A flash back 3

the old lady quickly lose the piece of clothes, reviewing what was hidden inside, seeing what it was , her granddaughter was quite excited.

It was a round shining and beautiful object , it was round as an egg , but the golden color on it would make one to know the difference .

This was something that had never been seen before, maybe that was what made it special .

" my daughter you see , we were asked to give this to individual with blonde hairs , and this task , i have desired his pass this task on to you I hope you'll be able to accomplish it" the old woman said as she hand over the egg looking object to her granddaughter .

But , for some reason he grand daughter seem to hesitate, she didn't want to reach out to it.

" Grandma , why me ? " she asked as she looked at her in the eye.

" Why didn't you give it to mom , i mean she's older than me ,and she will know what to do , mom also does Know what to do " the little girl said as she gave her mother some credits, it was good thing for a child to acknowledge the work of their parents towards the so hearing her young granddaughter saying this really didn't make the old lady feel bad , but instead it made her happy.

" Hunm humm, my child , you are right . Your mother of course is older than you, stronger than you and even wiser than you , but it doesn't mean it's good enough of a reason for me to give her ."

" You are still young , and your heart is pure " The old lady said then she made a little pause before she continued.

" In this world my child , don't easily trust anyone , every person with you might be a hidden enemy, since the appearance of the demons trust isn't given out easily "

" You mean you don't trust mom ? " the little asked a little bit shocked.

" I never said that " the old lady tried to explain her self , but it was difficult to convince young children of such age

"Right now I Know you might be afraid , i know you might be confused , i can tell , cause for one , i have already been in your shoes before "

" Elena my daughter , i chose you for a reason , and i know you can do it , i know you are capable of it , it's in you , that's why I as your grandmother beg you to do this , please Elena "

the old lady said as she handed over the egg like object to her grand daughter, and unlike before she didn't hesitate ,she took it .

Once in her hand , Elena could feel the warmness of the egg , it felt amazing .

The egg kept on moving like it was alive but it's movement were slow and slight, making it hard for the bare eyes to be able to notice it .For one to be able to notice it , they would have to be either pay very good attention to the object , or they would have to hold it in their hand and still pay attention to be auble to feel it.

" You can feel it right? , " her grandma asked. " That feeling, it is what I want you to keep in mind, it's what is going to help you keep through . But i warn you, there are people out there who know about the object you have in your hands, so be careful , talk to no one about it . And am sure of it , although you might not believe me , a time will come where you will be forced to choses between two sides , of course i count on you to be able to choose the right side , But if it becomes too hard for you to decide , follow the owner of the object you hold".

" But , grandma how do I know who am to give it to , ? " the girl asked making her grandma smile.

" The object will give you a sign"

Although the girl didn't understand what her grandma meant, it didn't stop her from looking at the egg as she gathered everything she was told today , trying to understand everything that she was told do so that she would not forget a single part of ti


A young girl could be seen staring at something in her hand , the young girl held the object in her hand like it was the most precious thing that she had .

The object had an egg shape, and a shining golden colour , it was the egg. Holding the egg was non other than than Elena .

Elena had grown a lot since the day she was given the object, she had also manage to protect it from all onlookers , Applying every single piece of ad vice given to her by her grandma. She had applied every word told to her by her grandma to the point where she no longer had friends .

Since then she had been taking care of the object , and she didn't even try letting her mother to know about it , for her grandma made the issue of trust Clare to her .

soon she heard a knock on her door,

" Elena aren't you ready yet ! , the military bus has been waiting for you for some time now , why is it taking you so much time to get dressed up ?." Elena's mother said from the other side of the door.

Hearing her mother suddenly just speak from the other side of the door got Elena a little bit panicked, she immediately hid the golden egg like object in the pice of clothe as she had always done , and place it at the side of her jean on her waist area.

" Am coming mom , am almost ready , i just got some little remaining things to do , I'll be down in a minute" .she said as she picked some crystal-like looking object that was on her bed , she placed them in her pocket .

When she was done , she quickly picked up her bag as she left her room .

"Military school here i come" she said as she pulled on the handle of the door.

just let it be