Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 26

----Chapter 26----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

Far away, on the opposite side of the planet, the Confederation of Pioneering Uniforms will now be revealed. It will be a large landmass that is similar to Pangea, but it will be shrouded in ice all over. There, within one of the four main countries called "Saphirius", it will be nighttime. Within this capital, in the center of the enormous city, a large building similar to the UN will be seen.

Inside, four women are seen sitting on the left side of a large round table, while across from them, President Sacha and Vice President Georges are seen. Sebastion and Cesario are also present, but they keep to the sidelines, while in the middle of the table, a hologram of a mysterious machine is seen-



This individual remains silent for the moment, as around her, the women speak. One of them, an older woman with long flowing hair and a name card in front of her, speaks first. Her name is Rohais-

Rohais Luisant

...And so, now that the conflict with the RF has concluded, can we consider this time to be that beginning of "The Finale" to the war with the Ascension that you described?

The woman next to Rohais, who is named Cassandra, speaks-

Cassandra ???

It would seem so. Right, Sacha?

President Sacha Luisant


Vice President Georges Luisant


The two now look at Sacha, who is quiet. Georges is the same, so Francoise speaks up-

Francoise Luisant

...Sacha? Georges? Are you two feeling alright?

President Sacha Luisant


Vice President Georges Luisant


With Francoise's voice, she wakes up Sacha and Georges from their daydreaming. The two then speak-

President Sacha Luisant

...Sorry, Fran. I was just thinking about how Bijou might be doing right now.

Vice President Georges Luisant

I was also daydreaming about how my wife, Rebecca, is doing. I haven't seen her in many years, so I apologize about that.

Francoise Luisant

...This is pretty important stuff, you two. Please, try to pay attention so this doesn't happen again.

President Sacha Luisant

Yes, Fran...

Vice President Georges Luisant

It won't happen again.

Francoise Luisant

Good. Now, back onto the topic, we were about to discuss the upcoming Finale to your great plan, "Operation SEED".

President Sacha Luisant


Francoise Luisant

Hm...I guess because you were thinking about Bijou, now would be a good segway into talking about the slight change to your Grand Plan, Sacha.

President Sacha Luisant


Francoise Luisant

Would you care to elaborate on why you allowed for Bijou to be the Liberty ErotiCake's pilot, please?

Francoise says this in a friendly way. Sacha then responds to his sister.

President Sacha Luisant

You are correct in saying that there was a "slight change" to our plans, Fran. However, the original plan did call for a woman to serve as the key element to the success of our plan, so it makes sense that Sebastion and Cesario are not the pilots of the Liberty ErotiCake right now.

Sebastion Luisant


Cesario Luisant


With this, Francoise speaks-

Francoise Luisant

Hmm...well said.

Sacha then looks over to Rohais, and speaks-

President Sacha Luisant

Does that clear things up with everyone else?

Rohais Luisant

Yes, it does.

Cassandra ???

I understand.

??? (Ginnette)

I do too.

After that, President Sacha begins speaking-

President Sacha Luisant

Now then...let me start things off with this.

Francoise Luisant


Rohais Luisant


Cassandra ???


??? (Ginnette)


Sebastion Luisant


Cesario Luisant


President Sacha now speaks up-

President Sacha Luisant

Over the past week since I sent my fleet to deal with the RF in New Columbia, the Ascension began their "campaign" to exterminate everyone in the DIC-while not actually doing so. While almost all of our Umbrellas in the West Islands have been destroyed, civilian casualties over there have been next to zero-thanks in part to the Understructures.



In the middle of the table, a large projection now comes up and shows the damaged areas. Most of the damage is in the West Islands, which will be shown to have more islands than the East Islands. President Sacha continues-

President Sacha Luisant

Ever since their homes have been destroyed above their heads, the "agents" that I've sent into our Understructures all across the DIC have virtually everyone talking about living in Mainland, which they yearn for in order to escape from this artificial war we've constructed.

Cassandra ???

Good. Mainland was meant to be our first steppingstone towards colonizing the other planets within our TRAPPIST-1 solar system. However, in order to create more Mainlands, the resources that are needed to create them will have to be harvested beyond this planet, as we could only build one Mainland with the resources we had left from the DIC...

Rohais Luisant

But, now that we are in the Finale that you described in your Grand Plan, can we hope to see the day where the people of our world will start expanding into space come soon, Sacha?

President Sacha Luisant

If everything goes according to the Finale, then yes...mother.

Sacha now takes a look at the projection in front of him. He takes a look at the location of the DIC fleet's position, and then speaks-

President Sacha Luisant

The Finale will start off with the DIC fleet under the command of Fleet Captain Andrea, as she returns from New Columbia and heads to Truxem for a brief moment of rest. Oberon is waiting for them there, where he will then give her and the other Captains a "Capital Dreadnought"-while then sending the four dreadnoughts to the Confederation.

President Sacha says, indicating that he nor anyone else in the room will know of Captain Miracle's death.

The projection in front of them moves to show this information. The "Capital Dreadnought" is much larger than the regular dreadnoughts and is equipped with flight capabilities. President Sacha continues-

President Sacha Luisant

As for the AA, due to how limited they have become from their finite pool of military assets, the Captain of the last AA Capital Dreadnought from the West Islands will become desperate to discover the location of Princess Media-to which she will receive this information as soon as Bijou meets with her on her ship from Truxem.

President Sacha continues-

President Sacha Luisant

Before that, a new wave of reinforcements will arrive from Old Columbia to assist with pushing the AA to Daleraba-where the Finale truly begins.

Francoise Luisant

Those reinforcements will be some members from two of your best Corps from Old Columbia, correct?

President Sacha Luisant

Yes...and with that, I'm sure you all know the rest.

Francoise Luisant

Of course.

While the reader won't know what is to happen next, the characters will know of the events that will occur after the AA scout force arrives in Truxem. Francoise now looks at her brother Sacha with a fondness in her eyes, as she feels that he is moving faster and faster away from her. She then speaks up with a concerned voice-

Francoise Luisant

Broth-...Sacha. Are you sure that this plan of yours will work in the end?

President Sacha Luisant


Sacha now looks confused, so Francoise continues.

Francoise Luisant

According to your plan, you were supposed to run a complete system's diagnostic on the AndroIs under the command of the AA, as well as for the AI Blockades-before the AA Capital Dreadnought arrives in Truxem. This would've been done to determine if they didn't have any abnormalities due to how shoddy their construction was, which is a similar issue for all of the AI systems in your entire Navy.

President Sacha Luisant


Cassandra and Rohais now look at Sacha with suspicion, wondering what he will say. Francoise speaks.

Francoise Luisant

...Are you going to overlook this detail to your plan, even though up until now you've taken things very carefully into consideration-even going as far as to have agents injected into all parts of your plan?

President Sacha Luisant


Sacha thinks to himself, before speaking to Francoise.

President Sacha Luisant

While you are correct in suggesting that, I don't see any reason to preform that check at this time. The only way the weakness of the AndroIs and in extension the "AI Blockades" could become an issue would be if the Ascension could understand how the AI system works in the first place, which is impossible due in part to their shoddy construction.

Francoise Luisant


Francoise gives Sacha a wry look, as if thinking that his logic is flawed in some way, but she doesn't try to call him out on this. Sacha then continues-

President Sacha Luisant

That then acts as a safeguard for us to finish this war in the way that I and SYSTEM-DESTINY have planned, as the Finale will only last till the end of this week. I firmly believe that we will win this war before the Ascension can even try to understand how the AndroIs work.

Francoise Luisant


Francoise gives Sacha a long look, as if wanting to say more, but her mouth won't open. Instead, SYSTEM-DESTINY will then speak up, asking-


What of the intervention from the Crowns? Their presence wasn't accounted for in the plan we constructed, Sacha...

President Sacha replies-

President Sacha Luisant

Simple. We'll just finish this war all the more quickly with the AI Blockades and then conduct a thorough investigation into their activities-after we've settled things with the Ascension. While they did interfere in our plans, they still managed to destroy the RF regardless, as the plan was to get their investors to pause their contributions towards their cause.



President Sacha concludes with-

President Sacha Luisant

Now that the RF are no longer a threat, everything is back in the hands of the Ascension. Thus, we should focus on ending this war just like we planned and then investigate them afterwards, as we'll have much more freedom after things end in our favor.



Chairwoman Francoise Luisant


Faced with this, both SYSTEM-DESTINY and Francoise will go along with President Sacha's words, as they will have much more freedom after things are over in the week to investigate the issues the Crown family caused in more detail.

After this is shown, Francoise then speaks-


...Alright, Sacha.

Francoise Luisant

I'll trust your words...

President Sacha Luisant

Thank you.

Francoise says this in a soft tone, indicating that she doesn't truly trust Sacha's words. But, she puts the issue down because she believes in her brother, so she nods her head and then looks at Sacha once more-this time with eyes that show she's a bit more hopeful. Sacha then speaks.

President Sacha Luisant

With that settled, we'd best be going back to Wippertan. As usual, please continue feeding the Confederation population non-critical information about this war to keep the people here in line. Once we deal with the Ascension, we can then start to speak more openly to the media with "Mir".

Francoise Luisant

Alright. We'll conclude this meeting here, then.

With that, President Sacha and Vice President Georges stand up, as do Sebastion and Raphaël. As the four then proceed to leave, Francoise speaks up-

Francoise Luisant


President Sacha Luisant


Sacha turns his head around slightly, while his back is to his sister. Francoise speaks.

Francoise Luisant

...Please tell Bijou...that we'd like it very much if she could see us all sometime. We are deeply worried about her...fighting in this complicated war of yours...

President Sacha Luisant

Of course, Fran. I'll make sure that Bijou comes to see you here in your Confederation, along with Mom, Ginn and Cass...after I hold her in my arms first.

Cassandra and Rohais both smile at the idea of seeing Bijou again, while Ginnette smiles as well (Ginnette is Howards' Mother). Francoise then looks at her brother deeply, and he does the same. Francoise then speaks.

Francoise Luisant

Thanks, Sacha.

President Sacha Luisant

You're welcome, Fran.

The two now go their separate ways. Vice President Georges is seen to be fumbling in his pocket for a moment, as the doors close. Outside, Vice President Georges is seen to take out a phone and call someone, as President Sacha, Sebastion and Cesario walk with him.

Vice President Georges then speaks-

Vice President Georges Luisant

...Darn, she didn't pick up my call again.

President Sacha Luisant

Something wrong, Georges?

Vice President Georges Luisant

I don't know what the deal is, Sacha. I don't think Rebecca changed her number, but now, it's like the phone isn't on at all.

Sebastion Luisant

Did you try your children's numbers?

Vice President Georges Luisant

I tried their numbers multiple times as well, but their phones are also not working. I haven't seen them in over a decade, but I'm certain they were in the West Islands...

Vice President Georges looks pretty worried, to which Cesario then speaks to try and comfort him-

Cesario Luisant

...I'm sure that they are just fine. Afterall, the area where your home is in always suffers from many random geomagnetic storms, which when mixed with the powerful ice storms that have been happening lately cause all electrical equipment to shut off. I'm sure that's the reason why they are not picking up your calls.

Vice President Georges Luisant


Georges now says, though the hesitation in his voice is apparent. Sebastion then speaks up to cheer him up-

Sebastion Luisant

Don't worry too much, Georges. We thought of every possible path that the AA and RF could take in this war, so there is absolutely no way that anything could've happened to them. I'm sure.

With Sebastion now telling Georges to cheer up, he will now do so. Georges then speaks-

Vice President Georges Luisant

Yeah. You're right.

A moment later, Georges then smiles, as he then continues walking with Sacha, Sebastion and Cesario. Now reassured, the four men then head outside, where their ErotiCakes are waiting-the President ErotiCake and Vice President ErotiCake. As President Sacha is about to board his ErotiCake, he has a short flashback to when Princess Azalea told him these words back at Hilayornia-


Princess General Azalea Ascension don't know, huh?

President Sacha Luisant



This flashback continues to haunt President Sacha, but he believes in his plan and shakes off the thought. There will be no disturbances to his plan, as he then goes inside of his President ErotiCake. Sebastion and Cesario then both get into the President ErotiCake, and then together with Vice President Georges, they all then fly off, heading back towards the DIC-

"Scene Transition"

Elsewhere, in space, Queen Alexandra is seen sitting in her throne, watching the planet below her. However, Queen Alexandra is clearly impatient, as she taps her fingers in a rhythm on her throne. Her stern face is then seen-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

"Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap".......!

Next to Queen Alexandra, she has many pictures of her daughter Princess Media, along with both Azalea, Fayola and herself. Queen Alexandra soon stops tapping her fingers and then picks up and holds the pictures in her hands. She then stares at them, and tears then begin to fall from her face-

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Queen Alexandra holds the pictures in her hands, until she then places them next to her, and then, the door behind her opens up. In comes in the Lady in Black-

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Lady in Black


Queen Alexandra now turns around in her throne, as the Lady in Black approaches her. The Lady in Black then speaks once she's close enough-

Lady in Black

Queen Alexandra. I have come to tell you of what occurred during the final moments in the West Islands.

Queen Alexandra Ascension

...How are my daughters down there?

Queen Alexandra asks, in a fast tone. The Lady in Black replies-

Lady in Black

They are fine, Alexandra. However, there were other developments tha-

Now, Queen Alexandra will cut off the Lady in Black, as she says-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

My only concern is for my daughters. I do not care for the AndroIs or the Superior Weapons that I sent down there.

Lady in Black

Y-yes, Alexandra.

Thrown off a little, the Lady in Black stutters, to which Alexandra then speaks-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

Do you know how they are?

Lady in Black

Yes. As I've said, your daughters are just fine, as they are about to meet up with both leaders of the RF-Howard and Stanley.

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Queen Alexandra now subtly wipes away her tears, as she then grows interested in the mention of the RF. She then speaks to the Lady in Black-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

How are they doing? Howard and...Stanley, you called them?

Lady in Black

Yes. I personally know of those two men from a while ago, actually. When I last heard from Azalea and Fayola, the two praised them highly-even going as far as to tell them and their comrades that all of them would have a place here in Mainland.

Slightly surprised, Queen Alexandra will reply-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

!...Really now? Azalea and Fayola offered that to the RF?

Lady in Black

Yes. Even though they weren't together, their did hear of their deeds and were inspired by their determination. In fact, I even heard Howard insisted to your daughters that they leave the situation in New Columbia to his new allies, as he believed they needed to prove themselves as your "protectors".

With this praise, Queen Alexandra will be impressed by the positive word of mouth coming from the Lady in Black. She then replies-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

Honestly, they really should tell me about these kinds of decisions, before they go and say these kinds of proclamations to Humans...but, they will run the Ascension from Above one day in my place, so I guess I can play along.

Queen Alexandra now moves her throne back around to look out the window, which now shows the planet Gleen below. The Lady in Black then notices the tissues around Alexandra, and then, Alexandra speaks-

Lady in Black


Queen Alexandra Ascension

...I am growing impatient in waiting for my daughter Media to come back into my arms. As such, if I don't have her back soon, I will be using that ship that is waiting out there to speed up the "Operation" that you have given me. That should get her back into my arms faster, correct?

Lady in Black

!...I am not sure, as the document that I gave you cuts off just before we are supposed to attack Catalyst...wherever that is...

Queen Alexandra Ascension

Nonetheless, I just can't wait any longer to have her back. Please, contact the remaining RF forces on the planet and tell them that they are welcome to come onboard our last remaining Capital Dreadnought-under the command of Captain Esyllt.

Lady in Black

Of course. What should I tell her once the RF arrive?

Queen Alexandra Ascension

Inform her that I will only allow for her and my daughters to assault Truxem, to which if Catalyst is not there, then she will bring everyone back into space so I may personally step into speed things up with our "trump card".

Lady in Black

Yes, Alexandra. I'll get to that right away.

As the Lady in Black then gets up and leaves, the view then pans out to show the Capital Dreadnought that Alexandra was talking about. It is a massive ship, with many missile ports on its bow. Inside of the ship, a "W" mark can be seen on several missiles, which is the elemental name for Tungsten-

"Scene Transition"

Back in Gleen, in the ocean at the border in-between New Columbia and the DIC, the Midnight will be seen traveling through the waters. As it does, Grid Arbiter Alexia will be seen on the bridge of the ship-alone, as she is now in charge of the ship-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


As she sits, she does so silently, as she has a short flashback explaining events that occurred earlier in the morning-


During this flashback, the Midnight is seen docked at the port of Daimondale to pick up the Liberty ErotiCake. It is already present and is kneeling down, along with an RF Frontier nearby, as across from these two Superior Weapons, a DIC Medical Blockade is seen, along with medical staff waiting for Bijou, Jonathan and Charlotte on the ground-

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


As both Chole and Isaac watch Jonathan and Charlotte be taken away into the Medical Blockade by the medical staff, they will then look over to Bijou, who is also being brought into the Medical Blockade-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou mutters this, as she lays traumatized in her stretcher. As she too disappears into the Medical Blockade, Chole and Isaac will see Howard standing near his Frontier, to which the two will then approach him and ask-

Howard Pinnacle


Chole Madison

Um...Mr. Pinnacle?

Isaac Carter

Did it...really happen as you said?

Howard then explains-

Howard Pinnacle

...I'm sorry. Rebecca is dead...I couldn't help her in time, as I had to chose between Bijou...or her...

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


While Howard admits this, he will tear up from the pain of seeing Bijou traumatized the way she is. He will have had the displeasure of handing her over to the DIC in the first place, to which he will then say-

Howard Pinnacle

...She's probably going to hate me for not being able to save Rebecca-even though there was no time to look. You two can hate me for that as well, if you'd like...

Faced with this, Isaac and Chole will reply-

Chole Madison

I won't do that, as I'm sure you are telling the truth, Howard.

Isaac Carter

Same here. That castle was crumbling, so if you say you had to chose between Bijou or Rebecca...I would've loved to see them both alive, but I'm happy that at least one of them can go home with us.

Howard Pinnacle


With that, Howard will turn to leave, as he heads toward his Frontier. As he does, he then turns to say-

Howard Pinnacle

I'll try to come and see Bijou again in Truxem-when she's calmed down a little. I first have to answer for this disaster to my investors, which is not going to go well...

Howard says this reluctantly, as he then leaves both Isaac and Chole behind. As he gets into his Frontier, he will then take off, as on the RF Destroyer, Stanley will be seen to be watching the situation with a smile on his face-

Stanley Tempest


As this is seen, the Liberty ErotiCake and DIC Medical Blockade will then board the Midnight, which will then leave the port of Daimondale-


"Leaving Daimondale"

As it goes, the flashback will then end-


Back with Grid Arbiter Alexia, as she continues to sit silently, suddenly, a ring will come from the comms next to her-

"Ring Ring"

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


She asks, as she picks up the phone next to her. Then, the voice of one of her sisters will come out of the speaker-

Grid Arbiter Noel Blue (comms)'s me.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


Grid Arbiter Alexia shouts this quickly, as she is then instantly snapped out of her depression from hearing her sister's voice. The woman then speaks-

Grid Arbiter Noel Blue (comms)

I'll be there in the morning to see you with Silvia and Vivi, as we were picked up by Captain Carlos... after what happened earlier...

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Ok. Are you alright?! Did you get hurt?!!

Grid Arbiter Alexia asks frantically, as her sister explains-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue (comms)

I got banged up a little from the hand-to-hand combat we had inside of the Twilight, but I'm fine for the most part. We had several people who helped us fight off our attackers...but, that man anticipated our reactions and had a backup in place...which led to this conclusion...

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

!...Andrea is taking that part of the story pretty hard right now...

Grid Arbiter Noel then finishes up by saying-

Grid Arbiter Noel Blue (comms)

I can only imagine her shock, as she is in a relationship with her brother, afterall...I guess I'll leave things here, as we'll be meeting up with the Midnight soon enough.

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

Alright. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for you and everyone else...

As Grid Arbiter Alexia says this, she will have a tone of reluctance as she speaks, as Grid Arbiter Noel then says-

Grid Arbiter Noel Blue (comms)

Take care..."click"

With that, the comms will end, to which Grid Arbiter Alexia will then look over to AI Cody briefly-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


AI Cody


As AI Cody operates the ship, it will do so silently, leaving Grid Arbiter Alexia feeling as if she is an alien in her own ship. She won't have ever felt this way before, as she then gets up to leave the bridge without saying anything else-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue


"Scene Transition"

Elsewhere, outside of the Midnight, Fleet Captain Andrea will be seen at the back of her ship-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As she stands alone, her face will be wrenched in sorrow, as she looks out towards the ocean in front of her. The waters beat against the sides of her ship, to which as she continues to stand, a rumbling noise will be heard from above-

Clouds Above


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As the clouds above Fleet Captain Andrea crack violently, the impending downpour of water doesn't even faze Fleet Captain Andrea, as she continues to stand. Seconds later, droplets of water start to fall from the sky and land on the ship around Fleet Captain Andrea-

"Rain droplets"

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As the rain picks up speed, Fleet Captain Andrea continues to stand at the edges of her ship, as hours pass her by. As night comes, she still stands, drenched in water from head to toe, as her sorrowful face is shown once more-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


While her face is heavily wet from the continued rain, tears will fall from her face, as she continues to stand in the rain-alone.

"Scene Transition"

As morning comes, the rain will has stopped for now, as Midnight is seen to be far away from New Columbia and on it's way back to the DIC. As this is shown, two ships are seen to be coming up towards the Midnight from behind, and as they match speeds, several transports are seen to go to and from the ships-

"Shuttles Flying"


As these ships touch down, several individuals will emerge-two of which are both Captain Carlos and Captain Tatianna. They then instantly spot Fleet Captain Andrea, still standing-but more wearily than she was shown before-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Now, from behind Fleet Captain Andrea, both Captain Carlos and Captain Tatianna approach her and then speak to her-

Captain Carlos Kai


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


While Fleet Captain Andrea will react to hearing Captain Carlos behind her, she will not turn to face him, as Captain Tatianna swings around to her front to look her in the eye. She then speaks to her in a worried tone, asking-

Captain Tatianna Erina long have you been like this?!

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

.....Ever since...I left Diamondale.....

Captain Tatianna Erina


As Fleet Captain Andrea mutters this to Captain Tatianna, she will be shocked to hear this, as Captain Carlos will have also heard this, and speaks-

Captain Carlos Kai

You've been standing like this ever since last night?! Why?!!

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Fleet Captain Andrea will now fall silent, as Captain Tatianna speaks to her-

Captain Tatianna Erina

I know you are shocked to hear about what happened to Miracle, but standing out here in the cold isn't going to change anything. It's just going to get you sick, so don't do this to yourself.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As Fleet Captain Andrea admits this, she will look sorrowful, to which Captain Tatianna will then start to lighten up on her by saying-

Captain Tatianna Erina

...C'mon. Let's go back to your quarters, where we'll get you a change of clothes.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


With that, Captain Tatianna helps Fleet Captain Andrea back to her private quarters, while Captain Carlos leads the way. As the scene transitions-

"Scene Transition"

Now inside of the Midnight, the personal quarters of Fleet Captain Andrea will now be shown once more. Nearby, her clothes from before will be in the dryer-



While in the living room area, Fleet Captain Andrea is then seen sitting on one of the sofas in the room-dressed down to her bra and panties. She sits within a blanket, while Captain Tatianna wraps and rubs her hair with a towel. Fleet Captain Andrea is silent as this occurs-


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Afterward rubbing her hair as dry as possible, Captain Tatianna puts down the towel and then speaks to Fleet Captain Andrea-

Captain Tatianna Erina

There we go. Now, I'll turn this on, and...!


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As Captain Tatianna turns on the heating for the blanket, Fleet Captain Andrea will start to feel much warmer.

Across from these two, Captain Carlos is seen inside of the kitchen area, as he is making some hot tea for Fleet Captain Andrea-

Captain Carlos Kai

"Preparing hot teapot"

Once it's done, he pours the hot liquid into a cup and brings it over for Andrea to drink. The drink is only for her, as he doesn't prepare a cup for either himself or Captain Tatianna, to which Fleet Captain Andrea then picks up the cup from his hands, and then-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As Andrea drinks the tea, she will feel much better, to which both Tatianna and Carlos will then sit down near her. As they do, Fleet Captain Andrea will start to explain herself-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Roland Provenance...

Captain Tatianna Erina


Captain Carlos Kai


As Fleet Captain Andrea says this, both Captain Carlos and Captain Tatianna will be shocked to hear this from her-as the two will recall this name from a long time ago. Fleet Captain Andrea then begins to explain herself-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I met him before we became friends at the military academy, where we started studying under First Lady Rhapsody herself. I told you two that back then, Roland and I were close...but, I didn't say that he eventually asked for me to settle down with him and start a family.

Captain Carlos Kai

I remember. You didn't tell us that part to the story, but back then, we didn't need to pry into your privacy.

Captain Carlos explains, indicating that Fleet Captain Andrea told him, Captain Tatianna and Captain Miracle this story. Then, Captain Tatianna asks-

Captain Tatianna Erina

...Did you say yes?

Captain Tatianna asks, to which Fleet Captain Andrea replies, as she looks away from her-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

No...I told him that I wasn't ready for that kind of commitment in my life just yet. I dreamed of joining the DIC military, in order to sail the seas of our planet with my own fleet...which was something that the four of us later achieved...

Captain Tatianna Erina


Captain Carlos then asks-

Captain Carlos Kai

How did he take that news?

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Fleet Captain Andrea will now look down, which indicates the relationship she had with Roland didn't go well after this. She then says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Our relationship ended soon after that, as he was gone the next day. I never heard back from him ever since...until Miracle contacted me and told me what she did...

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

She told me the person who outsmarted her was someone who left me before we became friends. Thus, there is only one person who I can think of that would do this...Roland...

Captain Carlos Kai

So that's why...

Captain Tatianna Erina

But...why would he not come after you instead? Why go after Miracle and do something like this...?

Captain Tatianna asks, confused. Fleet Captain Andrea will then answer this question-honestly-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I don't know. Maybe he developed a broken heart because of what I told him...but, after doing something like this, I don't care at all his reasoning. All I care about now is finding that man...and destroying him...

Fleet Captain Andrea says this strongly, before finishing her speech-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I never wanted to remember this kind of pain after Rhapsody disappeared...but, now with Miracle gone too...that pain has come back...and it hurts just as much as it did before...

Captain Carlos Kai


Captain Tatianna Erina


With this, Fleet Captain Andrea will crumble in pain. As she does, Captain Tatianna will tell her-

Captain Tatianna Erina

...I agree with you, Andrea. We'll figure out why he did this with you...but, just remember that you don't have to hunt him down alone, as there are others that will be there with you-not just the two of us.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Now, Fleet Captain Andrea will look up to see her friends faces. Both of them are convicted in their notions to hunt down Roland, as Captain Carlos then explains-

Captain Carlos Kai

There is someone else that I think you will want to support you in your quest to take this man down. She doesn't have to be there with you when you confront him, but she should be there to she really needs your help right now...

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Reminded about Bijou's plight, Fleet Captain Andrea will look depressed, as Captain Tatianna then asks-

Captain Tatianna Erina

We heard from Alexia briefly that something had happened to Bijou. What was it? And where is Rebecca? Didn't she meet you to exchange the information we were looking for?

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Captain Tatianna Erina


As Fleet Captain Andrea remains silent, Captain Tatianna will deduce the answer to her question from her silence. Captain Carlos also decerns the answer, and asks in a worried tone-

Captain Carlos Kai

Please...don't tell me she was also...

To this, Fleet Captain Andrea will continue to pause, before finally coming out and saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I'll go and see her soon. She's in one of my Medical Blockades...but, I just need some rest...

Captain Carlos Kai


Captain Tatianna Erina

I can't...believe this...

Faced with this, both Captains will be left in shock at hearing of Rebecca also being killed. They will fall silent, as the scene then transitions to much later at night-

"Scene Transition"

Much later on, the night sky will be seen above the three ships heading back to the DIC. Here, on the Midnight, Fleet Captain Andrea will have regained some of her strength, as she approaches the Medical Blockades-alone.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Behind her, the ships from before will now start to take off, as they head back to the other two ships nearby-the Dawnlight and Dusklight-

"Shuttles leaving"

As they go, Fleet Captain Andrea will then stand in front of one of the Medical Blockades on her ship. As she then enters, she comes up to a small reception area and speaks to the nurse behind the desk-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Is this Blockade where Jonathan and Charlotte are being treated?

To which the Nurse explains-

Nurse #1

Yes, Fleet Captain. We have the two of them with us, as they are being treated for moderate

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As the Nurse explains this, she will then produce a notepad with several documents on it for Fleet Captain Andrea to read. As she does, the Nurse continues to speak-

Nurse #1

The two of them had several puncture wounds from explosions along their bodies. They aren't in critical condition, but they will need proper medical treatment, which they can receive once we return to Truxem.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Of course. I'll prepare to announce that to the fleet by tomorrow morning, as I've just been...stressed myself...

Fleet Captain Andrea admits this, in an embarrassed tone. The Nurse then asks-

Nurse #1

If you'd like, I could prescribe you some relaxing medication for stress. What are your symptoms?

While intrigued by this notion, Fleet Captain Andrea will reply-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I'll send you that after I've meet with the person that I came to see tonight, as I need to see how she is doing.

Fleet Captain Andrea says, strongly, as the Nurse then realizes this and explains-

Nurse #1

Alright. Bijou's condition has improved since we admitted her into our care. She's calmed down from the shock and was allowed visits, of which earlier this afternoon, her friends came by from the Liberty ErotiCake and gave her some food that they cooked.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

How thoughtful of them. I'll have to thank them for being such good friends to her...

The Nurse then says-

Nurse #1

I'm sure they will love that conversation...Bijou's on the second floor-first door to the right.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Thank you...

With that, Fleet Captain Andrea proceeds to the room where Bijou is. As she does, the scene transitions-

"Scene Transition"

Now within the Medical Blockade, Fleet Captain Andrea will stand just outside of a door. She knocks-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


"Knock Knock"

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Bijou? It's me, Andrea. May I come inside?

As Fleet Captain Andrea asks this, there will be no reply inside-



Despite this, Fleet Captain Andrea will still opt to come inside of the room-to at least take a peek at Bijou-

"Door Opening"

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I'm sorry if I'm waking you, but I needed to see you...!

With that, Fleet Captain Andrea will open the door to Bijou's room. Inside, the room will be dark, to which Fleet Captain Andrea then flips the light switch on-which is next to the door inside-

"Light Switch"

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Inside of the room, Bijou will be seen, curled up in a ball while sitting in her bed. Her face is covered by her arms, as she is still depressed over what occurred to her niece the day before-

Bijou Luisant


As she sits in bed, she will not respond, as Fleet Captain Andrea quietly approaches her. Once she is close enough, she then kneels down and then speaks to her, in a soft tone-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia's me, Andrea.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou doesn't respond, as Fleet Captain Andrea continues to speak to her-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I have something...that I need to show you, Bijou...please, allow me to do this...

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou will not reply to Fleet Captain Andrea, she will then gently pull off the blankets that were on top of Bijou's body and legs. Bijou doesn't resist or speak up, as Fleet Captain Andrea then gently holds Bijou closely to her chest-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Please...look at my face...

As Fleet Captain Andrea does this, Bijou will slowly start to look up towards her face. Once her eyes are locked onto Fleet Captain Andrea's, Bijou's empty, hollow eyes are seen-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou's eyes are now seen to be emotionless and distant, as if she has lost all the will to live. Fleet Captain Andrea will notice her looking up towards her, but she will not let Bijou go, as a few seconds later, Fleet Captain Andrea will then quietly speak to Bijou-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I heard about what happened at the castle, and I just wanted to show you how...sorry...I am for what happened. I cannot apologize enough to you for your loss...and it kills me to see you suffer like this...

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou starts to cry, she then speaks-softly-

Bijou Luisant

...I heard...about Miracle, and-


Suddenly, Fleet Captain Andrea cuts Bijou off by presses her firmly against her chest, while speaking in an extremely pained tone-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Please, Bijou!! Please!!! Don't say it!! Please...don't say anything...please.....

Bijou Luisant

!........I'm sorry..."Crying"

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As the two continue to cry, they will embrace with each other, as the view then moves outside of the Medical Blockade-

"Scene Transition"

Elsewhere, inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, a brief shot of Chole and Isaac in the same bed is shown now-

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


While the two are covered under the blankets, it will be implied that the two are having sex right now, as the scene then quickly ends with another scene transition-

"Scene Transition"

Sometime later in the night, Bijou will be seen to be sleeping in her bed, as tears stream down from her eyes-

Bijou Luisant


As she sleeps, Fleet Captain Andrea then gently rubs her cheeks with a napkin, as she gently brushes it on her tear-stained face. Fleet Captain Andrea then turns to leave the room, as the chapter will then end-