Chapter 111

(A/N: This chapter took forever x_x...)

Though Melissa originally planned to sit out on the early morning training, this changed when they realized she was within Experience Sharing range of everyone but Tsuyu and Momo.

"Is it really okay for me to just sit here like this...?" asked Melissa, relaxing on the engawa(the veranda encircling Japanese-style houses) with Izuku.

"It's fine," replied Izuku, his eyes absentmindedly scanning his Chemistry textbook as he added, "Your Luck and Prodigy Perk make everyone Level faster just by being around. You're welcome to join them and train directly, but you're already invaluable with the support you provide."

Adopting a faint smile, Melissa muttered, "I just wish I could do more..." in a sincere tone.

Turning his attention away from his textbook, Izuku smiled at Melissa and affirmed, "You can do anything you like, Melissa. Even if you chose to stay here the rest of the break, I doubt the Principal would complain. After all, the stronger and smarter we become, the easier it will be to overcome the challenges awaiting us in the future..."

With Izuku extending his left hand toward her, palm up, the corners of Melissa's smile curled upward as she linked the fingers of her right hand through his. Doing so caused her heart to beat madly within her chest, but she managed to appear relatively calm as she suggested studying or working on his Sky Regalia 'together.' Her Intelligence had increased by 30 in less than three hours, so her mind was filled with ways they could use their time better...


Name: [Melissa Shield]

Title: Pleasantly Plump Pioneer(Vitality, Intelligence, Dexterity, Luck +20)

Quirk: N/A

Bond Level: 97

Current Level: 14->20

Effective Level: 69-78


Strength: 20

Agility: 20

Vitality: 100->112

Intelligence: 263->293

Dexterity: 70->88

Luck: 226->256

Free Attributes: 0


[Healthy Body], [Breakthrough], [Prodigy]


Reading between the lines of Melissa's proposal, Izuku raised his brows and asked, "Are you sure...?" in a faint tone. Melissa wasn't a prude, but she had fairly conservative values. She had to push herself to take a bath with him, so he thought it would be at least a few weeks, potentially even months, before she was open to the idea of taking their relationship to the next level.

Adopting a marginally wrier smile, Melissa replied, "I've had a lot of time to think about it. I originally planned to wait until I was married before entrusting my first time to my husband, but with you engaged to Momo and the potential end of the world on the horizon...waiting doesn't seem the wisest course of action. Now, I just want to be on the same page as everyone else..."

Though he didn't outright agree with Melissa's reasoning, Izuku wasn't going to try and talk her out of her decision. Rather, ever since they had 'officially' become a couple, he had been looking forward to the moment he and Melissa got down and dirty. Thus, without further discussion, he led the beautiful blonde into Rumi's home to help her get 'caught up' with everyone else...




Contrasting the 2-3 weeks that Rumi thought it would take, Tsuyu and Momo managed to get within Experience Sharing range of Ryuko and Izuku after only nine days of training. This confirmed, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the Experience Sharing range was fifteen Levels as both girls were Level 32 while the latter duo was 47.

Fortunately, due to each Level beyond 30 requiring the same amount of Experience as 1-30, the rest of the girls, even Melissa, weren't far behind. Each was at least Level 30, so Rumi gave everyone a three-day break to have fun and enjoy themselves at the beach.

Though he wasn't particularly fond of swimming after nearly drowning during his Army Combat Water Survival Test in his previous life, Izuku was enjoying his time at the beach. Even Rumi had taken the day off, donning a purple and gold-trimmed bikini and a purple sarong as she sunbathed on a towel next. She hated swimming, as she was prone to ear infections, so she had him apply a healthy dose of tanning lotion before dozing off at his side.

Tearing his eyes from the heavenly sight of the girls playing volleyball, four-against-four, Izuku stared silently at Rumi's peacefully sleeping face. Her cervix had lowered and closed up a few days prior, so even though she had yet to take a pregnancy test, there was a 'very' good chance she was already expectant. The surest sign of this was a noticeable decrease in her libido, but to 'make sure,' they went at it for at least 2-3 hours a day, albeit with less intensity than usual...

Demonstrating that she wasn't actually asleep, Rumi asked, "What is it...?" before opening her eyes just enough to reveal her distinct yet remarkably common carmine irises. Her inordinately long eyelashes also fluttered in an innately seductive manner, causing the corners of Izuku's smile to curl up as he softly mused, "Just admiring the mother of my unborn children..."

Rolling her eyes, Rumi raised her upper body onto her elbows, allowing her voluminous, uncovered breasts to dangle tantalizing as she narrowed her eyes and asked, "Is that all? Sure you don't want something else...?"

Raising his eyes and caressing his chin, Izuku jokingly replied, "Maybe a blowjob?"

"You wish," retorted Rumi, rising to a seated position and slouching forward with her legs crossed as she appended, "Even if I have your kids, that isn't going to make me enjoy the taste of semen or having a veritable pole shoved up my ass. If you want to do stuff like that, drag one of those brats into the bushes or something..."

Though she relished having sex, Rumi abhorred non-vaginal plays. Her singular preference was creampies, so even handjobs were off the table unless she was washing or wanted to tease him.

Maintaining a relaxed smile, Izuku casually replied, "Maybe later. I've got a pretty good vibe going right now..."

Snorting through her nose, Rumi remarked, "You sound like an old man..." before abruptly pulling her ass-length white hair up in a ponytail, asking, "Do you have a scrunchie or something?"

Resisting the urge to ask why he'd have something like that, Izuku replied, "No, but Momo could probably make you one. Why, giving my proposal a second thought?"

Narrowing her eyes, Rumi sent Izuku a sidelong stare, silently warning him not to push his luck before shifting her gaze to the girls and saying, "Pick the girl you want me to swap with. I'm going to kick the rest of their asses in volleyball."

Though he was tempted to say he wouldn't trade her for anyone, Izuku had come to accept that Rumi wasn't fond of overly flirtatious or cheesy remarks. Instead, he responded with a curt "Kyoka," understanding that she was only participating to ensure the teams had an even number of participants.

"The droopy-eared one, right?" asked Rumi, pretending she had yet to memorize the names of everyone present.

Seeing Izuku nod his head, Rumi fixed her bikini top before rising to her feet and making her way over to the larger group of girls. Her presence brought a momentary end to the fairly intense game of volleyball, calling for a rearrangement of teams while Kyoka, blushing up to her ears, made her way over to Izuku.

Before Izuku could ask why her face was red, Kyoka averted her eyes and revealed, "Mirko said you wanted to take me into the bushes..."

Exhaling a light chuckle, Izuku adopted a teasing smile as he replied, "Well, she isn't wrong. But let's do that some other time. For now, how about we chill or have a chat? I've been meaning to ask you about your parents and a few other things, but we haven't had many chances to be alone this Summer."

Managing to sound both disappointed and relieved, Kyoka responded with a faint "Oh..." before taking a seat on Rumi's towel, drawing up her legs to hug her knees as she admitted, "I've been thinking the same thing. Ever since the incident at I-Island and this Meta World Transversal crap, it feels like you've been doing your own thing. I'm not complaining, but it would be nice to hang out like we used to..."

Nodding his head, Izuku replied, "Look on the bright side. Since we'll be living in the same dorms from now on, we'll be able to hang out as much as we want. The entire fifth floor is soundproofed, so I'm looking forward to learning bass or guitar from you."

Perking up at the mention of Izuku learning an instrument, Kyoko offered a curt "Sounds rockin..." before combing back the bangs framing the left side of her face, adding, "I could ask Momo to make us a pair of basses if you want to start practicing now. You know I'm not really good at making idle chatter..."

("At least not with the boy I like...") thought Kyoka. She had no trouble speaking with Momo and had recently started getting along with Ochaco and Tsuyu. However, whenever she was alone with Izuku, the knowledge that they could be doing 'more' prevented her from speaking freely...

"Sounds good," replied Izuku, seizing the initiative to rise to his feet, sparing Kyoka the effort of getting up. Fortunately, the volleyball game had yet to kick off, so he was able to acquire a pair of bass guitars that nearly caused Kyoka to faint since they were modeled after a brand worth around $370,000 in the current market...




Before hopping into her Friend Cube and returning to UA, Melissa hugged everyone but the absent Rumi. When she finally got to Izuku, he gave her a lengthy kiss, holding her voluptuous body for the better part of a minute before releasing her lips, adopting a teasing smile, and whispering, "Enjoy making babies with Mei..."

Swallowing the remnant saliva in her mouth and throat, it was Melissa's turn to surprise Izuku, whispering, "Let's make babies together when you get back..."

Before Izuku could respond, Melissa abruptly escaped from his embrace, taking advantage of her boosted stats to leap onto the roof of her Friend Cube, retreating to its interior before subsequently taking off. She wasn't very good at flirting, especially with onlookers present, so she even used her cube's emergency thrusters to escape the island faster...

"There she goes..." muttered Izuku, a relaxed smile adorning his face until Toru abruptly leaped on him from behind, dangling from his neck as she playfully exclaimed, "Kiss me next~!" before planting a sloppy one on his cheek.

Instead of chastizing Toru for her behavior, Izuku pulled her around to his front, silencing her with a kiss and a cheeky squeeze of her bottom. Since she was naked, even while appearing to be fully clothed, he could feel the warmth of her body against his fingers and palm, prompting him to give her a firm squeeze before retracting his hand and separating from her lips to say, "Now behave..." in a faint yet authoritative tone.

Licking her lips, Toru responded with a mischievous, "For now..." before giving Izuku's semi a playful squeeze with her right hand. Afterward, she separated from him of her own accord, making her way over to the other girls with a cheerful smile. Izuku briefly followed her with his gaze before noticing that everyone but Momo was staring at him with at least a hint of expectation in their eyes. Ochaco, in particular, looked like she wanted to tackle him, so Izuku adopted a wry smile, spreading his arms as he joked, "First come, first served..."




(A/N: I'm not in the headspace for explicit lemons atm. I'll most likely release them on my Patreon as free content once my mood improves.)