Taming the Alphbeing Egg

Right in front of Grey the screen could be seen as the white words were written over the golden screen .

The energy transfer was going on smoothly and the aura was strong and frightening at the same time, but mysteriously peaceful which was strange.

Standing at the corner right beside the principal intrance of the cave, Elena could see Grey once again standing still as he was looking into space.

The energy transfer process was over , and the egg was on Grey's palm , but the crystal still remained floating by Grey's shoulder , seeing this really got her thinking,' His steering into space again , but i do wander , What's the deal with the crystal ? , it keeps floating by his side , almost like it was it's spot ,or more like it was some sort of gard for him, if I remember correctly it wasn't around him the last time I saw him ' . Elena thought and she wasn't wrong at all .

Grey has been with the crystal for a long time , it was to the point that he couldn't remember who gave it to him in the first place .Some times he would assume that it was a gift from his parents or some sort , but he couldn't remember when , and why in the first place.

But nevertheless , Grey not having the answers to the questions didn't really bother about it , and he took care of the crystal or instead when it was still in an amulet form.

But after the incident that happened lately , the crystal seemed to always stay by his side , slightly floating above his shoulders.

Grey looking at the Screen had no difficulty in reding the information which was written.

[Congratulations!!, you have successfully manged to tame the egg being ]

[Right now , your being is still in it's egg form and cannot be summoned , ]

[ The being still has up 7 day in it's egg form ]

[ The being will be kept in the system, and informations will be given unto you about the egg daily]

information upon informations kept on pooping in front of Grey on the golden screen , but he didn't have any difficulty in reading them .

Soon as Grey finished reading the notifications in front of him , he could see the egg been transformed into some sort of dust as it went towards his left shoulder forcing it's way through his skin giving him a tickling sensation , and immediately the tattoo of an egg could be seen on the spot.

As the tattoo was inscribed , Grey had a funny feeling, almost like he had something in him , and unlike his heart and any other organelle inside him , this one seem different , it was almost like he had another soul in him .But it seemed impossible for such a thing to be true but yet he could feel it .

" What is this ? Is this the feeling Mother's have to go through for nine months ?" Grey wandered as he was already feeling unease just for some seconds and he wasn't even sure why he was feeling like so .

Right now , Grey had the urge to go through his system and find out if they were anymore changes but he quickly fought against the thought , he knew that the Elena girl had been observing him for some time now and he didn't want to make her get suspicious , it would be a stupid thing to do at the moment especially since she was the only source on which he could know more about the Alphas. He had finally come to understand that this Alpha his system kept on mentioning had nothing to do with Werewolves , and this Elena girl knew more of it than him.

Grey then went on to sit down , with the crystal following his shoulder as Usual, Elena seeing this had to come to a conclusion that he was done with whatever he was doing and not waisting she went on to join him .

She took a spot opposite to his , making them sitting in a face to face manner, with Grey's crystal as their only source of light in the cave , they had no difficulty in seeing each other face

, that was when Grey was fi ally able to have a Clare view of the person in front of him.

Smooth face , beautiful orange eyes, with lose blonde hairs, she was indeed a young pretty girl , unfortunately that was all he could see for the moment but still he was satisfied with what he saw . 'she's really pretty' Grey thought inwardly scared to out-word his thoughts.

At the same time not only Grey was able to have a good view , Elena too was looking at his face, taking note of every single detail.

Grey didn't even know it , but immediately after he became an Alpha , his body went through some changes . All his scars had disappeared leaving behind a smooth skin .

But that wasn't the only thing Elena had noticed , looking further she realized that Grey's dirty blonde hair were now clean and the color wasn't difficult to notice anymore,or maybe it was because of the source of light , his eyes were slightly yellow too.

They were both quiet for a moment as if each party were thinking of the right words to say, or might be they were both feeling shy to say a word to each other.In the end the first person to talk between the two was Elena, she wanted to know more about an Alpha, from the stories her grandma would tell her , she would often talk about them in her stories , band it really got her excited.

" So ..., you're an Alpha right ? " she asked not really certain of the was she could start up a discussion between the two .

"Yeah ,.. i guess i am " Géry replied , he was still planning on going on with his plan of pretending , but now he thought about it, it wasn't such of a good idea , he was thinking of saying the truth maybe she would help him , from the looks of it she was already willing to .

" So , tell me more about your race , like , some of your Alpha skills and any other cool stuff about you guys " .

Hearing her request , Grey knew just the right thing to do , he wasn't going to pretend,and he wasn't going to tell the truth, But he was slowly going to reveal it, he really didn't know much about the Alphas. It wasn't his fault , he just became an Alpha some minutes ago ,and his not really certain of how they work.

"Well , once again I'll like to thank you for giving back the item to me , it really wasn't going to be cool if it had fallen into the wrong hands " Grey stared off , " Well the pleasure is mine amigo , it was our task in the first place , and we the Kimberly family will always hold onto our words no matter what, and in what ever circumstances" Elena replied not taking all the glory of the Kimberly family.

She was proud of her family, Being a with her grandma , she would spend her day listening to her stories, and almost all of the stories if not all will always in some way relate to her family accomplishment , so she was proud of adding another accomplishment to that of her family.

" As for what you asked , well am not really sure i got anymore skills , well at least apart from the once you just saw earlier am not really used to my powers of an Alpha yet but am sure with time I'll get used to them , for The moment all i got to rely on are these guys"

Grey said looking at his dirty fists .

And that's when something came to his mind , something that he should have asked at the beginning before even engaging into a discussion with her in the first place .

" Wati a minute , how do you know about the Alphas anyway ? , it's not like they were every where , or popular like the , werewolves , vampires and all the others , so tell me , how did you know??, are you a demon "

Grey said putting up a serious face , he chose his words perfectly , and carefully , he didn't want to be seen in the suspicious light .

" hahahahahah, your kidding right ? " Elena gave out a laugh as she thought what Grey was doing was funny .But he didn't find it funny and he didn't laugh , building a good profile for the character he was acting.

" Like seriously , if i were to be a demon would i had even thought of giving you that item, wait , would you even still be alive by now , you need to use your head when doing assumptions , or are you forgetting that although demons go against human they Really have a dislike for Alphas , ooh common Grey you are better than that"

Grey , listening to her every word felt like she was right ,' She's damn right, what even made me ask such a question in the first place , guess it's because I don't really know much about the Alphas in the first place '

He somehow felt bad for asking such a question .

" Ok your right , it's a stupid question i got to admit , but we can never be so sure , can we ? ". Grey said , trying to cover up his mess.

"Well , guess your right on that one , but you see , your not really good at hiding your thoughts , it's written all over your face that you don't really know anything about an Alpha even though your one, but no worries , i can tell you everything you need to know , ...or at least everything i know"

" so , what do you say"
