Chapter 3,: Survive the night

Chap 3: Survive the night .

The students where still trying to take note of their environment , as they looked left and right .

They soon discovered that the area In Which they were was completely cleared out , and the area cleared out was enough for all the students standing there at the moment .

But when Grey look further , he discovered something. Far at the front , behind the military men was a river of complete green , it was a forest .

' It's like we're in the middle of a forest, ' Grey thought, ' and it looks like this place was was cleared on purpose for us , but why? Grey could only help but ask .

What Grey thought when he was entertaining the bus was that he would be transported straight to the military school , but for some reasons they were in the middle of a forest .

But not only Grey had that thought as every student that were on the ground had the same thing in mind as they started to whisper within them selves .

" I thought we were meant to be going to the military school " one of the students whispered from the side " Yeah me too , but it doesn't seems like it " another replied . " Or maybe this is some kind of test , a test to see how mentally strong we are , like if we were going to panic or something , don't oyu you guys think so ? " another one whispered from the side . " You might have a point "

And so, the whispers continued within the students ,it started to drop all of a sudden , when the man in military uniform raised his hands , a motion telling them to stop the talking.

When the whispers were down he spoke . " Firstly , i would like to welcome you all standing here today , it brings great joy to my heart everytime I see new students arrive here, am please to see that these students who are here today will not only get stronger and make a name for themselves but they will fight and help protect Earth in The nearest future ,and for those of you wondering,you can call me Mr Leorex ."

Leorex said , giving a slight pause before he continued once more.

"From the looks on your faces i think you guys have come to understand that this isn't the school , and more to that it doesn't even look like a military base, if you were sharp enough the second you would have stepped your feet on this ground you would notice that were in a forest ."

" Well , i would not like to scare you and so I'll quickly tell you the reason for you to be here"he said , then he gave another slight pause before he continued.

" As the military , we have resources , resources enough for us to carry out our own experiments , you see, all the area was cleared out by us , and that's for a reason , "

From the way Leorex was talking ,the students were finding it hard to understand where this all was going, every single word that left his mouth only confused them more and more .

" The thing is , at the end of the day you all are here for a purpose, and if am not wrong it's to get stronger." this time a grin could be seen plastered on Leorex face as he was about to say the remaining sentence.

" So to welcome you all to the military school , we have a mission for you , and it's quite simple , all you have to do is get to the military base which is quite a distance away from here, all you have to do get there is to follow the green light" he said pointing towards the sky making all of the students to look at what he was pointing and they saw it , they saw the light , although the sun was still up , the light was still shining with an intensity that it was difficult to not be seen.

" But I'll warn you , although it seems to be simple it's not going to be easy as a task , good luck kids ". Leorex said ,still with the evil grin plastered on his face.

And with that said he was done , then the platform on which they were standing started to move down slowly meeting the ground level, once that was done the next moment they disappeared.

' Hun!, where did they go " the students could only wonder as they continued to stare at the spot the military men where initially standing.

Actually they didn't disappeare, technically speaking they ran ,but due to the high difference in level between the military men and the students , it just seemed like they disappeared.

After the military men were gone many of the students started making groups , they thought that it was the best course of action, during times like this many would want to team up with those that they felt were stronger than them , so Incase they were to fall in danger those stronger than them would protect them. While those who are strong , or those who trust in their skills would want to team up with other strong people , making a connection with them incase for the future .

All of this , was what made people like Grey to be all on their own .Grey stood their in the middle of the other students not even having the intention of joining a group or that of making a group of his own .

Not that he didn't like such things but , every time he tried to speak with some one , the person will just walk past him like he wasn't even their in the first place.

" Guess it's just me and you again" Grey said as he held on to his amulet something he had go the habit of doing. Although Grey couldn't say it , he was hurt , for almost all of his life till now he had never had a friend , he never really had a person that he could talk to, a person that he could sometimes share his pain with, being so young it was quite difficult for him .

Soon Grey could feel a salty liquid enter his mouth, not only that but his eyes were itching a little bit , as tears were running down his face , the pain was too much for his age .He had to let it out one way or the other.'Mum ,Dad where did you go , why did you leave me ' Grey thought as he wipe the tears off his face.

Soon later on many of the other kids had managed to form a group or get into one , and so group after group were setting out in to the forest .

Soon Grey had finally gathered his courage and made up his mind , he was going to do it alone , as he had always done before ,he didn't care anymore , ' i had always done my things alone , so i don't think it will be of any difference now '

With that in Grey's mind , he started moving his way to the forest , as he had only one destination in his head , ' the green light , it shouldn't be that difficult right?'

Grey thought as he dashed his way into the forest .

Unbeknown to him he was been watched.

" I wonder what is so special about that amulet that he keeps touching around his neck " a guy with spiky hair said as he watched Grey run his way to the forest.

" If you want we could get it , it wouldn't be difficult since his alone against the three of us, and from the looks of it he seems to be quite weak " another boy said from the side as he had a smirk on his face .


" Yeah , ! and if it's that special it might be sold for a good price in the in the black market , " another boy said from the side.

"Not bad, you guys are becoming smarter than I thought." The boy with the spiky hair said with a smile on his face .

But not only them had their eyes on Gery.

A girl not too far away from the other boys, her too had her eyes on Grey.and had heard everything the boys said.

" What is he thinking going alone , does he think he's strong enough to face anything that might come his way in side there ,if that's what he thinks then his stupid , whatever the case i think I need to protect him , if i too need to complete my mission she said , as said she held onto something that seemed to be shaking violently by her side.
