The Infiltrating Story (2)

Only in that way could he protect everyone.

The leader rubbed his stiff wrist and stood up to relax.

Suddenly, he heard the entire 'Leader's Mansion' shake as if something unexpected had happened.

However, when he listened carefully, there was no sound.

The leader frowned and quickly took out the weapon he carried with him. Turning on the communication device, he aimed the weapon at the door.

"...What happened?" He used the communication channel used by the guards to find out what had just happened.

However, a 'rustling' sound of electricity came from inside. Then, someone answered the call.

"...Leader, there was an explosion in the pipeline below the 'Leader's Mansion' just now. The engineering team is already repairing it urgently, but we can't rule out the possibility of a second explosion. For your safety, please leave this place first."