Chapter 137

(A/N: This chapter is brought to you by the fantastically Phenomenal Phoenix~!)




"Well, have you figured out the answer to your question~?" asked Nemuri, her face flushed but full of composure as she sat on Izuku's face and licked the remnants of his semen from her lips.

Extending his tongue, Izuku responded by slowly tracing the ring of slightly less malleable tissue near the entrance of Nemuri's pussy. In truth, the primary motivation for returning to her current form was that she had slipped a disk and suffered a mild but debilitating injury to her spine when she was younger, derailing her career. Now that the world was in peril and she was getting back into the game, she couldn't afford to allow the minor aches and pains of aging to get in her way. As for Yu, well, she just wanted to get the jump on Rumi after finding out that the latter was seriously contemplating reverting to her virgin state so that at least her body would be 'unspoiled' by men other than Izuku...

Dismounting Izuku's face, Nemuri crawled backward on the massive bed until she was near its head. Then, reversing her position, she leaned onto her back, propped up by her elbows and legs spread as she asked, "Then, would you prefer me to take charge, or shall I leave things to you?"

"You've prepared me a gift. It's only natural I provide one in turn. So, you tell me. What do you want me to do?" asked Izuku, crawling toward and on top of Nemuri as he gently caressed the outside of her right thigh with his palm.

"Then, since this is a special occasion, I'll let you in on a little secret only those closest to me know..." purred Nemuri, bringing her lips close enough to graze Izuku's ear to whisper, "My favorite flavor is vanilla..."

Understanding what Nemuri meant, Izuku suppressed his stupefaction by kissing her gently and unhurriedly. By saying she liked vanilla, Nemuri was basically admitting that she enjoyed plain, simple sex. She definitely didn't mind intense, passionate coupling, but like most people, what she desired most was 'comfort,' to feel loved by the man or woman making love to her.

Lucky for Nemuri, while Rumi was his undisputed number one, the person Izuku felt closest to while having sex was Kyouka. She just seemed to 'get' him more than the other girls, so whenever they were together, they spent more time cuddling and simply vibing together than actually having sex. Thus, in response to Nemuri's admission, Izuku took his time to make slow and gentle love to the woman most considered an unrepentant freak in the sheets. She was, but like most people, there was much more to her beneath the surface, behind the mask she presented to others...




"You sure took your time. I was starting to think you wouldn't show," said Yu, lying on her stomach and facing away from the door, focusing on her phone as Izuku entered her room. She was wearing a purple-lace t-back and a matching brassiere, but her lackluster reaction and body language made it seem like she had no interest in what was to come.

Understanding that Yu just wanted him to 'want' her, even before Nemuri offered her advice, Izuku approached and climbed onto the bed without speaking. Then, after crawling on top of her, straddling her ass, he put his [Dexterous Fingers] to work by massaging her.

"Hmmm? And here I thought you would pounce on me like a horny dog," remarked Yu, tossing aside her phone and crossing her forearms under her chin. She was of the same mind as most of the women Izuku had sex with, believing his Quirk 'compelled' him to pursue it, so his kicking things off with a massage was a pleasant surprise.

Instead of responding to Yu's provocations, Izuku spent several minutes easing the tension in her body before breaking his silence by remarking, "I was surprised when you appeared in this form. Your appearance as Mt. Lady has become iconic, but I actually followed you before your debut in Musutafu..."

Hearing Izuku's admission, Yu tensed. Most people didn't know she had a career and persona before her debut as Mt. Lady. If Izuku was telling the truth, it didn't really matter in the grand scheme, but Yu felt embarrassed. After all, the reason she had to rebrand herself and debut a second time was because her initial transition from a Sidekick to a Pro was a disaster...

Adding insult to injury but also making Yu feel gratified, Izuku asked, "If I get Momo to recreate your original outfit, will you wear it? It might not be as eye-catching as your current costume, but there's a reason people say cuteness is justice..."

"Can you not...?" Yu responded, but despite the bite in her tone, there was no real anger. If anything, she felt ashamed as she had spent a fortune to become the person others knew as Mt. Lady. Hearing someone like Izuku compliment her original stung.

"I'm the type that always speaks his mind..." asserted Izuku, running his thumbs from the base of Yu's spine to her neck, a maneuver that required him to lean forward, his bulge pressing against her modest but perky ass for effect. Izuku would be lying if he said he didn't prefer his women with a bit of meat on their bones, but he also didn't think someone should have to undergo plastic surgery or have their physical appearance permanently altered to appeal to others. Yu's reverted physique was closer to Kyouka's than the natural 'pillowiness' of someone like Toru, but being slender and toned wasn't without its charms.


Feeling Izuku's purportedly massive cock pressing against her butt, the rosy hue bleeding into Yu's face deepened as her Bond Level increased nearly as fast as a standard count. She was weak to praise regarding her looks, as, before becoming Mt. Lady, she rarely received any. Afterward, she always felt like she was deceiving people, so while Yu relished the attention her Mt. Lady person warranted her, it never filled the emptiness that came from discarding her original self in favor of wagging her ass for a bunch of paparazzi and perverts...

Hammering one final nail into the proverbial coffin, Izuku slid his hands to Yu's waist, rising onto his knees and propping up her ass as he remarked, "And since I'm speaking my mind, I'd like to see you with your natural hair color at some point. You were right to choose blonde to complement your outfit and garner attention, but teal is close to green. If my costume didn't make it apparent, I'm fairly partial to the color..."

Without waiting for Yu's response, Izuku slid down her thong and began eating her out. He hadn't exactly come there to make conversation, but since Nemuri had asked him to see if there was anything he could do to get Yu to be more accepting of herself, he laid it on a little thick but made sure to include his honest thoughts. He would never think to force any of his women to change, so if Yu was going to be his, he wanted the real her, not the persona and appearance she had crafted to please others...




Reclining against Izuku in the bath, Yu had a listless look as she stared at her Status, now visible thanks to her being a member of his Party. Her 49 Intelligence annoyed her, but the number made sense when she recalled all the mistakes she had made throughout her life.

"What should I do?" asked Yu, leaning her head against Izuku's chest and closing her eyes as she added, "I never really got into gaming, so I'm not sure if I should boost my Intelligence or go all-in on Luck to make leveling easier..."

"Luck has effects other than just boosting the amount of Experience you gain," explained Izuku. "People with naturally high Luck aren't just those with inordinate talent. Those born beautiful or into wealthy families also have high Luck. It directly affects how others perceive you and how you perceive yourself, so it's an investment that affects every aspect of your life and-"

Before Izuku could finish, Yu's expression and tone hardened as she said, "Do it. The rest of my stats can be improved later. Right now, Luck is what I need the most."

Nodding in affirmation, Izuku helped Yu invest all 155 of her Free AP into Luck, bringing it to 255. Its original value was 94, which was fairly high on its own, but after they had sex, it had increased to 101. Thus, after picking her Perks, Yu's Status looked like this:


Name: [Yu Takeyama]

Title: The Ass that Eclipses the Sun(Vit+100)

Quirk: Gigantification

Bond Level: 88

Current Level: 31

Effective Level: 59->85


Strength: 32

Agility: 35

Vitality: 341->442

Intelligence: 49

Dexterity: 37

Luck: 94->255

Free Attributes: 0


[Healthy Body], [Partial Transformation], [Lucky]

[Partial Transformation]: The user can freely control the size and shape of individual body parts.


Feeling Yu's ass and thighs abruptly 'inflate,' Izuku raised his brows and remarked, "I see you're already working on improving and mastering your [Partial Transformation]. How diligent..."

Ignoring Izuku's comment, Yu, somewhat exasperated, asserted, "Your Quirk really is a cheat. I've spent years trying to learn how to control the size of my Gigantification Quirk, but it's always 0 or 100. Now I just have to think about it, and my body changes as I want it to..."

Holding up her right hand, Yu willed it to become slightly bigger before immediately returning it to normal. She also experimented with inflating her breasts and overall body size but eventually returned to her normal proportions. Well, mostly. Since she had a nonsensical Title like 'The Ass that Eclipses the Sun,' she figured she might as well afford herself thicker thighs and a bubble butt.

Deciding that she wanted to experiment a bit in private, Yu leaned her head back and said, "We should wrap things up so you can visit Kurose-san. I can't speak for others, but I certainly didn't enjoy waiting for you to arrive."

"Well, you're welcome to come straight to my room in the future," replied Izuku, wrapping his arms around Yu's stomach and kissing the top of her head as he added, "It beats sleeping alone..."


Though she would ordinarily refuse such a request, Yu knew she didn't have the leeway to be selfish in her relationship with Izuku. Unless she wanted to become a 'side piece,' playing second fiddle or third clarinet to women like Rumi, she would need to be at least a little proactive.

"Fine," replied Yu. "But, due to the differences in our ages, I'm not really comfortable with the idea of sharing a bed with the younger girls you're involved with. Nemuri and the Pussycats are fine, but I don't want to lose face by having to compete with your classmates..."

"I can empathize with that, but it feels a little strange hearing you say it with your current form..." replied Izuku. He didn't know what age Yu had reverted to, but she could easily pass for a first year. In fact, he was fairly certain that was what Nezu had in mind when he permitted her to utilize Eri's power. If Yu disguised herself as a Maid or became a student of the Servant Course, there was a good chance she would be allowed to enter the breaches with him, reducing their individual Experience but increasing their gains overall.

"Well, strange or not, that's how it is," contended Yu. Then, rising from the tub, providing Izuku a first-person perspective of her noticeably fuller ass and thighs, she carefully wrung the water from her hair as she appended, "As for the whole wanting to see my natural hair color...I'll ask Yaoyorozu-san if she can make some hair dye remover. If she can't, you should order a few bottles and have them shipped over or go pick some up from a local salon. The inside of my crotch currently feels like sandpaper, so there's no way I'm going out..."

"Then make sure to get plenty of rest," said Izuku, his voice low and filled with affection as he embraced Yu from behind. Her face flushed slightly in response, but due to years of cultivating a vain and somewhat shameless persona, she brushed off her embarrassment by remarking, "Wow, look at you, acting all concerned. You must have really fallen for me, huh?"

Instead of refuting Yu's words, Izuku softly mused, "You're not wrong..." before putting a bit of strength into his arms, cradling the petite Heroine for several seconds before kissing the top of her head and releasing her to retrieve a towel...




(A/N: For those concerned with the amount of sex/romance happening right now, things will pick up fairly soon. I just feel it wouldn't be doing the girls justice if I glossed over the emotions they experienced before and after their first time with Izuku. I felt bad for doing so with Toga, so you can expect her to receive some 'vindication' in the future, though I can't say when.)