Friends from Enemy

Following the Map on his watch Grey was able to make his way to the library with ease , it was really a handy thing to use in such situation.

Grey was in the library ,But he wasn't alone, oposite him was the spikey blonde hair guy . For a moment now they have just being looking at each other not really knowing how to start the conversation , but it wasn't their fault. They were foes to begin with.

The two of them have been sitting in this position for some time now , noting much had been said between the two .

' I thought he would not even show up because of what I did to him , but here he is , maybe she was right after all, maybe he really was the right person to meet ' the boy thought .

"would you tell me what is going on or would you just keep staring at me like some perve? " Grey said snapping him to back into reality .


"oh !sorry about that " he said feeling a little embarrassed by what Grey called him "well , errhh. humm" He cleared his throat .

He just didn't know where to start from

" well , I think the first thing I have to say is . ... sorry, am sorry , yeah I know It was wrong what we did to you , we were not supposed to force you to give us what belonged to you . "

A slight pause then he continued.

" The thing is , me and my friends use to have a bad life , as orphan we had no parents , the only people who took care of us were the people we use to stay with at the orphanage , but we were not fortunate enough to get adopted before the age of 13 .Due to the state at which the orphanage was , they were not going to be able to take care of us so every time a child was Thirteen of age they would be kicked out due to the lack of money and insurficent food and donations ,so they kicked us out of the orphanage ." The kid explained.

The kid spoke the words like it didn't hurt him ,he did not want to show Grey that behind the strong and brave looking guy , was a soft heart in pain , but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't hide it . Grey too had been through a lot , he Knew excactky how the kid in front of him might be feeling, pain, pain of been left alone .

"We were then welcome by the rudeness of the streets , there we had to do anything we could to survive , sometimes things worked out well and In other times it didn't .

"Someday's when we had what to eat we would still have to hide until we reached our hideout before we could leave it in the open, sometimes we manage to reach home with the food while on others we would barely make it home alive with not food , it would have been taken away from us with by bullies ."

"The day I discovered that I had awakened my vertality everything changed , that was when people started treating with respect , they were all scared of me and no one tampered with us anymore, like that we were living in no fear and I even tried to teach my orphan brothers how to us their fist to protect them selves."

"But we didn't stop there though , with the power I had , we did to them what they did to us and even more , guess ."

"I would say it was that situation that gave me this wicked attitude. But you , you are different , on that day looking in your eyes I could read it , you were powerless and lonely, just like I was back then , but when you had the power to change everything , the power to get rid of me for the pain I caused you , you didn't , you forgived me and you let me go ."

"It still hurts me to know that I attacked some one like you please I beg your forgiveness" This time he couldn't help it and some droplets could be seen falling from his check.

"It's ok , "Grey said , "I had forgotten about that already ". "I don't really keep gurge , it's not my thing " .

Although what Grey said wasn't really the truth ,he just felt it was right if he gave this guy a second chance .

Of course Grey had a gurge for him, he attacked Grey in the forest for no reason , broke his amulet, tortured him and many more . But , listening to his story , Grey felt pain in his heart , the story was really a painful one to hear, and what made things worst was the fact the it was similar to Greys own story , yeah similar that's the word but still different.

" I think we should let"by gone to be by gone " . What do you say if we start afresh ?" Grey said a huge smile on his face .

"What's your name ? ,or your not expecting me to be calling you spikey blonde hair guy "

They spikey hair Guy couldn't believe his eyes and ears. He was beyond suprised .

' He forgive me just like that , is it even possible to forgive as easy as such ? '

"I'm , Tizen Rude " He said snapping out

of his daze .

"Well I'm Grey Redems, " Grey said then he sent out his hand for a shake .The foes i mean friends both did so gentlely .

" Rude right? , guess that explains a lot already " Grey joked .

Tizen just smiled to his joke .

"You know , when you told me there was a problem, I got to admit I was a little bit scared , not even once in wildest imagination did I think that you just wanted us to talk ." Grey said , he feeling at ease now

Before he arrived at this location he had many wild imaginations and questions runningh his mind . Questions like 'what was it that him and his foe had in common?' ' did it have some thing to do with his Alpha system 'Was it that of a deal that the teachers and military personnel could not deal with it, and if they could not deal with it , then it's certain that Grey couldn't do anything about it so why him?why tell him the problem.?

But after the exchange he had with Rude he now understood everything that was going on, Rude just wanted to excuse himself for being rude to him.

It now made sense , it was important, it was a problem and it concerned them both .

"The way you said it just made it look like a big deal , not to forget the worried look on your face , Damm your one good actor you know that right?"

Grey said .But Looking at Rude again, his face was different and had returned back to the worried face he once had, this was a good eplanation to Grey that he was wrong.

"Their actually is a problem "Rude said .

He the sent his hand underneath the table and from his pocket he removed

what seemed to be an envelope, it was folded into a small square like manner , it was purple in colour .

When Grey Hands made contact with the envelope he had s notification.






[YES] [NO].