Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 27

----Chapter 27----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

Sometime during the next day, the DIC fleet continues on its trek towards Truxem, which will be visible from their current location. The three ships are about 30 to 45 minutes away from the island, to which on the Midnight within one of the Medical Blockades, Bijou will be seen to be sleeping in her bed-

Bijou Luisant


As she slumbers, she soon wakes up, as she opens her eyes and then slowly leans up in her bed-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is still exhausted from her loss, as her tiredness clearly indicates. In her left hand, she holds onto the necklace that Rebecca had given back to her just a few days beforehand. As she looks at it deeply, her emotions will start to resurface once more-

Bijou Luisant


Before Bijou can start crying again, she let's go of the necklace and then moves her body out of her bed. As she does, she then notices a plate of food nearby sitting on a table. She ignores this for now, as she goes to the sink in her room to wash her hands and face-


Bijou Luisant


Afterwards, she will then move back to her bed to pick up the plate of food. The food isn't what she is used to eating, as its typically food given to patients. Nonetheless, Bijou eats quietly and slowly, and after she's done, she then puts the plate back onto the table and presses a button nearby-

"Button Press"

Bijou Luisant


Without even waiting for what happens next, Bijou will get back into her bed and grab the necklace that was left on her blankets. A few seconds later, the door opens and in comes in-

Nurse #1


As the Nurse walks into the room, she will see Bijou in bed, with the empty plate sitting on the table. She will then come in to retrieve the plate, as she asks Bijou-

Nurse #1

Good afternoon, Bijou. How are you feeling today?

Bijou Luisant


Bijou won't reply, as the Nurse then picks up the plate and then finishes talking to Bijou-

Nurse #1

...Let us know if you feel any better, as your friends have come again and are waiting to see you outside...

Bijou Luisant


The Nurse says, as she then leaves the room with the empty plate. After hearing this, Bijou will then lean back up out of her bed and look at the door that the Nurse just left out of, with a look of confusion-

Bijou Luisant


Suddenly, a beeping noise occurs, prompting her attention-

"Beep Beep"

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou pays attention to this sound, the voice of Fleet Captain Andrea will then come from the intercoms-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (Intercoms)

Good afternoon, everyone. This is your Fleet Captain speaking.

As Fleet Captain Andrea begins to speak from the Bridge, elsewhere, several other individuals are seen briefly. In another part of the same Medical Blockade, Jonathan and Charlotte will be shown-still recovering from their injuries in bed while watching something on tv-

Jonathan Castlecat


Charlotte Knighthood


While in the lobby area, both Chole and Isaac are seen to be together as well. The two are seemingly waiting to see Bijou, as they wait patiently for her outside of her room-

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


And finally, in several other Blockades, a brief shot of several mysterious individuals are seen, silently monitoring the situation from their Blockades. These people include the "Agents" that President Sacha mentioned earlier, whom all pay attention-

Secret Service Agents


Back in the Bridge, Fleet Captain Andrea continues-slowly at first-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (Intercoms)

...I'm making this announcement to inform you all of our new orders, which I just received from Director Oberon Luisant.

Bijou Luisant


Surprised to hear this, Bijou will pay attention, as Fleet Captain Andrea continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (Intercoms)

Once we arrive in Truxem within the hour, everyone except for a select few will be under the guidance of the Director until tomorrow morning, as everyone within this fleet will be transferring to a "Capital Dreadnought"-which is a new type of Dreadnought that can fly.

She continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (Intercoms)

This vessel will be able to accommodate all of our remaining Blockades, to which both Captain Carlos and Captain Tatianna will still operate just as they have been-but within one bridge with myself-as opposed to being on separate ships.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (Intercoms)

Our Grid Arbiters will also be renamed to just "Arbiters", as the Capital Dreadnought will not have a ESG system-due to new revolutions in our technology. All of this and more will be explained to you as soon as we arrive, while that other group that I just mentioned will be exempt from this process. That is all.


After mentioning this, the Intercoms will cut off, to which inside of Bijou's room inside of the Medical Blockade, she will slowly get out of bed once more-

Bijou Luisant


As she does, she goes into the washroom once more-this time to take a quick shower. Afterwards, she gets dressed in her previous clothes and attaches the necklace Rebecca gave to her around her neck-

Bijou Luisant


Afterwards, she then opts to leave her room-

"Doors opening"

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou comes out, she will immediately see both Chole and Isaac, sitting down outside of her room in the small lobby area outside. Upon seeing them, the two of them-along with the Nurse behind the counter to the right-will react with shock at seeing Bijou-

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


Nurse #1


As Chole mentions this, she and Isaac will stand up and come over to where Bijou is standing. The Nurse will also opt to come over, but will hesitate, as she watches the situation play out.

Once close enough, Isaac speaks to Bijou-

Isaac Carter

Bijou...are you alright?

To which Bijou will reply, softly-

Bijou Luisant

...Yeah. I'm fine...

In response, Chole will then ask this question-blatantly-

Chole Madison

Are you going to meet with that man? He's a part of your family, so do you think he should learn of what...happened...?

Bijou Luisant


Bijou now falls silent in regards to this direct question. Caring for her, Isaac will reply to Chole-

Isaac Carter

Chole...isn't that a little too on the nose?

Chole Madison're right. I'm sorry about that...

Chole says, as Bijou will now look downwards, indicating that she is still depressed over what happened to Rebecca. While Chole will mean well in asking her question, she will still expect a clear answer from her friend. Bijou then replies-

Bijou Luisant

...I...I can't. I can't tell him, as I don't believe anything happened back there...

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


Upon hearing this, Bijou will fall silent, as she struggles to hold back her tears once more. She will manage to force herself to do so, as she explains her position in denial-

Bijou Luisant

Maybe...if I just give her some time to contact me, she will do so and we can forget this ever happened. It would just be awkward if I said something that wasn't true to my Uncle, so...I'll just wait for her to call me...

Bijou continues-

Bijou Luisant

She has my number and must know that I'm worried sick about her, so I'll give her until we get back to Wippertan. I'm sure by then, she'll contact me to tell me she's fine...

While Bijou will say this strongly, she will appear to not believe in her own words. In response, both Chole and Isaac will reply with-

Chole Madison

...Well, if you believe that's what you should do, then...

Isaac Carter

We can't really force you to come out with this, as we weren't there with you back at the Castle in New Columbia. Maybe she did manage to get away somehow...and will contact you soon to let you know she's alright...

While both Isaac and Chole are lying to themselves, they will do so only to cheer up Bijou, as this tactic will work. Bijou will look up towards them with a face of glee, as she then says-

Bijou Luisant

That's it! We'll just be patient and wait for Rebecca to call me! Then, we can put this whole situation behind us, alright?!

Slightly surprised, both Chole and Isaac will then reply with-

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter

We'll wait for her to call you.

As they say this, Bijou will still show a fake smile. She will still look depressed, but will hide it behind this false smile, as she then speaks to the Nurse nearby-

Bijou Luisant

I'm feeling much better now, so could you tell me where Jonathan and Charlotte are? I'll be with them until we get to Truxem, if that's alright?

To which the Nurse will reply-

Nurse #1

...Well, if you insist...

The Nurse will say this in a tone that hints she isn't sure that Bijou and her friends REALLY want to be with Jonathan and Charlotte for more than 2 minutes. Oblivious to the gesture, Bijou will speak again-

Bijou Luisant

Is there a problem, Nurse?

To which the Nurse will quickly reply-

Nurse #1

Of course not, Ms. Luisant. Their room is one floor up-first door on the left. If you feel you need any more rest, please let us know.

Bijou Luisant


With that, Bijou will opt to leave for the elevator, while being followed by both Chole and Isaac. Thus, a scene transition will occur-

"Scene Transition"

As the trio gets into the elevator, they will go up one floor, to which as they do so, Chole and Isaac will be standing behind Bijou inside. Chole will then look weakly towards Isaac, indicating that she isn't sure that Bijou is making the right choice in denying the death of Rebecca-

Chole Madison


But then, Isaac replies by slowly shaking his head towards her, as he believes this is for the best at the moment-

Isaac Carter

"Shaking head"...!

As he does this, in front of him and Chole, Bijou will be seen clutching onto a phone, as she silently anticipates Rebecca's call. She speaks softly towards the phone in her hand-

Bijou Luisant'll call me, right? You wouldn't scare me like this...right?

As she says this in a desperate tone, the phone in her hand will not activate-



To which the elevator will then get to their destination-

"Elevator Stopping"



"Elevator Doors Opening"

As the trio comes out of the elevator, they are seen to emerge into a similar setup to the floor they just came from-minus the reception desk with a Nurse behind it. In it's place, several rooms will be seen in front of them, to which Bijou then walks towards the door to her left and proceeds to knock on the door-

"Knock Knock Knock!!"

Bijou Luisant


As Chole and Isaac come up to her from behind, a voice can be heard from within the room-

"Voice behind the door"

It's open...

Bijou Luisant


Bijou will recognize the voice that just spoke, to which she will then enter inside. Chole and Isaac will also follow suit, as they come to see-

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


As the three come inside of the room, they will be greeted with a surprise they were not expecting to see. Inside, Charlotte and Jonathan will be seen in nothing but their underwear, as the both of them will have bandages all over their bodies.

Despite this, Charlotte will still act friendly towards Bijou and her friends, as she speaks-

Charlotte Knighthood

Ah...Bijou. And Chole and Isaac. Welcome-ack!...

Charlotte says, as she stands up from the right side of the bed to greet the trio-but winces slightly from a burst of sudden pain from her belly area. As this happens, Bijou speaks to her-

Bijou Luisant alright?!

Upon hearing this, Charlotte brings herself to stand back up. She then smiles, saying-

Charlotte Knighthood

Oh...don't mind this, honey. I just lost my footing, is all...

-Charlotte claims, as Jonathan continues to lay on the left side of the bed. In his hands, he reads a "magazine", as Charlotte now approaches Bijou and her friends-while still smiling.

In response to this, Bijou takes a step back out of confusion, as she speaks while in front of Chole and Isaac-

Bijou Luisant

I hope we aren't interrupting anything here...

Bijou says, awkwardly, as Charlotte approaching her while she's half naked will leave her unsure of how to respond properly. Once close enough, Charlotte then replies calmly, as she stands just a few feet away from Bijou-

Charlotte Knighthood

Of course not. We got pretty banged up during that last battle, but thankfully thanks to your friends, we made it out alive.

Charlotte says, as she looks over to both Chole and Isaac-thanking them for saving their lives. In response, Isaac will say this, in a nonchalantly manner-

Isaac Carter

You're very welcome. We couldn't just leave the two of you by yourselves, as I might need some more pointers from you guys anyway...

Jonathan Castlecat


As Jonathan stops reading his "magazine", he will look over to see the faces of both Isaac and Chole now. Both of them are blushing slightly-

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


To which Jonathan will instantly notice what is happening and say-

Jonathan Castlecat

Holy cow. Did you two finally "seal the deal"?

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is now shocked to hear this coming from Jonathan, as she looks behind her to see Isaac and Chole blushing. That, combined with the words "seal the deal" will tell her everything that must've happened between the two, as Chole then speaks up as she looks away in embarrassment-

Chole Madison

...Something like that. It's just...I was feeling so bad at seeing my partner in Bijou in the state that she was in since we left New Columbia. So, Isaac then comes to me and says he knows of a "trick" that will help to calm down...and then we just..."Blush"...

Isaac Carter


Both Chole and Isaac will now blush red, as Bijou stands in awe with her mouth open-

Bijou Luisant


However, Charlotte will then burst out laughing-

Charlotte Knighthood


Bijou Luisant


Surprised by this, Charlotte will now speak to Chole, saying-

Charlotte Knighthood

Damn, Chole! If you are this easy with men, then you'll become just like me one day!

Chole Madison


Surprised to hear this, Chole will weakly say-

Chole Madsion

Well...if you wouldn't mind...

She says, hinting that she does want Charlotte to teach her how to become "just like her". However, Bijou will speak up, desperately trying to remedy the situation by saying-

Bijou Luisant

Chole...don't listen to-

But before Bijou can continue, Charlotte will jump at the opportunity to give Chole some pointers about her version of "love". She speaks-

Charlotte Knighthood

Why, of course I'd love to teach you a couple of things about love, my dear. Afterall, I have to thank you for saving my life, so this is the least I can do for you...

Chole Madison

I'd like that, Charlotte. Thank you.

Bijou Luisant


And then, Jonathan will suddenly insert himself next to Isaac, as he wraps his arm around his shoulder-just like Charlotte did with Chole. He then speaks to Isaac-

Jonathan Castlecat

And I would be honored to teach you a couple of new things on how to "properly" entertain the woman of your dreams. My skills have never let me down, as just look at the babe I have with me right now, my friend.

Isaac now looks at Charlotte more closely, to which her beauty is incredible. He then replies to Jonathan-

Isaac Carter

You mean I with Chole forever?

Jonathan replies, smirking like a boss-

Jonathan Castlecat

Of course, but why stop there, my boy? Once you learn from a master like me, you'll have everyone in the military bowing at your handsome feet.

Isaac Carter


Isaac will now be a stary-eyed individual, as this whole scene comes across as a comedy.

Standing by herself, Bijou looks on in shock at the situation unfolding in front of her. She then speaks to herself-

Bijou Luisant

These two...this level of indecency is...!

Now, Charlotte will look over to Bijou while still having her arm around Chole's shoulder, as she asks her-

Charlotte Knighthood

Hey, Ms. Luisant? Is it true that you have a boyfriend?

Bijou Luisant


Surprised to hear this, Bijou will think of Callius and her relationship with him. While they are not serious, she will have feelings towards him, to which she will softly reply with-

Bijou Luisant


To which Jonathan will then extend his other arm out towards Bijou's face. Charlotte will also do the same, and once their fingers connect with her soft cheeks, she will look at them in total shock-

Bijou Luisant


As they reply to her eerily at the same time-

Jonathan Castlecat/Charlotte Knighthood

Come and join our talk, Ms. Luisant. We'll teach you how to entice that man the "proper" way.

Bijou Luisant


Still in total shock, Bijou will be about to reply-just as time moves on-

"Scene Transition"

A short while later, the DIC fleet will now arrive in Truxem. As the come up to the island, it is reveled to be almost as large as Wippertan, but with an Umbrella that's a crescent-shaped instead of an oval-shape, which points out to the west. Underneath the Umbrella, a sprawling city is seen to be deserted-

"Barren city"

As the three Dreadnoughts come into port, they do so into a huge shipyard made specifically for dreadnoughts-similar to the Barracks seen in Wippertan. Once they dock, a "Capital Dreadnought" will be seen briefly, which is several times larger than the Dreadnoughts. Once the ships have stopped, they will deactivate their EffectPhase Armor, and ramps will then extend out of the ships for Blockades and people to come down from.

The first individual who comes down from one of the ramps will be Fleet Captain Andrea-alone. As she walks, she will soon come towards a single man waiting for her at the edge of the port below. He stands in front of a limo, as he is talking to the driver-

Director Oberon Luisant

...Go ahead and pick up the other Captains from their ships, please. I'll have a few words with Andrea while you do so.

Diver #1

Of course, Sir.

The Driver says, as he then drives the limo off towards the Dawnlight and Dusklight. With him gone, Fleet Captain Andrea then gets closer to Director Oberon. He then looks towards her and greets her fondly-

Director Oberon Luisant

Welcome back to Truxem, Fleet Captain Andrea.

Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Thank you, Director, Sir. As you've ordered, I've left Alexia in the bridge to help make the transition to the Captial Dreadnought go more smoothly.

Director Oberon replies-

Director Oberon Luisant

Excellent, my dear. I'll need her, Silvia and Vivi to help remove their AIs from these ships, as they will also be joining you onboard your new ship.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Surprised to hear this, Fleet Captain Andrea will now remember AI Cody's strange reactions that occurred in New Columbia-


After this short display, Fleet Captain Andrea will raise a question to Director Oberon-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...AI it really necessary to have them transferred with us?

Fleet Captain Andrea asks, seeming frustrated at the notion of AI Cody coming onboard her new ship. However, her words will have meaning behind them, as Director Oberon replies with-

Director Oberon Luisant

Absolutely, my dear. They still have a few more tasks left to achieve, before they will be incorporated into AndroIs models later down the road.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Upon hearing this, Fleet Captain Andrea will think to herself-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

*...This must be all in accordance with the plan that Sacha is scheming. Operation SEED. But, if that's the case, then shouldn't Oberon have heard about what happened to Rebecca by now?*

As Fleet Captain Andrea thinks this to herself, Director Oberon then finishes up by asking-

Director Oberon Luisant

By the way, my dear...I've noticed that your fleet is missing one ship-the Twilight, I believe it was called. What happened to Captain Miracle?

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


It will take a moment for Fleet Captain Andrea to answer this question, as it deeply pains her to admit to this. Once she is ready, she will explain-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

....She...she died, Sir. She gave me her last words as we were finishing up our mission in New Columbia...where she was then killed by someone that I knew years ago...

Director Oberon Luisant


Shocked to hear this, Director Oberon will be left speechless, indicating that this occurrence was not a part of the plan. Fleet Captain Andrea will catch the sudden change in his tone-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


To which Director Oberon will regain his composure and replies-

Director Oberon Luisant

I...I see. Forgive me, as I...hadn't heard of that...

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Is everything alright, Sir?

Director Oberon replies quickly-

Director Oberon Luisant

Yes. There are just some variables that we didn't account for, is all. Rest assured, we'll investigate this matter soon, to which the individual responsible will be brought to justice.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


After this, Fleet Captain Andrea and Director Oberon will hear a sound blasting above them-


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Director Oberon Luisant

Ah...those three ladies...!

Now, above the port in the low sky, three DIC Frontiers will fly above the area. As they do so, their pilots will have these machines slowly descend onto the area and land nearby in a landing strip for Superior Splendors, which causes Director Oberon to finish up his talk with Fleet Captain Andrea, saying-

Director Oberon Luisant

Anyway, you and your friends will be allowed to relax at a hotel nearby, along with Bijou and her friends. You'll need these manuals in order to understand how to command your new ship, which I expect you to learn by the time we leave this city by the morning.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

!...That soon, Sir?

Director Oberon speaks-

Director Oberon Luisant

Yes. I'll give you more details by then, so prepare for the limo to come back from picking up your friends, as I'll take over your duties for now...

He says, as he moves his hand to invite Fleet Captain Andrea to stand next to him. She takes the hint by saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

!...I understand.

With that, Fleet Captain Andrea now stands next to Director Oberon, as he then takes out a comms device from his pocket and puts it onto his ear. He then activates it and speaks-

Director Oberon Luisant

...Would the Medical Blockade on the Midnight containing the wounded pilots please depart at once and come to my side.

Medical Blockade


Now, upon hearing these orders, a Medical Blockade will change out from it's Block mode on the Midnight and stand up. As it does, it will then move off of the side of the ship and proceed down the ramp. A few seconds later, it will arrive just in front of where Director Oberon is standing, and then return back to it's Block mode.

As the doors open, out will come Jonathan and Charlotte-laying down on two separate stretchers-

Jonathan Castlecat


Charlotte Knighthood


And behind them, Bijou, Chole and Isaac will follow behind the Nurses pushing the two forward. The trio will then be directed by Director Oberon to stand with Fleet Captain Andrea, as he speaks the Nurses first-

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


Bijou Luisant


Director Oberon Luisant

...Nurses. Please take these two and everyone else who is injured to that Air Transport in hanger 14.

Nurse #1

Huh? We aren't taking them to the hospital here?

Now, one of the Nurses will be surprised, to which Director Oberon will explain-

Director Oberon Luisant

I'm afraid not. This city is currently on lockdown due to the Ascension destroying most of our cities in the West Islands by now. They are also on their way here as we speak, so everyone has been asked to move to the Understructures-in order to keep them safe.

Nurse #1

Is it that bad over there?!

A Nurse asks, to which Director Oberon explains-

Director Oberon Luisant

I'm afraid so, my good man. It's gotten to the point that over 80% of all of our Umbrellas in the DIC have been eradicated-but thankfully we haven't suffered too many civilian casualties, as far as I know.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

!...How did the Ascension manage something like that, Director?!

Shocked to hear this, Fleet Captain Andrea will ask, to which Director Oberon will also explain this for her-

Director Oberon Luisant

Earlier, the Ascension deployed several Capital Dreadnoughts from space and sent them to our cities in the DIC. By using a powerful energy weapon, they were able to wipe out the entire Umbrella and everything within the cities that they visited off the face of our planet. Despite all of the destruction, the Understructures remain untouched from the destruction-but they are now left fully exposed to any attack from above...and one of them is on it's way as I speak...!

As Director Oberon says this, the Nurses will look visibly worried at the thought of the Ascension coming to Truxem, as they will shiver at the idea-



Fleet Captain Andrea, along with Bijou and her friends will also be shocked to hear all of this information, to which Director Oberon will then finish up by saying-

Director Oberon Luisant

As this is the case, I couldn't in good conscience allow for wounded pilots to be bought into a city that will also be destroyed soon, as I'm certain all of you know that the Understructures have no hospitals to speak up. They have no schools; no roads; no food markets and no emergency departments, as they were built specifically for emergency housing-nothing else.

Director Oberon explains, to which the Nurses straighten their previous opinion. He then finishes the conversation by saying-

Director Oberon Luisant

Thus, we've made and arrangement with the Confederation, who have agreed to accept these people into their hospitals for treatment. Should there be no turbulence, they will arrive by air by tomorrow morning.

With this explanation, the Nurses then reply quickly, as they fall in line with his reasoning-

Nurse #1

Yes, sir!

Nurse #2

We'll get them onto the Transport right away!!

Thus, the Nurses will now opt to move Jonathan and Charlotte away. However, just before they do so, a woman will cry out to them, saying-

??? (Courtney Knighthood)




Director Oberon Luisant


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia




Everyone now looks over towards where the voice just came from, including Jonathan and Charlotte-

Jonathan Castlecat


Charlotte Knighthood


The two will instantly recognize the voice, as now, three women stand close by to them al. One of them, the leader, approaches, to which she is reveled to be wearing an extremely skimpy military uniform. Regardless, she isn't bothered by this, as she approaches her parents in the stretchers and then speaks in a caring tone-at first-

??? (Courtney Knighthood)

Mother...Father...surely you weren't going to leave without saying "hello" to me at least!?

The woman says, almost whining, as Charlotte and Jonathan reply-

Charlotte Knighthood

O-of course we would've, Courtney...

Jonathan Castlecat

But, as you can plainly see, we are in need of some medical assistance right now...

With this, the woman's name is reveled to be Courtney, and her behavior towards these two indicates they are her parents. Courtney continues-

Courtney Knighthood

Either way, that's no excuse for not coming to see me before you leave...or, is there something you two are hiding from me...?

Now, Courtney will look over to Bijou and her friends, to which she speaks in a now cheery tone-

Courtney Knighthood two didn't say you got to meet Ms. Luisant herself...!

Courtney says, as she walks up towards Bijou. Once she's close enough, she then looks her in her eyes and says-

Bijou Luisant


Courtney Knighthood

Please, forgive my deadweight parents for any trouble they've given you. I'm their daughter, Courtney Knighthood, and over there are my friends-Loretta and Stella.

Now, across the way from Courtney, her friends will wave from over there. Back with Bijou, she will reply-

Bijou Luisant

Oh, I wouldn't worry too much, as they are "Ace" pilots after all.

Courtney Knighthood


Bijou Luisant


Courtney now snickers to herself quietly, before laughing quietly to herself. She then gives Bijou a serious look, as she claims-

Courtney Knighthood

Uh, please don't believe that claim, Ms. Luisant. These two bumbling lovebirds are rookies at best, which is why I have surpassed them when it comes to hm hm.

Courtney is now seen to be almost like a haughty princess, to which one of her parents will reply-

Charlotte Knighthood

Seriously...where does she get this from...?

To which Director Oberon will then step in, as the limo from before is now seen to be coming back-



Director Oberon Luisant


Courtney Knighthood


Now, Director Oberon speaks up-

Director Oberon Luisant

Courtney. I'm afraid I must ask that you return to your duties, along with your friends, as we really must be going right now.

Courtney Knighthood

Oh, yes, Sir!!

Courtney says, as she's about to leave. She then says this to Bijou-

Courtney Knighthood

I'll be seeing you around, Ms. Luisant!!!

She says, as she rushes over back to her friends, and then leaves back the way she came. Just as this happens, Director Oberon speaks to the Nurses-

Director Oberon Luisant

...You two can now take Jonathan and Charlotte to the Air Transport-along with the others as well. I'll make sure to reprimand Courtney for this slight pause later on...

He says, as the Nurses then say-

Nurse #1

Ah, don't worry about it, Sir.

Nurse #2

It's all in a day's work.

To which they then leave with the two-just as the limo returns with Captain Tatianna and Captain Carlos inside. As it does, Director Oberon then opens the door for Bijou and her friends. He speaks-

Director Oberon Luisant

...And now you four can enjoy the rest of the day at the hotel with these two.

He says, as from inside the limo, both Captain Carlos and Captain Tatianna are seen briefly. Fleet Captain Andrea then says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Thank you, Sir...

She says, as she lets both Chole and Isaac go ahead of her inside of the limo, before she also gets inside. Bijou is now the last one remaining, to which Director Oberon then gives her a sudden hug-


Bijou Luisant


As Director Oberon does this, he will speak softly to Bijou-

Director Oberon Luisant

You've made a lot of friends since you left Wippertan, Bijou. I'm impressed, as they will be your wings for the trials to come.

Bijou Luisant


Now, Bijou will have the opportunity to tell her Uncle Rebecca's fate, but she will choose not to, as she holds onto the phone in her hands and looks at it while her Uncle is holding onto her-



Bijou Luisant


A moment later, Director Oberon then let's go of Bijou, but he then presents to her a small envelope-

Director Oberon Luisant

Oh, and before I forget...please, hold onto this envelope for me.

Bijou Luisant


Through perplexed, Bijou will accept the envelope from her uncle, as he explains-

Director Oberon Luisant

Don't open it until you see "them" tomorrow, ok? It's very important, so put it into your pocket until then...

Bijou Luisant


Though curious as to what the envelop is, Bijou will listen to her Uncle and pocket the letter. Once Director Oberon has seen this, he then allows Bijou to climb into the limo with everyone else. He then closes the door and waves to the driver, to which the limo then starts to drive off, leaving Director Oberon alone to resume his duties.

As the limo drives off, in the front seat, the Driver of the limo will have the radio on, to which everyone in the back will be able to hear what is being talked about at this time-

Crowds of people (Radio)


As the cheers of many people can be heard, an individual speaks to the masses, saying-

Person #1 (Radio)

The Mainland was created by the DIC, which could house all of the people in the DIC and protect us all from the Ascencion-who now rase our Umbrellas to the ground and murder our pilots in cold blood!!!!

Then, another voice speaks up-

Person #2 (Radio)

But right now, the Mainland is infested with people calling themselves "Ascension"!!!! Were it not for them, we could be safe from their threat from above and use Mainland to reach out to the other planets in our TRAPPIST-1 solar system!!!!!

Crowds of People


As this message continues, both Captain Carlos and Captain Tatianna will sit on the opposite sides of Fleet Captain Andrea. As they read their manuals, the two will quietly speak over to Fleet Captain Andrea, explaining to her-

Captain Carlos Kai

...Hey, Andrea? The Driver has had this message on ever since we got in the limo with him...

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


She asks, slyly-not taking her eyes off of the manual in her hands. Then, Captain Tatianna speaks softly-

Captain Tatianna Erina

Do you think they are gauging us to see where we stand in regards to our case against Sacha?

She asks, as she casually flips through some of the pages in front of her. Fleet Captain Andrea then replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Either way, just keep a low profile for now. I'll explain more when we aren't under surveillance...!

Fleet Captain Andrea says, as she looks at certain points at random in the limo. There will be tiny cameras installed everywhere in the limo now, to which Fleet Captain Andrea will flipping through a few of the pages in her manual. The manual in her hands isn't large-about 40-60 pages, to which as Fleet Captain Andrea flips through the pages, most of the information to her will be content she is already well-versed in.

Across from the three of them, Bijou, Chole and Isaac will sit, as both Chole and Isaac think innocently to themselves-

Isaac Carter

*Wow...I've never ridden in one of these...*

Chole Madison

*I sure am lucky to be friends with Bijou Luisant. I never thought I'd get to ride in one of these...with her right next to me...*

While Chole and Isaac are amazed to be in a limo, Bijou will still be holding onto her phone in her hands, while desperately waiting for a phone call from Rebecca-



Bijou Luisant


Bijou will completely forget about the letter that her Uncle just gave her, as she is more concerned about Rebecca's wellbeing. As Bijou continues to look desperately at her phone, no call will come, to which Fleet Captain Andrea will notice her sad face-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Then, the limo continues on its trek, as the scene transitions-

"Scene Transition"

As the limo comes to a stop, it will do so in front of a building that looks like an expensive casino. Despite the rest of the area being abandoned, this building still has some activity within, as several individuals are seen to be busy preparing for their "guests".

After this is shown, the Driver will get out of the limo and come to open the door for everyone to come out of. As he does this, he will inform everyone that their destination all along was-

Driver #1

...This is your destination, everyone.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...A hot spring?

Fleet Captain Andrea asks, as she climbs out of the limo, followed by everyone else. Once everyone has climbed out of the limo, the Driver continues-as he closes the limo door behind them-

Driver #1

That's right. After you all have had a nice dip, you will have the rest of the day to relax-before a dinner and dessert will come your way to your two separate rooms. And then in the morning, we'll drive you back to the Capital Dreadnought to start things off.

Bijou Luisant


The man says-as if reading off of an instruction booklet. While Bijou won't be too thrilled at the thought of getting into the hot springs, she will still go along with it, as the scene then transitions-

"Scene Transition"

Sometime later, a brief shot of the dressing rooms for the hot springs are shown. Several sets of clothes are already in lockers, as the next scene shows the inside of the hot springs. A large divide is seen in between the hot springs, with the right side being the men, while the left side being for the women.

On the boy's side, both Captain Carlos and Isaac are seen briefly, and on the girls' side, Chole is seen together with both Fleet Captain Andrea and Captain Tatianna. As they lay in the hot water, Chole speaks out-

Chole Madison

Boy, this hot water feels really good...

Chole comments, as she relaxes in the hot water. Next to her, Captain Tatianna replies-

Captain Tatianna Erina


Chole continues-

Chole Madison

It's like all of the pain and sadness is just...melting away...

Chole then leans back in the water, as she is really enjoying the hot water. However, to her left, Fleet Captain Andrea sits cooly in the water, as she will look ahead of her location-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Ahead of her, Fleet Captain Andrea will be watching Bijou from behind, as she sits alone in the water. Her phone is still in her hands, indicating that it's waterproof, to which back with Fleet Captain Andrea, she will ask Chole a question-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Hey, Chole? Did Bijou ever explain to her uncle what happened to Rebecca

Chole Madison


Chole has to reposition herself, as she then stiffens up and replies-

Chole Madison

...No, she didn't. She wanted to wait for her to call her, before she said anything that could lead to an awkward misunderstanding.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Chole continues-

Chole Madison

We still don't really know what happened back there...which is why she's holding onto her phone like that...

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Upon hearing this, Fleet Captain Andrea will stand up in the hot water and slowly approach Bijou from behind.

Over where Bijou is sitting, Bijou will be seen calling Rebecca's phone over and over again-


Bijou Luisant

...C'mon, Rebecca...please...


Bijou Luisant

!...Maybe one more time...

As the phone clicks, Bijou tries the number one more time. However, before Bijou can bring the phone back up to her head, a hand comes over her's-


Bijou Luisant


Now, Bijou will look behind her to see Fleet Captain Andrea, standing above her in the hot water. She will not say anything, as Bijou tries to speak to her-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Bijou Luisant


Suddenly, Fleet Captain Andrea will descend onto Bijou, giving her a tight hug-


Bijou Luisant


Surprised, Bijou will be shocked, as Fleet Captain Andrea explains-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Bijou...I need you to listen to me very carefully right now...please...

Bijou Luisant


Fleet Captain Andrea explains-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I know you didn't have the time to tell your uncle about what happened in New Columbia. I didn't tell him because it would've have been fair for me to do that to you-but you will need to address this eventually with someone.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou starts to tear up, as Fleet Captain Andrea continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I know it's hard for you to admit-especially when I don't didn't even see what happened to Miracle with my own eyes...but, right now, they need to be considered KIA...and your family needs to know what happened as well.

Bijou Luisant

But...I didn't even see what happened to her, as she wasn't there when I woke up...

Bijou says, almost crying, as Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

And yet, even still, she has yet to call you-despite it being days since you last saw her.

Bijou Luisant


Now, Fleet Captain Andrea will hold onto Bijou strongly while looking at her eye-to-eye. She says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Bijou. The more you hold this inside of you, the more it's going to hurt you later on, as you have to accept it and explain what happened to your father.

Bijou Luisant


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I'll give you until we get back to Wippertan to say something to him, but if you still can't say it, then I will do so instead. I'll do this not because I want to see you cry, but because I'm your friend...and even though it pains me to admit this...I have to also do the same and explain to Miracle's brother what happened to his sister...

Bijou Luisant


Fleet Captain Andrea then finishes up by saying-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Can you promise me that if she still hasn't called you by the time we get home that you'll tell your father what happened?

Bijou Luisant


Bijou now has to make a difficult decision. If she comes forward with the truth, she will be admitting to herself that her cousin/niece is dead. But on the other hand, if she continues to bottle this up inside of her, then her friend will come out with her truth instead.

After a few seconds of silence, Bijou will say-

Bijou Luisant

...Alright. I promise...

Bijou says this firmly, while still looking at Fleet Captain Andrea in her eyes. Both will be about to cry, but both will remain strong, as Fleet Captain Andrea then proceeds to pick up Bijou in her arms-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Thank you. Now, please, come over here, as we can sit together for a bit...

Bijou Luisant


Bijou says, as Fleet Captain Andrea now takes Bijou into her arms and brings her back to where she was originally sitting-in between Chole and Captain Tatianna. As she does this, the two will embrace together, as on the opposite side, Captain Carlos and Isaac will be seen. Here, Captain Carlos is seen relaxing in the water, while Isaac is pretty shy around him, as he sits across from him in the warm water. Concerned, Captain Carlos then speaks over to Isaac-

Captain Carlos Kai

Hey, Isaac?

Isaac Carter


Isaac says, almost jolting upwards, to which Captain Carlos continues-

Captain Carlos Kai

You don't have to sit all by yourself, you know. Come on over here. I have something I want to tell you.

Isaac Carter


Isaac now gets up out of the water and approaches Captain Carlos. Isaac then sits next to Carlos, who then begins speaking-

Captain Carlos Kai

...You are quite lucky to be sharing a Blockade with two beautiful ladies, huh?

Isaac Carter

Uh...I guess.

Isaac says this casually, to which Captain Carlos continues-

Captain Carlos Kai

Come now, Isaac. It's not every day that a young man like yourself gets to be with a capable lady like Chole and the President's daughter herself-all inside the Liberty ErotiCake, which was piloted by First Lady Rhapsody Luisant herself.

Isaac Carter're right!

After a moment, Isaac speaks again-

Isaac Carter

...I guess I am pretty lucky, huh?

Captain Carlos then asks-

Fleet Captain Carlos Kai

I know this might sound odd, but have you decided which of the two you want to be with yet?

Isaac Carter


Isaac now has flashbacks of last night, when he had sex with Chole. The scene is fairly short, which makes Isaac speak-

Isaac Carter

...Yes. I have chosen...and with some guidance from someone that I saved recently, I'll make her the happiest woman in the world.

Captain Carlos Kai


Sensing that Isaac has already made his move, Captain Carlos will finish up-

Fleet Captain Carlos Kai

Good. You moved a lot faster than I did myself. That's a decision I regret deeply now, as I never got to ask the woman that I loved to go out with me...until it was too late...

Isaac Carter


Isaac then notices that Carlos has a open locket in his hand. It shows him with Miracle and Tatianna-during their days at the military academy. Upon seeing this picture, Isaac will believe that Captain Carlos had a crush on Captain Miracle, which then makes Isaac bow his head, as he understands what the picture means. Isaac then speaks-

Isaac Carter

...I understand. Thank you for telling me this, Carlos.

Fleet Captain Carlos Kai

No problem, kid...!

Suddenly, splashing sounds can be heard behind the divider between the two sides-


This occurrence tells Carlos everything he needs to know, as he speaks.

Fleet Captain Carlos Kai

...Sounds like the ladies are getting out. Shall we follow suit?

Isaac Carter


With that, the two men get up out of the warm as well, as the scene then transitions-

"Scene Transition"

Now, time will move forward a considerable amount of time to past nighttime. As the planets of the TRAPPIST-1 solar system are seen in the night sky, on the second floor of the hotel, Bijou will be seen in her room-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou now sits, looking outside the window of her room, which offers a wide view of the city. While it is dark, there are a few lights in the city, which indicates that some areas are still populated by certain individuals. However, as she continues to look, she will see something she didn't expect to see at this time-

Bijou Luisant


Now, in the night sky, two RF Frontiers will be seen approaching the city, which Bijou can plainly seen. Surprisingly, no one in the city will notice them, as they will silently glide into the city and then land somewhere among the buildings-where most of the lights are currently active. The location where these Frontiers land will be just one street away from the hotel, to which after the landing, the lights will suspiciously go off in the area. As this happens, Bijou will stand up in her seat and speak quietly to herself, saying-

Bijou Luisant

Those Frontiers...they were colored just like the RF...!

Now believing that Howard has come to Truxem, Bijou will get herself ready to leave-all the while being quiet enough so as to avoid waking up Chole and Isaac, as the two are sleeping in the same room as she is in. After getting dressed and grabbing her phone, she will leave the room in a hurry, as she rushes to go downstairs. Once downstairs, she will then walk past the front desk area, to which the receptionists there will see her and ask her-

Receptionist #1

...Oh, Ms. Luisant. Where are you heading out to at this hour?

To which Bijou stops and replies-

Bijou Luisant

I'll be going out for a short walk-just down that street. I'll be back soon, so I don't need anyone following me, please.

As soon as she finishes saying this, Bijou will the walk off towards the exit. However, just as she comes outside, she will then bump into-


Bijou Luisant


Courtney Knighthood


Now, Bijou will bump into Courtney from earlier today, which causes her to drop her phone onto the ground. Another phone falls out from Courtney's hands and lands next to her's, which causes the two to have a short conversation-

Bijou Luisant

Ah...sorry about that. I was in a hurry...

Courtney Knighthood

Oh, don't mind that, Ms. Luisant. It's fine.

Bijou Luisant


Now seeing that the person that she bumped into was Courtney, she and her friends will be shown now, to which Bijou speaks to them-

Bijou Luisant

...Your name was...Courtney, right?

Courtney replies, kindly-

Courtney Knighthood

That's right, Ms. Luisant. We were just coming back from our training, as this hotel has been open to us pilots ever since the Ascension started attacking the DIC.

Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

I see. I was wondering about why this hotel was active, when most of the city seems inactive...

Bijou claims, as she readies herself to leave. Courtney sees this and then says-

Courtney Knighthood

Oh, before you leave, could I ask that we exchange numbers real quick?

Bijou Luisant


Bijou doesn't reply to this request at first, to which Courtney continues-

Courtney Knighthood

Since you know my mother and father, I was hoping we could talk sometime, as we might not ever get the chance to ask any other time. Is it alright?

Bijou Luisant

Uh...sure thing. Here...!

Now, Bijou picks up and holds out her phone towards Courtney, who then does the same thing with her phone. A second later, the two phones exchange contact information, as Courtney then replies-


Courtney Knighthood

Fantastic. I'll be sure to contact you, now that we are friends.

Bijou Luisant

Don't mention it...

Bijou will say in a rush, as she then returns to what she was originally doing. As she runs off, Courtney and her friends will watch her go, as the scene then transitions-

"Scene Transition"

Elsewhere, Howard and Stanley will be seen talking to a group of their supports inside of an alleyway. Their Frontiers are kneeling near their location, as Howard will be doing most of the talking, while Stanley keeps watch. Now, Howard says this to his supporters-

Howard Pinnacle

...Even though all of our investors have paused their contributions to our cause, the Ascension have now welcomed the RF into Mainland. They will pick us up from around the DIC in these coordinates, so be sure to pass this information to those that can make it.

Group of RF supporters

Yes, Sir.

With that, the group of individuals will leave and descend down into an opening towards the Understructure below. As this happens, Stanley will then notice someone approaching, to which he will identify her as-

Stanley Tempest

...! Howard! It's-

Howard Pinnacle


As Stanley speaks to Howard, he immediately turns around in the alleyway to see Bijou, grunting heavily-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou grunts, she will start to stomp closer and closer towards Howard. However, just before she comes any closer, Stanley will attempt to get in her way by saying-

Stanley Tempest

Bijou...I'm happy to see you are-

Bijou Luisant


Bijou shouts, to which Stanley will be left speechless. He then steps aside for Bijou, as she continues stomping towards Howard, who braces himself for what is about to happen next. Bijou then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

...You promised promised that you'd help me look for her...

Howard Pinnacle

...Bijou, I'm sorry-

Bijou Luisant


Just as Bijou hears this, she will jump ahead of herself and deliver a punishing slap to Howard's face-


After this slap, Bijou is seen to be huffing and puffing now-

Bijou Luisant


While Howard stands, ready to receive more slaps to his face. Instead, Bijou will shout at him, asking-

Bijou Luisant

Why? Why didn't you help me look for her?

Howard Pinnacle

...I'm sorry, Bijou. There was no time, as the whole place was about to come crashing down on top of us...

Howard explains the truth, to which Bijou cries as she replies-

Bijou Luisant

"Cries"...I don't care about family is what is most important to that Rebecca is's just too much...

Howard Pinnacle


Now seeing Bijou cry so deeply in front of him, Howard will start to understand more of how Bijou thinks. While Howard will now start to deeply feel sorry for Bijou, he will still opt to tell her the facts of the situation that led up to this-

Howard Pinnacle

...I'm...I'm so sorry, Bijou. I knew this was affecting you, but not this badly...

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou continues to cry, Howard will then approach her and proceed to gently hold her in his arms. She won't refuse him, as deep down, she will know that he was telling the truth.

Bijou Luisant


Howard Pinnacle


While both Howard and Bijou will embrace, Stanley will have his back turned towards the two of them, to which on his face, a sinister smile forms-

Stanley Tempest


"Scene Transition"

After a short while, both Bijou and Howard will let each other go, as Stanley watches the unfolding conversation from a short distance away. Now, Bijou asks-

Bijou Luisant

...Who did it?

Howard Pinnacle


Howard asks, curious as to what Bijou is asking, as Stanley shows some interest. Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

Rebecca said that she got a tip from you, which was what lead her to getting the information she wanted about my father's plans. Who gave that to you...?

Howard Pinnacle

...I don't know, Bijou.

Bijou Luisant

Don't lie to me, Howard!!!

Bijou says, as she now gets visibly upset. In response, Howard continues-

Howard Pinnacle

I'm telling you the truth, Bijou. I got that tip just before I formed the RF, where I did some investigating into it and discovered that it could lead me to the truth as to what your father was up to.

Bijou Luisant

!...And you didn't go and figure it out by yourself?! Why??!!

Howard replies-

Howard Pinnacle

I couldn't devote my time to such a task, as the tip instructed me to go seeking for Rebecca in the first place.

Bijou Luisant


Howard continues-

Howard Pinnacle

It was a letter that detailed a server that could be hacked into, along with a tip that Rebecca was hunting for any information and that I should give her this message. That's why I decided to do as the tip instructed...though, after seeing the results...I regret getting her involved in this...

Bijou Luisant


Now, Bijou tells the truth of what she and Rebecca discovered back at the Daimondale Castle with Howard-

Bijou Luisant

The information that we saw on the computer didn't tell us anything about my father's activities, as she said it was a fake file. Even though there were some pictures and a title that she got from it, that was just to make us believe that the file was legit-when it wasn't...

Upon hearing this, Howard will reply-

Howard Pinnacle

Then, it's good that I didn't get more involved in that file to begin with, as discovering that would've hurt the RF's credibility...

Bijou Luisant


Now, Bijou will be shown to be ticked off by this comment, as she looks at Howard with a fierce glare-

Bijou Luisant

It's always like that, isn't it, Howard?! Because you can get away Scott-free while my Rebecca takes the fall for you-all so you can please the Ascension, huh?!!

Howard Pinnacle


Bijou now shouts-

Bijou Luisant

Be quiet!!! I'm going to make sure my father crushes the RF for this!!!!

Howard Pinnacle


Howard now shows some shock to Bijou's comment, while nearby, Stanley will smile-

Stanley Tempest


In response, Howard will now attempt to avert Bijou's mind by saying-

Howard Pinnacle

C'mon, Bijou-that's not fair to me!! I couldn't endanger the RF at the time with something like that, as I needed someone else to look into it for me!!!

Bijou Luisant


Howard continues, in a desperate plea-

Howard Pinnacle

Rebecca at the time was more public of her desire to uncover the truth, so it's only natural that I give her that information anyway!!

Bijou Luisant

!...So, you INTENTIONALLY set her up to take the fall for you??!

Bijou demands, to which Howard replies-

Howard Pinnacle

...Again...if I had known this would've happened, I would've reconsidered doing that. Especially now that all of my plans for the RF have to be shelfed-due to the destruction of over 90% of our Superior Splendors that we took from the DIC.

Bijou Luisant


Upon hearing this, Bijou will say-

Bijou Luisant, you're telling me that now that the RF lost all of its "stolen" Superior Splendors, you have to accept a handout from the Ascension and go along with their plans instead?

Howard replies-

Howard Pinnacle

That's right, Bijou. We now have to go and help the Ascension look for their sister, who was kidnapped at the start of this war-instead of remaking the DIC like we intended to.

Bijou Luisant

...Just like I said. Your plans for the DIC where garbage...and pointless...

Howard Pinnacle

!...Bijou, I-

Bijou now shouts-

Bijou Luisant

But it's worse now because you caused the death of my Rebecca!!!!!

Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest


Finally, Bijou starts to end this conversation by saying-

Bijou Luisant

You'll pay...I'll make sure you will pay for this, Howard...

While Bijou says this strongly, she will do so while looking away from Howard. In response, he will start to beg for her to reconsider, saying-

Howard Pinnacle

!...Please, Bijou. I don't want things to end like this between us...

Bijou Luisant


Bijou now turns to leave the area, but Howard then steps forward and grabs ahold of her shoulder-


Bijou Luisant


Howard now begs-

Howard Pinnacle

Please!! Don't you remember how we used to hang out together with your mother??! Or how many times we had your birthdays at Rebecca's home??!!

Bijou Luisant

...Shut up.

Howard continues, desperately-

Howard Pinnacle

We used to smile so much together, Bijou. We used to be such good friends, so please-don't let this destroy our friendship-

Bijou Luisant


Howard Pinnacle


Stanley Tempest


Now, even Stanley will be shocked by Bijou's outburst. However, Howard will feel the pain the most, as his friend slowly speaks to him one more time-

Bijou Luisant

...Unhand me at once.

Howard Pinnacle


It will take a moment before Howard does as he's told by Bijou, to which he then let's go of her. She then takes a few steps forward, with shadows over her eyes, as she then walks up to Stanley on her left. Once close enough, she then points strongly towards him, saying-

Bijou Luisant

And YOU...don't say anything either.

Stanley Tempest


Taking the hint, Stanley will also keep his mouth shut, as the fury of Bijou is something he knows all too well. He will not want to upset Bijou, as he lets her leave the alleyway they are in. As Bijou walks back to the hotel, she will still be furious, but she will then stop briefly and look to her right-

Bijou Luisant

!...You three followed me?

To which around the shadows, three figures will emerge and revel themselves as Courtney and her friends from before. Courtney speaks-

Courtney Knighthood

I...we just thought you were going for a walk, so we followed behind you. But then you met with the leader of the RF and...well...

Bijou Luisant


Now, Bijou will speak calmly towards Courtney, as she will have rose her voice several times at Howard, which must've frightened her and her friends. She says-

Bijou Luisant

...I'm sorry you had to hear that from me. I get my temper from my father, as he was a famous boxer back in the past...

Courtney Knighthood


Then, Courtney speaks-

Courtney Knighthood

If it's alright with you...could we go back to the hotel and grab a milkshake? That always helps to cool me down when I get into an arguement...

Bijou Luisant

...Sure. Let's go.

Bijou says, to which she then accompanies Courtney and her friends back to the hotel. As she does, the two RF Frontiers from before now fly away from Truxem, which Bijou will see in the corner of her eye-but she will not look back, as the chapter then ends-