Chapter 135

(A/N: This chapter is brought to you by the god-like Antlike-sama.)




While Momo propped herself up on a pillow that had been laid across his legs, straddling his torso, Izuku lightly drummed her ass, fully exposed as she sported a red-lace thong.

"Luna has been very active in the group chat," revealed Momo, surprising Izuku as he expected her to lurk for a while before trying to make friends. Not because she was lacking in sociability but due to the difference in her age compared to other active girls in the chat.

Inferring that Izuku was surprised by the fact his hands had stopped, Momo explained, "Nemuri-sensei invited her to introduce herself and got everyone talking about how each of us became involved with you and our plans for the future. Things became a little...chaotic when Tsuchikawa-sensei broached the subject of children, but they've since calmed down. Right now, everyone is talking about their Work Studies."

"Oh? Anything interesting happen...?" asked Izuku. He knew which agency each of the girls had joined, but due to the thirteen-hour time difference between New York and Japan, now reduced to eight hours in London, he had mostly been communicating with the girls via DMs. He lurked in the group chat when he had free time, but because of how enthusiastic Toru, Toga, and Ryuko got when they realized he was available, things quickly got out of hand...

"Everyone seems to be doing well," replied Momo. "Rather, because of how powerful everyone has become, they're outperforming many of the Heroes they've been working for. Tsuyu and Ochaco have even received invitations to become official Sidekicks from Ryukyu, the No. 9 Pro Hero."

"Too bad I already poached them~" mused Izuku, resuming his drumming of Momo's bottom. It was genuinely a sight to behold, so much so that he felt mesmerized watching the ripples of his light smacks spread through it as the fabric covering her crotch darkened from her arousal.

"You can spank me harder..." muttered Momo, her focus shifting from her phone and tablet. In response, Izuku gave her a crisp smack with his left hand, leaving a visible handprint that caused Momo to shudder, a stain on her panties becoming much more prominent as her breath quickened and became audible.

Not wanting to be the only one getting off, Momo abruptly shoved her ass into Izuku's face, repositioning so that hers was near the massive tent he was pitching.

Never one to pass on a free meal, Izuku lowered Momo's panties and began eating her out as she returned the favor by licking and stroking his dick. It hadn't been long since they got out of the bath, concluding their previous session of lovemaking, but since neither of them had much else to do, they passed the time relishing each others' bodies atop a bed that was clearly intended for more than just two people to lay on...




Leaving Momo to rest early, Izuku boarded the elevator that ran through the compound's center, connecting all but the three bottommost floors. Those required passing through high-security checkpoints, but it wasn't because they were secret labs or anything. The eleventh floor was a spa where Izuku and the girls could unwind and relax. As for the twelfth and thirteenth, the former was a high-tech training facility that would make a parkour artist drool, clearly intended to test Air Trek, while the latter was a literal nuclear bunker with an advanced air and water filtration system, a greenhouse, and ten years worth of food and medical supplies.

Taking the elevator up to the first floor, Izuku went to the gym to pump some iron and exert himself in a way that didn't involve fucking someone's brains out. He was reluctant to admit it, but he had gotten used to having a lot more than just one partner, so even after going at it with Momo until she just laughed in response to his words, he had a lot of energy to spare.

*vzzt* *vzzt* *vzzt*

After beating the shit out of a two-thousand-kilogram punching bag for the better part of an hour, Izuku was wiping the sweat from his face and body with a towel when his phone began to vibrate. Checking it, he was unsurprised to discover it was a text from Nezu. The Principal never slept, so if he was at his laptop, he probably noticed him working out.

'Experiencing difficulties?' asked Nezu, his face appearing in Izuku's mind with a smug/amused grin.

'I'm guessing the summit hasn't resumed?' asked Izuku, unwilling to admit he was feeling at least a little restless.

'Sadly, no. I was, however, able to excuse myself from its continuance as the unexpected breach in New York was a reasonable enough justification to return to UA,' answered Nezu.

'I saw the locker rooms,' revealed Izuku, following it up by asking, 'What is Sensei planning?'

'I'm fairly certain you and Yaoyorozu-san have figured it out,' responded Nezu, explaining, 'I'm still hammering out the details, but I'm arranging a joint training camp between Classes 1-A and 1-B at the Royal Academy. I expect that we'll be collaborating with them frequently in the future, so it would be prudent to allow the students from our respective Academies to meet and mingle.'

'I guess that makes me the liaison?' asked Izuku, imagining Nezu laughing before he answered, 'That is correct. With that in mind, please attempt to avoid creating too hostile an environment with the students of the Knight Course. I don't imagine they'll afford you the same courtesy, but you're a mature and capable young man. Don't let the words and actions of those who will forever remain in your shadow hinder your progress.'

'I understand, Sensei,' replied Izuku, and he mostly meant it. He expected that Roman and his cronies would eventually make a move, but so long as they didn't touch or cross his bottom line, he would treat it as water under the bridge.

'Now, back to my previous question,' said Nezu, following it up by asking, 'Are you experiencing difficulties? The facility you're in 'requires' at least one adult per fifteen students and an on-site medical officer, so I was thinking about sending Nemuri-sensei over to get caught up on European History and teach a class related to Artefacts.'

Though he was tempted to ask why Nezu would send Nemuri-sensei and not someone like Ryuko, Izuku already knew the answer. He and Midnight had yet to have sex, but she was undoubtedly one of the most qualified to handle his urges. Ryuko and the Pussycats were required to prepare the students of Classes 1-A and 1-B for the breaches, while Mirko, Izuku's preferred choice, lacked the qualifications to oversee such a large facility. And that was ignoring the fact she was pregnant with his child, a fact that would invariably come to light in such a 'hostile' environment...

'I'll defer to Sensei's judgment,' responded Izuku. His ideal scenario was that 'everyone' came over together, including his mom and Eri, but Izuku knew that the literal fortress that was UA was infinitely more secure than the open and accessible grounds of the Royal Academy. He 'could' keep them in the bunker, but living 24/7 in an underground facility was bound to have consequences...

'Then you should anticipate her arrival in the next 2-3 days,' responded Nezu. 'As for the joint training camp, it will most likely take place over the Winter Break. That way, you can spend the New Year with those you care about.'


Witnessing Izuku's reaction through a computer monitor, Nezu spared him the effort of needing to respond by typing, 'You need not thank me. I pledged to support you to the best of my ability, and I have never willfully reneged on a promise. All Midoriya-kun needs to focus on is your mental health and becoming as powerful as possible. Sensei will handle the rest.'

Adopting a faint smile and exhaling through his nose, Izuku responded with a curt, 'I understand.' He wanted to thank Nezu for everything he had and would likely do for him in the future, but since the person himself told him not to, Izuku kept his gratitude in his heart, spending another hour or two exercising before returning to his room on the 10th floor to take a cold shower and join Momo in bed...




With the previous day's test continuing into the second, as Arcturus had run out of Mana, Izuku and Momo were welcome to come and watch the other students but were not required to do so. The actual teachers of the class were intended to be Toshinori and Britain's No. 4 Hero, Legion, but as the former was still in America and the latter was helping to clear a B-Rank breach, things wouldn't officially kick off until they arrived.

Since they basically had two-to-three days of free time, Izuku allowed Momo to contact Historia and let her know he was free. In her response, Historia asked if she could bring Rebecca over to explore the 'mysterious' facility that was among the hottest topics in the Academy, so Izuku spent an hour or two showing them around before they gathered in a traditional, Japanese-style dining room for lunch.

"This place is quite large for just two people," Historia remarked, a piece of rice adorning her cheek as she had engorged herself on nearly a dozen back-to-back.

Following Historia's words, Rebecca dutifully wiped her mouth with an embroidered handkerchief before putting it away and meeting Izuku's expression with a helpless, slightly embarrassed smile. Fortunately, the latter was fairly good at pretending he hadn't seen anything, his smile showing no changes as he relaxedly explained, "It might be just the two of us right now, but the facility was constructed to comfortably house all the students of UA's Hero and Support Programs. It's doubtful they'll ever come over all at once, but my Sensei, Principal Nezu, lives by the principle that it's better to be over than underprepared."

"A noble sentiment," affirmed Historia, nodding in approval. Then, even though she was enjoying herself quite a bit, she rose to her feet, adding, "On that note, there are places Rebecca and I need to be and matters for us to attend. Thank you, Sir Midoriya, for granting us a private tour of your facility. Truth be told, it was a little jarring witnessing how state-of-the-art your equipment and facilities are compared to our own, but I suppose that is to be expected from the No. 1 school for Heroics."

"Well, you're free to stop by and make use of them whenever you please," responded Izuku, rising to his feet with the intention of escorting Historia and Rebecca to the front entrance. The former smiled as if she thought he was simply being polite, but Rebecca's eyes sparkled as she asked, "Does that include the production facilities on the seventh floor?"

Nodding in affirmation, Izuku explained, "I've already registered the two of your biometric data to the security system. Most of the facilities can't legally be operated without a supervising adult on the premises, but one is scheduled to arrive in the next day or two. After that, you're welcome to come, go, and even pick out a room if you want to. I've already received permission from the Principal, and I doubt the Headmaster would oppose the idea."

"I'm not so sure..." replied Historia, a somewhat awkward smile adorning her face as she supplanted, "My father is very...protective. I was a bit too trusting when I was younger and ended up in a predicament that caused considerable stress for my family and loved ones. He has permitted me to move more freely in the past few months, but I'm not sure he would allow me to reside somewhere other than our Estate."

"Nonetheless, the offer remains," replied Izuku, maintaining a smile as he escorted the two girls to the lobby. He doubted Arcturus would be happy to learn that he had invited Historia to take up residence in the compound, but after their private discussion the previous day, Izuku was fairly certain he would agree. Where things went from there, only fate and perhaps the Goddess who sent him to the world of BNHA knew...




(A/N: Is it finally Nemuri-sensei's opportunity to shine!?)