Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 23

----CHAPTER 23----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

As the Midnight and RF fleet traverse out from the city of Viperod, they will travel through a small canal that soon leads to a foggy wetland. As the ships enter into this area, visibility drops to near zero, as the wetland splits off into many different directions. Amoung the large trees, vast stretches of murky water and tall grasses will surround the ships on both sides, while an extremely dense fog will obscure the environment.

In this environment, debris and dead bodies from prior engagements between the Crown family and RF will be seen in the water. However, at one point, one of the bodies will look intact, as it's the figure of a woman in a diving suit-

Woman in Diving Suit


As the Midnight and RF fleet approach this area, the woman in the diving suit will position herself directly in the path of the Midnight, where once it comes close enough, she will latch onto it using one of her hands-

Woman in Diving Suit


As this individual latches onto the Midnight, it will continue on it's path, as deep below the surface of the water, a Superior Variant U3 will be seen-cabled to the underside of the Midnight-

Superior Variant U3 (underwater)


It doesn't move, as it's inactive, as the Midnight and RF fleet continue to navigate through this area. The scene then transitions-

"Scene Transition"

Some time later, the RF ships will now lead the way for the Midnight, which is now situated inbetween the rest of the RF fleet-

RF Fleet




As the ships continue, on the bridge of the Midnight, Fleet Captain Andrea will be speaking to Howave via the comms network. She will be receiving an update from Howard, as the two say-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I see. So, we don't need to send out any of our Blockades to patrol at this time?

Fleet Captain Andrea asks, to which Howard then explains-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

That's right. Ever since we started fighting the Crown family, we had to map out this entire area so we didn't get lost in this dense fog. We already have a fairly detailed view of this area, which I'll send you a copy of...!

Howard says, as he sends a file to Grid Arbiter Alexia. She speaks to Fleet Captain Andrea over her shoulder-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

!...We just got the file, Andrea.

To which Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Go ahead and put it on screen, please.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Sure thing...!

After a few moments of button presses, Grid Arbiter Alexia accepts the file from Howard and then displays the image for both her and Fleet Captain Andrea to see on screen-


Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

!...Impressive. The RF have certainly been fighting in this area for a while...

Grid Arbiter Alexia says, complimenting the detail in what she sees. Various areas on the map will detail sections where the fighting occured, along with indications that show the locations of many destroyed ships and Superior Weapons from both sides.

However, as Fleet Captain Andrea scans the map in great detail, she will take a more closer look at what she sees on screen-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


The map now shows the entire area ahead of them in great detail. There are many winding routes and environmental hazards along multiple pathways to their ultimate destination. However, several parts of the map will have black marks over them, to which Fleet Captain Andrea will question-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Howard? What are these dark marks you made on the map?

To which Howard will reply-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

Those are the areas where we fought against the Crown family and their Superior Variants for almost 6 months. I even pointed out where we barely managed to assault one of their factories-but their defenses were too strong back then. Each area that we battled in is now full of debris and dead bodies, and we often had to engage them using hand-to-hand tactics there.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Surprised to hear this, Fleet Captain Andrea will ask-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

You mean they...climbed up the sides of your ships and attacked your people with firearms?!

To which Howard will reply-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

Yes. However, that happened during the early days of our conflict with them, where it eventually became battles against their mass produced U1 Superior Variants. They haven't gone back to their original tactics since-but I've heard that in other areas, they are still using such methods.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Upon hearing this, Fleet Captain Andrea will become visually worried, as she will then speak to AI Cody-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

AI Cody. Go ahead and lock all of the Midnight's doorways and emergency exits at once. Leave it that way until we leave this area behind.

AI Cody


With that, short scenes of the doors within the Midnight closing and locking will be shown. Afterwards, Grid Arbiter Alexia will speak-in a relieved tone-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Thanks, Andrea. I really can't picture either of us taking on a group of armed men with guns, as it's just the two of us in control of the Midnight.

Grid Arbiter Alexia says, as she looks over to Fleet Captain Andrea. Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I know. That's why I really do wish this entire ship had it's own crew like all other ship classes, as at least then we'd have our own security...besides...!

Now, Fleet Captain Andrea will glance over to AI Cody, who doesn't emote towards either her or Grid Arbiter Alexia-

AI Cody


As it silently awaits it's next order, Grid Arbiter Alexia will get the picture and reply-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

!...I see what you mean.

Grid Arbiter Alexia grins, as back on the comms, Howard will speak-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

...Speaking of which, I've received an update from our allies in the other parts of New Columbia. They've met your friends and are already allying their services to our cause.

To which Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I've heard from them about that-just before we began communicating, in fact. Though, they didn't say anything about "allying their services to your cause", as they are there to do there own thing-much like we are doing here.

Fleet Captain Andrea says, putting into perspective exactly what they are doing here. Howard replies with-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

That's probably true, but we are all heading towards the same goal, technically, so I like to believe we are all on the same side out here.

Howard says this optimistically-indicating that without Fleet Captain Andrea and her fleet of Dreadnoughts assisting them at the moment, they wouldn't have much in the way of putting an end to their conflict with the Crown family.

Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I do too. However, this truce between us will only last until our interests in this area have concluded. At that exact moment, I'm afraid I'll have to return to the DIC post haste with this ship and the rest of my fleet, as we have other obligations that we must attend to.

Fleet Captain Andrea says, in a low tone, indicating that she doesn't really care too much about the RF or their struggle against the Crown family. The only reason why she is even out here is because Bijou insists on meeting her neice, Rebbeca-of which she too also has a reason to meet her in order to exchange information about President Sacha's true goals in this war.

Sensing this, Howard will then reply-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

You must be refering to Rebbeca Luisant and the information she investigated concerning President Sacha's goals in this war, right?

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


AI Cody


As the talk continues, Grid Arbiter Alexia and AI Cody will show some interest in what is being discussed right now. Fleet Captain Andrea remains calm, as she replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Yes. I was supposed to meet her in Viperod to discuss that very topic, in fact.

Howard Pinnacle (comms)


Now, Howard will fall silent, before replying with-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

If I may, I would like for you to call off your investigation into that matter...

Howard won't reply, as he will want Fleet Captain Andrea to ask why he feels this way. She will do so, reluctantly-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I have a vested interest in this, Howard. Though, I might reconsider if you supply me with a valid reason as to why you ask this of me.

To which Howard will reply with-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

Because that information is connected to powerful individuals that could have you and your friends captured and tortured-much like what happened to Rebbeca and her family. I heard they were taken by the Crowns, where they were then forced to engage us in battle these past 6 months.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


As Howard explains his cause, Fleet Captain Andrea will be less than impressed, as several questions will stick out to her in her mind at this time. Grid Arbiter Alexia continues to remain quiet, as Howard finishes up with-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

If you are smart, you'll head my warnings and forget about taking to Rebbeca to ask her what that information was, as it will probably only be a waste of time. Instead, I'd like for you to continue lending us your assistance, as you and your friends would make for ample reinforcements to remodel the DIC after this battle is over.

Howard says, pleading much like he did to Bijou earlier. Fleet Captain Andrea is still not impressed, as she will reply-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I'd watch your words carefully, Howard, as trying to solicit a member of the DIC military is a serious crime.

Howard replies, cooly-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

I'm aware-but I and my allies are growing more desperate for more allies by the day, as we need more people to help us reshape the DIC into our perfect vision. That's the only reason why I'm now asking you to help us even further.

Howard pleads, but Fleet Captain Andrea remains frim in her resolve, as she says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Tempting, but I should mention that President Sacha explicitly issued to me that Bijou would have the final say in all of my actions while down here in New Columbia. If there is an issue you wish for me to participate in, you will have to go through her first.

Fleet Captain Andrea says, bringing up Bijou as a shield to end the conversation early. The ploy works, as Howard now falls silent-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)


A moment later, he comes back with-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)

...We won't give up on attempting to convice you or your friends, Andrea.

To which Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

You may try, Howard. Though, you and your friends will be fighting an uphill battle in trying to convince us to bend the rules for your cause.

To which Howard will then say-

Howard Pinnacle (comms)


"Cuts comms"

With that, thec comms are then cut, to which Grid Arbiter Alexia then speaks-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

...Howard and his allies must be growing desperate to try to convince us like that. As if getting told off by Bijou wasn't enough already...

Grid Arbiter Alexia quibs, as Fleet Captain Andrea replies in a confident tone-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I don't mind. In fact, I welcome him trying to bring me over to his side, as it will at least help to pass the time until we assault the base.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


Now, Grid Arbiter Alexia will notice something, as she then says-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Fleet Captain! One of the Frontiers on the RF Destroyer is taking off!

As Grid Arbiter Alexia says this, outside of the Midnight, one of the RF Frontiers belonging to Howard will take off from the destroyer. It activates it's own EffectPhase armor, which being a variant of the one the Midnight and ships are made of, allows it to fly-much like the AA Blockades and Stage Fright Frontier.

As he leaves, though, another Frontier will remain in standby, as this one is piloted by Stanley. He won't say or do anything, as the scene then moves back to the bridge of the Midnight, where Fleet Captain Andrea replies in a casual tone-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Let him go blow off some steam, as he can at least let us know if the enemy is approaching us through this thick fog...

To which Grid Arbiter Alexia will ask-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Are you sure? After that, he might not do that for us...

Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

If not, then he will let his fleet know. Let me know if there is any change in their positions, and we'll take it up from there.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


As Grid Arbiter Alexia prepares to watch the RF Fleet, Fleet Captain Andrea will sink back in her seat, as she says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Also, send a lift for our "guest" that latched onto my ship. If my hunch is correct, then she will be going to meet Bijou in the Liberty ErotiCake...

Gird Arbiter Alexia replies-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Of course.

After this, Fleet Captain Andrea will think about-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

*...Stanley Tempest...he's an enigma to me...where does he fit into this puzzle, anyway?*

Fleet Captain Andrea asks, as the scene transitions-

"Scene Transition"

Inside of Stanley's Frontier, the man will be reading a small book while on the comms with a mysterious man. They speak to each other, in a sinister tone-

??? (comms)

...I see. So, Fleet Captain Andrea is coming here with the RF?

Stanley replies-

Stanley Tempest

That's right. We'll be there by tomorrow morning, so best to prepare everything by the time we arrive by then.

??? (comms)

Of course. We'll also have your "goods" ready, as the trap is ready to go.

Stanley Tempest

Excellent...with this, we'll finally be able to alter his plan for the world at last...

"cuts comms"

As Stanley cuts his comms, he will put down his book that he was reading, to show a sinister smile-

Stanley Tempest

"Sinister smile"

Then, the scene will transition once more-

"Scene Transition"

Now, the view will move to the Liberty ErotiCake, where inside, two new faces will be seen inside of the command seats that both Chole and Isaac used to sit in. As they are reveled, they are seen to be working diligently on the terminals in front of them, as they speak-

"Click Click Clack Click Click"

Charlotte Knighthood

...There you go, Chole. With this, I've now unlocked the secondary and thirdary pilot seats, which will allow for the two of you to control the Liberty ErotiCake-should Bijou not be able to.

Charlotte explains, as she completes her work in front of her. Then, Chole leans over and speaks to her, in a giddy tone-

Chole Madison

Wow! I didn't know the Liberty ErotiCake had a feature like that.

Chole says, as both she and Isaac continue to watch Charlotte and Jonathan from behind their seats. Jonathan then speaks up from Isaac's seat, as he continues his work-

"Click Click Clack Click Click Click"

Jonathan Castlecat

The Liberty ErotiCake has many more features that are amazing-including weapons that are blocked off to it right now and a OS that prevents it from being hacked from the outside. I heard this tech was installed within most Dreadnoughts, but for a mere Blockade to also have it is unheard of.

To which Bijou then asks, as she sits in her main seat-

Bijou Luisant

What kinds of weapons does the Liberty ErotiCake have-outside of the standard weapons we've been using all this time?

Jonathan replies-

Jonathan Castlecat

The names of these weapons aren't showing up on this screen, but based on the placement I would guess they are weapons similar to the kinetic blasters-but much stronger. While impressive, the armor that the Liberty ErotiCake is wearing right now is covering these weapons, and I can't get it to shed it's armor right now, as the prompt is locked off to me.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou now looks down, as she considers her father must've known about this all along. She then speaks up again.

Bijou Luisant

...Ok. I understand. What about that OS you just mentioned? I never heard of such a thing-but that does at least explain how nearly 6 months ago, every Blockade aside from this one moved the way they did.

Bijou says, to which Jonathan looks over to Bijou and asks her curiously-

Jonathan Castlecat

What do you mean?

To which Bijou explains-

Bijou Luisant

Back then, there was a situation where we had just arrived at one of the Deserted Islands, but everyone didn't want to fight against the Ascension. They were screaming on the comms about how they should've never joined the fight, to which suddenly, their comms shut off and their Blockades moved as if they were piloted by experts.

To which Chole will back up Bijou's claim by saying-

Chole Madison

I remember that. Could it have been you in the Liberty ErotiCake that did that?

To which Charlotte will then say-

Charlotte Knighthood

Not likely, Chole. As Jonathan just said, this mechanism is also installed on most Dreadnoughts, so technically speaking, Fleet Captain Andrea's AI should also be able to hack into each and every single Blockade on this ship...and maybe even the RF Blockades, since they are DIC property as well-

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


Bijou Luisant


All three will react with surprise to Charlotte's claim, as Jonathan then backs her up-

Jonathan Castlecat

Just imagine this ships' AI turning the RF numbers against us...or, maybe it could be the other way around and we will gun them down against our will...

Bijou Luisant

!-That's insane...

Bijou says, indicating that she will not look forward to the thought of turning her weapons against the RF-despite their differing goals for the DIC. Isaac then asks Jonathan-

Isaac Carter

Is there any way we can prevent that from happening?!

Jonathan replies-

Jonathan Castlecat

I'm afraid not, as I doubt Fleet Captain Andrea is even aware of this-much less she has a way to remove the CPU from AI Cody and then replace it with a new one either.

Isaac Carter


Jonathan continues-

Jonathan Castlecat

That being said, I'm almost certain that this Blockade must be a later model than any of our Blockades, as there is even a program that activates a variant version of EffectPhase armor-similar to that Frontier that just took off.

Bijou Luisant

You mean we could...actually fly in this Blockade?!

Bijou says, surprised, to which Jonathan explains-

Jonathan Castlecat

Yeah. Though, I can't seem to activate it either, as just like those hidden weapons and the OS, that command prompt is also coded into the very design of the Liberty ErotiCake and locked. However, there is one program that we could possibly unlock, which is the one you called us out here for to help you with...

Chole asks-

Chole Madison

The Liberty Blaster's limiter?

To which Charlotte replies-

Charlotte Knighthood

Yes. There seems to be a simple password system that unlocks its full power, but I think you should take a look at it for me, Bijou. There's a hint that seems to have to be answered by you...

Bijou Luisant


Charlotte says, as she then sends Bijou the program to her terminal in front of her. As she does, Bijou looks at the screen and begins to recite a hint for the password-

Bijou Luisant

"A time when I was looking at the ocean; A time late at night while walking along the sand. I held her hand as we looked at it on the ground; It was a jewel that we will never forget..."

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is now seen to be lost in thought, as Chole says-

Chole Madison

A riddle? Was this something your mother left behind?

To which Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

...I think so...though, I can't remember when that happened...

As Bijou continues to be stumped, the answer won't come to her at the moment. Thus, Jonathan will then speak-

Jonathan Castlecat

That's about the most we can do right now, I'm afraid. Once you remember something, just bring up this window on your terminal and then input the password.

Jonathan says, suggesting that he is about to leave. However, before he can get up from his seat, Isaac says-

Isaac Carter

Before you two leave, could we treat you to something to eat-at least until the fog goes away?

Charlotte then replies-

Charlotte Knighthood

Hmm...that sounds much better than eating rations in our separate Blockades, and the fog outside is pretty thick. What say you?

Charlotte says with a smile, as she looks over to Jonathan. He replies-

Jonathan Castlecat

I'm down for that. Is that alright with you two?

Jonathan asks both Chole and Bijou, to which Chole replies-

Chole Madison

Sure thing. I'll go ahead and prepare us something right away.

Chole says this with a smile on her face, as she then drags along Isaac, who bumbles a little, as he stutters to say-

Isaac Carter


Chole Madison

Right this way, Isaac. I'll need some help picking out some spices, please...

With that, Chole continues to drag away Isaac, as he then goes along with her pulling him away. With the clear invite, both Jonathan and Charlotte then stand up to look back at them, to which they say-

Charlotte Knighthood

Hmhmhm...we'd best go keep an eye on them. Don't want them to "pop" things too early...

Charlotte says, with a blush over her face. Jonathan replies-

Jonathan Castlecat

Certainly, honey...Bijou? Are you coming along?

Jonathan asks, as Bijou is still lost in her thoughts. Though, when hearing Jonathan ask her this, she will snap out of her trance and reply-

Bijou Luisant

Oh...yeah. I'll be right there...!

Just as Bijou is about to turn off the terminal in front of her, a beeping noise will then occur-

"Beep Beep!"

Bijou Luisant


As this noise is heard, Bijou will notice something is approaching the Liberty ErotiCake now-much like before when her friends were approaching it from nearly 6 months ago. Curious, Charlotte and Jonathan will ask-

Charlotte Knighthood


Jonathan Castlecat

Bijou? What's up?

Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

Someone is coming up to the Liberty ErotiCake...

She says, as the scene then transitions to the outside.

Here, a ESG platform is seen delivering a single individual up to the Liberty ErotiCake, where a lift will then be waiting for her. As she gets in, she will then ascend upwards to come up to the cockpit, which is closed at the moment. A moment later, from inside, Bijou will react with surprise-

Bijou Luisant


While Jonathan will ask-

Jonathan Castlecat

Who might that be?

Charlotte Knighthood

She doesn't look like Fleet Captain Andrea...

To which a moment later, the woman will now speak to the Liberty ErotiCake-

Rebecca Luisant (Outside)

...Cesario? Sebastion? It's me, Rebecca Luisant.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou will react with surprise, as Rebecca continues-

Rebecca Luisant (Outside)

If you two wouldn't mind, I'd like to discuss a few things with you concerning the RF and the Crown family. I have some information that I think you two would like to hear of...

Rebecca says, as she takes off her mask to show that she is who she says she is. While her hair is jet-black and her skin tone is white, the one part of her body that will indicate she is a Luisant will be her eyes, as the trademark golden and blue pupils will be a given that she is who she says she is.

Back inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, Bijou will still be in shock at seeing her niece in this way, to which Jonathan then asks her-

Bijou Luisant


Jonathan Castlecat

...C'mon, Bijou-snap out of it.

Bijou Luisant


Jonathan continues-

Jonathan Castlecat

She clearly knows you and its pretty foggy outside, so open the cockpit and let her inside already.

Bijou Luisant


With Jonathan telling her, Bijou will now refocus on the matter at hand and open the cockpit of the Liberty ErotiCake-

"Cockpit Opening"

As if does, the fog briefly blows away from the lift that Rebecca is standing on, to which she is then able to see-

Rebecca Luisant


Now, Rebecca will be shown to be just as surprised as Bijou was a moment ago, as she will have never imagined seeing Bijou inside of the Liberty ErotiCake. As she continues to look inside of the Liberty ErotiCake's cockpit, the image of Bijou will remain, to which she will then speak in a tone of disbelief-

Rebecca Luisant

...Bijou?! Is that...really you inside of there?!!

Bijou replies-slowly-

Bijou Luisant

Yes, Rebecca. I am the pilot of the Liberty ErotiCake, as neither my brothers are in here with me.

Rebecca Luisant


Still in shock at seeing Bijou, Rebecca will now opt to come inside of the Liberty ErotiCake's cockpit. As she does, the cockpit will the close behind her, to which Rebecca will then touch the side of Bijou's face-

Rebecca Luisant

"Touch Touch"

Bijou Luisant

...Rebecca...this is kind of embarrassing...

Bijou says, as Rebecca continues to fawn over her-while both Jonathan and Charlotte watch from behind the seats. Rebecca then replies with-

Rebecca Luisant

Come now, Bijou. How many years has it been since we've last seen each other? You can't just let me touch your face after all this time we've been apart...?

Bijou Luisant

Well...I suppose it's fine...

Bijou says this shyly, as Rebecca continues to play around with Bijou. After a bit, she then stops and speaks-

Rebecca Luisant

...Sorry about that. I just wanted to see if it was really you, as it really has been a while since we've seen each other...

Rebecca says, fondly, to which Bijou then replies-

Bijou Luisant

Yeah, it has. Georges has been so absorbed in his work with my father, that he hasn't had the time to take me to see you. Though, besides that, how did you come all the way out here? Are you...really on the side of the Crowns right now?

Rebecca will then quickly say-

Rebecca Luisant

Yes-though, I do have my reasons, as Howard was the one who put me and my family into this situation in the first place...

Rebecca says this softly, as Bijou then asks-

Bijou Luisant

Howard?! How did he do that?!

Rebecca replies-

Rebecca Luisant

It's a long that I'll tell you after I've explained to you what I intended to tell your brothers, as it's rather important...!

Suddenly, the comms will then come alive, as the voice of Fleet Captain Andrea will then come out-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to be apart of that conversation-after you've gotten something to eat first.

Rebecca Luisant


Bijou Luisant

Oh! were listening?!

Fleet Captain Andrea then explains-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Of course, Bijou. I had Rebecca tagged the second she latched onto my ship, in fact. I had my suspicions it was her at first, but I'm happy I was correct, as I'm certain you have the information we were discussing as well...?

Rebecca replies-

Rebecca Luisant

Yes...though, it was then taken by the Crowns.

After a moment of pause, Fleet Captain Andrea continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

...I'm sure this is an interesting story, so I'll wait for you to tell us all what happened.

Bijou will then say-

Bijou Luisant

Alright...let's go and eat, and then we'll hear what you have to say.

Rebecca Luisant


Rebecca remains silent, as Bijou then leaves her seat and begins to walk downstairs. Both Jonathan and Charlotte were standing near her seat, to which she then speaks to them-

Bijou Luisant

...Sorry about this, as I didn't think I'd get to meet my niece all the way out here.

Jonathan Castlecat

It's no problem, Bijou.

Charlotte Knighthood

Let's go and see how Chole and Isaac are doing now.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou says, confidently, to which the scene then transitions-

"Scene Transition"

Sometime later, the scene will now relocate to the dinner table within the Liberty ErotiCake. Here, Bijou and Rebecca sit close to each other, while Isaac and Chole sit across from them, as in the kitchen, both Charlotte and Jonathan wash the dishes from their meal.

As they do this, Fleet Captain Andrea's voice will come on the comms nearby-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

...Again, you have my apologies for not being there to dine with you all, as I must be inside the captain's nest if there is an attack.

Fleet Captain Andrea mentions, indicating that she wanted to be with Bijou to eat with her, but couldn't due to her position. Bijou will reply to her by saying-

Bijou Luisant

We understand, Andrea. Anyway, now we should get into your side of things, as we are pretty much done with the pleasantries.

Bijou says, as in the kitchen, both Jonathan and Charlotte lower the faucet in the sink so as to hear Rebecca's reply-

"Faucet draining"

Charlotte Knighthood


Jonathan Castlecat


Back with Rebecca, she will begin by saying this-

Rebecca Luisant

Of course...!

Now, she will start things off by explaining-

Rebecca Luisant

First off, I think I should tell you and Andrea how exactly I came to become a part of this struggle the RF and Crowns are going through right now. Truthfully, I nor my family didn't really need to be out here fighting, but...

Bijou Luisant


Rebecca is reluctant to explain, but with Bijou looking at her, she will be pressed to reply-

Rebecca Luisant

...You see, when this all began about 6 months ago, Andrea was the one who first asked me to discover any information as to what your father was planning-after what happened back at the Deserted Islands. As a representative of the National Justice Department, I had an obligation to discover the truth.

Rebecca Luisant

However, as I investigated further, it was clear to me that whatever your father is planning has been covered up extremely well, as hardly anyone outside of his inner circle is even aware of what his true intentions are.

To which Bijou then speaks up-

Bijou Luisant

I'm sure of that-but you did say that Howard was involved in this earlier. How so?

Rebecca then replies-

Rebecca Luisant

Howard...he was the second person who approached me about all of this, as he somehow acquired a lead shortly after he formed the RF. He said it could lead me directly to a copy of what your father was planning-in the form of a online document with pictures. However, before then, I had to accept his views for the future of the RF, to which he then let me have the lead.

Bijou now interrupts by saying-

Bijou Luisant

I saw his plans, and I must say that what he wants is utter rubbish. But please-continue...

Rebecca Luisant

Looking back, it was hard to comprehend-but that's besides the point, Bijou.

Rebecca continues-

Rebecca Luisant

Anyway, that lead allowed me to hack into several zones within the DIC using my position at the NJD, and eventually I gained access to a server that allowed me to download the document and pictures I just mentioned. The document was heavily encrypted and unreadable, but most of the pictures weren't, which I could tell were connect to the file.

As Rebecca says this, Fleet Captain Andrea will ask from the comms-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

What happened to the document?

Rebecca replies-

Rebecca Luisant

...As soon as I downloaded it, some of the Crown families' goons kidnapped me in my office and brought me to New Columbia. They also did the same to my family, fearing that I might've shared some information with them-even though I did not.

Rebecca Luisant

It's here where we were then separated from each other and I was forced to fight for their interests, as they threatened to destroy the document should I not cooperate with them. I believe my family were given similar threats to make them fight as well, as I would hear of their exploits on the news...

Bijou Luisant


Surprised, Bijou will ask-

Bijou Luisant

Why didn't Georges hear anything like this?! If he did, I'm sure my father would've done something to help you!!

Rebecca then explains-

Rebecca Luisant

Me and your cousin haven't so much have even spoken to each other in over a decade already, as much like your father, he too put everything into this document that I've been looking into all this time. Maybe that's why Howard and Stanley became so close to our family afterwards, as they were such gentlemen just a couple of years ago when you would come over to my home for your birthday parties...

Bijou Luisant


With this, Rebecca will mention that her husband will have neglected her in order to invest fully into President Sacha's Grand Plan. The move will have costed him his relationship with his wife, which lead to Howard and Stanley filling the void left behind by their husband's absence.

Isaac and Chole will then speak up, asking-

Isaac Carter

But still...why would you agree to fight on their behalf?!

Chole Madison

Yeah! Even if that document was the real deal, it's not worth it to risk your wellbeing and family like that!!

Rebecca now looks down with a look of regret, as she appears as if the words of both Chole and Isaac are correct. A moment later, she replies-

Rebecca Luisant

You two have every right to question me as to why I agreed to fight for the Crowns. Afterall, they demanded that I fight for them and attack cities with civilians on a regular basis. I can't even show my face to anyone in the RF, as they have seen me fighting against them several times already...but...

Rebecca Luisant

...The reason why I agreed to fight for the Crowns was because I am still a firm believer of justice in the DIC. As a proud member of the NJD and someone who was raised to always see both sides of a given issue, I just couldn't let the Crowns destroy the proof we needed to uncover why so many people had to die on those Deserted Islands.

Isaac Carter


Chole Madison


Rebecca continues-

Rebecca Luisant

I visited the memorial for all those who died that day in Appledale, as well as those who lost their lives in Ecogon and Hilayornia, and I had to ask myself...why? Why would your father send for thousands of civilians to fight in a war they were not even properly trained for-knowing full well we had many more capable pilots that could've replaced them before they left...?

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


Bijou, Chole and Isaac will not be able to answer, as in the kitchen, both Jonathan and Charlotte continue to listen-

Jonathan Castlecat


Charlotte Knighthood


Back with Rebecca, she continues-

Rebecca Luisant

Those questions led me to eventually get my hands on the document that could've explained everything-along with several pictures that backup several key assumptions Andrea had...!

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Please, do tell.

She says, as Rebecca proceeds to take out a few pictures from her pocket. She then places them onto the table and then explains the images for Fleet Captain Andrea-

Rebecca Luisant

This first image is of several AndroIs that are very common in the Confederation. However, these models in this picture are clearly the prototypes, which served as the template for the current models seen over there-but with one major difference.

Rebecca Luisant

These prototypes have been mass-produced, which explains where the Ascension got their pilots from in such a short amount of time. This also explains why we haven't seen any Ascension pilots-outside of those two girls who appeared during the broadcast back at Hilayornia.

Rebecca explains, as Fleet Captain Andrea says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

However, this means that the Confederation might be in league with the Ascension, which if that's true, then-

Rebecca now cuts off Fleet Captain Andrea, saying-

Rebecca Luisant

While it's true the AndroIs came from the Confederation, this next picture I have shows that the DIC had their hands on them as they were sending them up into space.

Rebecca explains, as she brings up the next picture on the table. It will revel-

Rebecca Luisant

These appear to be the final components of Mainland being delivered into space in Old Columbia, along with several scenes of Superior Weapons and AndroIs also being among them. While the image isn't too clear, it does at least show the DIC had their hands on that technology for some time, as they must've received them from the Confederation and then sent it up in packs-towards the end of construction.

Rebecca explains, as the picture shows a more completed view of Mainland in the sky, while the parts being delivered into space are smaller.

Fleet Captain Andrea then says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

I guess that would confirm that the DIC could've programed them before sending them up into Mainland. So, maybe the Confederation just supplied the AndroIs to the DIC, and then...

Rebecca then says-

Rebecca Luisant

Sadly, these were the only images that I managed to print from the computer, before the Crowns assaulted me in my office and took the rest. They thankfully didn't find these images, but they at least point to the document in question being linked to whatever Sacha is planning.

Rebecca says this confidently, implying that she absolutely believes the document she got back then is directly linked to President Sacha's Grand Plan.

Faced with this, Bijou will then ask-

Bijou Luisant

...And you can confirm the Crowns have it in Daimondale?

Rebecca then looks next to her to see Bijou looking at her. Eye-to-eye, she replies-

Rebecca Luisant

Yes. They took that document from my computer back then, which I did see in an encrypted form at the very least. I'm sure by now, they would've been able to decrypt the document and read its contents, of which leads us back to why I sided with them.

Bijou Luisant


Now finished explaining her side of things, Rebecca asks-

Rebecca Luisant

Now that you know everything, what do you intend to do?

Fleet Captain Andrea replies over the comms-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Simple. Since you can confirm the Crown family has the information we need in Daimondale, our goal will be to head there and take the document from them. What say you, Bijou?

Fleet Captain Andrea says this firmly, to which Bijou will back her up, saying-

Bijou Luisant

I agree. I might be able to use my position to get them to give us the document without any fighting as well. We'll just have to see.

Pleased to hear this, Rebecca will then smile, as she says-

Rebecca Luisant

...Then, I'll be there to give you my aid in my U3 Superior Variant-which I have attached to the underside of this ship. It is damaged, though-but I'll at least be able to take you and two other Blockades directly into the city, where we'll be able to work out how to get that document.

Upon hearing this, both Jonathan and Charlotte will then come into the room, saying-

Jonathan Castlecat

We'll take you up on the offer-

Charlotte Knighthood

I'm also interested in how the civilians live in the city. Doing this will let us see how they live and if we can do anything to help spar them from the fighting.

Curiously, Bijou will say-

Bijou Luisant

Andrea. Make sure you consider the people in the city as well in whatever you come up with.

In response to this, Fleet Captain Andrea will then bring up-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

Alright, then. I'll make sure to do everything in my power to make sure they don't suffer. Lastly, there is still the issue about that password for the limiter you all were stuck on earlier.

Bijou Luisant


As Fleet Captain Andrea says this, Bijou will react with surprise, as Rebecca will then ask-

Rebecca Luisant

Limiter? What could you be referring to?

To which Bijou will then reply-

Bijou Luisant

Oh, um...we were having trouble with a password for a limiter that was placed on the Liberty Blaster by my mother. She left us a hint, as she was talking about some kind of jewel on the beach...

Bijou says, trying to think about what the password could be. To which Rebecca will then come to her with the answer-

Rebecca Luisant

...Ah. About 5 years ago, back in the West Islands when your mother was with us, I do recall you giving me something that you found along the beach, when you went on a late-night walk with her.

Bijou Luisant


Rebecca says, as she then takes off a necklace around her neck. As she holds it up, she will then hand it to Bijou, which reminds her of what the jewel was that night-

Bijou Luisant

...! That's it!! That night, I found an orange pearl and made it into a necklace...for you!!!

Rebecca smiles, as she then hands Bijou the necklace, as she says-

Rebecca Luisant

I'm surprised you forgot about something like this, as it really is quite a rare find. I even recall you saying you'd name your daughter "Perle" one day, as you loved the color of this pearl that much.

Rebecca mentions, which gets Bijou blushing a little-

Bijou Luisant

Y...yeah...did I really say something like that...?!

Bijou says this embarrassingly, to which Fleet Captain Andrea then ends the conversation by saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

We'll be using the full power of the Liberty Blaster when we arrive at the base tomorrow morning. Thus, it's best for all of you to get some rest, as you'll need it.

Fleet Captain Andrea says, as she cuts the comms now-

"comms cutting"

After this, Bijou then stands up to say-

Bijou Luisant

...You three can stay here with us for the night, right? I wouldn't want you two to have to go back to your Blockades in this fog, anyway.

Jonathan and Charlotte reply-

Jonathan Castlecat

Thanks, Bijou.

Charlotte Knighthood

We'll take you up on that offer as well.

With that, the scene will then transition to later in the night-

"Scene Transition"

By now, Jonathan and Charlotte are in their own bed within the bedroom, as Chole and Isaac are also in their own separate beds-

Jonathan Castlecat


Charlotte Knighthood


Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


Then, Bijou's bed is shown, where she and Rebecca are not present. Instead, the scene will move over to the bathroom, where Bijou is having her naked back washed by Rebecca-


Bijou Luisant


Bijou is shown to be very calm around Rebecca, who is also naked with a wash pail behind her. As the soap falls off Bijou's body, Rebecca then attaches the necklace that she handed to Bijou around her neck, which surprises Bijou slightly-

Rebecca Luisant

"Attaches necklace"

Bijou Luisant

He...hey, Rebecca?!

Bijou whines slightly, as Rebecca then explains-

Rebecca Luisant

I know, Bijou. You want me to have this necklace, but I think it looks much better on you, as it was you who found it that night...

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is silent, as Rebecca continues-

Rebecca Luisant

This pearl was something that the three of us really enjoyed, as we engraved our names on it...right here, see?

Bijou Luisant


From behind Bijou's back, Rebecca will lift up the necklace to show the pearl part to Bijou, who will make out three names engraved on it's surface. The names "Bijou Luisant", "Rebecca Luisant" and "Rhapsody Luisant" will be seen at this time, to which Rebecca then comments-

Rebecca Luisant

I'm sure your mother would love to see this around your neck, so do be a dear and show it to her...when next you see her...

Bijou Luisant


Bijou says, as the scene then ends. The view will then move outside of the Liberty ErotiCake, as the Midnight and RF fleet nears the city of Daimondale in the far distance at night.

Then, the chapter will then end-