After Grey heard what the blonde spiky hair guy had to to say he was left confused .

Grey had never met this person before , yet the person had claimed to have a problem that concerned them both .

Tons and tons of questions kept on popping up in his head as in a bottle of soda , questions like what could be the problem ? , how were they related to him ? , sometimes his heart bit even raised as the fear if it involving Elena would come to his mind , he didn't know why but right now he was feeling unease

Quickly after his lunch , Grey wasted no time and he went straight to the library.

_______________________________________Some where deep down within the darkest forest , the three figure could still be seen .

"Do you think your plan will work ? "The youngest demon asked, fear could be felt in the tone of his voice is he spoke.

"of course , why wouldn't it work ? " the demon that always had a smile on his face said , "don't tell me you are starting to lose faith in our captain , there is a reason why he was meant to lead us in the first place remember ?". the always smiling demon said .

There was a reason why he had put his trust on his captain like so. For one ,in the demon society what mattered more was strength than anything , this meant that if a demon was meant to lead over a certain society , then this must mean that the certain demon was stronger than every given demon in that society .

If the condition wasn't respected like so then, the certain demon will find himself been ruled by the society instead if it been the other way round .

But that didn't mean all The leaders that lead the demons were super strong , No!

strength is just a criteria and some other things too are involved .

For example , just like in the human world the demons too had those who where born leaders , people the society would follow up till the end .

Some demons will just find their self leading a society just because of what the people believe , he was the right one , some got recognition for the things they did and their prowess .

Whatever the case be , it was Clare that their captain had one of those criteria for the demon to have faith in him.

" No, it's not like I don't trust him , it's that . All the information we have managed to gather make us awear of an

Alpha, but we still have to consider the fact that we have yet to know how strong this certain Alpha is, furthermore what if he wasn't alone ?, would that not mean we are willing to offer our self to the hands of death "

The youngest one voiced out his thoughts, indeeed he was worried , he could not understand why his captain was so knee on capturing this alpha , was it the rewads he would get? , the promotion? , he couldn't understand but he knew that whatever this thing could be it was making his captain go crazy and to not think over things through as he used to and now he was just rushing things over .

" What you say makes a lot of senses , but you are just looking at the smaller picture , and you have pulled all your thoughts on the nagative side " This time the captain was the one doing the talking and not the smiling demon anymore.

"You see , I have leaved a long life ,a very long one , and if their is anything I have learned from this life as a demon is that we need to always take the risk to get what we want . Think about it , why do you think we were sent here as spy in the first place , do you think it's because our higher ups saw us as the only ones capable of doing it ? Come on you and I know well that copper ranks demon are of no use to the demon army , that's why they sent us here , they know that if we get caught it will be likely possible that we die , they see us as weak and so they care more of the strong. But just imagine if we were able to capture this Alpha , they would finally see us as they see the other demons , would you not like that? "

What the captain said was true , in their society they cared more for the strong than the weak , that was why demons had to train and fight everyday to be at their top best , but the thing was , not everyone was ment to be strong In the first place , some demons , no matter how hard they tried ,how hard they trained, they just couldn't rise up the ranks , just like this team here.

Listening to his captain he felt it , his captain was right, although it hurt it the end it was still the painful truth of the matter

"Seems like you get it now little one " the smiling demon said .

" As for the rest of your fears , you don't need to worry , with my power I was able to make us an agent and right now his in their base , up to now I have not felt the energy of a new Alpha it means only one thing, the alpha is alone and fear not for his very young and quite weak for the moment, so we are going to steak to the plan and we would lure him out of the base and finish him"

"What if he doesn't come alone?, and he speaks about it to the teachers or an army captain, what would we do ?"

"For that you don't have to worry , if their is one thing I know about an Alpha is that, they care a lot for the people around them and the people who follow them , and they always keep to their words , and that is what have always lead to their down fall ." Their captain said an evil grin on his face , and his eyes shining purple with dark him slits in them .

" And for all our plans to work I just found our perfect target "

" Ooh, seems like things are going to get inttresting soon " The always smiling demon said .
