Chapter 112

Though Rumi gave them three days to rest and relax, the girls convinced Ryuko to let them train. They wanted to be as strong as possible before the Provisional Licensing Exam, so they continued pushing themselves in the morning and studying in the afternoon. This continued throughout the second week and into the third, allowing each girl to reach Level 40 while Ryuko and Izuku both attained Level 48.

"It appears that Toga-san will be unable to attend the camp," said Momo, waiting until everyone had gathered for their lingerie-clad afternoon study session before updating Izuku on the situation.

Before Izuku could ask for clarification, Momo added, "Her parents don't want her moving into the dorm before there are teachers there to oversee her safety. Her father is said to be very overprotective."

Adopting a mischievous grin, Mina narrowed her eyes in Izuku's direction as she teased, "Looks like you have an uphill battle..."

Rolling his eyes, Izuku casually retorted, "An uphill battle? I have a harem comprising every girl in my Class. I may as well be climbing a vertical wall with my teeth..."

"I could see you pulling it off," said Tsuyu, catching Izuku a little off guard as she revealed, "I already explained the situation to my parents. My Tou-san wasn't particularly enthused, but he said it's fine so long as I'm happy and you're able to protect me, ribbit."

"Wow, how bold," said Mina. "I told my parents I was seeing someone, but that's it. My mom can be pretty understanding, but my dad would flip if he found out I was involved with a guy dating multiple girls."

Following the conversation's trend, Ochaco pressed the tips of her fingers together as she meekly supplied, "I've also been...reluctant to explain the situation to my parents. They know that I'm dating Izuku, but that's about it..."

"It's better just to come forward and be honest," asserted Tsuyu. "They might be against our situation initially, but Izuku-chan should be able to earn their trust, ribbit. He isn't without his faults, but he has the strength of character, the conviction, and the assets to support all of us."

"Jeez, have such a pragmatic way of looking at things..." said Toru, prompting several girls to nod.

Shrugging her shoulders, Tsuyu pointed out, "Everyone promised to do their best to make things work. Trying to keep our relationship a secret from our parents isn't practical, ribbit. It's like laying mines beneath our feet."

Nodding her head, Momo adopted one of her characteristically bubbly smiles as she appended, "I am in agreement with Tsuyu-san. We should arrange a social gathering which all of our parents can attend. It may be incredibly awkward for some, but formalizing our relationship will make it more palatable for those who might oppose us staying together."

Though Tsuyu nodded in approval, everyone else had awkward smiles or outright conflicted looks. Izuku was among the latter, but he also knew it was pointless to try and keep things a secret when he was involved with more than a dozen women. Things would only become more complicated once the MWT phenomenon reached Japan, so he eventually nodded and said, "If we're going that far, we might as well reveal everything. I'll talk to the Principal and see if we can't turn the event into a briefing on the Meta World Tranversal phenomenon..."

"Ugh, just shoot me now..." lamented Kyoka, sprawling backward with a protracted, exasperated groan. It hadn't been that long since she convinced her parents that she and Izuku were meant to be together. How was she supposed to explain that she was just one woman in his expansive harem?

Understanding Kyoka's plight, Izuku adopted a wry smile and said, "I'm prepared to eat a few punches..."

"You'll be lucky if my dad doesn't take a guitar over your head..." muttered Kyoka. Then, before Izuku could respond, she abruptly rose to a seated position, passing her gaze over Momo, Ochaco, Tsuyu, Mina, and Toru as she said, "You all need to come over to my place. I need to introduce you to my parents before they learn the truth..."

With everyone nodding or verbally offering their assent, Kyoka shifted her gaze to Izuku, narrowing her eyes slightly as she said, "As for you...try not to add any other women to your harem, at least for the time being..."

Though he empathized with what Kyoka was saying, Izuku couldn't help frowning. Fortunately, he didn't have to defend himself as Ochaco came to his defense, stating, "That isn't being fair to Izuku, Kyoka-chan. He has always come to us first before sleeping with other women..."

Nodding her head, Momo added, "That is correct. Izuku has always been very forthcoming with us. I support limiting or specifying the number of women he's intimate with, but we should be wary of making it sound like he's philandering about or simply doing as he pleases."

Furrowing her brows, Kyoka avoided eye contact with everyone as she muttered, "That...I wasn't trying to..."

Unable to find the words to express herself, Kyoka eventually fell silent. Before she could think to apologize, however, Izuku shook his head and said, "No, Kyoka's right. At the very least, I let myself go a bit during the Summer Training Camp. I keep telling myself I'm more than happy being with all of you, but being pursued by mature women and being allowed to reveal the specifics of my Quirk gave me an inflated ego..."

Lowering his gaze slightly, Izuku stared at nothing in particular as he added, "Now that it's virtually guaranteed that Rumi's pregnant, I should get my act together..."

Though Ryuko, Shino, and Tomoko seemed fairly content with him being an absent father, Izuku couldn't imagine leaving Rumi alone to take care of their child by herself. They were both reluctant to admit it, but he was fairly certain he and Rumi loved one another...

"Then why don't we use this opportunity to set a soft cap on the number of women you have in your harem?" proposed Momo. "The six of us have already discussed the possibility of adding the girls from Class 1-B, so if we include Nemuri-sensei, Rumi-san, Mei-san, Melissa, and the members of the Wild, Wild Pussycats, that makes twenty-one."

Raising his face, Izuku's tone reflected the incredulity in his expression as he asserted, "I have no intention of dating anyone from Class 1-B. Also, I don't believe the Pussycats regard themselves as members of my harem. I'm more of a...proactive sperm donor to them..."

Though she nodded in affirmation, Momo argued, "Be that as it may, it's better to consider them a part of our group rather than 'outsiders.' As for the girls from Class you truly have no intentions or desires toward any of them? I'm certain that Kinoko Komori girl has a crush on you."

Hearing Momo mention Komori, a shudder ran through Toru's body. She was confident she could win in a fight, especially now, but ever since the incident that occurred during the Final Exam, she regarded Komori as her arch-nemesis.

Shaking his head, Izuku calmly replied, "It's not about having intentions or desires. I barely managed to work things out with the guys in our Class. If I involved myself with the girls of another, I'd make a lot of enemies..."

Crossing her left arm under her breasts and grasping her chin with her right index finger and thumb, Momo muttered, "I see...if that's the case, we can disregard girls from our age group and concentrate more on older women and active Heroines..."

Raising his right brow, Izuku's expression regained a hint of incredulity as he remarked, "Or we could just keep things as they are...contrasting what everyone seems to believe, I'm not 'that' libidinous..."

Dealing critical damage to Izuku's psyche, everyone, even Ochaco, stared at him with varying degrees of disbelief. The former could take on all six of them without getting exhausted or being affected the ensuing day, so while they didn't regard him as an incorrigible pervert, they 'knew' he was a beast with a near-insatiable appetite for new and exotic things.

Understanding that the girls' reactions were based on his past behavior, Izuku closed his eyes and took a deep, steadying breath. He had willfully taken advantage of their 'permission' to sleep with other women, so there was no sense in convincing them he had no interest in other women. What he needed to do was restrain himself better, so after a lengthy moment of silence, he opened his eyes and stated, "I don't want a large harem...what I want is for you girls to be happy..."

Though he had let things get out of hand, Izuku was sincere in his desire to make the six girls before him happy. He couldn't abandon Toga, give up on his relationship with Rumi, or back out of his 'arrangement' with Ryuko, Shino, and Tomoko, but his top priority should be ensuring the happiness of the six girls in front of him. That's what he had pledged when they first became a couple, so even if the circumstances allowed him to expand his harem freely, he resolved to keep things as they were...




"What's got your panties in a bunch?" asked Rumi, undressing in front of Izuku as the latter observed her with a listless look from their shared bed.

Shaking his head, Izuku revealed, "It's nothing serious. I just promised the girls I wouldn't be expanding my harem further. I've already pushed my luck, so I'd like to focus on developing my existing relationships rather than letting my dick dictate my actions..."

Raising her brows, Rumi momentarily ceased undressing to stare at Izuku, asking, "You serious? At this point, I could be convinced your balls would explode if you didn't shoot it out at least twenty times a day."

Adopting a slight smile, Izuku playfully remarked, "Even if that were the case, I wouldn't have anything to worry about with you around. If you let Toga transform into you, I may even be drained completely..."

Waving her hand, Rumi responded with a curt, "Not happening." before resuming undressing. She had briefly considered it when Izuku told her about Toga's fairly ridiculous Title, but she couldn't stomach the thought of someone borrowing her appearance to fuck 'her' man. It would be one thing if they fucked normally, but if Toga did things for Izuku that she was unwilling to do...

Feeling a little annoyed, Rumi surprised Izuku immensely by saying, "Go and wash your dick. Just this once, I'll try sucking it..."

Though he was tempted to ask if she had lost her mind, Izuku's response to Rumi's words was to hop out of bed and race toward the bathroom. He had no idea what had spurred the buxom bunny to want to suck his cock, but he sure as hell wasn't going to pass on the opportunity...

Seeing Izuku run like a fool, Rumi was reminded of when he came racing over to her two weeks prior. He had literally run across the surface of the sea to reach her faster, a sentiment that, in hindsight, caused a faint smile to develop across her face.

Having stripped down to nothing but a custom thong, Rumi made her way over to her wardrobe, retrieving her recently tailored High School uniform. At the same time, she also pulled out a small plastic device with a purple cap and a circular display showing two pink strips. She had secretly been taking pregnancy tests every morning since her cervix abruptly closed up and became firm like cartilage. Now, after eleven days of uncertainty, she knew, without a shadow of a doubt, she was pregnant...




(A/N: Sorry for the late post. I originally planned this one to come out around 11 AM, but my motivation isn't at a level where I can pump out chapters quickly. There should be another in the next 4-5 hours, but I no promises.)