The students had only one thing to do , to reach the green light , but it wasn't going to be that easy ,for one , they would have to cross a large filed of green to be able to get there , and that was the forest .

Non of them knew what might be hidden inside there, they might be traps , beast, etc , the list of danger that might be waiting for them inside there was too long .

So it was only logic for them to creat groups of their own groups of either strong and weak or strong and strongest, so they will be able to help each other if one was to fall in a trap or something of such.

But surprisingly , a student with dirty blonde hair could be seen running straight into the forest , without even having any second thoughts , almost like they had confidence in their selves knowing they could make it .

Grey , after making his way into the forest didn't seem like he was going to stop any time soon , Grey continued running with full speed ,or at least the best he could muster , drops of sweat could even be seen going down his face,

as he gave out deep breaths .

Grey has been running as such for some time now not stopping and not having the intention of stopping anytime soon,if he was to roughly estimate the distance he has being running for ,it will be around two kilometers.

But Grey was determined as he had only one thought In mind .

'the green light , i must reach the green light'

Soon Grey was tired and he slowly moved on to a huge log of wood , which was from a tree that was on the floor,.he sat on the floor and lay his back on the wood .

Grey was tired , sweat could still be seen running down his face, his body was wet , full of sweat , In his life, he had never covered such a distance when running, but now he did , this could some how prove the effects of determination on him.

feeling tired Grey looked up towards the sky , it was already shining orange , a sigh that it was going to be dark soon.

" I think Its getting dark , i got to find a place for the night " Grey said as he was looking around him trying to see if he could find a good place for the night.

"But where can I go ?" Grey asked himself still scanning the environment he was in . And that's when his fell on a person. another student ,The student stood tall , with spikey blonde hairs , a huge smile could be seen plastered on the student face as he looked at Grey as some pice of meat .

Then soon , out of no where another student could be seen standing right next to the first one but this one , unlike the first one, this other student had no smile on his face ,The student had the afro type hair .

Looking at the students standing in front of him , Grey had a bad feeling of what might happen to him .

It wasn't his first time to see such a senary happening in front of him , In the past , in his old school things liked this frequently happened to him , so right now he was already thinking of his possibility of him survival .

But thinking hard , only one thought seemed to come into his mind , and that was to run away like he always use to ,

But there was a problem though , he couldn't , Grey was too weak, all his energy was used up in the race that he was just from doing , so right he felt weak , totally depleted of energy , to the point that he couldn't even get up and run away , so he could only stare at the guys in front him .

" What do you want ?"Grey asked but his voice was just too low to be heard by the people in front of him .

The next second Grey could feel a tickling pain at the back of his head, and in the the next moment all he could see was darkness, as he fell to the floor. .

When Grey opened up his eyes again , out of reaction he started looking at his environment . Looking around him ,Grey found out that he was in some type of carve , but not only that he couldn't move .

His body was tied strongly ,he was tied from his leg to his shoulders and his complete body was already starting to feel sour , Looking outside Grey could see that the sky wasn't dark yet , but the orange color it was showing was already a good enough shing to let one know that it will be dark a second or the next .

But one thing was for sure , the guys from before didn't seem be be around him for the time being, if Grey had a better chance of escaping it would be now .

Looking at a distance into the cave though , Grey could see something glowing , giving out a slight golden b him , Then the next thing he could think of was " My amulet? " Grey said as he couldn't find it around his neck where it would usually be .

Tears started to roll down his eyes as he soon realize it , The amulet had always been with Grey since the beginning, through his every day life , both his bad and good moments, this Amulet meant more to him than anyone could even imagine , and if he was to assume correctly this was a gift from his parents before their death in the war .it felt so precious to him more than anything.

Grey felt bad , he couldn't even protect it.He slowly crept to it , no i mean roll towards it , painful tears still going down his face .

"I'll make them pay for this" Grey said as he bit his lips so hard that blood could be seen flowing out , he continued to roll his way towards the Amulet.


Arriving in front of it Grey , Grey face could be seem glowing too , as the light from the substance reflected on it, what Grey was looking at right now was the diamond from his amulet . looking at it still , Grey didn't stop crying . Then a drop of blood left his lips and slowly landed on the glowing diamond.

Then at that moment something extra ordinary happened , his broken crystal slowly lifted it's self in to the air, and when that was happening , a thick aura could be seen licking off it .

. Slowly the broke crystal started to move around them, releasing more of the thick aura , As this happened , the effects of gravity on Grey was been canceled , as Grey could be seen slowly floating in the air with the crystals , As the energy from the crystals was released it was slowly moving into Grey .

Suddenly , the ropes that were used to tie Grey were being lose and they fell onto the floor. But Grey didn't even seem to réalisé that as he was preoccupied with what was happening to him.

The crystals continued to release more of the thick golden aura and it was all been absorb by Grey , slowly the energy released by the crystals was reducing and Grey was slowly brought down to his feet , .

Once on his feet , Grey could feel many things that had changed about him , and the crystal, after spreading and giving all it's energy out to Grey the crystal could be seen standing by his side , slightly above his shoulders ,and that's when he had heard a voice in his head , and some appeared in front of him ,in a golden screen .


''What the hell is this ? '' Grey said as he seemed confused. but that wasn't the end though as an other notification appeared




this made Grey even more confused .
