Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 24

----CHAPTER 24----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

In the early morning, the city of Daimondale will now be shown-

"Revel of Daimondale City"

Here, most of the city will be abandoned. There are no lights in the streets; buildings are unoccupied, and no one is seen walking around. Instead, scores of Superior Variants fly over of the city-

Superior Variants


As they fly, they will move towards the edge of the city to face the foggy forest area ahead. As they wait along the banks, the view will then transition over to the Daimondale Castle, where a massive statue of a man will be shown at the base of the structure-

"Revel of Statue of Lord Caligula Crown"

This statue will be in the image of Lord Caligula Crown with his arms stretched out. His inviting smile will look outwards towards the city in front of it, as deep behind this statue, a hanger for the enormous monster will be reveled-

"Revel of Banebrute"

This enormous creature will be called a "Banebrute", which has a tall, slender structure and stands at around 50 meters tall. It will be animalistic in nature, but because it will be inside of this hanger, it will have parts from a Superior Variant U4 strapped to its body-while two more U4 Superior Variants standby on each of its sides-

Superior Variant U4


Superior Variant U4


As these machines are reveled, on a bridge positioned in front of these three, a single man will look out towards the Banebrute in front of him. This man is Lord Caligula Crown, whom listens to the groans coming from the Banebrute in front of him-



As Lord Caligula listens to this, he then speaks to it-

Lord Caligula Crown

...Calm yourself, my pet. In the morning, you'll have plenty to destroy, as I'll be controlling all of your actions...with this...!

Lord Caligula now takes out a special kind of device from his coat and shows it to the Banebrute. As its eyes come into focus, it will look at the device and howl-



As the Banebrute screams out, Lord Caligula will reply to it-

Lord Caligula Crown's only natural you'd recognize this device, as it's the same one I personally used to force you to kill your own kin. Just watching how you wrung the life out of them...against your will...was all done in the name of science.

Lord Caligula Crown

And just look at how much progress we've made in our endeavors across this country...and what else is to come...!

As Lord Caligula hints at this, another individual will come up to him from the side, and say-


My Lord. Your ship is ready to take you to the bunker in the Confederation.

Lord Caligula Crown

Thank you, my good man...let's be off now.

The men then prepare to escort Lord Caligula to his ship, to which he follows suit, as the scene then transitions-

"Scene Transition"

As the men approach a landing pad, a single ship is seen, already to take them to their destination. They go inside, sit down and then the ship proceeds to leave behind Daimondale, one last view of the city is shown-

"Revel City of Daimondale"

Then, time moves forward to just before noon of the same day.

Now, a battle will be shown just outside of the city. The Superior Variants will be entrenched in battle along the edges of the port to Daimondale, as they fire their weapons at the RF fleet that's approaching-


Here, the RF fleet will be seen to be very close to the port area, as they will have already made contact with the Superior Variants by now. As such, the ships now deploy their complements of Superior Weapons into the waters around their ships. As they do, their Blockades will stand knee-deep in the water, which allows them to go toe-to-toe against the Superior Variants that can fly over the water and in the air-



As the fighting rages, both sides will take hits, as the RF fleet is seen to be using everything at their disposal. Their ships also back them up as they press their attacks and move closer to the port of Daimondale, while above them, both Howard will be seen to direct his forces from above-

Howard Pinnacle

...Squads 4 and 5!! Continue to back us up, as we are going to break through their main flank!!!

RF Members


He says, as he then has his Frontier rise up into the air and fly over the Midnight, which is now briefly shown. Stanley will follow suit from behind, as the battle between the RF fleet and Superior Variants are seen to now tip in the favor of the RF-


Now, it will be shown that the RF Blockades will join together to fire a concentrated attack directly into the waves of Superior Variants flying in front of them. As several explosions follow-


The Superior Variants on both sides will be pushed away, as Howard announces his next move-

Howard Pinnacle

Attention all Pilots!!! Charge into the port and secure the area at once!!!!

RF Pilots


As many RF Pilots are seen, they will proceed to do as they are instructed and come into the port area in their Blockades. As they do, the remaining Superior Variants are continued to be pushed back, as the battle continues.

As the RF Ships and RF Flagship continue into the port, the Midnight will be too big to fit into the port area, so it proceeds to stay outside of the port area. As it does, inside of the Bridge, Grid Arbiter Alexia will speak to Fleet Captain Andrea, saying-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

...The Superior Variants don't seem as if they are putting up that much of a fight against the RF...

Grid Arbiter Alexia comments, as she observes a map of the current battle in front of her. Fleet Captain Andrea replies with-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I've noticed. Earlier, Howard made it seem as if they could barely fight on the level of them, but now...they are practically destroying them all. It almost feels a little "too" easy, as if we aren't even needed.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


As Fleet Captain Andrea says this, Grid Arbiter Alexia will fall silent, as AI Cody is also seen briefly-

AI Cody


As it silently reacts to the surrounding battle, AI Cody will now be shown to be a puppet for a puppet master. Its strings are being pulled from far away...

"Scene Transition"

Far away, all the way back somewhere within the DIC, the mysterious woman from before will now be seen to be watching the battles occurring in New Columbia. Many scenes of battles that are occurring outside of the city of Daimondale will not be shown, as the only battle of interest to this individual at this time will be the battle in Daimondale. It's here where this mysterious woman will speak to herself-


...The situation in New Columbia have become abnormal. It's clear that the Crowns are more intelligent than I had foreseen...!

Though this individual will say this casually, she will lean in closer to observe the screen in front of her that's focused on the city of Daimondale-while ignoring the other screens in her room. It's clear she's not too sure about how this battle will continue, as the scene then transitions back to Daimondale-

"Scene Transition"

Back in the port of Daimondale, the battle between the RF and remaining Superior Variants will be intensifying-



As the two sides clash, the RF will now manage to push back most of the Superior Variants away from the port area. As this happens, the few remaining Superior Variants will appear to automatically pull back from the area and head towards the east-side of the city, in order to regroup their forces-

Superior Variants


As this happens, Howard and Stanley will land their Frontiers into the port. They will then be approached by several RF Blockades, who then speak to them on their comms-

Howard Pinnacle

...Men. Report on the situation.

One of the RF Blockade Pilot replies-

RF Blockade Pilot #1 (comms)

We've managed to push back those automated Superior Variants away from this area. My guess is that whoever is controlling them is just having them regroup in a different area, which gives us some time to finally crush them.

She says, as Howard replies-

Howard Pinnacle

Make sure we're ready for that...what about our intelligence about the civilians in this city?

Another RF Blockade Pilot replies-

RF Blockade Pilot #2 (comms)

According to our knowledge, they are being held hostage ahead within that factory just over there. We are already about to send in some of our ships to evacuate them out of here, while the rest of us provide them with cover.

Hearing this, Howard will say-

Howard Pinnacle

I'll also have my flagship join in with the efforts, as I heard that there are hundreds of civilians left in this city.

RF Blockade Pilot #2 (comms)


With that, Howard will then take to the skies once more, as the two Blockades that he just communicated with will return back to their duties.

However, Stanley will remain stationary, as within his Frontier, he is seen to be on the line with several Foundation members, who now speak to him-

Stanley Tempest

...How much progress is left?

Stanley asks, as somewhere in the west area of Daimondale, several Foundation Frontiers are seen collecting several pieces of technology from a building under the name "Pinnacle".

Here, one of the Foundation Frontier Pilots speaks-

Foundation Frontier Pilot #1

We'll be done collecting the "gifts" over here in about 10 minutes, Mr. Tempest.

He says, as several Foundation Frontiers walk past his. Stanley then replies on his comms by saying-

Stanley Tempest (comms) a small precaution, I'll need for one of you to head over to the hanger inside of the Castle for that other "special" task. I want that individual to remain out of sight from Bijou and her friends, until after Caligula has conducted his final test.

The man then replies-

Foundation Frontier Pilot #1

Yes, Sir. I'll get over there right away.

He says, as he then has his Frontier head towards the Castle in the distance. He won't fly, as he merely has his Frontier glide across the streets, as the scene then transitions-

"Scene Transition"

Now, somewhere else in the city, a single U3 Superior Variant will be shown, gliding through the streets-

U3 Superior Variant


As it goes, will be shown to be steadily approaching the Daimondale Castle. On it's back, the Liberty ErotiCake and two MP Liberty ErotiCakes will be shown-

Liberty ErotiCake


MP Liberty ErotiCakes


As they go, Chole will speak up to Bijou-

Chole Madison

...Bijou! I just heard some comms chatter from the RF. They found over 5000 civilians holed up in one of the factories along the port area.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is shocked to hear this, as Chole continues-

Chole Madison

They are saying they are all of the civilians that were forced to stay behind and work on creating more Superior Variants. As such, the RF is now working to have these people board some of their ships for evacuation-including their flagship.

Isaac will then reply with-

Isaac Carter

That's wonderful news-especially for the RF, as I'm sure they will be praised for doing that.

Bijou then says-

Bijou Luisant

True. Though, I hope Howard doesn't let that accomplishment go to his head, as this isn't going to change my stance on what he wants for the DIC.

Bijou says this strongly, as she is still against aligning towards Howards' plans for the DIC. In response to her tone, Rebecca will speak to her on her comms-

Rebecca Luisant (comms)

I'm sure he won't, as deep down, that man is just trying to do what he believes is the right thing...

Rebecca will now sound unsure of what she just said, as Bijou replies in a cold tone-

Bijou Luisant

His idea of "doing the right thing" is stupid and it's going to get him killed, Rebecca. Surely even you can't allow him to go ahead with his plans to destroy himself before destroying the DIC, right?!

Rebecca then replies-

Rebecca Luisant (comms)

...Yeah. I can't agree with his methods-but your father is also up to something as well, Bijou.

Bijou replies, in a strong tone-

Bijou Luisant

Don't change the subject on me, Rebecca. I won't let Howard throw away his life like that...that's why, I'll keep calling his plans garbage-until he understands that and stops being stupid in front of me...

Rebecca Luisant (comms)


While Bijou will say this in a cold tone towards Rebecca, she will mean well in what she says. She won't truly show it right now, but she will have feelings for Howard at this time, as their interactions will be a warm spot in her mind. Rebecca then replies with-

Rebecca Luisant (comms)

Alright, Bijou. I understand...

She says, in a defeated tone towards Bijou over her comms. After this is shown, Jonathan and Charlotte will react, as the U3 travels through the middle of the city of Daimondale-

Jonathan Castlecat


Charlotte Knighthood


As they look out towards the west side of the city, they will spot something that will interest them. In response, Jonathan will then speak to Rebecca-

Jonathan Castlecat

...Hey, Rebecca? We'll be getting off here, so could you slow down, please?

Rebecca Luisant (comms)


As Jonathan asks this, Rebecca will automatically stop her Superior Variant from moving forward. As she does, both Jonathan and Charlotte will climb down, as Bijou calls out to them-

Bijou Luisant

Hey...Jonathan? Charlotte?? What's the big idea?!

To which Charlotte will then reply-

Charlotte Knighthood

Don't mind us, sweety. We just have something we'd like to check up on over there.

Charlotte says this in a caring tone, as Jonathan speaks-

Jonathan Castlecat

We'll be just fine, as we aren't called "Ace Pilots" for nothing, after all.

Bijou Luisant


As Jonathan says this, he will bring up their status as being Ace pilots to deflate any worry that Bijou may have at this time. However, back inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, Chole and Isaac will ask Bijou-

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter

Are you sure it's fine to let them go off on their own?

Bijou Luisant


After some more thinking, Bijou will reply-as the two MP Liberty ErotiCakes move away from her and the U3-

Bijou Luisant

I had thought you two were acting under my father's orders all this time, actually. I'm not upset, as I expected something like this to happen.

Now, both MP Liberty ErotiCakes will stop in their tracks-

MP Liberty ErotiCake


MP Liberty ErotiCake


This will speak to Bijou, as she replies-

Bijou Luisant

I don't think my father would've sent you two just to watch over me like you claimed earlier, as I think you two are really here to observe the Foundation's activities. I didn't mention this yet, but we saw them doing some suspicious stuff the night before yesterday at a hanger, where they were around some Frontiers.

As Bijou says this, both Jonathan and Charlotte will silently smile inside of their Blockades-

Jonathan Castlecat


Charlotte Knighthood


Bijou then finishes up by saying-

Bijou Luisant

They seem to be acting outside of whatever Howard is doing in this city, which explains why my father must be so interested in them. While you are free to go...I just want to know if you two will come back to the DIC...?

Shocked to hear this from Bijou, both Chole and Isaac will be taken aback briefly-

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


As both Jonathan and Charlotte are then seen inside their Blockades, they then reply to Bijou, saying-

Charlotte Knighthood (comms)

...Of course we'll come back home, sweety. Our duty here is strictly to observe the Foundation, after all, so once that task is, down, we'll be right behind you...though, if we don't make it back today, do be sure to say "hi" to our daughter in Truxem for us.

Bijou Luisant


Jonathan then finishes up by saying-

Jonathan Castlecat (comms)

She's just about your age and is also very headstrong. She's quite brash and very arrogant too, so you'll know her the instant you see her. I'm sure you three will get along, as she also has two girlfriends that are just like her...!

As Jonathan says this, he and Charlotte will leave behind Bijou and her friends-

MP Liberty ErotiCakes

"CLACK!!!" "CLACK!!"

As the two MP Liberty ErotiCakes move away, Bijou will speak form her Liberty ErotiCake-

Bijou Luisant

...Rebecca. Let's get going to the Castle now.

Rebecca Luisant (comms)


As Bijou says this, Rebecca will then move her U3 forward once more, as she then heads towards the Daimondale Castle-

Superior Variant U3


As the U3 leaves, the view will now concentrate on Jonathan and Charlotte, as they start to move towards their objective-

Jonathan Castlecat

...Hm...That Bijou really is something else...

Jonathan shrugs, as if he feels the sting of Bijou's words. Charlotte then replies-

Charlotte Knighthood (comms)

I know...anymore sentimentality and I might've cried at leaving Bijou hanging like that...

As Charlotte says this, she and Jonathan will then opt to move their Blockades forward, as the scene transitions-

"Scene Transition"

As it does, the view will still be from the perspective of Jonathan and Charlotte, as they have their Blockades move through the streets towards the westside of Daimondale-

MP Liberty ErotiCakes


As their Blockades move silently through the city, they will make sure to use hand gestures and kneel behind buildings in order to stay as out of sight as they can. As they continue to move, they will reach the area around the building that the Foundation Frontiers are in, to which the two will then observe them gathering the technology-

Foundation Frontiers


As the Foundation Frontiers continue to work, both Jonathan and Charlotte will now be seen to be watching them through the buildings. As they do, the two will communicate-

Jonathan Castlecat

Well, it looks like President Sacha was right on the money. The Foundation is also gathering technology that the Crowns stole from the Pinnacles.

Jonathan says, as Charlotte speaks-

Charlotte Knighthood

That's interesting, but does it really prove anything about his suspicions about them? Sure, the Foundation is secretive, but what exactly are they going to do with that tech in their hands?

Jonathan Castlecat

I'm not sure, but at least we can give this information to the President, as he'll take over things from here...

As Jonathan says this, Charlotte will speak once more, asking-

Charlotte Knighthood

Oh? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this the part where the President asked us to use our "skills" to rush in there and defeat the Foundation-so we could figure out what they are up to?

Jonathan replies-

Jonathan Castlecat

True...but, I think it wouldn't be right to make Bijou worry about us, as her words did sting a little bit.

Jonathan says this casually, as Charlotte then replies to him, in a similar tone-

Charlotte Knighthood are such a softy...

Jonathan Castlecat

Thanks, babe...!

Suddenly, Jonathan will notice something approaching his location. It will be a missile, which will mere seconds away from his and Charlotte's locations before impact-

Jonathan Castlecat


Charlotte Knighthood



Surprised, the MP Liberty ErotiCake will now be enveloped in an explosion, as the scene then transitions-

"Scene Transition"

Back with the U3 that Rebecca is piloting, it will now arrive at the base of the Daimondale Castle-just near where the Statue of Lord Caligula is. As it does, Rebecca will have her Superior Variant come to a halt-

Superior Variant U3


As it does, the Liberty ErotiCake will climb off of the U3 and land on the ground-

"CLACK!!!" "CLACK!!!!"

Back inside of the U3 Superior Variant, Rebecca will speak-

Rebecca Luisant

...This is it...!

She says, as she looks up towards the Castle. Its huge walls will be intimidating, but then all of a sudden, a voice will speak to the pair from an intercom positioned just outside of the doors to the Castle. It's-

Lord Caligula Crown (intercoms)

...Welcome, Pilot of the Liberty ErotiCake. I'm pleased to see you are safe, after all this time...Bijou.

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou reacts to the voice, she will speak on the Liberty ErotiCake's intercoms, saying-

Bijou Luisant

...Caligula! I'm surprised that you still remember me...

Bijou says, in a sour tone, as Lord Caligula replies-

Lord Caligula Crown (intercoms)

Come now, my dear. While I haven't seen you since you were born, I was there just like everyone else to hold you in my hands. I even attended your first birthday, though after that we did not see each other...until now.

Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

I still have the photos from that time, Caligula. Though, I'm not here to discuss the past right now, as I've come for another reason-as has Rebecca here.

Now, Lord Caligula will react with slight surprise that Rebecca is still alive, as he speaks in a calm tone over the intercoms-

Lord Caligula Crown (intercoms)

Ah...Rebecca. You assisted Bijou in sneaking her under the radar of the RF to come here, right?

Rebecca then replies-

Rebecca Luisant (intercoms)

That's right, Caligula. We've come to retrieve the document you and your thugs stole from me 6 months ago. If you hand it over peacefully, then I'll use my position in the NJD to ensure that your crimes against me and my family...will be as severe as possible.

Rebecca says this strongly, while at first seeming as if she will say the opposite. In response, Lord Caligula replies-

Lord Caligula Crown (intercoms)

But of course, my dear. I've already read the contents of the document that you managed to download back in the DIC and I am more than willing to give it to you. All you need to do is come inside with Bijou, and the two of you can read it for yourselves.

Rebecca Luisant


As Lord Caligula says this, the doors that lead into the Castle will open up to revel an elevator that will lead deeper into the complex. While Bijou will at first be hesitant, she will see Rebecca open her Superior Variant cockpit to come out and descend to the ground below.

Nearby, back inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, Bijou will also proceed to unbuckle herself from her seat and prepare to leave the cockpit. But before she does so, she will look over to Isaac and say-

Bijou Luisant

...Isaac. I'm putting you in charge of piloting the Liberty ErotiCake, as I'll be accompanying Rebecca inside to get that document.

Isaac Carter


Bijou continues-

Bijou Luisant

While I'm in there, I want you to go and back up Jonathan and Charlotte, as I'm sure Caligula has something up his sleeve. Please, do everything in your power to ensure that they make it out of this alive, alright?

Isaac Carter


Surprised the Bijou is asking this of him, Isaac will then reply with-

Isaac Carter

Alright, Bijou. I promise that Jonathan and Charlotte will not die today.

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


With that, Bijou then opens the cockpit for the Liberty ErotiCake and proceeds to come outside. As she does, she will descend to the ground where Rebecca is-

Rebecca Luisant

...Bijou? Make sure you stay with me, as we don't know what that man is planning.

Bijou Luisant

I know. I'll be extra careful.

As the two prepare themselves, the two will then proceed inside of the doors to the Castle. As they do, they will get inside of the elevator that will move sideways, as the doors to the castle then close.

After this is shown, the Liberty ErotiCake will stand back up while it's cockpit is still open. As this happens, the view will then move over to Lord Caligula's point of view, as he is still on his ship that's approaching the Confederation. He will now catch a brief glimpse of both Isaac and Chole from one of his monitors, to which he reacts with contempt-

Lord Caligula Crown

!...Honestly. Why would Bijou affiliate herself with such rabble?

He asks himself, as he then prepares to begin his plan to disrupt President Sacha's plans-

Lord Caligula Crown

Oh is the time I brush off my skills from back when I was a pilot...!

Now, Lord Caligula activates the device from before, to which it acts like a controller for him-similar to how people control Blockades or Frontiers. As this device activates, all the way back at the Daimondale Castle, the statue from before will be seen to split open-

Statue of Lord Caligula Crown


As it splits open, the view will show the Banebrute from before, along with two U4 Superior Variants. As it screams-



Isaac Carter


Chole Madison


As this enormous monster exits out of the statue, both Isaac and Chole will be caught off guard, as it begins to lumber forward. Its mighty steps are enough to shake the ground beneath itself, as it starts to walk forward-



As it moves forward, the two U4 Superior Variants will act as bodyguards for it, as they will hover in the air while moving forward at the same pace as the Banebrute-

Superior Variant U4s


Back at the port, the RF soldiers that went into rescue the civilians will now stop what they are doing to see the enormous Banebrute coming their way. As they see it, they will react-

RF Soldier #1

It can't be!!!

RF Soldier #2

A Banebrute!!!!

Some of them say, as the rest of the RF soldiers and civilians are shown to be terrified of this creature-

Scared Civilians


While this happens, some of the more dedicated RF Soldiers will continue to direct the civilians of Daimondale to get onto their waiting ships. They shout-

RF Soldier #3

Please don't panic!!!

RF Soldier #4

We are going to get everyone out of this city safely!!!! Just proceed into the ships and trust us to keep you all safe!!!!

Some of them say, as they struggle to keep a lid on the situation. As more and more civilians start to flood onto the RF ships waiting to take them to safety, the scene will then transition back to the Midnight, which is still docked just outside the city in the sea.

Back inside of the Midnight's Bridge, Grid Arbiter Alexia speaks to Fleet Captain Andrea-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Fleet Captain!!! A Banebrute just emerged from Daimondale Castle!!!!

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As Grid Arbiter Alexia says this, she will be visually fearful of the power of the Banebrute. Fleet Captain Andrea will also look visually worried at the situation, as she looks out towards the city to see the Banebrute coming closer to the port. She then speaks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Dammit. There are also two U4s acting as bodyguards...

She says, as she spots the Banebrute on her monitor, along with it's escorts. Back with Grid Arbiter Alexia, she will speak-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Andrea!!! What should we do??!

Seeing that Grid Arbiter Alexia is next to panicking, Fleet Captain Andrea will start to calm herself down.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


A moment later, she will speak-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Calm down, Alexia. Our first objective will be to get the civilians out of this city, as their safety comes first. Afterwards, we'll begin to organize a full retreat, as even with this dreadnought, we can't so much as pierce through such tough skin.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Fleet Captain...?!

Fleet Captain Andrea finishes up by saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I know...we are in a bind right now and have spread out our forces to much. But, I'm almost certain there is a way to turn things around...!

She says, as she looks at AI Cody. It will now be shown to silently react to the situation-

AI Cody


As it does, all the way back with the mysterious woman far away, she will speak-


...Impressive. I wouldn't have thought the Crowns had managed to rummage through one of my toyboxes. Though, what will he do with a Banebrute, as this wasn't in my plan, either...?

As she asks and confirms this, the view will then cut back to Daimondale, where the Banebrute is about to move from being controlled by Lord Caligula-



Just before it does, the chapter will then end-