleet Captain Andrea continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

I didn't want you to become aware of this until I knew what the information was, as it's contents could possibly change your whole world back in the DIC-should it be presented to the NJD.

Bijou Luisant


As Fleet Captain Andrea continues, Bijou will fall silent, as Chole and Isaac then speak up-

Chole Madison

This is what we've been looking for all these months, Bijou. If we can get our hands on that information from your niece, then we'll learn everything your father is planning.

Bijou Luisant

That's true...however...

Bijou will now lower her head as Chole says this to her, as she now has reservations concerning bringing to light this information. Concerned, Isaac will then speak-

Isaac Carter

It would help to put into perspective as to what is going on behind our backs...but, I can also see how it would upset the balance of power, since your family runs the entire DIC and most of the Confederation as well...

As Isaac says this to Bijou, she now falls completely silent-

Bijou Luisant


On the comms, both Jonathan and Charlotte will then chime in, asking-

Jonathan Castlecat (comms)


Charlotte Knighthood (comms)

Can you still go through with this?

After a moment of hesitation, Bijou then replies-

Bijou Luisant

...Yes, I can. Though I've sided with my father and whatever his plot is, I also want to know what he is truly up to. We've been looking for any shred of clue as to that question for nearly 6 months, so if Rebecca can give us that information, then I'll help you find her and get her to give us that information.

Fleet Captain Andrea then speaks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

I'm sure this is a difficult decision for you to make on your own-knowing full well that it could spell certain doom for your entire family. I thank you for being so strong once more.

Bijou Luisant

Don't mention it...

Bijou then finishes up by saying-

Bijou Luisant

Oh, and one more thing, Andrea. I don't think I'd be fit to act as the final deciding factor-at least, while I'm still a pilot for the Liberty ErotiCake. That's why, may I ask that you continue to act as our Fleet Captain and make all the important decisions like always.

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


Both Chole and Isaac will be surprised by this mention, to which Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Are you sure? You'd make a pretty good leader one day, in my honest opinion...

Fleet Captain Andrea suggests, as Bijou shows a small smile on her face. She then finishes up by saying-

Bijou Luisant

I'm sure. It'd just be awkward to have me issue commands that will impact everyone else the way I am now. So please, just direct me like you've done in the past, and I'll follow whatever you decide.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)


Fleet Captain Andrea then finishes the conversation by saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

I'll go ahead and let Howard know that we will be accompanying him to Daimondale, so come back to the Midnight and prepare to leave Viperod in one hour.

Bijou Luisant

Yes, Andrea.

"comms cut"

With that, the comms cut between Bijou and Fleet Captain Andrea.

Back with her, she now begins to move the Liberty ErotiCake back to the docks, along with the two MP Liberty ErotiCakes behind her, as the scene then transitions-

"Scene Transition"

One hour later, back at the docks, all of the Blockades for the Midnight will be seen back on the ship now-including the Liberty ErotiCake-

Liberty ErotiCake


As it is briefly seen, the Midnight then leaves the port and starts to travel westwards, as behind it, many RF ships are also seen to leave their respective ports and begin following after the Midnight-

RF Fleet


As they go, Howard speaks to Fleet Captain Andrea, saying-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

...Alright, Andrea. Continue down this path, and we'll soon enter into the Kraken Straight. I'll explain to you a lot of things about this area as we continue on our way.

Howard says, as he is about to begin to explain a lot of things off screen. Fleet Captain Andrea replies with-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I'll expect that, then...!

To which now, Fleet Captain Andrea now subtly looks over to AI Cody, as it appears to be inactive-but it is actually very much doing something shady-

AI Cody


Now, deep within the CPU of AI Cody, it is seen to hack into every single RF ship and RF Blockade that's accompanying the Midnight on its trek. It will do this subtly and without anyone noticing anything, as the ships go on their way.

As this is shown, in the fog, a single critically damaged U3 Superior Variant is seen, hiding among the fog, watching the fleet go by-

Superior Variant U3


As it watches the Midnight, it will then slowly submerge itself under the water, as the chapter then ends-