Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 30

----Chapter 30----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

Around midday, the island of Naboka is shown. Here, many Blockades are seen in a defensive stance on top of many aerial platforms and along the beach. Some of them are Ragelions, which can fly and hover by themselves, but the majority of them are still PeaceBringer and OrderFinder Blockades, of which are seen on top of most of these platforms.

Ragelion Blockades


PeaceBringer Blockades


OrderFinder Blockades


Nearby, on a platform that hovers in the air, a single Ragelion Blockade is seen. Inside, a single man sits, as he speaks on his comms to his pilots.

??? (comms)

...Attention everyone. That enemy AA Capital Dreadnought is still approaching from the east at this time. Ragelions! Prepare for long-range bombardment on my mark.

As the Commander says this, outside of his Blockade far away, the AA Capital Dreadnought will be seen high above the sky. Despite this, many Ragelions are then seen to aim their large heavy cannons towards the direction of the approaching ship. As it flies closer to Naboka, the men around Cobalt's Blockade quickly speak to him over the comms, referring to him by his name-

Pilot 01 (comms)

Wait, Commander Cobalt!! I'm detecting three allied Blockades coming towards us from the direction of the AA Capital Dreadnought...and the Liberty ErotiCake is with them!

Commander Cobalt Risingstar


The Pilot continues-

Pilot 01 (comms)

I'm also detecting a single DIC Capital Dreadnought approaching us as well!

Commander Cobalt Risingstar


Commander Cobalt is seen to think to himself-

Commander Cobalt Risingstar

"A ship of that scale is coming here? If so, then is my sister coming here with you too, Andrea?"

As the pilot from before speaks over the comms, asking-

Pilot 01 (comms)

Commander? Commander! Your orders?!

With the prompting from the Pilot next to him, Cobalt is snapped back into reality. He then speaks over the comms to his Pilots-

Commander Cobalt Risingstar

!...Attention all forces!! Hold your attacks on the AA Capital Dreadnought!!! There are currently allies approaching Naboka from the direction of the AA Dreadnought. Do not fire unless the AA attack first.

As Commander Cobalt says this, the Blockades around the area will hold off on firing their long-range blasters at the approaching AA Capital Dreadnought. As it continues to approach, it will then fly over the island of Naboka, causing a shadow to be seen as it goes across everyone-

AA Capital Dreadnought


RagelIon Blockades


PeaceBringer Blockades


OrderFinder Blockades


As the ship goes, it will not descend to attack the Umbrella or any of the forces below. Instead, it will continue to pass by Naboka, until it is behind it's back.

As it continues to fly, the three Blockades and DIC Capital Dreadnought will get within range-just as Commander Cobalt gives an update on the situation-

Commander Cobalt Risingstar

...It's almost as if they didn't even want to fight with us...!

Commander Cobalt says, as he watches the AA Capital Dreadnought continue to go past Naboka. The pilot from before then speaks to him over his comms-

Pilot #1 (comms)

...Sir! That DIC Capital Dreadnought is trying to!!

Commander Cobalt Risingstar

!...Patch them through for me, please...

Commander Cobalt is shocked to hear this at first, but knows that he must learn the truth of his sister's fate. The pilot then does as he's ordered to-

Pilot #1 (comms)

Yes, Sir!!

As the scene then transitions-

"Scene Transition"

Across the way in the bridge of the Cerberus Midnight, Arbiter Alexia is seen to speak to Fleet Captain Andrea-

Arbiter Alexia Blue

...Alright, Fleet Captain! Commander Cobalt is on the comms for you...

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

!...Thank you. I'll take it from here.

Arbiter Alexia Blue


Fleet Captain Andrea is seen to be apprehensive at first, but will quickly counter her position, as she then picks up the private comms from her seat. A moment later, she will raise this device to her cheek and hears the voice of-

Commander Cobalt Risingstar (comms)


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Fleet Captain Andrea speaks softly, as she expects the worst from Commander Cobalt. To her surprise, he instead asks her about-

Commander Cobalt Risingstar (comms)

...The Ascension...they just flew past Naboka from overhead. Do you know where they are heading?

To which Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Yes. Bijou contacted me and told me they are not going to attack the city.

Fleet Captain Andrea continues to speak in a worried tone, as Commander Cobalt replies-

Commander Cobalt Risingstar (comms)

...Ok. I'll let my men know that.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Commander Cobalt then leaves the comms off for a moment, while Andrea waits for him to come back onto the comms. She is scared to face him, as she knows she will have to inform him of his sisters' passing, and yet, despite this, she will brace herself for this interaction between her and Cobalt.

A few seconds later, Commander Cobalt returns to speak to Fleet Captain Andrea, as he says to her-

Commander Cobalt Risingstar (comms)

...Andrea? You can dock your ship into one of the ports of Naboka, where I'll come to see you. I need to ask you a few person...

To which Fleet Captain Andrea replies quickly-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Yes. Of course. I'll be there shortly...

Commander Cobalt Risingstar (comms)


With that, the Cerberus Midnight will come closer to the docks of Naboka, as above, the two Ragelion Blockades holding onto the Liberty ErotiCake are reveled. Inside, Bijou continues to pilot the Blockade downwards towards the Cerberus Midnight, and once it and the two Ragelions belonging to Vanilla and Chocolate touch down-

"STOMP!!!!" "STOMP!!!"

The scene then transitions-

"Scene Transition"

Sometime later, the Cerberus Midnight is now seen to have docked into one of the ports in Naboka's docks. On the exterior of the ship, Bijou and her friends are seen coming out of the Liberty ErotiCake-

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


Bijou Luisant


As they come out, they are then greeted by Callius and Cassius, who stand at the feet of the Liberty ErotiCake. The Cerberus Midnight isn't designed like the original Midnight, as instead of using the Blockades as self-contained living modules, the ship itself will have living quarters similar to that of a normal ship. Thus, where the Liberty ErotiCake will land will be a platform that leads deeper into the ship.

Here, Callius will come closer to Bijou and speak-

Cassius Maverick

Hey there, Bijou!

Bijou Luisant

Cassius! You're alright!!

Bijou says, excited to see Callius. The two then approach and hold each others hands, while looking fondly towards each other-

Cassius Maverick

...Finally, we can get to see each other...

Bijou Luisant

Same here...there is so much that I feel I need to tell you...

As Bijou says this, she will hint at sharing the information that is on the USB stick she got from the envelope. However, her eyes tell a different much more intimate and private, to which Callius will recognize and then reply with-

Cassius Maverick

I heard from Andrea that we'll be here for the rest of the evening. Thus, I'll have plenty of time to hear what you have to say to me...inside of this ship.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou is now seen to be confused, as Cassius explains by pressing a button that has the platform that the Liberty ErotiCake is standing on to move downwards-





Cassius Maverick

This ship has many new features when compared to previous designs, including living quarters assigned to each pilot-much like the newer "Mk-II" ships that the Confederation is building. We've already spoken to Andrea and gotten rooms of our own, so you two can spend some time with each other.

Bijou Luisant

I see.

After Cassius explains this, the platform will continue to descend downwards, until it reaches it's destination.

Now inside of a segment of the Cerberus Midnight, a huge hanger system will be seen deep inside, to which as the platform stops, it will do so on an elevated area-away from the other Blockades below. Here, Cassius will speak to Bijou, saying-

Cassius Maverick

Come with me, Bijou. Your room is just over here...

Bijou Luisant


With that, Callius will take Bijou away from the group, to which she will allow, as they soon disappear into the ship. As they leave, Callius then speaks to Isaac and Chole, saying-

Callius Maverick

Would you two like me to show you to your rooms?

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter

Which way is it?

To which Cassius then says-

Cassius Maverick

It's just over here. I'm actually heading over there myself, as I have a "date" that I don't want to be late for.

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


With that, Chole and Isaac now follow Cassius, as he leads them to their rooms inside of the ship. After this is shown, the scene transitions-

"Scene Transition"

On the bridge of the Cerberus Midnight, Fleet Captain Andrea is seen in her seat-preparing herself mentally for what is about to happen. As this happens, Arbiter Noel speaks-

Arbiter Noel Blue

...Fleet Captain? Are you alright?

To which Fleet Captain Andrea replies-in a hazy tone-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Yes, Noel. I just...have a lot of things to process right now in my mind, is all.

Arbiter Noel Blue


As Arbiter Noel remains silent, Fleet Captain Andrea then stands up, as Arbiter Alexia will also be visibly worried for Andrea-but will also remain silent. As the two watch her about to leave the bridge, Fleet Captain Andrea then turns around and says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...You two are going to be hanging out with Callius, correct?

Arbiter Alexia replies-

Arbiter Alexia Blue


Fleet Captain Andrea then pokes a bit of fun, hoping to shift the mood from being so down-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Try not to have too much fun with him, as I still need to shake him down myself, after all...

Now, Arbiter Noel chuckles to herself, as she says-

Arbiter Noel Blue

"Chuckle"...oh, don't worry, Andrea. We'll be sure to let you in on everything that happens afterwards.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

"Smiles" "Nods"

With that, Fleet Captain Andrea leaves the two with a smile and nod, as the two prepare to wrap up their duties and then leave the bridge.

As Fleet Captain Andrea walks through her ship's interior, she does so silently, until she gets to her private quarters. As she stands at the door, she is hesitant to enter-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


But she knows she must, as she then enters into the room-

"Doors opening"

"Doors closing"

As she enters into the room, it will be seen to be her personal quarters, to which inside, Commander Cobalt is already inside-waiting for her. As she comes in, he will stand up and say-

Commander Cobalt Risingstar


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Surprised, Andrea looks away from him, as he quickly approaches her from his seat. Once close enough, Commander Cobalt asks-

Commander Cobalt Risingstar


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Fleet Captain Andrea looks remorseful, as Commander Cobalt continues-

Commander Cobalt Risingstar

Please tell me....where is she? Where is Miracle?

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Tears start to form in Andrea's eyes, as she starts to reply-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I...heard her voice, as her ship exploded... She told me that she was defeated by someone that I left behind years know him...

Commander Cobalt Risingstar


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Fleet Captain Andrea continues-

Commander Cobalt Risingstar

...Was it really him?!

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I don't know. We were ordered by President Sacha to go to different areas of New Columbia, so I wasn't able to confirm he was a part of this. But...I'm sure that he caused her to be...killed...

Commander Cobalt Risingstar


Commander Cobalt now begins to cry as he listens to Andrea say this. She cries as she continues to speak-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I'm sorry...Cobalt, I'm so sorry...but there was nothing I could do...

Commander Cobalt Risingstar


With this explanation, Commander Cobalt falls silent, as Fleet Captain Andrea continues to cry in front of him-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Commander Cobalt Risingstar


Commander Cobalt sees this and grits his teeth strongly in front of Fleet Captain Andrea. He too cries, to which he then reaches out to Andrea and hugs her warmly in his arms-


Commander Cobalt Risingstar

"Cries"...I understand, Andrea...thank you for telling me this...

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Cobalt then confesses his true feelings to Fleet Captain Andrea, saying-

Commander Cobalt Risingstar

I'm happy...that you at least came back to me I could tell you...that I love you, Andrea!

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


With Cobalt confessing his love to Andrea, he continues to hold her deeply in his arms. As he does, he unintentionally squeezes the tears out of Andrea, as he continues to cry as he speaks-

Commander Cobalt Risingstar

"Crying"...I remember...back when we were kids, how I would always joke to you that one day I'd fall in love with you. Big sis always laughed and teased me for saying silly things like that...but, you never once laughed at always saw something special in me...I just never really thought about these kinds of feelings...until this very moment.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Now confirming his love even more to Andrea, Andrea then speaks.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I...I love you too, Cobalt!!!

The two then deeply embrace each other, as they deeply hug each other and cry-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Commander Cobalt Risingstar


"Scene Transition"

As the scene transitions, back inside of one of the sub-bridges of the Cerberus Midnight, Captain Carlos and Captain Tatianna are seen to be working together on something-

Captain Tatianna Erina


Captain Carlos Kai


As the two work, Captain Tatianna will accidently drop her hand onto Captain Carlos' shoulder. He will notice this, but just before she can move her hand away, he will gently grab onto it and hold her hand in his-

Captain Tatianna Erina


Captain Carlos Kai


As the two look fondly towards each other, the scene will then transition outside of the ship-

"Scene Transition"

Elsewhere, the huge AA Capital Dreadnought is seen to be flying just above the ocean. As it goes, it continues on towards the east, as below the surface of the water below, a large RF submarine is seen-

RF Submarine


Instead of surfacing, this submarine continues on it's own path-heading northwards. Then, on the bridge of the AA Capital Dreadnought, Princess Generals Azalea and Fayola are now seen with Captain Esyllt and Noihs-as they are speaking to their mother via hologram. Queen Alexandra says-

Queen Alexandra Ascension (hologram)


Queen Alexandra is seen to be visually upset about her daughters still being on the surface. However, she changes her tone as soon as Princess General Azalea says-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Mother! We know where Media is being held!!!

Queen Alexandra Ascension (hologram)


Back on Mainland, Queen Alexandra is seen to be sitting in a different area than where she usually was. The Lady in Black is behind her, as Azalea now speaks to her via hologram. Queen Alexandra asks-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

You know where Media is?! Where?!!

To which Princess General Fayola explains-

Princess General Fayola Ascension (hologram)

She is in an abandoned Umbrella just ahead of our position in the East Islands, called Daleraba. We are heading there right now to bring her back to Mainland immediately.

Lady in Black


The Lady in Black is seen to react to this information, but remains quiet, as Queen Alexandra then says-

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Queen Alexandra says, in a relieved tone. Princess General Azalea then asks-

Princess General Azalea Ascension (hologram)

...Mother, you don't seem to be in the command room of the Black Block like before...?

To which Queen Alexandra replies with-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

Yes...we are actually inside of our last remaining dreadnought, as once you two returned, we were going to deploy this ship.

Princess General Fayola then replies-cautiously-

Princess General Fayola Ascension (hologram)

!...But, you don't need to do that anymore, as we know where Media is and are heading there as we speak. We'll get there by tonight, infiltrate Catalyst, find Media and then bring her back to you, alive and unharmed.

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Concerned, Alexandra speaks-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

...Do I need to remind you that the number of Blockades and AndroIs that you currently have are all of the forces you have left for this? The RF is also too weakened to be of much help to you, so you can't expect their help in this.

Princess Azalea Ascension (hologram)

Of course we know that. That's why we are going to join our AndroIs in battle at this Umbrella.

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Queen Alexandra looks as if she now wants to say something in response to this statement. But before she can speak, Princess General Fayola does so-

Princess Fayola Ascension

We know what you are about to say, mother, and we are going to say we both know the risks involved in this action. However, in order to make sure that Media comes back to Mainland, we need to personally oversee this operation.

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Though not truly feeling that this is the best course of action, Queen Alexandra will soon speak-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

....Be very careful then, you two. I want all three of you to return to my side after this is over?

Princess General Fayola Ascension

Of course.

Just before the hologram cuts out, Princess General Azalea quickly speaks-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Oh, and mother!

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Lady in Black


Now, Azalea turns her head around to look at the AndroIs in the room. Her mother and the Lady in Black see this, and then, Azalea speaks.

Princess General Azalea Ascension

...AndroIs. Please leave the bridge at once.



Once the AndroIs leave on the bridge, Azalea then turns back around to her mother. She speaks-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

...Just over an hour ago, I and Fayola had an issue with our AndroIs that caused them to malfunction again. While they were glitching, they explained to us some critical information about the DIC that matches what "you" have told us about President Sacha's "Operation SEED".

Lady in Black


The Lady in Black now steps forward and speaks-

Lady in Black

...As I've told you all several times, what I've given you all is the truth. Afterall, I am working with you all solely because I want the Ascension race to survive beyond this war with the DIC. However, not even I knew of Delaraba or what will happen after this point, as the document that I managed to snatch back then only spoke of certain major events up until now.

Queen Alexandra then states-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

Ture. However, each and every one of those major events happened just as you said it would. Except for one thing...this malfunction-or "glitch" that you mentioned just now.

Princess General Fayola Ascension

...We are starting to think...that Mother Nature is siding with us in this war, as the shoddy design of the AndroIs will be the end of the DIC. Thanks to this malfunction in our AndroIs, we now know where this "Hyper-AndroIs" that calls itself "SYSTEM-DESTINY" is, which controls all of the AndroIs and "AI Superior Splendors" that were also mentioned in that document you gave us.

Greatly surprised, Alexandra speaks-

Queen Alexandra Ascension

Oh ho? Do tell us, Fayola. We can have what little remains of the RF move to destroy it while you two head to the Ascension Laboratory to get Media.

Princess General Fayola Ascension

Actually...we had a different idea in mind for this Hyper-AndroIs-and the RF for that matter. If we may explain...

Queen Alexandra Ascension


Lady in Black


As Fayola gives her mother and the Lady in Black her thoughts, time is seen to move forward.

"Scene Transition"

Sometime later, on the AA Capital Dreadnought, Princess Azalea and Princess Fayola are seen to be boarding their F2 Frontiers. As they do so, Princess Fayola's hand then brushes against a letter with Media's name on it. Fayola looks fondly at the letter, to which she then mentions this:

Princess General Fayola Ascension

...Media...I hope my feelings reach you through this letter when I see you...

After saying this, a short flashback is seen in Fayola's mind, which shows a little of their past life while in the Ascension Laboratory-


During this flashback, Media, Fayola, Azalea and Alexandra are seen to be held inside of a large room with a one-way mirror inside of it, to which on the opposite side, many shadowy people watch them intently-taking notes of their behavior like lab rats. Many similar rooms are seen in this area which contain many more Ascension, and then, Princess Fayola and Princess Media are seen inside of this room. Azalea and Alexandra are also seen in the background, as Fayola is seen to be eating food. Media then speaks to her, weakly-


...Please, Fayola. Those are the last of my rations for the week.

Fayola replies, strongly-


I've barely had enough to eat, Media. I'm sure you can last from what you've eaten already.

From this flashback, food seems to be scarce for the Ascension, as rations are what keep them going, which are handed out evenly per week. However, Fayola eats more than Media, but she and everyone else still get the same amount of rations per week. Fayola speaks about this as she continues to eat Media's food-


...If you really want to complain, then bang on that one-way mirror. I'm sure those bastards are watching us on the opposite side anyway. They know I eat more than you and Azalea, and yet, they still insist on giving us even rations per week. The scum!!



As Fayola continues to eat Media's food, she soon finishes everything and then grumpily sits away from Media and Azalea. Alexandra is also seen to be depressed about the situation they are in, as Media then sits in front of the one-way mirror and then speaks-


...Please.....could you give me some more food for the week...?

One-way Mirror




As Media begs the people on the opposite side of the wall, her pleas fall of deaf ears.


Back with Princess General Fayola, she is seen to be crying, as she then prepares to leave the hanger. Princess General Azalea is also ready to take off, as the scene transitions to the birdge-

"Scene Transition"

Here, Captain Esyllt is seen on the bridge with Noihs, as they preside over their ship. Outside, it is now seen to be coming closer to an island further ahead, to which Captain Esyllt then asks about the charge for the Bombarding Arrow-

Captain Esyllt Requiem

...What is the status of the Bombarding Arrow?

To which an Ascension bridge staffer replies-

Bridge Staff 01

It's charged at 100%, Captain. We'll be in range in 180 seconds.

Captain Esyllt Requiem

Good. Have our AndroIs launch at once. Prepare for level 3 battle stations.

Bridge Staff

Yes, Captain!!

With that, many AA Superior Splendors then launch from the AA Capital Dreadnought. As they come out, they will not fly straight towards Daleraba just yet, as they will hover just in front of the ship. As they do, a light then begins building at the bow of the AA Proto E-Dreadnought.

AA Capital Dreadnought


As this happens, a camera watches the AA Capital Dreadnought intently from somewhere within the abandoned Umbrella-which connects to a room deep below the Umbrella.

Here, a hologram of Director Oberon is seen in this room, along with the girl in the full bodysuit from before. He speaks-

Director Oberon Luisant (hologram)

...Computer? How many Blockades have the Ascension deployed?

Now, a computer in the room replies, in a mechanical tone-


119 AA Blockades confirmed. Two AA Frontiers also confirmed.

The hologram of Director Oberon now turns his head, as the girl waits and watches-

Director Oberon Luisant (hologram)

...They aren't deploying any of the RF Blockades that they should've picked up...? What could they be thinking?



Director Oberon now thinks to himself-

Director Oberon Luisant (hologram)

..."Are they saving the RF forces for later, or are they going to deploy them when they storm into the Ascension Laboratory? Honestly, we expected some variables, but this is..."

Director Oberon 's thoughts are now seen to be jumbled and confused, which highlights how clingy he and everyone else involved in this plan are when it comes to variables to Operation SEED. Then, seeing that Oberon is having trouble with his thoughts, the girl in the full bodysuit behind him speaks up-



Director Oberon Luisant (hologram)


The hologram of Director Oberon now faces the girl, who then explains-


I believe we should simply prepare for the Ascension in this battle, as it makes sense from their perspective, right?

Director Oberon Luisant (hologram)

...What do you mean?

The girl continues-


The RF have already sustained more losses than we expected from their battles with the Blights in New Columbia. From that perspective, it makes sense that the RF wouldn't be up for fighting so soon after suffering such losses in New Columbia, right?

Director Oberon Luisant (hologram)


Oberon thinks to himself once more-

Director Oberon Luisant (hologram)

"That logic could be the answer...but, could the Ascension be up to something that we haven't planned for...?"

Then, the girl in the bodysuit speaks up-


Director...we don't have much time left before the Ascension fire a Bombarding Arrow.

Director Oberon Luisant (hologram)

...You're right...

Pressed for time, Oberon is forced to come to a conclusion, as he looks back at the Computer and says-

Director Oberon Luisant (hologram)

...Computer? How many AndroIs Caskets are the Ascension bringing on their AA Blockades?


...30 Caskets confirmed.

Director Oberon Luisant (hologram)

...That should be more than enough to make up for the RF...and also goes along with what we had planned as well...



After some more thought, Director Oberon finishes up by saying-

Director Oberon Luisant (hologram)

Alright. Computer, adjust the number of "Ascension Failures" that we will release to align with the number of AndroIs that the Ascension have at once.



Director Oberon Luisant (hologram)

...And now, you will have to be extremely careful from here on...Divitiya Iran.

Divitiya Iran

Of course. I've been training hard with my target practice.

Director Oberon names the girl as Divitiya Iran, to which he then speaks-

Director Oberon Luisant (hologram)

Good. I expect nothing but the best from you.

With that, the girl runs off, as the caretakers then gather in the room with Oberon. He then speaks-

Director Oberon Luisant (hologram)

...Is the self-destruct mechanism for this laboratory ready, ladies?

Caretaker 01

Yes, sir. It can be armed with this device.

The Caretaker hands Oberon a control device, to which he then pockets and then speaks.

Director Oberon Luisant (hologram)

Good. Make your way to the emergency exit and wait for Divitiya to finish her duty.


Yes, Sir.

With that, Director Oberon cuts the hologram, as the Caretakers then leave the room. As they do, the roars of many beasts can be heard in the distance-




As the Caretakers go through the facility, they will get to an emergency exit that's well hidden deep below the facility. It's here where a submarine will be waiting for them, to which as they get inside, they will remain where they are, as they will then activate a remote device that will unleash the "Ascension Failures" in the facility above-


As these monsters are allowed out of their cages, they are seen to be heavily mutated forms of Ascension and AndroIs that have been grotesquely merged with each other. Their bodies are all out of align and modified to the point that they are barely recognizable, to which as these monsters start to roam the facility at all levels, the scene transitions back to the approaching AA Capital Dreadnought above-

"Scene Transition"

Now within range, on the bridge of the AA Capital Dreadnought, the Bridge Staffer from before will recite the final countdown for the Bombarding Arrow-

Ascension Soldier 01

...10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5...Bombarding Arrow ready to fire, Captain!

Captain Esyllt then says-

Captain Esyllt Requiem


AA Capital Dreadnought


With that, a huge energy shot fires out of the AA Proto E-Dreadnought and then falls towards Delaraba. As it does, a huge explosion soon follows-


As this occurs, Captain Esyllt orders for her ship to now "Transform"-

Captain Esyllt Requiem

Begin transformation sequence!!!

Bridge Staff #8

Yes, Ma'am!!

Now, the AA Capital Dreadnought is shown to transform from a ship into a humanoid figure. As it does, it will then fly behind all of the AA Superior Splendors flying behind it, as they will then come closer to the explosion that has engulfed Delaraba.

As they come closer, the blast will start to subside, which will allow for everyone to peer inside of the enormous crater that they just caused. Unlike before where Understructures were usually what they discovered, this time, they will see-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

!...This is it!

Princess General Fayola Ascension


"Ding!!!" "Ding!!!"

Now, a warning noise will alert both Princess Generals to approaching enemy DIC Superior Splendors. These Superior Splendors will emerge from below to come out to attack the Ascension, to which as they are shown, they are reveled to not have any pilots inside-

AI DIC Superior Splendors


As they come closer, the chapter will end-