New Change in the Interface! Scarlet Dragon Breathing Technique! (3)

This power swept through and completely shattered the strange woman's face.

"I'm so hungry..."

This time, the woman completely disappeared.

There was only a gray crystal left on the spot, and the ground was covered in dust.

Levi looked grim.

"The power of Death Ember can restrain the creatures of the Ashen World."

"This creature just now can't communicate normally at all. How can I summon it with this iron coin?" Levi was depressed.

Levi looked at the crystal core on the ground. His intuition told him that the crystal core was most likely useful, but he did not pick it up.

The Ashen World was filled with strangeness. It was his first time here, so it was better not to bring anything with him.

If not for the fact that Spider Sensing had no danger warning so far, Levi would have left long ago.

He had a feeling that with the power of the Death Ember, he should be able to leave this world at any time.