Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 29

----Chapter 29----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

On the massive Ascension Capital Dreadnought, its damaged sections are shown off as it flies forward. As it does, it will be seen heading towards a thunderstorm in the distance-

Approaching Black Clouds


As the black skies crack, the ship flies straight into this area, as the scene transitions to inside of the ship-

"Scene Transition"

In the Bridge of the ship, two individuals are now seen communicating with another individual on a hologram. It's Princess Azalea and Princess Fayola, who are speaking to their mother, Queen Alexandra. The Lady in Black stand behind her, as she speaks-

Queen Alexandra Ascension (hologram)

Azalea, you do realize that the ship you and Fayola are on is the only presence we have left in Gleen, right? Everything that hasn't been destroyed is back here in Mainland-except for all of you.

Princess General Azalea Ascension

I realize that, but-

Queen Alexandra continues-

Queen Alexandra Ascension (hologram)

No buts, Azalea. I want you and Fayola to come back to Mainland right now, as I'm fed up with waiting for you to find Media in this fashion. I will instead hold the entire DIC at gunpoint using our last remaining ship, and demand that Sacha return Media to me.

With this threat, Fayola speaks up now.

Princess General Fayola Ascension

!...Please mother, let us explain. We just want to sit down with the pilot of the Liberty ErotiCake, as we heard we might learn where Catalyst is from "her".

Lady in Black


Now, the Lady in Black is seen to react to Princess Fayola mentioning "her", but keeps quiet, as Alexandra continues speaking-

Queen Alexandra Ascension (hologram)

Oh? And you really believe this individual will have the information we seek, Fayola?!

Princess General Fayola insists by saying-

Princess General Fayola Ascension

Well...honestly no, but it's better than holding the whole of the DIC at gunpoint-which would also have you targeting where ever Media is being held.

Queen Alexandra Ascension (hologram)


After a moment of silence from Alexandra, she now realizes that her demands were crazy and then lowers her head and closes her eyes. When she opens them again, she then speaks.

Queen Alexandra Ascension (hologram)

....Alright. Fine. I'll allow for the two of you to go ahead and talk to her.

Princess General Azalea Ascension


Princess General Fayola Ascension


Azalea and Fayola are now seen to smile, as they have a lot of things that they want to speak to Bijou about. However, Queen Alexandra continues.

Queen Alexandra Ascension (hologram)

HOWEVER...if this woman cannot give you any information concerning Catalyst, then Captain Esyllt will bring you all back to Mainland without issue. I'll then target some Understructures in the West Islands instead, as I'm certain Sacha will hand over Media if I threaten a few million civilians...

While Queen Alexandra will say this menacingly, her tone towards the end of her sentence will indicate that she isn't up to outright killing civilians-if she can help it.

In response, Princess General Azalea speaks up for herself by saying-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

We'll agree to that, mother. We've narrowed down where Catalyst could be to the East Islands anyway, so we have nothing to fear with threatening-or even destroying the West Islands by this point.

Queen Alexandra Ascension (hologram)

Alright then...

Before ending the conversation, Queen Alexandra will ask her daughters another question-

Queen Alexandra Ascension (hologram)

...By the are the RF doing at this time?

To which Princess General Fayola will answer-

Princess General Fayola Ascension

We contacted them not too long ago, and we agreed to meet up further ahead past Naboka-if we could. They have their own problems, but we settled on them coming aboard with us, along with many key individuals who will be able to create blueprints for future Superior Splendors.

Queen Alexandra then brings up-

Queen Alexandra Ascension (hologram)

I see. I heard that you've given them the idea that they will be integrated into our society.

Princess General Fayola Ascension


Princess General Azalea Ascension

We decided that after they had suffered a similar situation that our friends had back in the West Islands. By working together, we believed that we could overcome whatever the DIC was doing to disrupt our efforts to find Catalyst.

Queen Alexandra replies-

Queen Alexandra Ascension (hologram)

I'm alright with that idea, as you two will one day take my place as Queens of the Ascension. Though, right now, we need to focus on getting Media back first, as once she's back in my arms, then we will figure out how to integrate the RF into our society.

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Yes, mother.

Princess General Fayola Ascension

We understand.

Queen Alexandra then finishes up by saying-

Queen Alexandra Ascension (hologram)

I'll be expecting good things from you four.

With that, Queen Alexandra then signs off, leaving Princess Generals Azalea and Fayola with Captain Esyllt and Noihs. Advisor Noihs speaks up first-

Advisor Noihs Ikuzu

Well, that could've gone better.

Princess General Azalea replies-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Yeah...but, it's a sign of just how desperate our mother is becoming lately.

Princess General Fayola Ascension

She was so desperate to have Media back in her arms that she's willing to point a gun at the whole of the DIC, even though she knows that Media is somewhere in the DIC.

Captain Esyllt Requiem


After a moment of silence, Captain Esyllt speaks-

Captain Esyllt Requiem

...Well, your plan that you spoke of before your mother called us suddenly is about to begin. I'll go ahead and send for an escort party to bring them to the meeting room.

Captain Esyllt says, indicating that the Ascension want to speak with Bijou. Princess Azalea and Fayola then reply-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Thanks, Captain.

Princess General Fayola Ascension

We'll go down there right now...

As the two Princess Generals leave the bridge, the scene will then transition-

"Scene Transitions"

As the scene transitions, the view will show the room where Queen Alexandra and the Lady in Black were standing within Mainland. As the Lady in Black turns to leave the room-

Lady in Black

"Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap..."

Queen Alexandra then calls out to her from behind, asking-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

...Hey...? How much longer are you going to wear that costume for?



The Lady in Black will stop in her tracks, as she then turns around and replies to her friend-


...When I confirm who the pilot of the Liberty ErotiCake is, then I'll take this off.

Queen Alexandra Ascension


As the Lady in Black says this, she will continue to walk away, as the scene transitions back to Gleen-

"Scene Transition"

Back in the front starboard part of the Ascension Capital Dreadnought, three Superior Splendors will stand around each other. They are the two B3 Blockades from before and the Liberty ErotiCake, to which they will have arrived in a damaged hanger area. The area is seen to be much larger to accommodate for the B1 and B2 Blockades that the Ascension use, which gives plenty of room for the three Superior Splendors to move around.

Instead of moving around in this area, the three Blockades will stand next to each other. As this occurs, Bijou will notice them and speak to herself-

Bijou Luisant

!...Those Blockades...they look just like the Liberty ErotiCake-just without this...armor...

As Bijou mutters this to herself, she will then be contacted by these Blockades. Their pilots then speak-

"Beep Beep"

Bijou Luisant

!...This is Bijou speaking...

Vanilla Talent (comms)

Greetings, Ms. Luisant. My name is Vanilla Talent, and my dear friend in that Blockade over there is named Chocolate Crackers.

The woman says, introducing herself and her friend. As this occurs, Chole speaks up-

Chole Madison of the heirs to the Talent Financial Corporation is here with us?!

Isaac then explains-

Isaac Carter

They are the ones who manage all of the money in the DIC and Confederation! And Chocolate Crackers, he's the son of one of the military corps in Old Columbia!

Bijou Luisant


With this explanation, Bijou won't say anything, as she will already know this information. Chocolate's voice then comes onto the comms, as he says-

Chocolate Crackers (comms)

I'm happy to see your friends are well educated, Ms. Luisant. Though, while all of this small talk is nice, we have more...pressing matters at hand...

Bijou Luisant


Now, below the three Blockade, a door will open up to revel several AndroIs, which slowly walk towards the Liberty ErotiCake and two Ragelion Blockades. As they approach, Bijou will say-

Bijou Luisant


To which from below, one of the Androis will call out to them once it is close enough-

AndroIs #1

Attention pilot of the Liberty ErotiCake. Our masters-Princess General Azalea and Princess General Fayola-wishes an audience with yourself at this time. If you'd please, depart from your Superior Splendor and allow us to escort you to where they are.

It asks, kindly and in a mechanical voice, to which back in the Liberty ErotiCake, Bijou will speak-

Bijou Luisant

...They want to see me? Why would they want that when we are trespassing on their ship?!

To which Vanilla will then start to explain-

Vanilla Talent (comms)

...If I may, Ms. Luisant, I believe you should take them up on their offer.

Bijou Luisant


While Vanilla will say this bluntly, Chole will the voice some concern, as she says-

Chole Madison

Uh, Vanilla? Could this possibly be a trap on the Ascension's part? Why should Bijou depart from the Liberty ErotiCake when we don't even know the Ascension's intentions?

To which Vanilla will then explain-

Vanilla Talent (comms)

You have a valid point, Ms.-however, I should start by saying that I don't necessarily trust the Ascension in this situation. They were responsible for destroying virtually all of our Umbrellas in the West Islands and have caused an immeasurable number of damages since this war began.

Chole Madison


Vanilla Talent (comms)

And yet, the reason why I suggest Ms. Luisant do as she's asked from the Ascension is because we are aware that her father is up to something behind the scenes. This "Plan" of his is the sole reason why we are fighting, and because of his ambitions, the bloodbath at the Deserted Islands is inexcusable and demands justice.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou reacts, as Vanilla continues-

Vanilla Talent (comms)

...But, at the same time, since we are all roped up in a plan that we know nothing about, we have no choice but to adhere to whatever seems correct in each given situation-lest we have a repeat of what happened at the Deserted Islands. While following whatever the plan is could still lead us to a horrible conclusion, it might not endanger the hundreds of millions of people now exposed from above to the Ascension.

Isaac Carter


As Isaac reacts to this news, Chocolate will then finish up-

Chocolate Crackers (comms)

The way we see it, all of our Understructures are now left exposed to any attack that might come from the sky...where the Ascension come from space to attack us. Their lives could be forfeit should we act out of line in this scheme...but, the question is HOW we might do that in these circumstances...?

Bijou Luisant


Faced with this reality, Bijou will start to understand the severity of the situation and will realize that one wrong mistake in all of this could result in the deaths of hundreds of millions of innocent people. While the thought will scare her, she will brace herself to do what she thinks is correct, to which she will then open her cockpit and stand up-

Liberty ErotiCake Cockpit


Bijou Luisant


Now facing the AndroIs below from the safety of her cockpit, Bijou will pause long enough for the AndroIs to shoot at her...but they will not do so-



With this, Bijou will then look back to her friends, as she tells them-

Bijou Luisant

...You two stay here with Vanilla and Chocolate. I'll go down there myself and see those two Ascension Princesses again.

Bijou says, as both Chole and Isaac nod in compliance-

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


As Bijou descends, she will soon get to the floor, where she will then walk over to where the AndroIs are standing. As she does, they will seem friendly, as they say-


Right this way, please...

Bijou Luisant


With that, Bijou is lead away from the hanger, as the scene then transitions-

"Scene Transition"

Sometime later, Bijou is seen to be in a room with a table and chairs, along with a sofa behind her-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou waits, elsewhere, Princess General Azalea and Princess General Fayola approach, led by two AndroIs in front of them-



Princess General Azalea Ascension


Princess General Fayola Ascension


Once they get to the room, the AndroIs will turn around just away from the door on the right, and then turn to face the two Princess Generals, as they explain-

AndroIs #2

Ms. Luisant is waiting for you inside of this room, Princess Generals.

To which Princess General Azalea will then say-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Thank you, AndroIs. Remain here until we are finished speaking with her.



With that, one of the AndroIs opens the door to let the two Princess Generals inside of the room, to which as they enter, it then closes the door behind them-

"Doors opening"

"Doors closing"

After this, the two AndroIs turn to face the window, which was a view of the outside. The thunderclouds seen before are now shown to become stronger-



To which as this happens, a geomagnetic storm occurs, with the ship caught right in the middle of this weather. While the ship itself will appear fine, the AndroIs inside will start to act strangely-



As they react to the geomagnetic storm raging outside, some of them across the ship will start to behave in unusual ways. They will appear to stutter as they walk; stop in place for extended periods of time and be unable to do their assigned tasks for more than a few seconds.

Back with the two AndroIs standing guard at the door that the two Princess Generals just entered into, the two will be shown to also be affected by the geomagnetic storm outside-



Now inside of the room, Princess General Azalea and her sister now approach Bijou, who stands up and faces them coming towards her. As they do so, Princess General Azalea will start things off by saying-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

...Hello, Bijou Luisant. It's a pleasure to have the chance to meet you again.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is silent, as she appears to be defensive, to which Princess General Fayola notices and speaks-

Princess General Fayola Ascension

Please don't be on guard like that, Bijou. We were directed to come and speak with you about something very important, in fact. But first, we'd like some clarification about another topic...

Princess General Fayola says, almost whining as she does, to which Bijou soon caves and replies-

Bijou Luisant

...Alright. You have two questions for me? What are they?

Bijou says, slightly frustrated, as she realizes that Azalea and Fayola just want to ask her a few questions. Princess General Azalea then explains-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

To start, could you take a look at...these pictures, please?

Princess General Azalea now takes out a few notes and pictures for Bijou to see. Bijou takes a look-

Bijou Luisant


The pictures in Bijou's hands show images of several Ascension, who's bodies are seen disintegrating while in front of the Ascension. Bijou will recall seeing these images from before, as she speaks-

Bijou Luisant

I remember seeing these pictures back in Hilayornia...

To which Princess General Fayola will reply-

Princess General Fayola Ascension

Yes. These images were something that we took before going to Mainland, which detailed our condition and a cure that would allow us to live as long as any Consumer.

Bijou Luisant


After a few moments of thought, Bijou will reply-

Bijou Luisant

This is just me, but I don't think you Ascension have any such disorder.

Princess General Azalea Ascension

...How so?

Bijou explains-

Bijou Luisant

Based on what has been presented as evidence and what you've come forward about, the Ascension have existed in some form before the construction of Mainland, right?

Princess General Fayola replies-

Princess General Fayola Ascension

That's correct. We were told we were created from human eggs that were taken of thousands of women who were considered highly intelligent, 21 years ago. The people of Catalyst had perfected the "artificial womb" concept back then, where they were able to alter our DNA before we were born.

Princess General Fayola explains, while also hinting that Rhapsody was the one who provide to the Ascension this information. Bijou won't investigate this mention, as she continues with her assessment of their words-

Bijou Luisant

Hm...since you can confirm that the Ascension have been alive for over 2 decades, could you tell me when you first noticed these people suffering from this condition?

Princess General Azalea replies-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

...That is a little hard to say exactly when, as after we were created, we were transferred into special pods-until we were considered ready to be "contained". That was when we were released and put under observation-like guinea pigs...and during those days, the concept of time was something we didn't much care for.

Princess General Fayola then says-

Princess General Fayola Ascension

However, we're certain that we started to see those people disintegrate after we were transferred into those special pods. I remember how several Catalyst people would move them in front of us on stretchers and show how their bodies turn into something like jelly right before our eyes.

While not clear, Bijou will be able to piece together the clues given to her by both Princess Generals Azalea and Fayola. With this information, she will reply-

Bijou Luisant

...Alright. I think I got a good picture of what happened back then.

Bijou now explains-

Bijou Luisant

Since you claim that you didn't see those people turn into jelly before you were transferred into those pods, I think I can conclude that this example was only shown to you after that fact. But, because you can't exactly say when this happened, I can only assume that your belief that you will join them is probably wrong.

Bijou says, finishing up her investigation. In response to this Princess General Azalea then says-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

We had those same thoughts for a while now, actually-and we just passed it off as nothing noteworthy. However, now that we've heard you tell us this, we'll believe your words...even though this revelation puts a huge dent into our reason for attacking the DIC.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou remains silent, as Princess General Fayola then explains-

Princess General Fayola Ascension

We told the Ascension that the reason why we are fighting is for the sake of getting that cure-while looking for our sister on the side. Naturally, they supported us, if only for the sake of acquiring that cure. However, if they learned that such a cure was unnecessary, then our mother would be replaced, and we'd probably end up leaving this planet-regardless of if we found our sister or not...

Bijou Luisant


Princess General Azalea then says-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Things haven't gotten to that point yet, but people are already questioning the validity of this cure...which is why I need you to answer this last question truthfully.

Bijou Luisant


Now, Princess General Azalea and Princess General Fayola will look seriously towards Bijou. They will want a very clear answer, as Princess General Azalea then asks-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Bijou...we heard it from two people who know you that you would have some information as to where our sister is being held. Could you tell us...please...?

Princess General Fayola Ascension


Princess General Azalea asks this as kindly as she can manage, as she is almost about to cry. Her sister also wants Bijou to tell her what they want to know, to which Bijou then replies-

Bijou Luisant

...I don't know where your sister is being held. However, I was given something from my Uncle recently, which I think is what you are looking for...

Princess General Azalea Ascension


Princess General Fayola Ascension


Now interested in what Bijou just said, the two will watch, as she takes out the small envelope that Director Oberon had given to her from before. As she does, she then opens it in front of the two Ascension Princesses and then takes out a small collection of pictures from within-

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou holds the pictures in her hand, she will not hesitate to give it to the two Ascension Princesses, as she then holds it out to them and says-

Bijou Luisant

I hope this is what you are looking for...!

As Bijou holds out the folded pictures, Princess General Azalea will then accept them and will then open the pictures. As she does this, Bijou will still hold onto the open envelope that she tore open, as after a few seconds, Princess General Azalea will say-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

This is it!! These pictures detail the location of where Media is being held!!!

Princess General Fayola Ascension


Surprised, Princess General Fayola now takes a look at the picture, which is now shown off. It details a map of the East Islands, with Naboka, Wippertan and a third Island in between them to the south-east. On the pictures, "Delaraba" will be described to be where Catalyst is, to which Princess General Fayola then asks-

Princess General Fayola Ascension

This's just past Naboka, correct?!

Bijou replies-

Bijou Luisant

If we are heading eastward, then yes. It's just past Naboka, but if you go past Wippertan to the north, then you will miss it.

Princess General Azalea then speaks-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

...You've helped us a great deal, Bijou. I will make sure to repay you for your kindness one day.

Princess General Azalea says, gracious to Bijou for giving her this information. Bijou then smiles-

Bijou Luisant

"smiles"...I'm just glad to have had a hand in ending this war between us.

As Bijou says this, she will then turn to leave the room from the opposite way that Princess General Azalea and Princess General Fayola entered. As she goes, she will still hold onto the open envelope, as she then leaves the room-

"Doors opening"

"Doors closing"

With her outside, she will spot a trashcan nearby and opt to go to it to dispose of the open letter. However, just as she gets to it and is about to throw away the envelope, she will notice that there is something else inside of the envelope-

Bijou Luisant


As she notices this, Bijou will take out what's inside of the open envelope and see that it's a USB stick, with the letters "O.S" on a sticker on it. At first, Bijou will be unsure of what this could mean, until it hits her-

Bijou Luisant


Now, Bijou will realize what this could be, to which as she does, the scene will transition back to Princess General Azalea and Princess General Fayola-

"Scene Transition"

Back with the two Princess Generals, the two will now leave the room from where they had entered from before. As they do, they will be ecstatic at discovering the news of their sister's location, as they speak-

Princess General Azalea Ascension long last, we can recover Media and end this war!

Princess General Azalea says, eager to end the war between the DIC and the Ascension. Her sister then says-

Princess General Fayola Ascension

C'mon. Let's get those AndroIs outside and return to the bridge.

Princess General Azalea Ascension


With that, both Princess General Azalea and Princess General Fayola leave the meeting room. As they exit, they will come up to the two AndroIs that they left behind from before, to which Princess General Azalea will then say-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

...AndroIs. Follow us back to the bridge.



Princess General Fayola Ascension


Upon hearing that, Princess General Fayola stops notices that the two AndroIs are glitching out in front of her and her sister-just as the storm outside grows fiercer-

Geomagnetic Strom


. As this occurs, Princess General Fayola will say-

Princess General Fayola Ascension

...This storm...there was a similar occurrence back in the West Islands, where AndroIs would glitch out when spoken to...



Princess General Azalea then says-

Princess General Fayola Ascension

If memory serves me correctly, this same thing happened after the Desert Islands, where our Blockades were delayed in reaching Hilayornia for several days.

Now remembering this, Princess General Azalea then looks at the two glitchy AndroIs and asks them firmly-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Well, it's not like we need an escort to the bridge anyway, so how about the two of you just return to your previous posts?

Upon saying this seemingly innocent retort, the glitchy AndroIs will then say-

Glitchy AndroIs #1

...Understood. We will return to where "SYSTEM-DESTINY" is and await further orders from the members of the Luisant family...

It says this without restraint, as Princess General Azalea and Princess General Fayola are taken aback at the statement-

Princess General Azalea Ascension


Princess General Fayola then asks, in a surprised tone-

Princess General Fayola Ascension

SYSTEM...DESTINY? Who is that? Is that a person?

To which the glitchy AndroIs will reply-

Glitchy AndroIs #2

Negative. SYSTEM-DESTINY is the name of the original AndroIs-a Hyper AndroIs built specifically by the Luisants in the year 2020. It came up with the groundwork of President Sacha's Grand Plan and is responsible for the entire war between the DIC and Ascension.

Princess General Fayola Ascension


Princess General Azalea Ascension


Shocked to hear this, both Princess General Azalea and Princess General Fayola look at each other in utter surprise at what they just heard. A moment later, the two will calm down, as Princess General Azalea says-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

...Wow. That explains a lot, actually. All this time, we were going along with what was written in that document "she" gave to us.

Princess General Azalea says, as her sister speaks up-

Princess General Fayola Ascension

Not to mention how back in the West Islands, when those two Blockades showed up, they would always seem to defeat our AndroIs a little too easily...

Princess General Fayola Ascension

...If I may ask you...where is SYSTEM-DESTINY located?

To which the Glitchy AndroIs replies-

Glitchy AndroIs 01

SYSTEM-DESTINY is located in...

Princess General Azalea Ascension


Princess General Fayola Ascension


As the Glitchy AndroIs answers both Princess General Azalea and Princess General Fayola, the screen fades to black-

"Scene Transition"

Elsewhere, Bijou is seen walking through the hallways that she walked through from before. She isn't accompanied by any AndroIs this time, as the trek back to the hanger from before is short. As she enters into the hanger, she will see that the area is deserted-save for three Blockades in the back.

Inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, both Chole and Isaac will still be waiting for Bijou to return from inside of their seats. Soon, they will spot Bijou approaching, to which they will say-

Isaac Carter

...Hey! Look over there!!

Isaac says, excited to see Bijou unharmed and approaching the Liberty ErotiCake from below. As he says this, Chole will speak up, saying-

Chole Madison


Chole says, also happy to see Bijou approaching. She opens the cockpit of the Liberty ErotiCake, as next to them, both Vanilla and Chocolate are seen in their respective Blockades-

Vanilla Talent it looks like our suggestion was correct...?

To which Chocolate speaks to her via his comms-

Chocolate Crackers

Hopefully the people of the West Islands won't be in danger anymore...

As Chocolate suggests this, back below, Bijou will get closer to the Liberty ErotiCake and grab ahold of the lift that she used to descend to the ground from before. As she gets to the top, she will then hop back inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, as both Chole and Isaac notice something is different with Bijou. They ask-

Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison

Hey, Bijou...?

Isaac Carter

What happened in there?

To which Bijou will first close the cockpit of the Liberty ErotiCake. Once this occurs, she will then speak-

Bijou Luisant

...I gave them what they wanted to see-the location of where their sister is being kept.

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter

How did you get that information?!

Bijou says-

Bijou Luisant

My uncle gave it to me back in Truxem-before we went to the hotel. However...there was also something else that he gave me that I need to show Andrea right away..."crying"

As Bijou says this, she will be shown to be crying, which will surprise both Chole and Isaac-

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter

Why are you...!

Now, both Chole and Isaac will notice what Bijou is holding in her hand, as they say-

Bijou Luisant

...My Rebecca...died...trying to get this information for herself. She went through so much, just to get a fake file...and yet, here it is-right in my hands just a few days later..."cries"

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


Faced with this, Bijou will now be forced to come to the realization that her niece, Rebecca Luisant, is dead. Rebecca will have died trying to get her hands on information that could be used to arrest her father President Sacha Luisant, but she will have failed-which ended up costing her life. This realization will be difficult for Bijou to accept, but she will do so right now, as Vanilla and Chocolate then speak from her comms-

Vanilla Talent (comms)

...I hadn't heard of you losing someone you loved in such a manner, Ms. Luisant.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou will now realize that the comms is active in front of her, indicating that Chole and Isaac were communicating with her while she was talking with the Ascension Princesses. Chocolate then finishes up by saying-

Chocolate Crackers (comms)

Please accept our apologies for your loss, as it must be hard to lose someone that you love. Though, neither of us know that feeling just yet...

Chocolate says, hinting that he and Vanilla do not know what it means to lose a loved one. Bijou will remain quiet, as Vanilla then has her Blockade extend it's arm out to her Liberty ErotiCake, as she says-

Vanilla Talent (comms)

Come. We shouldn't have this kind of conversation in the middle of an enemy warship. Let's get you back to the Midnight, where we can sit down with your Fleet Captain.

Bijou Luisant


With that, Bijou will heed Vanilla's suggestion and silently get the Liberty ErotiCake moving. As it does, Vanilla and Chocolate will also move their Blockades, as they then brace themselves to leave the Ascension Capital Dreadnought-

Liberty ErotiCake


B3 Superior Splendors


With the two B3 Superior Splendors flying out ahead of the Liberty ErotiCake, the three Superior Splendors will now depart from the ship. As they go, they will be considerably slower than the ship, which flies faster than they do, as the scene will transition back to the bridge-where Captain Esyllt will get an update on the situation from her Advisor-

Advisor Noihs Ikuzu

Captain. Our guests had just left our ship.

To which Captain Esyllt will then say-

Captain Esyllt Requiem

!...Set a course to Delaraba at once! We'll bypass Naboka and meet up with the RF en route!

Bridge Staff

Yes, Ma'am!!

With this, the Ascension Capital Dreadnought now raises back into the skies, while continuing to head eastward. As it goes, the Liberty ErotiCake and two B3 Superior Splendors will descend downwards, as the chapter then ends-