The Silent Who Is No Longer Silent

"My fellow Milky Way compatriots! Our Milky Way Home has been invaded by a group of despicable outsiders!"

"Our leader died because of their infiltration! But before that, he still found a way to spread some information about these invaders!"

"In order to maintain the peace of the Milky Way and to avenge the victims, we announce this information as follows:

"They are a group of creatures from a higher dimension or another dimension. At the very least, they have the ability to devour others, read their memories, and replicate an identical individual!

"Their goal seems to be to leave this world, so they need to build a teleportation gate. Everything we've encountered is an ugly conspiracy they've done to leave this place!

"Now, we will fight them to the end!

"From the Seculus Vengeance Crusade"