New Change in the Interface! Scarlet Dragon Breathing Technique! (4)

"Foreigner, the person standing in front of you is the strongest in Windmill Village, the left hand of Baron Megan, the Hundred Slayers of Death, and the third-echelon Gray Swordsman, Silver Sword Owens. My sword. Its name is Unyielding Silver Seat."

On the rusty greatsword in Owens's hand, a silver light emerged. The rust faded and revealed the original appearance of the Unyielding Silver Seat. There was a silver lion carved on it, looking majestic.

His body emitted a mysterious gray power. At this moment, there seemed to be a different light flickering in his eyes.

This was a natural swordsman!

Levi knew in his heart.

In the Wizard World, other than him, he had never seen such a powerful swordsman.

Levi had many doubts about the Ashen World. He felt that Owens was a good breakthrough point.

Moreover, it seemed that Owens, like him, walked the transcendent path similar to knights.