Chapter 136

(A/N: Bonus chapter made possible by Greekfirefly-senpai. If you'd like to contribute to future releases or read ahead, there are currently 7 additional chapters with images and templates on my Patreon~!)




In the wake of Historia's and Rebecca's departure, Izuku was pressing weights in the gym with Momo sitting atop him when she said, "Nemuri-sensei asked me to ask you if she should bring Takeyama-sensei with her when she comes over."

Recalling that Takeyama, Mt. Lady, was one of the candidates to become the leader of the Special Task Force, Izuku took a moment to finish off his current set before racking the weights and asking, "What do you think? At this rate, I'm better off deferring to you and the others rather than making such decisions for myself..."

Since it was much too late to make the case he wasn't a sex-crazed idiot, Izuku decided to simply go with the flow after the incident with Luna and Momo suggesting they 'recruit' Historia. He wouldn't just fuck any woman that appeared before him, but if it furthered his goal of preserving the world and protecting the people he cared about, he certainly wasn't going to 'not' fuck world-class beauties like Mt. Lady.

"Then I'll see what the others have to say before giving the go-ahead or refusing the suggestion," replied Momo, tapping away on her phone even as she spoke. His bulge pressing against her ass was a slight distraction, but she did her best to appear calm and professional-like as Izuku began a new set.

Waiting until Izuku racked his weights a second time, Momo revealed, "The votes are eleven for and two against. Ryuko and Rumi are the two who voted against, and Mei, Ochaco, and Tsuyu abstained."

Imagining Ryuko throwing a fit and Rumi pouting, a smile developed across Izuku's face. Then, as Rumi was undeniably his number one, he caused Momo's brows to rise as he remarked, "If Rumi is against it, it's best if Nemuri-sensei comes alone. I feel sorry if Takeyama-san was a part of the vote, but I can't forget my priorities..."

"She was, but I'm certain she will understand," replied Momo. This was the exact opposite of what happened, as Takeyama immediately began arguing with a very smug Rumi, but Momo felt no need to inform Izuku of the drama his words had provoked. In the end, it didn't matter as Nemuri was eventually able to convince Rumi to let Yu, Takeyama, accompany her for Izuku's sake. She had already 'won' by Izuku making it clear he valued her opinion more than everyone else's, so, during the private conversation that followed, Nemuri had little trouble convincing Rumi that she would be being 'magnanimous' by 'permitting' Yu to experience Izuku's capabilities for herself...




[September 7th, 2149]

Staring at a military helicopter as it landed next to the Shield compound, Izuku was unsurprised but glad when the cabin door slid open, followed by Mei hopping out, striking a pose, pointing at him, and grinning from ear to ear as she shouted, "You there, with the massive cock! Point me to the nearest baby-making facility!"

"It's good to see you too, Mei..." replied Izuku, reciprocating the salmon-haired girl's embrace when she approached and gave him a tight squeeze. She also seized the opportunity to lick his neck before pulling away and staring at him with a disproving look as she stated, "You've been slacking off. I don't detect so much as an iota of oil or grease in your sweat."

Raising his brows, Izuku feigned shock as he asked, "You wanted me to make babies without you...?"

"Mmm...good point..." Mei acknowledged, followed by not-so-discreetly grabbing his cock through his pants, licking her lips in an overtly sexual manner, and suggesting, "Let's get started immediately..."

"First things first..." said Izuku, smiling wryly as he stared past Mei at the trio of women that had disembarked the helicopter in her wake. The first two were Nemuri and Yu, looking decidedly more 'rejuvenated' than Izuku remembered, while the last member of their group was a woman he didn't recognize until reading her name.


Name: [Anan Kurose]

Title: Party Invitation Required

Quirk: Black Hole

Bond Level: 74

Current Level: 23

Effective Level: 52


Strength: 28

Agility: 35

Vitality: 325

Intelligence: 61

Dexterity: 26

Luck: 49

Free Attributes: 110


Party Invitation Required


'So this is what she looks like under her spacesuit...' thought Izuku, his eyes widening as he never expected Space Hero: Thirteen to be among the teachers dispatched. She had a somewhat boyish appearance with hazel eyes and short, navy-blue hair with blonde highlights that followed a swirl pattern from her scalp. She was also quite tall, standing at 180cm, and while she was a bit lacking in feminity compared to Nemuri and Yu, he could tell she had been training hard to increase her strength and improve her physique.

Since Izuku was staring directly at her, Anan raised her gloved, valve-tipped hand, a timid smile adorning her face as she said, "Yo. Long time no see, Midoriya-kun..."

"Oh, come on, Kurose-san. You need to be more confident!" stated Yu, exuding vanity and a hint of derision as she mused, "Getting all nervous when your opponent is just a student is silly..."

Shifting her distinctive purple eyes to Izuku, Yu crossed her arms in a way that emphasized her well-shaped but uncharacteristically modest breasts as she adopted an alluringly pouty expression and remarked, "You know, Izuku-kun, you gave me a real fright when you left my fate in the hands of that Rumi. It almost made me think you didn't like me anymore..."

Instead of feeding into Yu's bullshit, Izuku asked, "Did the two of you use Eri's power? You look less like teachers and more like students..."

"Wow, you must really be a Superfan to notice such a 'small' change so quickly~!" exclaimed Yu, clapping her hands together. In reality, she was the most different of everyone present as everything from her height to the proportions of her butt, waist, and breasts had changed. Rather than the 23-year-old she was supposed to be, she looked closer to 16-18. As for Nemuri, her proportions hadn't changed much, but she was noticeably more 'supple' in certain areas, the result of regressing from 31 to around 23. She had also cut her hair.


Name: [Nemuri Kayama]

Title: Tempting Teacher(Bond+20, Vit+50, Luck+50)

Quirk: Somnambulist

Bond Level: 100

Current Level: 33

Effective Level: 58


Strength: 33

Agility: 39

Vitality: 169

Intelligence: 110

Dexterity: 105

Luck: 205

Free Attributes: 30


[Healthy Body], [Pheromone Control], [Synesthesia]


Name: [Yu Takeyama]

Title: Party Invitation Required

Quirk: Gigantification

Bond Level: 56

Current Level: 31

Effective Level: 59


Strength: 32

Agility: 35

Vitality: 341

Intelligence: 49

Dexterity: 37

Luck: 94

Free Attributes: 155


Party Invitation Required


"How is it? Does it suit me?" asked Nemuri, holding her hands up to her hair. Long hair got in the way of 'many' things, so she had cut it short to match the style she wore when she was still active.

"Absolutely," Izuku affirmed, his expression serious as he nodded for effect. His apparent disregard caused Yu's brow to twitch, but she just squeezed her breasts together even more and asked, "And what about me? Aren't I cute~?"

"Plenty," replied Izuku, adopting a somewhat awkward smile as he added, "So cut it out with the try-hard act, would you? I'm starting to empathize with the saying that you should never meet your Heroes."

Dropping her act, Yu's expression became markedly more neutral as she flatly remarked, "Well, aren't you mature? Sorry if I upset you, but try and see things from my perspective, okay? I understand our predicament and definitely want to become stronger, but being assigned as 'sex relief' for a high-schooler isn't exactly how I imagined my career evolving..."

"Well, I'm not going to force you," replied Izuku, shrugging as he added, "Though, as it stands, I can't invite you to my Party and boost your stats. Your Bond Level is only 56."

Waving her hand dismissively, Yu asserted, "Eh, if you're half as capable as Rumi and the other girls claim you to be, that won't be an issue. Just no butt stuff, okay? My costume draws a lot of attention to my ass, so I don't need it leaking or showing through..."

"Okay?" replied Izuku, his expression moderately incredulous as Yu was a bit more...pragmatic than he anticipated. He was tempted to point out she could change her costume from beige to black, saving her a lot of trouble, but it was fairly obvious why she had chosen a bodysuit whose tint nearly matched her skin tone. It drew 'a lot' of attention.

"Okay, that's enough chatter," said Nemuri, tossing a duffle bag filled with more than just clothes at Izuku and suggesting, "Let's head inside. I want to get a feel for the premises and pick my room. After that, it's high time I gave you a 'personal' lesson. Look forward to it."

"I have been for a while," replied Izuku, causing Nemuri to exhale a deep-throated laugh. Their flirtatious exchange caused Yu's Bond Level to drop by one, as she was a fairly vain woman, but once Izuku started giving her the attention she craved, it would invariably shoot up like a rocket. In fact, before her spat with Rumi, it had been a commendable 81, courtesy of the girls sharing nearly-naked photos of him. Izuku just needed to take off his clothes, and her Bond Level would take care of itself...




"So, what's the deal with your and Takeyama-san's appearances?" asked Izuku, standing behind Nemuri and slowly peeling away her clothes while Momo was away, helping Yu and Anan get settled by utilizing her Quirk to provide anything they needed.

"You're a smart boy," replied Nemuri, leaning her head back to look up at Izuku with narrowed eyes as she said, "Guess."

"Hmm...the simplest explanation is that you were asked to assist with Eri's training, but that doesn't explain the 'drastic' changes in Takeyama-san's appearance..." Izuku conjectured. "Unless, of course, Eri made a mistake. But I don't think that's it..."

"Then what 'do' you think...?" asked Nemuri, a pleasant smell filling the air and her smile becoming increasingly alluring as Izuku began fondling her exposed breasts.

"I think the Principal convinced the two of you to revert to when you were still virgins..." Izuku whispered, putting a bit of force into his hands, an act that caused Nemuri to wince, bite her lip, and issue a throaty moan as she instinctually nestled her ass against his bulge. Then, instead of confirming if Izuku had guessed correctly, she stared at him with narrowed eyes and purred, "You'll have to confirm it for yourself..." before licking her lips in a way that gave him goosebumps.

Recovering from his momentary stupor, Izuku returned a smile, released his hold on Nemuri, and stepped away to admire her form, clad in nothing but a pair of black, side-tie string panties as he replied, "I'd rather have Sensei show me herself..."

"I thought you might..." mused Nemuri, grabbing the strings keeping her panties in place and pulling. Then, holding the thin piece of fabric out to the side, she dropped it on the ground before turning to approach Izuku as he backed away and sat on the edge of the bed.

Pushing Izuku onto his back, Nemuri surprised him by climbing atop and immediately kissing him. He expected her to suck him off or something similar, but they ended up making out for nearly twenty minutes before she sat up, wiping their saliva from her mouth with the back of her right hand and musing, "Kissing may be the basics of the basics, but just like martial arts, you can't build a proper foundation without first learning how to breathe and stand..."

Though he felt muddleheaded due to the pheromones exuding from Nemuri's body, Izuku maintained enough coherence to muse, "But there are limits to what a person can grasp without guidance. I'm fortunate to have Sensei to teach me everything I lack..."

"Well, you're sure to get passing marks for that tongue of yours," stated Nemuri, licking her lips as she added, "Though, I can't be certain without seeing how well you use it for things other than talking and kissing..."

Eliciting a sonorous, deep-throated laugh from the raven-haired beauty, Izuku adopted the goofiest grin he could manage as he responded, "Bon appetit...?"

"Then let's eat...!" exclaimed Nemuri, repositioning so that her ass was in front of Izuku's face before removing his belt, pulling his pants down his legs, and unhesitantly ingesting his cock to the base...




(A/N: Class is in session (O w O)...)